• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,619 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Digital Battle of the Sexes

Codex was once again busy as it ever was, with the many players all enjoying themselves as they battled, hung out or popped in and out to do some Digimon hunting and Digi-Lab work.

One of those players, Sandalwood, was marching through the foyer with a drink in hand and Mangoramon at his side. "Yow!" He cried out to someone with his Otamamon, "Ripple! Saw your match yesterday. You were totally on fire!" The teen nodded as Sandalwood turned to a girl and her Biyomon parner. "Gabby. Loved that combo you pulled off. Never knew a Birdramon could use a Battle Gear like that." The girl smiled as Sandalwood kept walking.

"Hey, Sandal!" They turned to see Micro and Tentomon at the entrance of the foyer, "you've gotta check out this scan I just got." Sandalwood nodded and moved towards him. But as he passed a table, he suddenly found himself tripping over something.

He cried out, as he fell to the floor and his drink went flying.

Another scream filled the air, Micro and Tentomon flinching as they saw who it had landed on. That who was Trixie, she and Lunamon having been sitting at the table Sandal had just passed checking their decks when the eco kid had tripped over her feet.

Trixie stood up, the cup that had landed on her lap falling to the ground, whilst Sandal picked himself up. "Look what you just did!" She cried, Sandal frowning at her as he realised she had tripped him up.

"What I did?" He asked, "you're the one who tripped me up!"

"I didn't trip you. You weren't paying attention and you tripped over my feet. I was just sitting there minding my own business, when suddenly some idiot goes and trips over his own ego and drenches me in..." She sniffed herself, "is that grape. Yuck."

"Grape is awesome," Sandal told her. "And it wasn't my ego I tripped over, it was your broomstick." The boys around him, minus Micro, all went 'ooow' at the insult he had thrown.

Trixie rolled her eyes. "Nice. You see a powerful woman and you instantly think, witch. Well I see a testosterone challenged, self-deluded, grade A geek, with less than zero fashion sense, acting like he's everybody's best friend and some wise guru who thinks every word out of his mouth has the power to inspire someone. Talk about your typical all mouth, no brain, male." The girls who heard this mimicked what the boys did, many cheering at her whilst Sandal glared at her.

Micro quickly got between the pair and held his arms out. "Hang on guys. Let's not go overboard here. It was an accident and you're both partly to blame. Let's leave it at that, alright?"

"No way!" Sandal cried, "you heard what she called me. I can't let her insult my mother like that."

"But she didn't insult your mother," Tentomon pointed out.

Sandalwood frowned. "If my mother had heard what she just said, trust me, she'd be insulted."

"Let it go," Mangoramon cried. "She's just upset because she smells like grape."

"Come on, Trixie." Lunamon grabbed her skirt, "you don't want to get into trouble for fighting in the foyer." The pair continued to glare at each other, Micro pushing Sandal away from her.

"Just forget about it and walk away," Micro told him. "When you calm down, you'll realise this fight was completely pointless." Sandalwood sighed, but left anyway.

Trixie smirked. "That's right, walk away. It's what you guys do best." Sandal growled at this. "Hey, at least you realise that girls are smarter, stronger and better than boys!" That was it.

Sandalwood spun around and marched right over to Trixie, who crossed her arms. "There is something I want to call you, but I won't because I..." He beat his own chest, "am a gentleman." Trixie rolled her eyes, only for Sandal to point at her. "However, you're no lady. You think girls are better than boys and you're better than me? Great! Then let's find out. You versus me, male versus female. Beta-Stadium...today!"

Trixie smirked, "alright. Then let's do this."

"Oh yeah," Sandal cracked his knuckles. "It's on, like Etemon."

"What does that even mean?" Sandal tried to think, but quickly shook his head.

"Who cares. Let's just battle already!" The boys and the girls around them began to cheer, whilst Micro simply moaned and the Digimon wondered what the heck they were really arguing about. Humans could be so weird sometimes.

The two were soon in the Beta-Stadium, glaring at one another.

They had left their partners back at the foyer, deciding to instead go with another deck since the pair knew each other too well. 'Trixie's probably thinks she has me pegged,' Sandal thought to himself. 'But I'll show her not to underestimate me.' He brought up a deck and slotted it in, but quickly changed the Battle Gear choice. "That should do it."

Trixie smirked as she made her choice. She stared at one Digimon in particular, a special find she had recently gotten her hands on. She was gonna show everyone in Codex why she was known as the Great and Powerful Trixie. "You ready to lose?"

Sandal laughed, "as if. Bring it on!" The battle field was chosen and the pair slammed the start button, "LET'S GET DIGITAL!"

Back at the foyer, Flash and Twilight were making their way there when they saw something odd.

