• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 2,194 Views, 53 Comments

Pinkie Pie - The Wall - Critic

Pink Floyd The Wall with ponies ! , I won't lie, this is my first fic and the prologue is slow

  • ...

Epilogue - Outside The Wall

Author's note:

Ok guys quick message from me. THE UNIVERSE DOES NOT WANT ME TO FINISH THIS STORY. No really, I just got back from a long trip (not that kind of trip) 12 hours on a plane, I arrived back home and started to rewrite the epilogue. I kept saving after every few lines, just to be sure it would not be erased once again. There was a thunderstorm, and so my power was out for the entire day. But I kept going and now you (yes all 5 or so that actually read this XD. man do I love you guys) get to enjoy the better version of this chapter, except for the dialogue, I think that it was much better in the previous version (still good enough for my taste). I will also 'redux' previous chapters that I think need improvements. And I just found out that someone made a music video for The Wall with ponies . Now then lets finish this, once and for all. FOREVER. (until I make a sequel)

Epilogue: Outside The Wall


Pinkie, Pinkamena, the pink mare, whatever they wished to call her now, stood at the town center, where the explosion took place. She looked around to find a strange scene, Royal Guards helped the injured to the hospitals, instead of throwing them into dungeons. The protesters started to pick up brick by brick, they help to clean up the city, they started to rebuild. There was no Nightmare Moon to be found, instead two alicorns mares, both the same size, stood in front of them, a midnight blue, and a pure white. The ones she called friends stood next to her, they would help her in this brave new world.

The midnight blue alicorn, with a cosmic mane, approach the group. "Thank you. You have all saved me, and my sister. For one thousand years have I been mad, and my sister was kept imprisoned on the sun". She looked ashamed, and spoke in a guilty tone.

"Speak nothing of it, dear sister. Instead let's make merry, tis' a moment of celebration, for many centuries we waited to be reunited with thee" The white alicorn hugged her sister, Pinkie noticed that the alicorn with pink hair spoke in old Equestrian.

"Oh Celestia, how have I missed you !" She buried her face in the white mare's coat.

Pinkie and her friends all started to sob at the scene, it was an emotional moment they didn't expect to witness. For a moment everything went quiet, there was peace and tranquility. That touching moment was ruined was Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

"Huh ? What !?"She asked skeptically.

"Yes, I think we need to explain to you, just how important your roles were, in bringing about a bright future to all of Equestria" Said the dark alicorn.

"You see, it was long ago, one thousand years to be exact, when I became jealous of my sister. We had ruled Equestria for many years as equals, prior to the day in which I revolted against her. It all happened one day, when I noticed that our subjects appreciated my sister's day, rather than my beautiful night. I foolishly allowed my feelings to get the better of me, they corrupted me and transformed me into the tyrant, Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon fought against my sister, who stood bravely against the demon, but the Nightmare was cunning. She knew of the elements of harmony, and how they could be used to assist my sister to defeat her. So she hid them away in the Everfree Forest, where they stayed dormant for centuries, until you found them ".

The Alicorn paused so that the information could sink in. Rainbow, Applejack, and Fluttershy all gasped simultaneously. Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie already knew this information a week prior.

"If you are not Nightmare Moon, then what should we call you ? Both of you that is". Curiously asked Rarity.

"You may call me Luna, Princess Luna, for that was my name prior to Nightmare Moon". Rarity wasn't too happy with Luna's placing of royal titles before her name, for all she knew Luna could very well be worse than their previous queen.

"AND WE ARE PRINCESS CELESTIA, USHER OF DAY, AND CO-RULER OF EQUESTRIA. IT BRINGS US JOY TO MEET THEE, MY SAVIORS" The bearers of the elements were all knocked back a few steps from the pure intensity of Celestia's voice. The voice was powerful, but it was also nurturing and warm, like that of a mother.

"W-what was that !?" Asked a confused and irritated cyan pegasus.

"That was the old Traditional Royal Canterlot Voice. I apologize if my sister's behavior seems....'odd'. In her defense, she was banished for hundreds of years, she does not know of modern customs"

Celestia looked both embarrassed and sad. It was a look of someone who was robbed of many years, and had missed the chance of having many great experiences, and memories.

