• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,620 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

  • ...

Now's the Final Fight

All over the Digital World, many were watching the battle taking place in Codex.

The match between Shining Armor and Flash Sentry continued, with the battle having finally reached its final stage. Imperialdramon against Justimon. Two mighty warriors, battling it out to see which of the two was stronger.

The Royal Knights watched the battle in question and were rather interested in the Digimon Flash and Veemon had just become, since it was supposed to be the legendary former of their order. "That's Imperialdramon?" Examon asked.

"That's the scan Flash showed us before," Dynasmon pointed out. "The Digital World recognises it as Imperialdramon. So that must be it."

"I'm still curious how that Digimon was the Digimon that Yggdrasil created. It doesn't look the least bit like a knight." A cough from Examon made her look over at him. "You know what I mean. You'd think the one who formed the Royal Knights would look like a knight."

"She has a point," Craniamon agreed. "Are we sure this is the same Digimon?"

"I'm not sure," Omnimon replied. "Whether it is or not, it doesn't matter. A Digimon of this power is something to behold. And if Flash is able to become it in the Digital World, then he will become a great ally in the battles to come." The other knights nodded, thinking the same thing. And so, they watched the battle carefully.

Justimon stared up at Imperialdramon, the giant dragon looking rather imposing.

"Not bad," he told him. "You look badass. But looking strong and being strong are two completely different things." He clenched his fists, raising them in a battle ready position. "So give me all you got. Show me how strong you really are."

"With pleasure!" Imperialdramon cried before diving down. And he was so fast, Justimon could barely keep up with him. To everyone else, it was like he was there in the blink of an eye. "Imperial Claw!" He slashed his glowing claws and arm blades at Justimon, said claws and blades almost as long as he was tall.

Wow!" Justimon raised his arm and blocked it, cutting the damage taken down as he was thrown towards the ground. "GYAH!"

Imperialdramon: 3-20%
Justimon: 3-40%

Justimon crashed into the ground and skidded along it, as Imperialdramon flew back up.

As he did, his mouth filled with flames. "Eternal Zeal!" The fire exploded out of it and shot towards Justimon, who picked himself up and saw it coming.

"I don't think so!" The lightning sphere formed in his hand. "Justice Burst!" With a single swing, he threw the orb towards the flamethrower and caused it to explode before it could get close to him. Justimon then leapt up and flew towards Imperialdramon, getting in close as the dragon recoiled from his last attack. "Justice Kick!" With a single spin, he slammed his foot right into Imperialdramon's chin.


Imperialdramon: 3-0%
Justimon: 3-40%

Everyone in Codex flinched. Even if Flash had gotten to Mega, he was still facing a much more experienced battler.

"Come on, Flash!" Pinkie cheered. "You've gotta win this." They watched, as Imperialdramon flew up into the sky. Justimon followed, the cameras chasing after them as they entered the clouds.

"You think Flash can win?" Tawnimon asked Twilight, who was watching the battle closer than most.

"Honestly, I think they're now on an even footing." The others glanced over, shocked to hear this. "Not all Megas are created equal. From what I can tell, Imperialdramon's power is far higher than Justimon's. If Flash was fighting any other player with that Digimon, I'd say he has the advantage. But Shining has more experience, training and has most likely mastered Justimon's abilities."

"So they're on even footing?" Trixie asked, with Twilight nodding.

"This could be anyone's game."

Imperialdramon broke through the clouds and looked around, waiting for Justimon to appear.

And appear he did, shooting out of the clouds as his arm transformed into the Cyclonic form. "Voltage Blade!" The energy weapon sparked and formed the sword, which Justimon used to slash at Imperialdramon. But the Ancient Dragon leapt to the side as he flew past him.

"Eternal Zeal!" He fired a blast of fire from his mouth and it slammed right into Justimon, who couldn't react in time to block the attack.

He cried out, as his body was burned up.

Imperialdramon: 2-100%
Justimon: 3-20%

"Trinity Arm, Accel!" His arm morphed into the Big Wave Form and he swung it around, expelling the fire. But as he did, Imperialdramon flew in closer and rammed his head into him. "Augh!"

Imperialdramon: 2-100%
Justimon: 3-10%

As Justimon fell back, Imperialdramon's claws glowed. "Imperial Claw!" He flew forward and slashed at Justimon, but the Cyborg Digimon was able to spin in the air and avoid it. He then swung his long arm around and pushed Imperialdramon right in the face.

Imperialdramon: 2-90%
Justimon: 3-10%

Imperialdramon was thrown backwards, as Justimon started flying about in multiple different directions. The dragon tried to follow him, but Justimon had built up some serious speed and every time he locked eyes on him, he disappeared again.

"Raaaah!" Justimon suddenly flew down and slammed his Big Wave Arm into Imperialdramon's back, making the dragon roar in pain before Justimon shot off again.

Imperialdramon: 2-80%
Justimon: 3-10%

As Imperialdramon swung around to try and counter, Justimon vanished and reappeared somewhere else. There, he shot forward and dealt a powerful kick to his side. "Gyah!"

Imperialdramon: 2-70%
Justimon: 3-10%

As Imperialdramon was thrown back, he glanced around and saw Justimon vanish. He once again started zipping about and threatened to appear anywhere. "Eternal Zeal!" He spun in the air, unleashing a blast of fire that began to spiral around him.

"Wow!" Justimon just narrowly managed to avoid this attack and continued to fly around, heading straight for Imperialdramon. As a blast of fire came, he swung his Big Wave Arm around and the wind it made blew the flames away. He then closed the distance between them and punched Imperialdramon right in the chest.


