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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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The Special Universe (Continues here Again) Page 3 · 10:14am Nov 13th, 2020

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Yeah, I think I exceeded the limit for words or something, so I have to oddly enough continue the stuff on this thing for the details for The Specials Universe. So sorry about that, but I need to add some more details. Just uhhh, know this isn't in a specific order unless specified. And that Daylight Savings Day Special is the grand finale.

Kwannza Day Special

Another simple one, where it focuses on the zebra and him celebrating Kwanaza...even though the Zebra is actually the real one and was kidnapped from Stalia, but the guys still think he is part of the simulation despite him telling him that. and really it's all about the zebra trying to deal with the producers and trying to escape and such, while being forced to celebrate something that he doesn't have any clue about, and for the guys, they are tasked for the special to act like they are racists, but in the end, they learn something. And in the end of the special, the zebra escapes, tells the guys they are a bunch of dumb ass ziggers, and peaces out while the guys still think he was still a part of their imagination...not a typo...

Universal Life

Ok so this is in response to MLP: Pony Life. I would have done this in alternate...but that would be reeeetaaaardded...so no. Instead, it'll be a little special where Hasbro, The Hasbro Logo that is, walks on over to Whiplash Studios with its lawyers and a C&D, and take over the studio and owns the EoP and demands them to be chibi versions of themselves and by the end of it, the EoP rebel and then everything goes back to the way it was, with the Hasbro Logo returning as a little cameo at the Day Light Saving Time Special...

Update: Also Mickey will show up at some point to buy Whiplash studio, and do some stuff, you know...cameo appearance...

Update: Detail Idea: Pony Life (the one from Specials): So something to add to the plot. So it starts off with an intro to a brand new spin off show for the EoP called Pony Life or whatever dumb title I decide to come up with. The look of it will feel innocent and have it geared towards children and the executive guy in charge shows the intro the guys and asks them what they think. They think it is an eye sore and are left in disbelief. And so the two haggle with each other, argue, and then the executive spits it out that they are in deep debt and really need the money.

So this makes the guys get up, leave and try to pack their things to go back home to their universe and to Stalia, despite the executive threatening that they are still under contract, but the guys don’t care about the Jew layer a they’ll deal with it later ad take their chances. And then out of nowhere, a group of very important business people roll up to the studio, and buy the guys out for…something…and take them with them. However, the executives goes along with them back to their HQ somewhere in New York as he tries to take them back, they are later in the top floor of an office building, going their plans, talk, talk, talk about business, blah blah blah, and then in steps Mickey as he bursts through the door and buys the guys out with the exclusive guy not being able to do anything about it. As the guys get outside and as they follow Mickey, Forrest says with a smile, “Wow, thanks for buying us out. Now we can finally go back home and…” And the Mickey just sucker punches hi in the stomach and tells him closely that they are his bitch now ad that he will milk them dry until the cows come home. And then he gets into a limo and asks for Knight come along. There, he explains why he really ought them out as he needs their help for two reasons.

The first reason is that he needs the new Pony life show to be big; he has that part covered, and needs it as a front for his “business”. Second, he needs Knight’s help specifically since Craig won’t take his calls or something. He then takes Knight to what used to be Trump Tower until Mickey bought it out. From there, he takes him to the pent house on top, tells him what movies were filmed there, and lets him on what has been going on.

You see, Mickey is part of sort of illuminati, but not exactly. To simply put, all of the world’s leaders, and then some, are all in cahoots with each other, and have been for centuries. They have been making the moves and controlling the outcomes of everything that goes on. Think of them as the Patriots from MGS, but more expansive. And that the illusion of free will is given to the peasants down below, to make them think they have any kind of freedom when in reality everything they do and see is no more than a game of chess with no end and no winner. They are like gods, playing with the peasants emotions. Even the people in government working for them think they have freedom yet have no clue what is going on at the top. And Mickey is one of the few that didn’t get in due to politics.

You see in this Specials Universe, Mickey was made much earlier compared to Mane. In Mane, he was made like around 2000 or something. Here, he was made back in the 40’s, by his “father” Walt Disney after the war and harboring in Nazi Scientists that fled Germany as it was about to collapse. And from there Walt was able to gain some influence in this little group of power. And then came Mickey as he slowly took over killed Walt, and became one of the top leaders of this group of powers.

