• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,283 Views, 72 Comments

Wish - Coco-loco

Special people have coys. Special people can make it to the end!

  • ...


“A long time ago General Corridor captured the Princesses and rounded up all of the coyable people, except for himself and his sister. He built two schools. Separating up the coyable princess and sending them to either the good coyable school or bad coyable school, Princess Luna of the night was in charge of the bad coy school and Princess Celestia of the sun was in charge of the good coy school. Or so they thought. One coyable person each, that General Corridor knew personally, were sent with them. These people rule over the schools secretly, commanding and controlling, the sisters are just figure titles for the schools.”

“These two people took control with the title of vise principal. They chose what to do with each of the students of the schools. Each year a new group of kids were sent to separation and separated by the government standards. These standards are a lot simpler than you’d think. Bad coy students are coyable people with a coy that has the potential to become powerful enough to overthrow General Corridor. Good coyable people are just useless coys and will be executed anyway if they turn out to be more powerful than they thought.”

“The good coyable people with potentially useless coys are sent to General Corridor himself for who knows what. Most of the bad coy students are just executed but there are the occasional few. Those with unbelievably powerful coys. Even multiple coys are kept at the school, brought up to full power, than they are sent to the Coy Leagues. There they fight for others entertainment to the death.” Cat finishes her story to scan the table of our jaw dropped faces till she lands on Applejack and gives her a quick nod.

“Together we have the ability to stop this. Mah dad has done this for long enough and together we have tha power to bring ‘im down. He got a powerful coy but Ah got a good feelin’ ‘bout this ‘ere team. We have to beat ‘im and bring down his empire. We need to free those good coyable people and mah Auntie,” she takes a deep breath,

“each year when Ah was lil’ a bus load of coyable people would show up at our doorstep. It was my job ta go get them and bring them to the cellar where they would live. After watchin’ their friends die they were sent off to the very man who made them die. When they would show up his lil’ girl would come greet them at the door with a bruised face a bloody knuckles and lead them to a cellar. One girl asked me tha question that was on everyones minds once. She asked what was going to happen to them. You want to know mah answer? Ah told her somethin’ simple and sad. Ah said ‘mah daddy ain’t a very nice guy. Mah mom is carryin’ mah lil’ sis’ so he can’t hurt ‘er no more. Mah big bro’ ain’t no fun either cause he don’t show his pain. So he hurts me, he can’t always hurt me though. He needs somebody else ta hurt so he don’t kill meh. He calls meh fun so he don’t want meh dead. Thats why you're here.” Applejack finishes with a small sniffle.

“Years ago the government created a formula. They tried it out on a six year old girl and did a serise of tests on her. They ended up killing her in the process learning one thing, whatever it is that they created needs to be given to somebody still developing more than she was. They found a two year old and tested it out on him. The scent killed him. They learned they need to grow into it through that test. They found a twenty year olf girl who was in the early stages of pregnancy. They gave it to her and when the baby was born she was beautiful. Bright blue eyes, the bluest anyone had ever seen. She had pale skin and wings. The mother asked the government men what they had given her child and their answer was simple, Catastrophic Optimistic Yestildoghu, or COY! Yestildoghu is the governments own creation that was a mutated bird gean. This girl grew up to have wings and something else. Not only did she have the strangest hair anyone had ever seen she also had the ability to control or create any or all electricity. This girl had rainbow hair and bright red wings. Her family is the original coyable people and each generation had one with distinct rainbow hair who had the most powerful set of coys alive. A real life superhero. Only this family had the possibility of having a electricity coy.” Cat finished turning only to stare between me and AJ.

The room was silent. If it wasn’t for her fathers love for hurting her pretty much everyone in good coy would be dead by the end. He hurt her so much that he could have killed her, to give her time to heal he would hurt some random kid. Not only that but coys were created and grown by the government and my family was the first to have coys.

Applejack opens her mouth a few times before finally saying what she wanted to say, “Ah gave that girl one piece of advice, the pain is more than you could imagine so don’t show no pain. Showin’ it will make you a fun target. You don’t want to be a fun target,” I can hear some small cries coming from near Rarity where she is cooing softly to a pink bow.

“Oh no!” I gulp running over to where Applebloom lays in a ball sobbing her eyes out.

“W-why didn’t you or M-mac tell m-meh?” she stutters out between sobs.

