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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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Alternate: Specials Page 1 · 8:50am Nov 10th, 2019

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Halloween special idea:

2 – Knight stays out and talks to producers

3 – A tonight show like thing happens with the special that interrupts every now and then, fake call INS and shit and Knight walks on stage…

4 – Knight is written out of the episode and some of them recognize it? Not sure yet…

5 – Knight is not there, but instead is replaced by a fake actor that pretends to be knight by the studio and every pony else plays along with it. Knight comes back in later, kills him or the secret studio police takes him away.... to the ovens…but earlier Knight goes to the producers and threatens to rise up against them…

6 – A shorter special as Knight is supposed to be in it but he is nowhere to be seen so the others have to carry the show on without him. Then gun fire starts being heard in the background and everyone tries to pretend everything is fine. Dead bodies’ starts showing up and then they eventually start speaking through a megaphone. Then Knight comes in, guns a blazing, and yells there is a revolution at the studio…eventually it ends with the producer overlooking the studio with the studio burning and ponies running around with a gun and terrorizing and starting an uprising…and then he says something stupid and a retard guy tries to do the thumb trick and think it’s real…

7 – It starts off with Knight and the others having cuffs on them and the police are in the scene and the producers drops the charges, then the police asks why are these guys in costumes still…but they are real but on a set, but then the moon king comes in and takes them back to the real Equestria and Stalia and the story goes on from there, as well as TK. Also it begins with a short prologue with the moon king as the moon king send the guys back home and shit happens to try and end the moon king and the monsters of the night…that .gif ghost picture is somehow involved, the Hitler nugget is the key to all of this…and the headless horseman/pony has to say goodbye to the three little fuckers in a sad goodbye…

Villians: Clarence, headless horseman, wolf man, witch, skeleton, vampire, mummy, fish monster, a black goo creature

Detail Idea: Halloween Specials: Focus more on the esoteric side of Halloween.

7th Halloween Special detail: A little detail that I forgot is that the HH has a ball of light it’s a memory ball. It represents all the memories that he ahs collected, including the one that he had with the TLF back in the 2nd Halloween special. And he uses it in some form here…

Lore detail: Yeah ok, so the idea here is that way way back before Celestia and Luna, way way way back even before Fausticorn, and the Court of the Alicorns, and before the Alicorn Union, there was the Ancient Times more or less. And for the most part, it has been lost and unknown to where not even Fausticorn knows, although The Universe retains a fuzzy memory of the events, as he was not involved until much later afterwards. He only merely watched it from afar. Anyways, it remains a mystery as to who or what kind of species ruled the earth that would become Equestria and the like. Or if there were even ponies to begin with. A theory suggests though that it could have been an early version of ponies that would later evolve into the three main races due to evidence with the Alicorn union of speak. There could have been humans/human like creatures as well.

Anyways, the main idea here is that there was a ruler of all the lands. It still remains unclear who it is what it is underneath although could possibly retain some human like form due to it being bi-pedal and such. But anyways, he was pretty much oblivious to the space around him as well as other planets and other forms of life. But, it knew a lot about magic and somewhat helped it form such magic as well. Anyways, he was for the most part a ruthless ruler. Not one hundred percent of the time, he was fair at times and even shared his magic to those that became his subjects, but for the most part, he was the top dog in the world and he was not to be dealt with. And to help him rule, he had monsters of the night, such as that green goblin guy, the HH, wolf man, and others. They ruled throughout all the lands as a force not to be reckoned with, however, the main guy, who is only referred to as Moon King, always starred up at towards the moon.

He had obsession almost as he always stared back and wondered what was on it. He had magic, powerful, fearless, but not powerful enough to reach the moon and back. So he worked on it and worked on it, while starring back at the stars and the moon and looking to go beyond what he had ruled before. Eventually he did it and him and his generals of monsters went to the moon to claim it has their own and for the Mk to rule even more land as he did once before. But on the moon itself, there was a creature had already called it it’s home, and that was…well..it didn’t have a name, although than Wakko the Clown (I’ll come up with an elaborate name later), and it ruled the moon. Well, it didn’t ruled it, it was just its home, and for the most part, he was peaceful. He would do the same ad look back at Earth, wondering what was on it, always seeing it at a distance and the like, but then when the MK tried to steal his home, he too was a force to be reckoned with as his powers came from the moon itself.

So both fought and fought, more or less a small, mini war of sorts, but one day, the MK had enough powerful magic and forged it to steal the on powers from Wako and stripped him of his true form and such and banished him into another dimension..or in this case another universe and he landed on earth. And from that point forward, the MK ruled the moon and was also known as the Moon King. But of course it is troublesome to rule two vastly different places at once, as he soon lost hold over the earth that he once had, but as he was about to demand order and take it back with a firm grasp, soon emerges the Alicorn Union. It was as if they had came out from out of nowhere, especially since they were ponies of some sorts. Well, they were made up of three alicorns, but their identities remains unknown, but they used to magic to seal the MK and his monsters away. They sealed the monsters away in a book along with a lock, while they locked the MK up within the moon itself, with fear that he would collude with his monster buddies to break the magic that held the monsters captive within the book.

And so the MK would remain in the moon forever and ever, (unless..you know…it comes back in the main canon or not who knows…) And as for what happened to Wakko he landed in an alternate Earth universe, the one with humans in it and was weak as all hell. And he simply took form of a simple clown as well, for thousands upon thousands of years with him going back in time in a loop forever and ever as the MK also put a time loop curse on him that can only be broken if he regains his powers. And the only way for Wakko to do that, he would need to capture innocent souls once more, and that’s why he dressed up as a clown and hope to lure in the innocent to look at the moon and teal their souls, as it does not matter which moon the souls stare at, as it all remains the same.

Also there is also the sun. There is Makko, a sort of relative kind of brother to Wakko, that was able to live on the sun and call it it's home as well...also they get pissed if their home is moved..wink wink...

