• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,620 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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The Storm of Friendship

Things were a little tense in Codex. The reason was because despite three days passing, Trixie and Flash hadn't made up yet.

The pair were sitting at opposite sides of the Codex foyer, but every time one of them looked up the others was glaring at them. Because of this, their death glares were spread throughout the entire foyer and anyone who got caught in the crossfire felt a shiver run down their spin.

Twilight, Micro, Sandal and their Digimon were sitting at another table, none of them wanting to be targeted by the other's glare so had kept their distance. "This is ridiculous," Twilight sighed. "Those two can't still be mad at each other, can they?"

"Flash can be a pretty stubborn guy," Micro told her. "And Trixie's clearly just as bad."

"Well we gotta do something," Tentomon cried. "If not for them, then for their Digimon." Veemon and Lunamon were sitting next to their partners, clearly looking uncomfortable about the feud that was starting to become cemented in concrete. Unlike their partners, the pair were clearly still friends and didn't like being forced to not hang out.

Twilight sighed and stood up, "you guys get Flash." She made her way over to Trixie, who noticed her approach and slurped down the rest of her drink.

"How can Trixie help you today? Finally realised how much of a jerk Flash is and coming over to Team Great and Powerful?" Twilight didn't answer and instead, grabbed the girl by her ear. "OW!" She cried, being forced up to her feet and pulled along by the girl. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Oooow!"

To her amusement, Flash was being pulled along in a similar manner. Sandalwood had his arms under Flash's armpits and was lifting him off the ground, the teen kicking his legs like a baby as the two groups met up in the centre of the foyer.

Flash and Trixie were forced into a chair opposite one another and the others stopped them from being able to get up and leave. "Alright, you two." Twilight sat between them. "We're settling this once and for all. You both need to put this behind you before it causes any issues."

"I don't have an issues," Trixie stated. "Except for him drawing breath."

"Funny," Flash glared at her. "You ever think of going into the clown business? You've already got the makeup for it." Trixie let out a gasp and looked ready to leap over the table and strangle Flash, Micro holding her by the shoulders being the only thing keeping her seated.

"Can't you two put your differences behind you?" Lunamon asked. "You were friends before all this. Can't you be friends again?"

"NO!" They both cried, Flash pointing at her. "It wasn't my fault we lost that battle against Applejack and Rarity!"

"Well it wasn't my fault either!" Trixie yelled. "You're the one that picked that stupid battlefield."

"Guys!" Twilight yelled, "you're both at fault for losing that match. Yes, the battlefield wasn't great. But Trixie, you were just as bad with trying to showboat." Trixie glared at her. "But you guys lost because you failed to work as a team. Applejack and Rarity were able to work as one because they fought for each other. Even if you weren't in that battlefield or showboating, they probably would have still won."

Micro nodded. "You two need to accept the mistakes you made. If you don't, you'll never be able to improve and you can forget about winning any Tag Battles."

Trixie crossed her arms and looked away, Flash practically doing the same. Everyone sighed at this, wishing there was a way to force them to forget about how badly they had fought together.

It was then that an alarm sounded and everyone in Codex stood up. They all looked around, as the monitors changed to show one of the Codex Commanders.

"Greetings players," he told them. "You're all probably wondering what this is about. To put it simply, we of the Codex Commanders have located something in the Digital World that we would like you to retrieve. For the first time, we have been able to locate a Digimental." That statement caused everyone to listen very closely.

In the past, Digimentals had just been randomly found by players. This was the first time one had been discovered by the Codex Commanders.

The monitor changed to show a location in the Digital World. A forest surrounding a large mountain. Upon closer inspection, they realised the mountain was giving off smoke. "Magma Forest surrounds a large volcano. This is where we have located the Digimental. The readings aren't exact, so we do not have a guaranteed position. But we would like any player that is Champion Level or higher to investigate the area. Anyone who finds the Digimental and brings it back, will be allowed to decide its fate. You can either keep it for yourself or sell it to us."

"A new Digimental," Twilight smiled. "That's amazing. I wonder which Digimental it is?"

"Only one way to find out," Micro smirked as he took out his Digivice. As he did, he noticed a message and opened it up to see a new location scan. One that would let him go to Magma Forest. "Awesome. Now we can go right there!"

"Then what are we waiting for?" Flash asked, only to notice Trixie was no longer there.

They soon found her at the Digi-Port, the girl pointing her Digivice up before porting herself and Lunamon away. "Later losers!" She cried before she disappeared, the others frowning before rushing after her. And they weren't the only ones. Every player in Codex was rushing to a Digi-Port, wanting to get their hands on the Digimental before anyone else.

Everyone quickly ported towards the new location, each wondering where the Digimental could be.

Soon enough, they arrived at the forest and looked around. To the naked eye, it looked like any other forest. "There's gotta be more to this place than that," Twilight stated as they all started looking around.

"I don't know," Flash told her. "When I found the Digimental of Courage, it was in a forest that looked just like this. The only reason I found it was because I was being chased and a wall hiding the cave glitched."

"Maybe it's something like that here," Sandal cheered. "Maybe one of these trees is fake and it's got the Digimental inside." He rushed over to a large tree and knocked at the trunk, but it was as solid as a rock. "Not that one." He started knocking on the trees, whilst Micro and Twilight moved away.

