• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,620 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Playing for Keeps

It was another amazing day in the Digital World and Flash Sentry was currently in a rocky canyon area, Veemon by his side.

The pair were up on a higher section of the canyon, looking down at the grassy bottom that had a river running through it. They were staking out a section of it, following a rumor they had heard of a rare Digimon that liked to show up in the area every now and then.

"See anything?" Veemon asked as Flash stared through a pair of binoculars.

"No," he shook his head, "no. Not yet." But he knew their target would show up eventually. Wait, I think I might see something." He took a closer look, as a T-rex Digimon came around the corner of the canyon and marched through it. But he sighed. "No. Just a normal Greymon."

Veemon groaned as he took out a bag of chips. "You think maybe the Digimon we heard about isn't actually here?"

"I'm sure he'll show up," Flash assured him. "And when he does, we'll grab a scan of him and before he realises we're here." They kept waiting, but nothing seemed to happen. A few more Greymon appeared, but that was it. "Come on." Then, he spotted one that looked different from the others. "There, GeoGreymon!" It looked like a normal Greymon, but its body was leaner and had more spikes on its body. All in all, it looked much more aggressive then the natural Greymon.

They watched, as GeoGreymon made its way over to an area of the canyon that the water pooled into a small lake. There, it started drinking. The other Greymon gave it a wide berth, clearly not wanting to be near it.

"What's the difference between it and a regular Greymon?" Veemon asked, "other then how it looks?"

"GeoGreymon are specifically made for fighting," Flash replied. "All the combat data that Greymon accumulated over their existence eventually created a mutation, allowing some Agumon to evolve into it. Because of that, GeoGreymon actually like fighting and look for any reason to throw down. It's supposed to have a serious temper."

"I get'cha," Veemon nodded. "That's why you wanna scan it." Flash nodded and took out his Digivice, trying to get a good aim at GeoGreymon.

But as he tried to lock onto it, he found they were too far away for him to get a proper scan. "We're gonna need to get closer," he told Veemon. "Either that or we find a way to making him move." Veemon had no idea how they could make him move, so they would need to get closer.

"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Veemon asked, as the pair crawled along the ground looking for a path down.

"Sure it is," Flash smirked. "After all, we're together. When we work together, nothing can beat us." Veemon smiled, agreeing with that fact. But as the pair found a way down to the ground, they were completely unaware that someone was watching them.

They eventually made it down to the bottom of the canyon and as they did, they hid in a tall patch of grass on the other side of the lake.

Slowly, they crawled through it and as they reached the edge of the lake, GeoGreymon continued to quench its thirst. Flash was in the perfect position to get a scan and as he prepared, the pair tried to remain absolutely silent. However, just as he was about to scan, something fell down from above and landed in the lake in front of them.

It was a rock, which hit the water with a loud splash that echoed through the canyon.

Flash and Veemon gasped as GeoGreymon heard this and looked up, staring at the ripples in the water before noticing the pair sticking out of the grass behind it. To say it was upset was an understatement, the beast letting out a growl and raising to full height.

"Uh oh," Flash gulped as flames filled GeoGreymon's mouth. "MOVE!"

"MEGA FLAME!" It launched a blast of fire, which flew across the lake and hit the grass the pair were in. Luckily, they had managed to jump back before it caught light. They ran and escaped the tall grass before it completely burned, the pair running away only for GeoGreymon to charge at them.

"FLASH!" Veemon cried, Flash nodding and holding up his Digivice.

"Digi-Armor, ENERGIZE!" The Digimental of Courage appeared out of it and burst into flames, which flew down and wrapped around Veemon's body.

"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." The flames exploded off of him, revealing the armored dragon Digimon. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!" He skidded to a stop as GeoGreymon got in close. "Bring it!" His claws ignited, "Fire Rocket!" He launched the fireballs off his claws and they flew towards GeoGreymon.

The dinosaur lowered his head and the fireballs bounced off his helmet, not appearing to do any damage whatsoever. It let out a mighty roar as it stomped towards them and spun around, its tail swinging at both of them.

Flamedramon rushed over to Flash, grabbing him before leaping into the air over the tail. They both flew down and landed a good distance from GeoGreymon, who turned to them and had its back to where they had previously been hiding.

As it did, something came down from above. It was a light that flew over the Digimon, who was too distracted to notice. But Flash did, making him look up and see someone complete the scan before disappearing over the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, Flash knew what had caused this.

"MEGA BURST!" GeoGreymon unleashed a fire stream twice as strong as the Mega Flame, which shot right at them.

Flamedramon gasped and leapt in front of Flash, crossing his arms as the flames slammed into him. "Augh!" He cried, but wouldn't let Flash be hurt. "Raaaah!" He swung his arms around and caused the fire to explode off of him, knocking the GeoGreymon off balance.

Fire then exploded out of his feet, propelling him forwards and allowing him to slam into the GeoGreymon and knock it down.

Flash smirked as he took out his Digivice, ready to scan the creature. But before he could, several Greymon began to make their way over to him. Despite not being as aggressive as GeoGreymon, they still didn't seem to like invaders attacking their fellow dinosaurs.

Realising he couldn't beat all of these Digimon, Flamedramon turned to Flash and rushed over to pick him up. "Time to go!" He once again rocketed himself into the air, landing on a ledge and leaping up again. The Greymon all launched their flame attacks, but Flamedramon managed to avoid them all as he climbed higher and higher up canyon wall.

