• Published 15th May 2013
  • 1,281 Views, 72 Comments

Wish - Coco-loco

Special people have coys. Special people can make it to the end!

  • ...

Secrets and Confidence!

Three rushed worried knocks were pounded into the door. I guess from the initial shock of it I had to be rushed to the first person that came to mind, the principal. This is not how I planned my first visit to the principal's office to be but at least its not for a prize because it killed a judge in the most brutal way possible.

“Come in!” Came a loud yet kind voice. I was dragged into the door and laid down on a bench near the wall.

“Ms. we need your help! Her coy went all crazy! She can’t control, she kind of did something terrible!” Twilight yelled while Fluttershy sat near me hyperventilating.

“What happened? What's her coy?” Said the principal. When she came into my view she gasped. I just sat up stretching my new wings as if nothing was wrong. “Oh what did you do? Is her coy shapeshifting? Something to do with birds?”

“No! Its con-”

“My coy is control of electricity! Now what did I do?!” I ask anger filling my body. A spark went through my wings and I yelped out in pain.

“Electricity? What happened girls?” Twilight explained everything from the separation to them bring me here.

“Nothings wrong!” The principal finally said.

“What!?!” Me and Twilight yelled confused.

“You created wings. Thats all I can say. She used her coy to absentmindedly create wings. Other than the shock and amounts of electricity going around her right now I can’t say anythings wrong,” She says kindly while standing up.

“So I’m stuck with wings?” I asked while flexing them a little.

“Yes. I can teach you to use them as I have a pair myself. Other than that theres nothing I can do for you child!” She smiled sweetly at me and spread her great black wings. Thats when I really look at her. She had long blue hair, it was strange though. It seemed to have sparkles in it. She was wearing dress the went to her knees. It was blue in the front and had black feathers in the back, to help her wings blend in. The top of her dress went up to her neck and the sleeves hung limp. In a corner, if dresses even had corners, was a big crescent moon.

“My name is Rainbow Dash and could you really teach me?” she nodded.

“Thank you Ms...” I stumble over my words as I realize we don’t even know her name.

“Luna. Call me Ms. Luna!” we bow to Ms. Luna as we leave. I start walking backwards with a big smile on my face.

“I can fly!” I say right before I run right into a boy carrying letters.

“Watch it!” He yells gathering the papers.

“Sorry!” I mumble before I look at him and do a double take. “Aren’t you a little young?” He eyed me for a second before coming to some mental conclusion. Its when he looks behind me that he smiles though. He has green hair and eyes, funny ears, and s green shirt. His short sleeve coat, shoes, socks, and shorts are all purple though.

“Twilight!” then he jumps right over me and into Twilights arms.

“Do you know him?” Twilight nodes.

“Before I was picked up to go into separation I worked in a library,” she starts.

“Why am I not surprised by that?” I mutter standing up. She glares at me.

“He used to work there with me.” She says setting the little boy down.

“So what's his name?” I ask.

“Hello? I’m right here! You don’t have to ignore me!” he yelled waving his hands around.

“Sorry!” Twilight says ruffling his hair.

“My name is Spike nice to meet you! You're wondering why I’m here aren’t you?” We all nod. “When Twilight was taken I just knew she would be put into bad coy. So I came here and asked Ms. Luna if I could work for her. She said that only coyable people could be in a coy school so I showed her my coy and she let me in!” Twilight's face grew a never fading smile.

“You figured out how to control your coy?”

“Yep! Now I can change whenever I want and still control it when I’ve transformed. I can even send messages wherever I want even when I haven't changed!” He says smiling, chin high, and hands on his hips.

“Thats amazing Spike!”

“Just amazing,” I mutter before I keep walking.

“What's her problem?” I hear him say, my wings are wide open and flapping me right into his face.