"Instead of just blind luck, let's go the more scientific route and search from the air." Twilight was in agreement and held up her Digivice, Digivolving Tawnimon into Unimon so they they fly. Tentomon, being strong enough to lift Micro, grabbed him and lifted him up too. The pair and their Digimon disappearing above the treetops.

Flash and Veemon weren't sure what to do, neither of them sure where to even start looking.

"Alright Veemon," Flash took out his Digivice. "You'd better Digivolve in case we get attacked by something. I don't wanna almost be trampled like we were by Monochromon."

"You got it!" Veemon nodded, as Flash held up the device and summoned the Digimental of Courage. The object burst into flames and wrapped around the blue dragon. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." He grew taller and the flames exploded off of him, revealing his stronger form. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!"

Digimon now Digivolved, Flash and his partner began to make their way through the forest. As they did, someone else appeared without him noticing. Jet Set.

The teen spotted Flash and Flamedramon, frowning since the sight of them still put a bad taste in his mouth. But he couldn't worry about them. "I'm going to get that Digimental and when I do, everyone will be handing over their rare scans just to get one of it." He laughed, as he took out his Digivice and summoned a scan of Devimon. "Biomerge, Activate!"

Flash and Flamedramon marched through the forest, seeing several individuals and their Digimon looking around as they past.

The pair decided to head towards the volcano, hoping the Digimental was somewhere over there. And as they walked, Flash suddenly found the ground beneath his feet give out. "GYAH!" He fell a good fifteen feet before crashing into the bottom, Flamedramon rushing over to the hole and looking down.

"You okay?"

Flash groaned as he laid face down in the ground. "I feel like a rainbow." He pushed himself back up and looked around, hoping that maybe he had stumbled upon the Digimental's hiding spot. But it was nowhere in sight, the whole just being a large hole in the middle of the forest. "Great. Can you get me out of here?" Flamedramon nodded and jumped down.

Meanwhile, Trixie was also searching for the Digimental and having little to no luck either.

Lunamon had Digivolved to Lekismon and the pair had stopped at a small pond. "Maybe it's at the bottom," Trixie stated before sticking her head in the water. It wasn't very deep, so she didn't have much to search to see that the Digimental wasn't there.

As she pulled her head out of the lake, Lekismon sighed. "Trixie, can we talk about Flash?"

"There's nothing to talk about," Trixie stated. "He's a jerk and I never wanna see him again."

"But Twilight was right. You were at least fifty percent responsible for that loss." Trixie glared at her. "I'm sorry, but it's true. And I'm only telling you this to help you grow stronger." Trixie crossed her arms and kept walking, Lekismon following her. "You know, that ego of yours has always been your fatal flaw. It's what's kept you from being who you're truly meant to be."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't you remember?" Lekismon asked, "the day the two of us met." Trixie stopped at this and thought about it, remembering that day clearly.

Long ago.

Trixie had been searching the forest for some cool scans, when she heard someone crying and turned to look through some bushes. When she did, she saw a nice looking lake with a Digimon sitting next to it.

Lunamon was crying her eyes out, completely unaware that she had an audience. "Are you okay?" She looked around and saw Trixie, staring at her sympathetically. "What's got you so upset?"

Lunamon sniffed. "All the other Digimon are being mean to me. They make fun of my ears and my antenna." She tried to hide the antenna, but Trixie pulled her arms away.

"Hey, don't hide yourself." She looked Lunamon in the eye, "do you like your ears and antenna?" Lunamon nodded, "then who cares what a bunch of jerks think? The only one who gets to decide if something about you is bad is you. Trust Trixie. If others say something like that to you, then they're not worth listening to." Lunamon smiled at this. "And for the record, Trixie likes your ears and antenna." Lunamon started crying at this, but now they were tears of joy.

"You were so kind to me back then," Lekismon told her. "I got to see the real you. But when we became partners, I also saw how much you hide the real you behind that facade."

Trixie frowned. "Trixie just likes to give people a show. Is that so wrong?"

"No, but you've become obsessed with making people see you as some kind of god. And it's stopping them from seeing the true you. And it's stopping you from making up with Flash."

"Flash is a jerk!"

"Maybe, but he's still a good guy. Look at all the good he's done." Trixie frowned at this, but knew Lekismon was right. "Trixie, what would you do if Flash was in danger." Trixie gave her a surprised expression. "If you saw Flash in danger and the only way to save him was to risk yourself or the Digimental we're after, would you save him? Because I think he'd save you, even though the pair of you are arguing."

Trixie frowned, unsure how to answer that. She simply kept walking, letting Lekismon's words ring in her ears.

Over in another part of the forest, Sandalwood continued to knock on trees.

Mangoramon followed him and watched him do so, the Rookie sighing. "Are you really just gonna knock on every single tree until you find something?"

"Why not?" Sandal asked, "ya'h never know what'll happen until you-" He stopped when he felt his hand go through the trunk of a tree, his eyes going wide as he pushed his whole arm into it. "Yes!" He pushed into the tree and found himself inside a large metal cylinder. "I found it!"

Mangoramon stepped into it and looked around, "this is just a hiding tree." Sandal quickly noticed there was nothing inside the cylinder, including the Digimental. However, he had been right about one of the trees hiding something. He was gonna class this as a win.

Flash and Flamedramon had made their way to a more deserted part of the forest, hoping to find a clue that could lead them in the direction of the Digimental.

