• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,283 Views, 72 Comments

Wish - Coco-loco

Special people have coys. Special people can make it to the end!

  • ...

Simple Memories

If I can’t help myself what makes any of them think I could help her? They do though, knocking and banging on my door, screaming and begging for me to come out, I don’t even flinch. They didn’t see what I saw, feel what I felt, hear what heard, read what I read. I’m still reading it too, I can’t get my eyes off of it. A simple piece of paper with eight simple words;

She will burn, rainbows can and will fade.

Why did they take her? Why not me? Why now? Why ever? What is it about us that makes us different? What is so important in these eight little words I just can’t see?

“Please?” comes Scoots little voice from behind the door. Of course, just like the other times they called, I don’t answer. I turn my head and look out the hole at the rainy sky outside hoping against useless hopes that the rain would fade away. I’m the only reason its even there so it won’t fade.

“It has been two weeks, you need food, you need sleep!” Twilight's voice comes through the door. I can hear murmurs of agreement.

“Pinkie, Iya, and Applejack,” she says with a small sigh, “ Pinkie saw it happen, heard AJ’s screams and when she ran outside he burned her arm. They took Iya too. Now tell me, you have something important and doing this to yourself and all of us won’t help any of us. It’s our problem too Rainbow, and you need to let us help!” I’ve have never heard her sound so demanding. It’s almost like Fluttershy hides her bravery, impressive!

“None of you,” I say. The first words I’ve spoken in weeks and I can barely hear them, probably Hail though. “None of you will understand!”

“Understand what?” Gracys defaulted voice comes through the door. I’m surprised she's not at Pinkies bed side, they’re almost attached at the hip.

“She will burn, rainbows can and will fade!” I can feel my rage at that sentence boil up in my veins.

“Rainbow, let us in I think we can help!” Twilight says making me sigh.

“None of you will understand,” this is all I will tell them. I don’t want to get mad and hurt them more than I’ve hurt myself.


“Rainbow wake up! Help Rainbow help!” Her words echo inside my head make my blood boil. I was there, she called for me to help her and I just laid there and watched them take her. They grabbed her up in they’re not very metaphorical hand of fire and took her away. Just like that.

“No one will understand before you do!” comes a hissing voice inside my head. They hit me and they hit me hard. Whatever they hit me with didn’t only knock me out, boom KO, but implanted something into my head.

“Go away,” I whisper under my breath.

“You finally admit I’m here. We are getting somewhere!” They sing before continuing, “now that you admit that I would like to show you something else we can do...” just as he said that it cut to a video.


“I heard you love her?” He asks flinging her into a room but she doesn’t fall, she seems to be spacing out.

“Its a lie--” she cries out as his fist connects with the right side of her head bring her back to reality. Somehow, since he looked less likely to slap, she had a handprint on her face. I place my hand on her cheek and it fits perfectly.

“Tell me! What is so special about that Rainbow Dash!” His knee connects with her gut and she topples to the ground surprised.

“Ya want to know? She special because she will come here and kick your sorry ass!” she yells at him before his metal tipped shoe connects with her gut sending her sprawling into a wall.

“What is so special about her?” He grabs her hair, lifting her off the ground, and pinning her to that very wall.

“She will beat you! You will fall on the ground and your life will fall with you! You and your power will fall!” She yells at him before spitting on his face making me laugh a little. He wiped it away slowly shaking his head in disappointment.


“Stop! I don’t want to watch that!” I yell and its almost like I can hear all of their eyebrows raise on the other side of the door.

“Huh?” I hear them say.

“Soon, Rainbow, soon she will give up hope. It will be all her fault too,” laughing fills my head, I kind of laugh that chills my bones and boils my blood.

“Shut up!” I yell before jumping out the hole holding my head in agonizing pain.


“Do you think she’ll be okay?” comes Candys voice.

“If Shy knows what shes doing then yes!” Cat says before I slip back into my self contious.


“Ready everyone?” I hear my own voice.

“Aye aye captain!” comes Pinkie and Lyras voices.

“Yes,” Iya says.

“Then lets go!” running off into the darkness the only thing you can see are four eyes. Pink, yellow, blue, and red. Soon they reach a door locked from the inside. Not really knowing why but they know its the one they’ve come for. Pinkie waves her hand and soon we’re all inside the next room which was locked from the outside.