7th Christmas special detail: The idea is that Wakko the clown, (Whatever the ancient name I decide to make up for him), plot is to take back his home, the moon and regain his power. He does not care about the ponies below, although he was thinking of taking their souls to regain it. But he had a better idea, so he got the EoP, and if he were to gain their souls, as well as any souls that watched the broadcasts and looked at the moon, then he would be ten times more powerful and would have his home once again for sure. And he has the book where the MK and his monsters are being kept so he would have some of his power to use against the guys as well. And him also complaining about The Ancient Ones or some shit like that…

7th Halloween Special detail – One little detail to add is on the moon, the MK has a little city of sorts with people or creatures or something to make it feel like a city or home and when the guys go there, those things come alive like weird demon zombies and shit…that is all for now…

Alternate, Special Detail: Ok so I have some additional ideas to add to those specials…

2ND Halloween Special – A little detail that I would like to add is that the TLF will be holograms while the headless horseman will be actually real. And at the very end, he goes back to the moon as the black hands takes him underground as he failed his master, The Moon King…

Detail Idea: Halloween 2 Special: It starts with the Moon King. He talks to the headless horseman and to go in and invading and terrorizing Stalia, to weaken them. So he leaves with optimism and stumbles on to the set which he thinks is the real Stalia.

And this is as follows: Knight= Borders up his home and tells Forrest he doesn’t want to be involved with the Special this year and stays in and calls his agent or the executive.

Neon= MIA

Mac = Getting drunk with the apples who he thinks is alive (NOTE to SELF: in the 3rd Halloween special, he hosts a Halloween party on his apple farm…)

Jack and Arrell: go out in hunting gear to prevent monsters from taking over this time.

TLF (and Forrest eventually at some point) befriends the headless horseman and try to show him fun in Stalia and have a good time with him while trying to protect him from Arrell and Jack. And they need to survive until the end of the night. And by the end, he has to say goodbye them as he leaves a failure to The Moon King, but a friend to the TLF.

7TH Halloween Special: Ok so a lot of details to go through here. So it starts off with a monologue from the Moon King, explaining his origins, who he is, why he lives on the moon, as well as being there that despite the two universes being far apart from one another, they both share the same moon. And something something, you get the ides…and then it cuts to the Whiplash Studios lot, where the chaos has died down from the last Halloween special, as it directly takes places after the 6th one I mind you while the last two Christmas specials take place after this one. A detail to note is that Whiplash studio is located somewhere in the middle of the Desert, possibly either Nevada or Arizona, maybe Nevada though, And the police are there as well as the producers Rickey Dick and such, let’s go of the charges, while the guys are arrested and in handcuffs. And the police also ask why are they still in costume, but they then get confused when they are told they are real. Anyways, then it goes to the guys going back to their trailers for the night as they have to return to work in the next morning, and this is pretty much the first time seeing this as well. Anyways, they then talk as well as the other guys, blah blah blah, complain about their contract and trying to get out of it, blah blah blah, cut to the next morning. The guys are going to work on the next Halloween special; they are told to wear tiny little cameras to better record all of their movements on set, as well as possible future stuff and security and shit. And Wolf is left back at the trailer while the guys go to work, he tries to get his buzz on with him getting up from bed, putting in some old, VHS, porn tapes, like a workout tape or something, and looking at dirty magazines and commenting on the naked girls and how he would ht that and shit.

But then the Moon King comes out from the shadows from within the trailer itself, as Wolf is trying to get some beer, Wolf notices and gets scared, but realizes Wolf got locked in by Knight due to his behavior on set. The Moon King grabs Wolf by the neck, demands to know where the others are at, Wolf snitches them out, laughs nervously, and then The Moon King breaks through the trailer as well as Wolf being thrown as well. The security doesn’t care to stop him, and we cut back to on set. Arrell and Neon tried to negotiate their contract, Knight asks how it went, and it is revealed that Arrell got them into eight thousand more specials. Knight rages, but as he is raging, The Moon King breaks through, and calls the Elements of Protection out, as well as being free after for so long and what not. The producers ask who is, but the Moon King continues and says that he will kill the EoP but before he does, he shall reward them for setting him free, you know, from the book and shit, which was real and all. So the Moon King says he’ll grant them the wish they so desired, as well as they will be able to see their precious home be turned ashes before they die. And so The Moon King brings back the EoP to the real Equestria, while Wolf gets left behind and shit.

Its Nightmare Night as well back in Stalia, the guys are excited and relieved to be back home, but then Knight notices that Wolf was left behind. Arrell suggests that they should and have a rescue mission for him, but Knight says, Meh, sleep on it, and goes to take a nap in a real bed for once, so the other guys are left to the task. And Arrell is up for the leader role here so they try and prepare to fight the Moon king who is trying to find Celestia and Luna...for some reason…not sure yet, but then Arrell and Forrest stops him in the sky and the other guys get him on the ground, but he proves to be too powerful for them and shit. As for Wolf, he gets stuck with the producers and shit, and they decide to go and see a “Magical Wizard” which is just really a drugged up, crazy hobo living in an abandoned building somewhere in the middle of the Nevada dessert…or Arizona…but whatever, and offers his services for two bucks from them at the end.

And so, he gives Wolf five magical orbs that will transport him and others to where ever he thinks of, and he actually sends Wolf and through alternate universes and such and somewhere between time and space and shit… Meanwhile back at the Equestria, The Moon King figures he is wasting his time and figures he could just use time travel back in time before he got cucked, so he does that, but Wolf also goes through a long, but short journey and faces The Moon King somewhere outside of a universe, and Wolf is able sort of delay his power and attack as he releases the monsters from before, as the moon King previously harnessed their power, and so he has to gather them all once more, as well as perform a sort of ritual before he has enough power to destroy Equestria and start a new and become king once more over the fateful land. Buuuuut…Wolf was also sent through time and space and has to figure a way to get back to Equestria at the right time period.

And as the monsters gets released, the headless horseman gets released and is excited to be free once more and goes off to see his new friends back in Stalia. When he does find the TLF, they become scared of him because as before, they were only holograms. Once the HH sees this, he becomes saddened and confused, as he thought they were friends. And then the girl one of the group suggests that perhaps in another life, they were once friends and that they may or may not retain some sort of memory. And the HH agrees with this and they spend as much time together as much as possible, to perhaps maybe remember the HH but they never do, but they do regain a somewhat lost friendship though. They even take pictures together as well as friends. Back with Knight, he finally gets up, goes to his secret basement, plays some classical rock music, and is getting ready for a fight.

He is also greeted by an old friend as well. As for the other guys, they one by one go and fight the rest of the monsters. And Arrell, who fights the wolf man, ends up getting his ass kicked, and they end up all getting their ass kicked as well. And as they are dragged into the middle of Stalia and about to die or cucked or something, Knight comes in, kicks some ass, as well as The Hitler Nugget coming out to help and shit. However, the moon King finally finds all the monsters, for the most part once again, and takes them back to the moon where he can perform the ritual, as well as hopefully waiting for the HH to come back at some point before hand. Knight free the guys, and Hitler Nugget says he might know a little something on how to stop the Moon King, but they need to find the keeper of the original book. So they go out into the Everfree, and boom, the .jpg ghost comes into play, says he was the keeper, but also likes to fuck around sometimes, and says that in order to defeat the Moon king, the one that locked him in there must be used to send him and the rest of the monster back into the sacred book.