As soon as they were out of the canyon, Flamedramon put Flash down and De-Digivolved into Veemon.

As soon as he did, he fell onto his butt panting. "That was way too close," he groaned whilst feeling achy all over. Flash couldn't agree more and remembered what he had seen earlier, making him frown as he looked around. "What's up?"

"Someone scanned GeoGreymon. Someone who likely dropped that rock in order to get its attention. They put us in danger to get the scan. And I bet he's still here." He stepped forward, seeing many rocks and a few trees covering the landscape in front of them. "Show yourself!" He waited a few moment until he heard a laugh, which came from behind a rock.

Someone stepped out from behind that rock, Flash frowning at the sight of Jet Set. "Nice distraction work. I might have never gotten that scan if it weren't for you."

Flash glared at him, "you could have gotten us deleted. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that you being GeoGreymon's target was a lot better than me being his target." He laughed whilst Veemon got up and glared at him.

"Who do you think you are!?"

Jet Set rolled his eyes. "Do me a favour and put your Digimon away. His voice is quite annoying." Flash raised an eyebrow at this. "Huh, guess you don't know. You can use your Digivice to absorb your Partner's data and keep them inside, like when you're in the real world. Keeps them out of sight so they can't annoy you."

"Thanks for the tip," Flash told him. "But I don't plan on trapping Veemon in my Digivice. He's my partner, not my pet. If he wants to be outside, he has that right."

Jet sighed, "such a newb. Treating Digimon like they're living things."

"They are living things," Flash glared at them. "They might be digital, but they're still alive. They think and feel, have hopes and dreams. They care about things."

"Yes, I'm sure that GeoGreymon cared a lot about having you for lunch. Face it, Digimon are just NPCs that follow their programming. This world isn't real and neither are they."

Flash smirked, "guess that explains why no Digimon wants to be your partner." Jet glared at him. "Is that why you wanted to try and frag us. Because you're jealous that you're all alone?"

"Jealous?" Jet asked, "of you? Please. Why would I want some annoying creature yelling in my ear when I fight. All it does is distract you."

"No. Veemon helps me in a fight. I've won loads of battles because of a suggestion he had or thanks to something he noticed. We work together and that gives us the edge against players like you."

Jet smirked, "you're right. You do have an edge thanks to Veemon. But not because of him being there. It's because of what he is." Flash raised an eyebrow. "I've watched your battles and they all seem to go the same way. Your opponent doesn't know about your partner. Because he's one of a kind, they have no idea what to face him as. If Veemon and his evolutions were more common, you wouldn't has stood a chance."

"That's not true," Veemon told him. "We won because of Flash's skill. Not because I'm a rare Digimon."

"Is that so," Jet seemed to have an idea. "Then why don't we put your partnership to the test?"

Flash was curious, "you wanna battle? I'm game. Veemon?"

"Let's kick his butt!" Veemon cheered, wanting to shut this guy up more then anything. But the look on Jet's face told them there was more to his challenge then they knew.

"Let's make this really interesting. Have an Ante-Battle." Flash and Veemon shared a look, clearly not knowing what an Ante-Battle was. "Basically, it's a the same as a normal battle. The only difference is that whoever wins, gets to take one scan from the loser for keeps." That surprised them, since it would mean they could lose one of their precious and hard gained scans. "What's the matter, scared?"

Flash glared at him and after giving Veemon a questioning look, Veemon nodding, Flash turned back to Jet. "Alright, you're one. We'll have an Ante-Battle and when we win, I'm taking that GeoGreymon scan you almost got us killed over."

Jet smirked, "I doubt you're gonna be able to beat me that easily. I look forward to taking you down and taking what you love most." The pair glared one another down, both knowing this next battle was gonna be a big one for both of them.

Back in Codex, everyone was enjoying their day.

Battles were being fought, trades we being made and strategies were being discussed amongst each other. It was a fun time for all. However, that all changed when an alarm sounded that caught everyone's attention.

"What's going on?" A new player asked, as some of the veterans knew that sound.

"That alarm only means one thing," Applejack stated. "An Ante-Battle is about to begin." Everyone who wasn't already there rushed to the foyer, since Ante-Battles were a rare event. Everyone wanted to know who would play such a dangerous game.

Micro, Sandalwood and Trixie were just as curious, along with Twilight and her friends. But when they all arrived, they were shocked by who was on screen. "FLASH!" Micro cried, looking horrified by what he saw. "What's he doing?"

"He's facing Jet Set in an Ante-Battle?" Rainbow asked, "why? Doesn't he know what might happen if he loses?" They all a feeling he didn't know, especially since it was Jet Set he was up against. They all took out their Digivices and tried to message him, but it was too late. The signal couldn't enter the Beta-Stadium. Flash and Veemon were on their own.

As Flash and Jet stared one another down, a beam of light suddenly appeared between them.

Gennai appeared out of the light, a concerned look appearing on his lips. "Gentlemen. You have both agreed to an Ante-Battle. Do you understand the ramifications of this game? I can go over the rules if you wish." Jet Set smirked, clearly already knowing the rules. Flash, meanwhile, just frowned.

"I'm good," he told him. "Let's just get this underway. I'm ready to win a scan off this guy and shut him up."

