• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,904 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - The Surprise

~~~~~~~The Everfree Forest~~~~~~~~

"Blackedge! Iz zhat you?"

A changeling in his natural state - his chitin glittering in the glorious light of sunset - slowly turned around and bared a toothy grin at the approaching pony. His voice trilled with a buzzing, insectoid sound, and one who knew their changeling voices could tell he was pleased. "Baron Sssssiegfried! It hasss been a long time!" His multi-jointed wings buzzed to life and he swept down from his place in the trees facing Ponyville to embrace the approaching figure heartily.

The pony with the pale blue coat he had just given a brief hug to pushed himself back and grinned with his own toothy mouth. His eyes were a baleful and solid red with no sign of pupil, and his pitch black mane was slicked back and superbly styled. "Blackedge, you old buzzbucket!" Siegfried gave the changeling a light smack on the shoulder, his teeth gleaming in the light as he spoke with a distinct, yet very odd accent. "You are going to stay in Ponyville as vell, eh? Vonderful! It will be luffly to haff a vriend to go drinking vith." The baron waggled his eyebrows for comic effect, which dragged a raspy chuckle out of the changeling warrior.

"And you are sssstill faking that ridiculous accent." Blackedge said with good humor, his multifaceted eyes flickering for a moment even as he was still rolling his own S sounds in the typical changeling fashion. "I ssstill don't undersstand why you don't jussst talk normally.." There was brief flash of green energy, and suddenly, Blackedge's voice shifted into a more refined Trottingham accent. "Like we do, old boy. I mean really, do you have to be so cliché?" The changeling chortled brightly at his sally.

The Baron gave off a mighty harrumph, and tossed his glorious black mane fetchingly, flicking back his blood red cape clasped with a bright silver moon. "Pah! You youngsters still do not understand the need to be properly dramatic!" He spoke, dropping his accent into something that sounded faintly of Manehatten. "Besides, I intend to build a new mansion here! It is such a lovely town, and so beautiful a countryside to enjoy! I cannot hardly wait!" He did a little dancing jig in place, his eyes joyful. "Tonight is the night. After midnight, the world is our oyster! Eh, so to speak." He corrected with a polite, toothy sort of grin.

The changeling chuckled buzzingly himself, his voice still distinctly Trottingham "Indeed. Klik'kkt Hive is looking forward to making this town our home. The Queen has instructed us to make our services available to the local guard that we might help keep the newcomers in line." He eyeballed the Baron, who was striving to look as innocent as a Vampony could - and failing miserably. "We shall be enforcing the laws without prejudice, Baron. We have been given an unprecedented chance, and we shall not lose it to a few creatures who wish to misbehave."

Siegfried snorted, and Blackedge grinned. "Besides. We do not anticipate lacking any willing souls to experience our delights. I do not doubt your kin feel the same. We will be the vanguard, and many of the others will follow in our wake - we must be prepared to give hospitality both to them as well as our new neighbors." He finished, and Siegfried nodded with stoic seriousness.

"These Equestrians have invited us into their home. It behooves us to show them we are not as uncivilized as they believe." Siegfried stated with ringing conviction, and the two friends turned to watch the sun slowly set together. Siegfried spoke softly again, his voice tinged with awe. "Appreciate this moment, old friend. It is not often one witnesses the birth of a new world. I've lived long enough to know."

Blackedge grinned toothily. "Indeed... Sssooo... Are you going to the party tonight?" He asked the baron with a quirked eye ridge.


"No, Chaser!" Pokey Pierce said for the fifteenth time, nearly smacking his head against the sewing machine. "I cannot, I simply cannot provide you with something, in your irreplaceable words, 'Really Hawt' to wear tonight! I simply have far too much work to do!" His voice seethed out, as he clutched the precious table in front of him like a life raft, his left hoof rubbing slightly at his eyes.

"Aw, c'mon Pokey! Look, I know Rarity left some stuff here that would fit me." Cloud Chaser begged, flitting around Pokey so he could never quite get his eyes off of her. "I can make it worth your while..." She whispered into his ear with a touch of heat, giggling when a bright red flush ran up his cheeks and he turned upon her with a flounce of his much coiffed hair.