And that lock being the Hitler nugget, as long ago once the Alicorn Union? (Not sure if I want to go with that, forgot the original name) had sealed him in, they made a very special lock and gave it a shape and form, so to hide it. And they randomly chose whatever the lock wanted, and it just happened to choose Hitler and a Chicken mcNugget…as well as maybe it has something to do with Stalin and his red army, a whole fake thing to give it a false memory and such. And somehow Neon knew about this beforehand. Also the Hitler Nugget is going to have to sacrifice himself in order to lock the monsters up, in which case Forrest becomes sad that his best friend has to kill himself, but the Hitler Nugget accepts his fate in order to save everypony else. Anyway, they need go to the Moon City and face the Moon King there in order to lock him back into the book. But they are not sure how they will get there, but then Wolf comes back, and says he knows how to get to the moon…with the orbs...and so they are transported to the moon, where they face off with the moon king and the monsters. However, they are one short, but then the Moon King takes the Hitler Nugget, as he had a little trick up his sleeve, as when the Alicorn Union?

Had made a lock, he also used the time traveling self form before hand to make it a key as well, as he knew he couldn’t trust the HH in any possible case. So they use the Hitler Nugget as a substitute and are going to aim at Cantorlot first, as a bright circle (or some other symbol…heart or star or whatever…maybe triangle who knows…) shows up on the moon, and Knight says something about how celestial doesn’t even know who he is, but the Moon King is going to let her know who he is. And also back in Stalia, the wind is picking up and a storm is a brewing, ponies in Stalia are scarred, and the HH knows what is going to happen next. TLF fear death, and HH hugs them all and promises that he will protect his friends from any danger at any cost. And so, the guys are fucked, the Moon king is about to win until….TK and Factory Dash shows up, a “joke” is made by neon how his contract was approved, and Knight saying, “What?”

Anyway, Factory dash offers her assistance, but TK declines it and faces the Moon king one on one. They fight, and the Moon King dies as The Hitler Nugget kills himself at the last second to seal the monsters back up. And once that happens, the monsters and the moon king all get sent back into the book, and get taken away like dust and shit. And as for the HH and the TLF, HH knows what is going to happen, and says that he has to go back home. TLF begs him not to and asks if so, when will he be back? HH then says possibly for the rest of entirety. TLF starts to cry a little, and then HH says, “But I have to go-“ As he gets cut off mid sentence. And back into the book they all go and back to its original spot as well, sealed up forever and ever and for all of eternity. And then Wolf has one more thingy to get them back to Stalia, so they end up in the middle of it, all on top of each other in a pile, TK sort of just and dash stands in the background a little, and the producers are there as they clap and applaud and says that it was quite a show, because remember the cameras from earlier? Well, they would be able to use that for footage for next year’s Halloween special, and it would be a big one.

And then he offers them to redo their contract and that as long as they do two more Christmas specials their contract would be fulfilled and they can go home, because they need two Christmas specials to balance it all out. However, the guys are back home anyway and ask why they should agree to do so in the first place and what not. And then a Jewish lawyer comes walking in and looks like a Jew and what not and then says in a Jewish fashion, “Oy vey! Oy vey! Oy Vey! Be a good Goyim and do what the man says or else we’ll take to court…”

And then Knight mocks them by saying they’ll sue ponies or some shit like that? And then the Jewish lawyer turns into a bright red, flaming demon and yells out, “WE WILL SUE YOU ALL FOR YOUR SOULS FOR BREAKING A BINDING CONTRACT, AND YOU WILL ALL SUFFER FOR ALL FO ETNEIRTY!! HA AH AH AH HA HA HAAAAAAAA.!!!”

And then he goes back to being a regular Jew, Knight asks where they find him at, and the producers says the Bronx. Knights say it makes sense, agrees to the terms and conditions, and ask for a little time before they go back. The producers and agree and go back home. Also the producers got their by the Magical Wizard bringing them there, the magical wizard gets his two dollars, bites it, and goes and runs like a dog and buries it in the dirt somewhere in Equestria. Then once they are gone, the EoH comes by, asks how their Nightmare Night has been going and ask if they could trick or treat around their town, as well as the CMC meeting the TLF and checking up on them. They mention how they lost a friend, but the CMC reassures them that even if so, they’re friendship will last in their heart forever. And the TLF believes such a thing, looks at the photos, and smiles. And the guys talk a little bit, and start to prepare for the last two Christmas specials. And as for TK, Knight says they will be alright in the end.

Anyways…then it cuts to credits and then a post credit scene appears. The producer gets back to his office, it’s late at night, and he goes to his office only one little light in the corner somewhere I guess. But then there is someone in the shadows that asks what happened. The producer says everything is alright and such, but then the shadow guy gets angry, threatens him by throwing an ax at the desk and says he isn’t fucking around with him. He says that he needs those guys. And then the producer gets scared and says that they still have two more Christmas specials before their contract is fulfilled, and the shadow guy says that should give him plenty of time to prepare for what comes next. He then goes outside, makes the same symbol as the moon king did as he was about to attack Cantorlot, and the shadow guys says something about despite the two words are apart, they share the same moon, the same thing what the moon king said from earlier. Oh and he has the book from the moon king and stuff…

Detail: Special Detail: Halloween Special 7: After Hitler nugget sacrifices himself, the book sort of floats up, a bright white portal opens up, and sucks in all the creatures one by one into an endless white void. And the Moon King goes in last. But he resists and hangs on and tries to pull out of the portal, and so the Hitler Nugget pushes him in, and is about to be put in, but Forrest catches him and tells him to hang on as he tried to pull him out. But the Hitler Nugget sheds a tear and says with a smile to let him go, this is purpose, and thanks for him being a friend to him, and pushes away from him.