"Very well," Gennai sighed. "It's clear you both won't be talked out of this, so please set your Digivices into the podiums and prepare your decks." They did so, Flash staring at the decks he had available.

He knew he had to use Veemon, but the question was which evolution chain should he use?

Jet quickly selected a deck and crossed his arms, waiting patiently for Flash to do the same. Flash did so and placed a Battle Gear into the empty slot, locking in the deck as Gennai closed his eyes for a moment.

"Jet Set. You will be the one to select the field you battle on." Jet smirked before opening it up, selecting the location. "Infinity Mountain has been select. Battle...begin!"

"LET'S GET DIGITAL!" Flash and Jet both hit the start button, causing the room to light up.

Flash turned to Veemon and the pair high-fived, the two suddenly merging into one and landing on the ground. This was something Jet could only sigh about, "so predictable." As he said that, light swirled around him and he transformed into a round orb with wings and claws. When the light faded, it revealed what appeared to be a masked head with bat wings and bird feet. "DemiDevimon!"

Back in the foyer, all of Flash's friends watched with worry as the battlefield formed.

That battlefield was a large mountain with a flat top, where a dark and gloomy temple was located. The camera quickly zoomed in on that temple and headed inside, into the main room where two flashes of light signalled the appearance of Veemon and DemiDevimon.

Veemon looked around, whilst DemiDevimon smirked and quickly took to the air as their life gauges appeared on screen.

Veemon: 4-100%
DemiDevimon: 3-100%

Twilight quickly looked up DemiDevimon, hoping Flash had picked a Digimon that was a match for it.

Name: DemiDevimon
Level: Rookie
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark
Species: Evil
Family: Nightmare Soldier, Dark Area

"A dark virus," she told the others. "I hope Flash picked a deck that has Vaccines in it." As she said that, DemiDevimon charged into the battle.

"DemiDevi Claws!" He cried, swinging his feet around to slash at Veemon before the little blue dragon had a chance to react. The claws hit Veemon in the face, making him cry out as he was knocked back.

Veemon: 4-90%
DemiDevimon: 3-100%

He hit the ground and rolled along it, as DemiDevimon flew up and spun backwards.

As he did, a syringe larger then him appeared in his claws. "Now try my Devi Dart!" He spun forward and threw the syringe, which shot towards Veemon as he picked himself up.

Before he was even on his feet, the syringe reached him and he was stabbed in the chest. "AUGH!" He staggered back, as he felt his strength being drained away.

Veemon: 4-70%
DemiDevimon: 3-100%

DemiDevimon laughed as he watched Veemon pull the syringe from his body, the strange creature quickly turning his attention towards a nearby column before flying towards it. He quickly pushed his foot to push it, causing it to slide to the left a little bit before a clicking sound was heard.

"Huh?" Veemon looked around and when he did, he saw a stone wall tablet on the wall beginning to move and reveal a space behind it. A space with a Digivolution Coin in it.

"Too bad for you!" DemiDevimon flew towards the opening and grabbed the coin, the energy exploding out of it and into him. "I know this battlefield like the back of my currently non-existent hand. I know all the tricks on this place.

"Not the first time I've fought on someone else's turf," Veemon told him. "And I won that time too."

"True," DemiDevimon told him. "But this time, I'm not gonna leave you any chance to use the field to your advantage." With that, he shot towards the exit and as he did, Veemon spat energy into his hand.

"Vee-Shot!" He threw the orb towards DemiDevimon, who was able to dodge it with ease. His body might not have been very aerodynamic, but he sure knew how to fly it.

Veemon watched DemiDevimon fly out of the temple and the dragon gave chase. But this was what DemiDevimon had been expecting for as he reached the exit, he heard the dark Digimon call out. "Demi Dart!" He looked up and gasped when he saw the syringe flying towards him.

He barely managed to leap down, the tip of the needle scraping against his head as he did so and making him hiss.

Veemon: 4-60%
DemiDevimon: 3-100%

DemiDevimon laughed at this and flew up towards the roof, where another Digivolution Coin was waiting. "Sorry newbie. But this is my playground." He grabbed the coin and used it to power himself up, Veemon getting up and seeing this. "And here, I reign supreme."

"Why don't you come down here and fight me like a real mon!" Veemon cried, as DemiDevimon laughed.

"Why don't you come up here and fight me like a demon!" He laughed, but Veemon knew how to do just that.

"Alright," Veemon smirked as he crossed his arms. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" He swung his arms around as his chest burst into light, a pair of jet wings sprouted from his back. The light faded and Veemon was now equipped with the Dragon Booster, which revved up with the rocket exploding and launching him into the air.

"WOW!" DemiDevimon cried, dodging the flying dragon as he almost hit him. "Huh, wasn't expecting a Battle Gear so early."

"I told you not to underestimate us," Veemon cried as he spun around in the air. He then shot back down, ready to perform a Vee-Headbut to DemiDevimon. But the bat-like Digimon smirked before his eyes glowed.

"Butt Smasher!" Light exploded from his eyes and from it, a cauldron of bats flew out and shot straight for Veemon.

He gasped and tried to stop, but flew right into it and suddenly found himself surrounded. And before he could think to escape, he suddenly felt himself getting bitten. "Augh!"

Veemon: 4-55%
DemiDevimon: 3-100%

He then felt another bite, then another and another. Each one sapped away his strength and he knew he had to get out. As such, he pumped his Battle Gear to full speed and shot straight up and out of the bat cloud. He panted when he finally escaped, but his life points weren't doing so well.