They pushed their way through some shrubs, Flamedramon cutting his way through them, allowing them to step out into a section of forest that wasn't as flat as the others. Large portions of the earth was jutting out of the ground, making large hills and other formations. And in one of those formations, Flash saw what appeared to be a cave.

"Yes!" Flash rushed over to it, feeling good about this. His Digimental had been in a cave, so maybe this one held the one he was searching for.

"There's a cave!" Flash suddenly looked around and spotted Trixie walking towards the opening, Lekismon walking besides her. The pair saw one another and glared each other down, Flamedramon and Lekismon sighing.

"Hey!" Flash cried, "I saw this cave first!"

"Says who?"

"Says me!" The pair butted heads and continued to argue, their Digimon rolling their eyes before turning to each other.

"You wanna check it out with me?" Flamedramon asked, Lekismon nodding before the pair stepped inside. Their partners saw this and called out for them to get away from the enemy, but neither listened and stepped inside. They looked around, but the cave was too dark. "Here." Flamedramon ignited his claws and Lekismon smiled.

"Flamedramon!" Flash cried, "why are you helping her?"

Flamedramon glanced back at him. "You two might be dumb enough to let a little falling out get in the way of your goals, but Lekismon and I are fine working together." The pair searched the cave and found it wasn't very big, which upset them since it meant the Digimental wasn't there.

However, Lekismon turned to Flash. "Didn't you say the Digimental was hidden when you found yours?"

"Yeah," Flash nodded.

"I get it," Flamedramon nodded. "This cave might have the Digimental, but it's hidden to look like it doesn't." Lekismon nodded and picked up a few rocks before throwing them at the walls, each one bounce off a making a noise. Lekismon's ears twitched and she smiled before leaping forward.

"Moon Night Kick!" She smashed her foot into the wall, causing it to crack.

"Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon launched a blast of fire at the cracks, the explosion causing the rock to break more and heat up.

"Ice Archery!" Lekismon threw an ice arrow and when it hit the rock, it flew right through it and the wall fell apart. Doing so revealed a large tunnel behind it, Flash and Trixie moving over to it. And as soon as they did, a huge wave of heat flew out and the pair felt their skin crawl.

"Wow!" Flash stepped away, "that's hot!"

"It must lead down into an underground cavern," Trixie realised. "Probably part of a magma tunnel." She started heading down it, removing her jacket so she didn't overheat. Lekismon followed and after Flash removed his jacket, they also made their way down. Both teens continued to glare at each other, wishing the other wasn't there. Their partners might have been able to work together, but they both knew only one of them could get their hands on the Digimental. And it was going to be them.

At the same time, a Digimon had flown down after seeing them enter the volcano. Devimon, the transformed Codex Player smirking. They may find the Digimental first, but he would be the one to claim it.

At the same time, Twilight and Micro were continuing to fly over the forest.

Tentomon had finally Digivolved to Kabuterimon, allowing him to carry Micro easier. The pair had searched the entire forest for any sign of the Digimental, but there had been no sign of it. And they weren't the only Codex Players who were searching from the air.

Many players had either become a Digimon or Digivolved their partners to carry them. They were all searching for the Digimental, many finding several areas of interest. There was a clearing with rocks surrounding it in a perfect circle and a cave that went down underground, but neither of them had the Digimental.

Many players had started searching the volcano itself, believing the Digimental was hidden somewhere atop it, Twilight and Micro deciding to search there as well. "See anything?" Twilight asked, Micro shaking his head.

"You think anyone looked inside the volcano?" Kabuterimon asked. "If the Digimental is as powerful as they say it is, maybe the lava in the volcano won't affect it."

"Worth a look," Micro nodded as they all headed upwards. And it seemed several more players were also searching the volcano, as they all flew upwards. "Oh boy. If the Digimental is up here, I get the feeling things are gonna turn into a free for all."

"We'll just have to be the ones to win that fight then," Twilight told him. But then, they reached the top of the volcano and realised there wouldn't be any need for a fight.

The reason was because the volcano was completely full of lava. It was so full, that lava spilled out every now and then to roll down the side of the mountain. "Well, so much for the Digimental being in here."

Twilight hummed, as Unimon looked back at her. "There's still a chance it is in there. I've heard some volcanoes in the Digital World have uncontrolled lava build up. It's possible the lava's height dropped and revealed the Digimental before filling back up."

"I guess that's possible," Twilight nodded. "But if it's true, how are we supposed to get to it?"

Flash, Trixie and their Digimon had been walking down the tunnel for a while.

It had gone deep underground and eventually levelled out, allowing them to walk normally. But as they did, they could feel it getting hotter and hotter. "Geez," Flash pulled at his shirt, "if it gets any hotter I'm gonna burst into flames."

"Be glad you're not in your human body," Trixie told him. "The only reason we're able to survive somewhere this hot is because we're made of data. If we were human, we wouldn't be able to go anywhere near lava. So long as we don't touch it, we should be fine." Boy was Flash glad for that.

Eventually, the tunnel shifted upwards and they had to push themselves to get to the top. But when they did, they reached what appeared to be an exit into a large chamber. And they were shocked by what they found in that chamber.

It was a giant circular chamber made of stone. There was a good forty feet of rock that was wrapped around the outer section of the room before dropping into a large pool of lava, said lava having a bunch of stone pillars sticking out of it that were different heights and sizes. But it was the ceiling that was the most surprising part of it.