The whole place was split in two. One side of the foyer was completely filled with girls, whilst the other side had every male player sitting at the tables. "Go on Trixie!" They heard Rainbow Dash scream from the girl's side.

"You got this Sandalwood!" A boy yelled from the other, making the pair turn to see a screen and see a battle was starting.

That battle was taking place in a lush jungle, with trees growing in multiple different directions and in many different shapes. It was so dense, the canopy completely blocked out the sun. Two Digimon appeared, one being a strange looking fiend Digimon wearing a purple rubber suit and the other being a green Digimon with a flower on her head.

"Impmon verses Palmon?" Twilight asked, as Flash noticed Micro sitting at a table in the very middle of the conflicting groups with Lunamon and Mangoramon

"Micro," they sat down next to him, Twilight next to Flash on the girl's side and Micro next to him on the boy's side. "What the heck is going on?" Are Sandal and Trixie really facing off?"

"Yeah," Micro nodded, "they got into an argument and it somehow evolved into a battle of the sexes." The others looked at the two groups and realised this was probably not gonna end well.

"I hope they can end this fight without it evolving into a full on gender war," Lunamon hoped as the battle started. As it did, Twilight brought up the pairs' stats to try and gauged how it would likely turn out.

Name: Palmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Data
Attribute: Plant
Species: Vegetation
Family: Nature Spirits, Wing Guardians, Jungle Troopers

Name: Impmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark
Species: Mini Devil
Family: Nightmare Soldier

"Looks like Impmon has the advantage," Twilight frowned. "But we'll have to see how things go as the battle rages on."

Palmon ran through the jungle, whilst Impmon had leapt up onto one of the trees.

"Try this!" The fiend snapped his fingers and a black flame exploded on the tip, "Baba Boom!" The fireball exploded off of his finger and shot towards Palmon, who gasped as she saw it coming. She tried to escape, but it slammed into the ground and exploded whilst knocking her flying.

"AUGH!" She screamed, hitting the ground.

Palmon: 4-75%
Impmon: 4-100%

Impmon laughed as he leapt down, hoping to stomp on the downed Palmon. But the flower Digimon managed to roll out of the way, Impmon landing with a crash as Palmon leapt back to her feet. "Poison ivy!" The vines she had for fingers extended and wrapped around Impmon, trapping his hands to his sides.

"Augh!" Impmon struggled against the bindings, quickly realising he needed to burn his way out. But before he could, Palmon swung him around and released him. He was sent flying and crashed into one of the trees, making him groan as he fell to the ground.

Palmon: 4-75%
Impmon: 4-90%

"Ouch," Flash hissed, "that had to hurt."

"Of course," a girl in the group stated. "Just like a boy to take a tiny little nick and make like they're bleeding out. It's just like that soccer game my stupid brother's always playing. Everytime someone passes by him, he acts like he's dislocated his shoulder or something." The other girls agreed, as Impmon picked himself up.

"Go for it, Sandal!" A guy yelled out, "show that girl who the best players of this game are!"

Impmon charged at Palmon and the pair started brawling it out.

They threw punches and kicks at one another, trying to overpower the other as they waited for their SP to rise. Impmon took a punch to the face.

Palmon: 4-75%
Impmon: 4-85%

Then Palmon was bonked on the head.

Palmon: 4-65%
Impmon: 4-85%

She spun around and thrust her foot into his stomach.

Palmon: 4-65%
Impmon: 4-80%

Only for Impmon to grab her leg and throw her around to be slammed into a tree.

Palmon: 4-60%
Impmon: 4-80%

"Ha ha!" Impmon smirked, as he slowly made his way over to Palmon whilst a flame was on his finger. "Now what cha gonna do?" Palmon sat against the tree, her head down and looking out for the count.

But suddenly, her head shot up and she opened her mouth. "Sleep Spores!" Green mist shot out of it and flew into Impmon's face, causing him to stagger back and clutch his face. "Time for you to go beddy bye." As she said that, Impmon looked like he was having trouble staying awake.

"That's just like what Trixie did to me," Flash frowned. "Guess she has a strategy she enjoys."

They all watched as Impmon fell against the tree, panting as he tried to stay awake. This allowed Palmon to pick herself up and extend her vine fingers, which she used to whip at Impmon. With every hit, the fiend lost small amounts of health. Eventually, she took a break and tried to figure out how much damage she had dealt.

Palmon: 4-60%
Impmon: 4-55%

Impmon groaned as he shook his head, suddenly feeling the sleepiness begin to fade.

As he woke up, he suddenly felt a wave of pain wash over him. The sleep had numbed the feeling before, but now it was back and in full force. "OW!" Palmon laughed at this and ran off, hoping to find something that would allow her to keep the narrow lead she had made for herself.