And as he goes into the void, Hitler Nugget’s “skin” slowly peels away and reveals to be a ball of light. And so the book falls down, and the ball of light comes out, pulsating faster and faster, and the guys know it’s about to explode, so they get Forrest out of the way at the last second before it explodes, and the book closes for good. Forrest is sad, Neon says to cheer up as he introduced him to a serial killer Nugget, that has bug crazy eyes and has a knife and speaks in a high tone and has high energy. And then runs away as he goes to try and kill something. And as a little ending thingy at the very end…VERY end…the serial killer nugget picks a fight with a moon crab…on the moon…

Christmas special idea: Home Arrell: Arrell or Jack is home alone or maybe the town is all but been abandoned he has to protect it from monsters or from bandits. A Christmas carol? It’s a wonderful life? Miracle on 34th street? Die hard? I don’t know…just ideas for future Christmas specials that isn’t the 7th one…

1-21-24: Detail Idea: Home alone Christmas Special: Everypony except for Jack goes to Tim Allen’s island, which gets more disturbing they longer they stay on it….

Frosty The Snowman, Home Alone, Grinch, , It's a Wonderful Life, and Polar Express, ideas for the other Christmas specials..., wish list, bad Santa?

Detail Idea: The Polar Express Christmas Specials: In the specials universe with one of the Christmas specials. Instead of the train going to Santa, it’s the opposite, it’s Krampus. And everything is evil…

7th Christmas special – So it begins at Stalia, and everything is normal, and the producers from whiplash accidently comes to Stalia, and sees the guys in action, thinks they would make for a great show, then…it cuts back to the present where there is a terrible snow storm and the guys are running away from a demonic Santa Pony and Pony Jesus. And one of them gets attacked and shit and soon the hologram AI that is the Santa Pony demon or Pony Jesus, goes rogue and turns on to the crew and of course, they are trying to film the last Christmas special. Some of the crew dies as they try to turn off the hologram AI and they turn it off and have to postpone the rest of it until tomorrow, Knight gets pissed as they are so close to ending it all, and then they all go back to their trailers. Wolf tries to calm knight down, but by the end of it all, the rest of the guys come in and they go hike out into the desert where they have a good ol’ fashioned Nevada Christmas while in the desert, say something about hearth’s warming, and they have a good night. By the next morning, ready for the shoot, the crew or producers aren’t there and an AI hologram gets out and it thinks it’s alive and shit and shit starts to get real as Santa Pony then becomes evil, not the demon one, but just how secretly Santa Pony is supposed to be.

And so far, the details a little fuzzy, but the main idea is that the shadow guy was Wakko the Clown all along. Not sure about his back-story yet, but he ends up becoming a hulking beast that almost rivals Demonic Discord or something to that degree, the demon Santa Pony and Demon Pony Jesus comes into play at some point, and at some point down the line, Knight goes to the last phone booth in Nevada, tries to call up baby Jesus, but it goes to his answering machine. And then the clown takes the guys somewhere beyond and they fight and as if almost all is fucked, Baby Jesus comes in and saves the day and freezes Wakko and send him to an alternate universe from theirs, which will possibly end up in the main canon of UM and send them back to Equestria. EoH talks to them about Hearths warming and shit, and then regular Jesus comes in and asks if they want to all come with him for a Gilligan’s island marathon. Knight and the other says no, but then regular Jesus threatens them with hell in some way, and then it ends with the guys at regular Jesus’ house, corded in the living room, watching a Gilligan’s Island marathon on an old TV set with baby Jesus and God, and they all sing the tune in unison…and that ends the special universe…great huh?...

Detail Idea: Christmas Specials: Santa is “real”, earth human Santa anyways. He just exists in a different reality / dimension… He is a quantum being and that is why you never see him to begin with. To be used in the 7th Christmas special where the guys think they can find the real Santa Claus.

Detail Idea: Christmas Special: At the end of one of the Christmas Special, maybe the Home Alone inspired one, the two burglars are two guys dressed up Santa. And they take some chick hostage at gunpoint at some point. And somewhere at the end, it cuts to a wrestling match, and the two Santas come in when the world champ thinks he has won at the last minute to take the world title. Why this idea? Well this inspired by what me and my friend watched not long ago. There is this site called My00’stv. And while flipping through the channels, we came across this soap opera and it had two Santas with a gun, holding someone hostage with worst quality. I’ll leave the link to it. It was too funny to pass up as an idea.

And just for fucks, there was another weird scene from this soap opera where a daughter wanted to be a porn star and the mother was like, “No, you’re not. Now take off your clothes and I’ll pay you $1000” and she dims the lights and waiting for her daughter to strip for her. I didn’t know soap operas could get so dark so fast. And of course all in low camera quality with bad acting with a budget that felt like was $20 and a subway sandwich.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH06zJuJM0Y (Go to 42:21)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PKXKdDuK40 (Go to 5:44)

Also for one of the Christmas specials, Christmas carolers come a knocking, they seem innocent at first, but one of the guys are afraid of them. And then the carols start to become aggressive. They ask for the Figgie pudding. One of the guys, Mac or Jack… Mac? Says he doesn’t have any. He only has one of the sponsored Scooby Doo Gummy Snacks left, and it’s his. The carolers turn into evil robots demanding the last pudding/ snack. They can also fly. Mc runs away. The carolers swear they will get their snack. They blow up the houses looking for Mac. Use as a plot device?

12-21-23: Detail Idea: Christmas Special 7: Santa is a quantum being? Not sure if I already wrote that down, but just in case, the reason Santa can travel in multiple places at once, and so fast, and never be caught is because he is something to do with being Quantum related. Also heard that in a video once. Not sure how accurate that is….


The Universal Magic Thanksgiving Special

The idea here for this special is that it's a dark mystery episode. remember that fake Grindhouse thanksgiving trailer, it'll be something like that, where a deranged killer is going around, killing ponies on Pony Thanksgiving...and it's up to Knight and Jack to figure out who the killer is and stop him or her...Grindhouse style...

Detail Idea: Thanksgiving Special: The killer revealed at the end is the Thanksgiving Turkey... just a regular thanksgiving turkey. And it gets up from the thanksgiving table, holds up a hand gun at the two guys and says in a deep tone of voice like a black guy, “Gobble Gobble, mother fucker…” And then he starts shooting, but the two start shooting back and killing the turkey…

12-21-23: Detail Idea: Thanksgiving Special: Knight or somepony asks why ponies don’t eat meat, but another says because reason…. But at the end it’s because the meat will rise up and try to create communism…. Animal Farm style….

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Special

It'll will have something to do with the zebras. not sure what, probably them wanting civil rights or whatever, and it'll more than likely have them get shot or something. we're going for as much edgy as possible in this one, no shame in being edgy...