Veemon: 4-30%
DemiDevimon: 3-100%

As he regained his strength, DemiDevimon flew up and chuckled. "Even with Battle Gear, you don't stand a chance against me."

Veemon growled, "I'm still ahead of you in life points."

"That'll soon change," he told him as he noticed something. "Starting with this!" His body was suddenly surrounded by light, "DemiDevimon, Digivolve to..." Flash and Veemon were both shocked seeing him Digivolve to quickly, the cocoon growing larger before exploding to reveal a tall lanky humanoid figure in a black leather suit that covered all but his blue mouth. A pair of tattered wings were sticking out of his back and his fingers were a pair of bony claws. "Devimon!"

The rest of Flash's friends were also shocked by the quick evolution, Twilight bringing up the Digimon's stats.

Name: Devimon
Level: Champion
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark
Species: Fallen Angel
Family: Nightmare Soldier, Dark Area

"This isn't good," Micro gulped. "Devimon's a tough Digimon. If Flash can't Digivolve up to match him, he's gonna be in serious trouble." Sure enough, Devimon spread his wings and shot straight up towards Veemon. Before the dragon could fight back, Devimon reached him and swung his claws around.

"Deadly Nail!" He slashed at Veemon's chest and made him cry out, as he was knocked backwards.

Veemon: 4-10%
Devimon: 3-100%

Veemon managed to regain control of himself in the air and spat into his mouth, the energy ball forming. "Vee-Shot!" He launched the sphere towards Devimon, who didn't look at all worried.

"Death Hand!" He thrust his open palm forwards and a blast of black transparent energy flew out of it.

It struck the Vee-Shot and tore right through it without even being slowed down, the energy continuing forwards until it smashed into Veemon. "AUGH!" He screamed, feeling an icy pain running through his entire body.

Veemon: 4-0%
Devimon: 3-100%

Flash's friends all flinched seeing this. Flash had started out with the advantage, but now Jet had levelled the playing field and taken the lead.

Veemon panted as his body ached, Devimon chuckling before he shot down towards him.

Veemon heard the movement and looked up, just in time to see Devimon right in front of him before the demon swung his leg around and smashed him in the face. "AUGH!" He was thrown towards the ground, crashing into the before falling to the ground.

Veemon: 3-80%
Devimon: 3-100%

Veemon moaned as he pushed himself up, whilst Devimon floated down and landed on the temple's roof. "Do you see now?" He asked, "why you're going to be losing this Ante-Battle."

Veemon pushed himself up and glared at him, "I'm not done yet." Veemon fired his Dragon Booster and took off. But he didn't fly towards his opponent and instead, he shot towards the edge of the cliff and flew down the side.

"Coward!" He spread his wings and leapt into the air, flying after him. With Veemon's Battle Gear, he was the faster flyer. But Devimon wouldn't let him escape so easily.

Veemon flew down the mountain and tried to find a place he could fight Devimon more easily.

He had hoped the mountain would have a cave or tunnel somewhere in the side of it. Someplace a tall Digimon like that couldn't properly fight whilst Veemon could maneuver around better. But there was nothing. Not cave or opening into the mountain at all.

However, after a few minutes flying around he spotted something.

Part of the mountain stuck out to form a large cliff, which had some kind of building atop of it. Or what remained of a building. It looked like some kind of mansion, but the whole thing looked like it had collapsed a long time ago. Stone pillars stuck out of the ground and had sections of flooring above them. But there were very few of these areas.

Veemon flew down and landed on a section of the second floor, where he looked around and saw a few beds here and there. But other then that, the place was a total wreck.

"See anything?" Flash asked Veemon as they looked around.

"No," Veemon shook his head, "I don't think this place is gonna be of much help to us."

"You're right," Flash said out loud. "We've gotta find a Digivolution Coin before tall, dark and ugly shows up."

"My ears are burning." He spun around and gasped seeing Devimon, who had flown down and landed on a high up pillar. He smirked at the pair, who got on the defensive as they glared Devimon down. "Now how would you like to be destroyed? Quick and painful or slow and painful. Either option leaves you in a lot of pain."

"I'm already in pain from hearing your annoying voice!" Veemon cried as he ran forward and used his Battle Gear to propel himself forwards. "Vee-Headbutt!" He shot towards Devimon at high speed and before the Champion could react, smashed into his stomach.

Veemon: 3-80%
Devimon: 3-90%

"Augh!" Devimon flinched, as Veemon pulled back. But the devil wasn't letting that hit go unpunished. "Raaaah!" He raised a fist and brought it down, smashing into Veemon before the little could pull away. His fist struck his head and knocked him downwards until he smashed into the floor.

Veemon: 3-65%
Devimon: 3-90%

Devimon then leapt into the air, as Veemon began to pick himself up. "Death Hand!" He fired the dark energy at Veemon, but the Rookie gasped and leapt backwards to avoid it. However, the blast hit the ground and ripped right through it.

This caused cracks to appear on the entire floor and when Veemon landed, he broke right through it. "WOW!" He fell through it and into the ground, losing a good five points before more of the rocks began to fall upon him.

Veemon: 3-45%
Devimon: 3-90%

Devimon laughed as he flew around the destroyed mansion, trying to see if Veemon was still up for fighting after that.