Impmon finally shook the pain off and glared in her direction, then leapt up to land on one of the branches.

Jumping from tree to tree, he watched as Palmon raced through the forest. And after a while, a light caught both their attentions and made them look ahead to see an evolution coin.

Palmon doubled her speed to try and reach it, but Impmon wasn't gonna let that happened. "Baba Boom!" He launched the fireballs from his fingers and they slammed into Palmon, exploding and making her scream as she was blasted away from the evolution coin.

Palmon: 4-20%
Impmon: 4-55%

Impmon laughed as he leapt down and grabbed the coin, powering up as Palmon started to recover. "Now you're mine!" It was then that he was surrounded by a bright light. "Impmon, Digivolve to..." He started growing and eventually grew to about four feet in height, the light exploding off of him to reveal a figure in white wizards garp that was carrying a snowflake tipped staff. "Sorcerimon!"

Everyone stared at the Digimon, who spun his staff around and got ready for a battle. As he did, his stats appeared.

Name: Sorcerimon
Level: Champion
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Water
Species: Demon Man
Family: Wind Guardian, Nightmare Soldier, Deep Savers, Virus Buster

"That might have been a mistake," Twilight stated as Sorcerimon charged at Palmon. "He might be a Champion now, but he's lost his Virus Typing and Dark Attribute. Now that he's a Vaccine type Water Digimon, Palmon will have a serious advantage over him." They all nodded, but also knew there was more to a fight then just what type of Digimon you were.

Sorcerimon swung his staff around, Palmon doing her best to try and avoid the strikes as best she could. But eventually, one strike landed and she was knocked down. "Augh!"

Palmon: 4-10%
Sorcerimon: 4-55%

She quickly rolled along the ground to avoid his next swing, Sorcerimon leaping into the air as he staff glowed. "Crystal Barrage!" He thrust his staff forward and a hail of icicles exploded from it, flying towards Palmon.

"Poison Ivy!" She extended her fingers and grabbed a tree branch above her, wrapping around it before retracting and pulling her upwards. The icicles slammed into the ground below her and as they exploded, Palmon swung around and threw herself at Sorcerimon. "Take this!" She slammed her feet into his chest and knocked him backwards.

Palmon: 4-10%
Sorcerimon: 4-40%

As he staggered back, Palmon used her vines to swing away before he could attack.

"Get back here!" He chased after her, Palmon looking around for any sign of something that could help her. But she couldn't see any sign of a Digivolution Coin anywhere.

"Alright!" She leapt down and landed, Sorcerimon approaching. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" Her hands suddenly glowed and extended, her hands becoming wrapped up in metal whilst a pair of scissors stuck out the ends. "Power Pruners!" The scissors snapped open and shut, the Rookie rushing forward and slashing at Sorcerimon.

The wizard blocked the slash with his staff, but Palmon then used the other one to slash at him with. "Augh!"

Palmon: 4-10%
Sorcerimon: 4-20%

Sorcerimon staggered backwards, but then thrust his hands forward. "Crystal Barrage!" The ice shot towards Palmon, who used her scissor hands to snip them in half before they could hit her. But she was so focused on them, she didn't notice Sorcerimon charging at her until it was too late. "Raaaah!" He leapt forward and slammed a foot into her face, knocking her backwards.

Palmon: 4-0%
Sorcerimon: 4-20%

She frowned, but fought through the pain and leapt behind the tree she was next to. She quickly used her blades to slice through the tree and send it toppling towards Sorcerimon, who gasped and swung his staff around.

This unleashed a blast of water, which hit the tree and caused it to be ripped to shreds. But as it was, Palmon rushed up to him and swung her Power Pruners at him in an X-formation. "AUGH!" He cried, as Palmon appeared behind him.

Palmon: 3-100%
Sorcerimon: 4-0%

He staggered forwards and as he did, Palmon prepared to attack again. But Sorcerimon spun around and thrust his staff towards her. "Ice Illusion!" A blast of snow shot towards her, Palmon raising her blades to block it.

The force was enough to knock Palmon backwards, making her cry out as her blades began to freeze over.

She smashed through a tree, then another and another before she finally left the range of the attack and crashed into a fourth tree. "Augh!" She cried, as he frozen scissor finally broke apart and she fell to the ground.

Palmon: 3-80%
Sorcerimon: 3-100%

As she fell to the ground, she groaned before a light caught her attention. A Digivolution Coin was close by and Sorcerimon hadn't noticed it.

He was too focused on blasting her, as he launched another Crystal Barrage. But Palmon was able to use her Poison Ivy attack to pull herself away and swing over to the coin. "Got it!" She cried, the energy flowing into her as she landed.

"No!" Sorcerimon cried, rushing over to try and deal more damage. But as he swung his staff at her, Palmon leapt to the side.