Detail Idea: MLK Special: Ok so a change of direction for the episode. In the special, Whiplash and the executive wants to make an MLK special, and lab coats are making an MLK robot because they couldn’t conjure up the spirit of the actual MLK. So the special is ready with the robot, and eventually the MLK robot becomes rogue and becomes corrupted and trashes the studio and leaves. Meanwhile around the same time, Forrest or somepony from the gang gets transported into Limbo by the real MLK, who looks like a boss from Dark Souls. His face is covered with black goo or darkness and is really really tall and big and sits in a throne somewhere in Limbo. He tells Forrest or whoever it ends up being that he once had a dream, but now he has a different dream. And he needs help finding it. And that he is destined to be the 4th King (related to the King trilogy), and that he kind of corrupted. And not sure, but he needs to find a book of some kind? Not sure if I want to keep that or not. And music inspiration is the song Panoramic from the Book of Eli OST:


Meanwhile with the MLK bot, it shoots off and the rest that remain are sent alongside the executive to go and capture him and return him to the studio since he is studio property… you get it?... And so the guys get sent off into space by Whiplash’s Studio’s rocket ship and goes into space. And then they comes across The Space Niggaz. And there is a little connection to the movie Distention: Planet Negro (which is a real movie by the way… it’s actually good… )


And it’s where some of the blacks went off on their own to live on their own planet. And there is a space crew called The Space Niggaz, where they go through space Black Dynamite style, trying to keep peace through the universe. And they are like 1970’s style blacks. And they pickup the Eop after the rocket runs out of fuel and drifts through space and are after the MLK bot too. Also one of the crew is on The Space Niggaz is white, but that’s only because he’s from South Africa and is 1.444444444444444444444444444% black after taking those DNA tests… and so the crew has him wear black face to not cramp their style and not have that one white guy on board… They are only forced to have him for a diversity hire or else their ESG score will go down... and they want the money... it's about the money...

Anyways with the MLK bot, it’s going rogue and has a “dream” about spreading “equality” through the universe. And he gets to some place on Earth early on I guess and BLM crowd or whoever, doesn’t matter, cheer him on as MLK bot says he will distribute equality. So MLK hovers in the sky, says, “I shall now distribute Equality by using my Civil Rights beam.” And then the crowd goes wild for it and cheers it on. But then MLK bot uses his Civil Rights beam… which is just an energy beam that then kills everyone in a painful, fiery death (but mostly peaceful) and after everyone is dead, MLK bot says, “Civil Rights have bee distributed…” Basically saying, we’re all equal… IN DEATH!!!... And so MLK bot sets out to do this through the entire universe. However he needs to get really really big. And so he sets out to get bigger than the universe itself, and he pretty much does by the end, but then gets foiled and beat up and ends up returning to regular size and put into another universe, the universe where the company is at…

With the real MLK in Limbo, not sure, but he might also be looking for a dream god. And it’s not necessarily the king of all dreams, but rather some angel that Baby Jesus is put in charge to research dreams and be put in charge of it. Maybe I don’t know…

But whatever happens, in the end MLK achieves his other dream and goes into the Dark Zone to kind of look for someone… and Forrest or whoever is sent back to Earth.

Detail Idea: Specials Universe: Name the diversity hire Black Face Steve... a reference of course to something special... wink wink wink wink...

9-21-23 Detail Idea: MLK special: The one white guy on the black crew can’t say the n word…yet… they tell him he needs to earn his N-Word Pass…

News Year Day Special

For this one, it'll probably be a slice of life kind of a special. It'll probably be about somepony, probably Forrest, where Forrest invited all of his old school "friends" to a New Years Eve party, but no one ends up coming and he is alone in his house, so the guys go to his home to cheer him up. And there'll be another sub-plot for something else. You know, heart warming kind of stuff...

Independence Day Special

So it starts off with somepony finding oil, probably Mac, and they may or may not know what to do with it. And then all of a sudden Knight is pulled back into Earth..."earth", by the military, they finally caught him, and they say they want to invade Equestria. And then they talk, Knight mentions they found black gold, and then all of the humans, Americans, go OIL!? OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL OIL!!!" like the birds from Finding Nemo and start running through the portal with a general or something hands Knight a US flag and says, "Welcome to democracy" And then they still technically still invade, but rather try to "liberate" Equestria from tyranny. And then the ponies ask Knight what is going on, Knight doesn't know, and the general guy or whatever steps up and says that they will free them all from their dictatorship and give them democracy. Knight then asks aren't they a Democratic Republic? And then the general guy asks, "Is there a difference?" And then the General says, then no...

And then Knight also says that they are not under a dictatorship. The general guh then asks if they are under one of these? "Socialism? Communism? Anarchy? China?" And then Knight says, "Monarchy?" And then the general guy says, "Ohhhh...time for plan B then. Excuse me, I need my tin foil hat for this." and then the general guy slowly puts his tin foil hat on and then yells out, "1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN! 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN! 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN! 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN! 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN! 1776 WILL COMMENCE AGAIN!" And the plan that he later explains is that they will liberate certain areas of Equestria, starting with Stalia, and turn them into a 13 colonies, and declare their independence and start a "revolution" and basically do it American Revolutionary War style. And they try to do the tea harbor thingy, try and attack Cantorlot, but fail. They then try to write a declaration of Independence and send it to Celestia, along with trying a bunch of other stuff.

But by the end, somehow they gain their independence, without any deaths...at least on Equestria's side, but colony side...ehhhhhh.. And it is a sort of to be continued...

Election Day Special

So here is part two, where the US government has sort of taken over, and they are about to un-occupy Stalia and set out to set up 12 other colonies, and the deal is that the president of the 13 colonies are going to come from Stalia and that they are going to have an election. And they put into stone that one shall be Republican, one Democrat, and one of comic relief, the Green party. And that each party will have a set beliefs, and one of them asks why not have no parties and just compete each other within reason. And then the general guy says, "Don't be silly. that's not how democracy works!" And then he says as long as they still get the oil, they shall have the US military support...

And so, the US military leaves, and the election sets up. Obviously the EoP are the candidates, and here's the list...
Republicans: Mac Farmer - President : Arrell - Vice President
Democrats: Classy Jack - President : Forrest Fire - Vice President
Green Party: Neon Party - President : Knight - Vice President
And for Wolf, he tries to do...something...I don't know yet. Maybe he tries to make his own party, maybe try to sabotage the election...maybe he becomes Russia,, I don't know.

