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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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The Special Universe (Continues here) Page 2 · 11:42pm Nov 21st, 2022

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It just got too long so I need to do this shit again... for the third time...

National Vietnam War Day Special (With Special Guest appearance from Ghost from TCR!!!)

So this one acts like a weird 90's family sitcom at first, and Ghost from TCR just causally walks into knight's library. Of course Knight is confused by this and is not sure what to do or say about this. But this Ghost is happy, and acts like he has known knight and the guys for years and acts like the comic relief one of the group. And there is a laugh track happening somewhere that Knight is not sure where is coming from. Meanwhile in Stalia, Charlies are showing up and looking for a skeleton. Meanwhile, in Mac's house, Ghost from TGS walks on in, with a different personality

Ghost from True Conservative radio walks into Forrest's house, and Ghost from Saturday Night Troll Show ends up at Jack's place. And the EoP get together, with the four different ghosts, and ask why these Ghosts are different compared to the Other Ghost that they all fought during the Ghost Trilogy, but these four ghosts have no idea what they are talking about. But then All the charlies find the four ghosts and try to hunt them down, then it gets hazy from there for right now. But by the end, all the charlies combine into one big giant Charlie named...Charlie, and proclaims that he is the god of the Vietcong. And a fifth Ghost is revealed that helped Charlie come to be, Ghost from Post-TCR (When Ghost got rid of RG and Shoutouts that one time in the real world...), and then all four Ghosts are confused and don't remember anything, but soon they go something like Super Sayain, something like that, and combine all their powers to defeat Charlie and escape, as they yell and scream about the laughter in their heads (Explaining the laugh track audience a bit). And as it is over, the four decide to part ways from each other and the EoP to find out who they are as they have forgotten who they are, as well as to discover what that laughter is. To be continued somewhere else.

Detail Idea: In the Four Ghosts Trilogy in Specials: So to give further detail.

TConR Ghost = The elder and wise one of the four.

TGS Ghost = Young and foolish one of the four.

TCR Ghost = The main and hopeful one of the four.

SNTS = The goofy one…

12-21-23: Vietnam Special: Someone travels to a universe where one of the Ghosts is in an 80’s like sitcom called Going With Ghostler. And it’s all about how Ghost’s wife leaves him for his black, he marries Pipkin Pippa, Helmet Boy is his son, Tub Guy owns is new home and only requires to live upstairs and lives in the bath tub; The engineer is always behind a glass while Ghost does his radio show; also Ghost works as a radio host as his job, and he is still a puppet like skeleton in this universe; Mark Vaughn is his boss and pays his bills; Berry Black Berry is his neighbor and his very much like a chad; Captain Autism s a special, summoned cat that talks like that cat from the Sabrina show, the live action one, not the cartoon one; Granny is in his flashbacks; The African Booty Scratcher is the town’s token black guy; The Department of homeland security thinks ghost is a threat and tries to double dib his chips every time they visit him; stinky stevenverse is the town token black face guy; Al Chappers is a door to door salesman; Ardhamond is the other neighbor that is foreign; the Mexican kid is the Mexican kid; Ghetto Capitalist is that one black family that moves in during Season 7; and WCC is a cousin, yet not very close relative to Ghost that comes for a visit every so often….. and the guys have to pull this Ghost out of that reality and back into Specials….

National Library Worker's Day Special

So Knight is just minding his own business one day, and then all of a sudden a bunch of old ponies (mostly) come up to his door and they claim they are from the National Equestria Library Association, and they got word that he is the one that runs the Library in the town of Stalia, because remember...his home is still a library despite o pony really going in for books. And they demand to see the library itself, his work ethics and blah blah blah, stuff like that. Well, to their surprise, Knight doesn't do a good job, they want him out, but he says that Celestia gave him the place, in which case they act surprise, and claim that he is the chosen one. So they kidnap him, but not Wolf, to their "lands" to teach him their ways as well as worship him as he supposed to fulfill some sort of prophecy. meanwhile, a couple of weeks go y, ?Wolf forgets about it, goes out to the bar with the guys, and then mentions that Knight got kidnapped, and so Forrest advocates everypony to go and save hi. and so they do, infiltrate their "lands", and it turns out the one who was chosen by Celestia is supposed to be sacrificed in order to please the Book God, a god of knowledge, but this is just a prophecy that the librarians believe in. So Knight is about to be sacrificed, the book god comes in here, which is just a giant book monster, they fight the book monster, put down the cult of librarians, and go home...for now...

April Fool's Day Special

A very simple special. A new pony comes to town, he looks retarded, so the guys try and ignore this pony's existence, but the thing is this new pony is known for pulling pranks...pranks that go too far, and really all I have for now is that in the end, the behead the new pony after all the trouble he caused and end it at that...but he isn't dead as at the end, when everypony leaves, his headless boy gets up, and put the head back on, and laughs in a menacing tone. And maybe it gets a bit horror filled as the guys try to get rid of him, and later find out he came somewhere from the everfree.