She was then also consumed by light, as he body started growing larger. "Palmon, Digivolve to..." Soon enough, she was about twenty feet tall and the light exploded off of her. When it did, a giant cactus Digimon with boxing gloves on her arms appeared. "Togemon!"

Girls smirked at the sight before them, as the giant cactus landed. "That's the way!" A girl cheered as the stats appeared.

Name: Togemon
Level: Champion
Type: Data
Attribute: Plant
Species: Vegetation
Family: Nature Spirits, Wing Guardians, Jungle Troopers

"So she's an overgrown pin cushion," a boy in the group stated. "Who cares. Sorcerimon's gotta be way more mobile. She won't be able to touch him with those stupid gloves. Guess she thought power was more important than speed. So like a girl to overlook the obvious." The girls glared at him, the guys glaring back.

Those in the middle were feeling very uncomfortable and hoped this fight would end soon.

Sorcerimon watched at Togemon stared down at him, "you don't look so tough."

"Oh yeah," Togemon suddenly spun around, "Needle Spray!" As she span, turning into a tornado, the needles exploded off her body and shot towards him. Sorcerimon gasped and leapt backwards, trying to avoid the needles. But they caught up and started hitting him.

"Gyah!" He cried, feeling a lot of pain as one dug into him.

Togemon: 3-80%
Sorcerimon: 3-70%

Sorcerimon landed and glared at Togemon, then spun his staff around. "You haven't beaten me yet." He thrust his staff forward, "Ice Illusion!" The snow exploded form his staff and shot towards Togemon, but this time it began to spiral around the plant Digimon and completely block her ability to see anything.

Within the swirling snow, images of Sorcerimon appeared and Togemon was unable to tell which one was the real one.

She was about to spin and use her Needle Spray, but before she could one of the Sorcerimon leapt out. "Raaah!" He slashed his staff into the Digimon and made her cry out.

Togemon: 3-75%
Sorcerimon: 3-70%

She staggered around and tried to regain her footing, but Sorcerimon shot out of the snow again and struck. This happened again and again and so on as the Plant Digimon struggled to fight against it.

Togemon: 3-45%
Sorcerimon: 3-70%

"Enough!" She screamed, as Sorcerimon leapt out of the snow tornado again. "Lightspeed Jabbing!" Her fists suddenly went flying in every direction in the blink of an eye, one punch actually hitting Sorcerimon.

"AUGH!" He cried, as he was thrown back through the snow tornado that quickly began to vanish, then slammed into a tree.

Togemon: 3-45%
Sorcerimon: 3-50%

Sorcerimon groaned as he leaned against the tree, whilst Togemon charged towards him. He saw her coming and the giant boxing glove some shot towards him, ready to deal some serious damage. But Sorcerimon managed to push himself up and leap to the side, the fist flying through the tree.

The pair began ducking it out, Sorcerimon focusing on evading as many attacks as he could whilst Togemon tried to hit him hard. They kept fighting and a after a while, they managed to get one another down to their second security.

"Gyah!" Sorcerimon was thrown backwards and crashed into another tree, grunting at the impact as Togemon stood over him.

Togemon: 2-85%
Sorcerimon: 2-55%

He groaned and as he opened his eyes, he saw Togemon about to punch him. But then, he saw something in one of the branches behind her. A Digivolution Coin.

"Yes!" Togemon threw the punch and he leapt to the side, the glove destroying the tree and leaving him safe. He then jumped back to his feet and jumped onto the glove, running up it and the arm as fast as he could before leaping onto Togemon's head. "See ya!" He leapt off and as he did, he pointed his staff behind him. "Crystal Barrage!" The icicles slammed into Togemon' back, pushing her forwards.

Togemon: 2-75%
Sorcerimon: 2-55%

Sorcerimon flew through the air and landed on the branch, catching the coins.

Its power flowed into him, as Togemon turned towards him and rushed forward. She slammed her fist into the tree and caused it to fall, but Sorcerimon leapt up to avoid it.

As he did, he was suddenly wrapped up in a bright light. "Sorcerimon, Digivolve to..." He grew much larger, though still not as large as Togemon, the light eventually exploding off of him to reveal a man with eight white wings. He appeared to be wearing white robes, which were covered in purple, gold and silver armor. His right wrist had brace with a purple energy blade extending from it and his left arm was covered by a purple shield. He spread his wings and spun through the air. "MagnaAngemon!"

"WOW!" Many of the guys whispered, unable to believe they were seeing that Digimon.

"Amazing," Twilight whispered. "MagnaAngemon." Flash looked confused, since the Digimon didn't exactly look all that impressive. "You have no idea how rare a scan of that is. You can't Digivolve a scan into it, so the only way to get one is by scanning the real thing."