Imperialdramon: 2-60%
Justimon: 3-10%

But since he had to slow down to deflect the flames, Justimon wasn't able to escape before Imperialdramon recovered and swung his claws around. They slammed into Justimon and broke his security, knocking him backwards.

Imperialdramon: 2-60%
Justimon: 3-0%

As Justimon was thrown backwards, Imperialdramon righted himself and started building power in his back cannon. He knew this would likely cost him a lot of SP, but it was his best shot. And as Justimon started pulling himself under control, Imperialdramon yelled out. "POSITRON LASER!" The beam exploded out of his back cannon and shot towards Justimon, who pulled himself into control just as it reached him.

"WOW!" He screamed, before the beam slammed into him. "GYAAAAAAAAAAH!" He was sent flying, as he took a serious amount of damage.

Imperialdramon: 2-60%
Justimon: 2-50%

Everyone gasped, as they watched Justimon get set flying.

"ALRIGHT!" Rainbow cried, hardly believing he had just seen Shining Armor take such a hit. And as the beam began to lose power, Imperialdramon started flying down towards the ground. "Where's he going? Go finish him off."

"I don't think he can," Twilight told her. "An attack like that must use up a ton of SP. If he wants to keep fighting, he'll need to find a coin to restore his health." The others nodded, as Imperialdramon flew further down to the ground.

As he reached the ground, Imperialdramon glanced around but saw nothing that looked like an SP Coin.

As such, he started beating his wings. Creating a powerful downwards wind that blew many of the trees. Some were pulled out of the ground, whilst others were able to bend enough to survive. But none of them were holding a coin, meaning Imperialdramon would need to wait for his gauge to recharge.

It was then that he heard it. A sonic boom, coming from where Justimon had been blasted to.

He looked around, as something moving faster than the speed of sound came flying towards him. Justimon, his arm back in its Thunder Form, was flying at top speed towards him. If it had been any other Digimon, he would have slammed into his opponent and done some serious damage.

But Imperialdramon could also move at mach speed and with the sonic boom giving him warning, he was able to fly straight up and dodged Justimon's initial strike.

But the Mega Level hero Digimon quickly spun around and summoned a bunch of electro spheres into his hand. "Justice Burst!" The orbs went flying at Imperialdramon, who could do nothing but fly about and dodge him. But even with his incredible speed, his size worked against him and one of the orbs exploded against him.

Imperialdramon: 2-40%
Justimon: 2-50%

Justimon flew up towards him and the pair began to battle it out, Justimon throwing punches and kicks whilst avoiding Imperialdramon's claws and teeth.

To those watching, it was like seeing a gallant knight trying to slay a deadly dragon. But some of them actually wanted the dragon to win, so the turning of the battle was different depending on who was routing for who.

At one point, Imperialdramon managed to grab Justimon between two of his claws and hold him tightly. Some were excited by this, whilst others feared the worst. But then Justimon managed to get an arm free and pushed it to pry the claws loose, which excited those rooting for him and annoyed those rooting for Flash.

But before he could escape, Imperialdramon swung his claws around and sent him flying. He crashed into a tree before slamming into the ground, rolling along it several times before finally coming to a stop.

Imperialdramon: 2-40%
Justimon: 2-40%

Justimon quickly leapt forward and grabbed the remains of the tree he had destroyed before flying up, Imperialdramon charging with his claws ready to slash him. But as they got in close, Justimon swung the tree around and launched it at the dragon. The beast quickly clawed through it, only to then find Justimon flying through the remains and smashing a fist into his face.

Imperialdramon: 2-30%
Justimon: 2-40%

Justimon then flew forward and prepared to knee Imperialdramon in the chest, but the blue dragon swung his tail around and suddenly wrapped it around Justimon. This stopped him long enough for Imperialdramon to spread his wings and stop himself in the air. He then spun forwards, pulling Justimon around with him, picking up speed before finally launching him.

Justimon was once again sent hurtling through the air, spinning around several times. But unlike last time, he managed to right himself and come to a stop before landing on the top of a tree.

But before he could counter, Imperialdramon was rocketing towards him. Having chased after him the moment he released the Mega, the dragon slashed at Justimon before he could respond and knocked him off the tree

Imperialdramon: 2-30%
Justimon: 2-30%

Imperialdramon then shot off, as Justimon managed to land on his feet before jumping into the air. He chased after the dragon, both Digimon racing around the map. Picking up more and more speed, the two morphed into a pair of blurs to everyone else's eye.

"So fast," Fluttershy whispered.

"How fast are they going?" Terriermon asked, as the two blurs suddenly slammed into each other and caused a sonic boom. As they were knocked away, they flew around again and collided with the same result.

"Faster than any two Digimon have ever gone in Codex," Twilight announced. The two streams of black and purple light spiralled around one another before colliding and being blasted away. Twilight was amazed the impacts weren't doing any damage.

Sunset was starting to get a queasy from watching them move like that. "How much longer can those two go on?" Nobody was sure how to answer that, as the two Digimon began to rocket towards each other again.

"This is gonna be big!" Coronamon cried.

"Go Flash!" Veemon cheered, as they picked up more and more speed.

"You can do it!" Monodramon cried, Justimon pulling his fist back. And as they got in close, he threw the punch forward whilst Imperialdramon swung his tail around. The resulting impact sounded like a bomb going off, the shockwave flying in all directions and knocking the leaves off all the trees.

After a few seconds of pushing against one another, the pair found themselves getting blasted back. Imperialdramon spread his wings to let himself slow to a stop, whilst Justimon spun through the air several times.

