• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,899 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

  • ...

Afterword - Authors Notes

Of all of my fics so far, this one has been the longest and hardest to write.

Even these authors notes have been hard to write.

As most of you have probably noticed, my usual update schedule crashed and burned into the ground during the latter half of the story. There's a distinct possibility that the quality of my work suffered in comparison. I can't say for certain - only you guys can.

However, at the end of the day, I am glad I wrote this story. it taught me a lot of things - it taught me about some things I didn't realize I was good at, and it taught me that there are areas I need to improve in.

More importantly, I've finally found an editor who can both work with me and is fast enough to keep up with my schedule. This is going to improve the technical quality of my work immensely, and will be invaluable going forward.

For the month of September (And possibly a couple of weeks in October) Im going to take a step back from from my usual massive epic stories and write some short fun stuff, starting with The Cookie Cadet Caper, and proceeding on to Duelling Piano's, my next Taviscratch Fic and then, if I still have time, I'll be working on Scootaspoon: An Item Shop's Tale and Rebirth, the second part of the Trixie Story.

Now on to the 800 pound pink Elephant in the room.

The Codeverse is NOT a Trilogy. It is officially, in my mind, a series. So what does this mean? While the next part, The Code of Dissonance will definitely be the next major thing in this verse I want to write, there are MORE major parts already in the planning phase, several of them actually - and several bunches of smaller parts. Among these smaller parts include Dueling Piano's and Rebirth, will also include The Somber Star (The tragic tale of Princess Starshine (Chrysalis) and Prince Somber (King Sombra)), The Red Baron (The story of Baron Siegfried and his relationship to Celestia) and could include others!

But which ones will I work on? Well, I'd like to know what you guys think. I don't know which stories or characters you're all interested in seeing the most, so let me know down in the comments.

For now, any final thoughts you may have on this story will be welcome.

As always, thank you all for your wonderful comments and encouragement, and I'll see you all in the final part of the Shadow Trilogy, The Twilight War.

Stay Pony, my friends.

Comments ( 73 )

Trilogies… my gosh, there are so MANY!!!! About half of the pony epics I read are trilogies... And incase you didn't notice I read ALOT.

Scootaspoon: An Item Shop's Tale? is this supposed to be based on Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale?
Imo I love Recettear :twilightsmile::heart:

First off I would like to say bravo. This series has quickly grown into a favorite of mine and I look forward to much more, thankfully you seem to be just as excited to produce more.

Secondly I would like to say that while this last installment was slower that the first I believe you pulled it off beautifully and it added depth to the story in a great way.

I cannot wait for the barons story as well as chrysalis and sombra. I would like to see some of twilights- sorry trixies moms story, nothing huge maybe but she seems to have quite a bit going on. There's so many characters and I want to know them all but those are the big ones for me.

May you never stray from the Nights embrace

The Red Baron (The story of Baron Siegfried and his relationship to Celestia)<=== That one. Definitely that one.:twilightsmile:

I'm definitely looking forward to Rebirth, however the Scootaspoon one sounds like it will be hilarious.

Take as long of a break as you need. You don't HAVE to keep up a grueling release schedule. :derpytongue2:

I'm sure we'll enjoy whatever story you release next!

3126351 I am officially hiring you as my Latin expert. You dont get paid, but I'll give you sneak previews of chapters were I need to molest the language for coolness factor. What do you say?

I think that the chaos side is severely underexplained. MUST KNOW MORE!!!


I'm always happy to help. Just give me a shout when you need a translation! :twilightsmile:

It's a good thing you cleared up the trilogy bit.