"Why?" Flash asked, "what's so special about MagnaAngemon?"

"He's a legendary Celestial Digimon," Micro explained as he brought up MagnaAngemon's stats. "He's one of the top brass of the Angel Digimon and second only to the Megas. He's super strong."

Name: MagnaAngemon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Light
Species: Archangel
Family: Wind Guardians, Virus Busters, Deep Savers

Flash saw the stats and whilst they were impressive, he didn't see anything particularly special about him. But he had a feeling he was about to learn why he was so impressive.

Togemon stared at MagnaAngemon in amazement, as the angel's blade extended.

"Excalibur!" He roared, charging down towards the cactus. Togemon spun around and fired her Needle Spray, but MagnaAngemon leaned in such a way that his shield blocked all the needles from hitting him. He then reached her and thrust his sword into her chest, making her cry out and stagger back.

Togemon: 2-60%
MagnaAngemon: 2-55%

MagnaAngemon pulled back and smirked, but Togemon wasn't going to be so easily defeated. "You think you're tough?" She asked, "you're not!" Before MagnaAngemon could reply, Togemon charged forwards. "Lightspeed Jabbing!" Her fists flew forwards at an incredible speed, slamming into the angel several times.

"AUGH!" He cried,

Togemon: 2-60%
MagnaAngemon: 2-25%

MagnaAngemon quickly leapt back before the attack could strike again. Togemon spinning, "Needle Spray!" The needles shot towards him and MagnaAngemon used his sword and shield to deflect them all, then shot down and slammed his foot into Togemon chest.

Togemon: 2-55%
MagnaAngemon: 2-25%

As she staggered back, MagnaAngemon started thrusting his sword back and forth. She quickly found herself getting stabbed multiple times, making her hiss in pain with each one.

Togemon: 2-35%
MagnaAngemon: 2-25%

"RAAAAH!" Togemon threw her fist forward and slammed it into MagnaAngemon, throwing him backwards and causing him to go flying through the trees and out of sight.

Togemon: 2-35%
MagnaAngemon: 2-15%

Togemon sighed as she moved away, needing to catch her breath and figure out how to overcome his flight. That was gonna be a major issue to overcome. She made her way through the jungle, slipping between the trees until she arrived at an area covered in mud.

She looked out and sure enough, there it was. "I knew one would be here!" He saw a Digivolution Coin in the middle of the mud lake, atop a tree stump sticking out of it.

She started slogging her way through the mud, having trouble at first but managing to power herself through. But as she reached the stump, someone shot out of the trees. "There you are!" She looked around and saw MagnaAngemon, who extended his blade.

Togemon quickly grabbed the coin, the energy flowing into her as her opponent used his sword to draw a circle of light in front of him.

"Gate of Destiny!" Once the ring was completed, it transformed into a gold metal disk that was split down the middle. The disk then opened and revealed a portal of light within it, that light quickly exploding out of the disk and shooting towards Togemon before she could react.

The blast struck her and hit with such force, she was blasted back and screamed in pain.

Togemon: 2-10%
MagnaAngemon: 2-25%

Everyone watching flinched at the impact, as MagnaAngemon floated down towards her. Togemon laid in the mud, looking like she was in a lot of pain.

MagnaAngemon then shot forwards, sword at the ready.

But before he could land the attack, Togemon's eye holes opened and she raised her fist to slam into the mud in front of her. The force created a wave, which flew towards MagnaAngemon and hit him before he could strike. "Augh!" He was pushed towards the ground, trapped in the mud as Togemon picked herself up.

As she did, her hollow eyes and mouth began to glow and the light exploded out of the hair on her head. "Togemon, Digivolve to..." From that light, a large flower appeared which floated out of Togemon's head whilst she vanished into Digital energy. The flower then began to bloom and when it did, a humanoid Digimon a little shorter then MagnaAngemon appeared.

She had light pink skin and wore a dress that was dark pink, with a pink flower helmet on her head, green boots and green arm bracers with yellow flowers around her wrists. Vines stuck out of her head to represent hair and on her back, were a quartet of leaf wings that allowed her to take flight. "Lillymon!"

Those watching were amazed, with even the guys bewildered by this Digimon's beauty whilst Micro brought up her stats.

Name: Lillymon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Data
Attribute: Plant
Species: Fairy
Family: Nature Spirits, Wing Guardians, Jungle Troopers

Micro sighed. "She's strong, but her power's still not as much as MagnaAngemon's." The Digimon in question roared as he forced himself out of the mud and leapt into the air.

Lillymon thrust her hands together, the petals around them merging into a single large flower that began to bloom. "Flower Cannon!" A blast of green energy exploded out of the cannon and flew towards MagnaAngemon, who used his sword to cut it in half.