As he did, he spotted something that made him smile beneath his mask. And instead of stopping his spiral out of control, he rolled up and let himself spin around until he was at the spot he wanted to be.

It was then that he uncurled and grabbed the top of a tree, the thin trunk bending as he slowed down. And once he was slowed down enough, he released the tree and let himself fall as the trunk bounced back and flickered around.

He fell towards the ground, as Imperialdramon flew overhead. And when the dragon reached him, he saw the Mega pick up an SP coin. "Oh no."

Justimon smashed it in his hand and absorbed the energy, whilst Imperialdramon flew back to get a safe distance away. But Justimon wouldn't let him get too far and summoned a bunch of electro spheres around him. "Justice Burst!" He launched them into the air, Imperialdramon gasping as they came flying at him.

He dodged most of them, but the very last one hit him and exploded before he could move. "Augh!"

Imperialdramon: 2-10%
Justimon: 2-30%

Justimon then leapt up and as Imperialdramon tried to recover, the Cyborg Digimon threw his fist right into his face. Imperialdramon roared, as he was thrown backwards and crashed into the ground.

Imperialdramon: 2-0%
Justimon: 2-30%

Now down to his last security, Imperialdramon tried to roll himself off his back. But as he did, Justimon raised his mechanical arm. "Trinity Arm, Accel!" Once again, his arm moved into the Big Wave Form. And as Imperialdramon finally managed to get to his feet and pick himself up, Justimon flew down with his arm raised as it sparked with power. "THUNDERCLAP!" He smashed it into the ground, causing the electrical energy to explode outwards in a large wave.

Imperialdramon heard the boom of the impact and looked around, gasping when he saw the shockwave approaching.

He tried to spread his wings and fly out of the way, but the wave was too fast and slammed into him. "GYAAAH!" He roared, as he was blown backwards and smashed through half a mile of trees.

Imperialdramon: 1-50%
Justimon: 2-30%

Everyone gasped at the sight, fearing Flash might be in trouble. "No way," Rainbow cried.

"This isn't good," Twilight sighed as the camera was covered by the dust and smoke. "Flash needs to get his SP back up before it's too late. If Shining lets off another attack like that, he might not survive."

They watched, as the dust slowly began to settle and allow them to see what had happened. And they saw Imperialdramon, laying at the end of a long trench, looking unconscious. "Oh no," Fluttershy gasped.

"Get up!" Trixie cried.

"Come on, man!" Sandal yelled, "you can't let it end like this." They waited, but nothing seemed to be happening. Many feared this was the end, knowing Shining wouldn't let an opportunity like this go to waste for long

Flash wasn't sure what had happened.

One minute, he had been battling against Shining and slammed with a powerful attack. And the next thing he knew, the world had gone completely dark. "Flash!" Veemon's voice called out, "get up. Hurry!"

"Veemon?" He opened his eyes and as he did, Imperialdramon's eyes slowly started flickering open. "What happened?"

"We were hit pretty bad," Veemon told him. "But we can still fight. Come on, partner. I believe in you." Hearing Veemon's words, Flash felt the fogginess beginning to fade away. He let out a groan, as he began to force his body to move. Imperialdramon's body slowly shuffled around until he was back on his feet.

"Thanks, bud. We can't let this battle end yet." As Imperialdramon began to pick himself up, he let out a groan and shook his head. His vision was swirling, but slowly began to stabilise as he looked around. And when he did, he noticed something. "We're here."

"Where?" Veemon asked, as Flash focused his gaze on a certain area. They were right next to a small rocky hill-like area, with a flat section of it staring right at them. It was an area Flash knew all too well.

"That's the cave we met inside," he told his partner. "Well...there's no cave right now. But that's where our journey together started. Right here, in this forest."

"Oh yeah," Veemon smiled. "Wow. We've been through a lot since then, huh?"

"So much." Flash couldn't help but remember everything again. Every fight they had thought. Every opponent they had faced. Every challenge they had overcome. And not just the fights. So many times the pair had hung out, in the real and virtual worlds. They had laughed, cried, even argued a few times. But they did it all together.

Justimon flew down and landed on a nearby tree, the heroic Digimon staring down at him.

But Imperialdramon barely noticed him, too busy lost in his past. "It's weird. The only reason we ever met at all, is because of so many coincidences. A glitch that sent me to the wrong place. A bunch of Numemon attacking, causing a Monochromon to chase me. Finding that hidden cave at just the right moment. If just one of those things hadn't happened, we never would have metal."

"You're right," Veemon smiled. "Guess we're lucky it did all happen."

"Luck...or something else?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Maybe...maybe it wasn't a coincidence that we found each other. What if we were brought together, by something else? That glitch that sent me there. Maybe it wasn't a glitch."

"You're saying something pushed us into meeting?"

"Maybe," Flash replied. "And if they did, I know they were right to do it." He smiled, "they must have known what we've always known"

Veemon smiled back, "that we belong together."

"Yeah," Flash cheered before Imperialdramon turned to face Justimon. The hero Digimon clutched his fist and leapt into the air, only to dive down towards Imperialdramon. "No matter what happens, we'll always be together." A light glow began to come off Imperialdramon. "Because we're a team."

"The ultimate team!" Veemon cried, as the light grew bright. "We fight as one."

"We fight for each other," Flash agreed before the pair spoke in unison. "We fight, no matter how impossible it seems. And together...WE WILL WIN!" The light exploded off of him and Justimon roared as he was blinded, but forced himself to look through it to see what was happening.

Imperialdramon's eyes glowed as he leapt into the air, his entire body beginning to transform before Justimon's eyes.