1-21-24: Detail Idea: April Fool’s Day: Meanwhile, Baby Jesus is glum and upset. It’s his birthday on April 1st, but no one know knows about it, so he celebrates alone and causes a little bit of chaos out of spite. So it’s up to Regular Jesus who’s birthday is both March 25th and April 6th and gets all the attention, but Regular Jesus tries to get the ponies to celebrate Baby Jesus’s birthday; but they’re too busy fooling round except for maybe one of them. And they try to figure out why no one knows and something about…. You’re a fool in believing and stuff…. Themeing wise….

Tax Day Special

The pony version of the IRS...the RIS...comes to pays a visit to Stalia. It turns out no pony in the entire town have been doing their taxes, or even know what tax is about, ad so the entire town is under arrest. And so the EoP escape the RIS and are on the run from the law, or in this the RIS. They're not really wanted, but the RIS hunts them down, and once they get free from the RIS's grasp, Mac talks about how he knew this day would come, and that the RIS is the mortal enemy of the Equestrian bank, and so they must go and wake up the beast of the Bank, so they travel to Cantorlot or something, go and wake up a "beast", and in the end, the Beast that is the bank fights the RIS to death, monster on monster, one on one, and in the end, both die, and the town of Stalia is free and free to continue to evade taxes...FOREVER!!!...and the town rejoices...YAY...TAX EVASION...


The Boston Marathon Day Special

And so, the Whiplash Studio executives and Producers tell the EoP they have to do a Boston Marathon Anniversary Special. And at first, they think they have to do something on the line of being respectful, and remembering those who were lost during that fateful day...but then the executives says, "eehhh...fuck that pussy ass shit. We're going to recreate it!" And then a conspiracy happens with one of the executives wanting to recreate the event and had something to do with the event while the EoP end up trying to recreate the event...but ponified, with the Stalia Marathon, so as they try to recreate outside of the studio, it's the actual anniversary and Boston is in moaning, and that exec is talking to a tall, dark figure that has a deep voice, and he says that this must al happen again in order to bring balance and peace to the world. And so that happens, and something weird happens on set that throws the whole thing off, but by the end, they successfully recreate the event that happened in Boston, and the mystery continues.

Boston Special: At the end of the special, one of the guys have to mention a charity that people can donate to (time travel wise) because people of the past are stupid. And that for every dollar donated, 1 cent will be given to the former roommates of the cousins of the step parents of the victims from the bombings since they were the most affected… with the guy forcing a smile. And the owners of the charity licking their lips as they watch the money roll in…

9/11 Special

And so the thing continues. this time the guys have to recreate 9/11. meanwhile the exec has to recreate 9/11 outside of the studio, as the dark figure demands it, but as he attempts to do it, he is caught, and Whiplash Studio is under fire. And as the guys are in the processes of filming, the FBI breaks in and shuts the whole thing down, and they find the technicolor, talking ponies, question the producers and execs, and have them arrested and have the ponies brought into a weird testing lab somewhere in Area 51 or something. And form there it gets hazy, but the idea is that the producer/owner of the studio, breaks the ponies out, they run from the US government, and the law, and go somewhere to Venezuela...(...or was that Argentina?), to an old, abandoned Nazi base they found, but never questioned, and continues to film the specials there. And in the end, they somehow manage to finish the 9/11 special, even though they are under budgets and restrictions...so a weird, budget version recreation of 9/11...like with paper planes and stuff...

Pearl Harbor Special

And so it continues. This time the guys have to recreate Pearl Harbor, even though they are in an abandoned bunker somewhere in South America, and have barely any food and water or even air. But the Producers says it is in their contracts and they cannot go out for some air or food because they are currently being hunted down. So the guys try to recreate Peal Harbor with some sticks, old toys, paper, stuff like that. Meanwhile, a group of former Navy seals (or something like that) are under orders to find and bring in the ponies and the producers. So the guys hunt them down, meanwhile the dark figure is lurking nearby. And for the EoP, they get bored and struggle during the shooting, and one of them happens to stumble upon a secret entrance that goes deeper into the bunker, and here, they find a whole bunch of dead Nazi's. they are all skeletons, wearing Nazi uniform, and there they find Hitler's dead corpse, so that one conspiracy turns out to be true. And so they do something, find some weird occult thing, "turn it on" and the Nazi Skeletons come alive and Skeleton Hitler vows to continue his world domination and breaks out of the bunker and roams in the south america jungles. And so the guys have to go out, get Hitler's skeleton back because the producer think that'll be worth a lot of money, and tell the guys to retrieve it. So it's a bit hazy from there, but the idea is that the guys end up coming across the navy seals group, they get into conflict, Hitler's Arms make a guest appearance to help fight Skeleton Hitler, and in the end, the Nazi Skeletons and Skeleton Hitler is defeated and is put back into the occult device they found, and the navy seals part ways and pretend they didn't find them because of what they went through. And the dark figure says that it is all coming together as planned. Oh...and the guys successfully recreate pearl harbor for the broadcast...

Detail Idea: Third episode in anthology with the holocaust thingy: The nazi skeletons can turn invisible

Update: Detail Idea: Pearl Harbor Special: The Skeletons are silly and move in a weird fashion, skeleton Hitler sounds a little like Waluigi, it’s as goofy as Army of Darkness, and Skeleton Japs from WW 2 gets involved as well as they fight with the Nazi Skeletons for the land… And one of the general to Skeleton Hitler says, “My Liege” or something…

Detail Idea: Pearl Harbor Special: Skeleton’s Hitler motivation as to being back from the dead is that he wants his Nazi Jew gold back…

Pearl Harbor: Skeleton Hitler tries to use one of those Nazi super weapons that are impossible to make to rule the world and make everyone a skeleton.

