• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,620 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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A Rocky First Fight

Back at the Codex's main building, three individuals were sitting around a table.

One of them was a gray skinned guy with black hair, wearing a green shirt, blue pants and had a white sweater tied around his neck. He also had a pair of small round glasses on his nose, which seemed to increase his pompous stat by a good fifty percent.

The other was a blue skinned girl with yellow hair, wearing a white shirt under a black leather jacket with yellow lines running down the sleeves. She also had gray pants and an arrogant smirk upon her face. On the seat besides her was a robotic Digimon that appeared to be a large taser with arms and legs.

The humans were eating some junk food, whilst also looking around and watching all the battles that were being broadcast on the many screens inside the cafe. The teen boy smirked when he spotted a new fight was about to begin, "looks like we've got another In-Training battle."

"Nice," the girl smirked. "Love watching those newbies fumble around, trying to figure out how all this works." As she said that, she noticed the Digimon besides him. "Hey, this one's already got a partner." The boy realised she was right, his eye raising as he saw it.

"One that I don't recognise. Where did he get him?" At that moment, Micro and Tentomon arrived on the scene.

"Great," Micro smirked, "we're just in time to see the start of the fight." He and Tentomon sat down, "you can do this Flash. So that guy what you're made of."

"Go Veemon!" Tentomon cheered, catching the other teen's attention.

"Veemon?" The battle started, Flash turning into Veemon whilst his opponent transformed into a Gotsumon. The screen went white for a moment and then showed a forest, where Veemon was walking around looking amazed by his surroundings. "Bad idea. Letting yourself get distracted..." Veemon was suddenly pelted with a rock, "will only end in your getting beat." He laughed as Micro flinched.

"Come on, Flash. Get your head in the game."

Flash was still a little shaken up from the impact of the rock on his hard head.

He hadn't expected to feel any pain, but given how real this was meant to be he understood why he did. "Just gotta be careful." As he said that, Gotsumon charged forward and swung his arms in a windmill fashion.

"Wild Strike!" Flash's instincts kicked in and he leapt to the side, avoiding one of Gotsumon's attacks as it hit the tree behind and broke through it.

"Nice!" Veemon told him, "now you gotta hit back!" As he said that, Flash suddenly felt an intense wave of knowledge wash over him. Moves and names flew through his mind, as he realised he now knew all of Veemon's attacks. And boy, Veemon had a lot of them.

Quickly, he bounced off one of the trees and shot towards Gotsumon. "Vee-Headbutt!" As Gotsumon turned to him, Veemon smashed his head right into his stomach. Gotsumon staggered back, but barely looked like he felt the impact.

Veemon: 3-75%
Gotsumon: 2-90%

Flash landed and as he did, Gotsumon leapt forward and started throwing punch after punch at him. He wasn't using his attacks, which confused Flash, whilst the Veemon did his best to avoid them. But one punch managed to land on his shoulder, making him flinch as his health bar went down again.

Veemon: 3-65%
Gotsumon: 2-90%

"Vee-Punch!" He clenched his fist and thrust it at Gotsumon, slamming him in the face.

Veemon: 3-65%
Gotsumon: 2-85%

But the rock Rookie didn't even flinch at the pair, instead thrusting his own fist into Flash's stomach. "AUGH!" He and Veemon cried, both getting knocked staggering back as their life gauge went down.

Veemon: 3-55%
Gotsumon: 2-85%

"This guy's tough."

"His Defence must be super high," Veemon told Flash. "What do we do?"

"If physical attacks won't hurt him, maybe we'll have better luck with special ones." He dug deep and felt some of his power flow through him, then spat it out into his hand. This formed a small sphere, which he clutched tightly before throwing it like a baseball. "Vee-Shot!" The orb exploded out of his hand, flying towards Gotsumon as two energy trails came off it to give it a V-shape.

The blast slammed into Gotsumon and blew the rock Digimon backwards, Gotsumon crying as he flew back a good ten feet before crashing into the ground.

Veemon: 3-55%
Gotsumon: 2-60%

"Yes!" Flash cheered, Veemon celebrating in the back of his head. As Gotsumon picked himself up, Flash spat into his mouth again. "Vee-Shot!"

Back at the cafe, Micro watched as Flash launched another Vee-Shot, hitting the Gotsumon again and blasting him.

Veemon: 3-55%
Gotsumon: 2-35%

The Securities of both players could be seen on the screen, Gotsumon's life bar getting dangerously close to depleting and making him lose his first security. But that wasn't the only thing it was showing. "No, Flash. Don't use so many attacks one after the other." But Flash clearly couldn't hear him, so launched another Vee-Shot that Gotsumon was able to avoid.

"Yeah!" Flash cheered, "how'd you like that!?"