Some of the rubble began to move and roll away, revealing Veemon who climbed out from under the rocks. But as he did, he found that his Battle Gear had been damaged. "No." The Dragon Booster's wings were a mess and the chest armor was dented and sparking. Eventually, it exploded into lights that quickly vanished.

Devimon laughed again, then flew down towards him before he could react and slashed at Veemon.

The Digimon cried out as he was knocked back, hitting the rubble pile and taking more damage as Devimon flew forward to keep up the attack.

Veemon: 3-30%
Devimon: 3-90%

Devimon reached out to slash at him again, but Veemon quickly grabbed a rock and threw it at Devimon. It hit him in the head, but Devimon barely felt it and swung around to kick the dragon away. "AUGH!"

Veemon: 3-20%
Devimon: 3-85%

He fell to the ground and Devimon flew around, only to then see Veemon roll onto his back with an energy ball in hand. "Vee-Shot!" The thrust the sphere forward and it crashed into Devimon, making him his as it exploded against him.

Veemon: 3-20%
Devimon: 3-75%

Veemon then rushed forward and leapt up, using a large rock as a springboard as he catapulted himself to Devimon's height. "RAAAAH!" He threw a punch and it slammed right into Devimon's face, but the fallen angel didn't even flinch as his cheek was attacked.

Veemon: 3-20%
Devimon: 3-65%

Devimon chuckled as he raised his hand, "pathetic. Death Hand!" The dark energy exploded out of it and slammed into Veemon, making him scream as he was blasted away.

Veemon: 3-0%
Devimon: 3-65%

Veemon was thrown through the air and sent spinning towards a different section of the mansion, crashing through a pillar before falling to the ground.

Veemon: 2-90%
Devimon: 3-65%

He groaned as he picked himself up, only for a light to catch his attention and make him look up to see a Digivolution Coin that had been uncovered by the falling pillar. Devimon had also seen this and rushed down to grab it, but Veemon leapt forward.

"Got it!" He cried, crushing the coin between his fingers seconds before Devimon reached him.

"NO!" He roared, quickly slashing Veemon in the back as he reached him.

Veemon: 2-80%
Devimon: 3-65%

Veemon cried out as he was thrown forwards, but managed to land on his hands and push himself up and spin through the air to land on his feet. As he did, Devimon took to the sky again. "Time to Digivolve!" Veemon cried, his Digivolution Gauge hitting full as he began to glow. "Veemon, Digivolve to..." He burst into light and quickly began to grow, breaking through the top of the mansion above him as Devimon frowned. And when the light exploded off of him, the giant blue T-rex stood in his place. "VEEDRAMON!"

Devimon growled, "Digivolving won't save you now. I'm too far ahead." He thrust his hand forward, "Death Hand!" The dark energy exploded towards Veedramon, who took a deep breath.

"V-Nova Blast!" The blue energy exploded from his mouth and hit the dark stream, both attacks colliding and exploding with Devimon being knocked back. As he was, Veedramon charged forward with his fist clenched. "Hammer Punch!" His fist glowed and he thrust it forward, slamming into Devimon and knocking him backwards with a roar of pain.

Veedramon: 2-80%
Devimon: 3-45%

Flash's friends all cheered at the attack's damage, glad that Flash had chosen to become Veedramon.

"That's it Flash!" Sandalwood cried out, "take him down!" They watched as Devimon spread his wings and took to the air, flying high out of Veedramon's range. "Ha, running scared."

"Don't be idiots." They all looked around and saw Lightning Dust with Kokuwamon sitting at the table besides her. "Jet isn't just gonna stand there and let himself get hit. He's in this to win it, not prove how tough he is." They all looked back towards the screen, as Devimon raised his arms.

"Battle Gear," he announced. "BOOST!" A flash of light around his chest revealed a piece of body armor that had the image of the VIrus Symbol within that had a line running through it. "VIrus Nullifier."

"What?" Veedramon asked, as Devimon flew down.

"This Battle Gear turns me into a Free Digimon, which means your Vaccine typing will do nothing to me." Veedramon frowned, whilst Devimon shot forward. "Deadly Nail!" He slashed at Veedramon's chest and the dinosaur roared as he staggered back.

Veedramon: 2-65%
Devimon: 3-45%

"RAAAAAH!" He rushed forward and tried to chomp at Devimon, but the demonic Digimon dodged and managed to get behind him. "Augh!" He felt a boot slam into him and knock him staggering froward, Devimon flying higher before Veedramon could react.

Veedramon: 2-60%
Devimon: 3-45%

He regained his footing and spun around, "V-Nova Blast!" The energy blast shot towards Devimon, who crossed his arms as the blast exploded against him and he cried out.

Veedramon: 2-60%
Devimon: 3-35%

Devimon fought through the pain and flew down, Veedramon growling since he only had enough SP for one, maybe two, more blasts. As such, Devimon reached him and slashed at him before he could react.

He slashed at Veedramon, but the dinosaur Digimon managed to jump back before it touched and spun around to slam him with his tail. The limb struck Devimon's chest and made him flinch as he was pushed backwards, but he managed grab hold of the tail before he was thrown away.

Veedramon: 2-60%
Devimon: 3-30%

Gripping the tail hard, Devimon beat his wings and started pulling him along. Veedramon felt himself being pulled backwards and staggered around, as Devimon dragged him towards the edge of the cliff.