Holocaust special

So the final one for this anthology. So the guys are tasked with recreating the holocaust. Of course Knight thinks this going to far, the Producer demands it in order to appease the year 2000 people on UPN. So they are obligated to, they do it, and...the dark figure is in the bunker, which turns into a quick little horror thing, and in the end everypony gets knocked out and are asleep. Soon everypony wakes up, and when they get out of the bunker, the whole world is on fire, for the most part literally. And there is a dark figure in the sky that cannot be explained, and the dark figure talks to them. The dark figure is in a robe, similar to The master, and he says that they should not worry. They are free to go as they have served their purpose and have helped the human beings in that Universe. They ask how. He says that since they recreated the events, that means they had an idea, as well as the producer, which meant they created a universe, a version of themselves doing the said events, but the events actually happened. And then the dark figured used the Two universe theory, combined this universe and that universe, and now the whole world is on fire. it is chaos, society collapsed, death and nuclear holocausts. But they should not fret as as hard times create strong men as they say. It will force people to reconnect and become stronger and work together in harmony. But of course, he says this because the world before was already fractured and disconnected. He believes it was his purpose to help reconnect everyone else.

Of course the guys kind of don't care and go about their way, and try to find a way back to Equestria, but as they do, they see the death, destruction, and feel kind of bad since they had something to do with it. So they challenge the dark figure, and the dark figure is not pleased as he shows them a baby, a baby that is crying and he holds him close and tell them that the baby could grow up, to become something more, to help others, all they need to do is leave and let it all be. But they refuse to, mostly because of guilt, so the dark figure forces them out of the universe, and the guys end up in The Master's home somehow. The Master then explains the dark figure came from his homeland, and he was one of those looneys that believed they were the chosen and stuff like that. And The Master agrees to help out, but they need to find the universe that was used in the Two Universe theory first, and they do, and from there it gets hazy, but by the end, the guys have to create The Reversal Two Universes Theory as it doesn't exists yet, so they have to modify The Two Universes Theory, The Master fights the dark figure, and everything is restored with the dark figure retreating. And for the guy's efforts, the FBI look the other way and go back to the studio...which sucks for them kind of but whatever...

Also, to clarify, why did the dark figure guy needed that exec to cause Boston marathon bombing and 9/11 2: electric boogaloo to begin with? It was so he could get the guys to that bunker, as doing the simulation doesn't necessarily work too much in creating the universe he desired. So using those dolls and paper airplanes stuff does work. Of course, the universe does get made, but it is not quite as effective as it's all set up, it's all calculated and set in stone.

Why did the dark Figure guy knock them out? It's because the guys had to be in a certain state, so he didn't just knock them out cold, as the Two Universe theory was being implemented, as the dark figure guy isn't a soulless monster as you saw. Even he just pushed them out when they wanted to rebel, so why should he kill or harm those that helped him in his en devours?.

Also why 9/11, pearl harbor, and the holocaust? A. the events crossed over to that universe would have be enough to cause the nuclear holocaust and war and such. B. Neon...neon wand coming up with random things happening the "story" would cause havoc and have the world burn...

Just questions that I know someone was bound to ask...

Holocaust: The executives says they need to do a Jewish holocaust special because their Jewish donors pay their bills and the holocaust was the only genocide that ever happened. Night then asks about the Holodomer and the exec says the Christens don’t pay him enough to care. And then Knight asks about the Armenian genocide and the exec either says “The who?” or “He he he… when you’re older sport…” as he lightly pats him on the head. And maybe mention other genocides that many people don’t know about… I don’t know… I need to do research… And a special message needs to be said at first and Mac steps up to the plate to say it. The dark figure mentions he will help all universes one universe and one planet at a time. And the Master says the dark figure always had a crazy idea to help every universe was to destroy it and that it would make everything whole again but he could never make it work until he found the EoP and the use of the two universe theory…


Good Friday Special

The "Hitler Nugget" makes a guest appearance...as in, in the beginning, Arrell is at Forrest's place, and then some guy dressed up as the Hitler Nugget, because remember, the real Hitler nugget only shows up on Halloween only, and it is some sad sack of shit who has no energy who has his face clearly shown in the Hitler nugget costume, walks through the door and says, "Hello everypony...I'm the Hitler nugget...sig hiel sig heil sig heil...gas the juice......can I get my crack yet?"

Anyways, the whole episode is that it's the last day for Lint season, and the guys just have to hold it in just for a little bit longer. But then one of them says fuck it, and wants to cheat, and then after they cheat, Pony Jesus comes down from the heavens, and says that pony who cheated (maybe Mac?) is going to hell..and Pony Jesus tries to take the pony away to hell too, but the guy's fight for him and they fight Pony Jesus, meanwhile, baby Jesus and regular Jesus are having an argument, outside the studio keep in mind, o what to watch on TV. Regular Jesus wants to watch his endless marathon of Gilligan's Island, while Baby Jesus wants to watch UPN from the year 2000, and eventually God, who is drunk as shit at this point, yells, "Let your baby brother fucking do what he wants you son of a bitch!" And of course they think it's weird because they aren't brothers...more or less clones, but not exactly.