Gotsumon kept running, a smirk on his face as he avoided another blast. "That's it. Use as much power as you want." A Vee-Shot slammed into a tree and blasted through its trunk, as Flash prepared another attack. But nothing happened.

"Huh?" He tried to use Vee-Shot, but he couldn't summon up the energy. "What's going on?"

"Ha!" Gotsumon laughed, "clearly nobody told you not to waste all your SP."

"SP?" Flash looked confused, but then noticed something. The blue line underneath his health bar was gone, with only a small blue speck left. It was then he realised the major mistake he had made. "Oh no." Gotsumon laughed as he charged forward, throwing a punch in Flash's direction.

Flash tried to avoid it, but got socked right in the face and knocked back as his health dropped again.

Veemon: 3-45%
Gotsumon: 2-35%

Before Flash could recover, Gotsumon threw another punch at him followed by another.

Veemon: 3-25%
Gotsumon: 2-35%

Gotsumon then leapt back, "Rock Fist!" Suddenly, a rock exploded out of his head and slammed into Flash.

Veemon: 3-0%
Gotsumon: 2-35%

"AUGH!" He was knocked flying backwards, as his life bar hit zero and the three on his security turned to a two with a new life bar appearing. He groaned, but pushed through the pain and started picking himself up.

As he did, Gotsumon charged ready to deal another punch. But as he threw it, Flash stood up straight and leaned back. The fist followed his retreating chest, as the Veemon reached up and grabbed him by the wrist. The next thing Gotsumon knew, Flash rolled onto his back and pulled him down with him.

He then thrust his feet into his chest and completed the circle, thrusting his legs forward and catapulting the rock Digimon over him. "GYAH!" He flew through the air and crashed through another tree, smashing through it as Flash continued to roll backwards until he reached his feet again.

Veemon: 2-100%
Gotsumon: 2-30%

Flash then ran away, knowing he needed to regroup and think of a new plan.

"Wimp," the blue skinned girl laughed.

"I don't know," the Digimon next to her stated. "If he's forced to fight like this, he'll probably lose. He must be hoping to find something that can help him get the upper hand." The male teen nodded, thinking the same thing.

Micro watched and hoped Flash could find a way to pull victory out of his hat. "Come on Flash. You need to find a way to turn the tides. You have an advantage over this guy. You just gotta use it."

Flash panted as he managed to get away from Gotsumon, hiding behind a tree as he did so.

"Alright," he tried to think, "I'm pretty sure his first security's running low. One or two more hits and he'll be down to his last one. But I'm completely out of SP and can't use my Vee-Shot anymore."

"Wait, Flash, check out the gauge." Flash did so and realised the blue line had refilled. It was only a little, but there was a noticeable difference.

"So the SP refills after a while. So as long as I use my special attacks sparingly, I'll be able to use them again." Flash was glad he now knew that. "Still, I need to find another way to get the upper hand. His Defence is higher then my Attack, which means I can't do much damage with my physical moves."

"So what do we do?" Veemon asked, Flash trying to think. Then, he had an idea.

"We power up. If Veemon's Attack isn't high enough, Flamedramon's might be." As he said that, he heard movement and looked around to see Gotsumon charging through the trees. "Alright!" He leapt out, revealing himself to Gotsumon. "Time to power up. Digivolve!" He waited, expecting to be consumed by fire, but nothing happened. "Huh? Digivolve!" Still, nothing happened. "Digi-Armor Energise!" Still nothing, "Execute, Digital Evolution!" He was still Veemon. "Oh geez. Micro, I think you forgot to explain something to me."

"Oops," Micro gulped.

"Not good," Tentomon stated. Gotsumon charged forward and threw a punch, Veemon leaping to the side in order to avoid it. "If Flash doesn't know how to Digivolve, he'll be in real trouble."

"Come on Flash!" Micro stared at the screen intensely, "you gotta figure out how it works."

"Rock Fist!" Gotsumon fired the rock towards the Veemon, the blue dragon leaping up and over it.

As he did, he tried to use his Vee-Shot. Sure enough, the energy built in his mouth and he formed the orb to fire. But doing so caused all of his SP to vanish, though it blasted Gotsumon away when it struck.

Veemon: 2-100%
Gotsumon: 2-5%

Flash landed and stared at his SP gauge, which wasn't filling up yet. He frowned, only to then notice another gauge on his right vision. This gauge, which had previously been empty, was now half full with an orange light. "Wonder what that's for?" As he asked that, Gotsumon got back to his feet and charged at him.

Flash dodged the attack and started to run. But as he did, he noticed something appear a ways off. An orange coin-like object that was floating in the air and spinning. "What's that?" Veemon asked, Flash unsure. But as he dodged another Gotsumon punch, he ran forward and reached the coin.

"It looks like the loot you get in other video games. So maybe it'll give me something." As soon as he grabbed it, the coin exploded into orange energy that flew into his body. As it did, the orange gauge grew until it was completely full. And when it did, a notice appeared in front of him.

