• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,904 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

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Chapter 1 - The Mailmare

~~~~~~The Golden Oaks Library~~~~~~

The sun slowly rose over the town of Ponyville, just as it had so many thousands of times before. The birds sang a trill of song outside the windows of the Golden Oaks library, and the sleepy little village's cogs slowly began to turn. The smell of sweet donuts and cupcakes filled the streets outside of Sugarcube Corner, and slowly wafted down through the windows of the Library in a tantalizing scent that was much as it had always been before. The world turned, strange events wrecked things left and right, but breakfast always seemed to get made. The sun kept rising, the moon kept setting, just like it always did.

Yet inside the Ponyville Library, also called Golden Oaks, there was something new happening. A young, white coated unicorn mare slowly tossed and turned upon the bed covers, her bubble-gum pink mane mussed against the soft pillow. She wrapped her forehooves around the thick pillow and dragged it down into a hugging position as the sun slowly peeked through the window and shone down upon her head. A single bright violet eye cracked open and squinted into the light of the freshly minted morning.

Tia Sunbeam slowly, stiffly sat up and gazed over to the window towards the rising sun, a hoof coming over to rest on her chest - Feeling the small hole in her heart where once an eternal light had lived. For a brief moment, tears threatened to overtake the young mare as they had not done in thousands of years. She gazed down at plain, creamy white hooves - not long and limber, but just like any other pony's. A glance up in the mirror upon the dresser across the room showed the simple, elegant horn of a common unicorn. There was no sign nor symbol of Princess Celestia left, save for the bright pink mane that graced her head and shoulders in long waves. Upon her flank, a cutie-mark of a bank of gray clouds with a trio of sun beams boring through them was the only hint of whom she once had been.

She had never conceived of a result to her plans that would end with both herself and Twilight still alive, and yet here she was. She had barely still qualified as an Alicorn before Luna had sealed that power away, and everything about her physical form told that tale. Now, she lay in a simple, if surprisingly comfortable bed, and could not help but be consumed by her own doubts. What had Luna been thinking? What had she been thinking, agreeing to this mad little plan of hers? True, the logic against turning her over to the courts had been... well, rather compelling, but this....

Tia didn't know what to do with a life like this.

Oh certainly, Luna had placed upon her the command to 'make some friends', but that was not a short term sort of goal. In truth, she didn't really have any short-term goals beyond waking up and getting a bite to eat, and perhaps reading. They had been the same goals she'd been following for a week now. Ostensibly, she had been placed in charge of the Golden Oaks library and the work of caring for it, in the same manner as her once student had undertaken. Perhaps it was best to start there, and work her way up to more lofty pursuits. She had been able to avoid those duties since she arrived, thanks to the direct orders of Queen Twilight Sparkle. Still, more than enough time had passed to realistically reopen the library, and her time off was going to come to an end very soon. So it was with a sigh that Tia gently lifted the sheets up from her body and swung herself out of bed. Her hooves plopped to the ground and she quickly trotted her way into the bathroom - immeasurably glad that she'd long ago paid for the expense to have it upgraded with facilities worthy of Canterlot Castle.

Twenty minutes and a great deal of hot water later, Tia felt slightly more capable of facing the new day. It was thoroughly annoying that she had to deal with her mane again, but there was something cathartic about giving it a good thorough brushing while she contemplated 'The Checklist' as Twilight had called it. The capital letters obvious in the way she spoke of it, with much the same reverence as one would describe some holy tome. Dearest Harmony, Tia thought, with no small amount of bemused shock, did that child never take a spare moment for herself?

The list was bafflingly comprehensive, detailing every single standard Twilight Sparkle had instituted since taking over the position four and a half years ago. Everything from cleaning procedures to how to go about logically restocking the shelves. There were certain spells Tia knew that could make some of these jobs go quicker, but they would require a rather impressive amount of power. Power that Tia was no longer certain she possessed access to, and was unwilling to chance being laid out for days just because she'd wanted to get the place dusted a bit faster.

Tia sighed. I am going to need an assistant. Drat. She had rather been hoping she could avoid that particular need. It would have been so much more convenient to have the library all to herself. It would... make it easier on her, at least. Oh now, Celestia. Do get a hold of yourself. This is hardly the time to turn into a turtle and hide in your shell. That thought did not turn out as comfortingly as she had hoped as her hooves carried her down the steps from the loft room to the main library. Thinking of turtles made her think of pets, and that made her think of the little one she'd had to leave behind...

Except as her hooftsteps met the floor, a soft musical trill perked her ears up sharply. Tia swiveled her head quickly across the room - to rest on a crudely lashed together wooden bird post, built to resemble a tree limb. Upon it, an elegant looking phoenix, her plumage in the same bright sun-colors she'd always born during her good periods, gave a beaky sort of smile at Tia. The phoenix trilled again, a happy sort of sound as Tia's eyes went as wide as teacups. "Philomena!" She exclaimed and rushed across the intervening floor towards the bird posts, her voice bright with unbridled joy.