He saw this and gasped as he tried to fight against it, swinging his tail around and attempting to throw Devimon off. But the dark Digimon let go at just the right moment and was thrown upwards over Veedramon, who now stood between him and the cliff.

"Perfect shot!" He cried, pointing his hand forward. "Death Hand!" He fired the dark energy and it slammed into Veedramon's chest, exploding and knocking him staggering backwards.

Veedramon: 2-50%
Devimon: 3-30%

Veedramon couldn't stop himself from falling over the edge. But as he did, he took a deep breath. "V-Nova Blast!" He roared, launching the energy blast and slamming into Devimon before he could escape. The demon grunted at the explosion, whilst Veedramon fell over the edge.

Veedramon: 2-50%
Devimon: 3-15%

Everyone gasped as they saw Veedramon fall over the edge.

"NO!" Lunamon cried, as the dinosaur slammed down the side of the mountain. He rolled around, unable to stop himself and hitting many jaggard rocks and boulders as he did so. They all wanted to look away, but couldn't even blink as they watched the fight rage on.

Eventually, Veedramon arrived at the base of the mountain and crashed down upon the ground hard. He let out a roar at the pain, as his health dropped dangerously low.

Veedramon: 2-5%
Devimon: 3-15%

"This isn't good," Twilight gulped. "If he doesn't do something soon, he's gonna be out of the game before he manages to Digivolve to Ultimate."

"He's gotta break that Battle Gear," Rainbow cried. "If he can do that, his Vaccine attacks will do serious damage." They agreed, hoping Flash would think of the same thing. But right now, it didn't even seem like he could stand up.

Flash groaned as he tried to push himself back to his feet.

"Flash," Veemon grunted. "What do we do? This guy's way too strong. If we don't find a way to turn things around, we're gonna lose." Flash knew Veemon was right, but he couldn't let this battle end without a real fight.

"We'll find a way to win," Flash told him. "This guy might think he has the upperhand, but there's one thing we have that he doesn't."

"What's that?" Veemon asked, making Flash smirk in his mind.

"Each other." It was in that moment that he stopped looking through his Digimon eyes and was inside his mind, staring at Veemon in the black void they were in. "I don't know what made us find one another, but I like to think it was destiny. We were meant to come together and be the best team in Codex." Veemon smiled. "So as long as we work together and fight as one, nobody can beat us."

"Yeah!" Veemon nodded, excited as Flash focused his attention back on the battle.

Opening his Digimon eyes, he pushed himself up and checked himself out. Nothing seemed seriously damaged and Flash knew he had to think of a plan before Devimon attacked.

However, that thought was a little late as he suddenly sensed a presence above him. Looking up, he saw Devimon charging down towards him. "Bring it!" He took a deep breath and fired, "V-Nova Blast!" The laser arrow shot towards Devimon, but Devimon simply flew to the side in order to avoid the attack.

"Nice try!" He accelerated forward and slashed at Veedramon, making him grunt as his second to last security was destroyed.

Veedramon: 2-0%
Devimon: 3-15%

He staggered backwards, whilst Devimon took to the air again. He surveyed the land and knew it well, a smile appearing on his lips at a thought. "Perfect." He flew towards a bunch of trees, Veedramon chasing after him.

"Get back here!" He reached the trees and pulled the first one he could out of the ground, throwing it in Devimon's direction. The demon Digimon spun around and saw this, his eyes going wide as he saw it flying at him.

He spun in the air and kicked the tree away, whilst Veedramon charged forward and his fist glowed.

"Hammer Punch!" Devimon crossed his arms and the attack slammed into him, knocking him backwards. He smashed into a tree and hit the ground, the punchand impact destroying his first Security.

Veedramon: 1-100%
Devimon: 3-0%

Veedramon roared as he charged forward, his horn ready to skew the demon as he picked himself up. But as he got in close, Devimon leapt into the air and managed to jump off the tip of the horn before it could stab him. He used it to spring himself into the air and as he did, he spotted what he was looking for.

Veedramon looked up and saw Devimon flying towards a tree, slashing at the branches when he reached it and revealing something. A Digivolution Coin.

Devimon laughed as he grabbed it, crushing it in his fingers. "Now you will see, my true power at work." As he said that, something appeared in front of him. It was a cube of light, which had a Digimon inside.

"What the?" Veedramon tilted his head, "Ogremon?"

Devimon chuckled. "I guess you didn't know that you could place Digimon scans in your item box. Most of the time, it wouldn't do anything. But with the right combination of Digimon, it's just like having a Digimental." Veedramon's eyes went wide as he realised what Devimon was talking about.

"Don't tell me...you're gonna..." Suddenly, the Ogremon exploded into data as the cube moved towards Devimon.

The demonic Digimon smirked as the cube enveloped him and the Ogremon data merched with his. "Devimon, Ogremon, DNA Digivolve to..." The light and cube exploded off of him, revealing red skeleton with a black orb in his ribcage and black leather pants. He was wearing a black mask over his face and had black bat wings, along with gloved hands that carried a long red staff that had a hook on one end and a yellow orb on the other. He looked like something of a goth metal album. "SkullSatamon!"

Worry once again filled everyone's hearts, as they saw the dangerous Ultimate Level Digimon now standing before Flash and Veemon. Twilight brought up its stats, making her worried.