Looking up, Flash, Trixie and their Digimon were shocked to see lava floating above their heads.

The molten rock were just floating there, looking like water that had been laid on top of a glass roof. "How the heck is that happening?" Flamedramon asked, as Lekismon jumped up to take a closer look.

With her rabbit abilities, she was able to make it almost all the way to the lava roof. As she reached the peak of her jump, she felt something and nodded. "There's some kind of forcefield!" She landed, "it must be keeping the room from filling with lava."

"Lucky us," Trixie stated before noticing something on the central pillar. "And I think I know what's generating that forcefield." The others turned to the pillar and noticed something not rock on top of it.

"The Digimental!" Flash cried, not able to tell what it looked like from this distance. He and Trixie then glared at each other and rushed forward, only for the edge of the cliff to make them stop and realize their was no way to get to the Digimental.

"Flamedramon/Lekismon!" They both cried, as their partners ran up to them and grabbed the pair around the waist. They then leapt into the air and over the lava pool, each landing on a pillar before jumping again. They did this several times, both completely unaware that another figure had arrived in the room.

Devimon stared down at the pair, as he watched them going for the Digimental. He was about to unleash an attack that would, hopefully, knock them all into the lava. But before he could, and right as the pair were about to jump for the centre pillar, a large column of lava exploded out of the pool and almost fried the bunch.

Flamedramon and Lekismon leapt back, as the column fell back down and drenched the pillars they had been standing on. As it did, something leapt out of the lava and fell onto the centre pillar. "What's that?" Flash cried, as the lava dripped off the figure.

Slowly, a large humanoid figure appeared out of the lava. They were roughly fifteen or twenty feet tall, with reddish orange fur covering their body. They had large clawed hands and feet and a long tail that ended in fire. His waist and upper body was covered in black and grey armor, with flames coming out of his shoulders and the gauntlets around his wrists. His head was that of a lion, with a massive whoft of yellow hairs sticking out the top of his head, with a metal helmet on it that had flames coming out the top and on the cheeks.

The Digimon turned towards them and glared, as Flamedramon and Lekismon landed a good distance away from it. "Any idea who that is?" Flash asked, with Lekismon looking worried.

"That's Flaremon!" She cried, "a powerful Ultimate Level Digimon. But what's he doing here?" The humanoid lion glared at them, as his fists burst into flames.

"You dare enter my home and try to steal my treasure!" He roared, as he threw fireballs at the lot of them. They all cried out as they leapt into the air, jumping from one pillar to another until they were back on the main rock area. "I'll burn you all to a crisp for this!"

"Okay!" Flash gulped, "clearly this guy doesn't want us anywhere near that Digimental."

"What do we do?" Flamedramon asked, putting Flash down seconds before spinning around to destroy a fireball. "He's clearly not gonna let us anywhere near that thing."

"We'll have to take him down," Lekismon stated. Flash and Trixie glared at each other, clearly not happy about having to fight with each other again. "Either that or we abandoned any hope of getting the Digimental." That seemed to soften the glare, with Flash nodding whilst the others waited for Trixie's response.

She eventually sighed. "Alright. But don't get in my way." Flash nodded before Flamedramon and Lekismon rushed forwards before leaping onto the rock pillars, the pair bouncing from one to another as they got in close.

"Flame Fist!" Flamedramon punched Flaremon in the chest with his burning claws, but Flaremon barely felt it and quickly backhanded him away. At the same time, Lekismon charged forward.

"Moon Night Bomb!" She punched the air and sent the bubbles of light flying towards Flaremon's face, but the Ultimate Digimon simply unleashed a burst of heat to make them pop. "No way!"

The gauntlets around Flaremon's wrists then unleashed streams of fire, that swirled around his fists as he held them up. "Guren Juuouha!" He punched the air and sent out fireballs shaped like lions, which flew towards Lekismon and exploded as soon as it hit her.

She cried out, as she was thrown backwards. Trixie gasped at his, but Flamedramon jumped down and caught her before bouncing off a pillar to make his way back up. Trixie sighed seeing this, glad Flamedramon had saved her partner.

They watched, as Flamedramon landed on one of the pillars and put Lekismon down. The pair smiled at each other, only for Flamedramon to then sense an incoming attack.

He spun around and saw Flaremon, leaping at them with his fist raised. He roared as he threw a punched, Flamedramon crossing his arms as he felt it smash into him. He barely managed to brace himself in time to avoid being thrown backwards, the Armor Digimon protecting Lekismon.

"Move!" He told her, Lekismon nodding and quickly getting up to jump towards another pillar. She then spun around and leapt at Flaremon.

"Moon Night Kick!" She thrust a kick into his shoulder, hoping to knock him away from Flamedramon. But the impact did nothing and Flamedramon's feet buckled under the weight of the punch.

Lekismon leapt away from him, right as Flaremon pulled his fist back.

Flamedramon found himself staggering, allowing Flaremon to smash him with a powerful kick. "GYAH!" He was thrown into the air and everyone gasped, Lekismon attempting to save him like he saved me. But before she could, fireballs were sent her way and she was forced to move in the opposite direction.

