• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,618 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Making Friends and Making Enemies

It was another beautiful day in the city of Canterlot and Flash Sentry would be spending it...stuck inside because he had to go to school.

Not too long ago, Flash would have hated having to spend all day trapped inside. But now, he had something that made it all the more bearable. Whilst he was learning fractions and other high school stuff, his digital self was going to be having an awesome adventure.

"So what's the other you doing today?" Micro asked as the pair were at their lockers.

"Not sure. Probably gonna check out the Digilab since I haven't been since the first time and now I have a few more scans I can Digivolve. What about you?"

"I got a cool new scan," Micro explained. "I'm probably gonna spend the day in the Beta-Stadium to get used to it." Flash nodded and as he opened his bag, he realised he was missing a book.

"Ah, crud. Maybe I left it in my car." He slammed the locker shut and rushed towards the door, hoping his book was in his vehicle and he could get it before the first bell.

But as he reached the door, it shot opened and someone rushed inside...right into him. "AUGH!" They both cried, falling to the ground with Flash's books flying everywhere. "Hey!" He moaned, sitting up and seeing he had crashed into a girl.

Said girl had light purple skin and dark purple hair that was up in a ponytail, wearing a blue shirt under a pink vest with a purple skirt and pink bowtie. She was looking around, her eyes looking unfocused. And when he noticed a pair of glasses on the ground, he picked them up and held them out to her.

"Here." She noticed the glasses and took them, placing them on her face and sighing. "You-" She didn't say anything, instead rushing back to her feet and running off. "HEY!" But she didn't say anything back, simply disappearing around the corner without even apologising for running into him or thanking him for getting her glasses. "Rude."

He then noticed his books on the ground, making him moan as he started picking them all up. But by the time he was finished, the first bell rang. If it hadn't been for that girl he would have been back from the car by now.

"Great," he sighed, "today's gonna be one of those days isn't it."

Meanwhile, virtual Flash was in the Digilab with Veemon.

The pair looked through the Digimon Flash had managed to get recently, Elecmon, Pichimon and Leomon, wondering what he could Digivolve them into. As he brought up Elecmon's Digivolution Tree, he found Leomon was one of his champion options. He didn't know what the others were, but they didn't look particularly appealing. Especially the one that looked like a pile of...you know.

Instead of going to Leomon's tree, Flash decided to use the Fresh scan he had gotten in Primary Village. "Let's see?" He hummed as he looked them over. "Any take your fancy?"

Veemon looked at the choices and picked one, "how about that one on the far end." Flash picked it, hitting the silhouette and finding it barely cost anything to evolve.

"Alright." He paid and as he did, the Pichimon scan inside the chamber began to glow.

"Pichimon, Digivolve to..." The creature barely changed, growing only a little bigger as its head detached from its body before the light faded. "Bukamon!" It was now a brown sea-lion Digimon with a small string of red hair.

"Okay," Flash looked over its Digivolution Tree, "now what can you become." The images were all blacked out, so he would need to randomly pick one. "Eenie, meanie, miney...moe!" He picked one and the Digimon was once again surrounded by light.

"Bukamon, Digivolve to..." Its body changed to gain an extra pair of legs on the back of its body, whilst its hair seemed to turn into some kind of fin. When the light faded, it was revealed to be a green frog-like Digimon with blue lines and an orange fin. "Betamon!"

"Whoa!" Flash smirked, "now that looks cool." As he said that, Betamon's data appeared on his screen.

Name: Betamon
Level: Rookie
Type: Virus
Attribute: Water
Species: Amphibian
Family: Nature Spirits, Deep Savers, Dragon's Roar

"A water Digimon. Could definitely come in handy if we found ourselves stuck somewhere wet." Veemon nodded, as Betamon's Champions were shown. Flash couldn't decide which one to pick.

Luckily, someone showed up that would make his choice a lot easier. Trixie and Lunamon, who spotted the pair and were interested in what they were doing. "Hey," she caught his attention and noticed Betamon, "doing some evolutions for non-partner Digimon?"

"Yup," he nodded, "now I just need to pick which Champion to Digivolve it into."

"Why waste your money?" Trixie asked, getting his attention. "There's a lake not too far from Primary Village that's full of Betamon. I bet if you look around, you'll find one of his Champion forms no problem." Flash hummed at this, intrigued by the prospect. "Have you seriously never gone on a Digimon Hunt?"

"Digimon Hunt?"

"Yeah, it's where you go out into the Digital World looking for a particular Digimon. Sometimes you can find it in a marketplace or somewhere easy to get to, but then there are times you have to go out into the wilderness. Tracking it and trying to figure out what its next move is."

Lunamon nodded. "All that effort makes getting the scan that much more rewarding."

Flash smirked, turning to Veemon who looked excited at the prospect of going on this kind of adventure. "Yeah," Flash cried, "then that's what I'll do. Come on Veemon!" He rushed out of the room and Veemon followed, "thanks Trixie."