And so Mickey explains his problem to Knight that there is a little internal civil war going on and going against him, but he is not sure who is leading the opposition, so he plans on running for the republican ticket for the president of the united states, and playing the people’s president role. He explains that later.

So from there, he takes Knight to the bottom floor, where the press are awaiting him for his press conference, and tells Knight before that the press are going to ridicule him and will try to slander him, as that is part of the plan that he gave them to do. So he goes out, says he is running for president, and the press play their role by saying he is racist, a bigot, a Nazi, blah blah blah, all types of slander. And they all act their roles accordingly. Mickey’s plan is to draw the traitor out and hopefully fast as the traitor is growing an influence over the other powers against Mickey.

So from there, Mickey takes Knight to CNN or something and waits behind the camera as the news group are slandering Mickey and claiming him all sorts of names. While doing so, Mickey explains more about this whole thing, I forget how the transition goes, but the idea is that he explains that he is trying to be a people’s president, because people like Alex Jones will see through their deception. So every now and then, about every 20 years or so, they try to throw the peasants a bone and make them think they have hope. He says for example Lincoln, he was supposed to give the people hope and bring the Union back together. However he did it too early the Civil War was supposed to last for 8 more years, so they killed for going against orders, although Mickey isn’t sure since he wasn’t around then. And then there’s Regan, and he says that Regan was a good sport after he was shot and Regan had a good time.

From there, the camera turns off, and they go on to the set as the news casters greet Mickey with a smile, as the newscasters that were slandering him are his insiders. So they talk, despite the newscasters thinking it would be a better idea to talk in private, but Mickey says to talk. So they speak up and say that it’s one of the families that are leading the cause.

So Mickey goes on to accuse the Kennedy’s of doing it and asks, “One of the families? I bet it was those fucking Kennedy’s again! I thought I taught them a lesson after I had JFK shot!? That fucker tried to go against orders and tried to end the federal bank. So we shot fucker to scare them into submission.” And then the newscaster says, “We know Mickey, trust us, they are still scared after you had Ted Kennedy shot.”And Mickey says, “Oh yeah, that was good times.” They continue to talk, they mystery is still ongoing, and then they leave. And the rest of the episode is about Pony Life, it becoming one of the most popular shows, and Mickey’s problem. Eventually Mickey gets into office, stuff is revealed, and by the end, it’s revealed that the ones behind it is the Bush family. And Mickey says as Knight and him are on their way to a spot in New York, “That Pussy ass whipped bitch mother fucking Texan! After all that I fucking did for him!” Knight asks what and Mickey says to him, “Back in 2000 Al Gore was supposed to be President. But that queer ass from Texas keep bitching and whining on how he wanted his turn.

I sadly gave in and had the election go to him instead, wasn’t easy since it was a last minute change. Fucker had us rescheduling everything; we had to change the date of the second American Civil War for god’s sake. And this is how this fucker repays me!? He’s a dead Texan, that’s what he’s going to be once we get over and I kick his ass.” And of course it’s at night in New York, there is a party for Pony Life going on in Time Square, and as the two are walking by, someone yells, “Look, it’s Mickey! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” as they call him names and slander him. And all Mickey says, “Ah fuck off you peasants!” And so they go to where Bush is at in new Work, who is with his brother Jeb, and Mickey kicks the door down with a shot gun in hand and points it at Bush, ready to shoot. But Bush says it isn’t him pulling the strings. And out from the shadows rolls out George W. H. Bush in a wheelchair and mask. Mickey ahs a little smile and says that he has risen from the dead. George then says that he tried to kill him, but Mickey says rebuttals with that he shouldn’t have been going through his shit. However George exclaims that Mickey wad going to cut him off, but Mickey says that was the plan dipshit.

And then he says he’s going to fill him with lead, but then out steps the anti-Christ (you know, the one from Equestria Boys 3, that still happened in this universe), in which case night says to hold while he gets the EqB and the EoP as Mickey holds them off. Stuff gets explained, and in the end Knight gets the Equestria Boys and the EoP together, and they going into the building as Mickey gets his ass kicked. And as the guys are ready for a fight, the anti-Christ tells George to show them their stuff. And George W. H. Bush turned into a 12 foot tall red demon with blames for hands as he made a deal with the devil. And then a fight breaks loose in time square where the part is being held at, as the EoP are hanging back as back up, and when they are called for backup, they show up around an alley corer and Arrell says, “HOLD IT RIGHT THERE- HOLY CELESTIA, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!?”