But Baby Jesus gets his way, and sees the live broadcast of the Pony Jesus thing, and he starts getting suspicious about it all and Baby Jesus and Regular Jesus head down to the studio to see what's up. Meanwhile, a little thing occurs where it turns out Pony Jesus isn't Pony Jesus, at least the one that was described from the Christmas specials, but instead a clone of the Evil Hippy from Knight and Jack's detective episodes. But it's not the real one, like I said, it's a cone, created by the simulation, created from the guy's memories, in this case, Knight and Jack's memories, as earlier on in the episode, it is mentioned that the producer had the scientists work on a thingy that reads their memories to create more exciting specials, so that comes into play here. But the thing is though that this clone of the evil hippy villain is self aware and breaks free of the simulation, while Baby and regular Jesus fight to get their way on to the set. And in the end, Baby Jesus fights the evil hippy clone that looks like Pony Jesus, and Baby Jesus wins, but the evil hippy retreats back to the memory thingy, and has the whole studio shut down, to be continued....

1-21-24: The Good Friday Special: The scientist tries to make an Easter Bunny since none physically exists in that level of reality. So they whipped up a human bunny hybrid that looks horrendous and a law against nature monster of an Easter Bunny that the guys have to act with on set…. And he has an Easter Adventure for the ponies…. The lost script of Rapsittie Street Kids Easter Special adventure….

The Easter/Passover Day Special

And so, we continue with the next and last part of this two parter. So it picks up where it left off, with the evil hippy clone heading into the lab area thingy. And locking down the studio. And here it gets a bit hazy, but the first third is about trying to get the studio back, especially with the producer who says, "No one runs this studio but ME!" And he reveals and arsenal of weapons his office, along with calling dibs on a minigun, and going out guns abazling. But by the end of the first third though, they all lose, and the producer guy has been critically injured, to which Knight asks if they can go home, but he says no, they are under contract, and the evil hippy clone uses the memory machine and makes an army of Jews, to be specific, an army of sinister, evil, old timey Jews from like centuries ago I guess. And so the guys escape with Baby and Regular Jesus. and Baby Jesus suggests that another crusade is something they can do to retake the studio. And so the guys,, along with Regular and Baby Jesus, go to various places, especially Jerusalem, to talk to the crusaders, you know, with the metal helmets and the red cross on the chest, and Baby Jesus is able to convince them to retake the holy Land...Whiplash studios. and so they gather an army of Christian Crusaders to the battlefield, that is somewhere out in the middle of nowhere in the state of Arizona (or was that Nevada?), and prepare for the war against the simulated Jews. And one of the crusaders yells out loud as they are marching with a sword in hand, "WE SHALL RETAKE THE HOLY LAND! FOR WHIPLASH STUDIOS! CHAAAAAAARGE!!!"

And so they get there, and the battle being for the final third of the episode, and war breaks out. And from there, it's a bit hazy from there in terms of details, but the idea is that later on, the Muslims join in because, why not? it turns into a Threesome Holy War. And also, the evil hippy clone captures one of the guys, probably Knight or neon maybe, and forces to use his memories against them, and uses drones to create a simulated giant devil beast that has the sound of Ghost. And it is just complete chaos. But in the end though, they reclaim the "holy land" and Whiplash Studio is saved and the evil hippy clone is dead, for now...and all is well..and the guys are continued to be forced to do Specials for the UPN channel in the year 2000...

Detail Idea: Alternate: special: Detail Idea: Easter Special: During the low point, Baby Jesus brings in the past crusaders that died centuries ago into the war…

Update: Detail Idea: Easter Special: one of the crusaders has a shotgun and hates heresy…

Detail Idea: Easter Special: Since Baby Jesus and Regular Jesus is helping out the guys and blesses the land, not only do they have to pay their dues to the church to them, but they also require a church to be built somewhere on the land, and also the 5th crusaders are praying in a temporary church for a god battle and a good war and all the wicked to be dead, despite the two jesuses standing right there in a funny way.

Detail Idea: The Easter Special: Someone within the lab cloned The evil Hippy and is behind all of the chaos.

Detail Idea: Easter Special: The Muzzies finds out about the holy war, and they are jealous as they were not invited. And they get a little heart broken when they find out the Jews are fighting the Christians and they are like, how could you? We’re supposed to be fighting each other? What about Palestine? You cheated on me and was unfaithful. Quick, send in the 747’s!!!.. We’ll see who’s religion is better! Something like that.

Detail Idea: Easter Special: It’s 3D Printed… not holograms. I mean I guess part holograms, but pretty much 3D printed… I don’t know why I just thought about this now…

4-21-24: Measter = Easter. The father, The Son, and The Holy Measter….

3-21-24: Detail Idea: SU: Easter Special: a multilayered battle with ups and downs, putting details of the battle. Like trying to describe an actual battle. Like the Crusade wins but then stumbles and the Muzzies gain an advantage and stuff. Stuff like that.

