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Chapter 10: In Big Mac's Room

Big Macintosh lead Twilight Sparkle into his room. It was the first time he’d had anyone else, besides family, in there with him. Twilight was actually impressed by the minimal décor. She felt it suited a colt of Big Macintosh’s personality. She also noticed his book shelf almost immediately. Before going over though, Big Mac showed her some family photos. Many were pics of the Apple siblings as foals.

“You all are so cute!” commented Twilight.

He then showed her a picture of his parents.

“That there’s mah pa, Cater Blue Apple, he said. “And that there is mah ma, Bella Donna Apple, nee Orange.”

Carter had the same build as Big Macintosh, but his coat was green like granny Smith. His eyes were the same shade of red as Big Mac’s fur, and his Mane was yellow but with hints of graying. Bella Donna was much more petite, with an orange coat (clearly that’s where Applejack go it from) and here mane red (and that answered for Apple Bloom) with eyes a gorgeous shade of yellow.

“They really do look amazing together,” said Twilight.

“Eeup,” said Big Macintosh, smiling big. It had been a while since he looked a picture of his beloved parents. And while it filled him with some sadness, it still made him feel good to see their faces.

“I’m glad you’re sharing this with me, Big Macintosh,” said Twilight.

“Me too, Twilight,” replied Big Mac.

She then went over to see what sort of books he fancied. She wasn’t surprised to see the various books on farming. What did surprise her were “Selected Works of Starswirl the Bearded” and a sizeable collection of “Daring Do” books.

“You read Daring Do?” asked Twilight.

“Eeyup,” said Big Macintosh. “Even got one of mah favorite titles signed by tha author himself.”

Big Mac showed Twilight the one he was talking about. “Daring Do and the Return to the Island of Equine Giants.” and the signed copy read:

To Macintosh
Remember that everyday life can be an adventure too.

Much gratitude, Chester Buckingham

Twilight couldn’t believe her eyes.

“This is one of my favorite stories too!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe you got to meet Chester Buckingham!”

“He’s had some associations with the Orange family,” said Big Mac. “Ah was able tah meet him durin’ a trip to Manehattan a couple years ago.”

“Absolutely incredible!” she exclaimed again. “And here you’ve been saying you’re just an ordinary farm colt. Big Macintosh, everything you do is simply amazing!”

Big Macintosh began to blush real bright.

“Aw, shucks, Twilight,” he said. “It really aint nuthin’ that special.”

Twilight got closer to Big Mac’s face. He started to back away slowly.

“You’ve got to stop saying that, Big Macintosh,” she said. “Look at the things you’ve managed to do!”

He backed away even more nervously, till he slipped onto his mattress, causing Smarty Pants to fly threw the air and plop right between them.

“SMARTY PANTS!” she said. “I’ve been wondering what happened to her all those months ago! You had her this whole time?”

“Um…well…” he began to say. “Eeyup.”

“But, why?” she asked.

“Because ah…well yah see…ah,” he wasn’t able to finish his sentence.

Then without even thinking, he leaned forward and gave Twilight a big, long kiss. It started out slow, and Twilight seemed to resist at first. But then she began to kiss more intensely, exploring his mouth with her tongue. The two began stroking each other’s manes. Suddenly, Twilight began to have surges of memories coming back to her of the days with Bookworm. She finally pulled away.

“NO!” she yelled. “I can’t do this!”

“What? Why?” he asked. “Did ah do sumthin’ wrong?”

“No, it isn’t you Big Macintosh," she said as tears began to form. “I just can’t be with anypony. Not now, not ever!”

“But, Twilight…” he started to say.

“I’m sorry, Big Macintosh,” she interrupted. “But I have to go! I won’t be coming back for lessons.”

“Twilight no!” he yelled after her.

But she was already out the front door. Applejack and Apple Bloom were waling in just as she was leaving. They noticed the tears in her eyes.

“Now what in tarnation was that all about!?” exclaimed Applejack.

“Beats me,” said Apple Bloom. “But she sure was off in a hurry!”

They saw Big Macintosh standing up at the top of the stairs. There was clear devastation in his eyes.

“Big Macintosh?” said Applejack, not sure of what was going on.

“What’s wrong?” asked Apple Bloom.

Big Macintosh just slunk his head and walked back into his room, locking the door behind him.

Meanwhile, Twilight ran back to the library as fast as her hooves would take her. She was so upset she didn’t even think to use her teleportation. Spike was still organizing the books when she came bursting in, not stopping to say anything and running up into her room.

“Twilight?” said Spike.

He walked up to her room and knocked on the door.

“Twilight!” he yelled. “What’s wrong?”


“But Twi…” he was about to say when she opened the door.

“He kissed me!” she said. “Big Macintosh kissed me!”

“Then why are you crying,” he asked confused. “That’s a great thing!”

“No it’s not, Spike!” she said. I can’t get hurt again by another colt! I just can’t let that happen!”

She slammed the door shut again and continued to cry.

“I don’t know what to do,” said Spike to himself. “I can’t let her stay like this. What would Princess Celestia do?…That’s it!”

Spike began to write a letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,
We have a big crisis going on and I don’t know how to handle it. But I think I know what you can do to help me with it…

Finishing the letter, Spike shot out his signature green flame, the letter dissolved and the ashes flew out the window.

“I really hope this works,” he said. “For Twilight’s sake. And Big Macintosh."