• Published 5th Jun 2013
  • 7,899 Views, 841 Comments

The Code of Harmony - Lapis-Lazuli and Stitch

After a thousand years of unchallenged rule, a humbled Princess Celestia - now called Tia Sunbeam - must face her ultimate challenge. To live life as a normal pony, and make some friends.

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Chapter 3 - The Teacher

~~~~~The Manehatten Cafe, Mane Street, Ponyville~~~~~

The Manehatten Cafe was not really any such thing - it was more a group of food carts that had banded together in order to mimic the facilities of a real restaurant. A hay fries and potato chips vendor, a sandwich maker, a displaced soda-jerk and one of the local fruit merchants had combined their carts and their respective supply of tables and chairs, and built themselves a little ad-hoc restaurant on the street side. Together, they were doing quite a bit of business - attracting those locals who were out and about and didn't wish to hunt down one of the few undamaged restaurants in town.

Tia, Bon Bon and Cheerilee happily joined the line of customers together, with Bon Bon cheerfully offering to treat Tia to lunch. "Seeing as how Ditzy basically kidnapped you out of the library." Bon teased, her eyes dancing with mischief. Tia was starting to feel a little awkward at all this generosity she was being shown, but it warmed her heart anyway. Still, there is something... nice about this. She was just a pony, out with a pair of mares and having a friendly lunch. No royal treatment, no appetizers or fancy teas... just a sandwich and a pile of hayfries, and maybe one of those bright red apples she spied over there. Oh! They're making milkshakes! Tia's thoughts exclaimed suddenly, and her eyes alit on the bright chrome tools of the soda jerk going to work on several large stainless-steel cups.

Little did Tia know of the child-like glee that spread across her face then, as her nose caught the scent of strawberries and cream floating sweetly upon the breeze. It wasn't until she spotted the broad grins on the other two mares that she realized she must have been making some kind of fool of herself and blushed. By the sun, I am blushing more than I have in the last thousand years today! Her thoughts grumbled, and then.... Wait. Back up, Tia. Why are you embarrassed? You love sweets. You always have! That's hardly something to start blushing over! Tia's thoughts ran quickly, and she decided in the moment to try and provide a more natural reaction. "What?" She asked the two mares in a defensive tone. "I like milkshakes!" She huffed, and wondered why she came off like a young foal talking to her parents.

Bon Bon raised a hoof with a stifled giggle, obviously trying to fend off Tia's outrage. Cheerilee just rolled her eyes expressively - but the smile never left her face. Tia sighed and found herself chuckling softly. "I am sorry." She said quietly, moving her hooves to keep up with the line. "I'm... I'm not used to this sort of thing. Being around regular ponies, I mean." And wasn't that the understatement of the century. "I was... more sheltered than I'd realized in Canterlot. I guess I've forgotten how to live properly." She called up the best smile she could - glad to see that the understanding looks of her companions hadn't left them. "I don't suppose you girls could help me re-learn?" It was a difficult thing to ask of them but... No, Celestia. In this, Luna was right. You have become far too distant - far too aloof. You need to learn how to live again.

Cheerilee's smile widened slowly, as though she had just snatched a prize plum off of a tree. "Absolutely. I cannot tell you how thrilled I am to hear you ask that, Tia." And then she wrapped her hooves around Tia's neck and squeezed her tightly in a hug. Tia damn near screamed and flung herself away then at the sudden surprise of physical contact that intimate - but grabbed hold of herself control and restrained herself.

Tia felt her muscles clenched up with surprise and shock - but Cheerilee did not let her go. She simply held a touch less tightly, a touch more tenderly. It was a motherly hug... no, scratch that. It was the kind of hug a teacher would give a student who had been through a particularly rough time. It was a hug Tia was familiar with... she'd given them to Twilight often enough to know it. Yet it was so strange being on the receiving end - to feel safe even in the hooves of this nearly total stranger. Tia felt her muscles unclench, her little fears and anxieties drain away from her body and slowly - achingly slowly - melted into the hug, returning it with trembling, uncertain hooves.

Bon Bon quietly waved the line to go on ahead of them, Tia noted in some part of her brain that wasn't numb. She felt her head slowly turn into the crook of Cheerilee's neck and her limbs go weak. It was all hitting her - or at least, some of it was hitting her - about exactly what she'd done. What she'd lost in her arrogance... and a little bit of what she'd gained.

How could she have been so blind? It had taken Shining Armor, Luna and Twilight herself confronting her, prepared to battle her to the death to shock her out of her armor of arrogant certainty. She would never, ever be able to erase that image of her mind - of her beloved student, of her most trusted champion and her own sister - each holding all of the power they possibly could and obviously prepared to strike her down. It had been a moment of stone cold, bitter, sobering truth. She had finally gone too far.

Tia felt a wetness on her cheeks, and then on her chin and neck, and Cheerilee was making soft and soothing noises to her. "Hush now. It's alright, Tia - just let it out." said Cheerilee in the gentlest tones Tia had ever heard from another pony. She was crying. How many centuries had it been since she last shed tears like this? Not since I sent Luna to the moon. My last, and most bitter failure. She thought quietly, the tears slowly coming to a halt as she tried to force her emotions back into the bottle.

The last thing Tia needed to do was break down in public, especially since almost nopony knew her yet. Cheerilee gently lifted her head to look directly into Tia's eyes with a soft smile. "Not ready for that just yet, hm?" She asked quietly, and Tia shook her head. Cheerilee nodded. "Later then." It was not a question - it was a statement. Tia sucked in a deep breath, and quietly vowed to herself to handle this on her own.

Bon Bon was next to them then - chivvying them towards the foodline once again. Tia lifted up a hoof to wipe away the wetness as she came face to face with the first of the food cart owners - a bright pink coated earth pony mare with a small smile on her face. Tia opened her mouth to say something - some excuse, some tale - and the mare just shook her head. "Ya aren't the first, darlin. It's not been easy on any of us. Here." She snagged a little bowl of succulent looking cherries and placed it on a wooden tray. "On the house fer a pretty filly." She winked at Tia, and waved her along down the line.

Tia's cheeks felt like they would never stop blushing as she proceeded down the line - until Bon Bon and Cheerilee both started giggling madly. Tia turned and stuck her tongue out at them, before smartly turning her head and speaking up brightly to the sandwich vendor, who was looking amused. "Grilled cheese please, extra pickles!" If she was going to be embarrassed out of her mind, she was going to enjoy her favorite snack at the same time.

