• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,283 Views, 72 Comments

Wish - Coco-loco

Special people have coys. Special people can make it to the end!

  • ...


My eyes racked my brain trying figure out what happened while adjusting to the dim lighting. My arms were almost drained of blood and my head hurt from a blow.

A blow? What happened and why can’t I remember anything after... My dream! I woke up because I had a bad dream, than what? Something to do with Rainbow? No, I was calling for Rainbow to help me. Oh no, he took me didn’t he?!

“A-Applejack?” comes a scratchy voice from next to me. I turn my head to see a young woman with bright green eyes and red hair, just like my father. She had a huge burn on one side of her face and a hopeful smile.

“How d-do ya know mah name?” I asks as her smile widens.

“I’ve always wanted to meet you. My name is Violet, Violet Corridor!” I gasp. My face grows from confused to happy and her smile fades as the door slams open.

“Do you like your aunt Applejack?” I’ve never heard the voice before but Violet seems to have because her smile fades to pure hatred.

“Don’t even think about touching her!” She yells.

“I wasn’t planning on it,” Violets face shrinkings back as the lights turn on. “Ready Applejack, this is always the fun part!” he fades into a weapons battle coy and pulls out a knife.

“Don’t!” I murmur through clenched teeth he looks at me with a happy smile.

“I promise I won’t hurt you, General Corridor is saving you for himself!” he says laughing. A laugh that chills my bones and boils my blood.

“I promise yall won’t ‘urt ‘er!” the orange suit covers my body and he raises an eyebrow. Me and Violet are close enough that our tied hands can reach each other. I grab her hand and think as hard as I can on her. Her hand starts glowing orange and the glow starts climbing down her body until she is completely covered. My head is throbbing and my suit is flickering just to hold up my coy on her.

He runs his knife over her face in a way that she should have a cut going across her scar but since the knife is part of his coy, it does nothing. He looks over to me and sees my straint.

“You think you can hold that up. I was told you got a second coy but she wouldn’t tell me what it was, or that you could give it to someone else to borrow. Seems its a Protection coy,” he laughs again before jamming the knife towards her gut, I’m sure I won’t be able to hold it off as it was hard enough to hold off the other try towards pain. So I use my plant coy.

“Ah don’t need mah stupid hands to use mah coy, as long as Ah’m alive she ain’t feelin’ no more pain!” The knife is knocked right out of his hand. He wipes around his flax eyes filled with anger and his sleek black hair wiping my face.

“You can’t stop me forever!” he yells spitting on my cheek.

“No Ah can’t,” I say with a bold tone before smirking, “but Ah try for pretty damn close!”

“Fighter, isn’t she?” comes a voice from the staircase as a door is slammed close. Both me and Violet flinch and the suit flickers out on both of us.

“What do you want with me?” disgust doesn't only cover my face.

“A couple of reasons,” he says calmly, “Celadon leave!”

“Yes sir,” Celadon says with a bow before scurrying out.

“Now, Applejack. What I want with you, eh?” he taps his chin as if thinking. “Oh yes, that girl we took you from! What was her name, Rainbow Dash?”

“Don’t expect me to tell you anything!” I shout but my eyes give me away, fear.

“Oh I do, just not just yet!” the room lights up and our screams of pains soon fill it. That and his everlasting laughs of triumph.


“Applejack?” with the bright flames all around me I can’t find her anywhere. “Applejack? Where are you?” she doesn’t seem worried though.

“Ah’m here! Please find me!” I call into the colors just hoping to see hers. A flash of blue goes by in the distance, “Rainbow!”

“Applejack?” her hair and blue shows up in the colors and she smiles angrily at me. “There you are!”

“Ya found meh. Ah missed yall so much!” I say as she flies closer. My smile grows as hers fades. A paper appears in her hand.

“How could you?” she asks flinging it in my face. It read,


Thanks to the daughter of General Corridor, Applejack ‘Apple’ Corridor, they knew the battle strategies and coys of the traders. The rag tag team was easily destroyed and almost all died. The leader of the traders, Rainbow Dash, was captured by General Corridors battle men and brought in.

Applejack was put undercover in the traders group and learned their names, coys, and personalities. When she went onto the battlefield they thought she escaped her fathers capture and trusted her. She overthrew them from the inside and helped bring Ms. Dash in.

Ms. Dash trusted her on higher levels than the others. The two were in a relationship, it was Applejacks idea to get under her skin and weaken her before the battle. When she disappeared in the night Ms. Dash thought she was captured and sent three of her team including herself to go rescue her. One of the was captured and the other two killed. Ms. Dash tried to rescue both her love and captured teammate but ended up almost killing herself in the process.