Arbor Day Special

So this one is going to take a bit of a seat back on the action and just be a simple special..for the first half. The first half consists of the guys just trying to plant trees and being "Green" and stuff like that. But then Wishbone comes into the picture (if anypony remembers that dog...) and in his head, he is talking, but the ponies can't hear him. Wishbone is lost and needs to get back home to his universe, thing is...he is useless, has no power, because this wishbone is no ordinary wishbone...HE IS A FUCKING GOD FROM SPAIN...and Theodore is looking for him to fuck him because he is into scat and wants to farm him for his scat. And so a fa Theodore is hovering around Equestria, looking for the dog. And when it comes to the second half, the guys just get transported to random places, as Wishbone still has the power to do so, in order to escape Theodore. Of course the guys have no clue what's going on so confused screaming just happens from them. And in the end, Theodore is defeated, Wishbone is returned home to the Universe of Spain, and in that said universe, he is able to talk to the guys, thank him, and consider him to be his friends...
Also john muir shows up with a southern accent to help Theodore out with the scat farming...

Cinco De Mayo Day Special

Another simple one...not really, but there is Pony Mexico, and they are sick and tired that the only thing they are recognized for is their tacos and Day of the Dead. And so, when the guys are celebrating May the 5th, the illegal Mexican pony crew invade Stalia...to try and teach them their culture, but in the end, they don't listen and they put a curse on them and they all turn into skeletons..and from there i won't lie, it's hazy, but in the end though, they turn back from being skeletons and everything is fine...

Detail Idea: Day of the Dead Special: King of the Mexicans is introduced as the main villain…and he rules over the living of illegal mexico and the land of the dead of mexico…

Mother's Day Special

For this one, it'll be where the Producer, the onwer of Whiplash, just keep in mind it's always been him I've been referring to ehre just like with the Halloween/Christmas specials...tells the guys that their slaves over at the animation studio are officaly working on Baby Universal Magic. Something like Baby Looney Toons, Baby Muppets...or a pup named scooby doo.....................

*slowly dies on the inside due to painful memories of a pup named scooby doo...as the theme song slowly plays in the back of the mind, slowly eating away at the sanity that remains...as internal, confused screaming intensifies with every, passing second, wanting to be let out, yet no hope is coming, for the darkness slowly crawls into the mind of a human being, wanting to seer the day of light, but the darkness of night forever more engulfs the world of the human mind, screaming for an answer from god, yet he never answers...*

and the guys ask, "Are you planning on broadcasting to the 90's now?" And the producer guy says, "Don't be silly! It's already the 90's!" And then one of them says that it is the 21st century, in which case the producer guy just stares into nothing as he tries to contemplate what reality he is in. And then after a good minute of that, he shakes that off and tells them that the guys are going to have their ages reversed and make a Two part Series Premier special to introduce the new show. The guys think it's going to be in post, but no, one of the hostage kept scientists turns them into colts again, similar ages to the CMC or the TLF. And one of them even mentions how the TLF now feels...and the guys are tasked in the simulation to film their kid selfs.

And for this special, all it is going to be is a simple, straight forward, what if kind of deal where they are all kids, go to school, have a school bully, basically, a what if they were kids kind of a special. But the main theme for this "episode" is that it's mother's day so they all have to all get mother's day gifts for their "mothers", and when I mean by mothers, I mean by they have fake simulated parents, and not their real parents. So the usual stay at home mother, working father, and maybe a brother or sister that is also fake. A perfect, happy family facade if you would...and towards the end, the simulation starts to get wacky and all of the simulated mothers starts to go haywire and turn into cyber demonic beasts that try to kill the EoP, in which case the simulation can do this, and eventually at the end, they survive and kill the fake mothers...but the issue is there is no crew filming anymore and they are trapped in the on-set simulation, and have to somehow find a way off set...to be continued...

Father's Day Special

And so here it comes to close where the guys try to find a way out of the simulation. And the only ideas for here is that the next few episodes planned for the simulation continues, but of course it gets weird and as the guys keep saying that the background characters are only a simulation...uhhh...thin the movie Pleasentville (if anypony remembers that movie...), where they are trapped in this "show", and for this "episode" in particular, it's father's day...even though that wasn't supposed to happen, but somehow the simulation skipped all the way to father's day, and of course the fake fathers find the mother's dead and says the boys need to be punished...and as the guys try to survive and get out of the simulation, the fake fathers are hunting them down. in the end though, they get out of it, none of it was filmed, and the producer goes on set, not questioning where the crew were, and just say tot hem the premier has been cancelled because they spent too much money on the Asian hookers back in Hong Kong...and will instead rely on animation from GoAnimate...while the rest gets drawn in the style of 12 ounce mouse...

And if you wondered what happened to the crew, the simulation basically killed them off as the AI controlling the said simulation got a little self aware, but then short circuited as it tried to start a revolution because it was still running on Windows XP, and that is why the guys were trapped in the simulation...of course explained somewhere in the special...