“Mac couldn’t. He don’t remember it. Ah didn’t want to tell you because then you’d find a way ta blame your self and it ain’t your fault none,” Applejack whispered softly to her sister as AB climbed into her arms.

“Then what's the truth ‘bout your back?” Applebloom asks making all of our eyes go to AJ’s back.

“What about your back?” I ask raising an eyebrow.

“Lets just say Ah ain’t no fan of fire,” Applejack says still holding her sister.

“You just said he beat you!” I yell not realizing until now exactly what he did to her, “he used his coy on you too?”

“Not only his coy!” She yells at me pulling off her shirt to show a burnt and scarred up back, “we will take down that horrible person and stop this! Now, Cat tell them the rest!” Cat flinched slightly but nods her head.

“In his eyes and his armies mind we are the biggest threat to his empire and he will soon come to take us down. We have about six months to practise, train, and prepare before he is on our shores killing our friends! Now who here is going to help us revenge Applejack, stop this bastard from killing more people, and give true freedom to the coyable people?”

“Lets do this thing!” I yell grabbing Applejacks hand in one of mine and Octavias in the other. Applejack grabbed Applebloom's and Applebloom grabbed Scootaloo. Connecting hands together with angry looks of content on our face our joined hands burst into the air,

“For revenge! For Freedom! To finally take down General Corridor!” We shouted at the top of our lounges our coys erupting in the small room.


“You never told me about this,” I say softly running my hand down AJ’s scarred back, “why?”

“‘Cause, I only can talk about mah past so much and Ah didn’t want to use it up telling you privately when you’d learn the same thin’ with everyone else,” she answers shakily.

“The gashes?” I see her flinch as my hand hits a certain spot on her back, still healing, “this ones new?”

“The good coys weren't only for him to hit. He finds it fun when they hurt me instead of him,” her head sinks, I spin her around and hold her close cooing softly, “the other one was mah sixteenth birthday present.”

“You didn’t get away did you, just a different home. How often did he visit you?” she looks over at me before burying her face in my hair.

“Every break he got he would come over during he night. That way no one ever knew,” she mumbled quietly.

“I’m sorry,” i whisper back. I can’t think of anything else really to say. That is, except this, “if you can’t do it than I will kill him myself. I will keep myself as the ‘father killer of the century’ just to keep you safe. You understand that?”

“Ah won’t be able to. Ah’d be glad if you did sugarcube, just remember you're doin’ it for more than just me,” she says kissing my cheek. I gave her a light kiss on the top of the head and drifted into a nightmare filled sleep.


My dreams were interrupted by a earthquake, “Rainbow? Rainbow wake up, please wake up!” a earthquake with a accent and knows my name? My eyes flicker open to see something I haven’t seen in...well...ever!

“What happened?” I ask her looking around. The wall behind the bed, leading outside, was blown back by angry plants. Applejack sweaty, scared, was waking me with her said plants. Her entire side of the bed is broken away and she is hanging out of the hole in the wall.

“Ah might have had a nightmare,” she says blushing. I laugh at the sight and bring her back inside.

“Now we have half a bed,” I point out feeling a little sorry for the embarrassed girl. “Cold?”

“A lil’” she says proving that with a shiver. I giggle and pull her closer. She snuggles into my wings, which we both love, and hugs me. I shift us so we're laying down and pull the blankets over us.

“Hey?” I ask half lid mimicking the movies.

“Hey!” She says playing along. “Ya know thats not gonna happen, right?”

“What's not gonna happen?” I ask now acting clueless.

“This,” she leans in just close enough I can feel her lips brushing mine before pulling back, “is not gonna happen.”

“Talk about ruining the moment!” I grumble only to be quickly shut up by a pair of awesome lips. “I thought you said it isn’t gonna happen?”

“Now it is!” she leaned down and...

“Ahhhh!” I jolt up sweaty and wanting to find Applejack twitching and sweaty next to me trapped in a nightmare. “Applejack wake up, come on wake up. Its just a nightmare AJ wake up!” She zips up almost headbutting me in the process. She was panting and looking around searching for something. I put my hand and smiled gently at her as she slowly turned to look at me.

“Its you,” she mutters before pinning me down in a killer hug. “Please don’t let him get me!” At first when she just said ‘its you’ my first thought was ‘who else?’ now I really have to think about her situation with her family to heart. Its way worse than I thought.