Digivolution Available.

"Digivolution?" Flash realised what that must mean. "Yes!" As he said that, Gotsumon attempted to punch him right in the face. "WOW!" He jumped back and as he did, he swung a foot upwards and slammed it into Gotsumon's chin.

"Augh!" He was knocked staggering back, Veemon rolling back to his feet.

Veemon: 2-100%
Gotsumon: 2-0%

As the pair regained their balance, Veemon took a deep breath and cried out. "Veemon, ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO...!" As he said that, the Digimental of Courage appeared in front of him before bursting into flames.

"What?" Gotsumon asked, shocked when the flames spiralled around the Veemon.

As he landed on the ground, his body grew and armored up. The flames then dispersed and the Armor Digimon appeared in front of him. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!" Gotsumon and all those watching were amazed by the sight of Flamedramon, as the fire lizard looked himself over and got the feel for his new form.

"You've got a Digimental?" Gotsumon asked in absolute shock, "how did a newbie like you get the Digidollars for that?" Flamedramon just smirked at him, whilst looking over his gauges. The Digivolution gauge was gone and his health was the same, but his SP bar had completely filled back up.

"Alright, time to see what this Armor Evolution can do." HIs claws all burst into flames as he held them up, "Fire Rocket!" He thrust the claws forward and the three flaming projectiles shot towards the opponent. Gotsumon gasped and tried to flee, but one of the fireballs slammed into him and exploded.

"GYAH!" Gotsumon was blasted a good several feet away, Flash unknowingly doing serious damage to him as he did.

Flamedramon: 2-100%
Gotsumon: 1-65%

Flamedramon smirked, but noticed that attack had taken a serious chunk out of his SP. "Okay, use in moderation." He ran forward, as Gotsumon picked himself up. As he did, his claws and gauntlets exploded with fire. "Flame Fist!" He reached Gotsumon and tried to impale him, but Gotsumon rolled out of the way,

"Rock Fist!" The rock fired out of his head and Flash was too close to avoid the impact, his stomach getting slammed by the rock and knocking him staggering back.

Flamedramon: 2-85%
Gotsumon: 1-65%

"You okay?" Veemon asked, Flash nodding as Gotsumon picked himself up.

"Let's try this one!" Flash rushed forward, his claws glowing. "Express Claw!" He slashed Gotsumon several times, but the attack barely scratched him. In the cafe, people watched as Gotsumon's health only lowed by a few slithers with every hit. After the third hit, Gotsumon had only lost about fifteen HP.

Flamedramon: 2-85%
Gotsumon: 1-50%

Flash then tried to do a seriously strong slash right at Gotsumon's face, but the rock Digimon leapt back.

"Try this. Earth Shaker!" He slammed his fists into the ground and caused a pillar of rock to explode out of the ground and smash into Flamedramon's chest, knocking the Armor Digimon flying backwards.

Flamedramon: 2-55%
Gotsumon: 1-50%

Flamedramon slammed through a tree and fell to the ground, his health getting dangerously close to him losing another security. As he recovered, Gotsumon prepared another attack. But before he could, he noticed something through the trees.

"Oow." He ran through them, as Flamedramon pushed himself back to his feet.

"Where'd he go?" He looked around and Veemon spotted him.

"Over there!" Flash followed Veemon's lead, rushing through the trees after Gotsumon. As he did, he noticed a familiar orange light. And as he spotted the rock Digimon, he found Gotsumon grabbing onto a coin just like the one that Flash had used earlier.

"What?" He cried as the coin burst into energy, which flowed into Gotsumon. "Wait, if you're using that...don't tell me." Gotsumon turned to smirk at him.

"What, you thought you were the only In-Training player who could Digivolve?" His body suddenly began to glow. "Gotsumon, Digivolve too..." He grew larger and the Flamedramon gulped, as his form grew to twice his size. The light then faded, revealing a giant rock beast with metal in several areas. "Golemon!"

"Oh boy," Flash gulped as Golemon stood tall.

He laughed as he stared down at Flash. "As luck would have it, the Gotsumon I scanned was in a fight with another one when I did it. After he beat the other Gotsumon, he Digivolved and I was able to nab another scan of him." He raised his arms and flexed his muscles, the grew serious. "Now to see what this new Digivolution can do." He clenched his fist, "Rock Punch!" He threw the punch towards Flash, who gasped and attempted to leap back.

The fist barely missed him, the knuckles scraping at him enough to make Flash flinch as his health bar went down.

Flamedramon: 2-45%
Golemon: 1-50%

He quickly used his Flamedramon jumping ability to leap back a good few meters, as Golemon pulled his fist back. As he did, Flash noticed how slow Golemon was moving. Something that big and bulky, likely couldn't move that quickly. That gave him an idea.