"Thanks Lunamon," Veemon cried back as the two vanished. Trixie and Lunamon smirked, wondering how their Digital Adventure was gonna end up going.

Back on Earth, Flash had gotten to his English class rather late.

The teacher had not been happy about this and Flash just knew he was gonna be getting a tardy. As he sat at his desk, he thought about the girl that had made him late and huffed. At least he wouldn't have to see her again.

In that moment, the door opened and the principal stepped into the classroom. This got everyone's attention and as she entered, someone stepped in after her. The girl that had run into Flash. "Hello students," Celestia smiled. "I'd like you to all meet a new member of our school." She patted her on the shoulder, "this is Twilight Sparkle. She'll be joining your class today."

"Alright," the teacher looked around, "there's an empty desk next to that blue haired teen." Flash moaned at this, as the girl moved over to sit next to him. He hoped she would at least remember him and apologise for earlier, but she simply sat down and didn't give him a moment's notice.

Flash sighed, hoping this was his only class with her.

Flash and Veemon arrived at Primary Village and instantly tracked down Elecmon, asking him where the lake Trixie had mentioned was.

Once they had the directions, they headed out of the village and into the wilderness. They thought they might run into other Digimon on the way there, but there wasn't a single sign of anything else. "Huh," Flash shrugged, "guess nobody wanted to move here."

"Nah," Veemon shook his head, "this area's probably someone's territory. If a Digimon claims a spot, other Digimon won't want to hang out there unless they're invited." Flash let this info sink in and took out his Digivice, scanning the area and finding it was a Rookie Level location.

"That means the strongest Digimon here should only be Champion. Nothing we can't handle." Veemon nodded and as he did, the sound of splashing caught their attention and made them look ahead.

Stepping out through the trees, they found themselves at the top of a hill overlooking a large lake.

The pair used the hill to hide themselves as they looked down at the lake, the splashing sound coming the shore of the lake where a bunch of different Digimon could be seen. There were three species in all, two being one Flash knew as Betamon and Syakomon. But the third type was a new one, being a blue Digimon that looked like a frog that was still transitioning from tadpole stage.

Flash and Veemon marveled at them, both wondering what they were all doing there. But as they watched, Flash noticed movement in the tall grass on the edge of the lake. He wondered if it was another Digimon, but then a head picked up out of it and revealed herself to be a girl.

She was a purple-skinned girl, with dark purple hair tied up in a ponytail and a pair of glasses over her eyes.

The girl stared at the Digimon in question, as another Digimon came out of the tall grass with her. Flash couldn't quite figure out what it was, but he had a feeling it was avian due to its beak. "Looks like we're not the only ones hunting for a Digimon scan."

"What do we do?" Veemon asked, "if we try to scan them, it might make it hard for her to get a scan as well."

"Good question," Flash nodded. But as he thought about it, he noticed movement coming from behind the girl. He stared at it for a moment and realised something was hiding behind the trees behind the girl. Something that was staring at the girl and if Veemon's suggestion about territories was right, wasn't too happy about her being there.

"Flash?" Veemon noticed him staring, "what's wrong?"

Flash watched the girl continue to move through the grass, clearly not noticing she was being watched. And as she got to the edge of the tall grass, the watcher seemed to have had enough. "LOOK OUT!" Flash roared, catching the girl's attention.

This also caught the attention of the one who was watching, who caused the trees around it to move and the girl noticed.

"Huh?" Looking back, she saw the Digimon that had been staring at her. She gasped as the Digimon raised its head, revealing a mostly blue serpentine Digimon with yellow and red on its body.

The Digimon locked eyes with her and hissed, making her cry out as she turned to run away. "Tawnimon, run!" She ran out of the grass and a Digimon ran out after her.

It was a bird-like Digimon whose body was similar to a Biyomon or Falcomon, this one being a mixture of three different shades of brown. His head and body were a grayish-brown, but he had two yellowish-brown circles surrounding his eyes with an orange beak between them. Above these circles were a pair of dark brown eyebrows, which were the same colour as his wings and tail-feathers. Like most bird Digimon, his wings also ended in a trio of claws. These ones were orange and his feet were the same.

The two ran as fast as they could to escape, rushing towards the hill Flash and Veemon were on. As they ran, the Digimon exploded out of the trees and followed after them.

Flash, though scared, knew he couldn't waste this chance. So as the Digimon approached, he raised his Digivice and scanned it. The energy flew over the Digimon and Flash got what he was after, right as the girl reached the top of the hill.

"Water Shock!" The Digimon roared, as a powerful blast of water exploded out of his mouth towards them.

Flash gasped as Veemon tackled him to the ground, the girl's own Digimon doing the same to her. But as they hit the ground, Flash accidentally hit the trigger again and scanned the Digimon a second time.