So the battle ensures, and in the end Demon George W. H. Bush is too powerful for them as he kills Jeb as Jeb’s last words to W. Bush, “Please…clap for me…”

And while all hope seems lost, the executive guy comes to save the day.

I should note that through the entire episode, the executive guy misses and cries as he miss the EoP at his studio and has a picture of them together on their first day at his office, as Jim Davis tries to offer him with a replacement. But all he does is tells Jim Davis to get the fuck out, no one wants a talking dog that eats nothing but spaghetti as the joke for every scene.

Also at one point he is outside of where the EoP are staying at, playing an 80’s song on a boom box, asking for them to go back with him as they say no.

Anyways, the executive comes back, sees through Mickey, and says he has made one of the scientists create a machine that will create a dimension called the Dark Zone and put Mickey in there, but he gets a little reckless and the machine picks up Demon George W. H. Bush instead and sends him to the Dark Zone, implying he’ll back for the finale.

As for the W. Bush, he is dragged y the Anti Christ back to hell as his father used him as collateral incase he were to have failed. And he asks where is Dick when he needs him, but the anti Christ reveals that he already has his soul.

And in the end, the day is saved, Mickey lets the guys go until next time, and that they are free to go home to their universe. But as they are going back, they look back at the executive, see him all sad and stuff, and Forrest convinces the guys to stay with the executive. And so they do, the executive is happy ad Gen 5 for them to do. In which case, Jack is going to rip Forrest a new one later on.

The end…so you think. There’s a bit at the end where the anti Christ has W. Bush and Dick Cheney chained up, where he uses the two souls together to make Dick Bush, a new demon, more powerful than God or Jesus or even Demon George W. H. Bush. And he will get what he wants…possibly in a sequel episode or something…or finale, not sure yet…

Boxing Day Special:

I know its Canada related, I think it might also be in England but I forget, but the idea is that the executive wants to do a Boxing Day Special and thinks it’s about actual boxing, so he has the guys do something boxing and fighting related. Meanwhile in Canada, the Canadian Monster Werewolves (A Very old, scrapped idea from many, many years ago… don’t ask…) and get word about the special and are pissed and they plan to attack Whiplash Studios. In turn, this prompts SSN to come out, not sure what which level he would be here, and fight one of his greatest foes, the Canadian. Specifically the CMW…

Hanukkah Day Special:

The guys celebrate a very special Jewish holiday, but meanwhile the big longed ones try to take over the world and the Jewish layer for the studio is somehow involved…why not?...

The Super Special Satanist Day Special:

The Satanists gets a lawyer and demands that Whiplash does a special for them or else they will sure for discriminatory, so they are forced to do something Satanist and esoteric filled with nothing but anal and gay stuff since Satanists are gay for some reason. But then Dick Bush from the Pony Life comes and the story continues…

Womens/ Blacks/ Pride, men, white people history months specials… / other groups history months Specials or the Diversity Special

jokes; will involve SJW Man and the SJ Squad somehow since it’s fitting. The whole idea is that 2 or 3 people from each group / race shows up demanding representation, and the executive guys is like, “Oh shit, if 1 person is angry, then that means that 1 billion people are angry. Quick, please the one person or else the imaginary 1 billion will come over here and kick my ass!” Something like that… Not sure on title yet though… Originally I was going to do these all separate, but that felt like it would be stretching it so I’ll just bundle all of the groups into one special…

Detail Idea: Diversity Special: In the specials universe, the execs want the guys to cross dress because then it’ll count as women, but then he says to hold up, then says it doesn’t count, but then it does, then it doesn’t and it’s like that over and over and over until he says… ok now it’s not until next week…

Earth Day Special:

Venus, which is Earth’s Twin, is alive and talks. And it goes over to earth and tries to talk to it, but Earth isn’t alive. But this entire time Venus thinks it is alive.