“Your a showoff thats what! Don’t go being all high and mighty because you can control your stupid coy! Don’t go being all happy that you're in the bad coy school! And don’t go around telling us your glad that you're here! Got it? This system isn’t even fair! Just because the only thing I knew how to do with my coy was a lightning gun! Just because I can’t control my coy! Just because hers has a less chance of killing somebody I can’t ever see her again doesn’t give you the right to go bragging you can control yours or that you got to pick or that you get to-get to...” Any other words I was going to say were drowned in tears.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy says falling to her knees to comfort me. ”It’s going to be ok! Ok? You’ll get to see her again! All of them again! You’ll learn to control it and you’ll be one of the most powerful coyable people alive! Look to the bright side-”

“What bright side Fluttershy?! I lost control, I almost killed her! I almost killed Twilight! I almost killed that guy at separation! I killed someone Fluttershy! I lost control and I killed someone! I promised myself to never use my coy again! Then the next two times I use it I almost kill two people! Now give me a bright side?” Fluttershy is speechless. The whole school seems to go quite, the only sound are my tears.

“You can fly!” Fluttershy mutters. “You can see Applejack again. Right after we left Ms. Luna’s office she gave me this,” she hands me a paper with a sun on it. “She said it was from the good coy school for us three. Theres the letters one for the each of us. You can fly and learn to control your coy. And you almost killed them, you didn’t kill them. That person you killed, they’re gone. You can’t do anything about it, you can’t change the past Rainbow.”

I look up at her kind face and hug her tight. “Thank you Fluttershy! I wish I hadn’t killed him. It was my greatest mistake. If I hadn’t we wouldn’t have gone into the foster system and she wouldn’t be alone now. So, what you said is true, you can’t change the past. That means it happened and now I have to live with it forever dwelling over my head effecting more than just mine and his life,” I get up and walk away.

“Twilight? I think she killed her father!” Spike whispers.

“I do too! I wonder who the second life she mentioned was!” Twilight ponders.

“Her mother?” Fluttershy asks.

“No, she said killing him put her and someone else into the foster system. Her mom was already dead.”

“Oh on,” Fluttershy says when she finally understood.


I don’t open up the letter just yet. I don’t want to. If I’m in a bad mood and it says something bad or I don’t want to hear then I might write her something I will regret. So instead I shove the letter under my pillow and go outside to practice flying.

I get out into the courtyard and see that nobody's there. At first nobody wants to be outside then I stop mid flap as it hits me. “I got to go to the testy thing!” And I fly right through the school and past the principal.

“She’s just a natural!” I hear her say which just makes me happy. Then something else hits me. I enter the gym and stand in line where they lead me. Other people have things to help them with their coys, I don’t get handed anything. I can see Ms. Luna on the stage and for the first time ever using my coy I feel confident!

“Welcome everybody!! We have quite a bunch of newbies this year so I hope you can enjoy the show!” The cheers and shouts were deafening. It took me a minute to realize something else, I’m doing a lot of that today! The judges are the older students.

“If you kill one so what you are now in the army, you kill people all the time. Judges will be replaced.” The knew Mr. Emotionless words sank in. If a judge dies today the killer is the replacement!

“First up we have an announcement from the Good Coy School! It says-

Dear Sister,

Three of my students have gone missing. Their names are Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack! I do believe they are heading to your school. I do not understand why or when but they’re on their way. Good luck these three have very powerful coys. If anyone has any information for me about them it could be very helpful. Also three young girls showed up at my school the day they left. I believe their names are Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They say the-

“Scootaloo!” I literally jump at Ms. Luna for the note. “Let me see that!?!”

They say they're looking for their sisters. Scootaloo is in the hospital!

“Scootaloo's? Shes in the hospital? But how did she even get out of the system?!” Ms. Luna grabs my shoulder and whispers in my ear,

“Ms. Celestia is bring them here. Their looking for their sisters Scootaloo's sister is already here, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle’s are on the way! When those three runaway girls get here we will let them in. I promise!” I give her a quick hug, say thank you, and go back to the line.

“What was that about?” Twilight asks.

“Nothing. Don’t worry about it!” I say smiling at her.

“First up, Airus!” A girl with white hair and blue eyes stepped onto the stage. She held nothing, just like me! She then jumped off the stage, did one flip, then spread her arms wide. The second she spread them she disappeared. She reappeared on the stage bowing. Clapping filled the room.

“Thank you,” She whispered before running off the other side of the stage.