"Raaah!" He rushed forward, his claws glowing as he got in close. "Express Claw!" He slashed at Golemon and managed to hit him in the chest, then leapt away before Golemon could retaliate.

Flamedramon: 2-45%
Golemon: 1-40%

He rushed around the giant and attack his back, slashing at him as he did so.

Flamedramon: 2-45%
Golemon: 1-35%

The damage he was doing wasn't a lot, but it would all add up so long as he could continue hitting him.

"You're starting to annoy me!" He swung his arm around and tried to swat Flash away, the teen jumping up to avoid the attack as his claws ignited.

"Fire Rocket!" He launched the three flaming missiles and they all slammed into Golemon, each taking a small chunk off of Goleman's health. His Security was getting dangerously close to breaking.

Flamedramon: 2-45%
Golemon: 1-10%

"One more attack should do it!" Flash cried, charging at Golemon and hoping to get a good hit off on him. Golemon prepared to punch him, but Flamedramon leapt straight up and over him. As he did, he prepared to use the last of his SP to blast Golemon with a Fire Rocket. But before he could.

"Sulfur Plume!" From the volcano on his back, a massive blast of toxic gas exploded out and slammed into Flamedramon. Flash's eyes went wide, as every part of his body that touched the gas suddenly burned with intense pain.

"AUGH!" he screamed, his health dropping down to zero and shattering his security.

Flamedramon: 2-0%
Golemon: 1-10%

"FLASH/VEEMON!" Micro and Tentomon screamed, as they watched Flamedramon fall out of the toxic cloud and stagger about. Clearly, breathing that stuff in had not been great.

Golemon quickly spun around and charged forward, raising his fist and throwing it forward, "Rock Punch!" Before Flamedramon could recover, the first slammed into him and he was sent flying backwards.

Flamedramon: 1-65%
Golemon: 1-10%

Flash and Veemon were both knocked for a loop, as they felt themselves flying backwards and crashing through several trees.

When they finally crashed through the last one and hit the ground, the pair could hear the sound of rushing water as they rolled along it. His life points dropped down as he did, hitting the trees having done a bit of damage

Flamedramon: 1-50%
Golemon: 1-10%

He let out a groan as pushed himself back to his feet, as the water noise finally caught his attention. he looked around and as he did, he realised he was standing on the edge of a cliff over a raging river.

"Great. Now what?" The stomping sound of Golemon's approach filled his ear. The rock Digimon was likely only one hit or so away from being defenceless. Flash was hoping he had already destroyed all the Securities, because it was likely he wasn't gonna survive another hit like that.

Over at the cafe, Micro watched with worry as Golemon appeared.

The other two smirked, hoping to see that Flamedramon kid get crushed. At the same time, Shining Armor was also watching. Having wanted to see what Flash could do, he frowned at the situation the teen found himself in. "So, Flash. What are you gonna do?"

Another two were also watching this match. One was an orange skinned blonde girl wearing a cowboy hat, a white and green top, denim skirt and brown boots. Next to her was a white canine Digimon with orange ears and and an orange tail. [AN]

The other was a blue skinned girl with strange prismatic hair, wearing a white top under a blue jacket with black pants that had rainbow lightning bolts on the side. Next to her was a bipedal turtle Digimon wearing a blue helmet on its head.

"Looks like the guy's in trouble," the hat wearing girl stated.

"Yeah," rainbow hair replied. "Too bad. This Digimon he became's pretty cool." They watched as Golemon finally charged forward, holding up its fist ready to slam Flamedramon.

Flash summoned all his strength and ignited his claws. "Fire Rocket!"

"Rock Punch!" The flames shot off his claws and hit Golemon, who pushed his way through them and threw his fist right into Flamedramon's chest. The dragon Digimon cried out as he was blasted backwards over the edge of the cliff, his life points dropping as he did so.

Flamedramon: 1-15%
Golemon: 1-0%

He almost lost consciousness, as he fell towards the river and splashed down into it. Everyone watching gasped, whilst Flamedramon sank to the bottom of the river. Luckily, his heavy armor kept him from being dragged away. However, his current form wasn't exactly meant for swimming.

"What do we do?" Veemon asked, Flash unsure since he had no idea how to get out of the water. And if he didn't do something soon, he could drown.

"Come on," Flash groaned in his head. "Think, what do I have that could help in this situation?" He looked at his SP and saw he was just about to have enough to use Flame Fist, but that couldn't help him get out of the river. And even if it could, he would be completely out of SP and unable to fight against Golemon. It was starting to look hopeless.

"Wait," Veemon cried, "what about Micro's gift?" Flash's eyes went wide as he focused on the bottom right box.

"Of course. I was so focused on Digivolving as my ace, I didn't realise I have something else this guy might not have." He felt kind of stupid. "Alright, let's see how this works." He thought about the Battle Gear and when he did, words appeared in his mind. "Battle Gear...BOOST!"