~~~~~Canterlot Castle~~~~~

The sun blazed gloriously over the eternal city of Canterlot, shining down upon its happy citizenry as they went about their day to day lives. Much had changed in the week since the triumphant Nightmare Queen had ascended her throne of the Moon, but for those who lived in the throne city of Equestria, all were certain that this change would ultimately prove positive and profitable - at least for them. So life went on unchanged, save for a few new banners flying from the tall spires of Canterlot Castle and new uniforms for the guards - all of whom were actually pretty fond of the simplified coats that replaced the previously stiff and stuffy ones.

For Commander Shining Armor, everything was firmly in the order and place he expected it to be. He had swiftly retaken command of the Royal Guard, and just as swiftly dealt with the few remaining members of the now defunct Solar Guard. It had been a grim sort of business, informing them of the new world they now resided in. He'd been prepared for a bloody conflict with them, but thankfully, they had proven reasonable to the last and were now taking service with Queen Cadence.... which still felt incredibly weird to say.

He exhaled deeply and placed his forehooves on the marble bannister in front of him, gazing down and out over the city of Canterlot in his newly minted and gold-plated steel armor. It was heavy as hell and made him sweat - but Cadence had insisted upon keeping the traditional gold for the Sun's royal insignias. Of course, carefully stowed away in his closet was another more practical suit of armor - a gift from Hivemaster Stratego, who was reportedly just now crossing the Equestrian western border.

With him, and Commander Night Scythe, would come an army unlike any that had been seen since the days of the Lunar Rebellion. Except this army was coming to swear its allegiance to the throne of Equestria, and by extension to Twilight Sparkle who they had recognized as their Nightmare. Shining Armor did not know how the proud nobility of Canterlot would react to that little event, but he doubted they'd greet it with cheers. Those soldiers would expect to become citizens, and build homes and lives here. For his part, Shining Armor had no quarrel with that. So long as they obeyed the law, they were welcome.