"Now see here, Chaser! I will not simply give you a valuable dress for promises of hanky panky!" Pokey's stuffy voice practically roared at her - until his eyes went to the heavy purse she was dangling from her hoof with a smirk on her face. Pokey's face transformed from anger, to embarrassment to horror as he contemplated the sack of cash and then sighed dramatically, running a hoof over his face. "My most... sincere apologies, Miss Chaser. That was most rude of me."

Chaser shrugged and chuckled. "Isn't to say I wouldn't enjoy showing you a good time, Pokey - but I've got plans for the night." She gently tossed the sack on the table. "Besides, you really gotta lighten up. I know Rarity toldj'a you had to practice before you could work for her..." Chaser landed and put a soothing hoof on Pokey's shoulder. "But you can’t stress yourself out over it. You're gonna go bald if you do that, and then where would you be?" Chaser grinned, trying to tease a grin out of one of her oldest Ponyville friends.

Pokey paused, looking up into the mirror of his work space and at the gorgeous curly white mane that graced his head and felt an amused smile creep up onto his lips. "Heh, I suppose I would be in quite the pickle." Pokey paused and then sighed, putting on a weary smile. "I know, Chaser. But..." He sighed gustily. "Oh, bugger it. You're right. I simply cannot work like this!" He threw his hooves up into the air, as if pleading for patience. "Come on, We'll see what I can't scrounge up for you and me."

Chaser arched an eyebrow, but followed the unicorn at the trot. "You mean you're actually going to drag yourself out of this hole for the party?" She suddenly grinned - Pokey was always fun when he got drunk, and he never partied without getting at least heavily buzzed.

Pokey grinned as he flung open a massive closet door with his magic. "Of course, my dear. I certainly can't leave all the cute colts in town to your not-so-tender ministrations." He smirked sexily. "Now tell me about this Tia filly..."


Tia stretched out her hooves to the ceiling, and smiled happily at the sorted, stacked and graded piles of paper. "Ha! I told you we could get it done before sundown." She nodded outside - the little clench in her stomach not quite as painful as it had been before. I must find something to replace that duty with. Perhaps I could volunteer at the shrine.. Oh what an irony that would be! Surely her sister would laugh her crown clean off at the thought of Celestia toiling humbly at a shrine once dedicated to her.

Cheerilee grinned right back at her though, the bottle of brandy still sitting near her hoof as she finished the paper in front of her with a flourish of her quill, before spitting the thing into a trash can. "Well, it seems I owe you lunch then." she said with a soft chuckle. "Thank you so much for helping me, Tia." She said brightly, clapping her hooves together. "So. How about we go make sure the Library is in good order, then go scrounge up some dinner?" She suggested, hopping off her chair and trotting around the table with a little skip in her step.

Tia blinked, hopping off her own chair and tilting her head curiously. "Together? I would not wish to interrupt your evening..." She began, only to get a face full of Cheerilee's hoof - who was grinning at her knowingly. Tia's cheeks flushed a little. "Ah... Right. Friends." She said - her mouth luxuriating in the word. It felt good to say. "Friends!" She said it again, this time with a great deal more pep and vigor. Friends make time for one another. She reminded herself, remembering Twilight's reports... Perhaps I ought to see if she had those archived in the library.... I think I could stand to learn a thing or two from her.

Cheerilee nodded with a soft smile. "Exactly. Friends." She nudged her flank up against Tia's firmly and winked. "Now quit stalling, Tia." She giggled and nosed open the door into the cool evening air - just the tiniest bite of the wind reminding the pair of them that fall was nearly upon them. Cheerilee gave off a little shiver in the touch of chill, but smiled anyway. "Goodness, it's lovely out here." She exulted, and Tia blinked at her in surprise... She'd never been particularly fond of when the season had to turn from summer to fall. "What?" Cheerilee grinned at her. "I love the fall season! So many wonderful events!"

Tia tilted her head as her newly minted friend closed and locked the door behind them. "What sort of events? I mean, I know there's always the Harvest Feast... But I don't remember much else going on in Canterlot." That got an astonished look from Cheerilee, and for a moment Tia tried to wrack her brain for what she might have forgotten until... Oh, ponyfeathers. I would forget about...