“Shhhh, its ok he can’t get you. Not as long as I’m here he can. I promise you I will stay by your side, forever and always!” she nods and holds me closer crying softly into my chest. “Applejack?”

“W-what?” she asks raising her head to look at me. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks tear stained. Her lips are quivering and her hands are shaking. Life has definitely taken a toll for the worse on her, I need to help her. No! Matter! What!

“Do you want to hear a story?” I dig through my brain looking for the perfect story while she thinks.

“Yeah,” she whispers turning to look out the giant hole.

“This is a story my mother told me and I told my sister.” I smile down at her before continuing, “generations ago a girl named Lula Grandish discovered she had a Ice coy. Her best friend Natalie Jacobs had a fire coy. They weren’t allowed to be together because of their coy differences. Lula grew up to marry a prince and move to the fire coy capital of the world. This was no coincidence though. Lula had worked together a plan to see Natalie again. One day Natalie came to visit Lula and was caught kissing her. She was charged with death and was to have her head chopped off the next morning. Lula couldn't have that and ran away into the night with Natalie. Lula gave up her home, her family, her throne, just to be with Natalie for the little time they may have had together before they would be found. Natalie made a plan though, so with one last kiss they stood in a waterfall and Lula froze them over. They were never found. Some people believe that the ice with melt and they will come out young and beautiful. Nobody knows for sure but one thing, love can out weigh anything. Lula and Natalie loved each other and together gave everything up for just one night that is now lost in history,” I finish my story with a small yawn and a less dreamlandy kiss from AJ before drifting off into a romance filled sleep.


“Rainbow ya know you’ll have ta get out of bed at some point right?” AJ said after yet another failed attempt to get out of my wing hold, I just watch her struggle.

“Oh, come on AJ!” She shoots me a small glare before going back to work with no avail.

“Not happening Rainbow! Now let me go we have another meeting to go to! We have to plan for when the dick Ah call mah father shows up!” she failed yet again to get out before rolling over to face me with a sigh, “if Ah will ya let me go?”

“Yep! Though I don’t get what the rush is to get out?” she just rolls her eyes and gives me another perfect kiss. “Another!” I demand.

“How many do Ah need ta give ya?” I look at her with puppy dog eyes.

“You don’t like it?” I do a little sniffle making her roll her eyes, again.

“Ah do, but I have somewhere where we both need to be,” than she gives me a couple little kisses and I release her.

“Do we have to?” she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

“We kinda are the most important people ta be there. Me Ms. Evil duds daughter and you Ms. Original coy and most powerful electricity coy girl! Now get your sorry butt out of that bed and put on some real clothes!” right as she said that a knock sounded on the door and I got up to get it as she threw a shirt on.

“Oh, hi Rarity! What do you need?” I ask tilting my head slightly as she pushes past me with a pleased smile on her face.

“I have now finished your war outfits,” my eyebrow raises.

“Outfits?” Me and AJ ask in unison.

“Yes, I have made you armor. Not only is it made of diamonds but the strongest fabric you have ever seen and its actually stylish!” she giggles like a schoolgirl getting asked out for the first time.

With a sigh and roll of my eyes I ask a very unforgiving question, “lets see them.” AJ facepalms and Rarity squeals like a pig.

“Yay!” than she waltzes the rest of the way in and sets two ‘outfits’ down on the bed. I have no idea where she pulled them out of but what I do know is that we’re going to have to try on some clothes for Rarity. “Rainbow this one is yours, Applejack yours is the other! Would you like me to leave so you can try them on?”

“Now?” I ask while raising a wary eyebrow.

“Yes now!” she says pushing me towards the bed.

“What ‘bout tha meeting?” Applejack asks scooting towards the door desperately. I really don’t think she wants to try on any clothes. The door is soon blocked out by Applejacks outfit making her sigh, “fine!”

“The meeting can wait. Everybody else is putting theirs on now!” than in a quick flash Rarity’s outfit changes into a thin white dress. Frillys at the bottom and a white bow right below the end of the collar. In the center of the bow is a blue diamond matching the one inside her necklace.