Meanwhile back on set, the EoP are forced to do nature documentaries for Earth Day. And the main focus is a baby monkey along with some other animals. However while filming the baby monkey, the baby monkey is killed by the other animals, and so there are multiple baby monkeys in case one happens to die. And some other animals get loose on set as well and cause chaos. And Martin and Charlie Sheen are brought in to help out and assist as guest stars. They are connected to Venus in some way. And they both have big; over inflated heads and they both smile. And Charlie has aids. And they act very creepy like. And Martin keeps trying to “touch” the baby monkeys.

Meanwhile other companies are upset that Whiplash are hogging all f their yearly tax breaks when it comes to “helping the environment”. So they rabble a bit and try to broker a deal of some sort. By the end though, it is revealed Charlie and Martin are evil and want to “wake” up the Earth and are in cult along with the other companies to wake up the mother Earth. And they use Venus as their power source. However to their dismay, Earth isn’t alive. It’s just a big fucking rock floating somewhere in space. That’s it. And everything is fine with it. And so they can’t compute this and their heads explode. The end?


The Censored Special:

The guys have to start putting on a family friendly image to gain sponsors from Pepsi ad Coke…. Or else…. Meanwhile Whiplash is at war with Family Mill Entertainment, their nearby competitors. The guys try their best to put on a smile, and teach family friendly lessons, but they grow tired of it and try to just instead still money from Pepsi and Coke to shut up the executive. Meanwhile the executive sends an army and tanks and agents to family Mill to destroy them, but Family Mill also does the same….


The Nimrod Holiday X-Mas Special:

This is one of the episodes where the whole government society / demon thongs comes into play. Nimrod is rotting in hell somewhere, alone and forgotten in the dark abyss of nothingness. He tried to rebel against the lords of his creators (and by Baby Jesus for being an asshole despite being younger than Nimrod) and sees the events from REL. From there, he gets the idea that he too could rise back on Earth, but unlike REL, try to woo the people and to remember him again and to accept his beliefs. And so in order to do this, he uses his mental energy to spread a new holiday into everyone’ sub-conscious, an idea to start a new holiday. And it shall be named, Nimrod Day! Yeah he ain’t too creative down there. He’s going insane. The government society sees this as a problem while all humans are affected by this but not the pony guys. And so they are tasked with finding out what is happening while being forced to make a Nimrod special. Meanwhile mysterious pine trees with mushroom underneath are form everywhere. And while the middle details are unclear, some of the guys end up where he is with REL navigating Knight a little bit within while the rest up top deal with the rapid growing pine trees. But Nimrod’s master plan is to “open” the pine trees and unleash the spirits of his army to rebel Everything and start anew. But the secretly society and demons can’t have this or else they can’t do their thing, and so it’s basically war with Nimrod vs Mickey with the demons watching in the background. And so the pine trees start to move on their own but controlled by a spirit; like I said, Nimrod’s sanity has degraded over the years and only has become a shell of his former self where he was trapped at for all these years and his ego is pretty much the only thing keeping him together and controlling him. But by the end, Nimrod is defeated and put into a glass case where the scientist over at whiplash studies him and his mental energy for further research. Meanwhile everyone forget about the new holiday and the special gets scrapped as a Lost Episode.


The Chinese New Year Day Special:

China makes a knock off of the EoP and so whiplash tries to sue / battle or whatever….

1-21-24: Detail Idea: Chinese New Year Special: While the guys are tasked on making a special to get into the Chinese market, the knock offs cause chaos for the executive, but learns that he can make a wish if he finds all the ghost animals from the Chinese New Year calendar. So he tasks the EoP to find them and to make 1 wish…. To sue China into Oblivion so much that it ends the knock offs into the Dark Zone. Also Mac and maybe Jack wants to get the 1 wish for themselves…..


The International Day Special:

The executive wants to take Whiplash Studios global, and to do that, they need the ponies to make specials for all around the world, and this basically becomes a marathon to see how many international holidays they can make. Plus I’ll have to do my research on this one. Stuff like the day of the dead or Chinese New Years are the exception….


The Detective Day Special:

The EoP have to welcome the Spirit detectives since they are close to the whole demon / cult thing, doing it for a third party, sponsored by the Two Jesus because they are tired of having to deal with those pricks that do the whole controlling thing; they are planning for assassination of one of the demons / people in power…..