Flamedramon rolled through the air and even fell towards the lava, Flash praying being a fire Digimon would protect him. But before he could find out, Flamedramon recovered and stabbed his claw into a pillar he was next to. He slid to a stop and panted, seeing how close he had come to taking a lava bath.

He started climbing up the pillar, as Lekismon was forced to stay on the defensive. "Ice Archery!" She fired several ice arrows, but Flaremon unleashed the heat from his body and they melted in seconds. "Oh, come on!"

"What does it take to beat this guy?" Flash asked, as Lekismon jumped away to avoid a punch Flaremon had thrown at her. Flash then noticed the fight had led Flaremon away from the centre podium, where the Digimental was located. "Hey, this is our chance." Trixie gave him a quizzical look. "Whilst Flaremon's busy with those two, let's get over there and grab the Digimental."

"How?" Trixie asked. "We can't make it over there and if we DIgivolve to get it, Flaremon'll see us." Flash frowned, realising she was right.

However, before he could think of how to get to it, he saw something else that made his eyes go wide. "Devimon?" Trixie looked up and saw the demon Digimon flying towards the pillar as well. But she knew who it really was.

"Jet Set!" Flash frowned, catching on whilst Flamedramon finally reached the top of the pillar.

"You're not getting that Digimental!" He was about to launch a Fire Rocket at Devimon, but then realized what might happen if he did so. Flamedramon hated Jet Set, but not enough to try and delete him. "Dang it!"

Devimon laughed at this, that laughter catching Flaremon's attention.

"More intruders!" He roared, as he grabbed Lekismon by the neck and slammed her into the pillar. He was about to punch her, but Flamedramon rushed over to them and launched the Fire Rockets at his face.

But Flaremon blocked them with his palm, then swung his fist around and smashed it into Flamedramon's chest. "Augh!" Flamedramon was knocked flying backwards and as he did, he glowed with the light flying off of him.

The light shot back to Flash and into his Digivice, as his partner shrank back down to his Rookie form. "Veemon!" The little dragon fell onto the pillar and looked to be in trouble. Flaremon prepared to crush him under foot, but Lekismon sprang into action.

"Moon Night Bomb!" She fired the bubbles at Flaremon and was so close, he didn't have time to react when they popped in his face.

He groaned, as the drowsiness began to overtake him.

Lekismon used this chance to rush over to Veemon, grabbing him and leaping back towards the others. At the same time, Flaremon staggered back and fell into the lava.

Lekismon landed next to the humans and gave Veemon to Flash, as Trixie pointed at Devimon. "You've gotta stop him!" Lekismon nodded and rushed towards Devimon, who turned to them and growled.

"Back off! Death Hand!" A blast of dark energy exploded from his palm towards Lekismon, who jumped out of the way to avoid it.

That blast shot towards the humans and hit the cliff they were on, causing it to explode and break apart.

Flash and Veemon managed to leap back, but Trixie wasn't so lucky and the rock she was on broke beneath her feet. She screamed at this and barely managed to grab onto the edge, as the rest of the rock began to break apart.

"Trixie!" Lekismon tried to rush to her aid, but at that moment something exploded out of the lava.

Flaremon jumped high into the air, the heat of the molten rock having gotten rid of the drowsiness. And as he spotted Lekismon, he took a deep breath. "Purifying HOWL!!!!" A sonic blast exploded out of his mouth and and echoed through the chamber, shaking it whilst the main concussive force slammed into Lekismon.

She screamed as she was sent flying into the side of the wall on the other side of the chamber, the champion moaning as she fell to the ground.

The sonic blast had also knocked Devimon out of the air, making him hit the ground on the centre column whilst he reverted back to human form. At the same time, the rock Trixie was holding onto broke apart.

"NOOO!" She screamed, as she fell off the side towards the lava. She thought this was the end and closed her eyes, bracing herself. But then, something caught her hand and she stopped.

"Ahhh!" She opened her eyes and saw a straining Flash, holding her by the arm as he leaned over the edge. "You okay?" She nodded, then noticed the rock he was leaning on was breaking apart.

"You're gonna fall!" She cried, but Flash didn't seem to care. He kept pulling her up, the rock beneath him continuing to crack. Trixie could hardly believe he was risking his life for her.

At the same time, Jet Set had recovered and picked himself up. He looked over at the Digimental and, realising nobody had noticed him, rushed over to it. "Yes!" He smiled, "you're mine!" He reached down to pick it up, only to find the object wouldn't budge. "What?" He pulled and pulled, but the Digimental remained almost fused to the rock. "What's going on? Why won't you move!?"

Flash continued to pull Trixie up, Veemon holding him by the legs and pulling. As he did, he noticed Jet Set at the Digimental and saw him struggling to pull it up.

Trixie glanced around and saw this as well, not realising the trouble Jet was having. "You lost the Digimental because of me." She looked up at him, actually appearing apologetic. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be an idiot!" He groaned, "you're more important than a Digimental." Trixie was shocked to hear this, as the rock beneath him broke apart more. "Now come on!" He pulled her as hard as he could, Trixie stomping her feet on the wall to push herself upwards.

Once she was high enough, she grabbed the edge of the cliff as Flash grabbed her under the armpit. And with one final heave, they managed to pull her up and all rolled away from the edge just before it broke apart.

The pair laid far away from the edge, panting in absolute terror. As they did, Trixie turned to Flash. "Why?" He looked at her. "Why would you risk your life for me after how badly I was to you?"

