• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,907 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

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Chapter 12 - The Gathering

"By the prickling in my hooves...
Something wicked this way moves..."

~~~~~~Ponyville Town Square~~~~~~

Baron Siegfried von Sanguine, patriarch of the Sanguine clan feared not the sun. Never mind that it sapped much of his considerable strength and personal power, never mind that it blunted his connection to Dissonance like no other force in the world. Lesser members of his kind might wilt and die underneath the naked gaze of it, but Siegfried felt only its warmth. It was a reminder of how even he was mortal in the right circumstances. That humility had been a powerful facet of what had kept him alive for more two thousand years now.

He had learned much over those centuries. He had seen many great and terrible things, and he had participated in many more of them. Nopony now remembered his true name, but he remembered the names of many ponies. Those who had stood out, shining bastions of their kind. Even now, centuries upon centuries later, their names still stormed across the stage of history. Commander Hurricane, Daring Do, Star Swirl the Bearded, King Sombra, Johnny "Apple" Seed, Princess Starshine, Clover the Clever, Chancellor Puddinghead, Princess Platinum, and many more.

And now? Now it had become clear to the Baron that a new age of heroes was upon them. That new names would be etched into the stone of history, to forever be remembered in legend and tale. Rainbow Dash, to be certain, had already written herself into that tale. But the Baron was beginning to suspect that another pegasus would soon challenge that legend in her own way - a pegasus who had stood fearlessly before a mob of her own kind... in defense of children not of her race.

The Baron had to admit. The sight of the young gray mare had set his heart to beating in a way only one other mare ever had before. Those incredible golden eyes. That shock of blonde mane glittering in the noonday sun. The fit body. But most of all, that defiant stare, that strength that rippled off of every muscle and every single detail of her body. It was magnificent. Within that little shell lived a will fit to lift the world upon its shoulders. The Baron could not let her stand alone. No. That would have been beyond merely impolite, it would have been a blow to his honor. Such courage, such bravery deserved his aid. That she was beautiful in body and soul only added impetus to his action.

So. The Baron had sworn an oath to defend her, and by Dissonance he would do so. He had called the ancient magic’s which suffused his blood, imbued with the natural magic’s of his kind. His voice took on a deeper, more commanding quality. He was no dissonance sorcerer - he could not call upon the deep magic’s of the art. But there were things he could do that no sorcerer could replicate. Such was his reward, for the price he paid in a thirst for blood and... other difficulties. His smile widened and the crowd driven before him - backing up step by panicked step until they were a goodly distance from the innocents.

Then a twinge caught him. Had his senses not been what they were, were he not what he was... he would likely have died in that instant. But their adversary had not anticipated his involvement it seemed, and the dart of magic was deflected, sent reeling into the sky with an explosion of color and sound. His eyes narrowed as the sickly feel of that power drenched over him... Those angry ponies in the crowd looked... grayed out. Their colors dulled and their eyes blank and unfeeling. The Baron knew this effect. Knew it all too well.

The Baron's lips parted in a snarl and he said softly. "Chaos Sorcery."

~~~~~~~The Golden Oaks Library~~~~~~~

"You want what?" Tia said in pure incredulity. She had to look like somepony had smacked her with a board, her jaw halfway to the floor and her eyes wide. "I mean... That's... What?!" She repeated, her eyes narrowing a little and she stamped a hoof in frustration. "What in the name of the skies above are you bloody suggesting Spike?" She practically snarled out, wondering when the universe was finally going to give over and let her enjoy a nice peaceful day without this sort of insanity.

Spike crossed his scaly arms and fixed her with a slight glare. His body language was still all worry and concern, but he was doing a good impression of annoyed. "Just what it sounds like. Nothing fancy. I want to be a pony." He paused. "Specifically a unicorn. I got my reasons." His voice went from angry to stubborn, and his eyes narrowed. "Can you help me, or not?"

Tia wanted to facehoof, she really did. Instead, she gingerly rubbed at her temple in the hopes of staving off the inevitable headache. He's fixed on this. He's not going to tell me why, either. Ugh. Why me? "Spike, let's say... for the sake of saying that I could do that." She held up a hoof to forestall his excitement. "That's a very, very advanced bit of magic. Something I can't do without knowing why." There was a growing moodiness in the dragon at those words, and Tia allowed her voice to become a touch sharp. "I'll keep the secret, whatever it might be, Spike. But I'm not going to agree to do something like that without knowing the reasons."