The boldly-plumed bird lifted gracefully off the post and swooped down into Tia's awaiting hooves. The gentle warmth of the phoenix's body was like a balm, soaking into Tia's limbs as she embraced the bird gently. "Philomena... I am so glad you came." Tia whispered, having half feared the phoenix would abandon her given her... less than wise choice of actions over the past few moons. Such creatures were notorious for having extremely high standards as to whom they would be the companions of... and apparently, Tia still made the cut. She nuzzled her cheek against the feathery head of the phoenix who trilled happily in response.

The tender moment was soon interrupted by a firm rapping on the front door of the library. Tia blinked, and looked at Philomena in confusion. "Now who could that be so early?" she wondered. With a gentle nudge, Philomena lifted out of Tia's arms and perched herself back upon the stand, while Tia herself trotted over to the front door. A peek out the window brought a shy smile to her face, and she pulled the door open with touch of magic.

A gray-coated pegasus trotted through the door with a happy grin on her face and a jaunty looking cap atop her head. "Morning, Tia!" Ditzy Doo brightly bubbled up, her voice as incurably cheerful as anypony Tia had ever known. "Got a few things you need to sign for! How're you settling in?" she continued, pulling a clipboard out of her bags and laying it on the table next to the door - before trotting outside and started to shove several fairly big parcels through the door with a grunt of effort.

Tia couldn't help but smile at the blonde pegasus. She had only been in town for a week, but Ditzy had apparently taken it upon herself to forcibly socialize the shy newcomer. Even when she didn't have a lick of mail to deliver to her, Ditzy had been showing up at her door at some point during the day to chat for a little bit. In spite of her disability in the form of her strange permanent walleyed state, Ditzy was apparently the town's sole mailmare for the Equestrian Postal Service.

Tia then noticed Ditzy was pushing in the last of the boxes, and quickly grabbed a quill and ink and scribbled a half-legible signature on the delivery sheet. What is all of this? She wondered, as Ditzy tore a little square off the bottom of the parchment and proudly hoofed it over to Tia. Tia smiled slightly at her, placing the parchment in a little basket by the door with a lot of other little knickknacks. "Well enough, I suppose. I am still a little nervous about..." She gestured fitfully outside of the library, hoping the blush of shame on her cheeks wasn't too prominent. Once Princess to an entire kingdom, and the thought of going outside amongst normal ponies gets you nervous. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. A nagging little voice said in her head.

Ditzy's bubbly demeanor faded a little into a gentle smile and gently pressed her hoof into Tia's shoulder "Tia... I know this sudden move can't be easy for you, but you gotta get outta this place." She eyeballed the slightly dusty shelves, the lack of any sign of being lived in and shook her head firmly. "Yep. This is time for a muffin intervention!" Ditzy proclaimed with confidence to a much confused Tia. What in Equestria is she talking abou- ACK! Tia's thoughts were quickly derailed as Ditzy swept her up in her hooves and zoomed out the front door with a powerful flap of her wings, the pressure of the air currents slamming the door shut behind them. "To Sugarcuuuuuube!" Ditzy sang out into the clear morning breeze as Tia hung onto her for dear life.


Tia had always enjoyed flying, as it had always been a way to get away from her duties for a little while. She enjoyed the rush of the wind through her mane, the feel of aching freedom. Tia was used to flight, that really wasn't the problem here - the problem was she no longer had wings. Which made her suddenly very, very nervous when she was rocketing through the air at what felt like very unsafe speeds. Ditzy had a firm grasp around her midsection, and was zooming down the streets of Ponyville with Tia dangling underneath her like a rather pretty little package. Ditzy was giggling too, like the cutest little schoolfilly!

Worse, her laughter was infectious; and Tia felt a bubbling giggle of her own bursting out of her mouth as they swooped and cavorted about in the air. Once, she'd seen a curious mechanical contraption at a carnival in Manehatten, with little metal wagons that rolled upon steel tracks down steep hills and sharp turns. She couldn't fit in the ride, sadly - but now she thought she was getting a very similar experience. She had no control over the flight - or even where they were going. It was exhilarating as Ditzy took them around absurd turns and banked directly over crowds of construction workers.

From up here, it was easy to see the incredible change swiftly overtaking Ponyville. Countless contractor ponies, the entire Stonecutter family earth pony clan, stacks of lumber and bricks and barrels full of nails. The town of Ponyville was rising from the ashes of its tribulations, and proving the resiliency of its earth pony roots. Even now the town hall was rising back up to the sky - and now, it was being accompanied by other local businesses and buildings. A true town square was being born right before her eyes, with shops and businesses that would not have shamed the suburbs of Manehatten or Baltimare.

Even as she looked down upon the town, she wondered how the ponies here would deal with the change. Ponyville had always been an agricultural community, a place of growing and nurturing things. Yet even now, the signs of the sleepy little village transforming into a city in its own right were clear. For a brief moment, Tia felt a touch of sadness to see such simple folk forced to change their world in order to survive. If only she'd been wiser... or perhaps, if only she'd paid a little bit more attention to her beloved student. Perhaps none of this would have happened. Perhaps a better way could have been found. And perhaps you would be dead, Celestia. And it is very likely Twilight would blame herself for your passing. Then where would Equestria be?