“Thank you Airus that was amazing! Now, BonBon!” The name seemed unrealistically familiar, until I saw who it was. She had pink and blue curly hair and turquoise eyes. I knew her coy before she even used it, she lived at orphanage with me, my sister, and her girl friend Lyra. They moved to Vancouver and I haven’t seen them since. Her coy was not evil, unless she could do...what she just did. She jumped into the air and practically bombed the audience with candies. After she did the she flew around the room on a giant one. It was a mix of awesome and freaky.

“Thank you BonBon! This candy is delicious! Next up, Candy Mane!” She looks to the audience thats is picking candy out of their hair, “Ironic!” The girl to walk out next was laughing at Ms. Lunas joke. She was holding a little white bunny.

“I want you to figure out which is me and which is Angel here! Oh, just call me Candy!” She then shrank down into a tiny white bunny. Then both bunnies shifted into the size that Candy use to be. They looked exactly the same.

“Well I can’t tell the difference!” Ms. Luna said raising an eyebrow. Both bunnies hopped over to her and one turned into her then back into Candy. “I thought your coy was shape change?”

“Nope! I’m a face taker! I can take any things face and change the size of both me and them!” Candy said proudly!

“Well thats amazing! Thank you Candy!” Candy bowed and went off the stage with Angel. “Alright, Fluttershy!” Fluttershy took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. She froze, didn’t move, didn’t blink, just stood there! “Fluttershy are you ok child?”

“T-to many e-eyes!!!” She let out a loud whistle and everyone heard the stampede! First it was Angel that came to her feet, then some rats and mice, bats, then the doors and windows burst open and every animal within the distance of hearing her whistle was on the stage. “Oop’s!” She whistled again and they all ran away, except for Angel.

“You can have him!” Candy yelled to her. “He likes you!” Fluttershy picked him up and walked off the stage.

“Thank you Fluttershy for ridding our school of the rats! Next up, Hail Storm!” The boy truly lives up to his name in appearance. He has blueish white hair and light grey eyes. His coy is similar to mine though. He mumbles something that nobody could hear but me!

“Help me! I can’t control it!” exactly what I said at separation. I walk over so the only reason no one could see me was the edge of the curtain. He take a deep breath and ran. He ran right at the crowd and jumps, one, two, three back flips. I could just tell that the second he jumped it was out of his control. He started falling and spinning down towards the crowd creating a thick ball of light around himself. Now a probably dangerous ball of light was hurtling towards the crowd.

I couldn’t stop myself, I flew right out over the crowd and absorbed the light. It ended up being energy, it was similar to electricity, so it didn’t hurt to much and I brought him back to the stage.

“Thank you!” He whispers and I smile at him walking back backstage! The crowd erupts into cheering and clapping. Finally I saved a life!

“Thank you! Hail Storm that is a powerful coy learn to control it. Rainbow Dash thank you for putting those wings to good use. Now, next is Iya!” Iya had thin golden hair and red eyes. She was calm walking onto the stage, she went right up to Ms. Luna and told her something. “Next up is, Junebug!”

A hand shot up in the crowd ready to ask the exact question on everyone's mind, “What is Ms. Iya’s coy?”

“To take a life at will. Now please come forward Junebug!” Junebug had orange and yellow hair and green eyes. She didn’t move a step, just vanished! She reappeared on the stage. She did this a couple times vanishing and reappearing. Until she was on the stage bowing.

“Thank you Junebug! Next up is, Octavia!” Octavia had dark grey hair and purple eyes and was holding a cello.

“This is not only a music related coy!” she shouts before getting up on one foot, spinning her cello, and stomping down the ground. In a bright flash her cello turns into a sword with strings. She plays a certain note and her outfit changes.

“A battle and music coy!” I hear Twilight mutter happily next to me.

“Alright who wants to face me? Preferably another person with a battle coy!” Twilight almost knocks me over as she runs onto the stage.

“I will!” She yells transforming. Holding almost a numb of what the sword will be, her and Octavia take battle stances. Octavia makes the first move, swinging her sword around over her head causing a wave of energy to surge towards Twilight. I can see her hands switch and out she pulls the book to a random page absorbing the energy.

