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Chapter 8: Heartbreaks and New Beginnings

Things were going well for Twilight Sparkle and Bookworm. After the third date they agreed to start going steady. Despite being incredibly happy, Twilight’s grades were actually starting to slip. Surprisingly she didn’t mind this, she was just glad to have a very special somepony. As they reached almost a year of dating, things took a surprising turn; a turn Twilight never saw coming.

“You’re moving away!?” said Twilight with complete shock.

“My father has been offered a new job in Manehattan,” said Bookworm.

“But why does that mean you can’t stay?” asked Twilight. “You could stay in the castle or something.”

“Twilight,” Bookworm began. “I have loved all the time we have had together. But I know that your grades are failing because of your relationship with me.”

“That’s not important, Bookworm,” said Twilight. “All I care about is being with you!”

“You say that now,” he said. “But if you were to flunk out of the Royal Academy, you would never forgive me. You have such potential, I cannot let that slip away from you.”

“But I love you, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“I love you too, Twilight Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “But I cannot allow you to lose everything you have worked so hard for. I know we are making the right decision. One day you will be grateful.”

He gave her one last kiss. Tears began to flow from both of their eyes.

“Goodbye, Twilight,” he said. “I will always remember our time together.”

Twilight couldn’t stay any longer. She ran off to the castle.

“TWILIGHT! WAIT!” yelled out Bookworm. But she was already gone. He knew that at this point there was no way the royal guards would let him go and see her.

Things were horrible for Twilight for a very long time after that. While her grades had started to improve, she became more introverted than before. For months after school she would go straight back to the castle and nowhere else. Princess Celestia was becoming very concerned with her star pupil.

“Twilight Sparkle,” said Celestia. “Why aren’t you going anywhere else besides school and your room?”

“No reason, princess,” said Twilight, faking a smile. “I just want to make sure I get as much studying done as possible.”

“My dear pupil, it’s not good to study all day and have no other stimulus in your life,” said Celestia.

“I don’t need to worry about anything else, princess,” said Twilight. “School is the most important thing right now.”

Celestia wasn’t sure what to do. She of course knew that Twilight was upset by the departure of Bookworm, but had no idea what she could do to cheer her up and make sure she did other things besides constant schoolwork. That’s when she got an idea. The next day, Twilight got another visit.

“MOM!?” said a surprised Twilight. “What are you doing here!?”

At Twilight’s bedroom door was her mother, Andromeda Twilight Velvet.

“Princess Celestia told me about your breakup,” said Andromeda. “She said that only a mother could help in this kind of situation.”

Twilight immediately broke down, crying in her mother’s arms.

“There, there, my twinkling star,” said Andromeda. “We can take as much time as you need.”

It was a couple hours before Twilight could pull herself together to really say anything. But Andromeda never tried to force her into talking. She knew that she just had to let her daughter cry it out and she would talk to her when the time was right.

“He said that…” began Twilight. “He said that he didn’t want to hold me back at my potential. That I would hate him later if I were to fail the academy.”

“Well, he could’ve handled this a tad better,” said Andromeda. “But it’s quite common for young ponies to not end up with their first love.”

“What’s the point in being with somepony…” Twilight started again, with a pause while she wiped her nose. “If it’s just going to end horribly?”

“That’s part of growing up, dear,” said Andromeda. “It’s not always fair, in fact often times it’s very unfair. But there will always be something better around the corner.”

“But Bookworm and I were perfect for each other,” said Twilight. “We had everything in common. We liked all the same things, read the same books.”

“That’s no guarantee that it’s going to end happily,” said Andromeda. “But you can’t let this ruin any more opportunities.”

“I guess…” said Twilight, trailing off.

After all the crying, Twilight began to fall asleep. Andromeda left the room for a moment. When Twilight woke up, there was another visitor in her bed along with her mother. In front of her was a baby purple dragon.

“Who’s this?” asked Twilight.

“Why, you don’t remember the baby dragon you hatched the day of your entrance exam?” asked Andromeda.

“Oh, that’s right,” remembered Twilight. “He’s gotten a little bigger since the last time I saw him.”

“Your father and I were keeping an eye on him, while you were in school,” said Andromeda. “But I think it would now be best if you looked after him. You’ll have company, and somepony to depend on you.”

“I don’t know, mom,” said Twilight.

But as she looked more at the baby dragon, a smile began to come across her face. He had a great innocence in his eyes.

“Does he have a name?” said Twilight.

“We didn’t really think to come up with one,” said Andromeda. “We thought it would be best if you came up with a name for him.”

After looking at the baby dragon for a moment, Twilight knew just what to call him.

“I’m going to call you Spike Tiberius Dragon,” said Twilight.

“Spike!” said the little dragon.

“I didn’t know he could talk,” said Twilight in amazement.

“There isn’t a whole lot known about dragons,” said Andromeda. “I’m sure you two will get along really well.”

“Thank you , mom,” said Twilight.

“Anything for my twinkling star,” said Andromeda.

Andromeda stayed a while longer with Twilight and Spike, before having to leave. For the first few weeks it seemed Twilight wasn’t up to looking after the baby dragon. He was quite hyper for such a little creature.

“Can’t you hold still for just one second!?” yelled Twilight. “Why don’t you do something useful?! Like pick up my books!?”

And that’s exactly what Spike started to do. He began picking up every book lying on the floor. Twilight couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

“Spike,” began Twilight. “Could you arrange those books by title alphabetically?”

“Okay,” said Spike in a tiny voice.

And to even more surprise, he alphabetized the selected books perfectly.

“I don’t believe this,” said Twilight. “I had no idea dragons had this sort of cognitive skills! You’re amazing, Spike!”

She gave Spike a great big hug and started dancing around the room with him.

“From now on, Spike,” began Twilight. “You are going to be my number one assistant!”

Spike simply laughed at the things Twilight was saying. Time went on, and Twilight and Spike became closer and closer. He really was a perfect assistant for her. It helped that with his claws he was able to write, so now Twilight could focus her magic on other things. Eventually she learned a spell for him to use his fire to transfer messages straight to Princess Celestia and anypony else if she used it right. Twilight figured she didn’t need a special somepony to be happy. She had a family that loved her, a wonderful teacher, and now an assistant who’s a dragon! She figured love was the least important thing in life.