Up on the cliff, Golemon stared down at the raging river.

Flamedramon had been down there a while, "there's no way he's still kicking." He turned away and looked up at the sky, "does this mean I've won?" But as he asked that, a loud splashing sound filled the air. "Huh?" He spun around, just in time to see something shoot up past him from below.

"I'm back!" Flamedramon cheered, smiling down at Golemon from his spot in the air.

His chest armor had been replaced by a black metal backpack, the pair of which had a large booster rocket with jet wings coming out the side.

Flamedramon's vision now had a new image in place of the Battle Gear box, this one being a battery symbol that was slowly depleting. Clearly, this Battle Gear wasn't going to last forever. "Which is why I need to make it count!" He shifted positions, the rocket now pointing up and propelling him down towards Golemon. "LET'S GO!"

"Sulfur Plume!" Golemon bent down and unleashed the cloud of poison gas, which Flamedramon flew right into. He flinched at the pain, but wouldn't let this stop him. Even as his last Security broke.

Flamedramon: 1-0%
Golemon: 0

Both Digimon now defenseless, the final attack would be the finishing move. As such, once Flash was close enough, his claws ignited. "Flame Fist!" Golemon also threw a punch, the two attacks colliding with one another. However, the heat of the fire connected before the punch did. As such, Golemon took the damage first.

Everyone watched as Golemon's body exploded into a bunch of data, revealing the human that had been inside. Coconut Crasher cried out as he was revealed, whilst Flamedramon leapt back. As he did, a voice above him spoke up.

"Battle, over! Winner, Flash Sentry!" The field around them was consumed by light, Flash closing his eyes as they were returned to the domed room. Then, Flamedramon was consumed by the light and split apart. He and Veemon leapt out of the light, both ecstatic about what had just happened.

"We won!" Flash cheered, turning to Veemon as the Rookie leapt up and they high-fived.

Crasher didn't look too happy, as he removed his Digivice and headed for the door.

"Hey." He turned back to Flash, who gave him a thumbs up. "Great game. Let's play again some day." Crasher stared for a moment, then smiled and nodded. He gave Flash his own thumbs up and left the room, Flash reaching for his own Digivice only to hear the voice again.

"Flash Sentry, you have claimed victory here in the In-Training Stadium. For that, you have earned prize money." Flash hadn't been expecting that. "Also, you have ranked up to the Rookie Level. An additional money reward will now be given to you." Flash was double shocked, as he picked up his Digivice and saw this status page.

Name: Flash Sentry
Partner: Veemon
Rank: Rookie
Reg: 043568240
Money: D2000

"Awesome," Flash laughed as he and Veemon headed out of the room.

Micro and Tentomon were running as fast as they could back towards the stadium, a major smile on their faces.

When they got there, they spotted Flash and Veemon walking towards them. "FLASH!" He cheered, Flash smiling as Micro held up an arm. "You did it!" Flash held his up and the pair high-fived, Veemon and Tentomon doing the same. "I can't believe you won that fight."

"Tell me about it," Flash sighed. "That was a close one."

"Way too close," Micro pushed his glasses up. "I thought you were a goner at one point. But you managed to pull through and get the win."

"Only because I had the Battle Gear you gave me," Flash pointed out. "I would have been doomed if you hadn't done that." Micro nodded, glad he could help his friend out. "But man, that match was great. Even though I was in trouble a half dozen times, it was awesome. I can't wait to try it again."

"Well there's more to this than just the battles," Micro told him. "Now that you're a Rookie, you can start exploring more of the Digital World." Flash couldn't wait to try that. However, before he could suggest they go exploring, a flash of light made them turn to see someone appear.

"Flash," the figure stated, "an excellent battle. It's clear giving you a Digivice was the right move." The light faded and Gennai was revealed, Flash and Micro smiling as he did. "Sorry to bother you like that, but I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind coming with me for a little while."

"What's up?" Flash asked.

"Well, Veemon here has started quite the buzz around Codex. So I was hoping we could get that scan I asked about. Who knows what secrets are hidden away in Veemon's data." Flash remembered what he was talking about and turned to Veemon, who nodded wanting to learn what secrets he was holding as well.

"Alright, so where are we going?" Gennai smiled and led them all back to the main building, the five getting a lot of looks from the players around them. "Is it just me, or are a lot of people staring at us?"

"They're likely curious about the Digimon they've never seen before," Gennai explained as they reached an area of the building that had a large metal door. "Here we are." They stepped through them and Flash found they were in some kind of lab. "Welcome to the Digi-Lab, where we can scan Veemon more thoroughly than your Digivice can."

"Cool," Flash smirked as he looked around. The place was pure white with round lights circling the round room, which also had a bunch of devices that had a circular base behind a computer of some kind. "So how does this work?"

