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Chapter 11: An Unexpected Visitor

Big Macintosh was in a funk. He was in the kind that not only affected him, but his family as well. It had been a week since he kissed Twilight Sparkle and she ran off rejecting him. Applejack and Apple Bloom did all they could to try and cheer him up, but to nothing worked. He wouldn’t leave his room or talk to anypony.

“Yah think Big Macintosh will ever be happy again, sis?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Ah sure hope so, sugar cube,” responded Applejack.

“I feel like this mah fault,” said Apple Bloom.

“Now don’t be hard on yerself, little filly,” said Applejack. “You culdn’t have known things would turn out like this.”

“When I get mah hooves on Twilight,” Apple Bloom began. “I’m gonna…”

“Yah aint gonna do nuthin’, sugar cube,” interrupted Applejack. “It aint Twi’s fault neither. Clearly she has some issues she’s needin’ to work out. We don’t wanna go point’ blame on anypony.”

Apple Bloom started give her older sister a frustrated look. But then she settled and sunk her head.

“Yer right, Applejack,” she said. “I’m sorry fer that.”

“It’s okay, Apple Bloom,” said Applejack. “Ah woulda felt tha same at yer age. We’re gonna have tah be patient, and hope that Big Macintosh gets outa his funk. Ah can handle some extra work fer a few days.”

“I’ll handle some of his chores,” said Apple Bloom.

At the Library, Twilight hadn’t left her room the entire week either. Meanwhile Spike seemed to be waiting for something, or somepony important. He had sent a letter to Princess Celestia a week ago asking for a special request so he could help out Twilight. Then there came a knock at the door. Spike went to go see if it was who he expected. He then went up to Twilight’s room.

“Twilight,” said Spike. “You got a visitor at the front door.”

“Go away Spike,” said Twilight. “I don’t want to see anypony right now.”

“Come on, Twilight,” said Spike. “You’ve been in there all week. I’m telling you this is going to help you. I can’t stand seeing you like this anymore. So please come out? For me?

Twilight’s door slowly opened and she peeked her head out a little. Her eyes had a few wrinkles underneath from lack of sleep and some crying, and her mane was a bit messy.

“Alright Spike,” said Twilight. “For my number one assistant.”

Spike was always there for her, and she knew whatever he had planned was for her benefit. She walked down to the front door to see who it was. At the door was some colt wearing a nice suit jacket, and a nice smile.

“May I help you?” Twilight asked.

“I guess it has been a good while,” said this mysterious visitor. “But I didn’t think I changed that much.”

“Excuse me?” said Twilight.

The mysterious guest turned to the side and motioned to his flank. On it was a worm popping out of a book.

“Perhaps that will jog your memory, Miss Sparkle.” he said.

Twilight couldn’t believe it. There was never forgetting that cutie mark. She sees it in her memories who knows how many times.

“I can’t believe it,” she began” Bookworm? Is that really you?!”

“I admit my appearance has changed some,” said Bookworm.

“I’ll say,” said Twilight in shock. “What happened to your glasses?”

“Oh right,” Bookworm began. “It’s been so long that I forgot about that. I had a special corrective spell done on my eyes.”

“And your speech pattern is different,” she said. “Are you using contractions?”

“Manehattan has more therapists,” he said. “Lot more neurotic ponies walking about.”

“Well that’s wonderful for you,” said Twilight. “But, what are you doing here?”

“The other day I received a letter from Princess Celestia herself,” he said. “It was quite a surprise to hear from her. She told me you were having some problems, and that talking to me would most likely do the trick.”

“But how did you know?” asked Twilight.

“I sent Celestia a letter,” said Spike. “I told her what was going on and asked her to look for Bookworm if she could.”

He showed Twilight a copy of the letter he wrote.

Dear Princess Celestia,
We have a big crisis going on and I don’t know how to handle it. But I think I know what you can do to help me with it. Twilight Sparkle is having romantic issues and won’t come out of her room. She told me she once had a colt friend, but that they broke up for one reason or another. I think this is the reason for her troubles. If you can find this colt friend, please let me know and see if you can get him to come to Ponyville to talk with her.

Sincerely, Spike Tiberius Dragon

Twilight was amazed by the effort Spike had put into cheering her up. He even included his full name in the letter. He NEVER did that! Spike hated his middle name.

“Oh Spike,” she began. “I can’t believe you went to al this trouble.”

“Of course I did Twilight,” said Spike. “You’re my family. I don’t want anyone I care for to be sad.”

Twilight gave Spike a great big hug.

“Excuse me,” interrupted Bookworm. “I don’t mean to break up this tender moment. But I am here for a reason.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” said Twilight. Please, come in.”

“To be honest I wasn’t sure how you’d react to seeing me after all these years, Twilight,” said Bookworm. “After what I did I would’ve expected you to just slam to door in my face.”

“Believe me I’ve thought of doing it,” said Twilight. “In fact I’ve thought doing worse things to you than that…But really, we were so young back then. But I’d still like to know…why did you really break up with me? I know you said it was because of holding me back from my potential. But I always felt there was more to it.”