The other me goes over to the bed and shakes it occupant whispering something to it. Soom a fifth set of eyes join the other four, green.

“AJ!” I whisper but no one seems to hear me.

“What are y’all doin’ ‘ere? It’s a trap, git out!” Yells AJ making the other four flinch back slightly.

“Not without you!” Pinkie and Lyra say in unison.

“Go away!” Applejack yelled so loud that in a matter of moments guards are at the door ready to kill its unwanted occupants.

The door bursts open and Iya is caught easily. “No!” I cry out but I go right through them as I try to help Iya.

“Lyra!” other me yells signaling her to use her coy. Her music fills the room but when she gives her command nothing happens. Other me soon gives up on Lyra as she is starting to back up in fear, “Pinkie, we need to save Iya!” other me orders.

“Got it!” Pinkie says in a sing song voice before showering the guards in streamers distracting them as her body falls to the floor and Ghost Pinkie goes after Iya. Lyra was shot in the head right as Pinkies body hits the floor.

“No!” Other my cries out pain dripping from her every feature and word. Her veins light up and lightning cracks outside. Her hair was revealed making the guards gasp in delight.

“Grab her! Thats the one General wants,” one orders. They start surrounding her ending with a knife in Pinkies skull and Applejacks leg as she tries to pull them back just as Iya was freed. Iya runs at them and they start dropping at her touch and other me gets out. The second other me reaches the door Iya stops killing them and smiles at her. A bullet tore through her chest and she fell in a heap on the floor.

“Iya!” both me and other me yell in unison. Iyas body stirs and her eyes open.

“I’ll be fine! Get out of here Dash!” She calls out as they shoot her again and start running at other me.

“No!” Me yells and she blows a hole in the side of the building before fleeing, tears streaming down her face. She steals one glance at Applejack who was pulling the knife out before never looking back.


“No!” I scream at the top of my lungs jolting up in bed. The second I moved I regretted the decision. My throbbing head and bandaged back and wings were tell tale signs why.

“You're awake,” comes a less than the usual happy voice of Pinkie.

“You're alive,” I whisper letting some more stray tears fall onto my tear stained face.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” she asks her smile not coming. Her usual poofy hair deflated and her eyes empty.

“What happened to you Pinkie?” One whole side of her head was bandaged completely, both her arms and her chest had obvious burns, and one leg was in a cast.

“I did what you didn’t!” she shrieks making me jump back.

“None of you understand!” I yell back making her madder.

“I saw her!” She murmurs through clenched teeth.

“What are you talking about?” I ask calming down a little.

“I took Iya with me...”


“Pinkie are you sure about this?” she asks meekly. I turn to her with a confident smile.

“No, but we sure as hell ain’t turning back now!” I says mimicking AJ’s accent.

“But you're hurt,” she says pointing to my wrapped arm.

“I can work around it,” I say a little less confident, “heres the plan. I go into Ghost Pinkie form, we beat up some bad guys, rescue Applejack, bring her back to the school, save Rainbow from herself!”

“Right. Good plan! I really hope this works, not only for Rainbows or AJ’s sake but ours,” I nod in agreement before we move in.

General Corridor may be a useless, people beating, bastard but he sure is rich! His house is a castle! A castle covered in torches and surrounded by guards. We let out a small sigh before continuing forward. Iya move fast and silently, barely touching a guard before they topple to the ground dead than moving to the next. Before any of them could react they were all dead and we were moving on.

“Which room is she in?” Iya asks making me stop in my tracks.

“I have no idea,” I answer making her facepalm. She turns to face me with a slightly red forehead.

“I think it might be one locked from the outside,” she offers. I just shrug.

“Probably, they’d want to keep her in!” Then we hear a sobs and a voice from inside a nearby room. We walk up to the door and just as we thought it might be, its locked from the outside. We click the lock easily and open the door.

“What do ya wa-” her words catch in her throat as she turns to see who’s at the door. Face tear stained, eyes puffy and red, bloody leg, burned chest, and worst of all she was far from happy to see us.

“Applejack, we need your help!” I say quietly.