"WE..N-no, I apologize for the misunderstanding. As my sister stated, it has been long since We,-I mean, I conversed with our subjects". Celestia looked down at her hooves, disappointed at herself.

"Ah shoot, princess there ain't no need for apology, you're only returned from centuries of banishment. Ah'm sure any of'us would've done the same in ya place". Applejack tried to console the ancient being.

"Well now that you have both returned, what happens to us, to all of us" Asked Pinkie, scared of the future.

"That is something we must address to all citizens".Luna turned and started to make her way to the balcony of Sugarcube Corner." Celestia if you please, follow me"

All of the citizens of Ponyville gathered on the town center, where moments earlier a revolution took place, all eyes were watching the two regal alicorns. Luna approached the railing, she looked over her beloved subjects one last time before speaking.


"NOW, LET US MAKE MERRY AND CELEBRATE IN WHAT YOU CALL A...P-PARTY ?" Celestia had a hard time grasping the concept of such event.


Before you anypony could say 'wow, that was a bunch of worthless exposition', a well organized festivity was already at full swing. The party had been going great, everypony and every guard were celebrating the new era. The captain of the Royal Guard was playing 'put the tail in the pony', Big Mac was providing apple cider for the citizens, even Gilda seemed to be having a great time. It was truly a party to put every other party to shame, then why am I not enjoying it ? thought Pinkie glaring around.

She was surrounded by a sea of happy faces, everypony seemed to be enjoying themselves, no one cared about their past nor their future. Even her friends seemed happy, many celebrated the welcome change of leaders, they were finally at peace. Then why wasn't she happy as well ? why did she felt something was wrong ? Why do I feel like I been here before ?, Why is this all so familiar ?

Her feelings of deja vu peaked once two young pegasi flew up to the balcony, and placed a rose necklace in both of the princesses' necks. She could not take it anymore, she had to have a moment alone, she needed to get away from the party, she felt every fiber in her body wanting to just run as far away from there as possible. And so she did, she ran as fast as she could. Her friends took notice of her suspicious actions, Rainbow Dash was the first to follow Pinkie, the rest followed soon after.

Pinkie closed her eyes, she had to run back to somewhere she didn't know, yet it felt familiar. She allowed her senses to guide her, she did not care where they took her to, she only knew that she needed to get there.

She opened her eyes for a moment, she was crossing through the Everfree Forest, following the train-tracks once again. She closed her eyes and ran faster, she could hear on the back of her head, whispers from her friends. They were close behind the pink mare, calling out her name, and questioning what was wrong, all to no avail.

Pinkie suddenly stopped dead on her tracks, she felt a cold wind blowing on the back of her neck. She had arrived on her destination.

She opened her eyes one last time, just to see if she recognized any of her surroundings.

There she was, back where it all started, she was back home, back on the rock fields. Pinkie stood in the edge of a cliff, looking down at the farm where she grew in. The sun rested on the horizon, a shinning beacon of warmth and comfort. Yet she felt cold in contrast, she could only watch as the light drew closer, it wasn't a sun. Pinkie turned to look back on the world one final time, only then did she notice her friends yelling at her.

"Pinkie what's wrong with you !?" Asked a worried cyan pegasus. "Why did you have to run ? Why did you leave us without saying goodbye ? Why didn't you stop to tell us what was bothering you ?" She allowed tears to dribble down her face.

"Yes Pinkie, tell us. What is bothering you ? You been acting strangely lately" Rarity quizzically looked at her friend.

"Well girls, I have been getting these strange feeling of deja vu lately, and I think I finally understand what was happening !" Pinkie was crying, yet she had a large smile on her face, and her mane was still as fluffy as ever.

"Then tell us what's happening ! We are worried don't you see ? What do you finally understand ?" Twilight was panicking at the way Pinkie was dealing with the situation.

Pinkie saw the light approaching closer, and closer. She knew what it was, she only did not understand why. Why now, why did it take so long !!? This cannot be, how ? But it.....it felt so......real

"Please, try to understand, I must leave you all behind, the show is over, the actors must leave the stage ! There is nothing you can do, it's too late". With that she took a step forward, and allowed gravity to do its job. "I.....I just wished we had more time..." she whispered to herself, as tears fell upwards through her mane, and into the sky.