"Excalibur!" He then shot forward and before Lillymon could react, he thrust his weapon into her chest and stabbed her.

Lillymon: 2-0%
MagnaAngemon: 2-25%

"AUGH!" She cried, quickly flying backwards to pull the blade out of her body. She flew away, MagnaAngemon giving chase and proving to be the fastest of the two. However, when they reached the treeline things changed.

Lillymon flew into the trees and with her smaller body, she was able to zigzag around them much easier than MagnaAngemon. The angel was slowed down by the many winding trees, forced to cut his way through some of them

"Raaah!" Lillymon flew out of the trees from the side and dealt a kick to MagnaAngemon's head, making him flinch as he was knocked staggering back.

Lillymon: 1-100%
MagnaAngemon: 2-15%

Lillymon then brought her hands together. "Flower Cannon!" She fired, the energy flying towards MagnaAngemon. But he was able to recover in time to swing his sword around and cut it away from him. He then shot forward and threw a punch, right into Lillymon's face. "AUGH!"

Lillymon: 1-90%
MagnaAngemon: 2-15%

"Oh!" The girls, Flash and Micro flinched whilst the guys cheered.

"What a brute," a girl with purple hair stated. "If there's one thing you never do, it's hit a woman right in the face." The other girls agreed. "Doesn't he know what it means to be a gentleman?"

"Hey!" A guy cried, "this is a battle. If you can't take a little punch to the face, than I guess girls really are too soft to play this game." This sparked another bout of arguing between the two groups, Flash, Micro, Twilight and the Digimon groaning.

Veemon covered his ears, "they're starting to give me a headache." Flash agreed and watched as Lillymon picked herself up, only for MagnaAngemon to attack again. She barely managed to avoid the attack and Flash could only sigh as he leaned back in his chair.

"Well, I think MagnaAngemon has this battle won."

"Are you nuts?" Twilight asked, "this battle's far from over. Lillymon might look like a delicate flower, but she's still an Ultimate. Just because she's not a super buff musclehead with a lot of fancy armor and weapons, doesn't mean she's weak."

Flash rolled his eyes, fearing Twilight was going to be joining the girls in trying to prove something that was absolutely pointless. "Look, I get Lillymon's strong. But not every Ultimate Digimon was created equal. Against a stronger opponent, she just can't compete."

Twilight laughed at this, "Volcamon and those Meramon probably thought the same thing. And they couldn't live to regret it." Flash, Veemon, Lunamon and Mangoramon all looked confused, clearly not knowing what she was talking about. "Don't tell me you've never heard the story of Lillymon's heroism." They all shrugged, as Twilight sighed. "Fine. you'll wanna hear this. A long time ago, Lillymon lived in the Forest of Light."

The Forest of Light was a beautiful place.

At first glance, it appeared to be a normal forest. But all the trees that grew there were special, as they grew small crystals from the wood of their trunks and branches. These crystals all produced a soft rainbow of light, making the forest a beautiful place to live.

Young fairy and vegetation Digimon lived in this forest, such as Tinkermon, Palmon Luminamon, Floramon and Cutemon. They all lived happy lives, playing in the forest and not having to worry about a thing. And another Digimon that lived there, was the beautiful Lillymon.

The flower fairy smiled as she flew through the forest, enjoying the laughs of her fellow Digimon who were having fun. Things truly were perfect in the Forest of Light. But that would soon change.

A loud booming sound suddenly rocked the forest, making it shake and terrifying the young Digimon. Lillymon went on guard and quickly flew up above the trees, allowing her to see a bunch of smoke about a mile or so away. This made Lillymon frown, as she flew towards it. As she did, more explosions filled the air and several trees began to crash to the ground.

When she got there, she had to cover her face to stop herself from breathing in the smoke. And as she did, she saw the ones responsible for the damage.

It was a trio of Digimon, with two of them looking like men made entirely out of fire. The third was a figure in what looked like football armor, wearing green pants and black boots and gloves. A D and a one were on his chest and he wore a black hat with a V on it. A mini volcano was also sticking out of his back.

The Meramon launched fireballs at the trees, exploding as they connected and ripping the wood apart. As they did, the crystals growing out of the trees began to scatter to the floor and Volcamon looked very happy and picked on up. "Oh YEAAAAAAAH!" He cheered, singing into a microphone he was carrying. "That's the way, boys. Rip those trees down and get me as many crystals as we can."

"What do you think you're doing!" They all looked up and saw Lillymon flying down towards them. "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"

"Hey pretty lady," Volcamon sang. "We're gettin this place construction ready. Gonna landscape this whole drap forest. Make an awesome song hut to bring in the tourists. Volcamon's music needs a place to be heard, the fact that I don't have one is totally absurd."

