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Chapter 5: The Arrival

Soon as the sun came to his face, Big Macintosh woke up fairly quick. He had more energy than usual; probably because it wasn’t an ordinary day for him. Today he was gonna start teaching Twilight Sparkle all he knew about farming. He wanted to take care of most of his regular chores before she showed up, not sure as to what time she’d be arriving. He figured if she wouldn’t be so interested in chores. He went down the kitchen to get a quick breakfast, only to find that everypony else in the household was already awake. This was a rare occurrence in the Apple house, especially when it came to Apple Bloom. Why would she be up this early? On a weekend no less.

“What’r ya’ll doing up so early?” asked Big Mac.

“Ah’d say it’s pretty normal for me tah be up at this time,” commented Applejack.

“What about Apple Bloom?” asked Big Mac.

“I figure since I aint old enough for buckin or any proper farmin, I could still help out with some of your chores!” said Apple Bloom.

She of course was gonna help out her big brother so he could have more time to spend with Twilight, once she came over for her lessons.

“Well aint that sweet of our little sister, eh Big Macintosh?” commented Applejack.

“Sure, ah guess.” said Big Mac. “Spose ah aint gonna complain about getting some extra help with mah chores.”

“It’s good that Apple Bloom get some farm experience,” said Granny Smith. “She aint gonna be a little filly forever. She seems tah be growin up faster every single day, I reckon.”

“Ya really think so, Granny Smith?” said Apple Bloom cheerfully.

“Yer darn tootin, my little apple seed,” said Granny, giving her youngest grandchild a wink. “Ah bet by next spring, ya’ll even have yer cutie mark.”

“That would be awesome!” said Apple Bloom, jumping around with excitement and energy.

“Ok, ok,” said Big Mac. “Ifn yer gonna help me with mah chores, yer gonna need a full stomach.”

“Sure thing, big brother!” said Apple Bloom, who immediately started gobbling up her breakfast. She seemed to finish in the blink of an eye. “Okay, let’s get to them chores!”

“Eeyup,” responded Big Macintosh.

Twilight Sparkle woke up a bit earlier than she normally would. She felt it was going to be a splendid day. She couldn’t wait for her farming lessons at Sweet Apple Acres. After getting out of the shower, Twilight smelled breakfast downstairs.

“That smells wonderful, Spike!” said Twilight.

“Thanks,” said Spike. “I woke up a bit early to also fix you a lunch. You don’t want to do all that farming on an empty stomach.”

“A very good point,” said Twilight. “Though I imagine they have food on their apple farm.”

“Still,” began Spike. “Nothing wrong with having some extra food in case you get worn out.”

“I suppose you have a point,” said Twilight.

Spike’s comment reminded Twilight of her school days again. She had a feeling those memories would be coming up a lot today.

“Do you plan to join me?” asked Twilight.

“I suppose,” said Spike. “Sweetie Belle still isn’t back from Canterlot, and I’m not sure about Scootaloo. I just hope Apple Bloom doesn’t try and get me to use her new catapult.”

“She certainly has a knack for building things,” commented Twilight.

“Yeah,” said Spike. “But she doesn’t seem to see it. Everypony else finds it obvious.”

“It can take a pony a while to figure out what they’re good at,” she said.

“Good point I suppose,” said Spike. “I guess we should be heading out to the farm, eh?”

“Sounds like a great idea,” said Twilight.

“Sooner we get there, sooner you get to spend time with Big Macintosh,” said Spike.

“It’s not about being with Big Macintosh, Spike,” said Twilight. “It’s about getting to learn something new.”

“Sure, sure, I get yah,” said Spike.

Spike felt he had said enough to implant the idea of Twilight liking Big Mac. He was already starting to get sick of all this girl stuff. Course he knew that once he got the farm, Apple Bloom would be coming up with even more crazy ways to bring the two together. He wished Sweetie Belle was around, this was more her area. At least now he knew how Scootaloo felt.

Meanwhile, at Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom was doing her best to help Big Macintosh with his daily chores.

“Betcha can’t wait for Twilight to come over, eh Big Macintosh?” asked Apple Bloom

“Ah’m just happy tah be teaching somepony else how to farm, Apple Bloom,” said Big Mac defensively. “Once yer old enough, ah’ll teach yah everythin ah know.”

“But that won’t be the same,” said Apple Bloom. “I’m just yer little sister. Twilight Sparkle is a filly you fancy!”

“Ah don’t fancy Miss Sparkle!” said Big Mac. “She’s a friend of A.J., and ah’m happy tah help out a friend of tha family.”

“If’n you don’t like her,” Apple Bloom started. “Then how come you have her Smarty Pants doll in yer room?”

Big Mac got a shocked look in his eyes.

“How in the hay did ya’ll know about that!” asked Big Mac.

“What?” said Apple Bloom. “I thought everypony on the farm knew about that.”

“Ah never told Applejack or Granny Smith bout that!” said Big Mac. “Promise me yah won’t tell nopony about it. Understand me, Apple Bloom?”