That turn of thoughts brought him to his quandary, of course. He was certain many of them would flout the laws - no matter what their mighty Queen might dictate - and then he would be responsible for bringing them to justice. I'm going to need to recruit creatures of every type for the guard if we're to have any hope of stopping the crime before it gets out of hoof. He thought grimly, and such was his mood when a gentle, dark purple hoof touched his shoulder.

That spicy, sweet scent in his nose was unmistakable, as he turned his eyes on his sister with a slight smile. "What're you doing out of bed at this hour, Twily?" He asked softly, and leaned his head in to nuzzle at her hoof. He'd sworn in that treehouse, now just a week or so ago, that he would stand by her no matter what. He remained confident and certain that one day, she would need him. One day, she would fight clear of the darkness in her soul and become merely the Queen of the Moon, as it ought to be. "You still need to sleep, divine magic or no divine magic." He reminded her with a stern sort of look.

She looked back at him with a tender smile and those glowing green and violet eyes. He would likely never be completely comfortable with those eyes, but you did a lot of things to support the one you loved. "Couldn't sleep, Shiny." She said gently, her voice slightly husky. Everything she did had that implicit sensuality now. Luna had told him it was a part of the Dissonance power, how it affected her body and mind.

Nothing to be afraid of, though. Twily would always be his little sister, and that meant she was a strict no-no area for anything other than platonic love. "Besides, I miss the daylight." She continued to speak, draping her hoof around his shoulder to stare out into the gorgeous skies above Canterlot. "It's got to be a beautiful day in Ponyville. I wonder what everypony is up to today?" She wondered quietly, and not for the first time Shiny felt a pang of concern for her mental health.

It helped immensely that her friends had been wonderfully supportive of her - they, much like Shiny - now shared some kind of bond with Twilight. They always seemed to know when she needed something like comfort, or reassurance, or just needed to relax. None of them could explain it, they just knew. "Probably tearing their manes out at your little proclamation." He chuckled softly, nudging her with his nose. She'd been so incredibly proud of herself when she'd left the bargaining table after four straight days of discussion with Cadence. "I mean, you're only upsetting a thousand years of established order and customs. I'm sure it's not going to cause more than a riot or two." He teased at her, knowing she'd catch on to him joking about it.

Twilight did smile, and she chuckled richly. "Well, sometimes you need to upturn the applecart if you're going to get anything done." She said with a touch of asperity, a broad wing gently wrapping around Shining's shoulder and squeezing him close. "You need to stay up and spend time with me, Shiny. You're my Knight too, you know." She whispered softly, a gentle but firm pulse of power echoing down the magical bond that connected them. "I dearly love Cadence, but she hordes you for herself. I want you to join my coven and I, starting tomorrow evening, at the very least for dinner and the casual court."

Shiny could see the dangerous glint in her eye - one that was accompanied by a slow grin that showed off the sharp teeth that marked her as a drinker of blood - and knew that trying to deny her was only going to cause an issue. Possibly one that ended with him on his back as a blood donor. He sighed purely internally. I'll need to find a way to break this to Cadence. Oh well, no one ever said having a Queen for a sister was easy. He thought with a wry humor. "Of course, M'lady." He bowed in his best formal manner, and that conjured a giggle out of Twilight - who smacked him lightly over the back of the head with her wing. At the very least, he would get a chance to see how the rest of the Elements were settling into their new duties here in Canterlot. "So, How about you join me for lunch then, since you're already awake?" He offered, lifting his right forehoof and creating a hook for her to thread her hoof through, a bright smile on his face.

Twilight smiled brilliantly, and hooked her hoof around his daintily, allowing him to lead her back into the castle. "That sounds delightful. We'll be able to tell Cadence about your new schedule too." She said with a sly smile, a mischievous grin on her face.

Shining just rolled his eyes in exasperation.


"Miss Cheerilee, Miss Cheerilee!"

A trio of young voices chanted as three foals rapidly approached the table where Cheerilee, Tia and Bon Bon sat happily noshing on her lunch. Tia had found herself in a quiet moment of rapturous pleasure as she bit through the sour tang of the pickle slice, laced with the savory cheese and the buttered and toasted bread. It was heaven on a wooden plate, with some cherries to add a little sweetness to her heaven. Still, even heaven can be interrupted by the enthusiastic voices of young foals. So both Tia and Bon Bon peered curiously over the table to see what all the fuss was about.