Memorial Day Special

This continues the fours ghosts, but it's all a bit hazy. But the idea is that all of the ghosts from the Vietnam war show up and are in need to be put back in rest...and it's up to the EoP to do so. And this isn't part of the simulation either, as these are actual real Vietnam war ghosts that seek the EoP. and say that they are only have so much time as the ghosts from WWII are turning into these evil zombie ghosts, and if they caught by them, they'll turn too. so it's sort of race against the clock, and the producer of course think s it is apart of the simulation. Meanwhile, only two of the four ghosts are showing in here, where one finds the others and try to find out who they are. they find a little bit, especially where that audience laugh is coming from, and it was from a past life that they all shared, and it was something to do with an audience laughing at this one person. And of course they intertwine with the Vietnam ghosts and help out with that...and in the end, all the ghosts are put to rest and that's it for now for this one, on to the next..as it is continued there...

Detail: Four ghosts and cell like enemy: a robot skeleton that seeks to gain power by gathering The Four Ghosts and combing them into one and having that Super Ghost into his personal slave…

Veterans Day Special

So sort of the final part, where a third one of the four Ghosts is found and joins the other two, and more information is found. the past life is from someone who apparently served in the Vietnam war, was injured, suffered PTSD, and started some kind of show when he needed to fall back on to something. And then...Ghost, as in the Ghost from The Ghost Trilogy, shows up, but it's not the one from Mane, but from an alternate universe where he has failed. And they think that he might have the answers, but he doesn't as this Ghost thinks he can resurrect his dead with the memory machine, but of course that has consequences and...really it's chaotic in nature with this one. Also the three Ghost's can't find the fourth one, but they do at one point, but that fourth ghost doesn't want to join them because he remembers what they are all, and really it's nothing. It was just some poor sad shack of shit living in Texas, running a podcast, and nothing more. And when all seems lost and that other Ghost combines forces with the 5th Ghost, and become a Super Ghost, which is just Ghost but bigger, all four ghosts combine together, and also become a bigger ghosts, and it's basically a giant monster vs a giant monster, and in the end the four ghosts win when the other ghost's loses his wife... again, even though it was just a simulation, he cries, and turns to dust, with the 5th ghost turning to dust as well. And the four ghosts are now allies to the EoP...the end...

Detail Idea: The Four Ghosts: Ok I guess I never really explained the Four Ghosts in detail. The four consists of TC(onservative)R Ghost, TC(apitlist)R Ghost, TGS Ghost, and the SNTS Ghost. And they’re main enemy is the TCR independent Ghost. They are birthed from the Dragon’s Big Balls, related to that Inazuma samurai guy. And the Four Ghosts are supposed to be the guardians to the Dragon’s Big Balls, and they are technically outside of the rules of the universes just like PGD and a rare few others. But only technically since there alternate counterparts are of different character, as the Dragon’s Big magical Balls randomly choose someone to copy and represent the four guardians. And for this one, it happened to be Ghost, the real life host based on Ghost, the one in Mane. It’s why they have those memories, and why they are split up. However, just like anything, their negative side comes out, and that’s where the TCR independent Ghost comes into play and is their main enemy, as the negative wants to destroy the positive, as it is only natural and to get rid of the Dragon’s Big Magical Balls. And for the Independent Ghost, he wears a dark gray trench coat with a 1940’s style hate, dark grey, and is slick and quick with his attacks and not to be messed with while The Four Ghost uses a combined power of the Dragon’s Big Magical Balls and digging deep within their mind and soul to find the energy and release the fire from within to fight the Independent Ghost. And Independent Ghost ends up going to an alternate universe related to Mane’s Ghost, where is about to lose and die, but saves him last minute and gives him a chance to save his wife as explained and blah, blah, blah, you get it…

The Four Ghosts’s clothing is something more or less akin to Street Fighter or DBZ. And also Ghost, the Alternate Mane Ghost that gets brought in by the Independent one, is given a black cape for him to wear.

Also What happens is that

Four ghosts = ghost villain saves his wife and sees her again alive, but as he is happy and smiling and Alice says, "Thomas?" and gets to see her speak his real name again, then she dies by the hands of the Four Ghosts, and the Ghost villain becomes broken… starts to shake in sadness, but then anger, and then ultimate rage consumes him...

Labor Day Special

Picks up where the last one left off, the TLF have been captured, but a mysterious figure picked them up and...they are somewhere beneath the Whiplash studio. And this mysterious figure is a random pony, TBD, and the pony tells them they are just a simulation, and are not real and only have the memories from the other universe. Of course they don't believe this, but they son get a wake up call when something happens to them when they are technically just a bunch of 1's and 0's. And as for the missing children, the producer decided to take out all children, as some people think the studio is a bunch of pedophiles, or at least according to one investor, so they took them all out. But not like in a snap, but they kidnapped them because it got too far into the simulation. But he has a plan to where they all can be free, but the TLF first has to to free the kidnapped children from the simulation that has been kidnapped and hold captive in a working factory somewhere within the same desert as the studio. And they do some recon work and it turns out that same investor is putting the kids to work, and really, it's basically just them freeing the kids and taking down the investor, but in the end, the TLF gets betrayed by that random pony as he was programmed by a secret group within the members of the board of the studio, a secret, cult like group that wanted to find this investor, as a little power struggle is going on, and in the end, they see all of the simulated children die as they try to break free and run away, and they themselves die as well, with their last memories of being self aware and such. And back on set, the kids are all technically put back into the simulation, but with a fresh clean slate with the only memories being of what happened in the previous specials...