"IMPERIALDRAMON, MODE CHANGE TO..." He suddenly stood upright, as his head merged into his body and became the new chest. Doing so also caused a light to appear where his head had once been, a blue humanoid head forming out of it with a golden crown and white hair.

His front legs glowed as they changed, the feet armor moving back to become shoulder pads whilst the claws changed into coned blades. The legs morphed into a pair of arms, which folded downwards whilst his back legs extended to become more humanoid. The cannon on his back suddenly teleported onto his right wrist, giving his wings more freedom to move.

The new Digimon was now a humanoid knight, with a dragon's head for a chest and large red wings on his back. The cannon on his arm charged up and fired a laser into the air, the force of the blast appearing more powerful than before. "FIGHTER MODE!"

The light from the transformation died down, allowing Justimon and the others watching to see the change that had occurred. "Fighter Mode?" Justimon could hardly believe it.

"He Digivolved again?" Sandal was shocked.

"No," Micro shook his head, "he's still Imperialdramon. Mode Change allows a Digimon to shift certain stats around." A biopage appeared on the screens and showed Fighter Mode's new stats. "He's not as fast as he was, but his attack power's gotten a serious boost."

"Did Flash know he could do that?" Trixie asked, but Twilight shook her head.

"I don't think so. He must have unlocked it just now."

"Talk about timing," Tentomon stated.

The Royal Knights were also shocked by what they were seeing, as they remembered the image below them of Imperialdramon.

"A winged warrior," Omnimon stated. He imagined this Digimon in the same position as the image on the tablet and sure enough, it really did look like the Imperialdramon spoken of in old. "Incredible."

The other knights nodded, but Craniamon hummed. "Something's missing. Shouldn't he have a sword?" The others realised he was right.

"Yes," UlforceVeedramon nodded in agreement, "and shouldn't he be more...majestic. I figured a Digimon created by Yggdrasil would be more...glowing." Omnimon hummed at this and then looked down at himself, as a thought occurred to him.

"Of course." The others turned to him. "This is Imperialdramon in his natural state. Without the power granted to him by Yggdrasil. It's possible that if the original Imperialdramon had survived, after giving his power to the first Omnimon, he would have devolved into this form."

"That makes sense," Crusadermon nodded. "So this Imperialdramon is the creator without that divine power. I'm curious what would happen if he was given that power back." The others were wondering the same thing, but chose to focus on the battle that was still going on.

Justimon stared up at his newly remade opponent, surprised but also intrigued. "You can't help but be full of surprises, huh kid?"

Imperialdramon smirked, "what can I say. I like to make sure my opponents remember me."

"No worries there then," Justimon nodded. "This has been one of my more memorable battles. Be even more memorable when I beat you." Before Imperialdramon could reply, Justimon shot off the tree and flew up towards him. His Big Wave Arm pulled back to throw an extra strong punch in his direction.

But before it could land, Imperialdramon shifted out of the way.

Justimon shot past him and before he could get to a safe distance, Imperialdramon swung around and slammed his leg into the Mega's chest. "AUGH!" The force of the kick sent him flying, as Imperialdramon flew up higher.

Imperialdramon: 1-50%
Justimon: 2-20%

As Justimon straightened himself out, Imperialdramon raised his cannon arm as it began to charge up. "How are we doing this?" Veemon asked, seeing the SP they had gathered wasn't enough as it was the last time they fired this attack.

"I'm not sure," Flash replied. "Maybe in this mode, our attacks don't use up as much SP." He thrust his cannon forward. "Positron Laser!" The blast exploded out of his weapon and shot towards Justimon, who responded by switching his Trinity Arm into its Cyclonic form.

"Voltage Blade!" He swung the electric blade downwards and cut into the attack, flinching at the impact whilst the laser was cut in half.

This locked him in place, allowing Imperialdramon to fly in closer. And as soon as his attack finished firing, he swung his other arm around and smashed his fist into Justimon's side. "Majestic Strike!" Justimon was knocked flying again.

Imperialdramon: 1-50%
Justimon: 2-5%

As Justimon worked to once again regain control, Imperialdramon noticed a blue light and looked down. There, he saw another SP coin on the forest floor. "Yes!" He flew down and snatched it up, letting the power course through him as Justimon regained control.

"Trinity Arm, Blitz!" His arm transformed back to its regular state, the electro sphere forming at his fingers. "Justice Burst!" He fired and the sphere split into multiple orbs, but Imperialdramon wasn't scared.

"Imperial Claw!" His coned arm claws glowed as he slashed them at the orbs, destroying them as he dodged the resulting explosions. And once he destroyed the last one, the dragon mouth in his chest suddenly opened up. "Mega Crusher!" A cannon of some kinds, extended from the mouth and charged up. And in the blink of an eye, a powerful laser exploded out of it and shot towards Justimon.

"Justice Burst!" Justimon cried, launching another wave of electro spheres.

They flew down and smashed into the laser, but every hit only slowed the blast down. By the time the last one was destroyed and the laser reached Justimon, its power was cut in half. But it still did damage as it smashed into him.

Imperialdramon: 1-50%
Justimon: 2-0%

Everyone in Codex was amazed by what they were seeing.

"This new Fighter Mode is a serious ringer!" Applejack smirked. "A'h guess there's a reason humanoid creatures are at the top of the food chain." They watched, as Justimon fell to the ground and barely avoided landing on his head.

Imperialdramon shot forward, looking ready to kick Justimon away. As he did, Twilight frowned. "Don't get cocky," she told him. "My brother won't stay on the back foot for long. Once he's gotten the hang of how your new form fights, he'll be back in the game."