“No problem, Big Macintosh,” said Apple Bloom. “Cross mah heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye! Nopony breaks a Pinkie promise. Breakin a promise, you can lose yer friends.”

“FOREVER!” shouted Pinkie Pie, popping out of a water bucket out of nowhere, then slowly descending back into it.

“What the hay was that!?” said a shocked Big Macintosh.

“Oh don’t worry bout that,” said Apple Bloom. “Pinkie Pie always knows when somepony makes a Pinkie promise.”

“Ah’ll never understand that pink filly,” said Big Mac.

“Nopony ever does,” said Apple Bloom. “Not even Pinkie.”
“Takes all kinds ah spose,” commented Big Mac.

Spike and Twilight were walking down the road. Spike figured he should grease the wheels a little more.

“All I’m saying is that it’s no big deal if you do have feelings for Big Macintosh,” said Spike. “He’s a really nice colt, and a hard worker.”

“Why are you so gung ho on me dating Big Macintosh?” said Twilight.

“I’m not gung ho, Twi,” continued Spike. “I just don’t want to see you alone.”

“I’m not alone, Spike,” said Twilight. “I have plenty of friends.”

“But friends aren’t the same as a special somepony,” said Spike. “Especially since you’ve never had one.”

“I actually have had one before,” said Twilight.

“What?” said Spike surprisingly. “But you said you hadn’t?”

“I just didn’t want to talk about it yesterday,” said Twilight. “But yes, when I was in school under Celestia, I did have a special somepony.”

“Well, what happened to him?” asked Spike.

“It just didn’t work out,” said Twilight. “These things happen. It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Sure sounds like a big deal,” said Spike. “Especially if you were willing to keep it a secret from me. You’re number one assistant no less.”

“It really wasn’t, Spike,” said Twilight. “I’m sorry I wasn’t straight forward with you. But trust me when I say, that it wasn’t anything serious.”

“Okay, Twi,” said Spike. “I’ll take your word for it.”

They walked the rest of the way in silence, mirroring yesterday when they were leaving the farm. Apple Bloom was the first to see they approaching the farm.

“Hey look!” said Apple Bloom. “There’ they are!”

Apple Bloom ran down to greet the lavender librarian and her number one assistant.

“Howdy, Twilight! Howdy, Spike!” greeted Apple Bloom.
“Good morning, Apple Bloom,” said Twilight.

“Hey, Apple Bloom,” said Spike.

“What are you up to?” asked Twilight.

“I was helpin Big Macintosh with his chores,” said Apple Bloom. “Figur’d the sooner he was done with them, the sooner could get tah helpin yah learn how tah farm.”

“Well isn’t that sweet of you,” said Twilight. “Are you almost done?”

“Sure are!” said Apple Bloom. “Hey Big Macintosh! Yah better get started helpin Twilight learn how tah farm!”

Big Macintosh felt a little embarrassed by how enthusiastic Apple Bloom was by all of this. But he’d be lying if he wasn’t excited too. He just wasn’t as good at showing it. He then went over to greet the visitors.

“Good morning, Big Macintosh!” said Twilight.

“Good mornin’ Miss Sparkle,” said Big Mac. “Good Mornin’ Spike. How ya’ll doin today?”

“Wonderful, thank you,” said Twilight. “Ready to start teaching me all you know about farming?”

It took Big Mac a moment to full process what he was about to say. Even if it was just one word.

“Eeyup!” he said, with a bit more enthusiasm than normal.

“Great!” said Twilight, with enthusiasm as well. “Let’s head out then!”

As Twilight and Big Macintosh walked to a field, Apple Bloom pulled Spike in for a conversation.

“Everythin’s set in motion now!” said Apple Bloom.

“Do you really think this is going to work?” said Spike.

“Sure!” said Apple Bloom. “All we gotta do is stick close by and make sure they stay as close to each other as possible.”

“Will Scootaloo be joining us at all today?” asked Spike.

“Naw,” said Apple Bloom with some sadness. “She managed tah get another flyin lesson with Rainbow Dash. But she said she’d be around tomorrow. Maybe Twilight will ask for another lesson tomorrow too!”

“Guess we better catch up with them,” said Spike.

“Right,” said Apple Bloom. “But remember, we gotta not draw attention to ourselves.”

“I know I know,” said Spike. “We better make sure it turns out well.”

“You seem abit more enthusiastic about this then yah did yesterday, Spike,” said Apple Bloom.

“Well, I wasn’t at first,” said Spike. “But I’m starting to think it would be nice for Twi to have a special somepony. I know she has a lot of good friends, but I’m starting to tell she’s a bit lonely in another way.”

“I was thinkin’ the same thing bout Big Macintosh!” said Apple Bloom. “I don’t know if he even has a friend. He’s such a nice pony, he deserves somepony to be around and treat him nice. I think Twilight is perfect for that!”

Apple Bloom and Spike followed Twilight and Big Macintosh to the field they planned to work on, making sure they weren’t seen.