Spike kicked an invisible pile of dirt, muttering under his breath for a few moments before sighing. "I'm..." He started slowly, hesitating over his words for a few minutes. "I don't feel like a dragon." He said, in a very quiet, very serious voice. "It's been bugging me since I went on that migration thing. I realized... that this was my home." He gestured around him sweepingly. "Equestria. Ponyville. That Twilight and her friends... they're my family. More than any other creature ever could be." his voice rang with a quiet pride, and happiness that Tia envied... just a little.

Then Spike sighed and trotted over to a wooden stool, hopping into it with a careless, practiced ease. "Months started to pass. Sure, I talked the talk. Dragon Code, Dragon Honor. Buncha dragon hooey, that's all it was." He confessed, leaning his head on his claws. "I wasn't a dragon. Not really, anyway. I didn't want a hoard - all that ever did for me was make me a monster. I didn't wanna join the migration - they were all a bunch of jerks. I didn't want to sleep for centuries, I'd... I'd lose everypony who meant something to me. I don't want that life, Tia." He looked up at her, as solemn as the little dragon ever got. "I want to be what I am, in here." He tapped his chest with a scaly claw, right over his heart. "And what I am... is a pony."

Spike fell silent then, his head back in his claws as Tia's hoof dragged gently over the ground back and forth. What could she say? What could she possibly say to... all of that? Her heart, ever the traitorous thing, ached for him. It wanted to reach out for him, to soothe and comfort the poor child. Had he not served faithfully and true? Had he not watched over her most faithful student for her? Was he not now offering to help her find her own new way in the world? Such dedicated service surely deserved a fitting reward. "Spike... I..." Tia began to speak...

When a massive burst of color and light lit up the windows of the library, followed by a wave of gut-wrenching energy that sent Tia's mind reeling with a combination of shock and disbelief. Spike felt it too, wavering and then falling flat on his butt off the stool with a grunt of annoyance. "What was..." He began, and Tia held up his hoof, focusing every bit of herself on trying to taste that energy for the signature she feared more than any other thing alive... No... It is not him but somepony is wielding his power. That was a relief, but only a small one. Spike was on his feet a moment later. "Trouble?" He asked in a worried voice.

Tia nodded and shook her mane back. "I've got to go. Spike, can you still send a letter to Canterlot?" Spike nodded as Tia ran towards the door... and then paused mid-stride. It lay there upon the table, a book in fine hydra hide, with four golden words glittering upon the cover. It had been attached to a golden chain and reinforced in silver... long, long ago. Tia lifted the chained tome over her neck and gently secured it. Perhaps it would give her courage "Dear Queen Twilight. I have sensed the use of Chaos magic within town. I am going to attempt to find out who caused it, and why. I would recommend checking in on Discord's statue. Your faithful student, Tia Sunbeam." She recited, as Spike scribbled at the parchment with a quill he had gotten from... somewhere.

Spike nodded quickly, rolling up the parchment and pressing the seal before setting the thing aflame - a magical dust wisping out beneath the doorway and - hopefully, to Canterlot. Tia's horn lit and threw open the door to the Library... when. "Hey! You're not going out there alone!" came the voice of Spike, and sure enough he had launched himself up on top of Tia's back, his face in a wide grin. "Not without your assistant!"

Tia stared at him for a moment, then felt a slow smile cross her face. "I will help you if I can, Spike. It is the very least I can do." She said gently, softly in promise. "Now hold on. I shall be teleporting quite a bit." Spike nodded and gripped onto her neck gently, but firmly. Tia called the magic into her body and focused. Got to find out where they are. Fastest way to do that is to get up high. Town hall then. She vanished in a flash of magic and a warm summer breeze...