"NO !" all of her friends yelled, paralyzed by pure shock, as the pink dot plummeted. Dash threw herself right behind Pinkie, she dove down the cliff as fast as she could, only to see the pink dot hit the ground as hard as a brick. She stood there, midair close to the ground, shocked at what had just happened. Tears plummeted to the ground bellow, as the cyan pegasus started to make her way back up the cliff, looking down, she could not bare to see the corpse. She hated to be the one to tell her friends, she hated Pinkie for taking the easy way out, but she hated herself the most for not being able of stop her.

Wait.....there is something wrong....could it..... no, it can't be....is it ?


"Do you think that......I mean did she.....catch her in t-time?" Fluttershy was worried about both of her friends.

"Ah am sure she did sugarcube. You know how fast Dash is, should be not hard at all" Applejack tried to comfort her friends, even though deep inside she was also worried.

Dash suddenly appeared from the cliff, she had a sad look on her face, and carried a pair of dog-tags on her front hoof. She slowly flew closer to her friends, she kept trying to look away, so that the tears on her eyes couldn't be seem. Now came the hardest part, she had to tell them. Even if she did not understand Pinkie's actions, she could feel that she was in a better place.

"Dash....did she ?....I mean did you ?.......catch her ?" Twilight already knew the answer to her question, but she didn't want to believe it was true.

"NO...."She answer morbidly, she looked angry, but her voice showed no emotion. "She's gone" Dash almost whispered.

The cyan pegasus had to look down at the ground, she could not bare to see the looks on their faces, she sobbed a little.

Everything was quiet for a moment, only the sound of crying could be heard. Once everypony ran out of tears, Dash started to make her way back to Ponyville, soon the others followed. Their mods brighten as they arrived, they were greeted as heroes, another party was thrown just for them. Yet Rainbow did not care, she needed a moment alone. Soon after the party, both princesses left to take care of their royal business, Ponyville had already improved greatly.

It took Luna and Celestia about an year to finish the reforms. Once all of the old rules were replaced by the new ones, and peace was made with the Griffin Nations, both princesses still needed to form their courts. They still needed to raise the sun and the moon, and they needed to take care of the other royals. But after everything was set and done, it was time for relaxation. They usually visited the elements in Ponyville, they would hang out as if equals, they had fun together.

A year prior, Rainbow Dash didn't know what to do after Pinkie's disappearance, but after thinking about it, the only reasonable thing to do was to have fun. After all that is what she would've wanted of her to do, to have a future, to do and see all things, to live a fulfilling life, the show had to go on.


Rock Farm Cliff, seconds after Pinkie jumped.

"NO!!!" Pinkie heard her friends cry out as she fell, she held back a laugh silly fillies, they should know I'm a prankster.

Pinkie was plummeting to the ground, that is until a yellow light caught her, she turned to look back at the cliff-face. There flying behind her was Princess Celestia, her horn glowed as her magic caught the falling mare.

"Pinkie it's time to come back" She said in a motherly tone, a warm feeling grew inside Pinkie, she knew she had to leave, she just wished she could've said goodbye.

"Princess can you summon me a strawberry cake ? please" Pinkie asked with a hoof under her chin, yes that will do.

"And why do you need such a thing ? Are you hungry ?" Celestia was puzzled by the request, but she was more surprised by the calmness in the pink mare's voice. Does she know ?, can she remember ?.

"Does it really matter ? Look princess, I am sorry if I'm not making sense right now. But please can you give me a cake ? We don't have much time"

"Here you go" She summoned a large strawberry cake.

"Excellent, now for the next step.." Pinkie threw the cake downwards.


It took but a second or two for it to splash on the ground bellow, red and pink colored the ground bellow. A flash of blue tried to catch up to the pink object, the cyan pegasus stopped once she saw the pink dot splash on the ground bellow. She started crying in midair, she turn to fly back up the cliff. Only then did the pegasus look back at the corpse bellow, it was a blur of pink and red, yet its shape was too splattered to be that of a pony. wait a second, that's not right. It doesn't look like a splattered body, that looks like..... frosting !?