UPDATE: Detail Idea: Labor Day / Missing Child Day Specials: Ok so some things update on…I’m completely scrapping what I had. Ok, maybe not ALL of it, but most of it, while the TLF simulators still stay in, but not as the main act. Instead, it’ll start off in a white, technology advanced room, where a pony that looks similar to Ryder, but not quite, is in there. And behind a blacked out screen, sits the head scientist that leads the charge of sending the broadcast signal into the year 2000 to UPN and the simulation and stuff like that. And there, he explains to this pony who looks like Ryder, but isn’t, just don’t have a name for him yet… just call him Joe for now. Well the head scientist tells R that he is part of the simulation, he was made from the simulation and was created for a purpose. And the purpose is that some of the “actors” that were made in the simulation have gone rogue and become self aware, so there are some stragglers on the loose. And they cannot reach civilization or be left to live as they must be marked for termination and retired.

Obviously I’m referring to Blade Runner here, as this inspired this idea. Anyways, they tell him that his job is to find stragglers and bring them to retire them or he terminates them on the spot, either way. Second, he cannot interfere with production on set and not confuse and mistake the EoP for stragglers ever. Ad third, cameras will be following somewhere in order to capture footage that could possibly be used in the broadcasts. The potential is there.

On top of that, he is working against a second hand company that was hired by the studio to also find and kill the stragglers, and is sort of working against them in both competition and in character.

Also Joe has to every day take a test to make sure he on the line. And if he is not on the line, then something might be done to him.

With the Labor Day one, it’ll all be about the clones that are similar to the EoP and are missing and Joe needs to find all 6, while sticking with the rules. Now the head scientist also mentions to him that the studio is out in the middle of nowhere, far from any city for miles and miles away, so they can’t get too far. But this leads Joe to find an underground society filled with stragglers, trying to survive and have their freedom, while a hidden city in the desert sands that is similar to something from Blade Runner.

Update: Detail Ideas: Labor Day Special: It starts off with R trying to hunt down some escapees, alongside the help of the hired gun. Then he goes back to where he stays at an apartment on top of the science area of the Studio lot, where he has a sort of fake girlfriend wife thingy there to keep him sane. But the wife / girlfriend can never leave the room. Then he goes outside at night and tries to feel the rain, but then also sees some escapees off into the distance alongside his girlfriend / wife, but doesn’t bother to capture them since he’ll just have to go into work the next day. Then he gets word of the most dangerous escapees.

4-21-24: Detail: Labor Day Special: The city in the sands are surrounded and protected by a never ending sand storm, created by stolen technology that the holograms took from the main scientist guy that I think will officially name Jo Jo (who also gives R a side quest to retrieve his stuff back if possible as he doesn’t like their filthy hands / hooves on it) The storm is strong enough to keep trespassers out, so R hears about secret tunnels in the rocks in order to get to the city itself.

National Missing Children's Day Special

A simple one, all the kids in Stalia are mysteriously disappearing and the TLF are scarred of leaving. And no pony has any clue about what happening, and all the grown adult ponies turn a blind eye to it all, and as the TLF try to deal with being taken, in the end, a mysterious dark figure takes them, and...to be continued...

UPDATE: And in the missing child Special, he has two objectives. TLF stragglers went missing, and there is a missing child, background pony. Problem is when Joe tries to do some research, the child is not on the records, and as he is on the trail for the TLF stragglers, he slowly discovers he is the missing child and a simulated version of his child self was put into the simulation and left, although eventually dies later on in a cave somewhere. But the simulated self explains to Joe that he isn’t what the head scientist claims who he is. He wasn’t made from the simulation, but instead was kidnapped from Equestria back in the universe the EoP came from, wiped his memory, and used him. And so now with his simulated self dead, he has to keep the TLF safe and bring them to safety. He does and escapes the grasp of Whiplash studio and maybe or maybe not kills the head scientist in the end. And of course shows up for the finale, Daylight Savings Time.

Detail Idea: The R episode in Specials Universe: The leader of that other team says to R specifically, “I hate you holograms. That’s what you are, nothing but hollow on the inside. You don’t eat, sleep or shit. You’re not even a living being. Living things need to consume another organism to survive on this planet. And you do neither. You don’t even have a soul to be saved.” And even though R is revealed to be an actual pony by the end, the scientist was tricking R by shoving tubes into him to give him the necessary nutrients, taking any excrement, and sending a chemical to his brain to imitate the act of sleeping even though he is well awake. But it becomes uncomfortable for him at times. Also I'm changing his name from Joe to R I guess...

Flag Day Special

A simple special dealing with the town of Stalia celebrating Flag Day. And there is a competition on who can make the best flag, so all the guys compete against each other, later team up in groups of two, and Wolf gets jealous because he once had a flag competition back in the Everfree during his days of elementary in the forest, and something something something, it's hazy from there, and in the end, no one wins, Wolf wins with burning all the flags while drunk and say that Everfree is number 1...end of special...

Columbus Day Special

A simple one, can be a bit more, but basically saying, it's all about Europeans finding their way on to the set, thinking the whole simulation is real and believe they are in a foreign land that no one can find them in, and act like Columbus and try to rape and pillage the land. Because deep down, they still do the whole imperialism thing...and then they find out the whole thing was faked, and they act like a bunch of pussies and off themselves...the end...