"First, Veemon needs to step onto one of the circles." Veemon did so, stepping onto it as Flash stepped up to the computer in front. He saw there was a slot for his Digivice, which he inserted as the system activated. "Now, to start scanning." Gennai summoned his own computer and started typing away, whilst a forcefield suddenly appeared around Veemon.

"Hey!" He cried, "what's going on?" Before they could answer, he vanished in a flash of light.

"What happened?" Flash looked scared, but Gennai patted him on the shoulder.

"He's okay. He's inside the Digivolution Chamber." He pointed at the screen and Flash looked at it, seeing a massive white room that Veemon suddenly appeared inside. "He can hear and see you, so make sure to keep him calm."

"Veemon," Flash told the computer. "Relax. We'll have you out of there shortly."

"Why am I even in here?" Veemon asked, as Gennai started typing away.

"Well, that chamber is where players Digivolve their Digimon. As you've seen, some Digimon can get quite large. If they all Digivolved out here, the place would get quite crowded. So we use the Digivolution Chambers instead. Now, to scan you and see what you've got hidden away."

Veemon suddenly found a bunch of lights flying over him, the blue dragon attempting to stay as still as possible. "Well, am I as good looking on the inside as I am on the out?"

Gennai hummed as he saw the data being showed. "Fascinating."

"What did you find?" Micro asked.

"Well, it seems Veemon is capable of being Digivolved into by two types of Digimon. One of them is Tsunomon." The image of the In-Training Digimon appeared on screen.

"But it's the other Digimon that intrigues me. Because it's a Digimon I've never seen before." He showed the image of what looked like a smaller version of Veemon, a much cuter version with no horn on his head. "According to this, its name is DemiVeemon."

"Kind of cute," Flash smirked. "So you've never seen this Digimon before?"

"No. I'm betting this is what Veemon was before he was a Rookie. And if I can dig a little deeper, I might be able to discover his Fresh form as well." Gennai did a little more typing and sure enough, another Digimon appeared. One that appeared to be a tiny blob with one of Veemon's ears sticking out the back of its head. "Here it is. Chibomon."

"Aww," Tentomon stated, "isn't he a cutie. So you've never seen that kind of Digimon before?"

"No," Gennai shook his head, "likely went extinct centuries ago." He thought for a moment, "but that can change."

"How?" Micro asked.

"If I take the Chibomon data and design an artificial personality for it, I can create a new version of it."

"Like a clone?" Flash asked.

"Think of it more like a little brother," Gennai explained. "It might not even become a Veemon. It could become a DemiVeemon or another In-Training Digimon. And if it does become DemiVeemon, it might not become Veemon and chose to become an entirely different Rookie. It all depends on it."

"Sounds like fun," Veemon smiled. "Can't wait to see him."

"Well its data will be sent to Primary Village," Gennai explained. "And it might not hatch for a long time. But I'm sure he'll hatch and become a new Veemon, just like you." Veemon smiled at this. "Well, I have everything I need." He turned to Flash, "but there is one more thing I wanted to discuss with you. Your Digimental."

"What about it?" Flash asked.

"Well, it's up to you. You can keep it if you want, or you can sell it to me and the other Codex Commanders." Flash hadn't been expecting this. "You see, Digimentals are very rare. And each one appears to be a one of a kind. So your Digimental of Courage is the only one that exists. It's up to you whether or not you wish to keep it."

"What'll happen if I sell it to you?" Flash asked.

"We'll be able to sell scans of it at the Digi-Store," Gennai explained. "That's what we did with the other Digimentals." Flash raised an eyebrow at this, "you're not the first to find one. The other players who found these Digimentals all agreed to sell them to us. Since then, we've been selling scans of the Digimentals of Love, Kindness, Knowledge and Light to any player that wants one."

Micro then stepped up. "But if you kept it, you would have the monopoly on the Courage Armor. Anyone who wanted one would have to trade anything you want for it."

"Huh," Flash thought it over before turning to Veemon in the computer. "What do you think, bud? This Digimental is technically yours, since it was you stuck under it for so long."

Veemon smiled, "you decide what to do with it. We've got a scan of it, so we don't need one. I trust you to make the right choice." Flash nodded and after a little more thinking, he turned to Gennai.

"Alright, I'll sell it." Gennai smiled as Flash held up his Digivice. "How much will it be?"

"We've bought the other Digimentals for five thousand Digidollars" Flash's heart almost stopped, as Micro looked shocked by this.

"SERIOUSLY! That's insane!" Gennai smirked at this.

"So, is that a yes?" Flash nodded and Gennai typed at his computer, an alert coming to his Digivice asking it he was willing to sell his item." Flash happily pressed yes and the Digimental vanished from his item box, whilst the alert told him he was now five thousand Digidollars richer. "Well, I'm happy our transaction could go so smoothly." He turned to leave, "I'd best be going. Got a new Digimon to create after all. Whilst you're here, why not put those Digidollars to use and get a few new Digimon." With that, he was gone and Flash turned to Micro.