Once the scan completed, the Digimon's water blast ended and it needed a moment to recharge. "Run!" Flash cried, getting up and running back into the forest. The girl did the same and they disappeared through the trees, the Digimon growling but not following after them. It had done its job.

Back in the real world, Flash was now in his math class. Somehow, the Twilight girl had been in every class he had and ended up sitting next to him each time.

Math had never been his best subject and as the teacher put a problem up on the board for him, he called out to the teen. "Flash, come try and solve the problem." The teen groaned and got up, moving over to the board. He panicked as he looked over the formula, trying to work it out in his head.

He slowly did the calculations on the board, coming to an answer but getting the feeling it wasn't right. "How's that?"

The teacher shook his head, "can anyone tell me what Mr Sentry did wrong?" The other students had no idea, the problem on the board completely over their heads. But one person raised her hand. Twilight.

"He forgot to carry the two and use it as a denominator." The teacher nodded and asked Twilight to come up and correct the equation.

Twilight happily did so, stepping up and using an eraser to get rid of over half Flash's equation. She then wrote out a new equation so fast it was hard for Flash to believe she was actually solving it and not writing something she had memorised.

When she finished, Flash frowned at the teacher being amazed with her skills. "Well done, Ms Sparkle. Seems the school has a new genius in its mits." He then turned to Flash. "Might I suggest spending less time on your hair and more time studying." That didn't make Flash happy, Twilight giggling making it even worse.

They returned to their seats and Flash was fuming, whilst the teacher put up another problem and asked the different students to try and solve them. But every time, they got it wrong and Twilight was asked to correct their work. "Show off," he huffed.

Back in the Digital World, Flash and the others had escaped the angry Digimon.

He was currently laid against a tree, trying to catch his breath as he turned to the girl. "You alright?" She looked up at him, Flash finding she actually looked kind of cute in a bookwormy sort of way.

"Yeah," she nodded, "thanks for the save. If you hadn't said anything, that Seadramon would have probably gotten us before we could move." She turned to her bird Digimon, "Tawnimon. You okay?" The Digimon looked himself over, then nodded.

"Indeed, I appear unharmed."

"Tawnimon?" Flash looked him over, "never seen a Digimon like you before."

The girl smiled and held out a hand, "name's Twilight Sparkle. Champion Rank. You've met my partner, Tawnimon." Flash smiled at her and shook her hand.

"Flash Sentry. Rookie Rank." He looked towards his partner, "and this is Veemon." Twilight looked shocked hearing that name, the girl turning to examine the dragon Digimon.

"Hey," he waved as Twilight adjusted her glasses.

"Amazing," Twilight whispered. "My friends told me about a player with a one of a kind Digimon by that name. That must be you, right?"

"Probably," Flash nodded as he held up his Digivice and brought up the scan he had gotten of Seadramon. The information appearing on screen.

Name: Seadramon
Level: Champion
Type: Data
Attribute: Water
Species: Aquatic
Family: Deep Savers, Dragon's Roar.

Flash then brought up the deck and when he added Betamon to an empty deck, he smiled seeing Seadramon could be used to evolve from him. "Well it might have been luck, but I managed to get a scan of it." But then he noticed two pictures of Seadramon, making him raise an eyebrow. "Did I accidently scan it twice?"

Twilight huffed, "at least you got a scan. I was hoping to get something from the lake as well." She took out her own purple Digivice, bringing up a list of Digimon she had. "I already have an Otamamon scan, but I bet it could Digivolve into that Seadramon we saw if I could get a scan of it."

"Well," Flash showed her the scan, "do you want one of my scans? Having two isn't gonna help me?" Twilight shook her head.

"No way. I'm gonna get my own. Just being handed the scan is no fun." She turned to her partner, "let's go." Tawnimon nodded and the pair headed back the way they had just come, Flash and Veemon sharing a look.

"Think we should go with her?" Veemon asked.

"Probably. She might get in trouble again." They ran after the two, catching up to them as they carefully made their way back to the hill. They made sure to go in stealthily, not wanting to catch the Seadramon's attention, so were crawling through the crass until they reached the top.

"Alright," Twilight stared out at the lake. "Now to wait until that Seadramon shows up again. We'll get a scan of it and warp back to Codex before it can attack." Flash hoped she was right and made sure to keep his focus behind them so they wouldn't be snuck up on.

However, as he did that, something happened that drew his attention. "Wow!" Veemon cried, Flash turning to him and seeing they were all staring at the lake. When he looked towards it, he saw that they were staring at the Betamon, Otamamon and Syokomon.

The many Digimon in the lake had started glowing and in a split second, they grew larger and became more serpenoid. When the light finally faded, it was revealed that they had all Digivolved into Seadramon. The lake was now brimming with them, the water overflowing as the larger bodies caused a wave that drenched the shoreline.

"Awesome," Flash whispered, "I never thought a bunch of different Digimon would all Digivolve together."