“You’re right Twilight,” said Bookworm. “There was a bit more to it. And before you say anything, let me start by saying that it wasn’t anything you did. You are an amazing filly and I enjoyed all the times I spent with you.”

“Then why?” asked Twilight.

“Because I knew that what we had wasn’t meant to be,” said Bookworm.

Twilight gave him a confused look.

“You see, Twilight,” began Bookworm. “Although my main talent is books, I also have a sort of sixth sense when it comes to the futures of ponies close to me. I knew that you and I weren’t meant for each other. In the romantic sense that is. When my father had to move, I thought it was the right way to break up with you. I admit back then I wasn’t terribly tactful. I’m very sorry for that. And it wasn’t till moving to Manehattan that I knew what this feeling I had was. But by then I didn’t think you’d ever speak to me again, so I never bothered to send you a letter to explain myself better. I’ll never forget how devastated you looked. Once again, I’m so sorry for what I did.”

“You hurt me bad, Bookworm,” said Twilight. “But I suppose good things did come from it. Sometime after that I started taking care of Spike, and then he became my assistant. Then of course there was moving to Ponyville, where I met my wonderful friends. I’ve done many things since coming here. But I’m sure you’ve already heard of all that. So I’d rather know about you. What have you been doing with your life?”

“Well you should know that if it weren’t for you my life would be very different,” said Bookworm. “You gave me a lot more confidence in myself. Our reading sessions inspired me to become a writer. And I’ve been a published author for quite some time now.”

“I’ve never heard of anything by a Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“Well I tend to use a pen name,” said Bookworm.

“Anything I would’ve heard of?” asked Twilight.

“Maybe you’ve heard of a filly adventurer named Daring do?” asked Bookworm.

Daring Do?” said Twilight. “You’re Chester Buckingham? But those stories were first written when our parents were foals!”

“Chester Buckingham doesn’t really exist,” said Bookworm. “It’s a name that’s been used by several authors for decades now. Think something along the lines of the Dread Pirate Trotter. It’s the name that matters, not the face.”

“That’s incredible!” said Twilight. “When did you star writing them?”

“My first published Daring Do story was Daring Do and the Return to the Island of Equine Giants.” he said. “Have you heard of that one?”

“Are you kidding!?” said Twilight. “It’s one of my favorite stories! You really wrote that!?”

“Every single word,” he said.
“I have a friend who has a signed copy!” said Twilight.

“Maybe I know him.” said Bookworm.

“He’s just a farm colt,” said Twilight.

“From the Apple Family?” asked Bookworm.

“Yes,” said Twilight. “How did you know?”

“My family is long time friends with the Orange family of Manehattan,” said Bookworm. “So I’ve also met some members of the Apple Family. A couple years ago I met a farm colt who was really nervous around me once he found out who I was. I signed his copy of that particular Daring Do title. Told him everyday life can be an adventure.”

“This is such a small world!” said Twilight. “I know exactly who you mean. Big Macintosh Apple!”

“I didn’t know he was called that,” said Bookworm. “But I recall him being a big fellow.”

“I’m best friends with his sister!” said Twilight.

“So is he the colt you fancy?” asked Bookworm.

“Well, I…um,” Twilight stumbled. “Yes…you could say that.”

“And does he feel the same?” asked Bookworm.

“I think he does,” said Twilight. “He did kiss me.”

“Sounds like it to me,” said Bookworm.

“But I probably ruined my chances,” said Twilight. “I ran off after he kissed me and haven’t seen him since.”

“There’s always a chance, Twilight,” said Bookworm. “Spike informed me that Macintosh is also down in the dumps.”

“Spike?” said Twilight.

“Sure,” chimed in Spike. “Apple Bloom and Applejack have been keeping me updated. Poor guy won’t come out of his room.”

“I can’t believe that,” said Twilight. “I didn’t know he cared so much.”

“See?” said Bookworm. “You still have a chance with him.”

“But, what if…” began Twilight. “What if it just ends horribly?”

“Life is like that,” said Bookworm. “I’ve had a couple other heartbreaks since I was with you. But I learned something new from each of them. Finally I met a filly who ended up being the love of my life. It’s the happiest I’ve ever been. I can honestly say that I owe that to you.”

“Thank you, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“Do you think this colt could be the one for you?” asked Bookworm.

“Yes, I think there’s a chance of that,” said Twilight.

“Then stop wondering about the ifs of it all,” he said. “Go to him and let him know how you feel. If you pass up this opportunity, you’ll regret it forever.”

Twilight thought for a moment. Years ago she would’ve most likely said harsh things to Bookworm for all he did. Now he was in her library giving her advice on life and love. How times had changed. She knew what she had to do. She gave Bookworm a big hug.

“Thank you so much, Bookworm,” said Twilight.

“You’re quite welcome, Miss Sparkle,” said Bookworm. “Now go to him.”

Twilight ran out the front door as quick as she could. But then she popped back in real quick.

“Um, before you go,” said Twilight. “Could you sign one of my Daring Do books?”