"Why, Nightmare Night of course! That's not that far off, either." Cheerilee practically bounced at saying it. "Costumes and candy, and all sorts of secrets..." She giggled in a distinctly naughty tone. "You poor girl. You never had any fun, did you?" She teased softly, and Tia shook her head sadly. Well.. Not very often, anyway. she thought as Cheerilee tsked."We simply must get you into a costume then! I'm certain the town will be ready for a real rip-roaring party. Maybe find a special somepony to share it with?" She winked slyly and Tia had to fight back a laugh, hiding her burning cheeks...

Cheerilee smiled slowly, ticking off events with her hoof, "And there's the Running of the Leaves, of course. The Apple Family Cider..." Cheerilee gave the impression of a pony that was perhaps, drooling a little. "Zap Apple Jam too." Tia's ears perked at that one - she had heard that the Apple family had created a way to produce an edible product from the Chaos-tainted fruits, but had never sampled it herself. By the time she knew it, Cheerilee had roped a hoof around her neck as they walked along. "That's just the tip of the tree, too. And you will not be locking yourself up in the library for it, like Twilight Sparkle did so often. You will be getting your flank out and about."

Tia gave off a soft meep and a smile. "Yes Miss Cheerilee." She said in her best anguished-student voice... which set them both to laughing. For a few long minutes as they strode through the town, Tia felt a sense of peace settle over her, calm and quiet. Maybe it was the warmth of that apple brandy still stirring in her belly... or maybe it was the gentle tingle of Cheerilee's hoof touching her neck softly. This feels... nice. Very nice. Tia thought idly, leaning into the casual touch a little more. I... it has been such a long time. Her thoughts whispered softly. The gentle hug, the reassurance... even after Luna returned things had not been as they once were.

But now... I can start over. Those gentle thoughts in Tia's mind whispered. I can... I can live. There is nothing for me to... to rule any longer. I am... I'm free. The thought was sudden, and seemingly from nowhere. She was free. No more stuffy nobles or boring day-court. She could finally flirt with that ever-flighty filly known as 'fun'. But... What did she find to be fun? Well, I certainly will enjoy the time to read some of those modern fiction novels. Ooo! I can finally sit down and read those Daring Do novels Twilight was always going on about! But that wasn't something she could do with a friend... But....

"Cheerilee?" Tia ventured, hoping she didn't sound too hesitant. The last thing she needed was for Cheerilee to think her completely incapable of loosening up. Perhaps I ought to try getting drunk tonight. I think with this normal body, I might even be able to manage it! Cheerilee turned to tilt her head at her as they kept walking. "Um... I'll be honest with you. I genuinely do not know what friends do with one another for fun." Tia admitted, hanging her head a little. "I mean... I know what some ponies do, I'm not completely ignorant... But I don't know anything about what I would enjoy."

Much to Tia's relief, Cheerilee just nodded and chuckled. "Well, I guess we'll just have to find out then." Tia looked up with a touch of confusion, and Cheerilee winked. "Everypony goes through it, Tia. We'll try all sorts of things, and find out what suits you." And for the first time, Cheerilee eyed Tia's cutie mark. Tia herself was not entirely sure what it represented but... well, she had her theories. A sun lost behind the clouds, but still finding a way to shine through. That rather does sum up my current predicament. Her head bowed a little in thought as they slowly walked down the streets together.

But even amidst the thoughts, Tia never once considered taking her hoof off of Cheerilee. Nor asking her to remove her own hoof.


Cheerilee watched Tia's eyes trail to the ground, even as the hoof around her neck tightened a little bit as if desperate for comfort. Abused. She had to have been - that line about losing her sister... she blames herself for that. The sister's still alive, I think. No grief loss there. Cheerilee sighed purely internally. I don't think it was sexual, thank Harmony. Probably just emotional, physical. Parent's lost early, that's obvious even to me. If she's a Canterlot teacher of magic, she must be a phenomenally intelligent girl. That tracks - it's always the smartest ones who get bullied in school.