And sure enough, as Imperialdramon tried to kick Justimon, the cyborg Digimon did a back flip and avoided the foot.

As soon as Justimon managed to avoid the foot, he landed and propelled himself forward.

"Raaah!" He swung his leg at Imperialdramon, who barely managed to block with his gauntlet. Justimon then kicked off him and launched several Justice Burst spheres at him, but Imperialdramon countered with a Positron Laser. The attack managed to destroy the spheres and head straight for Justimon.

The cyborg moved down to the ground and once again leapt off the forest floor, heading straight towards the laser.

At the last moment, he started spinning and surrounded himself with a veil of wind. And when the laser touched that wind cushion, it pushed Justimon out of the way. Imperialdramon was shocked to see the Mega spiralling around his laser, not even getting burned as he got in closer.

"Raaaaaaah!" Justimon kept spinning and used his momentum to increase the speed of his next punch, hitting Imperialdramon's chest and knocking him backwards.

Imperialdramon: 1-40%
Justimon: 1-100%

As Imperialdramon fell backwards, Justimon formed another wave of electro spheres. "Justice Burst!" The spheres went flying towards Imperialdramon, but the Ancient Dragon Man wasn't going to let it end so easily. As the spheres got closer, Imperialdramon's chest mouth opened.

His Positron Laser also teleported off his arm, appearing in front of his chest.

Imperialdramon grabbed the cannon and shoved one end into his chest opening, locking it in place. The weapon began to charge up and as it did, one of the spheres slammed into him. The explosion made him flinch, but he refused to let himself lose now.

Imperialdramon: 1-20%
Justimon: 1-100%

"Here we go!" He cried, "GIGA CRUSHER!" The laser fired and the force of it was massive, the power pushing Imperialdramon backwards whilst the electro spheres were completely vaporised.

Justimon gasped, never seeing an attack with that much power.

It was so large, there was no chance Justimon could dodge it. Instead, he transformed his arm into the Cyclonic form. "Voltage Blade!" He thrust the blade into the blast and screamed, as the power coming off it was too intense. The electric blade didn't last a second a Justimon was soon completely enveloped by the attack, the Cyborg Digimon screaming as he felt himself getting burned. "GAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!"

The entire battlefield rocked, as a dome of light quickly filled the place and wiped out the forest.

Everyone watching was in utter shock at the power being displayed. Even the Royal Knights and Great Dragons were amazed, whilst also fearing what might happen if a Digimon like that were ever to fall into the wrong hands.

The laser ended and Imperialdramon pulled his cannon out of his chest, panting at the amount of SP he had to spend. He was completely drained and had no idea if Justimon had survived or not. And slowly, the light from the dome began to disappear and revealed a massive crater where the forest had once been.

And there, standing in the centre of the crater, was Justimon.

"No way," Imperialdramon gasped. Justimon wasn't looking in the best of conditions. His red scarf was almost destroyed, now barely flowing down half his back with multiple tears and burn marks. One of the ears on his helmet was missing and a large crack was running over the front of it. But his arm was the worst part.

The Cyclonic Arm was damaged and battered in areas. Several pieces of the metal were missing, revealing its inner wiring, and the end of it was completely destroyed and sparking.

Flash and Veemon were shocked that Justimon had survived such a blast, even though he was clearly damaged. Both wondered how much health he had left, since they were the only ones who couldn't see it.

Imperialdramon: 1-20%
Justimon: 1-35%

By the looks of things, Justimon was completely out cold. The Digimon was just standing there without moving. Imperialdramon feared he might have done too much damage to him, the dragon man flying down. "Shining? Are you okay?" He flew into the crater to take a closer look, but that was a mistake.

As he got closer, Justimon suddenly shot up towards him and swung his destroyed arm around.

"Wow!" He pulled back, as the smaller Digimon tried to hit him. "Okay, you're still good to go."

"More than good," Justimon cried as his arm glowed and transformed. When the light faded, it revealed the Thunder Arm but the mechanical limb was still damaged. Somehow, the damage had carried over from his other arm, though not to as bad an extent.

He flew at Imperialdramon and slammed the damaged arm right into the dragon's chest. But in doing so, his arm sparked and he flinched in pain.

Imperialdramon: 1-10%
Justimon: 1-30%

Justimon was so focused on the damage to his arm, it allowed Imperialdramon to rear back and spin in the air. His tail then smashed into Justimon, pushing him backwards. "Augh!"

Imperialdramon: 1-10%
Justimon: 1-20%

Justimon fell into the crater and landed, as Imperialdramon dived down with his claws at the ready. "Gotta try," Shining stated. "Justice Burst!" He formed the sphere of lightning in his hand and threw it, the sphere splitting into several orbs that shot towards Imperialdramon. But as he did, his arm exploded completely. "GYAH!"

Imperialdramon: 1-10%
Justimon: 1-5%

As his arm fell to the ground, completely ruined and unable to change form, Imperialdramon began dodging and deflecting the many orbs that had been sent his way. "RAAAAAAAAAAH!" He roared, dodging one orb and using his claws to slash at another. He managed to dodge another and charged at Justimon, but the final orb managed to hit him in the shoulder and exploded. "GYAH!"

Imperialdramon: 1-0%
Justimon: 1-5%

Justimon looked up and watched, as Imperialdramon was covered in smoke. He prayed that that was it, the finishing blow. But he knew better than to hope in battle.

And sure enough, something shot out of the smoke at high speed and Justimon had just enough time to hold up his arms and brace himself before he was slammed into. "GYAH!" He cried, as Imperialdramon sent him flying backwards.

