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Chapter 2: Bookworm

Down the road, Twilight and Spike were heading back to their home at the library. Spike tried to think of some way to bring up the subject of Twilight getting lessons from Big Macintosh.

“So…um…what gave you the idea to take farming lessons from Big Macintosh?” said Spike

“Well, I feel it’s good to learn something new,” said Twilight. “I don’t know a lot about farming, except from books of course. But a first hoof experience I feel would be exciting.”

“Sure the excitement isn’t from getting to spend time with Big Macintosh?” said Spike

Twilight was surprised by that question. She was more surprised by her face getting a bit warmer and heart racing just a bit.

“Don’t be silly Spike,” she said “Big Macintosh is a fine young stallion. But he’d never be interested in somepony like me.”

“What makes you say that?” said Spike

“Simple,” Twilight began to explain. “I’m, as Rainbow Dash would put it, an egghead. I doubt a farm pony like him would be interested in being with an egghead. I can barely keep my close friends interested in what I have to say. I doubt most colts would care what I have to say.”

“I just realized something.” said Spike

“What’s that?” said Twilight

“Have you ever even been out on a date?” said Spike

“What!?” said Twilight

“Well, I’ve been with you pretty much since the day I hatched. Besides your school days of course,“ Spike pointed out. “I can’t ever recall you spending any real alone time with another colt. Other than your brother.”

“Nopony ever really asked me out on a date.” said Twilight”

“Why not?” said Spike

“For exactly what I just said.” Nopony is interested in dating some filly with her face always in a book,” she pointed out. “And I’m perfectly alright with that.”

“So you never even had a colt friend?” said Spike

Twilight paused for a moment from this question. Her thoughts began to thing back to her school days in Canterlot. During this time, Twilight rarely found the time to do anything with other ponies. Besides her older brother, Shining Armor, she’d never really spent anytime alone with another colt. She would overhear other fillies talking about the dates they’d been on, and at times she did wonder what it would be like. Twilight had actually lied to Spike. There had been a time when she’d gone out on a date. In fact during her days at the academy, she’d managed to get a colt friend.

Bookworm was, in some ways, a male version of Fluttershy, in that he was very soft spoken and rarely spoke out of place. He was a unicorn like Twilight, had light grey fur, and a brown mane that he kept well groomed. He wore large glasses with fairly thick lenses, as he was very near sited but you could tell he had very pale blue eyes. His cuttie mark was that of a worm popping out of a thick book. His magic wasn’t the best, but because of his studious nature he was granted a scholarship to the academy. Awkward, yes, but overall he was a well meaning colt, and one of the few students who treated Twilight with respect. He was also very sweet and was always willing to help out anypony in need when it came to schoolwork. Like herself, many other ponies would poke fun at Bookworm because of his studious nature and large glasses. There wasn’t a lot anypony knew about him really. Just that he was there on scholarship and from a humble, but respectable, middle class background.

“Hello there, Miss Sparkle” said Bookworm, struggling to keep his books in his satchel.

“Why hello there Bookworm” said Twilight. “How are you doing today?”

“Oh, um, quite well” he said “Thank you very much. And yourself?”

“Very well, thank you.” she said

“So um, Miss Sparkle…” he began to say.

“Bookworm please” said Twilight “You can simply call me Twilight.”

“But you are the prized pupil of Princess Celestia herself!” he said “It would be rude of me to not show you such respect.”

While Twilight was not a huge fan of such formalities, she had to admit it was nice to be treated like a real filly. In addition to his formal speech, Bookworm also had another odd way of speaking. He seemed unable to use contractions, always saying “can not” or “will not” instead of the usual “can’t” or “won’t.” Nopony knew why he spoke in such a manner, and this quirk was not unnoticed by the meaner students in class.

“So how may I help you today, Bookworm?” she said

“Well, um, Miss Sparkle” he struggled to say. “I have been thinking for a long time about this…I am really quite fond of you. You are one of the brightest fillies I have ever come across. And I hope you do not mind me saying, but you are also quite lovely.”

Twilight was taken aback by this comment. This was the first time anypony, other than her own family of course, had ever called lovely. Of course she didn’t mind somepony else saying this.

“Thank you very much, Bookworm.” said Twilight

“You are quite welcome, Miss Twilight” he said nervously. “I was also wanting to ask…if you would be so kind…um…to do me the honor…”

Twilight had a very good feeling about what he was wanting to say.

“Just say it!” said Twilight with great excitement.

While Bookworm was surprised by her sudden outburst, he’d be lying if he said it did not excite him some.

“Would you please be so kind as to go out on a date with me, Miss Sparkle!?” Bookworm said above his normal speaking tone.

Twilight was stunned. This was the first time a colt was asking her out. It barely took her a second to respond.

“I would love to, Bookworm!” said Twilight also in a louder than usual voice.

“Tomorrow night?” he said. “A picnic in the gardens? Let us say, one hour after school?”

“That sounds lovely.” said Twilight

“Terrific!” he said. “I shall see you then! Good day, Miss Twilight!”

“Good day Bookwork!” she said

Bookworm ran off quickly, but with a happy step clearly in his hooves. Twilight became rather excited about this herself. She had never been on a date before. And while Bookworm may not be considered the best looking colt around, he certainly wasn’t terrible looking.

Eventually Twilight noticed Spike trying to get her attention.

“Twilight!?” yelled Spike “Well…have you ever had a colt friend?”

“N…no I haven’t” said Twilight “and I’m alright with that.”

“Really?” said Spike with a puzzled tone. “Jeez, I’d be super depressed by that myself.”

“You’re still very young, Spike,” said Twilight. “These aren’t matters for a baby dragon.”

“I’m hardly a baby anymore, Twi.” said Spike

“Even so,” she said. “This is simply for research and nothing more.”

“Okay, fine, whatever you say.” said Spike

“Good then.” said Twilight

They walked in silence the rest of the way home.