Twilight nodded. "My guess is that that Seadramon was protecting them so they could become strong enough to Digivolve. Now that they're all Champion level, they'll probably head out to sea and swim around together as a pod.

Flash continued to look around and then spotted something peculiar. "Hey, there's one left." They all looked at the shore and realised a Betamon had yet to Digivolve. It was staring at the Seadramon and then looked up, as if staring at the sky. "Wonder what's wrong with it?"

"Maybe it hasn't gotten strong enough to Digivolve?" Tawnimon suggested. But as soon as he said that, Betamon's body burst into light. "Never mind." They watched it Digivolve and when it did, its body turned serpentine but not in the same way as the Seadramon.

Instead, a pair of wings appeared on its back and and hair seemed to appear around its neck. When the light faded, the now winged snake beat its wings and took to the air.

Flash stared at the creature as to flew into the sky and knew he had to get a scan of it. But he had been so preoccupied with the Digimon, he didn't realise he had flown above them enough to see the four. And obviously, it remembered them from earlier and didn't like them being in its home.

"Fatal Tornado!" He roared and unleashed a sonic blast, a tornado exploding from his mouth and shooting towards them. The three quickly leapt away from the hilltop, the tornado hitting it and ripping the ground apart within it.

As they did so, Twilight held out her Digivice and tried to scan it. But Airdramon avoided it and began to fly away. "Hey!" Flash got up, "I'm not letting it get away until I scan it."

"Same." Twilight nodded, only for a bunch of water blasts to fly towards them. "Look out!" They all got down, avoiding the water as the many Seadramon began to move towards them. Twilight wanted to scan them, but knew it would leave her too open to an attack. "Tawnimon!"

"Right!" Tawnimon rushed forward and his body suddenly exploded into light, then began to grow larger. "Tawnimon, Digivolve to...!" The light faded and his body was now the same size as a Birdramon, his wings having become more wing-like with his claws vanishing to allow for better flight. Meanwhile, his eyebrows had grown larger and more stylised to resemble a W whilst his beak grew longer. His back feathers grew larger and his legs grew longer, with everything above the knee being feathered. His talons grew, so that they could now curve around and clutch things in them. Finally, a bunch of upside-down triangles appeared on his chest. "HooTawnimon!"

Flash and Veemon were amazed by the Champion, who quickly took to the air as Twilight grabbed one of his feet. "Grab on!" They didn't need to be told twice and both leapt onto his feet, HooTawnimon quickly flying up and out of the Seadramon's range.

Twilight looked back at the Seadramon and frowned, "so much for getting a scan."

Flash felt bad and remembered what she had said earlier. "I'll make you a deal." She turned to him, "help me get a scan of that Airdramon and I'll give you the Seadramon scan as a reward." Twilight smiled at this, liking the plan since she would still need to work for her prize.

"You got it."

Back in the human world, Flash and Micro were in line for the cafeteria.

"Seriously?" Micro asked, "she was able to answer all those problems." Flash nodded, having just told him about Twilight and her embarrassment of him in math class. "Well to be fair, you did get the answer wrong. What, you think she should have kept her mouth shut and not shown how smart she was?"

"No," Flash frowned, "it's just the way she showed it off. She told me where I went wrong and that's fine, but she didn't explain anything she was doing to work it out. I still have no idea how you're supposed to answer that stupid problem." He looked ahead and saw Twilight in the line, as Micro shrugged.

"Well, it's really more the teacher's job to teach the students how to do a question."

"Maybe. But if I saw someone playing the guitar and doing the wrong notes, I wouldn't just play the song for them. I'd try and help them do it correctly." As he said that, Twilight walked away and Flash saw she was carrying two slices of pizza on her tray.

He licked his lips, looking forward to the treat. But when he got there, the lunch lady was taking the pizza trays away. "Sorry boys, just sold the last slice." Flash let out a groan, especially when the alternative were some terrible looking fish fingers.

"Battered?" Flash stuck out his tongue, since at least breaded ones were good. He turned to glare at the girl that had taken the two slices, really annoyed now.

Once he had forced himself to eat the fish fingers, having had to completely drown them in ketchup, he headed off to the library. He had been waited for a book to be returned that he was really looking forward to reading and today was supposed to be the day it was returned.

Rushing into the library, he began searching for the book in question. But when he found the section it was supposed to be in, the slot where it would be sitting was empty.

"Excuse me?" He asked the librarian, "has the Tales of a Gutsy Ninja book been returned?"

"Which one?" The librarian asked, typing away at her computer.

"The Shuriken of Youth." She looked and nodded.

"Yes, it was returned. But someone just checked it out five minutes ago." Flash was shocked by this, since he had placed himself on the waiting list for this book. "Ms...Twilight Sparkle has it." A tick mark appeared on Flash's head, the teen slowly looking around to see the girl in question sitting at a desk reading the very book he had been hoping to get. "Sorry kid. You know the rules. First come, first serve."