Imperialdramon: 0-0%
Justimon: 1-0%

Imperialdramon watched, as Justimon was sent skidding backwards towards the wall of the crater. And at the last moment, he managed to kick himself upwards and do several back flips before landing atop the edge of the crater.

Imperialdramon and Justimon were now eye level, both panting. Whilst Justimon was badly damaged and looked ready for the scrape heap, Imperialdramon wasn't doing much better. His wings were tattered, one of his cone claws was broken and his armor and crown were cracking apart.

They stared each other down and as they regained their breath, they started laughing.

Everyone watching was surprised by this, but could tell the pair were having a blast. "I don't remember being pushed this far by anyone," Justimon told him. "Not for a long time, anyway."

Imperialdramon smirked. "Glad I could be a challenge for you." He raised his clawed gauntlet, "sorry I have to break your winning streak."

"Don't worry about that," Justimon stood tall. "My streak is only going to continue!" He suddenly leapt into the air and did several flips before diving down towards Imperialdramon, who spread his wings and pushed himself up. Both Digimon called upon the little SP they had left, both wanting to end this here and now.

Justimon then spun around, as his foot sparked with energy. "JUSTICE KICK!"

"MAJESTIC STRIKE!" Imperialdramon threw his fist forward, as it glowed with energy. The two attacks slammed into one another and pushed forth, attempting to overpower the other. It was all a matter of whose attack would stop before the other's.

Both Digimon groaned as they pushed against each other, neither side wanting to give an inch. And as they did, the light from their attacks seemed to burn away everything else. The battlefield disappeared into a void of white light, whilst Imperialdramon and Justimon's forms melted away.

Flash, Veemon, Shining and Monodramon were now floating in the void, smiling as they stared at the other. "You really have come along way," Shining told them.

Monodramon nodded. "When we first met you, we never would have guessed you'd get this strong so quickly. You've gotten to the point in a few months, what's taken us years to reach."

"Thanks," Flash smiled. "But I still think I've got a lot to learn."

Veemon nodded. "We were able to go Mega, but we can't seem to figure it out again."

Shining smiled. "I know you'll get there in the end. And I know I can trust you to lead us when we need it." Flash hadn't been expecting that.

"Me, lead? Against what?"

"We defeated WarGrowlmon and saved the Digital World, but there are gonna be other challenges that threaten us. The Dark Ocean may one day return. A Digimon like Nidhoggmon might appear, or another evil Digimon might try and destroy the Digital World. When we entered Codex, we agreed to fight in order to protect the Digital World."

"And you want me to lead when something like that happens?"

"Why not?" Shining asked. "There may come a time we find ourselves facing multiple challenges. I'm good, but I can't be everywhere."

Flash smiled. "Then I won't let you down."

"Yeah," Veemon cheered. "And we're gonna show we're ready to lead, by beating you here and now." Shining and Monodramon smirked, as the battlefield suddenly returned and they found themselves being pushed back into their bodies.

"You can try," Justimon stated. "But I can't make this too easy for you. If I let you win, you might stop trying."

"No chance I'd let myself do that!" Imperialdramon pushed harder, with Justimon following suit. "Who cares if I beat you? I'm still gonna keep pushing myself to be the best." His attack started to overpower Justimon.

"Better safe than sorry!" Justimon groaned before pushing even harder. The pair appeared to be at a stale mate once again, but it wouldn't last forever.

Eventually, one of them would lose out. "RAAAAAAAAAAH!" They both screamed as they gave it one last push, throwing everything they had into the attack. And in doing so, one of them finally lost the battle of wills and was pushed back. This allowed their opponent to finally land the finishing blow.

In the blink of an eye, the two Digimon were back to back. Justimon continued flying forwards and landed in the crater, whilst Imperialdramon stopped flying and just floated there.

Everyone watched, wondering who the heck had won. They just remained where they were, completely still. They were like this for several moments before one of them moved. "Augh!" Justimon fell onto one knee, clutching his sides.

Everyone gasped at this, but Justimon's form remained. "GYAH!" They then turned to Imperialdramon and saw him falling to the ground, the crater shaking as he landed. "Damn. Guess we're not there yet." With that, he fell to his knees and his body exploded, Flash and Veemon falling out of him and slamming into the ground.

Justimon then forced himself back to his feet, as the robotic voice spoke up. "Battle, over. Winner, Shining Armor!" The battlefield began to disappear, as Justimon split back into Shining and Monodramon.

The pair fell to the ground, all four of them panting as the exhaustion from what had just happened. "That...was crazy," Shining cried.

"Heck yeah it was," Flash nodded before letting out a groan. "Ahhhh. I can't believe we lost."

"We were so close," Veemon yelled. "At least, I think we were close." He turned his head so he was focusing on Monodramon, "were we close? How much Security did you have left?"

"None," Monodramon sighed. "If you gotten that hit in, we'd have lost." Flash and Veemon moaned, as they let that piece of info sink in.

"It was a close battle," Shining sat up. "I honestly thought I had you beat, but then you pulled the Mode Change out of nowhere. That sure threw me for a loop." He turned to Flash. "Did you know you could do that before the battle start?"

"No way," Flash sat up as well. "That came completely out of left field." He pushed himself to his feet and moved over to his Digivice, bringing up his scans and finding a new one. It showed Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, now sitting beside Dragon Mode in the scans list.

Looking through its stats, he saw they all added up to the same as his Dragon Mode. They were just distributed differently. He then opened a deck file and tried to put Fighter Mode in the Mega section, but the scan refused to be selected.

"That's weird." He hit the Dragon Mode scan and that happily went into the Mega section, which suddenly gained an extra slot beside it. When he selected Fighter Mode, this one actually went in. "I guess Fighter Mode can't be Digivolved into. You have to go into Dragon Mode, then Mode Change to Fighter Mode."