Cheerilee's heart went out to the poor filly, her head bowed in some deep thought she dare not share with the world. It took a nearly total breakdown just to get her to vent a little. It's going to take... At this, Cheerilee's thoughts hit a wall. It was a thought she didn't want to contemplate, but the ruthlessly logical side of her brain cut in. She's going to need to have something crack her open if she's ever going to heal. Goddess alone knows what that might take, but it isn't going to be pretty when it happens. Twilight Sparkle had been the same way - Cheerilee had seen right from the start that she was going to hit the wall someday. Luckily, the Want It-Need It incident had been relatively low key. Well. Low key for Ponyville, anyway.

This time though, Cheerilee wasn't going to let it get that far. She had already resolved to weld herself to this shy, beautiful mare. Never mind that she was blindingly intelligent - she'd been grading papers like they were nothing, and sort of zoned-out while she did so. It had helped her relax too, which was an astonishment but Cheerilee was not going to look a gift-pony in the mouth. She was... well, Cheerilee had no problem seeing her as a genuine friend. And Harmony knows I have perilous few of those around this town.

Still. Tia was already attracting champions from ponies all over town - Ditzy and Bon Bon had already thrown in behind her. Hopefully, tonight's little party would put another crack in that emotional armor of hers. Cheerilee hoped that maybe getting her a little buzzed might help, too. The more chinks in that armor, the easier it would be to break it open when that big emotional moment came... and come it would, Cheerilee was certain of that. But until it did, she wasn't going to let this one coop herself up in that library. I'll have to arrange something for every day. Gonna be tough on my schedule but... wait. She's a teacher. Cheerilee nearly facehoofed. Of course! Get her involved at the school! She absolutely adored working with the Crusaders, and I'll bet she's the same with other foals too.

That was a good plan of attack for some of the time, but she'd still be working at the library a lot...An exchange program then. With all the new foals I'll be getting, I can switch them off between the Library and the classroom. Cheerilee was already devising a new lesson plan as these thoughts came to her, more and more joy filling her soul. That's a good plan of attack for the school days, but she needs to get out of that damn tree and live a little. Now, who can I... She thought hard for a moment. Neither Ditzy nor Bons were really big party girls...

But Cheerilee did know one pony in town who was. A professional party girl, no less. And she's going to be at the party tonight! Still, she's going to come as quite the culture shock to Tia... That was likely to be rather amusing, actually. If anything could be said about Vinyl Scratch, it was that she was the living, breathing definition of the term 'strong personality.' That she was on the cutting edge of music in Equestria and had a reputation a mile long only made that particular facet of her worse. She's calmed down a little since she settled down with Octavia, though. Cheerilee thought with a wry chuckle. And gotten a whole new set of vices, like the pair of them going at each other at every opportunity.

Not that Cheerilee disapproved. If anything, she was happy that the pair of them had finally admitted what Cheerilee had known the instant she'd seen them together. Sometimes I think my special talent really is in understanding ponies as a whole. But still, so much of her knowledge and skill had come from hard work and study. Countless hours reading Equestrian psychology books, working with the occasional troubled student. Conferences, meetings, training. The job of a teacher was truly endless, and Cheerilee wouldn't have it any other way. She liked her job, despite the stresses of it, and she'd gotten good enough that she could actually find some free time now and again.

Still, Tia was going to be a project. Not a bad one, just a difficult one. Right. Stay on topic, Cheery. Party tonight. Introduce her to Vinyl, offer her a chance to help with the foals, work from there. Cheerilee was never quite so happy when she had something important to do... and for some reason, a niggling little voice somewhere deep in her heart told her this was more than just important. Her eyes ranged over Tia as her head came up with that slow, gentle smile of hers. Really... I think she'll make a wonderful friends. She thought faintly, and felt a smile curve up her own lips.

Tonight was going to be one to remember. She could just feel it.