She slowly flew down to the ground, she inspected the mess before landing, as if she was suspicious of something. Rainbow Dash knew that something was wrong. She scooped some of the red residue with a hoof and placed it on her tongue. Strawberry, I knew it !. She looked at the chunks of pink colored cake on the ground.

A cake, oh Pinkie you are good, just as I thought.....but then, where is she ?

Rainbow Dash could feel something tapping her back, she turned to look, only to find a strange sight.


She stood next to a large white alicorn with multiple colors on her mane, unlike Rainbow's mane, the alicorn's had a water-color look that cascaded over one eye. The cyan pegasus could not comprehend what was happening, who was the strange mare, why did Pinkie fake her death. How is she alive ?

"Sorry Dashie, I just needed to tie every lose end, I must go now. This is Princess Celestia, my Princess Celstia, and she is here to take me home" Pinkie bore a sympathetic look, a look of appreciation for what her friends did for her.

"But this IS your home. You can't leave us now, we just freed Equestria, isn't that what you always wanted ?" Skeptical, angry, confused, the cyan pegasus couldn't decide which feeling to choose from, so she used all at once.

"It is, but it isn't. You must understand, I don't belong here, I never did". She gave the pegasus a hug, then a kiss, finally she gave her a pair of dog-tags. "Here, keep this as a souvenir, remember to never give in without a fight !". She walked next to the white mare."And Rainbow, take care of Applejack" She smiled, Celestia whispered something to Pinkie, then with a flash of light, they were gone.


"Alright Pinkie, its time to go" Said Celestia. "You had your fun already" she looked at the falling cake.

"Wait for it"

Before Celestia could question the pink mare, a blue blur flashed passed them in the hopes of catching the falling cake.

"I knew Dashie wouldn't let me fall" Pinkie smiled at the display of loyalty from her friend.

"Yes, that was nice of her. But we have more pressing business to attend, after all I can only stay here for so long". Celestia insisted.

"Please, just let me say goodbye. I want to tie every lose end. I can't bare to leave like this" Pinkie was down on her back knees begging the princess.

"Alright, I guess you can explain it to her, since it seems she already noticed it" Celestia motioned towards the cyan pegasus, who was now licking her strawberry covered hoof.

Pinkie approached her from behind. She tapped the pegasus on the back, to get her attention. After some explanation, Pinkie gave Dash her dog-tags, and walked next to the princess. It was time.

"Now then Pinkie, close your eyes" Celestia ordered.

"Why ?"

"Because, you can't wake up if you never went to sleep, you silly filly" She gave a small laugh.

Pinkie closed her eyes, Celestia horn glowed, there was a flash.


Her eyes opened, she was greeted by a blur of lights, as her eyes adjusted she started to recognize her surroundings. She was laying in a hospital bed, the same hospital in which Rainbow Dash had stayed once some months prior for an aerial maneuver accident. Maybe it was even the same bed, since the same full-body cast patient, was laying in the bed next to her. She couldn't believe what was happening to her, was it all a dream after all ? But it felt so.....real. Her thoughts were interrupted when the door opened.

The nurse stood in shock at the door frame, she did not expect Pinkie to have recovered so quickly. She slowly turned around, closed the door behind her, and ran down the hall to inform the doctor. Pinkie became dizzy with the noise from the door slamming shut, she felt that her head was about to explode from the noise. Only then did she notice that her head was covered in bandages, and that she was wearing a cast in her front right hoof.

The door opened once more, this time the caramel colored doctor slowly walked in, he was followed by the nurse that had ran away moments prior. The doctor carried a clipboard with him, he inspected Pinkie, checking off things in his clipboard. He took a close look into her eyes, he stuck a thermometer on her mouth, he even listen to her hearth beats through a stethoscope. He only started to speak with her, once every examination was completed.

"So, Pinkie Pie is it ?" The doctor was still writing things down.

"Y-yes, that is my name" She was excited to remember her name, she had been refer to only as Pinkie or Pinkamena for the last few weeks. Were they really weeks ? Or were they only days, or hours ?

"Well Pinkie, I got to be honest here. You are very lucky to still be alive, if your friends had brought you here just a few minutes later, you wouldn't had made it". He spoke in a serious tone, his face showed no real emotion towards the patient, yet Pinkie could fell that he was somewhat worried about her well being.