Name: SkullSatamon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Virus
Attribute: Dark
Species: Undead
Family: Nightmare Soldier

"This is bad," she told them. "Its speed and SP are insanely high. If Flash can't find a way to counter that..." She didn't finish, the lot of them watching as SkullSatamon shot down.

"Hook of Darkness!" He cried, swinging his staff around and trying to slash at Veedramon.

The dino barely managed to stagger out of the way and as he did, he noticed something in a nearby tree. "An SP Coin!" He ran forward and rammed his head into the trunk, shattering through it and causing the coin to fall. As soon as it hit, Veedramon felt his strength returning. "V-Nova Blast!" He spun around and fired the attack at the approaching Digimon, who didn't have time to react.

"Augh!" He cried, as the energy exploded against his chest.

Veedramon: 1-100%
SkullSatamon: 2-85%

This also caused his Virus Nullifier to crack, Veedramon smirking as he went in for an attack. But SkullSatamon recovered and swung his hook around. "Hook of Darkness!" It slashed against Veedramon chest and knocked him back, his points dropping as well.

Veedramon: 1-80%
SkullSatamon: 2-85%

Veedramon quickly regained his balance and glared at SkullSatamon, who leapt into the air. "Prepare to lose everything!" The Virus cried, as Veedramon fired another V-Nova Blast towards him. But SkullSatamon easily deflected it with his hook and flew down, swinging his staff around.

Veedramon barely managed to avoid it before spinning around and slamming his tail into him, knocking the undead Digimon flying.

Veedramon: 1-80%
SkullSatamon: 2-80%

The Virus Nullifier cracked more, this time enough to finally break apart and explode. "Ahhh!"

"Yes!" Veedramon cried, as the others watching cheered. "Now my attacks are gonna be double strong." He took a deep breath and fired, "V-Nova Blast!" The energy arrow shot through the air and slammed into SkullSatamon, exploding and sending him flying backwards as he roared out in pain.

Veedramon: 1-85%
SkullSatamon: 2-55%

He crashed into the ground and lost his staff, with rolled away as Veedramon charged forward. The undead Digimon pushed himself to his hands and knees, as Veedramon got in close and was ready to stomp on him.

But at the last moment, SkullSatamon leapt out from under the foot and grabbed his staff. "That's enough moving around, I think!" He spun his staff around before thrusting it forward, "Nail Bone!" In that moment, dark lightning exploded out of the gem on his staff and slammed into Veedramon.

"RAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" Veedramon roared in pain, as he felt his entire body being badly damaged.

Veedramon: 1-70%
SkullSatamon: 2-55%

As the lightning shocked him, his body started glitching and going static. And even after the attack ended, he couldn't move a muscle. "What's...happening?"

"Why isn't he moving?" Pinkie asked, everyone worried as he just stood there.

"Nail Bone." They all looked over and saw Shining Armor, the lot wondering how long he had been there. "It's a very dangerous ability that disrupts a Digimon's data and causes it to freeze up. He'll recover, but it'll take a few minutes.

"But..." Micro looked back towards the screen, "that'll make Flash a sitting duck!" SkullSatamon got up and charged forward, "get out of there!"

"HEYAH!" SkullSatamon slammed his staff into Veedramon chest, knocking him backwards.

Veedramon: 1-65%
SkullSatamon: 2-55%

Flash and Veemon flinched at the impact, as they hands finally started feeling not so numb. They slowly closed them, feeling returning to his body. But before he could completely move, SkullSatamon slammed his staff into him again. This did more damage and Veedramon could only stand there and take it, as SkullSatamon hit him over and over again.

With every strike, his health dropped lower and low. But he also felt himself being able to move more and more.

"Gyah!" SkullSatamon slammed a foot into his chest and knocked him backwards, crashing through a tree as his health dropped into the red.

Veedramon: 1-5%
SkullSatamon: 2-55%

The demon then leapt up and flew down towards him, ready to deal a final blow. But at the last moment, Veedramon rolled away and managed to get to his feet. "Huh?" He turned to the dino, who slowly stood up. "Finally able to move, huh?" Veedramon panted clearly still not in the best of shape. "I bet you're down to the last of your life. One or two more hits and you're out of this game. Just give up and accept your fate."

"No way," Veedramon growled. "I don't quit. So long as I've got Veemon backing me up, I know I can win this fight." He looked up and glared at him, as Flash and Veemon spoke in unison. "We will not be defeated by the likes of you!" They charged, ready to use Hammer Punch on the Ultimate.

But he was still moving too slow, making him an easy target for SkullSatamon.

"Pathetic!" In the blink of an eye, he vanished and reappeared behind him. "Now you're mine!" He swung his staff at Veedramon and slammed into his back, making him roar in pain.

Veedramon: 1-0%
SkullSatamon: 2-55%

He staggered forward and fell to the ground, as SkullSatamon flew straight up and raised his staff. "Now, to end this!" He thrust it forward, "Nail Bone!" The lightning exploded out of his staff and shot towards Veedramon, but the Champion wasn't going to be beaten so easily.

"V-Breath Arrow...MAX!" He unleashed a powerful stream of energy, which shot out and collided with the lightning.

The two attacks pushed against one another, attempting to overpower the other. But slowly, the Nail Bone attack began to push the V-Breath Arrow back towards Veedramon.