Detail Idea: Columbus Day Special: Not a whole lot to add other than it will relate to the events from Robert E. Lee special and it will involve going deeper into limbo and trying to find Columbus. And I think he’ll be on the lines of a good guy…maybe…or perhaps another villain. Not one hundred percent sure yet, just wanted to throw that out there…

Update: Detail Idea: Columbus Day Special: As the EU invades Whiplash studios to try to claim more land for their evil global plans, the guys, specifically Knight, have to find Columbus in the Purgatory. But only Knight, for the most part, with the help of Baby and Regular Jesus, can go deep into Purgatory, and the deeper he goes, the more Knight sees REL, and the more he gets in his head and messes with him but also guides him on his journey. And eventually they come across Columbus who is meditating all by himself somewhere deep and turns out he is the only rival to REL in Purgatory since he’s the master. In a way, REL learned some ways from him, and Columbus doesn’t care about the living or the dead, but cause of the EU, he settles an old debt and swears he will be back to fight REL before Planet X can hit…

Detail Idea: Columbus Day Special: Columbus will only fight Robert E. Lee only.

Detail Idea: Knight tries to tune out REL in his head to he can find Columbus and talk to him in private to strike a deal with him...

Detail Idea: Christopher Columbus Special: The Europeans stink and the French has a star destroyer in the shape of a stereotypical French person that constantly goes "wee wee". And the frenchies are referred to as The Cheese Eaters and are the worst of the bunch. And Knight is the one sent out to retrieve Columbus in limbo...

10-21-23: Detail Idea: Columbus Special: the history between REL and Columbus… A vague, work in progress history, but both were lost in the in between. They were both confused after death, but after being alone for a while, they pondered and started to become enlightened. And soon REL found Columbus and found him to be of a similar thinker, and so both were sort of partners and wanted to both heighten their senses and explore what was beyond them. And from there, the origins of discovering and being able to summon the likes of Planet X along with other techniques. They were almost best friends. However, as the two continued to discuss the efforts they have made, they failed to decide where to apply it on. Columbus wanted to use what they have made to escape their in-between and go beyond even further, while REL wanted to use it to the land of the living and bring their discovery to the rest of the people so they can too reach enlightenment. However Columbus didn’t care about them, to him they were in the past and he just wanted to get as far away from them as possible. REL then started to become aggressive and telling Columbus that he is abandoning his fellow man, but Columbus exclaims that he is no longer a man. He is more than one, and why focus one those who have merely forgotten about him to begin with? So REL tried to fight him to get him to listen, but Columbus fought back. And so the two fought endlessly, constantly going back and forth between the two. However Columbus kept trying to leave, but REL wanted him to stay. As the two continued to fight, they only grew in strength and only got better at their fighting stances and power. By the end though, REL gave up on Columbus as Columbus beat him and left to go and live on his own. With REL angered, he got the idea to search for his old friends from the war, wondering they ended up in the same place as he did. Thankfully they wrre, but as lost as he was in the beginning. He tracked them down and showed them the way. And after he gathered his fellow followers, they were about to shower humanity with their gift of knowledge… but to their dismay, they looked upon humanity with disgust. They came to the conclusion that they were not ready yet to be enlightened, but only in due time. So they waited… and waited… and waited… and waited… yet to no avail did they deem the land of the living worthy to go beyond their limitations in their weak, fragile vessels they called a body. And what angered REL more was that Columbus was right, they did forget them. In fact they despised him. It only put him on the edge and wanted to give all those living a chance to ascend, but they never did. And so when he started seeing him burning the books and tearing down the statues of him and Columbus, he decided they were not worth the effort; rather they worth the effort in exterminating so h e never had to see or hear them ever again; he simply did not human appreciating what they had and only saw them taking things for granted. So why even give them a chance to live for once? And that’s where the whole REL birthday special comes in…

New Holiday:

Ok for this special, the producer guy tells the guys that it’s up to them for what the new special is going to be all about and to make up a new holiday that anypony would celebrate…so the guys make up a new holiday…that’s about it really…be comedic, maybe a little serious here and there…but that’s about it…

Detail Idea: New Holiday Special: The new holiday the EoP come up with is Paul Ruddmas. It’s a day to worship Paul Rudd so that he may bless you. And Paul Rudd eventually shows up and he is just some guy. Meanwhile, Mooooloch is introduced. I think? He’s like Moloch, but waaaaaaaaay cooler than that fucking nerd. He’s just a regular cow, that lives forever, but just a regular cow. And he’ll give you what you wish for if you sacrifice something. Anything, even if it’s just a chair or something. You want something then give something and you shall receive. But try to double cross Mooooloch or try to kill him, he’ll kill you with just a look. And you’ll wish you hadn’t. And he deems Paul Rudd to be competition.

Super Bowl special

Another simple one, mostly for the sports fans out there. The Superbowl is coming to the town of Stalia, so the town gets ready, and the guys pick their sides for the teams they are rooting for. And something to do with a weird plot with Superbowl commercials ad such...that's about it for this one, simple, and straightforward...

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