And during one of the debates, the first debates where the candidates are announced, Mac farmer promises to eradicate all the Apple Family members if he wins. And free "Mac's" Special Apples for all...which is something that no one should not know what is inside those apples.

And for Arrell, he is on the republican's side only because Jack won't let him experiment and create animals unethically anymore, and jack tells him to go fuck himself that's not what his party does or something...

For Jack's announcement running speech, he promises whatever a democrat promises these days, but he's lying though and acts like an a hole like his character is, blah blah blah, perfect role for him. And then for Forrest Fire, he has a black eye and eh says he's running VP with the Demos because he likes the Demos and that he got his black eye from falling down the stairs...and then he looks towards Jack in fear, and then looks at the audience and sees a Door with legs and arms, making a fist towards Forrest. This is a call back from earlier on in the special when Jack threatens Forrest if eh doesn't join him, a "door his going to hit him". And then when Forrest looks back to jack in fear, jack tells Forrest, "I told you a door was going to hit you..."

And for the Greene party, Neon says something random, yet disturbing as usual, and Knight says with an amused tone, "Yeah...I'm only here because Neon told me I didn't have to do anything. I will l literally get paid to just be alive... Fuck y'all..."

And as for the winner...shall be saved for the final part in this trilogy...

Detail Idea: Election Special: The ponies are instructed for when it comes time to vote, you vote for your favorite color, in which case it’s: Red, Blue, or Green. And by the end, everypony are up in arms about their favorite color.

9-21-23 Detail Idea: Special Election: As the ponies are fighting each other, the general guy smiles and takes a hard whiff and says, “Ah… I love the smell of Democracy in the air…”

Inauguration Day Special

And so the winner is revealed in this episode...and...I really don't know. Maybe it'll be put up to a vote from the viewers to be honest, make it interactive. And for the special, it's all about whoever the winner is, doing whatever, by probably by the end though, Stalia, along with the other 12 colonies, rebel against the US and reclaim their home and reconnect with Equestria. the end...

Robert E. Lee's birthday (State) Special

Ok, so I was looking up holiday specials to use, in this game up. But it's only a thing in the states of Alabama and Mississippi. So for the lore, this special would have been broadcasted on UPN in the year 2000 in those two states because..whatever...

And for the plot, it has something to do with the Ghost of Robert E. Lee and he comes to haunt Stalia, and probably, maybe, at the end, the Zebras need saving, the guys save the Zebras, and the ghost of Robert E. Lee disappears...

Detail Idea: The Robert E. Lee special: So the idea here is that it starts off with news all around America where statues and other such things, even within the history books are being removed and erased because some black guy in California didn’t like him and thought he was racist. And it’s a big movement, with most siding to him with the vocal minority being not wanting to remove him, but the vocal minority ends up being lynched or something. Except for the states of Mississippi and Alabama of course. And the executive is asked if it’s a good idea to film and air the special, and of course he says yes, but within the two states only. The script calls for Robert E. Lee to visit Equestria with the EoP acting as The Pony Union as they try to free the zebras. But in the end, Robert E. Lees kills them and he wins and is called a hero and stuff, end of story. Along with an alternate broadcast for everywhere else, (because remember this is still being broadcasted to the UPN channel in the year 2000), where the Pony Union kills Robert E. Lee and frees the slave.

However, that is of course, all except for the EoP, are still holograms and part of the simulation from the set remember. So meanwhile on that very same Earth, the real ghost of REL is in what is called Limbo. The idea is that the souls that sealed out from Heaven’s gates and Hell’s gates have nowhere to go but are in the middle. But the middle is more spiritual and self guidance than anything, and it is where a soul can better themselves, be more connected to where they are, progress and grow and all that new age hippy shit I guess. In other words, their minds and souls reach a point way beyond living human beings can ever imagine to become. A point of enlightenment you could say, but with more spiritual nonsense.

So with that being said, REL, along with the rest of everyone else that he has seen that is with him in Limbo from his time period are doing fine, concentrating, mediating, stuff like that and reach a new level for their soul and mind. But then REL catches wind of his memories being erased, and he is not a happy chappy about it. And so he does the only thing that anyone else would do… go to whiplash studios and mess with the ponies. Really it’s because he has a plan, and to start it, he needs something to help reconstruct the memories, a little start somewhat. And so he goes over to the simulation that is being used for the special and hijacks it and tries to slowly reconstruct what has happened during the civil war, with an unknown EoP of what is going on and they think it is improved by the executive. So they play some reenactments from the Civil war, until shit hits the fan and they find out is the real ghost of REL. And what happens from there, not sure how and in what order, but the idea is that he causes stuff from limbo, sort of like asteroids or something, to hit the simulation dome and stuff like that once he is done with what he is doing, and of course the whole studio is in shambles with the simulation having a giant hole where the ceiling used to be.

And from there, the guys travel to Limbo, meets some new, undecided characters, maybe two or three, not sure yet if friend or foe. Still thinking about it. And that the ultimate goal is for REL is to send the entire world back to the mid 1800’s, and to put them in the middle of the civil war, at least for America. And that he is going to pull Planet X through limbo and kill everyone on the planet. Now let me explain a few things.

First, Planet X and the rumors of it are true, but they are only true and exist in Limbo. Second of all, while he is mostly mad at America, he is somewhat overall mad at the human race as a line that he says at some point, “I have reached a new found being of enlightenment and power in just 50 years after death. These people have had over 200 years to get over things and to progress higher. Even if it is just an inch towards progression. But instead they wasted it all on each other.” He also calls them arrogant to the world and places around them and that they have no idea where they even stand. Third, once Planet X hits them and kill everypony, their souls will cease to exist. They will not be in limbo or in heaven, so the stakes are high, especially for Knight since him and his friends can perish as well. Fourth, REL calls on the spirit of something to help pull Planet X through.

Also to note a few things, REL does not exist, and at the same time he does exist. He is in the between, he is everywhere, yet not everywhere. Philosophical stuff like that.

Also when fighting Knight, REL has the power to call on the aid of his Confederate Men, although they are not the real souls of the confederacy, but only a memory.

