• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,283 Views, 72 Comments

Wish - Coco-loco

Special people have coys. Special people can make it to the end!

  • ...

Together We Will Bring The World To Its Knees

Everybody has a big secret. Its either one you know, one that is no longer a secret, or one you're yet to discover. Mine just happens to no longer be a secret. I’m pretty sure mine is big and I’m not talking selfishly here.

“Applejack? Are you awake?” comes a less than grumpy voice that I turn over to see with a smile.

“Yeah, did Ah wake ya?” she shakes her head.

“If not moving and staring off into space could wake me I think I would have woken sooner,” she points out, “the real question is why are you awake?”

“Ah can’t sleep,” I sigh.

“Thinking?” she asks.

“Maybe!” I say while attempting to roll back over, she grabs my shoulder and pulls me closer.

“Can you tell me something?” she asks kissing my cheek.

“Anythin’ sugarcube,” I say quietly kissing her back. Her eyes fall,

“Are you embarrassed?” she asks taking me aback.

“‘bout what?” I lift her chin and see her cheek shimmer in the darkness.

“A couple things. Your parents, your coy... me?” Hers are shining in the darkness and her cheeks are dancing with every moment of her face.

“Ah ain’t embarrassed ‘bout mah family. Ah love mah bro’ and sis’ and my mom was kind. She was to afraid to make him stop what he did, sometimes she even looked glad that he moved to me instead of her. I would have been to except he made me watch and didn't make her. Ah ain’t embarrassed ‘bout mah coy either! When Ah first learned Ah had it the very first thing Ah did was learn to control it so Ah could fight back. Ah’m proud Ah have it and glad Ah ever got it. And you sugarcube,” I stop as I see the blanket shimmer then darken.

“What about me?” she asks between hidden sobs.

“Ah ain’t proud none ‘bout mah parents, Ah wish Ah never had no reason ta need mah coy, and you...” I lift her chin and stare into the soft pools of pink in darkness, “Ah sure as hell am proud ta even meet ya. Ah’m even prouder ta love ya and Ah’m proudest ta have ya love meh back!”

“I will go through hell a second time to be able to be here with you!” I smile and kiss her before even thinking about what she said. One thing really stood out,

“A second time?”

“Its a long story!” she murmurs.

“Ah’ve got plenty of time!” I say petting her.

“It was the day I figured out I had a coy,” she takes a deep breath before continuing, “My sister had come running into my room...”


“Wake up! Wake up you jerk! You promised to wake me up now I’m waking you!” She yelled bounding into my room and jumping onto my bed.

“I remember saying if I woke up first!” I say jumping her, she won anyway pinning me down and her tiny wings fluttering with delight.

“Say it!” She ordered.

“Fine,” I barked back playfully, “Happy birthday Scoots!”

“Thanks sis’” she says happily while giving my a big hug. My sister, like most, was born with a flight coy. She has tiny wings compared to others her age but she doesn’t seem to mind.

“Come on you have a breakfast to eat and presents to hunt for!” I say dropping her on the floor before getting up myself.

Her face drops, “you hid the presents again?”

“Yep! This year you have to try nine times harder!” I smile and walk out of my room proudly. When we reach the kitchen my dad already has breakfast ready. When he sees my smiling face and Scootaloo's sad one he laughs.

“You hid the presents again didn’t you?”

“Yep! Hows the weather because some might be outside?” I say flinching as his face falls.

“Nasty lightning storm right now. Those presents are long gone!” Scootaloo’s little nine year old brain fries and tears fall down her face.

“You lost me presents to a storm! Rainbow Dash how could you?” She punches my leg and runs out of the room. My fifteen year old brain can only think one thing.

“I’ll go find them!” and before my dad could stop me the door slams shut.

The wind howled in the night and the rain poured down. I could barely see my hands in front of my face and it was almost noon. I kinda slept in. My only source of light was the lightning shooting across the sky. It was more than just a flash flood storm, it was tornado weather.

Out of all the things I was expecting to happen, getting hit in the face so hard it bleeds by a flying present box was not on that list. I grabbed the box and ran at the house. I threw it inside and closed the door so fast they didn’t even have time to question the gash on my cheek. The wind whipping my face and cut hurt more then the water bullets hitting my bear, wet skin.

“Rainbow Dash! Please come inside! I don’t hate you, I would hate you if you hurt yourself any more for me,” the voice echoed through the rain carried to my ears by the screaming wind. It was quiet, almost unnoticeable but I heard it, it terrified me.

“I promised! I’m not breaking two promises in one day! I’m definitely not breaking two on your birthday,” I yell but my word were probably lost to the storm.

“I would forgive you if you did,” the voice was softer and definitely closer. When she touched my arm I flinched.

“I won’t,” I say pushing her away, barely fast enough for the next thing to happen.