"But I booked myself to be the next person to have it."

"You did?" She looked at the computer again, looking shocked. "Oh, I'm sorry. Must have been a glitch or something. I promise, when Ms Sparkle returns it I'll keep it aside for you." That didn't make Flash feel any better.

He left, feeling this day couldn't get any worse. First he was late for class, then he missed out on a delicious lunch meal and now the book he wanted to read was gonna be out of his reach for who knows how long. And the worst part was that every problem was being caused by the same person.

Back in the Digital World, Flash, Twilight and Veemon were now riding on HooTawnimon's back.

The bird Digimon flew over the Digital World, the forest below them beginning to thin out as they chased after the Airdramon Flash wanted to scan. But the Airdramon had out flown them and they had lost sight of it, though that wouldn't stop them from searching. As they did, Flash's Digivice began to beep. "Huh?" He looked it over and saw the screen showing the area's location. "Champion Level."

"It's telling you this area is higher than you're rank," Twilight explained. "Even if you scan it, you won't be allowed to warp back here until you rank up."

"Well I'll focus on that later," Flash put the device away. "Let's just focus on finding that Airdramon." Twilight nodded and looked around, spotting a nearby mountain.

"Airdramon is both a Wind Guardian and a member of the Dragon's Roar. That means it'll be drawn to high mountainous areas." She pointed towards the mountain and HooTawnimon nodded before shifting in the air towards the mountain.

Flash turned to Veemon, "get ready bud. Airdramon might not like us scanning him, so we might end up needing to fight it to get the scan."

"You got it."

"Do any of Veemon's Champion forms fly?" Twilight, Flash shaking his head.

"Nope. Well, none of the Champions I have. Veemon's such an unknown, I've no idea if any of his Champions have wings."

Twilight nodded, "you could always leave your deck blank."


"It's when you don't load a particular deck. If that happens, Veemon's evolution will be whatever would help him in that moment. Mostly, it'd be the Champion he would naturally evolve into. But if Veemon found himself falling off the side of a mountain, he'd probably become a flying Digimon...if he has any."

"Huh," Flash hadn't known that. "You sure know a lot about Digimon. You must have tons of experience."

Twilight nodded, "I've been studying Digimon since before I got my Digivice. Ever since my brother told me Digimon were real."

"Does your brother play in Codex as well?"

Twilight nodded and was about to say something, but the mountain was finally close and the pair needed to stay focused on finding Airdramon. "Get ready." Flash nodded.

Despite what Twilight had said, Flash didn't want to leave Veemon's evolution up to chance. As such, he loaded his Flamedramon deck as they began to fly around the mountain. They looked around, but couldn't find any sign of the Digimon. They thought of a moment that maybe Twilight's theory had been wrong. But she wasn't.

"Fatal Tornado!" They all looked up in time to see a tornado of razor sharp wind flying towards them.

HooTawnimon pulled to the side, just in time to avoid them getting ripped to shreds. Those on his back cried out, as Airdramon flew down and glared at them. "Not good," Flash gulped as they drew close to the mountain. A ledge could be seen on the side of it, large enough for them all to safely stand on it. "Come on!" Flash grabbed Twilight's hand and pulled her to their feet, Veemon doing the same as they all began to run across HooTawnimon's wing.

"What are you doing?" Twilight cried, only for Flash to leap off the tip of his wing and force her to do the same.

The pair flew through the air and landed on the edge, Veemon attempting to do the same but just missing. "Flash!" The teen quickly spun around and grabbed his hand, stopping him from falling. Twilight grabbed his other hand and they pulled him up, as HooTawnimon flew around with Airdramon.

"Sky Strike!" HooTawnimon's body was surrounded by a bright light, as he shot towards Airdramon with his head crest morphing into a shining battering ram. He slammed into Airdramon and a small explosion known the Champion back, Flash taking out his Digivice and getting ready to scan it.

But as he aimed the device to scan, Airdramon gained control of its body and started spinning around in the air. "Spinning Needle!" A spiral of wind appeared around the beast that exploded outwards, shooting blades of air in every direction.

"Look out!" Twilight cried, pushing Flash away as the wind blade flew passed them. The attack hit the mountain behind them and caused a piece of the rock to be sliced off and fall towards them, Veemon rushing forward.

"Vee-Headbutt!" He leapt forward and smashed his head into the rock, causing it to shatter and fall around the others harmlessly. Veemon fell to the ground and the humans saw he was staggering around.

"You alright?" Flash asked, Veemon spinning around and staring at them with swirls in his eyes.

"I'm A okay." But then he fell to the ground, clearly not okay.

As the humans rushed to his side, HooTawnimon began to engage against Airdramon again. The winged serpent tried to bite the giant owl, but HooTawnimon was able to avoid the attack and slashed his talons at him. But Airdramon avoided it and swung his tail around, coiling it around HooTawnimon and pinning his wings to his side.