And the gears of Fate continued to turn...

~~~~~~The Hop On Inn~~~~~~

Chapter 6 - There is no Discord, there is Friendship

Though Dissonance is the source of many of the challenges the Harmonic Mage will face over the course of their life, there is no single greater threat to Harmony than Chaos. There are those unlearned who confuse Dissonance with Chaos, but this is patently false. Dissonance, for all of its deep faults and dangers, is fundamentally a force of life and creation. That it seeks to corrupt that life and creation to its own ends is no fault of itself. Birds must fly, earth ponies must grow things, and griffons must eat meat. Dissonance is only following its inherent nature. We should not hate it for that, only pity it and seek to lead it into the light.

Chaos on the other hoof, does not seek to create. It has no definable nature other than to break the rules of the universe. It seeks to destroy all constraints and replace them with a set of utterly alien rules and logic that no sane creature could possibly understand. This is both Chaos' greatest strength, but also its single greatest weakness. It is utterly unpredictable, but that makes it incapable of long term strategy. Intelligence, logic, reason and personal willpower are your best weapons against its influence upon you.

Chaos Magic can be difficult to trace if you do not know what you are searching for - so watch for the signs. Chaos Magic will always act in the most spectacular manner possible for the effect, but that does not mean it cannot be subtle. To those sensitive to Harmony or Dissonance, Chaos can be 'sensed' when it is used in any significant degree. The feeling is often described as a twisting of the gut - a feeling of temporary physical illness, followed by a feeling of something foul in the air. Should you sense this magic fair reader, tread cautiously. No creature in creation is immune to its vile touch. Be strong, hold true to yourself, and you can be victorious.

Trixie Lulamoon shut the cover of her precious tome, gently running her hoof over the back cover in an idle habit she'd picked up over the last half of a year. So much had happened to her. So much had changed. Who was she now, she often wondered in these quiet moments. The incident the previous evening had been enjoyable in an odd way, yet Trixie had never thought of herself as someone who enjoyed violence. No. It hadn't been the fighting, it had been the feeling of... what was the word?

Was this why Twilight Sparkle had done these things for no obvious profit to herself? This warm, gentle glow in Trixie's chest - the knowledge that those innocent ponies who might never know her name would go on to live their quiet lives safely thanks to her. Here, there were rarely crowds or recognition, or even a good pay-pouch at the end of the day. Spitfire herself had as much admitted that the pay for this new job was ultimately pretty lousy for the amount of danger you put yourself in. And yet....

And yet Aunt Snap and Uncle Crackle had been absolutely bursting with pride at the sight of Trixie in her new armor. Old Captain Struggle had given her the kind of grin of approval she had never seen a guardspony give her before. The medallion around her neck did not merely command respect as she had presumed it would. Those ponies who knew it looked upon her with admiration and accorded her a warmth and welcome she had so rarely known in her life. Shadow Song had even written to her, even though her letter was as terse as they always were... just four words. 'You will do well.' it had said.

Trixie was proud of herself. That was the emotion she felt, coursing through her chest. Pride. In herself, in her work, in her life. It was a good feeling. Luckily, she doubted that pride would have any chance to go to her head. A small smile crossed her face as she eyeballed the opened scroll sprawled across the desk in the inn - In spite of all that had happened, Luna's lessons were still arriving with clockwork regularity. One scroll, every two weeks. Read this passage, contemplate upon its meaning, write a report, perform these tasks to build up your strength, and continue to meditate upon Harmony.

Speaking of which, it was time for Trixie to do just that. She assumed the pose Luna had shown her just those scant few months ago. Sit upon the ground, forehooves thusly placed just in front of her, her eyes closed and her mind clear. She breathed in the air, and breathed out the distractions. "There is no Discord, there is Friendship." She said softly, and felt the pure calm of Harmony fall upon her. It took nothing more than that now - just as Luna had said it would. No more struggles to grasp the power, no more frustration and anger. Harmony had need of her and Trixie was willing to oblige... after all, Harmony had saved her.

It was in this moment that Trixie felt the sickening clench in her gut, and the wave of greasy, ill tasting air that she inhaled. It nearly sent her into a coughing fit, but she restrained it with a physical effort. That had been precisely how the book had described Chaos Magic... but here? Already? Trixie stood up quickly - her magic working before her mind could form the thoughts. Hoofboots, check. Vest, Fireworks, Check. Cape and Hat, Check. Calm power coursed through her veins as she affixed the clasp of her cloak and made for the door at speed.

Trixie had remained here for just this purpose. To put together a team to hunt down and find the chaos mage who had infiltrated the Cloud Fortress a week ago. Her team had not yet arrived... Spitfire was still recruiting, apparently. It seemed that luck was on Trixie's side today, however. She might very well find a vital clue... so long as she could chase this madpony down. The steel of her hoofboots clattered against the wooden floor of the inn as she rushed outside, her mind clear and her soul steeled. It felt very strong. It must be close.

Trixie only had to look for the impossible happening. That shouldn't be too hard, even in this insane town.

~~~~~~Ponyville Train Station~~~~~~

The Friendship Express pulled into the station as it always did these days - at noon, sharp. Once it had only carried passengers and the occasional luxury items. Food and the like were still transported by cart whenever possible. Yet nowadays, it was loaded with working ponies, building supplies, and crates upon crates of amenities for the transient workers here to rebuild Ponyville. Some said they were here to build an entirely new city. Yet still, there were some few cars reserved for passengers only. One such passenger stepped out of the train car with a deep inhaled breath. How long had it been since she last left Canterlot? How long ago had it been since she had tasted the fresh air of the countryside, and felt the rough dirt beneath her hooves? Too long.