Flash and Veemon saw this and gasped, both trying to power up their attack. But nothing they did worked and eventually, their SP hit zero and the attack phased out. "Sorry Veemon," Flash told him as the lightning shot forward. "Looks like we couldn't win." With that, the lightning struck and the pair roared out in pain before Veedramon exploded in a bright light.

As soon as the light faded, Flash and Veemon were laid out on the ground. Both of them groaned as they laid there, Flash rolling himself onto his back.

As he did, he looked up and saw SkullSatamon floating above him with a grin on his face. That just made the loss feel even worse, as the battlefield began to disappear around them and SkullSatamon transformed back to his human form. And as the dome reformed around them, Flash and Veemon pushed themselves up whilst Jet laughed.

"I knew you were a rank amature," he told him. "But I didn't think you would be that much of a loser. Talk about pathetic."

"Shut up," Flash growled as a light appeared in front of them. Gennai stepped out of the light and looked solemn, as he glanced between the two players.

"The Ante-Battle is over. And winner, is Jet Set." The smug punk kept his nose turned up, as he looked down at Flash with a high and mighty demeanor. "As was agreed, Jet Set may now take whatever he desires from Flash Sentry's inventory."

Jet Set smiled as the holographic screen appeared in front of him, the teen already knowing what he wanted to take. "I pick Veemon." He pressed on it and when he did, Veemon started glowing.

"Huh?" He looked down at himself, "what's going on?" Flash was also worried, turning to Gennai who did not look happy at it.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked Jet. "Taking another player's Digimon Partner isn't something many will forgive you for. And I don't think Veemon will enjoy it."

"What?" Flash cried, turning to Veemon as the light around him began to fly towards Jet's Digivice. As it connected, Flash looked at his Digivice and saw it had something on the screen. 'Transfering connection' was written across the screen, with a loading bar filling it. "What's going on?" The bar was completely full and when it did, the image of Veemon in his playlist disappeared.

Jet chuckled as he picked up his Digivice. "And with that, Veemon is now my partner."

"WHAT?" Flash and Veemon yelled. Outside in the main foyer, Flash's friends all stared in shock. "What do you mean I'm your partner!" Veemon cried, "Flash is my partner, not you."

"Not anymore," Gennai sighed. "Since Jet won the ante-battle, he won the right to take anything from Flash. That includes his partner." Flash's eyes went wide as he thought about what Jet had told him before, going over every word he said. And as he did, anger flew through him and boiled his blood.

"You lied to me," he growled before turning to Jet. "You only said we were putting scans up to bet. You never said anything about being allowed to take each other's partners."

"Didn't I?" Jet asked, looking thoughtful. "Huh," he smirked, "guess it must have slipped my mind." Flash ran forward and looked ready to deck him, but Gennai leapt in front of him.

"No Flash!" He grabbed him and pulled him away, "don't. You don't want want to get in trouble for assaulting another player."

"He tricked me!" Flash roared, "he deliberately left out that partners could be taken! If I knew that, I never would have agreed!" He shot Jet a glare, "you won't get away with this."

"I think I already have," Jet smirked. "I might have left that detail out, but you're the one who didn't let Gennai tell you the rules. If you had, you would have known. This is more your fault than mine." Flash's fist shook, but he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "Well, I'd best be off. Need to see what I can Digivolve my new partner into." Jet turned to leave, "come along Veemon."

"I'm not going with you!" Veemon cried, making Jet frown back at him. "You're not my partner. Flash is. I don't care what the Digivices say. I'm staying with Flash."

Jet sighed and held up his Digivice. "I had hoped you would be a little more agreeable." He tapped away at it and suddenly, Veemon exploded into a million tiny lights.

"VEEMON!" Flash cried, as his partner's data flew into the air and shot towards the Digivice. It flowed inside and once it was all absorbed, Jet showed Flash the screen.

"Hey!" Veemon appeared on it, tapping at the glass. "What's going on?" But Jet said nothing else and made his way towards the door.

"Give him back." Jet stopped and turned back to Flash, seeing his head pointed towards the ground. "Give Veemon back. He doesn't want to be with you."

"Oh? Would you have given me my scan back if I asked for it."

"That's different!" Flash looked up and shot him and angry glare. "Veemon is alive. He thinks and feels. Holding him like this is...it's just kidnapping. Being allowed to take a living thing away from its friend is wrong. I don't know why the Codex Commanders allow this, but it's wrong. So give him back!"

Jet stared at him for several moment, looking like he was actually considering this. But then he just smirked and turned away, "I don't think so. I won him fair and square." Flash felt his heart breaking. "But there is something you can do to get him back." Hope suddenly returned to him. "Just challenge me to another ante battle. Beat me and he's all yours." Flash glared at him, Jet laughing. "Not that I would ever agree to it. What idiot enters an ante battle and puts his partner on the line? Besides, now that Veemon's gone, you have nothing worth wagering him over." With that, he stepped out of the room with the doors closing behind him.

Flash just stood there, unable to believe this was actually happening.

Eventually, he fell to the ground and all his anger and frustrations was let out in a single mighty roar. This yell was heard all throughout Codex, with everyone who heard it feeling sorry for the boy who had just lost his partner.

Author's Note:

Well, that happened. We have entered a dark section of this story, my friends. Will Flash be able to get his partner back, or will the Digimon be lost to him forever? Only time will tell.

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