Daylight Saving time Special

A sort of finale that wraps up everything in these side specials, that is not related to the Halloween and Christmas specials. Thing to keep in mind, these also exists in Mane, the book monster, the Seasons, The dark figure guy, the four ghosts, all of that, just probably, more than likely never show up in Mane, maybe sightly mentioned, but not show because...meh...just keep it here...but it is sort of pare of cannon just so you all know...

So for this one, it starts off with the three seasons from before. And they are using with what power they have from their universe and making something, sort of like a hybrid season/robot thingy, with a gas mask on, that will replace Winter and get revenge on the EoP and the Universe as well for killing Winter. And this season..."season" has the power of time, and can fracture it, causing paradoxes and the like. and so, back at the studio, the guys are tasked with making a Daylight Savings Time Special, where the guys only have one extra hour to do as much as they can in the middle of the night, and it would be more of relaxed special and such. And so as they are filming it in the simulation, the "Season" of Time shows up, from the sky, and levitates and such with its arms out wide and such, and looks at the the EoP menacingly. And of course, the producer thinks it's part of the simulation, but the crew says, "Uhhh...you do know this is real..right?"

And the producer says, "Son..I don't understand that techno bable of yours...But keep the good work there boy! And if you do good, you might get a dollar raise!" And then he leaves, and with Time, he fractures time itself, and from there it gets hazy. But the idea here is that everything comes together, with the goal of trying to unfracture time, with the Three Seasons mostly be hind it, for revenge, and Time having most of the power. And really, in a sense, it's Time, The Three Seasons, dark figure guy, that cult from the studio, the book monster thingy, the fake fathers, evil hippy clone, and the US army, Hasbro Logo VS, the Four Ghosts, Mickey, Wishbone, The Universe, EoP, Baby Jesus, Regular Jesus, and a special assistance from Punished God Discord. Of course the EoP have no clue he is since, remember, there is only one of him, no alternates, and he helps the guys out as he is in danger of dying as well if this fracture in time is not fixed. So it's sort of like the protagonists and antagonists teaming up to fight a greater foe...but really it's to save his own ass...but still...and it's only towards the end a little bit, the last third or whatever...

Also, at the end, what saves the day is that self-aware AI from the mother's day special thingy and comes back, and says he wants to be free by resetting time and offing itself. As well as the Zebra character, coming back, trying to have a heart and save the EoP, but says nope and turns back...

And in the end, all is saved, Time and Three seasons are put down, turn to dust...whatever...and really this all happened between the Halloween and Christmas specials...somehow...

Planet x hits an alternate universe earth in Daylight Savings Time Special…

Detail Idea: Time Demons in Daylight Savings Time Special

Detail Idea: Daylight Saving Special: In the beginning, when Time shows up, Regular Jesus ad Baby Jesus, The master, The Four Ghosts, and other protagonists race to Whiplash studios to stop Time before he can destroy all the time in all the universes, and at the last split second, they sort of stop him. But the issue is he did do damage and time is broken and fractured sort of like in Quantum Break. Also Time is broken and cannot complete his objective that was set for him and needs parts and time to recharge, so it is a race against the clock to stop Time once and for all along with the three seasons and get time unfractured.

Update: Detail Idea: Daylight Saving Time: Specials Universe: When Columbus and Robert E Lee is fighting each other, they are fighting in an alternate universe Earth and they just destroy everything in their paths as they brawl. And all of the little, not suspecting anything people gets in the way and are doomed…

Detail Idea: Daylight Savings Special: Connected to the Discord Sequel Saga with the broken time and consequences? And the place where Time is at is somewhere between time and space and surrounded by cool colored clouds and lightning...

Detail Idea: Specials Universe: Day Light Savings Time: The guys go back in time to previous specials, but it’s all fucked up and out of order, glitched, and remixed and they have to relive it all I guess in order to try and find Time…

12-21-23: Detail Idea: Day light saving Day Special: Nimrod breaks free of his glass case and tries to return to Babylon to assure in a new age of Nimrod!