Even just stepping down onto the dirt path which led into the heart of the rebuilding city of Ponyville, the mare felt a powerful wave of nostalgia wash through her. Followed immediately by warmth that filled her heart and body with a singing joy. She had missed the open road, and the road had missed her. The earth itself seemed to welcome the touch of her hooves as she walked, a brisk fall breeze billowing out her cape for a brief and dramatic moment before settling into gentle noontime warmth.

It was a beautiful day, even with all the noise and din of the work going on in and around Ponyville. New buildings were already going up all around the city. Not all of which were being built by ponies... The mare herself had scarcely believed the decree, yet here was a living breathing proof of it. Changeling drones were already using carefully shaped wood and stone to build the foundations for new hives. Several knots of thestrals were already building perched houses on some of the taller trees on the outskirts of ponyville - and what looked like a brand new tavern was going up with remarkable speed built by ponies, thestrals, and other races all alike.

The thestrals in particular interested her - as she walked slowly into the town, absorbing and breathing in all the sights and smells of the world she had long ago had to leave behind. For duty, but more importantly, to protect the one pony she loved more than any other. She wondered if any of these young thestrals would recognize her... when Fate decided to tug on her cape.

She would never be so unobservant to run into another pony thankfully, otherwise the meeting might have been even more awkward. A thestral wearing ornate looking battle armor very nearly collided with her as she rounded a corner somewhere just past the outskirts. He was walking - and talking - with a grey maned earth pony wearing one of the black collars of a Dissonance cultist. The very sight of it made the mare wary, but not afraid. She had dealt with Dissonance cultists far too many times to be frightened of them now. But it was the thestral that made her wonder if Fate had decided today was a fine day to screw with her.

His sharp golden eyes turned to her as the elegant twist of her body carried her neatly out of their walking path... and then widened - slowly, disbelievingly. The mare cussed silently, as she herself eyeballed up his muscled frame, that unmistakable charcoal grey patterned mane, the sickle-shaped scar across his eye and down his right cheek. "Captain Night Scythe." She said, in a quiet and firm voice.

The thestral Captain stared at her in frank disbelief, and then spoke softly. "So, it seems the dead truly do walk the earth." He responded, his eyes narrowed and his body tense. His earth pony companion looking quite confused as she stared at the mare in puzzlement, as if trying to figure out why she was familiar. Night Scythe sucked in a deep breath and exhaled it. "What are you doing here?" He asked simply, flatly. His voice lacking any obvious emotion.

The mare shook her head slowly. "I am not here to cause trouble, Captain. I am here to see..." She hesitated for a moment. Yet what was there to fear now by telling him? "My daughter." She finished quietly, hoping that her own emotions were not going to run away with her. "I have been told she is in town. We have... much to discuss." She finished, trying to imbue her words with a desire to bring an end to the conversation as quickly as possible.

Night Scythe's eyebrows went up as far as they could go, his voice incredulous. "You... You had a daughter? But... That's impossible! Everypony knows you never... had..." His words trailed away slowly, the light of understanding flickering in his gaze. "So. That is why you-" His words were cut off, as a massive burst of colorful magic exploded in the sky several blocks ahead of them. All three ponies stared at it for a moment, before the mare winced and took an unexpected step back... as did her two companions a fraction of a second later. "Chaos!" Exclaimed Night Scythe, his pupils reduced to fearful pinpoints.

"Evacuate the area, Captain." The mare commanded, her magic lifting open the saddlebag she wore and removing several heavy objects. "If you truly value the lives of these ponies, you will get them out of here quickly." She said, even as neither the Captain nor the earth pony had moved. Her hooves pressed into the familiar silver and steel hoofboots, and she tightened the clasp on her cloak. Her own eyes were narrowed. "I shall handle this." she said in a deadly quiet voice, and then vanished in a powerful blast of wind and bright pink magic...