I couldn’t read on, this couldn’t be true. I love Rainbow it wasn’t a fake, a lie!

“How could you? We trusted you, to save you you got Lyra and Pinkie killed! Iya was captured and was torched. How could you?” she yells pushing me over with anger in her eyes.

“B-but? Ah didn’t! This is a lie, its not true! A-Ah promise,” I cry struggling under her hold.

“Lier! You killed Cat and Twilight personally. You helped them capture me! I was there, I watched you!” A tear hits my face seconds before her hand does.


“Its a lie--” my mind falls back in reality right as his hand connects with my face again.

“Tell me! What is so special about that Rainbow Dash!” His knee connects with my gut and when I topple to the ground is when I realize the I’m no longer tied up, when did that happen?

“Ya want to know? She special because she will come here and kick your sorry ass!” the metal tip of his shoe connects with my gut and my back hits the wall.

“What is so special about her?” He grabs my hair lifting me off the ground and pinning me to the wall.

“She will beat you! You will fall on the ground and your life will fall with you! You and your power will fall!” I yell before spitting on his face, he just wiped it away slowly shaking his head in disappointment.

Dropping me to the ground he walks out a the room. I run up to the door and listen, “has she cracked?”

“No but she is bending, at some point she will break.”

“What is so important about this Rainbow girl?” I can hear his hand connect with their face.

“If the rumors are true and she is the Rainbow Girl of this generation than she is more powerful than even she knows. But that is only the bad news.” I can hear his laugh through the door and it sends a shiver down my back.

“What the good news?” they ask. I start hearing footsteps as they walk away.

“My daughter is her lover, and she is here with us!” his voice fades and I don’t hear what he says next but I know it can’t be good.

I slump back into the room and look around. I cringe at it, my old room. The same bed, the same blood stains on the carpet, same photo of me and Red, same burn marks on the walls, new note! Note? I walk over to it and it says one short sentence,

Now she can feel just as much pain as I’d like her to, so can you!

“Damn it!” I stand in the mirror and look myself over. My shirt is burned away along with some of my skin, a large bruise in on my gut, and theres a handprint on my face! “No way?”


Pink, yellow, red, and blue. The globes of colors glistened in the fire light of the torches in the dark night. One by one the globes climbed the stairs. They reached a door and it went clear revealing these globes were connected to four girls. First went the red eyed girl, soon followed by the yellow, than the blue. The pink eyed girl closed up the clear spot and waited for the door to open. In a few soft clicks she was let in and it closed just as softly behind her.

The blue eyed girl went over to the small bed and shook awake its occupant, “wake up and don’t scream!” she murmured as green eyes joined the other four.

“W-what are y’all doin’ ‘ere? Its a trap, git out!” Yelled the green eyed girl.

“Not with out you,” said the yellow eyes and pink eyes in unison.

“Go away!” Yelled the green eyes so loud the guards could hear. Footsteps could be heard outside the door and quiet voices.

“Don’t you want to leave?” she asked stroking green eyes cheek gently only for her hand to come away wet, “what the-”

“Git out!” she yelled right as the door slammed open. The red eyed girl was to afraid to use her coy and was caught.

“Lyra!” Yelled the pink eyed girl to the yellow eyed one signaling her to use her coy. Music filled the room but the guards weren’t affected. “Pinkie! We need to save Iya!” She yelled to the pink eyed one.

“Got it,” she said with a wink before covering them with streamers. Her body collapsed to the ground right as Lyra was shot in the head. Her blood covered the pink eyed one.

“No!” Lightning cracked outside and her veins started glowing showing all of them her rainbow hair.

“Grab her! Thats the one General wants,” a guard ordered. They swept around her ending in a knife in Pinkies chest. Ghost Pinkie had just rescued Iya when she faded away with a pained scream. Iya ran over to where the pink eyed girl was being surrounded and started taking lives so she could escape. The second the pink eyed girl was far enough away Iya dropped her coy and was killed.

“Iya!” Iyas eyes flashed open,

“I’ll be fine! Get out of here Dash!” she yelled before being dragged away.

“No,” Dash yelled before blowing a hole in one side of the building and flying away. She gave one look to the girl on the bed who was pulling a knife out of her leg for trying to save her before turning and not looking back.


“Dash! Come ba-” I shot up sweaty and bloody. I fling the blankets away to see a cut from having a knife stabbed into my leg. Tears fall on my cut and sobs fill the room“What is happenin’ ta meh?”

Author's Note:

Also massive writers block on the next chapter. Expect something in about four of five days.

So... Bring on the questions!!!!!