"Interesting. I've never used a Mode Change Digimon, but I have heard of a few players that have some. From what I heard, Mode Changing requires you to fill up your Digivolution Gauge again, but it's way shorter than it normally is. Also, after Mode Changing once, you can switch between the two forms without much issue."

"I see," Flash nodded. Dragon Mode had greater speed, whilst Fighter Mode's agility and fighting skills were better. Flash assumed he would learn to properly use them both with more time. But for now, he smirked thinking of how many more surprises the Digital World had in store for him.

"Come on," Shining told him. "I think the others are eager to ask about your new form too." Flash frowned, imagining getting swarmed with questioning players.

They headed out of the Beta Stadium and when they returned to the foyer, they were greeted with a massive crowd. Their friends were at the front of it and all rushed over to them, Sandal and Applejack hoisting Flash and Veemon up on their shoulders as the people cheered.

"Flash," Micro yelled, "you were awesome."

"Veemon too," Tentomon agreed. "And that new form. Truly incredible."

"Thanks guys," Flash smiled as the crowd continued to cheer. Despite Flash having lost, he was still being treated like a hero. Because his battle had been so amazing and he had been so close to defeating Codex's best player.

Twilight stepped over to Shining, "you were amazing too."

Shining smirked, "of course I was. But Flash really stole the show." He turned to Flash, as he and Veemon were let down and everyone rushed over to enjoy the food they had ordered for the unexpected party. "I get the feeling those two aren't done surprising the Digital World."

"Really?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. I don't know what the future holds for us, but I get the feeling those two are gonna be at the centre of a lot of crazy events. I just hope I'm there to see it all." Twilight smiled and the pair moved over to enjoy the food as well. It was a party that would go well into the night, with everyone happily enjoying themselves and talking about their favourite parts of the battle. It was a day they would all remember.

Gennai smirked as he watched a rerun of Flash and Shining's battle.

The Codex Commander was so focused on Flash unlocking his new power, he didn't another another of the Commanders floating up beside him. "Gennai, what are you doing?"

"Nothing!" The man hastily cried, quickly closing the window and bringing up the one with his work on it. "Just...working on these new updates. We want them to be ready as soon as possible, don't we?"

"True," the other commander nodded. "Just don't rush. If we make the updates too fast and accidentally cause them to be buggy, our reputation could be ruined."

"True," Gennai nodded. "Don't worry. I'll go over every inch of the data with a fine toothed comb, to make sure nothing goes wrong with them." The other Commander nodded, as Gennai got to work actually doing what he said he was doing.

After a few more minutes of that, another Commander floated up. "Guys! What do you think of the new design we just came up with?" He pressed a few buttons on his screen, as the other Codex Commanders got several images on their screens.

The first image was of a wristwatch-like device, being worn by a Codex Commander. The watch was black with a white border around it and a white wrist band, though the image kept changing to show the white parts as a bunch of different colours.

"That's what it'll look like in the human world."

"Screen seems a bit small," one of them stated.

"That's just what it'll look like to anyone not wearing one," the Commander announced. "To everyone else, it'll just be a normal watch. But if someone else is wearing one..." The second image showed the watch projecting a holographic screen, the same size as the normal Digivice screen.

"Interesting," Gennai nodded before flipping to the next page. "I'm guessing this next one is what it'll look like in the Digital World?" The image showed the Codex Commander, only now his wrist had some kind of gauntlet running up it. The gauntlet went from his wrist to just before his elbow, being white but changing to a bunch of different colours. There was also a glove connected to it, which the Commander was wearing

On the back of the gauntlet was something that looked like a human smart phone, having a black screen and the colour changing border around it. "That's right," the Commander nodded as they shifted to the next screen. This one showed the phone sliding out of the gauntlet, allowing the one holding it to place in a podium or hold out as if to scan something. "The player will be able to scan with it like that, or use the gauntlet's scanner."

The final image showed the Commander and an Agumon. The Commander was holding out the gauntlet, his palm open as a light flew out of it and washed over the Agumon.

Gennai smiled. "This new Digivice is gonna be a big hit with the players. Instead of lugging around a large object they won't be able to hold all the time, they can just keep this on their wrists."

"Exactly," the other Commander replied. "Am I hearing any complaints?" The others shook their heads, as the Commander smirked. "Great. Then I'll get to work, building and distributing the Digivices to all our current players. I'll try and get it done by the time the new players are being invited."

"Speaking of the new players," a Commander spoke up. "I've been looking over one of the applicants that have been recommended. The younger brother of Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle."

"Spike," Gennai remembered. "His battle record just wasn't good enough."

"But he's been on a real winning streak lately," the other Commander explained. "I've watched some of his fights and they've been going really well."

"Is that so?" Another Commander asked, the lot bringing up Spike's info. "Looks like you're right."

Gennai nodded. "So if he manages to keep that record up, we all agree to invite him into the game. Shining and Twilight will be happy about that." The others nodded, as they continued their work on getting everything ready for the update. When it was done, Codex was gonna be better than ever.

In the human world, Flash Sentry was in his room.

He had received the memories from his digital self not too long ago, the teen being a little upset about losing his battle against Shining. But that had only reaffirmed his determination to get even stronger. And as Veemon slept inside his Digivice, Flash looked through his scans and several messages he had received from his digital friends.

The Royal Knights had messaged him, saying they were amazed by Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. They hoped to see it in person, which meant Flash had to find a way to get to Mega in the Digital World. Leomon and the Great Dragons had also messaged him, saying how amazing his battle was and they hoped he wasn't too upset with losing.