Flash took a deep breath as he sat up, giving Trixie a smirk. "You might be an egocentric, narcissistic pain in the backside, but you're my egocentric narcissistic pain in the backside. We might not always get along, and we might not be able to fight together very well, but I still see you as my friend. And if my friends are in danger, nothing is more important than saving them. Not a little trinket and not even my own life. Because nothing is more important than my friends."

Trixie could hardly believe what he was saying. But she couldn't help but be happy Flash was willing to risk himself for his friends. He really was amazing.

Then, something happened that surprised the pair of them. Flash's body started glowing.

"Huh?" He looked himself over and saw the light, Trixie stepping back in surprise as another light caught their attention.

They looked over and saw the Digimental was starting to glow as well, Jet seeing this and being shocked. And that shock increased when the Digimental suddenly floated up into the air. "Finally!" He tried to grab it, only to get a shock. "Gyah!" He pulled his hand away, as the Digimental started floating towards Flash and Trixie.

The pair watched it float towards them and stop between them both, the pair looking it over in amazement before Flash felt compelled to hold it. As such, he held his hand up below it and the Digimental landed on his palm. "No way."

"HEY!" Jet cried, "that Digimental is mine!"

"NO!" Flaremon roared, "IT'S MINE!" But Lekismon leapt in front of him, trying to hold him back as Flash and Trixie stared at the Digimental.

Both quickly held up their Digivices and scanned it, the data coming through and amazing them. "Digimental of...Friendship?" Trixie asked, only to realize what was going on. "Of course. You showed your friends are more important than your own gain. So the Digimental chose you. That must be why Jet Set couldn't pick it up."

"So the Digimental is mine?" Flash stood up, as he felt the object's incredible power. "Wow." He turned to Veemon and smirked, "you ready to take it for a spin?"

"You have to ask?" Veemon nodded.

Flash smirked and raised the Digimental high. "Digi-Armor...ENERGIZE!" The Digimental exploded into a burst of blue lightning and shot towards Veemon, slamming into his chest before wrapping around him.

"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." His body began to grow larger and as it did, it morphed into a quadrupedal from. Eventually, once it was the size of a rhino, the lightning flew off to reveal the Digimon's new body.

He appeared to be a mix of a dragon and a wolf, with armor based on the Digimental covering his body. Only his neck, tail, ears and the lower half of his head was visible. HIs body was protected by mostly black armor, with yellow teeth marks running down the sides and three black lightning bolt spikes sticking out his back. His legs were surrounded by a black leather, though his shoulder had armoring with the front legs having lights on the front and his back ones having grey bits.

His head was covered in a black mask with yellow lines running over the eyes and a lightning bolt shaped horn like the one on the Digimental.

The Digimon opened his eyes and let the electrical energy flow through his body, power like the one he had as Flamedramon surging throughout him as he got into a battle ready stance. "Raidramon, the Storm of Friendship!"

Flash, Trixie and Lekismon were amazed by the Digivolution, whilst Jet Set and Flaremon just looked annoyed. "Alright!" Flash cried, "you look awesome!"

"I feel awesome!" Raidramon smirked, only for Flaremon to roar again as he punched Lekismon away. "Time to see just how much power this Digimental gave me!" With that, he shot forward at amazing speed. Flaremon saw him coming and tried to punch him, but Raidramon managed to dodge the attack before pouncing at him.

"Raaaaah!" Flaremon roared, as one of the lightning blades on his back slashed into his side.

Raidramon skidded along the ground and turned on his feet, as electrical energy surged around him. "Blue Thunder!" The lightning exploded off of him and formed a sphere of blue lightning above him, that sphere quickly being sent flying towards Flaremon.

"Purifying Howl!" He roared and energy exploded from his mouth, creating a shockwave that blocked the blue lightning. He then rushed forward and threw a punch at Raidramon, who barely managing to leap out of the way. But before he could counter, Flaremon spun around and slammed a foot into his chest.

"AUGH!" He was thrown backwards into the wall, crying out before falling to the ground.

Flash and Trixie frowned, Raidramon's debut proving not as amazing as they had hoped. "Their speed's about even," Flash realised. "But Flaremon's still an Ultimate. He's stronger than an Armor."

"We need to get out of here!" Trixie cried. "We've got the Digimental, so let's go!" Flash had to agree and was about to call out for them to escape. But before they could, Flaremon was suddenly flying through the cavern.

"You're not leaving with my treasure!" He landed in front of the exit, glaring at them as his fists ignited. Everyone quickly realised he wasn't gonna let them go on their own. And things were getting worse.

Likely due to the Digimental no longer being in its place, the force field protecting them from the lava was slowly beginning to disappear. It started in the very centre of the room, causing a tiny stream of lava to fall down and land on the pillar. But it was getting bigger.

"Give me back my treasure!" Flaremon threw a fire ball and Flash pushed Trixie out of its way, the explosion that followed rocking the room.

"Moon Night Kick!" Lekismon flew forward and slammed a foot into Flaremon's chest. But the impact did nothing and he simply flexed his chest to send her flying back. She fell to the ground and Flaremon raised his foot to stomp on her.

"Lekismon!" Trixie cried, only for Raidramon to shoot passed her as his body sparked with blue lightning.