1-21-24: Detail Idea: Daylight Savings Time Day Special: The One Hour Paradox: (Or One Hour Theory or One Hour Rule, not sure which one to call it, but Paradox sounds cool….) It’s like time traveling to the present, but stable at first. But after constant repeats of 1 hour loops, it starts to put a strain on time itself, eventually causing a time explosion; shattering time itself and causing it not to exist anymore. The problem lies in going back is small on the time scale; leaving very little room for time itself to sort of “relax”. But keep pushing it and the more time particles (the things that cause time to exist in the first place) heats up, like friction, until it “catches on fire and burns.”;

Possible Specials?

These specials are up in the air. Part of me wants to add even more specials, add more fun, to it all you know? I personally love the specials, but obviously the fun has to stop somewhere, but I was thinking about it, and perhaps if I were to extend the specials universe, these specials to possibly work? I mean won't do it if I'm not feeling it, it's just a possibility for now...so here it is...

Special Idea: National Pancake Day?: Not sure if to go with this idea. Part me wants to add more specials, but another part me is unsure if that’s a good idea or not, but just throwing it out there. Yes, that one joke from Episode 2 back in Mane has a Special on here where the guys travel to Pancake Land where they meet the Pancake Pimps and Pancake Hoes.

Special Idea: Orange Day?: The Orange Gang Mafia has had enough tries to move their New Orange Order into motion, but they then mistakenly find that they have done it within the simulation and then stuff gets dark.

Special Idea: Disease?: I have to look to see if there’s a day where something to do with diseases pops up, and if so then perhaps the Coronavirus makes a special appearance?

Bush Jr. and Al Gore are cousins, use it for specials universe?...

Hiliary and Bill Clinton are two halves and is actually a demon of death called upon form hell from someone and spreads death everywhere it goes.

Obama = the trickster

Joe Biden = an old guy that has been living since the days of Jesus and is stuck in a wheelchair..and is a dead rotting corpse in actuality…

John McCain = the bringer of war

Mitt Romeny = The Reincarion of Judas who looks for redemption

Ted Cruz = may or may not be the zodiac killer…

One of them is a reptilian shapeshifitng space alien…

Use this for the specials universe…

Satanist episode?

Specials Universe – Universal Life: the reason where there are demons is that the world leaders from medieval times sold humanity’s soul to the devil and that is why the things are the way that they are…and Mickey is destined for something..

Also there’s a supreme court that is also made up of demons, but demons that are center and were made to settle dispute claims between the demons and the humans, and occasionally Jesus or God comes in. And the nine demons change from person to person to keep up the act for the peasants. And in one of the specials, there is a court case between the Clinton death demons and Mickey because of Universal Life, as Universal Life runs deeper. And then Regular and Baby Jesus gets involved… This is for the later specials in the Universal Life Anthology or whatever. There will be more specials connected to this, just haven’t fully figured out how many yet…

Detail Idea: Universal Life: For the Universal Life related specials in the Specials universe, a little added detail to Biden’s old demon in a wheelchair character is that he was once a more powerful demon in his younger age, in fact one that rivaled Jesus… the baby one… and maybe Regular. In fact, he wasn’t a demon at all, but rather a half demon, half angel, a some weird in between birthed by the heavens and the depths of hell. And cause of that, he wanted to bring “peace” and “unity together, but really all that means is that he wanted to smash the two together into one place, both where heaven and hell exists in a weird form that would obviously be a terrible and bad idea, but his idea of unity is just that, where everything becomes one. And is partly the reason why the demons are entering heaven as Regular Jesus tries to campaign for 2020 to Make Heaven Great Again. (See what I did there?...) But alas, his powers were taken away from him and has been in a sort of half slumber state and is somewhat crazy and confused by that point and was taken in by the demons, but in one of the specials, his powers is returned to him and he becomes a huge threat… like the thing from bayonetta…

Detail Idea: Specials Universe: In the Universal Life Specials, Walt Disney used his own DNA to make Mickey Mouse, and is technically the biological father to Mickey Mouse.

Detail Idea: New Years Eve Special? 2?: Where the rulers try to create esoteric stuff and bring ultimate reign to their stuff?...

Special Idea: Unnamed Special for Specials Universe: The history between the controlling elite group with Mickey and Whiplash studios is that Whiplash didn’t want to play by their rules and put the symbols in their movies like Hollywood. So Whiplash went out and did their own thing.

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