So in the end, REL is too strong for EoP to fight off. And as he is pulling Planet X and is ready to wipe everypony out, Knight stops him and makes a sort of deal with him, where he will “remember” him in his memory and something on the lines like that. And REL accepts his offer, but it only means that it will delay the inevitable for a while. He still plans on pulling Planet X, but for now, he will live in Knight’s memory. And Knight is confused by this and asks if this means he’ll be going into his brain. And REL just smiles and points two fingers to his head and says to him, “You silly little fool. Don’t you know, I’m just a memory” And then he disappears and is technically within Knight. He doesn’t have the memories of REL, but in his sleep can potentially see them. And of course he comes back for the finale with Time and returns with the threat of showing up with Planet X

Planet x is a beautiful, peaceful looking planet that is a beautiful death, also because the planet is from limbo, it is the reason why the people will cease to exist, like a chemical reaction, and some astronauts gets kills on their way to mars as well. And the whole America erasing his memory was the tipping point as he had been having a grudge against the living humans for years that was ever growing, but that was the tipping point. It’s pretty much saying, “You’re going to erase me? Then I’ll erase you!!!” sort of speak...

Also Limbo would be unaffected from the destruction

EoP except for Knight try to get to the portal to go home because of the risk of ceasing to exist, but Knight feels like he has to take down REL ad try…

Limbo Connections?: The other side trilogy, that one episode with the Mexican skeletons where heaven and hell don’t exist, the holocaust anthology thingy, midnight universe? Windows 98/97 from windows saga

Detail Idea: For the end of the Robert E. Lee Special, the executive is asked by Knight how the studio is going to be fixed and if it means they can go home. They say no and he just releases the Mexicans that’s been in the underground bunker, in which case the Mexicans asks if they can have taco and chilladias. The executive says they can have all the tacos they want, but they only get two enchiladas each, and the Mexicans runs off like Speedo Gonzales and rebuilds the studio in a day, and the executive sheds a tear ad says, “They build up so fast”, almost as if the entire episode was made just to have that pun at the end…bad um tiss…

11-21-23: REL Special: Knight makes a deal to also show that humanity is ready for the next step in their evolution and for REL to see it, but then REL says he will be stored in Knight’s memories while he does this… other reason he does this is still valid…

12-21-23: Detail Idea: REL Special: The director of the special has a vision that the guys have t do, and he gives the guys his sketch / concept art. And all it is just some crudely drawn stick figures and some vague shapes as if a 4 year old child drew it. And the guys call it very moving and emotional and a Tour De Force….

3-21-24: Detail Idea: SU: REL Birthday: REL needs power to conjure in him and Whiplash Studios and their relays have that power as he tries to transmit all over the world about their upcoming demise, while maybe destroying some monuments by his goons….

Groundhog Day Special

For this one, an army of Groundhogs are underground and plotting to take over Stalia, as they have been oppressed for too long. And Martin Luther Ground Hog Jr. will lead the charge in their civil rights and revolution, and the the town of Stalia is under attack by the groundhogs basically and the only one who can save the day is Arrell, but maybe making a weird sub-species of groundhog or something...

Presidents Day special

Detail Idea: Presidents Day Special: I got a sort of better idea instead of the older idea. So the zombie thing is still a thing, but that’s just the vessel that has no soul. The souls however, that comes from the same realm as REL and such, although I guess they are in Heaven, I don’t know, and all of the past, dead presidents are having a fight between each other, as to who is better. And it comes down to two factions, George Washington and Lincoln, and its Civil War among the presidents, for the most part. And so they go back down to earth where their vessels have resurrected for some reason are make a ring for them to battle in. Meanwhile, JFK gets resurrected by having his brains still in contact somewhere in the Deep State’s basement or something, connecting to the whole Universal Life thing… and has been transported into a black man’s body as well as Elvis’s brains being transferred into Bruce Cambell’s body. And they figure that an old evil Mummy is trying to create the divide between the presidents, who hold great power within their souls, that if they were to go to war with each other, would cause all plains of the afterlife i.e. Hell, heaven, Purgatory etc. to cease to exist. So the two along with Michael Jackson somehow, needs to stop the Mummy… as everything goes down to crazy town. And if you didn’t get what I was referencing with the whole mummy thing, it’s Buba Ho-Tep…

Oh yeah and the reason why the Presidents have a great deal of powers within their souls is because they were once leaders of a whole country and because of that, they have big egos which fuels their drive… And also just to add to the whole thing, George and Lincoln are al big and buff, have that 12 pack and big biceps. To get an idea, that kind of buff where their legs are thin on their lower half, but on their upper half it’s all big and muscle.

OLD: I don't know too much yet other than the zombie corpses of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, come back from the grave and somehow stumble into Stalia, but they don't do any harm and of course the guys mess around with them and the ponies don't pay any attention to them. And somehow Knight needs to get them back to being dead and send them on their way, but that is trouble since they can't really be killed...

Detail Idea: President Day Special: As the wrestling match happens in Heaven, the ring was made and sponsored by Baby Jesus and Regular Jesus. But are not the ones who started the match. But they are the commentators of the match. The real perpetrators are Lincoln, FDR, nd Woodrow Wilson and are eventually revealed to be the villains and the ones behind the mysterious fighting match between all of the U.S. presidents. Lincoln and FDR are over the top, DBZ like evil while Woodrow is kind of normal. He goes like, “Hi there, I’m Woodrow Wilson” every time you see him. And nobody likes him and despises him the most. All the presidents see him and they go like, “What foul evil is this?” And somehow he is the real mastermind behind all of this. The Puppet Master. He’s nothing but a scum bag and a piece of fucking shit. Woodrow Wilson. You bastard. He he… wink… And it is revealed that 3 used to be gods once. And there is a connection to this and Neil Druckman at some point I suppose. And they were re-incarnated as humans, but now reborn as gods once again. FDR’s legs are what gave him his powers. And Lincoln was actually a racist and hated the blacks and uses the word nigger in a deagoatory way. Also he is the most powerful of the 3. And Taft, a fat blob, knows how to stop them, but remains natural in the conflict, mostly because he is a fat blob… of fat… And so all the Presidents have to work together to stop the 3 from reaching Super God Hood or else all is at stake. Although to note, not as powerful as REL. Also during the Special, JFK has a grudge against LBJ for killing and hates his guts.