"Ahhh!" He squawked in pain, Twilight grasping at the sight of this before frowning.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked, as she got up and rushed to the edge of the cliff. Twilight took out her Digivice and started typing away at it.

"Let's go!" She swung it around and a pair of translucent cubes appeared on either side of her. One had a ghostly image of Tawnimon inside and the other had a silver bullet-shaped object with wings and a heart shape on it.

"Biomerge!" She cried, as the two cubes moves towards her. "Digi-Armor, Energise!" The cubes absorbed her and merged into a single cube, with Twilight being surrounded by light.

"Wow!" Flash cried, as he watched Twilight's form shift to that of her partner's Rookie Form.

"Tawnimon, Armor Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of her along with the cube, revealing a human-sized owl-looking Digimon with silver armor on its head and feet. "Aurumon, Loving Wisdom!"

"What?" Flash could hardly believe what he was seeing. "I know we can merge with our partners, but I didn't realise we could become other Digimon scans." Aurumon leapt off the side of the cliff and flew towards the battle.

Airdramon saw this coming and opened his mouth, ready to fire his Fatal Tornado at her. But before he could, Aurumon suddenly disappeared. "Where'd she go?"

"I'm right here!" He looked around, Aurumon somehow getting behind her. "Infrared Ray!" Her goggles fired off a pair of lasers, which shot towards Airdramon and hit him in the head.

"AUGH!" He cried, loosening his grip on HooTawnimon. This allowed the larger owl to spread his wings and completely throw Airdramon off of him, HooTawnimon falling out of his clutches and dropping a few feet until his wings caught the air and he was able to fly again.

The two owl Digimon began to fly around the Airdramon, showing incredible skill that made Flash think they had done this before.

He took out his Digivice and thought about what Twilight had done. And with Veemon still out of it, he had a feeling now was as good a time as any to try and figure it out. As such, he brought up the Flamedramon deck and realised he needed to replace Veemon's partner scan with a blank one.

"Here goes nothing," he picked himself up and swung his Digivice around. "Biomerge!" The Digivice unleashed the two cubes, which showed Veemon and the Digimantal of Courage. "Digi-Armor, Energise!" The boxes merged with him and he felt his physical form change to that of Veemon. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." His body burst into flames and he felt himself change again, the flames exploding off of him to reveal his armored form. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!"

Aurumon and HooTawnimon saw this and Aurumon smirked, glad Flash was actually getting into the fight.

Airdramon had been so focused on the birds, he hadn't noticed Flash's transformation. Nor did he notice Flamedramon's claws bursting into flames, "Fire Rocket!" The triple flaming projectiles exploded into the air and all slammed into Airdramon, making him roar in pain.

Aurumon tried to fly in and attack, but the champion level quickly swung its tail around.

She gasped as it slammed into her, the Armor Digimon crying out as she was knocked flying into the side of the mountain. "Twilight!" HooTawnimon cried, as his partner fell towards the ground too dazed to save herself. He tried to dive down and save her, but Airdramon got in his way.

Flamedramon saw this and leapt off the side of the cliff. making himself as aerodynamic as possible to catch up to her. Once close enough, her grabbed her in one arm and extended his claws on the other.

Fire exploded out of them, strong enough to propel them both towards the mountain. Once within reach, Flamedramon thrust his claws into the rock and was able to hang there. The pair remained where they were, as Aurumon began to come around.

When she looked up, she saw Flamedramon holding her tightly and realised what he must have done. "You saved me?" Flamedramon smiled down at her, as his claws began to slip. "Hold on!" She spread her wings and and took to the air, flying up and grabbing Flamedramon's shoulders.

She flew them up, as HooTawnimon and Airdramon battled in the air. "Alright!" Flamedramon's claws burst into flames again, "Fire Rocket!" He fired the blasts as he reached the cliff Veemon was on, the flames shooting towards Airdramon.

But this time, the winged serpent spun around and used his wings to deflect the fired. But this gave HooTawnimon the opening he needed. "Sky Strike!" He shot forward and rammed his body into Airdramon, pushing him backwards into the side of the mountain.

Airdramon smashed into it and as he did, Aurumon dropped Flamedramon onto the mountain. "Quick, turn back and scan him."

"Right," Flamedramon looked at himself, "how do I do that? This doesn't feel the same as when I'm in Codex." Aurumon rolled her eyes and flew back up, right as HooTawnimon pulled himself away from the still recovering Airdramon.

She flew above her partner and was consumed by light, falling out of it when she was human again.

As she landed on HooTawnimon's back, she took out her Digivice and scanned Airdramon. Scan complete, she saw the Champion was still recovering and took the opportunity to scan him again. "Alright, let's get out of here!" HooTawnimon nodded and flew back down to Flamedramon, who picked up Veemon and rushed over to leap onto HooTawnimon's back.