The final message had been from Datamon, asking if Flash would be willing to share a scan of his Dragon and Fighter Modes.

Flash smiled as he stared at the messages, then put his Digivice down and looked out the window of his room. He had been through so much since entering the Digital World and he was sure, his adventures were only gonna get more and more insane.

But he knew, that no matter what he faced, he would overcome it. As long as he had his friends by his side, nothing could defeat him.

In a rocky forest area of the Digital World, something was happening.

A large wall with a missing triangular section, was beginning to glow. And as it did, a sound came out from the light. A growl. A low and beastly growl, that could never be made by anything of high intelligence.

As the growl reverberated out of the light, the entire rock suddenly shook. Doing so caused it to crack, as small pieces of the rock fell apart. Another shake soon followed, causing more cracks and more of the wall to break apart. As it did, the light started leaking out through the cracks.

More and more, the wall shook and broke apart to reveal more light leaking out. And as one section broke off, it allowed something behind the wall to look through it. A large blue eye, lizard-like in design, was peaking out through the hole. It looked around before pulling away, as a loud roar echoed through the hole.

Another powerful shake then followed, more of the rock breaking apart. And then, not a moment later, the entire wall suddenly exploded as something came barrelling through it.

The light kept its form concealed, but whatever it was was large.

It ran out of the light and into the shadows, the mixture of the two causing only its outline to be seen. Whatever it was, it was big. It was shaped like a real-life T-rex, except it had a bunch of hard spikes sticking out of its head, running down its neck, back and all the way to the tip of its tail.

The beast let out a powerful roar, as the light from the cave died down. The creature then charged off into the night, disappearing through the foliage and leaving the massive hole in the side of the cave. A hole big enough for almost anything to get through. A hole that would bring about a great calamity for the Digital World.

Author's Note:

Ladies and gentleman, the Digimon Codex story has come to an end. I thank everyone who has been reading and commenting for their time. This was a really fun story to do and I can't wait to get to the next one.

Thanks to SuperSonicHeroes for the TVTropes page and SlidDiamond3214 for drawing the OC Digimon.

Speaking of the OC Digimon, I'd love to hear which of them was your favourite. I can't take credit for some of them, but I hope you enjoyed them all and this story. Until next time. Thanks for reading.

Comments ( 13 )

A great end to this first fic with plenty of potential things in the sequel that may happen. I'd love to see who Spike gets as a partner Digimon.

A wonderful end to a wonderful read. 10/10! You've earned it.

Now I almost want the Codex group to meet the old Digidestined from Adventure. But maybe that's just me.

So when the sequel be out?

Amazing end to the first book! I am REALLY excited to read the sequel and looking forward to what will be in store for it

I loved this story! I haven't thought about Digimon for awhile before this, but this reminded me of how fun the series is, and mixing it with elements of Chaotic was even better.

That was quite the cliffhanger to end on. It's got me excited for when the series will continue. Plus the tease that Spike might get into Codex soon if he can keep up his current winning streak.

Flash and Veemon are going to keep getting even stronger than they are now, and one day they'll be the best in Codex.

i just hope for a new season of this story will come out soon. i love it.

Haven't got to read this yet but pretty bummed by the time Spike will get into Codex, he missed out on ALL OF THIS.
And most likely what he will be on in the sequel isn't going to be on the same levels as what Flash&co got to go on in the first story.
It just stings..

Flash is shaping up nicely to be leader of the next bunch of DigiDestined, but I really hope Spike gets placed as a side group like Beast forms, so he can show that Indomitous Rex interloper just who who Guardians of the Digiworld?:moustache:

I got deja vu to the final duel of Yugioh GX season with this. Still great job and I look forward to more.

if the wrighter needs more faces for next season of this story i can lend him my oc and digimon partner idea.

When Spike gets into Codex, I think his best option for a partner would be one of the X-Antibody Dragons, Ryudamon or Dorumon, to tie him into that plot that is definitely coming. I bet with how interconnected their lines are (with just about every single new Digimon that those two digivolve into being able to then become any other in those lines), he could practically have every single one of both their lines just by partnering with one of them. (maybe he could also make it a habit to swap his partner between the two depending on where they're going or how they're feeling.)

I had this review in my head for a while, so I will just leave it here. There were so many things I liked about this story, and few things that I didn't.

Dislikes: I still remember how the girls went to the library and Twilight managed to scan that book so they could get an advantage by already being in the location. But if memory serves right, the Dragon Stone activated and they pretty much had to meet the Virus army head on. No barricades set up or teleportation done. They had to fly all the way. So the book Twilight scanned didn't come into play. Then there's Sunset. After the ending chapter reveal of her, I thought she would've played a bigger role for one chapter or so. But she ended up losing the fight against Trixie, and the chapter with the snow town wasn't even about her; the center-spotlight was on Thorax.

Likes: The story was pretty-damn amazing. This is Digimon Chaotic at its finest. This is the kind of stuff I'm surprised hasn't been made into a real game. So many mechanics from different shows and games put into this and it works. The development, challenges and places the characters gone through is always entertaining to read. And I do appreciate Flash losing from time to time, showing he has room to grow. This final battle against Shining showed how much experience Flash has gained, and the impressive skills of Shining who clutched a win at the end. Twilight was right, not all megas are equal, and he defeated Imperialdamon while using a digimon that while strong, is no Royal Knight or Demon Lord. Shining by now has committed all of Imperialdamon's moves for next time.

Curious when Spike will join the crew and what his partner will be like.

Maybe he'll be Spike's partner

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