The sky lit up with the brightest biggest longest lasting lightning bolt in history from my point of view. It was also the most painless. I lit up with this lightning bolt, it struck me and it struck hard.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo yelled ad was about to run and pull me out of the light when out father grabbed her and held her against his chest so she didn’t have to watch. Not a single one of us expected me not to fry. No instead I started absorbing it. I was lifted off the ground and up till I was a ways away from the ground.

I smirked. I didn’t cry or smile or anything other than smirk. I could feel the energy coursing throughout my body and veins. I looked right into my dads eyes and he knew exactly what was to come next. He set down Scootaloo and tried to shoo her away so she didn’t have to watch but she just backed up.

My smirk coiled into a petty smile as I held my hands up to the lightning before pointing my palms at my dad and frying him. My sister ran to him...


“I can still see her face as her father fell into her arms. He was dead, fried to the bone. She looked at me with eyes of pure hate. I collapsed onto the ground out cold. I woke the next morning to be told that I was being moved to the orphanage with my sister. It took her six months before she even spoke to me. Then the next year they didn’t hesitate to drag me away from her,” she takes a deep breath in a failed attempted to drown her sobs.

“They took from me. You want to know what happened that day. They looked at us with hearts of disgust. A little girl who killed their mother and whose older sister killed their father. Scootaloo’s last words to me were simple and true. I may see you again and I may love you but I sure as hell will never forgive you! I hope you die like the rest of the people with horrible coys! Goodbye Rainbow Dash. You were once the most loyal person I knew and now you leave me after killing our last parent!”

The room was filled with muffled sobs as she buried her face in my chest. I stroked her head and cooed softly to her.

“It wasn’t your fault sugarcube. Ya h-”

“That was both the first and last time, until now, that I ever had control over my coys!” She yells before storming out into the raging storm outside.

“Coys?” I mutter before running after her. “Rainbow Dash don’t you dare walk away from me! Ah know what its like ta kill!” I say grabbing her shoulder before she flew into the clouds above.

“How would you?!” She says landing in front of me. Her face was teary and red along with her eyes which were full of grief and anger.

“Ah killed a man! The day they took me, they hurt mah sister, killed mah Granny, took me from my family, and Ah killed somebody! Ah don’t regret a moment that Ah did it. Everythin’ happens for a good reason ya hear me. It may not seem like it at first but it happens for a good reason,” she looks at me with empty eyes.

“Me having to choose between my sister and my father. Having to choose which to kill, you tell me the good reason there?!” I smile lightly at her.

“If you had choose your sis’ your dad could have done to you what mine had to me and mah family. You would never had met me or the others. We wouldn’t be here now with info that could bring the world to its knees. You choose you dad for a reason, what was that reason?” she sinks to her knees.

“Because I was selfish! I chose him for the same reason your dad would beat his sister in the story. The only difference was I didn’t blame him I knew he did that!” she looks at me with those eyes. Eyes of a innocent faced with a decision that was the difference between life and death.

“What did he do? What were ya so afraid of?” I ask grabbing her hand and smiling understandably at her. She never answered the first question but the look in her eyes said enough,

“I was afraid he’d do the same thing to Scootaloo that he did to me,” she slipped, “Scoots never knew, she will never know! I will never tell! He’s dead nothing I can do now!”

“Oh.” Simple. Just one word to end her suffering. She broke down even more than I had ever seen someone break in my entire life. Tears fell from my eyes too. Together we cried, we cried because we were glad our horrible pasts were over. They may have ended with a simple death but they are over. Out in the rain, out all alone with only each other, in only one night, both of our greatest secret were reviled.

“I love you! I love you with all my heart! If everything happens for a reason than mine is simple. I needed to meet you, I needed to finally tell somebody my greatest secret, and together we will bring the world to its knees!”

And there in the mud we cried. Tears of sadness and joy. Together we will learn to love and learn to live. Horrible pasts have put us on our knees but together we will stand up tall and bring it down. The dams have been broken its time to let it flow. To let in the light, to let in the future. The walls are high and more need to be brought down but together with the help of our friends we can do it. Together we can bring down our enemies and make new friends. And it wouldn’t hurt to share a little kiss in between!

Author's Note:

Yes it's a short chapter with a long title. It wasn't planned to be I just thought this was a cute ending. I guess it's a awesome speech if I may say so myself. Rainbows past is a guess! Your guess is as good as mine. I didn't want to make Rainbow to dramatized then she wouldn't fit the role I have planned for her. So whatever happened between her and her dad is to your imagination only! I hope you've enjoyed so far and really enjoy the stuff to come! Now is entering the super duper sappy romances and there are a lot! So good luck and brace yourself!

If anyone has any idea what it should be then just leave it in the comments. The idea that the most people have I will use! Thanks!

~Coco out!