With so much Star Wars already involved it'd be a shame to stop with 3

3125410 Yep, it sure is.

3125605 I might do a Phantasma story, if it turns out there's enough call for it.

(Btw, is there a link to pdf version of your the Code Verse? ;w; This is one of the series I wish I can bring everywhere)

And I'll love to see more of the past! Especially Discord as well if possible :D (And Trixie's mom, she's so mysterious. ANd Rebirth, I can't waiiiit :D)

heyo...Phone typing sux, but I'll try anyway. Personally idc what you work on. I've really liked all of your stories so far, so...I typically say to all the writers "write what you want at a pace you want." because I would prefer you not to burn yourself out. Anyway, as for what I would lime to see you work on is that TwiDash story. In the end though, I want you to work on w/e you want to work on. I'll be here regardless. :)

You're a very talented author which can be evidenced simply by reading your work. Anyone can write a story but what set this and the previous book apart from the many other stories I've read here was the myriad of different layers all entertwining to create a truly engaging tale that keeps those who take the time to read it coming back for more. I hope to be able to continue to read your stories as often as you are able to find time to write them. :twilightsmile:

3127585 I dont have one yet, but as soon as I get a chance, I'll prep one up for you. You've been here since the beginning, so its the least I can do.


Well, if you don't have it, it's okay! But I'm sure it'll also help other people that want to read your story in easier way, thank you! :heart:

Did I not favorite this!?
Well, time to marathon the rest of this

3028946 I finally got around to reading the rest and I must say, it is an improvement from the parts before it. Well done.

Write about the Baron. His future relationships, his past ones—I don't care, I just want to see more of him. He has so much potential for awesome—especially if you run him with a... slightly looser set of morals.

The fall of Sombra and Chysy... Doesn't enthuse me as much. I don't really go for 'Start of Darkness' fics (that is, a prequel about how the villain decided to be a villain), mainly because everybody already knows how it ends, so there is no tension, unlike a fall from grace story where you can't help but wonder if the main character can be reedemed or not. It's like the Star Wars Prequels vs The War of the Twins trilogy. We already know Anakin is going to have a bad end, whereas we can't help but wonder if Caramon will save his twin Raistlin from himself or not.

... Goddess damn it, I'm going to spend the next week rereading the Twins trilogy. And I'm going to make a paladin based on Sturm. And then I'm going to be all depressed because I don't have a DnD group.

Personally, as far as the stories in the code-verse are concerned, I'm most interested in learning about the Baron at this point. What he's gone through in the past, and how he came to be where he is today.

On to final comments on The Code of Harmony - After finally finishing this (I've been putting it off because I knew I wouldn't be able to stop reading once I started :twilightblush: ) I can say that you've wrote the best Celestia I have ever seen. The character growth and events she went through in the course of this story has made her such an endearing and full character compared to canon. The rising of the new Elements was a very captivating scene, and your descriptions throughout did an admirable job of painting vivid mental pictures as the scenes unfolded.

The strongest negative I can draw from this comes from a few missed spelling errors and grammatical inconsistencies, and a few points of confusing dialog where it was not clear who was currently speaking.

All in all, I have recommended this story, and many of your others, to most of my friends who are pony fans because of how much I truly enjoy your tales and the universe you have crafted for them. After all this, and how fast you managed to write it even under duress, I think you have earned whatever time off you deem you need before writing more, and I thank you with all my heart for penning so many beautiful stories for no reason other than to share them with us all.

more on the baron please

3187537 I have tried very hard not to go overly down the "Misunderstood evil" thing - but these two first stories were... well, the problem with this kind of dynamic is a lot of people think "Dark = Evil = Baby Eating." and It can be really hard when you want your evil side to be not necessarily horrible so much as seeing the world from a vastly different perspective. Even Evil has Standards, etc.

Given that I'm definitely going to explore the story of The Baron at this point - and probably will be doing some other side stories in an effort to more fully flesh out the real bad guys here, You're going to see me moving more in that direction.

But all in all, thank you for giving me the chance and for sticking with me. I know it sounds trite, but I -am- going somewhere with all of this, and I thank you for giving me the chance to show it.