"What's he mean by that?"

Micro smiled, "you can use your Digidollars to Digivolve your Digimon Scans. You can make copies of them as well and Digivolve them in a bunch of different ways." He points at the computer, "try it on Veemon. Trust me, you're not gonna be disappointed."

Flash nodded and stepped up to the computer, placing the Digivice inside as the machine asked what he would like to do with his Digimon. "Ready Veemon?"

"I guess," Veemon nodded. "Hit me!"

Flash hit the Digivolution option and it brought up an image of Veemon. Then, a bunch of lines spread out from the image connecting to blacked out images.

"This is your Digivolution Tree," Micro explained. "These are all the Digimon Veemon can become."

"Wow," Flash whispered, "there are so many." He then noticed how many of the lines had a box next to it, Flash wondering what that meant. At least until he saw one line that led to a picture of Flamedramon, with the Digimental of Courage in the box next to the line linking it to Veemon. "So these boxes must be the items required to Digivolve into them."

"Yup," Micro nodded, "Tentomon has a few of those and you can't even get the scan of them without the item."

"Well that sucks," Flash sighed. "Guess that means I can't Digivolve Veemon into all these forms." He also noticed the whole blacked out form, "what does that mean?"

"It means you haven't seen it yet," Tentomon replied. "Whenever you see a Digimon, either in the Digital World or here in Codex, the Digimon will become visible to you here in the Digivolution Tree. But until then, it's blacked out and you won't know what you're Digivolving your Digimon into."

"Gotcha," Flash looked over the several Digimon he could currently Digivolve Veemon into. "Let's try...you." He pressed one of the boxes and it asked if Flash wanted to Digivolve his Digimon, which would cost him five hundred Digidollars. "Get ready, Veemon." He pressed the yes and suddenly, Veemon started glowing.

"Wow!" Veemon gasped, as he started to grow larger. "Veemon, Digivolve to..." The transformation was complete and the light faded, revealing a large blue and white T-Rex with a large blue V on his chest and a giant horn on his head. "VEEDRAMON!" He roared, as he began to move around in his new body.

"Cool," Flash looked him over and thought he was one of the coolest looking Digimon he had ever seen. "How you feel?"

"Great," Veedramon smirked, "I feel even more powerful than when I'm Flamedramon." Flash nodded as his Digivice beeped, telling him he had gotten the data on Veedramon. He went to his scans and tapped the new info, bringing it up.

Name: Veedramon
Level: Champion
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Wind
Species: Mystical Dragon
Family: Wind Guardians, Nature Spirits, Virus Busters, Dragon's Roar

"Cool," Flash nodded, "can't wait to try this out the next time I face off." He brought up Veedramon Digivolution tree and when he did, he found several lines going down. "What's this?" He scrolled down and found one of the Digimon in the box was Veemon. Another was Monodramon and the other two were blacked out.

"Huh," Micro looked at them, "those must be the other Digimon that can become Veedramon." He smirked. "You know, it doesn't cost anything to De-Digivolve your Digimon. If you want, you could turn Veedramon into a Monodramon and have that be his permanent form."

"Really?" Flash was surprised.

"Yup," Tentomon spoke up, "that's actually what happened to me. I used to be a Wormmon before I met Micro. I always had a dream of flying and when I told Micro this, he told me he could help. We became partners and he knew I could turn into Kabuterimon. So he Digivolved me and then De-Digivolved me into the handsome specimen you see before you."

"Huh. Well it's not up to me." He turned to his partner, "you wanna stay as Veemon or try being something else?" Veedramon didn't even need to think about it.

"I have a day's experience of being a Veemon. Think I'll stick as that for a bit longer." Flash nodded and scrolled back up the screen, spotting one of the blacked out images first and deciding to go for that. Had he not been so hasty, he would have noticed one of the Ultimates was one he had seen earlier that day.

It asked for seven hundred Digidollars and he happily paid it, Veedramon being consumed by light and growing even larger. "Veedramon, Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of him, revealing he was a massive dragon with wings, sharper claws and horns and metal spikes and shoulderpads. "AeroVeedramon!"

Flash loved the sight of this Digimon as well. And as he watched AeroVeedramon get used to his new body, the Digimon's data appeared on his Digivice.

Name: AeroVeedramon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Wind
Species: Holy Dragon
Family: Wind Guardians, Nature Spirits, Virus Busters, Dragon's Roar

Flash smirked and went to see what AeroVeedramon could Digivolve into. But when he did, he found most of the options were locked like the armors. "What's this?" He asked, seeing only one Mega Level was possible. Micro saw this and frowned.