Just that thought hit her like a hoofball to the back of the head. By the time Tia noticed they were on the ground, Ditzy was right there in front of her eyes again. She had a look of incredible concern on her face and her voice was soft. "Tia, do you want to talk about it?" She asked quietly, and Tia felt a thrill of fear down her spine. Does she know? How could she possibly know? Tia thought rapidly, but Ditzy just shook her head and gently squeezed Tia's shoulder. "It's okay. You don't hafta say anything. I shouldn't have asked you yet, but... whatever happened to you, whatever did this to you... It’s in the past now, Tia." Ditzy summoned up a gentle smile, soothingly running her wing down Tia's back. "You don't hafta be afraid of it anymore. You got your whole life ahead of you to enjoy."

Tia wasn't entirely sure what to say to that. It was obvious Ditzy did not know about her true identity, nor about what had truly transpired that night. She simply thought there was some sort of trauma in Tia's past... and she was right. It just wasn't the sort of thing Tia was ready to talk about with anypony. Still. The gentle touch of the feathered wing against her back was remarkably soothing, and Tia relaxed a little in spite of herself. "Thank you, Ditzy." Tia said softly, "I'll... I'll try to not let it get to me." She promised, and meant every word. It was the way of harmony to repay kindness in turn.

Ditzy nodded. Then her face split into a huge grin. "Now c'mon. Muffins can make facing any day easier!" she proclaimed, with the fervent faith of a true believer. She quickly trotted into the nearby building... which Tia suddenly recognized as Sugarcube Corner, Ponyville's famous bakery. She remembered the sweets they had served her on her short trip here some years ago, and felt her herself salivate a little. Well, perhaps a muffin or two wouldn't go amiss... She thought with considerably more enthusiasm than she'd felt in the last few days. She quickly followed Ditzy into the shop, as a wave of sweet scents hit her like a warm blanket on a winter evening...


For a few moments, with no pressures of royal duties or concern about Philomena's regeneration, Tia allowed herself to bask in the warmth of Sugarcube Corner. The entire shop smelled divine in a way that had nothing to do with magic. Fresh baked cookies lay tantalizingly on racks beneath the display counter, with donuts neatly lined up in baskets alongside them. Cakes, glistening with buttercream and other sugary art stood proudly in a tall glass case next to the counter awaiting the lucky pony who would consume them. Countless other goods adorned the counters of the shop - freshly baked bread, bagels, and more.

Ditzy was already standing at the counter with a grin of anticipation on her face, and she made a 'come hither' gesture to Tia as she spoke. "C'mon! Today's treat is on me!" She piped up, grabbing a little red bits-bag from her saddlebag and plopping it down onto the counter. "They're just about to come off the cooling racks! The best time to have a muffin, when it's still warm!" Ditzy licked her lips in anticipation, and Tia couldn't help but giggle a little at her enthusiasm. She must really love muffins. She thought with another small giggle.

Tia only had to wait for a moment for the flaming-maned proprietor of the shop to come trotting out of the back room, carrying a steaming platter of paper-wrapped muffins between his teeth. "Mornin Mr. Cake!" piped up Ditzy, practically bouncing in place at the sight of the platter. "Oooo... Cinnamon twist today!" she continued on, beaming at Tia. "Oh! I almost forgot! Mr. Cake, this is Tia! She's gonna be our new librarian! Tia, this is Carrot Cake! Best muffin maker in all of Equestria, and I oughta know!"

The lanky, long necked stallion laid the platter down on the counter with a boyish grin. "Mornin to you too, Ditzy. And fair morning to you, Tia. Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! Nice to see they sent us a replacement so quickly." He grabbed a pair of tongs in his teeth and started to deposit the still hot muffins expertly into a paper bag. "Ushual Doshen, Dishy?" He mumbled out around the tongs.

Ditzy nodded. "And an extra half dozen for Tia here! She needs some muffin therapy." She nodded solemnly, then smiled back at Tia - who couldn't help but blush a little bit. "Then she's going to get out of that stuffy library for the day. Has Lyra been through yet?" Ditzy queried as Mr. Cake carefully piled another six into a big paper bag - just as the door's bell jangled cheerfully behind them and a mint-green unicorn trotted through the door, whistling a cheerful tune. Ditzy turned and grinned. "Right on time as always!"

Lyra stopped in mid step, then gave a sly sort of smile to Ditzy as her eyes ranged across Tia standing next to her. "Hah! I knew I could count on you to pull her out of it Ditty! Good to see you out and about, Tia." She grinned with that huge, sparkling white smile that made Tia wonder if magical dentistry had been involved in it. "So, you got anything planned for the day, Tia?" She asked, poking at the white unicorn's side with her hoof.

Tia gave off a little squeak at the sudden touch and blushed, shaking her head. Lyra nodded then spoke confidently, "Good! Grab your breakfast - I smell cinnamon swirl muffins in that bag - and come on! We're going to spend the day in the park, and you're gonna meet ponies!" Tia opened her mouth to refute that statement - and got a mouth-full of muffin for it as Lyra lifted one out of the paper bag and took a vigorous bite of her own. "And no arguing with auntie Lyra!"

Tia began to chew thoughtfully on the muffin... and her mouth exploded in sugar, cinnamon and spice. The muffin was soft, luscious and oh-so-delicious that Tia completely forgot any arguments or objections she might have to Lyra's plans. Tia found herself dreamily munching on the treat - a far cry from the hay, broccoli and apples she'd been living on over the past week or so - as Lyra quickly herded her out of the building with a wink for Ditzy.

Ditzy winked back as they left and Mr. Cake gave a soft chuckle. "She's worse than Twilight was when she first got here, isn't she Ditty?" He asked with a drawl, and Ditzy nodded with a slightly sad smile. "Don't worry yer head, kiddo. Things might be changing in Ponyville, but the ponies never will!" He continued, passing the bag over the counter and sweeping up the little pile of bits. "Oh! And we'll have everything ready for the big event by tonight." He winked, conspiratorially at her.

Ditzy giggled and deposited her muffins in her saddlebags before trotting happily out the door. "Welp!" She proclaimed, readjusting her jaunty mailmare's cap. "Time to get back to work!"