As Airdramon finally felt itself come around, he looked over at where its opponents were and saw them flying away. It roared, but decided to let it go. Hopefully, it would never see those humans and Digimon again.

Flash was in his last class of the day, chemistry, one of the few sciences he actually had a great interest in.

"Alright class," the teacher announced. "Split into your pairs and prepare to experiment with the formula I'm going to put up on the board." The students all nodded and started pairing up. The only one who didn't was Flash, since the class was an odd number. But since he was really good at chemistry, the teacher had always let him work alone. "Ah, Ms Twilight." Flash flinched at this, unable to believe she was in another of his classes. "You'll need a partner." Flash quickly realised what that meant and begged the universe not to do it. "Mr Sentry is on his own. You can work with him."

"No," Flash groaned as the girl stepped up next to him.

Twilight walked over to him, her hair up in a bun as she wore what looked like a professional lab coat. "Hi," she smiled, "it's Flash...right?"

"Yup," Flash tried to focus on the formula the teacher was putting on the board.

Twilight sat next to him, "nice to be working with you."

"Yeah, sure." Flash began to grab the ingredient needed to make the chemical formula. "You start measuring out the quantities for the acids and I'll make sure the powders are in the right quantity." Twilight nodded and the pair got to work, but Twilight could tell something was wrong.

"Did I say something to upset you?" Twilight asked. "You seem...upset with me."

"Yes, I'm upset with you." Flash poured the powder into the beaker over the flame. "You ran into me this morning and knocked me to the ground. I kept your glasses from getting stepped on and when I gave you them back, you just took them and ran off without a thank you or an apology for running into me."

"Oh," Twilight frowned as she added the chemicals to the beaker, "I didn't want to be late for meeting the principal."

"It takes literally a second to apologise," Flash pointed out. "Then, during class, you humiliated me when you corrected my formula."

"The teacher asked me to correct it."

"It was still embarrassing. You could have just told me where I went wrong and I might have gotten it right the second time." He was so focused on complaining, he didn't notice he had just added too much of a certain chemical to the mixture. Twilight also missed a step, since she was supposed to wait a few minutes for the formula to boil before adding her chemicals. "Then you took out a book I've been looking forward to reading."

"That's not my fault." She put said chemicals in, "I got the book first." The concoction started to bubble.

"I've been on a waiting list for weeks, waiting for it to be returned. The librarian was supposed to keep it for me."

"Well I wasn't told about a waiting list. The book was on the shelf and she didn't say anything when I checked it out."

"You could have asked," Flash threw a bunch of powder into it. But as he did, a banging sound made him look towards their creation and see that something was clearly wrong. "Uh oh." The mixture was bubbling and bright green, which wasn't a good thing. They must have made a mistake somewhere.

"What are you two doing?" The teacher cried, rushing over to try and fix what they had done. But she quickly realised it was beyond fixing. "EVERYBODY DUCK!" They all jumped to the floor and got under the desks, seconds before a shattering sound and several small bangs filled the room.

When the explosion seemed to end, they all climbed out from under the desks and looked back to Flash and Twilight's experiment. And they saw that the glass beaker had exploded, sending several pieces of glass flying into other beakers and breaking them. The liquids were now spilled across the table, but miraculously nobody was hurt.

The teacher turned to the pair, clearly not happy with either of them.

Back at Codex, flash of light at the Digiports signalled the return of the players.

Flash, Twilight and their Digimon appeared with Veemon riding on Flash's back. "You feeling better, bud?" Veemon nodded, though he still had a bit of a headache. "Just take it easy bud. And maybe, next time don't go headbutting a rock as hard as you can." Veemon laughed as the group headed for the cafeteria.

"You should get him some nuts," Twilight explained. "They work great are relieving headaches. Although I don't know if that still works on Digital life forms." Flash nodded as they sat down and Flash ordered some nuts for Veemon, the Rookie Digimon snacking on them whilst Tawnimon enjoyed a bowl of chicken.

Flash and Twilight both ordered a milkshake and as they began to drink them down, the pair took out their Digivices. "Alright," Flash connected to Twilight and offered her a trade. "You've got two Airdramon scans and I've got two Seadramon scans. Ready?"

"Yup," Twilight smirked as she accepted the trade. The pair chose the scan they wanted to give away and with the push of a button, the pair had each other's scan and their quest was complete. Flash stared at his screen and smiled at the new scan that was in his possession.

Name: Airdramon
Level: Champion
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Wind
Species: Mythical Animal
Family: Wind Guardian, Dragon's Roar, Nature Spirit

He smirked as he looked up at Twilight. "Pleasure doing business with you." Twilight smiled back, putting her Digivice away as she spoke back.

"Pleasure's all mine." In that moment, someone walked into the cafeteria and spotted them.

"Twilight!" The pair looked around and saw Shining Armor marching towards them, Monodramon by his side.

"Hey Shiny," Twilight smiled back at him.