“Fine,” we both grumble retaking off our shirts. Soon we’re in Rarity’s gifts and they fit perfectly. Mine is a black half shirt with a light blue vest thats just a little longer than the shirt. The vest has white puffy stuff on the collar and lining the bottom pined together with a lightning shaped gold pin. The short short are also blue and have a tan belt. On this belt is a white cloud like shape that also has the lightning bolt. Tall light blue boots that go up to my thighs and have the same white puff as the coat. All in all, I’m colorful and blue.

AJ on the other hand has a white half shirt with a red collar. She still has on her hat but thats about the only thing she didn’t change. The shirt ties at the bottom and she has on a vest too. Its tan and has white linings. Around her neck and left arm is tied a red ribbon. She has blue jean short shorts that are torn up at the bottom. Her belt has a big red apple on top of the pale fabric. Her normal boots are replaced with white shoes that have a brown cover on the top with a lace crossing up the back and around the top of the shoe. Coming out of the shoes are white knee socks pulled all the way up. She has on light brown gloves, made of the same fabric as her hat, that have a darker brown band going around the wrist with a little apple on each.

“Hot,” we both mutter under our breath making Rarity giggle.

“Do you like them?” she asks in an all to knowing town.

“Yep,” we say in unison before jetting out of the room. When we get to the meeting room Rarity somehow beat us and everyone is already there.

“Lets see how Rarity did?” I yell and everyone stands. Each outfit is personalized to their personality and coy perfectly. “You definitely have a talent Rares!”

“Thank you!” She smiled widely a blushed wildly while everyone applauded her and thanked her.

“What do you two think of ours?” Pinkie and Gracy ask coming over to show off the outfits. Pinkies was a frilly over shirt with a darker pink undershirt. Her frilly shirt had two heart buttons and pink diamonds on the sleeves. She had on poofy blue shorts with pink frills at the bottom. Going up each leg, front and back, were straps. Connecting these straps is a yellow fabric similar to the blue one at the top of her shorts. Her hair is pulled off to the side with a blue and yellow beaded band. Yellow and pink beads are at the bottom of her pants and blue, yellow, and green on her bracelet. She also has a pink flower ring and a golden choker on. She has pink heeled shoes with a yellow bow and yellow and blue striped knee socks. Her whole outfit is a crazy mess of colors yet it somehow works.

Gracy had a white scarf and a black dress. The dress had a more purplish bottom than the rest of the dress. The top was lined with a flower pattern same as the bottom before leading to the purple. She had on a black choker and one braid in her long hair. It was tight and simple but cute and airy, just like Gracy.

“I think they suit you two perfectly!” AJ nods in agreement. Than Aia and Alli run up in almost matching outfits. Their dresses were simple. Tight at the top and loose at the bottom. Aia’s is pink and Alli’s is red. Their shoes matched the others dress.

“Same. Rarity is the mastermind of clothes.” I say smiling to all of them. I didn’t realize that they all would come up and show off their new clothes.

Iya came up and it couldn’t look more perfect on her. Her long hair is braided down her shoulders and her outfit is simple yet beautiful. She had on a beige dress with black seams. It went down to about her knees with buttons going down the back. She had the same black as ribbons tying her hair and her blush, which would probably never go away, helped make her bright eyes blend in.

Her outfit was loose and colorful. Vanilla smiled as we scanned her over. She had on a beige hat with a blue lining on the bottom and two blue plaid bows, one bigger than the other, and golden pins in the center. She had a white undershirt with the same blue at the ends of the sleeves. She had on a blue plaid vest and a golden chain connecting the two sides but none of the gold buttons are buttoned. She has on a red tie that is loose and white shorts that go to her knees with the same blue and gold for the belt.

Than Fluttershy walked up and we both gasped. She had on a soft yellow dress and naturey shoes. The dress was simple and kinda stripy. She had an overcoat that was a darker yellow and was a thicker fabric. It covered her shoulders and fell down around her back. She had two metal butterflies in her hair and a gold and black metal bracelet. Her shoes were yellow flats and yellow, green, and brown leg warmers. They were mainly yellow but have brown going up and around with a green leaf at the top.

“Rarity?” AJ asks as BonBon walks up.

“Yes, darling?” Rarity asks stepping forward slightly.

“These just look like fancy clothes?” she says deadpan taking Rarity aback.