"Wild Charge!" He roared, as was surrounded by a veil of lightning. He leapt at Flaremon, but the Ultimate was able to raise his arms and grab him. The lightning flowed into him, but he seemed barely phased by it. However, the distraction allowed Lekismon to raise her arms and tendrils to grab his foot.

This stopped him from crushing her underneath him, but she was still trapped. And Raidramon was soon running out of juice in his attack. The pair were trapped by the Ultimate, Flaremon swinging Raidramon around and smashing him into the ground and wall whilst Lekismon remained trapped.

Flash and Trixie watched in horror, whilst the lava continued to spill into the room. Both of them knew they had to get out, but how? "This is bad," Trixie whispered.

"We can't give up!" Flash told her. "Flaremon might be strong, but we have something he doesn't have." Trixie turned to him, as he gave her a smile. "Each other. We couldn't beat him before because we weren't fighting as a team. Just like last time. But now, working together's our only hope of getting out of here."

Trixie let that info sink in a realize he was right. "This isn't just about me," she stated. "I let my own ego get the better of me when we fought Rarity and Applejack." She frowned. "And if the roles had been reversed, I might have let you fall to get the Digimental. But...but not anymore!" She looked up and gave Flaremon a serious expression. "I'm done letting my own wants and desires get the better of me. From now on, I'm gonna put others before me!" As she said that, her body began to glow.

"Trixie?" Flash looked her over, the girl not noticing the light.

She was too focused on Flaremon, who was glaring at her. "We won't let you stop us! This Digimental doesn't just belong to you! It belongs to the rest of the Digital World. So Digimon that want to use it to Digivolve can. And we're not gonna let you stop us from making that possible!"

"IT'S MINE!" He unleashed a blast of fire from his mouth, which shot towards them. But Trixie wasn't scared, as the light around her exploded off and formed a shield around them.

The flames slammed into the shield and were quickly expelled, the barrier morphing into a light that flew towards Lekismon and flowed into her. Lekismon felt new strength flowing through her and with it, she was able to throw Flaremon off of her.

The Ultimate was sent staggering away, forcing him to drop Raidramon, whilst she jumped back to her feet and began to glow. "Lekismon, Digivolve to..." She grew larger and eventually stopped just a head shorter than Flaremon. When the light flew off of her, it revealed a large rabbit Digimon carrying armor and weapons. "Crescemon!"

Flaremon was shocked to see his opponent was now much stronger, Crescemon spinning her weapon around before charging forwards. "Guren Juuouha!" He launched the fireballs from his fists, but Crescemon blocked them with her shield before slashing at him with her pendulum scythe. "Augh!" He was sent staggering back, as Raidramon picked himself up.

He watched as Crescemon started pushing Flaremon back, away from the exit, giving him the chance to get them out of there.

He rushed over to the two surprised humans, "get on!" The two snapped out of it and were about to climb onto his back. But then, they heard a screaming and saw Jet Set was still on the other side of the cave. He was stuck on a pillar, the lava getting dangerously close to him.

"Raidramon!" Flash pointed at Jet, the Armor Digimon turning to see him before groaning.

"I know I'm gonna regret this!" He rushed towards the edge and leapt over to a pillar, jumping from one to another as he tried to get to Jet. He had to be careful, as more holes were appearing in the forcefield and allowing more of the lava to fill the chamber.

One such lava stream fell towards Jet, who screamed as he saw the end of his Digital adventure. But at the last second, Raidramon landed and grabbed the back of his shirt in his mouth. He kept screaming as Raidramon leapt through the air, the pair needing to dodge more and more lava until they finally reached the edge of the room.

They finally landed and Raidramon dropped Jet, who started rolling along the ground until he crashed into the side of the wall. "OW!" He moaned as he held his head, whilst Raidramon rushed back over to Flash and Trixie. The pair quickly got on, as Crescemon blocked a fiery punch with her shield.

More of the lava seeped in and all but the outer edge was now being consumed. "We have to go!" Trixie cried, "NOW!"

Crescemon heard this and nodded, quickly leaping up to avoid Flaremon's attack. As she did, the image of a moon appeared behind her. "Lunatic Dance!" She spun around as she fell towards Flaremon, her blade and shield slashing at him again and again and making him roar in pain. When she finally stopped and landed, she shot forward and thrust her feet into his chest.

Flaremon was sent staggering back and fell over the edge, causing him to plummet into the lava seconds before the falling lava fell on top of it.

Crescemon landed and saw the lava approaching, so rushed towards the exit as Raidramon did the same.

Jet Set saw this and quickly ran over, grabbing Raidramon's tail seconds before he flew off at full speed. He screamed as he felt his arms almost come out of their sockets, Flash and Trixie sitting on his back with Flash clinging onto the lightning blades whilst Trixie held her arms around his waist.

Crescemon ran after them as the forcefield finally gave out, causing all the lava to fall and instantly fill the cave. This caused it to also fill the tunnel they were running through, forcing them to pick up the pace in a hope of outrunning the oncoming magma flow.

They ran and ran and ran for everything they were worth, the end of the tunnel eventually coming into sight. But the lava was catching up fast.

Crescemon panted, feeling like she couldn't hold her current form for very much longer. She needed to hold out, just until they reached the end of the tunnel. But the pressure was way too much and as soon as they reached the exit, they both leapt out of the tunnel and Crescemon was consumed by light.