I hope to see you in my next stories. :D

To think, I binge read the first story in this series and commented about how I wished I'd read it as it was written so I could give feedback... And then I wait forever to finish the second. I am a terrible person.

I'll be honest, there's so much happening that I'm confused. Not totally lost but more of a tenuous understanding. I THINK I know what's happening... And at the same time I can tell I'm about to lose it. That very well may be from how I read this.

Tl;dr Patterns.

I loved this fic.

I love this universe you've created (and am quite pleased to know you decided to give it a name. Codeverse was actually my third favorite suggestion for it).

I frankly have not much preference as to which one you choose. Frankly, I'm big on another Trixie or Musical fic, and of course the direct sequel, but whatever you do is fine (though I feel hesitant about the Baron... somehow he didn't interest me as much as he has the other commenters... but again, do whatever you think is best).

Frankly, I would LOVE to see more Chaos, or at least a more in depth explanation of it. We have Dissonance which is about freedom and creation (I think) and Harmony which is about control and peace or something (pretty sure I'm missing a lot of stuff here... somehow...), but all we've seen of Chaos is that it's perceived as random and destructive. And that sort of rubs me the wrong way for some reason... (And also... I've always thought of things as Chaos v. Balance. You have introduced Harmony v. Dissonance... And since Balance is a result of Harmony and Dissonance... could it be that the two opposing forces would have to work together? Gah! The ideas you've planted in me...)

Also, I'm not sure if I've said this already, but I really like how you've painted this world's characters, showing that Harmony isn't always synonymous with Good, and the same for Dissonance and Evil (though again I must protest about how Chaos is portrayed, or at least how we're led to believe it is through what little we've heard about it. Though Discord helping out near the end was a bit of a fist pump moment for me...). Not everything is Black or White, but instead shades of Gray in between.

I've been rambling again haven't I? Dear me... Anyway, finishing this has made me consider making my own side fic to this even more... though I've still been trying to work out some kinks in my mind... bah, overthinking things again.

Short and sweet version: Great fic, has made me think about stuff.

Edit: Just noticed there was a group dedicated to this verse... YES!

so, when is the next book of this series coming out? for while the battle here is ended, and the enemy hath gone, my mind is not at rest....for questions linger on....

Ok...So we have the new Nightmare (Awesome way to go about it.) Queen Twilight. The Crystal Sun Cadence...and now the new elemenets made up of our favorite BG ponies....Double yes on Scratch being Laughter btw, I literally cried manly tears of joy when reading what would have to be the best discovery of the elements as the series opener...it was....wow man just wow...I loved this and look forward to whatever else you've got. Bring it fluffy! I'm a man! I can take it!!! :rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:


The Code of Dissonance is tentatively scheduled for early 2014. This is due to wanting to finish Twilight War and that being a biiiig project.

That being said, I am also comitted to finishing Dr. Negative, so it might be a little while. But rest assured, more is coming.

Hit me with a watch to see developments as they happen, and stay tuned true believers!

I have to say, binge reading about 300000 words in two days is a wonderful, if exhausting, way of seeing an author improve in a sort of time-lapse. The Code's Apprentice was pretty good, don't get me wrong, but it was too fast, too much, and too little consequence. At the end of it, I barely cared about what was happening to Twilight because of the seeming lack of consequence for anything that had happened to her and her limp acquiescence to what someone or other wanted her to do, despite her verbal vehemence to the contrary. She seemed, to me, to be little more than a ragdoll played with by authorial fiat.

The Code of Harmony has more than redeemed any of this in my eyes. Your Celestia is one of the most real interpretations of the character I've ever read. Her and her friends are consistently fleshed out and consistently emotional and just plain consistent, something all too rare in amateur fiction like this. Trixie's story was pretty interesting, Twilight and co. in Canterlot I barely cared about, but I would have happily a story this length of just Tia and her friends building a new life from what's left of the old one in a changing world and learning more about each other in the process. No great plots or intricate intrigue, no oversimplified light/dark religion I'm not entirely comfortable with, just six friends learning and living and growing together in thick and thin and sun and storm and broken tones and perfect six-note harmony.

