• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 2,194 Views, 53 Comments

Pinkie Pie - The Wall - Critic

Pink Floyd The Wall with ponies ! , I won't lie, this is my first fic and the prologue is slow

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More Than Just Another Brick in the Wall (redux)

Chapter 1: More Than Just Another Brick in the Wall


Footage of the revolution taking place in Ponyville was spreading like a fire throughout all of Equestria. The Royal Guards were sent by Nightmare Moon to stop the protests. The scenes being broadcast were of pure chaos, as the protesters fought the Royal Guards savagely. Chariots were being set on fire, a big red stallion was being dragged into a prison chariot by twelve guards, pegasi were using lightning against the unicorn guards, a mare could be seen running shouting “The horror!!!! The horror!!!!“.

The entire event was being watched by the leader of the revolution, a certain pink mare who now had a shaved head with no mane. Pinkamina or “Pinkie“ as she was now called, watched with glee from atop her room in the Suguarcube Corner, as her followers fought off the Royal Guards. With the help of five other mares, she had learned that leading a mob was as easy as pie.

“So ya thought ya might like to go to the show ? To feel the warm thrill of confusion ? Well I’ve got some bad new for you sunshine ! Pinkie isn’t well, she stayed back at the hotel !“ Cried out Pinkie from her balcony, spot-lights now aimed at her.

In the mayhem bellow a mare with a rainbow colored mane was being dragged by the guards into a chariot, a mixture of blood and tears splashed across her face. All that she could think of was How ? How did we get here ? What happened to our cause ?. The answer to her question came in a flashback, that fateful day when she met Pinkie.


Pinkamena felt tired, she had been running for a day and a half now, she followed the train tracks in the hopes of reaching a new town. The metal railing shined in her eyes, it had been long since she last saw a train, most had left to be use in the war effort. She was safe as long as she followed the tracks. Even while crossing the Evergreen, she had nothing to fear, the forest had been cut down in the area surrounding the tracks. She felt thirsty, her mouth was as dry as sand.

She looked off to one side of the forest, she saw a lake, she wondered if it was safe to drink from it. Without another thought she made her way to the small stream of water. She place her mouth into it and drank. She felt as if life was being poured into her, once she was satisfied, the pink mare made her way back to the tracks. She could see a sign in the distance, she brushed her eyes with her hooves, is it real ? Or is it a mirage ?.

Her face lit-up as she saw the sign reading “Welcome to Ponyville : The safest, most loving place in all of Equestria “. I did it dad, I found a place to call home she thought to herself. Maybe they will even trow a party for my arrival

Feeling hopeful and happy Pinkamina raced into the town, her hair literary puffed up into a cotton candy styled mane. She stopped at the town-center to look around the small village, she felt as if all the grown-ups were watching her. It was only then that she noticed, there were no other children for her to play with or befriend.

“Hey you !“ Pinkamina heard someone call out at her, she turned to find a middle-aged mare with white a mane and light brown coat.

“Yes you ! What do you think you are doing outside of school !? And why didn't you brush that mess of a mane before leaving home this morning !? “ Pinkamina could only gaze at the mare with a puzzled face, as her mane dis-inflated back to normal .

“Well ? Go on, tell me your excuse young lady“. Demanded the mare

“I-I just got here“ Pinkamina managed to speak in a voice that could barely be heard.

“Huh ? Fine then, since you are new here allow me to introduce myself, I am the Mayor of Ponyville“. Said the mayor as she started walking down the road, gesturing with a hoof for Pinkamina to follow her. “Now dear ?....“

Pinkamina hesitated for a moment trying to come up with a new name before answering “ Pinkie, just call me Pinkie“

“Well Pinkie, here in Ponyville we are blessed to be closely guarded by our queen, who watches us from her throne in Canterlot“. She motioned towards the castle in the mountains. “ You see, many other towns get involved in the war, many train their youngsters how to fight or build weapons“. She stopped outside the entrance of a large building surrounded by walls.“ But here in Ponyviller Pinkie, we send our children to educational centers like this one“. She opened the main door and walked in, followed by Pinkie who looked scared.“Here we prepare a brighter future to all of Equestria, we teach all of our little ponies how to act, how to talk, and how to think“. They stopped in front of a classroom door. Pinkie didn't like the sound of the last lesson.

“Well that sounds.....w-wonderful, but I was wondering, when do I get to meet all the other kids ?“ Pinkie asked in the hopes of making friends.

the bell rang.

“Funny you should ask, your next class starts now. So head over inside, and have fun learning“ She said with a misleading smile as she left.

Pinkie was scared, it was the first time she would be meeting new ponies, and it was the first time she would have class since her fath- No, he is gone now, and I must learn to live without him. With that in mind, she opened the door and walked in.

There in front of her were rows upon rows of unidentifiable ponies, all of them seemed to be wearing masks on their faces that made them look like raw meat. Her eyes gazed with horror at the scene,surely they can’t look like that, right ? I- I must be imagining things right now from the long trip to here. That’s it, I must just be hallucinating, right ? She questioned herself, but before she could get an answer she was called by a strange and powerful voice.

“And you are ?“ Asked the teacher.

“Pinkie. Mrs....“

“Cheerilee“ Answer the mare.“ Now then Mrs.Pinkie, find yourself a seat“ demanded the teacher.

Pinkie looked back to the class to find no more masked ponies, instead they all looked like her usual self. They all wore uniforms that covered their entire body including their cutie-mark, and they all had straighten hair; all except for one rainbow maned filly who sat in the back of the classroom. Intrigued, Pinkie made her way to the back of the classroom and found an empty seat next to the particular filly. In front of her seat Pinkie saw a earth-pony stallion with a brown coat, and dark brow mane.

“Hey, my name is Pinkie, what’s your name ?“ Pinkie asked the stallion. No answer came.She repeated “What’s your name ?“. Yet no answer, the stallion was reading the book in front of him as if his life depended on it.

“Don’t worry about him, like most of the others, he is just another brick in the wall“ Said the rainbow maned pegasus.

“What do you mean ?“

“They only live to follow, pathetic creatures really, they have no goals, no dreams, they only study all their lives for nothing“ She sighed. “ By the way, name is Dash, Rainbow Dash“. She extended a hoof.

“Call me Pinkie, just Pinkie“ Said the pink filly as she touched Dash’s hoof.

“Pinkie huh ? I like the sound of that, it’s short but much more creative than most of this losers, nice to meet you“

Feeling Dash’s hatred towards the rest of the class Pinkie thought of a way to separate herself from the others.

“Nice to meet you too Dash, and I can assure you“. Her mane puffing up again. “I am more than just another brick in the wall“