Tia watched the trio of foals with some amusement, a great deal of her nervousness having melted away with the delicious cheese. They were all wearing bright red cloaks with the blue shield of the Order of the Crusading Knights of Canterlot upon them. It was surprising to see that device being worn in the here and now - the Order of the Knights had disbanded eight centuries ago. They must have found the shield in a book somewhere, and adopted it for their own. A cute orange pegasus, a white-coated unicorn and a yellow-coated earth pony... Strange. I feel as though I ought to know who they are. Tia wondered, worrying at her lower lip with her teeth.

Cheerilee put on a smile that Tia would have described as both weary and amused. Immediately, Tia knew these three had to be the source of a great deal of trouble... but never ill meaning trouble. "Miss Cheerilee! You gotta help us!" proclaimed the yellow coated one, with the bright red mane and the big bow. It was an exceptionally cute look, and Tia wondered if perhaps she might look a little less severe with a bow like that. "We're tryin' to be Cutie Mark Crusader Construction Ponies, but nopony will let us help 'em work!" She stomped her tiny hoof in indignation, and Tia felt her mouth twitch into a broad smile. This little one reminded her very strongly of a young Twilight demanding to be allowed to practice her magic more.

Cheerilee sighed expressively, "Girls, I've told you before - the workers are sometimes doing dangerous things. They simply don't want you to be in a place that could get you hurt." It was clear, even before Cheerilee stopped talking that this line of reasoning was going nowhere with the kids. Suddenly, she threw a look of pleading towards Tia... who caught on immediately.

Tia nodded with a bright smile, incredibly happy to finally have a situation where she knew exactly what to do - and hopped off her bench to trot over to the girls. All of them looked up at her with wide and curious eyes, and Tia put on her very best motherly smile. "Hello, little ones. Did I hear you call yourself 'Cutie Mark Crusaders?" she asked quietly, imbuing her tone with enthusiastic interest for the concept. She actually was sort of curious about it - normally, young ponies simply waited patiently for their cutie-marks to come to them.

The yellow coated one nodded enthusiastically, and her two friends followed suit. "Yup! We're on a crusade to get our cutie marks and we'll try anythin' that might help!" She put on a big, cheerful grin. "Ah'm Applebloom, an' this is Scootaloo an' Sweetie Belle! Are you friend's with Miss Cheerilee?" She asked with a curious turn of her head, the little red bow bobbing in place as she radiated enthusiasm and verve.

Aha! The little yellow one must be related to Applejack in some way. No wonder she looked familiar - she's an Apple. Tia thought, a broad and genuine smile spreading over her face. "Yes I am, little one. I'm going to be the new town librarian, too. My name is Tia, and it's nice to meet you Applebloom." She extended her hoof gracefully towards her, and was surprised when the young filly shook it vigorously. Just like an Apple, she's probably not afraid of anything. Tia thought, concealing her grin. "So you're trying to get your cutie marks, Hm? I take it you're quite sick of everypony telling you to just wait for it to happen, am I right?" Tia added in a conspiratorial tone, smiling encouragingly.

All three fillies nodded enthusiastically - and then the orange one, Scootaloo, I think. mused Tia, spoke up brightly in a brash tone of voice. "Yeah! You wouldn't believe how few adults get that!" She huffed, her wings buzzing on her back like dragonfly wings. Not quite old enough to achieve stable flight - but Tia was prepared to bet she was going to be a terror in the air when she did.

The white one, This must be Sweetie Belle, then. thought Tia - piped up next. "Yeah! We're tired of being the only blank-flanks in our class! Do you have any ideas on how we could get our Cutie Marks?" And suddenly, all three fillies were looking at her intently, as if they were waiting for some pearl of wisdom to spill forth from her mouth.

Well, the best cure for youthful exuberance is hard work... Tia thought with a grin, and then paused... Perhaps... "Well, let me think." She temporized, putting her hoof on her chin and closing her eyes. There is no death, there is Harmony. She thought in silence, and felt a soft calmness settle over her mind and body. When she opened her eyes, the world was bathed in color and light, and a slow and tremulous smile cross her face, hidden behind her hoof. Harmony is still with me. Tia's thoughts whispered in joy.