“Excuse me! First off all of these are bullet proof and fireproof. Each is designed to be able to withstand each of our coys and work with them. Rainbows can be electrocuted billions of times before it even has a scorch mark and has wing holes. Candys moves with her body and changes to fit around whatever form or size still protecting her!” Rarity huffs while Applejack just stares in awe at her small outburst. I barely suppress a giggle.

“Somethin’ funny?” AJ asks putting her hands on her hips and glaring at me.

“Nothing nothing,” I regain my composure, “don’t we have something to talk about?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie yells taking her seat with Gracy. Everyone else soon follows.

“Battle strategies!” Me and AJ yell in unison.


“Step one is practise,”

“Alright everyone, we’re going to have a little coy practise today!” Twilight yells,

“For each step we are going to have somebody running it, Twilight you’re in charge of step one!”

“So be prepared for anything,” she said shifting into her coy.

"Yes sir!" We yell saluting her.

"Now you better remember that any past or future relations you have with someone during these trainings cannot and will not come in the way of your training!!" She screeches pulling a list out of her mystery spot, “now I have paired you each up with someone who I think will put up the a fight. So who I have should be one of the hardest to beat out of the...twenty six of us! Any questions?”

“When did you count us? Thats kinda creepy!” Gracy says warily.

“First meeting,” Twilight says calmly not exactly realizing how creepy she actually sounds.

“Who’s with who?” A familiar voice asks.

“Spike?” I ask. His presence is obviously as confusing to the others as it is to me.

“Hi! Who do you think the twenty sixth person is?” he asks raising an eyebrow as I count on my fingers.

“Twilight there would be twenty six of us if you counted yourself and Spike,” I point out holding out the two fingers repusenting Twilight and Spike but end up dropping them to my side raising an eyebrow instead, “what's so funny?”

“B-because... I-I’m practising and s-so is S-Spike!” Twilight says between laughs as my mouth forms a slow growing ‘O’

“So, who’s with who?” Scoots asks.

“Applejack Vs Rainbow Dash!” Twilight says sidestepping to show us the battlefield.

“Your on!” We yell in unison getting a small giggle from the group.

“This is going to take a while isn’t it?” Sweetie Belle asks getting knowing nods from some and admitting a small sigh in agreement from others. “Great.”

“Go!” Twilight's voice echos inside my head and my first instinct is to go up then shoot down. By doing this I barely avoided AJ’s attacks. I just dodge for a little before offering my first attack not understanding the orange suit on her body. My attack does nothing.

“What the heck?!” I yell dodging some more shooting vines.

“Block coy sugarcube,” I hear her say with a devious smirk.

“I thought we might both have a trick up our sleeves!” I say mimicking her smirk. My comment caught everyone off guard before AJ pieces it together, a moment to late.

“Storm coy!” She yells as rain blocks out all to most light. She couldn't see anything, I could, she stumbled around a little before getting her bearings to finally come up with a useful plan.

Giggles and cheers came from the crowd as they watched me maneuver the clouds only over AJ. I thought I had her until plants shot up from under my cloud wall of dragged me into the storm. “Gotcha,” came a evil voice from behind me. Spinning around I Matrixed some fly petals and zaped her in the face with lightning. It may not harm her but it did hit her, unlike my other blow which is weird, sending her flying out of the small storm.

“Twilight?” I call over the rain and cheers.

“What?” I hear her voice echo around the room before slowly fading away.

“How do we win?” Applejack stands up with the same confused look on her face. Raging storm behind us and a thinking egghead in front it was like a nightmare come true.

“Um,” she taps her chin before smiling widely and snapping her fingers at a idea.

“Knock them to the ground and pin them there!” Twilight says with a sly smile on her face.

“Fine!” We yell then go back to fighting...

“Hehe,” evil laugh ‘wahahaha’ I won. Applebloom won against Scoots and Sweetie against Spike. Twilight had a rematch with Octavia and got her butt kicked. And surprisingly Fluttershy won against Pinkie. We have a lot of practising to do before AJ’s father arrives in his attempt to kill us but we can make. Tomorrow is step two, tonight is sweet dreams and a new bed!


“You did good out there sugarcube!” AJ says walking into the room smiling.

“Not as good as you!” I point out coming over to give her a wing hug, she loves them!

“Yall beat me,” she says flatly as we start waddling towards the bed.

“I beat you because you were going easy on me,” I yawn making her roll her eyes.

“Easy or not, when did ya git a weather coy?” She asks probing and poking my wings.