Meanwhile with the EoP down below, they are doing a boring President’s day Special. It’s so boring; the suit calls for the writer to come over and then kills him. But then Lincoln drops down when he gets desperate some point and grabs Neon as a power source to gain more strength and feed off of his energy. And so the guys have to go and bail him out. At the same time, the executive sees this as an opportunity to get the excitement going for the special and tells them to go, send the cameras into Heaven, and to ad lib. And so the EoP have to shoe their way in, play along to make a story happen, and get involved to save Neon who kind of goes along with everything. In the end, the 3 gods get send to the Dark Zone. Also a connection to the Universal Life Special is mentioned…

Also Lincoln in connection with the Universal Life Special, when he was in human form, he wanted to die. But he couldn’t do it by himself or else losing his godhood, so he needed to entice someone to kill him. And FDR couldn’t do shit because he had no legs… And Woodrow Wilson was Woodrow Wilson… that fucking piece of human garbage. What a despicable person. Someone needed to beat the ever loving shit out of that fuck. That mother uncle monkey fucker Wilson guy was… that fucker… he he he… wink… But that’s just filling things out lore wise and connecting it.

Detail Idea: Presidents Day Special: The 3 gods want the other presidents dead because of the metaphorical power given to them by the elites from the Universal Life special as it will grant them even more power and return to their original godhood forms, as the elites made a deal with the devils and demons, it holds great power of interest to them. And that is why they partially take Neon too because of his otherworldly unknown random powers…

Detail Idea: Presidents Day Special: Abe Lincoln and the other two are gods from another universe. Make it more slightly interesting.

Valentine's Day Special

A valentine's special, where Cupid is going around, writing shipping fan fiction of the guys, and somehow Knight is the only one who sees this cupid, and tries to take him out, while the cupid goes around, trying to cause love, but really it causes chaos, and in the end, the cupid is fucked...

12-21-23 Detail Idea: To add to the plot, Whiplash is leashed out to a porn company and Whiplash has to make porn under contract obligation. But then the evil STD’s manifest into reality and tries to give everyone AIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDDDDDDS! More of a laid back special than anything. Shorter, but simpler and enjoyable….

St. Patrick's Day Special

Something to do with a secret society of leprechauns and the whole town being drunk along with a big green parade. And the leprechauns drug the whole town and it's up to the TLF to save the day...also that leprechaun from the movies Leprechauns shows up probably...as a special guest

(Added this along with the other ideas...) Detail Idea: St. Patrick’s Day Special: Who is St. Patrick as two of the guys go off the set and try to answer this question, two others come across the small tiny beer creatures that are tiny beers that look happy and have small arms and legs, but might have some sinister thing behind them… maybe…

And the other two, they come across and get transported to someplace else where they meet the ACTUAL St. Patrick, might be related to Neil Druckmann (Cuckmann)

Fat Tuesday Special

The french ponies finally have had enough of being the third wheel and decide to invade Equestria...but they mistakenly accidentally invade Stalia, thinking it's Cantorlot, and looks for the ruler of the land, which Knight technically plays the role of as he is drunk off his ass and is not in his right mind. And it's up to Forrest to kick the French out, especially since he is the third wheel as well in the group, so he is sort of in between a rock and a hard place as he sympathizes with them a little...

Ash Wednesday Special

So it continues from the last part and it is ash Wednesday. For the lore, the ponies don't really care, but for the special, they are told do that they have eaten meat along with other things, and that they have give something up in their lives, which they have trouble doing with and they start to act like drug addicts when they go cold turkey...that's the challenge...


The Spring Equinox Day Special

So for these seasonal specials, it's going to be all connected. Simple at first, but a bit more complicated towards the end.

So for the spring one, it's the first day of spring, and the town of Stalia is having Field Day. And it's basically just...field day, simple stuff. But, either at the beginning or somewhere, a story is told about how the four seasons are controlled by four separate beings from another realm/universe, and are forced to do so (probably by the Universe itself), and the only one who finds any meaning in the forced work that they do is Winter. But the other seasons, they want freedom. And at some point during this episode, the being that controls Spring escapes, creates a little bit of havoc, but ultimately disappears, and tries to find a way to break out the fellow other beings.

The Fall Equinox Day Special

So for the fall one, it's where everypony is a depressed, because the weather is changing, the colts and fillies are going to have to go to school and no longer summer vacation, and really, all but two enjoy the weather change. That being Forrest and Jack. And everypony is just depressed, and so the two try to cheer up Stalia, which is a challenge because Jack is an asshole and doesn't care, so forrest ahs to care and make Jack care somehow.

Meanwhile, the Spring being finds a way to communicate between the other three and is able to break out Fall. Two down, two to go...

Also the Universe is suspicious as to what is going on...

The Summer Solstice Day Special

So for this one, it's like the spring one, except it's all about summer and the fun things that one could do with the season of summer, summer vacation, fun in the pool, doing stuff. Sort of like a weird kids version, mixed with adult stuff, and an overall simple, straight forward concept, a slice of life kind of aspect, but with a fun twist.

And as for the seasonal beings, the Universe catches up up to the two that are free, and the Universe tries to put them back. But the beings want to be free, as they came from a different universe and want to go home. And the universe, while understands that they belong somewhere else, they are too important for the land of Equestria and the rest of the world, and must be kept in their place. And that they must have at least some pride in knowing that they are making some living creatures happy and alive and such. But they refuse, fight, and the Universe...wins... but then the Spring being has a trick up its sleeve and is able to free the other two and weaken the Universe, and now they are in control.

The Winter Solstice Day Special

So the finale of the four season specials. So the first half...or maybe even first third, starts off with it being the first day of winter, there is snow everywhere, and just like the summer one, it's all about enjoying the aspects of Winter and what comes with it. Building a snow pony, having snow ball fights, getting warm and toasty by a fire with some hot chocolate. The holidays coming up for a lot of creatures, stuff like that. But then chaos ensures as the winter goes away and the weather turns into a weird hybrid of all four seasons...called... sprumallinter stupid I know... And the real Universe from the real MLP Specials Universe (And not the simulation at Whiplash studios) finds Knight and tells him that the seasonal beings have broken free and he needs the EoP to come back home to Equestria to help him as he is in need. And of course the producer doesn't want them to leave, but the Universe transports the EoP (and maybe the producer) to Equestria, to hepp fight the three seasonal beings, with Winter, being the only one that wants to help the EoP bring balance to the seasons once more. And in the end, they get the four seasonal beings down, but they are not put back into place. Winter dies, but the power that Winter had is put back into the realm, while the other three escape back into their home, vowing revenge for what happened to one of their own, even if he was a traitor a bit... Also to clarify, the seasons are brought back into the balance as ?Winter did something that kept a little bit of each of the other three season's powers in case for any reason, and so everything is back to normal... kind of, and the EoP are sent back to Whiplash Studios...

The Specials Universe continues here, I exceeded the word limit on this thing...sorry... Page 2

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