~~~~~~Ponyville Town Hall - Temporary Offices~~~~~~

Beige hooves gently rubbed at tired eyes, shoving her glasses up to her forehead in the process. One hoof reached out to grasp the piping hot mug of coffee and slowly drink down the scalding liquid. A little pain was good for her this time of the morning, and the caffeine would help soon enough. "Bloody Dissonance, I hate paperwork." Mayor Mare grumbled quietly, stamping her hoof on several spots that required her authorization before setting them next to the pile of similar documents.

Two weeks ago, she'd never have dared even speak the name of the true power where anypony might conceivably hear her. A mere week ago, she would have never worn the token of her allegiance into her place of work - the place where she had silently toiled in obscurity for two decades of her professional life. Today, she faced an Equestria that she never dared to dream might actually one day exist. It had felt hopeless, once upon a time - a sisyphean task, an eternal and pointless struggle against the iron grip of the Tyrant. They could not hope to oppose a goddess, much less one who dictated the course of the sun across the sky.

And yet, here she sat - the now humble servant of a newly born Queen. One who had thrown off her old destiny, and chosen a new one for herself. One who had overthrown that Tyrant with naught more than the will to power. There were times - right now was a good example - where she felt a smile tug against her lips, and a feel of gentile satisfaction wash over her. She had played but a small part in that Queen's ascension - yet a vital one. Her Queen had refused to take her life, demanding without words that she use her talents to further her Queen's cause instead of casting away all of her experience to the void.