"W-what happened ?" Pinkie asked while holding her head with her left hoof.

"*heavy sigh* About two weeks ago, you and your friend Rainbow Dash, were watching a marathon of movies while drinking Zap-Apple Cider". He looked her in the eyes, he showed disappointment in his expression. "Now, I expected better things from two of the six elements". He shook his head. "Well moving on, according to your friend, you were going down stairs to get more cider from the refrigerator. When you tripped and fell, you hit your head on the railing, and broke your hoof with the impacts from the fall".

"Oh, that explains the bandages....So this happened about two weeks ago correct ?"

"Yes, your friend was lucky, she only needed to stay here for a few days. She is very resilient" He gave a small laugh.

About two weeks, then it could't be just a dream, it all happened in real time.... Only then did she paid attention the other news from the doctor.

"Wait, what happened to Rainbow Dash ? Why was she in hospital for a few days ?"

"Oh it was nothing, she was tired of waiting for you to bring the cider, so she tried to go down stairs to get it herself. When she saw you laying in the bottom of the stairs, she tried to fly down and help you. But on her way down, she had a wing-cramp, so she felt down the same flight of stairs. She was knocked-out by the fall, but only dislocated her wing, it wasn't thatserious of an injury really".

"But if Dash was unconscious as well, then who brought us to the hospital ?"

"Well the Cakes of corse. They dismissed the sound of your accident, as they though 'Oh it's just Pinkie, being Pinkie'. But when they heard another set of crashing sound, they made their way to see what was going on. That is when they found both of you laying on the ground in front of the stairs, they really were worried about you, you know ?". The doctor's last statement was more of a rhetorical question.

"Yes I know, and I am truly lucky to have them as friends" Pinkie felt confronting to know that the Cakes worried about her.

"Now then, I will leave you to rest a little, your friends will be more than happy to know you awoken" The doctor left the room.


1 hour later

Pinkie was now well rested, she had remember all that had transpired before the accident. She remember the 'Classical Musical Films Marathon', and how she left to get more cider once 'Pink Floyd: The Wall' was over. Now I remember why it was all too familiar. I guess I had to create an ending to the story using my memories. She sighed, it was all so real, yet she knew it was just a creation of her subconscious.

The door opened to reveal the princess, followed by the mane six. They were all worried, but the cyan pegasus looked scared to confront her friend, she looked as if she felt guilty.

"Pinkie you're awake, oh how wonderful !" Said an excited yellow pegasus.

"My dear, you had us all worried for weeks, don't you ever do that again" Said a teary-eye Rarity.

"Rarity it was not her fault that she ended up in a coma for so long, it was mine " Rainbow looked down at the floor to prevent eye contact with the pink mare.

"Now, now, Rainbow it wasn't ya fault. Ya both had it comin' after tryin' Zap-Apple Cider. Ah told ya it was too strong for ya" She looked angry at herself for selling the delicacy to her friends, knowing nothing good could come of it.

"I think we need to let Pinkie speak, after all she must have a lot of questions" Twilight smiled to her hospitalized friend.

"Well, I do remember what happened, if that's what you mean. But I do have some questions".She placed a hoof under her chin. "Why is the princess here ? I remember seeing her in my dreams, but that was a coincidence right ?" She looked at Celestia for an answer.

"My dear Pinkie, that was no coincidence. I did come here yesterday to try to wake you up, all I did was cast a simple 'awake' spell nothing more". She smiled at the mare.

"Yesterday ? But it felt as if you did it a few hours ago !"

"Well time flies when you dream" She said with a mischievous smile.

"So it was all just a dream ? But it couldn't be...it felt so real !"

"But it was just a dream Pinkie, what did you think was happening ? You were unconscious for weeks !" Twilight did not understand Pinkie's rejection of reality.

"Girls I think it's best if you all wait outside for a moment, I need to speak with Pinkie alone". Celestia spoke with a commanding voice, yet it was calm and warm.

All of her friends left the room, Pinkie was ready to hear what the princess had to say, it must had been important for her to demand to be alone. Celestia casted a deaf spell on the colt who laid in the bed next to her, his full-body cast glowed yellow.