The lava started flowing out behind them and they all landed just beyond where the lava was flowing. As soon as they did, Crescemon began to shrink as the light completely surrounded her.

Trixie saw this and leapt off Raidramon, Jet finally letting go of his tail and falling to the ground panting, the teen quickly running over to her partner as she reverted into a much smaller from. And when the light faded, it revealed a Digimon that looked like a drop of water splashing down from up high.

Trixie picked her up and held her tight, "Lunamon?"

The Digimon opened her eyes and smiled, "I'm Moonmon." Trixie smiled, as Raidramon reverted back to Veemon. As he did, the Digimental flew over to Flash and the teen grabbed it before they stepped over to the pair. "Trixie, I'm so proud of you. Your choice to put others before yourself has allowed you to awaken the power sleeping within you. It's thanks to you I was able to Digivolve to Ultimate."

Trixie smiled as she turned to Flash, who smiled back at them. "I couldn't have realised it without my friends. Thanks Flash." The teen nodded as Jet Set picked himself up.

"Well this was a complete waste of time." He looked over at the pair and saw the Digimental in Flash's hand, the teen growing at him. "Give me that, right now! With that, every player in Codex will hand over their rare scans!"

Flash smirked at him before holding the Digimental out, Jet smirking as he reached out to take it. But at the last moment, Flash threw it behind himself and Trixie caught it. The two laughed at this before grabbing their Digivices. Before Jet could try and grab it again, the pair ported away and Jet let out a roar of anger.

Flash and Trixie arrived back at Codex and as soon as they did, they and their Digimon burst out laughing.

A flash of light then caught their attention and Gennai appeared out of it, the Codex Commander smiling when he saw them. "My friends. We picked up the Digimental's signature upon your arrival. You managed to retrieve the relic?"

"Yup," Flash nodded. "It wasn't easy, but Trixie and I managed to work together and get it back." Trixie nodded as Gennai opened up a box.

"Trixie, you appear to have it on you. I'm guessing you would like to sell it for five thousand Digi-Dollars." Trixie frowned, but realised Flash had thrown her the item before they ported back and that put it in her item box.

"But, Flash is the one that retrieved it." Gennai seemed surprised by this. "And I wouldn't be here if he hadn't saved my life." She took out her Digivice, intending to transfer it to him. Lunamon smiled at this, but Flash stopped her.

"Hang on. We worked together to get it. I say we split the reward." Trixie was surprised by this, Flash turning to Gennai. "How about it. Take the Digimental and give us both twenty five hundred Digi-Dollars?"

"I can work with that, if Trixie is okay with it." Trixie nodded and Gennai started typing away, "you both got a scan of the Digimental already, right?" They nodded again and Gennai finished the transaction, Trixie confirming it with the Digimental disappearing from her item box. She and Flash both got a message showing the increase in their money, bringing their adventure to find the Digimental to an end.

Later on, Twilight, Micro, Sandalwood and all the other Codex Players returned to Codex after getting a message stating the Digimental had been found.

When they and their Digimon arrived, they were shocked to see Flash and Trixie sitting together laughing. "Okay," Twilight tilted her head, "did we miss something?" The boys shrugged as they sat down, asking why the heck they were so chummy all of a sudden. And boy, did they have a story for them.

"You found the Digimental of Friendship!?" Micro cried, the pair nodding. "I can't believe it. Flash already had the Digimental of Courage. How'd you manage to snag another one?"

The pair laughed at this, giving them the same answer. "Together."

"Well," Twilight sighed, "I'm glad to see you guys are getting along again. And Trixie managed to unlock Ultimate evolution. That's pretty impressive." Trixie smiled, then spotted Jet walking through the foyer looking upset.

He spotted them and shot the pair a death glare before walking off. "What's up with him?" Sandal asked, as Flash and Trixie laughed.

"Probably just upset he didn't think to get a scan of the Digimental when he had it. It would have worked even if he couldn't pick it up." Jet heard this and realised he had missed his chance, making him cry out in frustration whilst everyone else laughed.

Flash and Trixie smirked at each other and held their drinks high, toasting their renewed friendship and the insane story they had to tell. And as they got to the part about Flaremon, they couldn't help but wonder what had happened to him.

Back in Magma Forest, the cave that led to the lava tunnel was now completely blocked off by the cooled lava.

However, the now rock solid lava suddenly shook and cracked apart. It shook again and the rocks fell apart, then exploded and was sent flying. The cave had been uncovered and from out of it, Flaremon staggered looking tired and badly beaten after the attack he had taken from Crescemon.

He pulled himself out of the cave and took several steps forward before collapsing on the ground, looking ready to fall into a coma as specks of data began to slowly fly off of him.

But before he could lose consciousness, someone stepped up next to him. The lion Digimon opened his eyes and saw a slender female standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. "Well you certainly look pitiful." Flaremon growled, but couldn't do anything to retaliate. "Here, let me help you." She took out a device similar to the one those humans had had and typed away at it, summoning what appeared to be a red and white pill out of thin air.

She handed it over to the Digimon and suddenly, all the pain he felt disappeared. He groaned, then looked back up at the girl. "Who...are you?"

"My name...is Sunset Shimmer."

Author's Note:

Flash and Trixie's friendship is restored and better than ever. Now that a new Digimental has been retrieved, more Armor Evolution for everyone. And what of Flaremon and the person he met? Only time will tell.

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