Flash was surprised, "you two know one another?" The pair smiled as Shining and Monodramon sat down.

"Of course," Shining stated. "She's my sister." Flash had not been prepared for that. He looked between the two and couldn't detect any family resemblance. "Wasn't expecting you two to know one another."

"We just met today," Twilight explained. "We worked together to get a cool scan we were after." Flash nodded as Shining smiled.

"Well I'm glad to see you're not letting your nerves about school get the better of your."

"School?" Flash turned to her, Twilight nodding as she finished off her milkshake.

"My parents had to leave the country for a few years for work, so they sent my brother and I to live with Shining and his wife in Canterlot."

"Canterlot?" Flash was surprised to hear this, "are you going to Canterlot High?" Now it was Twilight and Shining's turn to be surprised, both nodding as Flash laughed. "That's my school. And you're starting today."

"Yeah," Twilight smiled, "maybe our non-digital selves have already met." She took her Digivice out, making sure Tawnimon had finished his chicken. "I'm gonna log out and see if she knows you."

"Same," Flash nodded once Veemon was finished with his bowl of nuts.

Back in the real world, Flash and Twilight had been on the receiving end of a rather large scolding from the teacher.

Twilight looked especially worried, since this was clearly not the impression she wanted to make on her very first day. Now the pair of them were stuck behind after school, having to clean up their mess.

They remained silent as they worked back to back, Flash sweeping up the destroyed pieces of glass whilst Twilight was carefully wiping down the tabletops. Once she was sure the tables were clean, she made sure to rinse out the dish cloth and safely dispose of the gloves she had on.

"Finished," Flash finally sighed as he put the broken glass in the proper container so nobody would hurt themselves. "Well this day could have gone better."

"It would have been fine if you hadn't blamed me for things I didn't do," Twilight explained. Flash rolled his eyes and went to where his bag was, opening it up and seeing his Digivice's recall light was glowing. And as he took it out, Twilight saw it and seemed surprised. "You play Codex as well?" Flash turned to her, as she took her Digivice out and showed it to him.

"Great," Flash sighed. So not only did he have to deal with her in the real world, he might also have to put up with her in the digital one.

Twilight also noticed her recall button was also glowing. She and Flash pressed it and in the blink of an eye, the pair received the thoughts and memories of their avatars. When the upload was complete, the pair simply stood there and let everything they had done with one another sink in.

They slowly turned to each other and found that despite everything that had happened to them, they smiled at each other before laughing. Their laughter went on for a while, the pair unable to believe they had met twice in the same day. "Thanks for helping me get that Airdramon scan."

"And thanks for saving me twice," Twilight replied. "Guess we didn't start off on the best foot." Flash nodded, now feeling like a jerk for what had happened.

He held out his hand. "Let's start over. I'm Flash Sentry."

Twilight smiled back, "Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you." The pair smirked as they were finally able to leave the now cleaned up lab. Twilight apologised for knocking him over in her rush and not apologising, whilst also feeling bad for upstaging him and so many others in math class.

"It never seemed to be a problem at my old school," Twilight explained. "It was really competitive there and if you couldn't prove you were better then everyone else, nobody listened to you." Flash frowned, feeling sorry for her.

"Well it's not like that here. We prefer to help one another instead of showing each other up. Next time, why don't you try explaining to everyone how to solve the problem."

"Shouldn't that be the teacher's job?"

"We clearly need some better staff." They both laughed as Twilight reached into her bag and took out a book.

"Here," she held it out to him, "you really wanted to read this. It's not right that I stop you from reading it." Flash frowned, not wanting to take it from her. And when he saw a bookmark a third of the way in, he was shocked.

"You read that much of the book in one lunch time?"

"Kinda. I speed read the first time I read a book, cause my brain won't let me stop until I know everything that happens. I usually go back and read it again once I've finished it." Flash could understand and handed her the book back, much to her shock.

"No, you take it. Finish reading it and when your done, you can give it to me so I can read it before anybody else gets their hands on it." Twilight smiled and nodded, tucking the book back into her bag. As she did, they stepped out the school and heard a rumbling in the sky.

Looking up, they saw the clouds had gotten dark and it looked like it was gonna rain. "Great. My bus isn't gonna be for an hour."

Flash smirked and began to walk away, "wanna ride?" Twilight looked at him in surprise, then smiled and nodded as she rushed to follow him to the parking lot. Their relationship might not have gotten off of the best foot, but they both had a feeling things would be different from now on. Both in the real and Digital Worlds.

Author's Note:

Well that was an interesting adventure. I always find it interesting how important first impressions are, so when I started writing this I realised I could play with the whole first impressions thing. Hope you enjoyed Flash and Twilight meeting like this.

Also, I hate myself for not realizing that Seadramon and Airdramon are meant to be counterparts with one another until writing this. Both Betamon evolutions. Both serpentine Digimon. Both have names that are dramon with three letter element worlds in front of them. How did I never realize that.

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