For a brief moment, Mayor Mare stared in stunned amazement at where the unicorn mare had stood, then her eyes focused for a moment. "That cloak... That hat... It cannot be." She whispered softly, even as Captain Night Scythe was screaming orders at a group of patrolling guards, trying to organize an evacuation.

~~~~~~~Ponyville Park~~~~~~

Lyra quietly picked away at her lyre, sending gentle notes and relaxing song over the refugee camp that now inhabited this once pristine park. Little crowds of foals scampered on by, as they always did - most of them bearing some kind of little lunch box. Lyra always gave them a smile, glad to see that even the ravages of conflict couldn't dampen the spirits of the young. Nearby, Bon Bon was doing a land-office business with her sweets cart today. The townsfolk were apparently in dire need of a bit of chocolate to help brace themselves to the stunning Decree that had been delivered that morning.

For her part, Lyra didn't much worry about the decree. Unquestionably, it would bring changes to the town and to all of Equestria. Equally unquestionably here was perilous little she could do about it beyond try to find out what sort of music the newcomers liked to listen to. That they enjoyed music was one of those things Lyra didn't even expect needed to be asked. Music was the universal language - it crossed boundaries of language, creed, and even physical appearance without so much as a blink of an eye.

It was these sorts of thoughts that she contemplated a she idly played upon her instrument of choice. It was a good way to get the complex thoughts of the day out of the way, so she could focus on more important things, like pie or Bon Bon. Unlike most ponies of Equestria, she had never put much stock in this whole Harmony business. Oh certainly, the world obviously needed fundamental forces to work - and it made sense that there would always be forces of light and forces of dark. Lyra figured that was why there was a need for both day and night time.

But figuring one of those powers to be 'better' than the others just struck her as silly. Why worry about which string on the harp was better? They were both needed to create music. Lyra certainly could not create music without C notes any more than she could without G notes. Or flats, or sharps, or anything else. Okay, so maybe the G notes had driven poor Twilight Sparkle bonkers and turned her into some kind of dark witch... but the C notes had just as obviously driven Celestia bonkers and turned her into some kind of religious fanatic.

Extremes were bad, end of story. Lyra was satisfied with that particular line of thought's logical conclusion and decided to focus on the more important things in life. Like pie, or Bon Bon. Her idle playing was obviously relaxing Bon Bon, which meant that maybe today she could convince her to stop being so stuffy and let Lyra have a little fun. Even better, her idle playing had attracted a few loitering work ponies with money - so now her harp case had a scattering of bits in it. Probably enough to buy lunch. Just as she began to contemplate that wonderful little scenario, her gaze was filled not with visions of pie, but of white unicorns wearing funky shades. "Ayo. Equestria to Lyres, you in there Lyra?" Queried Vinyl Scratch, her head tilting curiously as she grinned at Lyra.

Lyra shook her head, clearing it - sadly - of thoughts of Pie, and half glared at the DJ when the world decided that lunch wasn't going to be on the menu for the foreseeable future. A wine-red coated earth pony came charging up to the three of them, panting from a lack of breath as she charged up to the fountain... Lyra's ears perked. Cheerilee almost never ran like that, unless something was very wrong. A chill of fear settled through her, as Bon Bon worriedly rushed around her cart to try and catch the schoolteacher in her hooves. Several of the bystanders were staring at Cheerilee in obvious worry, and Lyra idly noted that - from somewhere, Cloud Chaser had landed nearby and was trotting up with a look of concern on her own face.

Lyra didn't believe that the forces of nature were Good or Evil. But she did believe in Fate, and that sometimes events conspired to make events happen - quickly and without any control. Lyra could have believed Bon Bon and Vinyl meeting in the park - they did that every so often. She could perhaps have believed that Cheerilee would find them both here, knowing that sometimes they met in the park. But there was no logical, rational explanation for the appearance of Cloud Chaser, other than mysterious and important events quickly wrapping around her fair town. Cheerilee began to speak in low, hushed tones - obviously trying to keep from panicking the other locals. The looks of concern on the four ponies faces grew steadily...

Lyra slipped her harp into her case and tucked the bits into a side pouch. Pie would have to wait. So would Bon Bon.

~~~~~~The Ponyville Town Square~~~~~~

The Baron waited, tensed and ready. Slowly, a robed form slipped seamlessly through the crowd of greyed out and vaguely angry looking ponies. He could smell... her scent upon the air. A pony, a mare. A unicorn? Perhaps. He could not always tell the race. She wore no pendant, nor badge. Just a pure white robe, embroidered with a single glowing gold sun upon the chest. An obvious mockery of the Celestia worshipers, given the pure reek of Chaos that was rolling off of her form.

She did not speak at first, and neither did he. He would not deign to speak to such a foul creature, unless he had no choice. Her mouth opened and she spoke in a melodious voice... that sounded very much insane. "The wheel of fate turns round and round, with no way of telling up nor down.." She said in sing-song, her steps unsteady and stumbling, as though she was drunk. "But Fate it is that drives us today. What danger will it sound our way? Beneath the sun's harsh summer shine..." Her voice turned soft, and deadly calm. "Will today be Discord's Time?"