~~~~~Golden Oaks Library~~~~~

Bon Bon examined the library for a moment, and then nodded herself satisfied. The place had been in desperate need of a dusting, but a few of the local pegasi had quickly sorted that problem out. Tables, check. Snacks, check. She passed the Cakes setting out an array of cupcakes, donuts and other dessert delights while chattering happily at one another. Crusaders roped into line, check. Bon Bon smirked at the three of them, who had been recruited to keep the other fillies and colts from getting out of hoof. Drinks, check. She waved her hoof at Berry Punch - who had, from just a glance at the miniature bar she'd set up next to the kitchen - really emptied out her store room. There was enough liquor here to get everypony coming drunk as a skunk.

Lyra was up on the makeshift stage they'd cobbled together in the back of the library, where she was helping Vinyl and Octavia wire up Vinyl's DJ gear. They'd already put together a setup so the party could spill out to in front of the Library once the guest had arrived, too. Hmm. Maybe Berry is just anticipating this party getting a little bit bigger than we intended? The Cakes certainly had come equally prepared, and back in the kitchen....

Bon Bon could hardly believe it when she looked in there. A Simple country kitchen - well, perhaps not too simple - being presided over by none other than Allez Cuisine himself. Yet with nothing more than a four-burner stove and oven combination, several large countertops and a wicked-sharp chef's knife - the aged unicorn looked like he was having the time of his life, barking out orders in Prench with all the enthusiasm of a chef fifty years younger than him. Sandwiches were being constructed, soups prepared - Bon Bon had no idea how they'd fit all of those pans into that Oven... and yet, there it was. A world-renowned chef making dinner for what looked like half the town.

Maybe I ought to make sure there's going to be enough tables and chairs.... Bon Bon thought a little hesitantly, trotting towards Davenport who was handling that. He waved at her with a cheerful grin on his face. "Don't worry, Bons! We all knew this party was going to get completely out of hoof!" He chuckled. "Go make sure everypony's in place, Cloud Kicker just told me Cheery and Tia are on their way!" He grinned and trotted off to his own hiding place.

Bon Bon blinked, then cupped her hooves around her mouth. "Hiding places everypony! We've got incoming!" She called out, and quick as a whip the ponies all around the room took up hiding positions. Vinyl and Lyra's horns lit up together and quickly snuffed out the candles in the library, casting the room into darkness. Near the back of the room, the regal looking Phoenix looked a touch annoyed... Until a bouncing white rabbit hopped up to his perch and made a 'shh!' noise at her.

Philomena sighed expressively, but concealed herself behind one of the nearby pillars and waited for the big surprise.


From out of the slowly darkening sky, a pegasus and a unicorn swooped down to the upstairs balcony of the Golden Oaks library. The pair of them landed lightly onto the wood, and took a moment to adjust their clothing with a pair of chuckles. "We are such cads, Chaser." Pokey whispered, grinning irreverently. "We truly are." he spoke low, as they quickly opened the door to the upstairs bedroom and slipped inside.

Chaser grinned right back, putting up a hoof to shh him. "As soon as they've got the big surprise out of the way, we'll sway down the stairs like a coupla celebrities! Get this party started off in the right mood." She smiled brilliantly in the darkened room, and then held up a hoof as Pokey gave her a stern look. "And I promise not to pressure her into nothin'. But I'll betcha between the two of us, she'll have some bedroom eyes goin on. Who knows." She waggled her eyebrows. "Mebbe she'll like us both."

Pokey chortled softly as they took up position by the door, snatching a kiss onto Chaser's cheek. "I take back what I said earlier. I'm the cad here, you're just a slut." He winked, his voice making it clear that his words were purely in jest.

Chaser of course, took it in stride. "Hey, somepony's gotta fill in for Pinkie." She said with a leer, and the both of them had to stuff hooves into their mouths to keep from giving themselves away.


Tia sighed softly, with a gentle sound of relief in her voice. "Thank Harmony. Home at last." True, it was not quite her real home... not yet anyhoof. But it would do. It would do. She pushed open the thick wooden door and slowly walked in, her horn lighting up a bright gold. "Here, let me get the candles." She said softly, as Cheerilee slipped inside next to her. Let me think, how did that spell go, again? Oh right. Lumis! She thought firmly, and without so much as a whiff of excess energy, all of the candles in the library blazed to light in a little ripple of flame. Tia smiled proudly to herself... no longer could she lift the sun, but at least she could still bring light into dark places.

And then suddenly, what looked like a hundred ponies leapt out from behind the cover of tables, chairs and pillars. Many of them ponies she'd met today, but all too many of them were frighteningly new faces. Tia felt her jaw drop in shock, and her mind blasted backwards as they yelled one and all..

"SURPRISE! Welcome to Ponyville, Tia!"