"You can't rip this forest down," Lillymon glared at them. "This forest is home to many Digimon and I won't allow you to destroy it."

"That's cool," Volcamon replied. "If they're all as fine looking as you, I'll hire them to join my waiting crew. You can make a killing, serving all my guests, and you can listen to my song for free, isn't that the best?" Lillymon's face turned red with rage, as the Meramon knocked down another tree and Volcamon collected the gems.

"ENOUGH!" Lillymon formed the weapon with her hands, "Flower Cannon!" The flower launched an energy shell towards Volcamon, who swung his arms around and knocked the attack away.

"You really wanna face me?" Volcamon cried, as Lillymon glared at him. "Then fine, I'm gonna turn you into one of my dancing girls. You'll be chained to the stage and forced to dance to my music, entertaining my customers." He held up his mic and took a deep breath. "Magma Bass!" He unleashed a blast of sound from it, which shot towards Lillymon.

"Augh!" She covered her ears, giving the Meramon the opening they needed.

"Blazing Flames!" They began throwing fireballs as Lillymon, who could barely fly around to avoid it. As she did, several trees were also knocked down. She had to stop them.

"You want me!" Lillymon cried, "then come and get me!" She flew away from them, the three taking the bait and running after her. They charged through the forest, the invaders rushing in blind completely oblivious to the trap she was setting for them.

As they ran, the Meramon kept throwing fireballs at her. Lillymon was able to avoid most of them, but one finally hit her and she screamed out as the explosion sent her rocketing forwards.

"GYAH!" She was thrown out of the trees and crashed down on the ground, rolling along it until she came to a stop in a certain destination. That destination was a cliff, overlooking a river that ran through the Forest of Light.

She groaned as she picked herself up, but fell to her knees as she was too weak to move. As she did, Volcamon and Meramon stepped out and smiled at her. "Oh," Volcamon chuckled, "delicate little flower. Don't worry, it'll be over soon." He pointed at her, "collect my prize." The Meramon nodded and moved forward, ready to take her. However, as they got close, Lillymon smirked.

"Gotcha." She suddenly leapt into the air and flew over the pair, her hands coming together. "Flower Cannon!" The weapon formed and unleashed the energy blast, which flew down and struck the ground behind the Meramon. The damage caused the edge of the cliff to quickly crack and shatter, sending the edge crumbling towards the water.

Volcamon gasped as he watched his partners fall and go splash into the water, both screaming at the acid the water felt like to them. He then turned to glare at Lillymon, who smiled and gave him a seductive wink whilst flying above him.

"You'll pay for that!" He launched his Magma Bass attack, but Lillymon was able to avoid the sonic blast and fly behind him.

"I don't think so!" She whipped her arm around and a long vine flew out of her sleeve, "it's time you paid for the damage you've done to this forest. Vicious Vine!" She snapped it towards Volcamon and it slammed into his chest, making him flinch but the stronger Digimon didn't take much damage.

"Is that really the best you can do?" He asked, quickly reaching out to grab the vine and pulling it. This caused Lillymon to be pulled towards him and he grabbed her by the neck, holding her tightly and making it hard for her to breathe. "Now I've got you."

Lillymon tried to breathe, but she just couldn't. Volcamon smirked, clearly thinking she had her beat. However, Lillymon wasn't as weak as he thought she was. "Flower..." She brought her hands up and Volcamon thought she was trying for her cannon attack. However, something else happened as she placed her hands around his neck. "Wreath!" Suddenly, a vine appeared around Volcamon and formed a necklace. It was tight, but it wasn't cutting off his air.

Then, flowers and leaves started growing out of it. Volcamon hated this, since it clashed with his tough guy persona. However, he couldn't seem to bring himself to pull it off him. "What?"

"Release...me," Lillymon choked and Volcamon was shocked when he did so. She gasped and pulled herself back, leaping into the air. "Now you're under my control. And you will remain there and not move." She brought her hands together and formed her best weapon. "Flower Cannon!" The weapon fired and Volcamon was hit head on, the explosion making him cry out as his armor was badly damaged. "Flower Cannon!" She fired at him again, the blast hitting hard and making him scream. "FLOWER CANNON!" She fired one last time and it struck Volcamon head on, making him roar in agony.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Were his last words before his body exploded into a million pieces of digital lights.

Lillymon panted as she flew down and landed, having used the last of her energy on that attack. She hadn't wanted to delete Volcamon, but she knew beating him down would have only resulted in him coming back when he had enough support to beat her. Hopefully, he would be less of a creep in his next life.

"Thanks to Lillymon's courage and ability, the Forest of Light remains a peaceful and beautiful land even to this day."