“A knowledge battle coy!” Octavia sends Twilight a different blow to the side, she just jumps over it. “Never seen that one before!”

“Learn it!” Twilight puts away her book into her mystery place and pulls out the sword. Spinning it over her head and slamming it into the ground, confusing Octavia, she uses this confusion to her advantage. She jumps over the sword pulling it out ground at the last second and send a blow right at the open Octavia! She is sent flying through the air, when she finally hit the wall I could tell it hurt.

“Play it like that as you will, learn what you can for now, do not underestimate my ability to beat you!” Octavia says as she takes off running faster than humanly possible. Jerking to the side as Twilight takes her swing, catching her opponent off guard, Twilight is sent flying into the back wall.

“Oh but Octavia, you do not know the secrets a knowledge coy can gane! So you don’t know the weaknesses I can learn!” It takes Octavia less than a second to figure the riddle out, when she does she jumps just in time to get out of the way of Twilights attack, right into a different one. Twilight then starts spinning her sword in front of her sending a wave towards Octavia flinging her into the crowd.

“I do believe Twilight wins! Thank you that completes it for both of you! Next up is, Rainbow Dash!” Confidence! Thats all you need, thats what I didn’t have before. Now I do, now I’m ready! With a deep breath I step out onto the stage and start.

When I step out and spread my wings, even though they had seen them once before, the crowd gasps. For some mysterious reason I feel like I can control my coy better now that I have my wings. So I fly up about nine feet, with another deep breath just hoping this will work, I fall! When the ground is mere centimeters away I lift one arm into a fist, it conects with the floor sending a shockwave of electricity through the room. I can feel the energy surging through me and I like it!

I guess the first thing I needed to learn was I needed to forgive and forget, I may never forgive myself for what I did and I will never forget! I will move on and become greater and more powerful, more in control, less lives will be lost this way, and less time will be wasted.

With one powerful flap of my wings I’m into the air and preparing to fire. At the last minute as the energy is at its peak in my fingertips I do a flip and fire it through my feet. I have never seen a more powerful blast in my life, I have never had more control! Landing back on the stage with a bow,

“Thank you Rainbow! Last but not least is, Vanilla Bean!” Vanilla Bean had peach hair and brown eyes and was holding a rock. She walked onto the stage with a disappointed look on her face.

“Ms. I don’t think I can show my coy with one silly rock!” she points out with a grin.

“Can you get more?” Ms. Luna asks almost sarcastically.

“Oh, I was waiting for you to ask!” she bends her knees and lifts with her hands from the floor. At first it was a low rumbling then the floor split and she was lifted into the air by a giant rock she was controlling.

“Impressive! A earth coy,” she says smiling at Vanilla Bean. She turns to the crowd again, “These powerful and impressive toys that you have seen today are the new additions to our school! Now without further ado, lunch!” Out of all the things she said ‘lunch’ I’m sure she said the happiest!

Instead of going to lunch, I wasn’t even hungry as it is, I went to our room and pulled the paper out from under my pillow. Unrolling it I started to read. It said,

Dear Rainbow,

I truly do miss you sugarcube and hope I can see you soon. During the showing of our coys a girl told me that I would be able to see you in a month. She came to my room the next night and told me to pack, that she was getting us out tonight. We should be leaving soon but I warn you, night is day and day is day! There is no night here only everlasting day! I hope you have learned to control your coy a little better. Also, when we met we expected to never meet again, I kissed you! I loved every second it lasted and wish to do it again, I also wish that I could tell you what I discovered but I don’t want to risk the chance of somebody else learning it. Rarity, Pinkie, and I are on our way to you now with three other girls that the school shouldn’t know left. I hope I can get to know you better when we meet again and that you can understand everything I tell you because its big. Keep yourself safe and away from the Vice Principal. Thats all I can tell you for now.

Love You,


Author's Note:

Yes I know! Spikes appearance isn't very long or much in this chapter but in future chapters he will be extra important! Also, that war that I talked about in the beginning thing well (spoilers) all of the newbie people at each of the schools will be important so don’t forget them and Spike for that matter! Enjoy, and guess Spikes coy!!!! It should be one of the most obvious ones of all. Well good luck and enjoy!

~Coco out