This is all a personal preference of themes used, of course. Your writing is impeccable if not particularly memorable; I can find no areas in particular need of improvement.

I guess what I'm trying to say is you're a damn good author, old chap and I'm really interested to see what else you do with this world you've built here. I look forward to your next story.

question here. Wihich IS the real sequel? The Codeas Apprentice or The Code of Harmony? because both say they're sequel to the other which is a little bit confusing

3688577 Oh. Uh. Whups.

I'll go fix that.

Code of Harmony is the Sequel.

3688607 So I should read the Apprentice first? gotcha^^

A sequel, eh? Damn good thing I'm a reading machine. Lets get busy!

no twilight hmm there is a first time for every thing


Back burner project. I just haven't felt the inspiration to really dig into it recently. I'll keep people informed via blogpost if that changes.


Kinda-sorta? http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Cloudchaser

Cloud Chaser shares some design elements with Cloud Kicker, so I usually write them as being siblings. However, the kicker in this universe has no relation to the Winning Pony cr- Stuff.

~1 week, and I've just read both of the (main) tales in this fantastic serious! I put it off for quite a while, something getting close to 6 months, yet I finally decided to read these stories, and fucking hell. They where absolutely amazing, you should be very proud of yourself for this. Dare say I enjoyed this as much as I loved the Shadow Trilogy, you are an amazing writer, and should be very happy every time you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

Shadow Trilogy? Twilight War?!?!?!?!?! GDXHTJGKJFDGFHJMBMJFFKJFFHJ *head asplodes* Are those connected to this fic?

...I just wanna know what the major stuff in "The Code" series is, and if it's possible to read/understand/comprehend the full awesomeness of the major stories without having read the minor stories like Dueling Pianos (or any of your other fics). I've read The Code's Apprentice and this fic. Is there anything I missed? Is this a "series" like how Harry Potter's a series, or like how Doctor Who's a series?

From one writer to another: HOW have you been able to write SO MANY super-long chapters?! Is chapter amount/length a big part of why people like your stories? Would people feel patronized if I wrote my stories with many short chapters vs a few long chapters?


The "Major" code stories are: Code's Apprentice and Code of Harmony

The minor (Important) code stories are: Rise (Because it deals with important Trixie stuff and ties into a later plotline)

The minor (Side) code stories are: Musical Relations, Way to the Top and Dueling Piano's (Which mostly deal with Vinyl and Tavia before the events of Code's Apprentice)

Other stuff will be written about the series later.

The Shadow stories are a seperate universe.

As to how I write so many chapters - It's just kinda what I do, I guess?


And you parasprites for eyes. One look could have told anyone that the Brothers had an insurmountable lead.

I'd like to see what you're going to do with that power nexus that was once part of tia to be honest. nice The Doctor reference btw, always a plus when ponies work the good doctor into their fics.

And another one down.
So much raw emotion.
I think this one pulled more tears from me then the previous one.

Will The Code of Dissonance be a 'Major' Code Series story and if so when will it be written? Will it still be written?


Yep, it will be a Major story, full length plot, lots of story advancement. It's going to have Spike Emerald Flare as a main protagonist.

Yes, it will be written. The WHEN is the problem I am attempting to crack right now.

I'm going to be writing up an update to explain why... sometime soon.

Will this (and the first story) ever be edited? I noticed many errors in both :moustache:


The day I find an editor who's got a crapload of time and nothing better to do, they'll be edited.

When can we expect the Code of Dissonance?


Once Real Life leaves me with enough time to sit down and actually write another epic.

I'm afraid I don't know when that will be.

6086530 Ah okay. Hopefully that will be soon because I love how the story is turning out.

Aside from The Code of Dissonance, I would be interested in the Starshine/Somber and the Baron stories.
My vote is cast.

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