"Huh," Flash smirked, "I guess she's stronger than I thought. Even so, MagnaAngemon's probably gonna win this." As he said that, the angel punched Lillymon in the face. She cried out as she was thrown down to the jungle and slammed through the canopy, crashing through a branch before landing on the ground.

Lillymon: 1-30%
MagnaAngemon: 1-75%

MagnaAngemon flew down towards her, as Lillymon began to pick herself up. "Now it's time to end this!" He quickly drew the circle in the air, "Gate of Destiny!" The ring form and transformed into the disk, which opened up and spun. Only this time, the gate didn't unleash the light.

Instead, a sucking force began to draw everything into it. This included Lillymon, who nailed at the ground as she tried to keep herself from being pulled back. But the force was just too strong.

Thinking this might be the end, she suddenly had an idea and spun around. "Flower Cannon!" She formed the weapon and as she was pulled forward, she fired and the energy shell shot into the Gate of Destiny.

MagnaAngemon's eyes went wide, as the attack exploded right as it entered the gate. The explosion caused the gate to blow as well, unleashing two forms of energy blast that struck him head on. "AUGH!"

Lillymon: 1-30%
MagnaAngemon: 1-25%

MagnaAngemon was blasted into a tree and as he was, Lillymon had leapt into the air to avoid the shockwave from the explosion. And as said explosion died down, she dived towards the angel. "Flower Cutter!" When she reached MagnaAngemon, she spun around and her foot came flying upwards with a trail of flower following at her heel.

"GYAH!" It struck him in the chin and he was knocked backwards through the tree

Lillymon: 1-30%
MagnaAngemon: 1-5%

Lillymon panted, feeling some serious strain. But as she tried to catch her breathe, MagnaAngemon shot forward from behind the tree. "Excalibur!" He thrust the energy blade into Lillymon's stomach, making her scream out in pain.

Lillymon: 1-15%
MagnaAngemon: 1-5%

MagnaAngemon smirked, but Lillymon wasn't beaten yet. "Vicious Vine!" The vine shot out of her sleeve and wrapped around, MagnaAngemon's leg. The thorns dug into MagnaAngemon and made him cry out, the last of his health being taken away.

Lillymon: 1-15%
MagnaAngemon: 1-0%

Lillymon smirked, "time to end this!" She whipped the vine around and MagnaAngemon was pulled away from her, his sword being pulled out of her gut. "Say goodbye!" She cried, attempting to swing MagnaAngemon into something and end the battle. But as she tried, MagnaAngemon slashed at the vine with his sword.

"I don't think so!" He cried, spreading his wings. "I won't let you-AAARRRHHH!" He suddenly found Lillymon had leapt at him and thrown a punch right into his gut, making him gasp as the damage flowed through him. "I guess...you win." He slumped and his body exploded.

The girls all cheered at the victory, whilst the guys groaned.

"I can't believe he lost!" A guy groaned, as many of the girls were doing victory dances. However, Lunamon and Mangoramon looked confused.

"Why are you celebrating?" Lunamon asked the girls, who looked confused until Flash saw who was standing in MagnaAngemon's place when they transformed back to human.

"Trixie?" Everyone looked back and sure enough, Trixie was the one standing there having lost the match. They then turned to the cheering Lillymon, as the Beta-Stadium returned to normal. Lillymon was then transformed back to human, revealing Sandalwood. "So...Sandalwood was the Palmon, Togemon and Lillymon?"

"Yup?" Lunamon nodded, "and Trixie was the Impmon, Sorcerimon and MagnaAngemon. Did none of you know that?" They all shook their heads, as Trixie stood up.

"Well Trixie," Sandalwood crossed his arms. "I gotta admit. That was one of the toughest Digimon Battles I've ever had. Not the toughest, but tough." He gave her a thumbs up, "congratulations. In my book, you're pretty good."

"I'm honoured," Trixie rolled her eyes. "But I guess I have to admit defeat. You're pretty strong." But then she got serious and pointed at him. "But don't think I'll let this defeat go unpunished. Next time we fight, I'm taking your green butt down." She turned to leave the dome in a huff, Sandalwood laughing as he too began to make his way out of the stadium.

"Well," Flash smirked, "I guess Sandal proved that boys are better than girls. At least when it comes to Digimon Battles."

"Yeah," Micro thought for a moment and something made him unsure. "Except Sandalwood used Digimon that would be seen as female. And Trixie used Digimon that would be seen as male." Twilight nodded as she tried to figure out what it meant.

"Which proves that girls are...better than guys?" They all tried to figure out if that was true or not, but they had no idea what this meant. It appeared that this battle of the sexes had no true winner after all. It was just as Flash had said at the start. It was completely pointless.

Author's Note:

This was kind of a random chapter, but it's one of the few direct adaptations of an episode from the series that helped me come up with this idea. Hope you all enjoyed it.

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