"Wow, three Digimon that aren't buyable. Talk about powerful."


"Some Mega Levels can't be obtained this way. The only way to get them is to actually meet the Digimon and scan them, or have your Digimon Digivolve into it on their own. It's not every Mega, but it's the really powerful ones."

Flash nodded and looked back at the Digimon options. Though he still had one option, he decided he wouldn't use it. Something about it didn't feel right for him. Instead, he selected Veedramon and his partner reverted back to a Champion. He then chose his Rookie stage and Veemon was soon back.

"So what now?" Veemon asked, "try for another Champion?"

"Probably should focus on the forms we've got now then overdo it trying to master multiple." Veemon nodded as Flash found the release button. He pressed it and Veemon suddenly vanished from the chamber, reappearing on the pad he had vanished from.

As he got off, Flash looked over his new forms. Veedramon and AeroVeedramon looked awesome, but Flamedramon still looked just as imposing.

It was then that he had a thought, so tapped on Flamedramon and the Armor Digimon appeared inside the Digivolution Chamber. "What are you doing?" Veemon asked, the lot staring at the still emotionless Digimon. Flash pressed a button and copied the scan, adding the original back into his Digivice whilst the second one remained in the chamber.

Flash then brought up the Digivolution tree and was surprised to find only one branch. "Wonder what it is." He clicked it and paid another seven hundred Digidollars. And suddenly, the Digimon was consumed by light.

"Flamedramon, Digivolve to..." He grew larger and a pair of wings stuck out its back, these ones appearing feathered but being made out of fire, whilst Flamedramon's gauntlets vanished and were replaced by what appeared to be a pair of shields stuck to its arms. Eventually, the light faded to reveal the new form. "BurningGreymon!"

"A Greymon species?" Micro was surprised by this, "I've never heard of this one before." Flash also didn't recognise it, but did think it looked pretty cool. He quickly got a scan and checked it out.

Name: BurningGreymon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Free
Attribute: Fire
Species: Dark Dragon
Family: Nature Spirits, Nightmare Soldiers, Dragon's Roar

He checked its Digivolution line and saw that aside from Flamedramon, there was one other Digimon that could Digivolve from it. As such, he made a second scan of BurningGreymon and De-Digivolved it. They all watched as the dragonoid began to shrink and become more humanoid. Then, when the light faded, it revealed a man with large blonde hair and red flame patterned armor.

Flash quickly checked the scan, finding the Digimon's name.

Name: Agunimon
Level: Champion
Type: Free
Attribute: Fire
Species: Wizard
Family: Nightmare Soldiers, Dragon's Roar

Flash looked at its Digivolution Tree and found it could Digivolve from three Digimon. One was an Agumon, whilst another looked like a similar raptor-like form. But Flash was drawn to the humanoid shape and pressed that one after making a double of Agunimon. They watched as Agunimon shrank down to the size of a child, eventually becoming a small brown humanoid with red hair, horn stumps, red pants and a tail made of fire.

The scan for this Digimon also appeared.

Name: Flamemon
Level: Rookie
Type: Free
Attribute: Fire
Species: Demon Man
Family: Nature Spirits

Flash saved these scans and added them to his list of scans, the teen excited to try them out at some point as well.

Micro smirked, "now you've got three types of decks you can use. You can either have Veemon go into Flamedramon and then BurningGreymon, or have him go into Veedramon followed by AeroVeedramon. Or if you don't wanna use Veemon, you can use Flamemon and have it be Agunimon into BurningGreymon."

"Yup," Flash nodded as they and their Digimon stepped out of the Digi-Lab. "I should probably let the real me know all this, huh?" Micro nodded as they headed over to the Digi-Port. Both of them pointed their Digivices up to the sky and activated them, signalling the real world versions of them that they were ready to come back.

Flash and Micro had finished their homework and were now searching for something to do around town.

But as they walked, their pair felt their Digivices buzz and took them out. Seeing their Avatars wanting to come back, the pair hit the button and they were once again flooded with the memories of their Digital selves. Once the upload was complete, both of them smiled as their partners appeared on the screen.

"Man," Flash sighed, "I don't think I'm ever gonna get used to suddenly having a second set of memories."

"I thought that," Micro smiled. "But you do. Now come on. Veemon must wanna see more of the real world. Let's see how much cool stuff we can show him before it gets late." Flash was all for that and the pair rushed off.

Flash's digital journey had only just begun. A journey where he would meet many amazing people and Digimon, face mind numbing obstacles and go on adventures the likes of which he would never have thought possible. And all whilst being safely at home in his hometown. The Codex truly was a marvel.

Author's Note:

And thus, the opening three chapters are here. What did you think to the introduction of this world and its characters. I hope you all enjoy it and will keep returning to see how things go. Until next time.

AN: Just imagine all the purple parts of the picture are orange.

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