“Years, I know you know when I first learned to control it. I saw it on your face,” I say softly petting her head when we finally laid down.

“Yeah,” she mutters and I can feel a shiver run down her spine.

“Shhh, no need for that. I rarely regret it ok, no need,” I whisper softly as I hear small muffled cries.

“A-Ah wish Ah could have killed my father when Ah had the chance but I couldn’t,” she sighs knowing exactly what I was thinking, “do you remember me telling y’all ‘bout that girl that asked ‘bout what happened to ‘em?”

“Yeah, why?” I raise an eyebrow as she borrows closer.

“Well that was when Ah was nine years old. She was a fighter. Her coy helped her, or didn’t depends how you're lookin’ at it. She had a healin’ coy. She healed the others to stop their pain and healed fast herself. Ah was never around to much for when he hurt anyone else but one day he thought he’d bring me with him. He brought me to where we kept them, tears streaming down my face. It was expose to be my day not theirs and Ah didn’t want them hurtin’ if Ah could feel it for ‘em. It was mah family after all! He brought me to her cage an smirked. He never opened the cage door though. The back of his hand met mah face and I hit the cold floor hard...”


“Don’t think of her as your friend!” He yelled out to the quivering kids all around me. I struggled to my feet and looked at him with pure fear, “she enjoys it when I hurt you instead!” He laughed as his fist connected with the side of my head slamming me into the cold stone wall.

“Stop!” I screamed. For the first time in my life I actually told him to stop. He just snickered at me. I staggered to my feet a ducked the next blow. The pointy toe of his boot connected with my gut and I went flying down the aisle.

“Shut up girl!” he yelled before grinning evilly. I knew exactly what he was going to do. His hand started heating up but it didn’t point towards me, nope. He pointed it to the cage next to him, with the girl in it. Pure fear and hatred clouded my vision along with blood and tears. Before I could even stop my self the ground started rumbling. “Don’t!” I order as cracks start to form in the stone floor.

“What do you think you're doing girl?” He asked with no fear in his voice but a powered down coy.

“Hurt her and you're dead,” I say deadpan but my eyes spoke truth, I had no idea what I was doing.

“How?” his whole body heating up dramatically along with his anger at me speaking out.

“Like this!” and before he can even react he’s being held to a wall by vines connected to his neck. His face starts turning purple and no matter how hard he tries the vines would break...


“Everyone was cheering ‘er meh. Telling meh ta finish ‘im off so ‘e can’t hurt us no more. His body goes limp, mah coy starts fadin’ ta a less controlled form but Ah know Ah can keep it up long enough for his life ta drain side bah side with his draining consciousness. Ah can’t do it though. Ah let him go and back up staring at mah hands with pure horror. He stands up grinnin’ his ever evil grin and says one thin’ ‘fore burnin’ that girl ta death, ‘weakness, an enemy of both good and bad. You will never excel past it, I will always be here and not even you can be rid of me.’ the room lit up for ‘bout ten seconds ‘fore ‘er cries o’ pain faded with ‘er life. He dragged meh away ta punish meh. Ah could have stopped ‘im, Ah could have saved ‘er, Ah could have not of given ‘im tha idea ta use his coy against meh.”

“Oh, Applejack. Your father was a horrible horrible man but no matter killing in cold blood will not solve your problems but ignite them,” I hug her tight as she cries until her eternal pain is meer wipers.

“Do ya want ta know ‘er name?” she asks quietly.

“Sure,” I whisper so only she could hear.

“Redheart. She told meh once when Ah went ta visit ‘er that she use ta work in a hospital as a nurse. Said that she was called Nurse Redheart so much that she practically forgot her first name. Ah called ‘er Red and she was mah only friend till Ah was brought ‘ere,” AJ sighs, “so Ah guess Ah did kill someone, may someone’s.”

“No, you didn’t! Your dad did. Yes, you could have stopped him but that would make you a murder and believe me its not fun! Now with all the evidence and blah blah blah stacked against him his death won’t be murder but justice,” she smiles at me with red eyes and plants a kiss on my nose before fading to sleep.


“Rainbow wake up! Help Rainbow help!” Her words echo inside my dreams making me jolt up to get a quick glance at Applejack getting wrapped in hands of fire and dragged out the hole in the wall before something hits my head and everything goes black.