“No, it’s just another one of those dreams! Git out! Go, Ah don’t wanna watch ya die again!” She yells, just not loud enough for anyone else to hear.

“Again? I’ve never died,” I say rubbing my chin trying to piece it together.

“I’ve only died once,” Iya says turning to Applejack, “and that was years ago.”

“Git out, now!” Applejack whispers turning away.

“We need your help AJ! Rainbow is going to die. She’s blaming herself. I saw it happen and I know it wasn’t. We need you to come with us before more guards come!” I see a tear land on her leg.

“Lier,” she mutters before more fall. She’s broken.

“Dream or not. You should come. Wouldn’t you rather dream of getting out than giving up your only chance?” Iya asks taking a step towards her.

“Ah would rather not dream ‘bout what isn’t goin’ ta happen, thank y’all very much,” Applejack says shooting a glare our way.

“This isn’t a dream AJ. Please believe us?” I cry out.

“Please?” Iya whispers.

“Ah can’t leave,” she says before more tears fall. Her face scrunches up and she grabs her head.

“Are you ok?” Iya and I ask in unison.

She lets out a pained moan and tries to get to a shelf near her bed but couldn’t reach it before she fell to the ground crying out loudly. Loud footsteps outside the door could be heard, “Applejack, what was that noise girl?” comes a deep voice making AJ cring up.

“A-Ah’m f-fine,” she murmurs, the pain is obvious through her voice.

“I’m coming in girl!” he says making her look at us in fear. The door swings open and in comes a very large man.

“A-Ah’m f-fine!” She shouts as her eyes go wide as pain shoots through her head.

He grabs a median shot off the shelf and injects it into her arm making her have instant relief. “There there, stop hiding it girl!” he growls, “when was the last time you had a shot?”

“Mah sixteenth birthday,” she mutters. Her eyes keep flicking to us telling us to leave but we’re frozen in place.

“I know you're back there!” He says in a mocking tone. “What are your names?”

“Pi-Pinkie,” I stutter out but Iya doesn’t move.

He turns to look at us, “what about you?” he asks walking towards us.

“I-I...” she gulps, “I-Iya.”

“Did you two come here for my daughter?” he asks knowingly rubbing a finger under Iya’s chin making a tear run down her face. She could have killed him, taken his life or his coy but she was way to scared.

“Yes S-sir!” I answer ending with a punch in the face.

“I didn’t asks you girl!” he shouts at me as I fall.

“W-we did. We n-need her t-to help our f-friend,” she whispers looking down. He jerks her chin up and pushes her up against the wall.

“Oh let me guess, Rainbow Dash!” Iya’s eyes go wide but she doesn’t answer. He grabs her neck and lifts her off the ground but she doesn’t fight him, “answer me girl.”

“What do you care?” she asks with a unusual spark of confidence. His hand starts turning red and a sizzling sound can be heard as she cries out.

“Do not question me girl, I can have you killed!” Iya smirks but you can tell she is extremely afraid.

‘Go!’ she mouths to me, “why not?” she asks earning a metal shoe tip right next to my left eye. My vision is soon clouded red and my head is throbbing.

“Stop!” Applejack yelled making him turn towards her with a evil smile.

“Ok, your turn!” her face goes from fearless to fearful as Iya is thrusted at her. “Go on!” he orders picking me up.

“No,” Applejack says in pure fear.

“Hurt her, or I will hurt this one!” he says in a way that just tells me that I’m in for pain thats going to be doubled if Applejack doesn’t inflict any on Iya.

“It’s ok, I understand,” Iya says calmly.

“I’m trying to save you, not hurt you,” Applejack says standing up. His hand turned red as he slid it up and down my arm, the skin was boiling at his touch. Tear streamed down my face and my cries filled the room. Along with Applejacks and Iyas cries for him to stop.

His laughs of joy filled the room as he kicked in my leg dropping me to the ground. Applejack was knocked out as he threw her into the wall and Iya was picked up, “go back to your leader and tell her what happened tonight. I want it to be a message.” Than he carried Iya away and left me to get back to the school.


“Rainbow he’s hur-” her words caught in her throat as she started gasping for breath.

“Pinkie? Pinkie Pie?” I ask her as her breaths become more and more hollow, “HELP!! Somebody help, she’s dying! Help!”