So she had set to her task with vigor. From behind the scenes, the Cult of the Nightmare was already working tirelessly to prepare the way for their Queen's regime. Even if that meant facing the Mayor's most ancient and ignoble foe: Paperwork. Goddess and Dissonance, she hated paperwork with the fury of a thousand suns. That would be the first item on her agenda - do everything in her power to bring an end to governmental paperwork. Or at least to simplify it. Today, however, it still needed to be done to ensure the funds were properly dispersed and the work on the town's reconstruction continued apace.

So she sighed and continued to stamp her hoof on the paperwork - when a polite knock came at the rough hewn wooden door to her makeshift office. "Come!" She growled out, tapping the papers into an even stack and plopping them in her 'out' box. The door swung open... to reveal a blue-coated pegasus with a mane of wild colors. The Mayor's eyes widened in sudden shock. "M-Miss Dash!" She sputtered out, wondering why on earth she might be here!

Just like the Mayor, Rainbow Dash was now wearing a slim black leather collar - a little metal trinket fashioned out of gold hung from the front of it, emblazoned with a crescent moon spooned around a spark of magic. Dash slowly paced across the room, the white and gold trimmed bag of a Royal Messenger slung across her shoulders. She smiled slightly. "Nice to see you too, Mayor." She said in a light voice - her eyes dancing with amusement. "Twilight needed someone to deliver a few special messages. She wanted to make sure they got to where she needed them and fast. " She smirked proudly, her wings flapping a little in a brag of her speed.

Dash lifted the satchel's flap with her wing, tugging out an extremely thick scroll - likely several scrolls bundled together - and tossed it on the desk with her teeth. "I'm supposed to tell you that future messages are going to come through her apprentice, Tia. " Dash slowly pressed her hoof into the desk, lifting her body up so that she towered over the mayor. "I'm also s'posed to remind you of your instructions regarding that student, and what'll happen if you mess with her. Clear?" She asked in a tone that made it very clear to the Mayor that she wasn't joking around here.

Mayor Mare nodded, swallowing in nervousness. "C-Crystal clear, Miss Dash." She squeaked out, her eyes going to the thick scroll bound in black silk ribbon. What could that be? It's only been a week since she left! Surely she cannot already have orders for me? Her thoughts ran, nibbling nervously at her lip.

Rainbow Dash wasn't done with her though. She smacked her hoof into the top of the desk and Mayor felt herself nearly jump out of her shoes. "The Coven will be watching you closely, Mayor Mare." She growled softly, and the Mayor felt a chill of fear up her spine. "Rarity seems to think you ought to be given a chance to be proven trustworthy. So you'll get one. We will be in touch." Dash turned then and began to march out of the room - only pausing at the door to smile over her shoulder. "Don't work too hard, Mayor. Things are going to get real interesting, real fast." Then she was gone with a powerful flap of her wings.

The Mayor gingerly picked up the scroll and untied the ribbon - a pile of neatly horn-written documents spilled out flat onto the table, and the Mayor began to quickly read through the first - her eyes going wide at the instructions within. Her Queen was wasting no time, it seemed. Her eyes darted to her schedule - and then she stood up, speaking firmly and loudly. Finally - something important enough to distract her from the damn paperwork. "Dusty Parchment, get your flank in here! And call for Captain Struggle and Miss Cheerilee!" She added, looking down at the words atop the parchment. "I have a feeling we're going to need them." Mayor Mare said softly, and mostly to herself. The words atop the first document in the stack loomed large in the massive effect they would have on the community... and all of Equestria.

By Royal Order of

Her Royal Highness, Nightmare Queen Twilight Sparkle

and Her Royal Highness, Sun Queen Mi Amore Cadenza,
The Equestrian Government hereby commands the immediate end to all laws, restrictions and decrees
That prejudice or deny rights of passage, citizenship, speech, worship, commerce, and all other legal protections
in favor of
Equal Treatment Under the Law
For all sentient creatures and beings within Equestrian borders - which shall include, but not be limited to,
Changelings, Dragons, Vamponies, Dissonance Worshippers, Thestrals, Diamond Dogs,
Buffalo, Deerfolk, Seaponies, Donkeys, and all other creatures willing to abide by the laws of the land of Equestria.
This command shall be carried out immediately in the name of the Crown.