Then she turned her eyes upon the three Crusaders - each of them shone with a powerful purity of Harmony, though not the sort that they could ever wield. They each had powerful destinies - ones that would only reveal themselves in due time. A pity. It would have been nice to solve a problem for Cheerilee. She closed her eyes and reopened them again - the world back to the normal sight she was used to. Hmm... Aha! I know. "I have just the thing. I'm going to need some things for when I reopen the library, and I need some smart little fillies to perform a few tasks for me. Would you be willing to help me out? You could be my personal assistants for the day." She kept a jovial tone in her voice, and tried to project how she was giving them a rare treat.

Much to her delight, all three fillies nodded enthusiastically at her - and over their shoulders, Cheerilee was giving her an approving sort of smile. Undoubtedly the work could keep them out of trouble until the evening, when their parents could come and claim them for dinner. "Very well, now here is what I need you to do..." Tia began, feeling a lightness in her soul. Other Ponies? Still a nerve wracking mystery to her - even these kindly ones who had been so patient with her - but little, over excitable fillies? Now that, I can handle...


"Been a long time, Mare."

The sleek, whisper soft voice sent a thrill of reaction up Mayor Mare's spine as she sat at her desk - the ad hoc office completely empty around her... or so she thought. "Did'ja miss me?" Whispered that voice again, and before the Mayor could react she felt a pair of hot, gentle and familiar lips kiss her cheek softly. The rustle of bat-wings and the nearly silent clink of chain mail upon leather meant it could be only one pony.

"Night Scythe." whispered the Mayor, her hooves softly relaxing onto her desk. "I had heard... But I hadn't believed it.." She turned around suddenly, coming face to face with the glorious golden eyes of the legendary thestral commander, Night Scythe. He smelled just the same as he had, all those years ago. The soft tang of leather - the leather of creatures he'd personally killed, or so the stories went. A touch of sweat, and the spicy scent of his coat that even his vigorous bathing never completely obliterated. "It has been a long time." She finished lamely, her hooves coming up to gently touch the steel helmet upon his head and lift it off, releasing the short and ruffled black mane and fluffy ears she'd always enjoyed teasing.

He Smiled at her with those sharp fangs his race of ponies was famous for. "You dyed your mane." He observed, running an iron-shod hoof through the grey locks of her mane. "Trying to look respectable for the locals, hm?" He growled softly, his face mere inches away from hers. "Still the Chameleon. Ever changing, ever shifting... Just the way I remember you." He breathed softly, and smiled slowly. "Did you miss me?" He asked softly, his voice surprisingly gentle.

The mayor felt a soft smile cross her lips, as she laid the helmet down on the floor next to him. "Yes." She whispered softly, wrapping her hooves around his neck. "Promise me I'll never have to miss you again, Scythe." the Mayor spoke softly, tugging him in closer. Her voice was desperate, but also gentle with longing - a very old longing.

The Thestral grinned, flashing his fangs at her. "It's a new world, Mare. We're the ones who are going to decide what happens now." He said, conviction ringing in his voice. "And if I get my way, you'll never have to miss me again." He finished with a promise in his voice, as his own hooves detached the thick collar from her neck. The Mayor lifted her chin and offer her neck to him, her eyes closing and a silent smile crossing her face.

She was very glad no one was scheduled to bother her for a few hours.


"Cutie Mark Crusader Personal Assistants! YAY!"

The three fillies charged off into the distance, and Tia couldn't help it - she leaned against the side of the table with a bubbling throat full of laughter. Her eyes turned to Bon Bon and Cheerilee, and they too were laughing alongside her. Things were still going to be difficult but... Perhaps I've made a good first step. Tia thought, unable to contain her laughter. It really was the best medicine for what ailed her.

And then out of nowhere, a cry came from overhead. "Aw Dangit, LOOK OUT!" somepony yelled, but by the time Tia looked up - it was already too late. Her mouth opened and then was suddenly filled by a massive torrent of water draining out of an overhead cloud, completely and utterly drenching her from mane to tail in surprisingly warm rain water. Her, and ONLY her. At least my sandwich is safe. Tia thought, blowing a lock of soaked mane out of her face and spitting out the mouthful of rainwater in the process.

A wild blue and white mane suddenly filled Tia's vision, along with an apologetic set of pink eyes. "A-heh... Oops. Sorry about that." said the pegasus, with a sheepish smile on her face.