"Pinkie, what do you know about Zap-Apples ?"

"Well, they taste delicious, if that's what your asking" She smiled at the princess, who looked unamused by the joke.

"No Pinkie, I meant the magical properties it has" Pinkie looked puzzled, noticing that the mare didn't know anything about the delicacy, Celestia continued. "Zap-Apples are special not only because of their flavor Pinkie, they are magical items. They were used long ago by great magicians who wanted to explore alternate dimensions".

"And what does that have to do with me ?"

"You are right Pinkie, it wasn't a dream. What you experience was a look into an alternate reality".

"So it was all true ?....But why was it so conveniently similar to the movie I watched before the accident ?" Pinkie wanted, but couldn't, believe the princess.

"Pinkie, reality is stranger than fiction. It could've been a coincidence, or maybe your unconscious decided to go somewhere familiar. What matters is that now your back, toour reality". Celestia smiled.

"Wait....could I've ended up stranded in that reality if it weren't for you ?" Pinkie was scared at the idea of living in a dream, more like nightmare.

"Yes, that was a possibility, but thankfully I was able to insert myself into that reality long enough to rescue you". Celestia felt pride. "Now I know it might be asking too much, but please do not tell anyone of your experiences. Last thing I need is to have thousands of ponies all over Equestria experiencing comas to explore new realities. Trust me what you experience was very dangerous, and I don't want to put my little ponies in danger". Celestia spoke with a more commanding voice.

"Okey Dokey Lokey Princess" She grin, at least she needn't worry about her sanity any longer.

"Good, well then I guess that takes care of that. Convincing Rainbow Dash was much harder" She gave another mischievous smile.

"Wait....did Dashie experienced the same thing as me ?" Pinkie blushed.

"Oh my dear, I don't want to spoil the surprise. Why don't you ask her ? Once you leave the hospital that is" Celestia turned and left the room.

"Wait Princess, please tell me....You forgot to undo the deaf spel--" The door closed. Pinkie frowned, she had to know.

I wonder if Dashie had the same dream as me... Did she experience our love ?....oh don't be silly, that wasn't really her She thought of how the real Rainbow would react in those situations, it made her giggle a little. I still have to know what she dreamed about....maybe it was less serious, maybe it was all silly and cutesy wootsy It was becoming harder for her to hold back a laugh, knowing Dashie, that would probably had been a nightmare for her.

Pinkie wondered for a moment, before going to sleep, after all it had been an exhausting experience for her. In the morning she would leave the hospital, and then she would question Rainbow Dash. In all due time. Meanwhile her roommate wondered if he would ever recover his hearing.



And so it was that the pink mare awoke from her terrible nightmare. From the musical numbers, to the drug use, she learned a great deal of things from her trip. She now knew not to drink Zap-Apple Cider, while watching musicals. But she still wondered if her cyan friend had learned the same lesson as her. She would later confront the issue, but that.....is another story, which shall also be told........

Comments ( 18 )

Alright its finally over, I hope it was worth the wait :scootangel:. Sequel on the works :rainbowkiss: .

ooooh I cant wait:ajsmug:

249315 I felt it would be too much of a 'd1ck move' to just say "it was all just a dream" :trollestia:, so now I have to make a sequel to tie things up :derpytongue2:

248310 Well, then I am so sorry to announce that it will take about a month to finish it :ajsleepy:. It will be a one-shot 9000-1100 words story :pinkiehappy:. But since I still need to read 5 books until June, and attend college all at the same time :pinkiesick:, well I am just one person. So for now sit back and enjoy my other story, which will be uploaded by the end of the week, I had started to write a while ago. It has nothing to do with this one, but it's still good :ajsmug:

...I have yet to even open the first chapter but I'm already favoriting this.

339017 Well I hope you enjoy this "experiment" of a story, and thank you for your honest comment :ajsmug: .

444269 Great review, I feel the same about most of the complaints, specially the cop-out ending :pinkiecrazy:. Thank you for taking your time reviewing my first fic. My next one will be much better I promise you :rainbowkiss:

By the way...can I use that picture as my cover ?

Its curious how i got here, I saw a comment you made in one fic i dont actually remeber and got caught by your profile image... :heart:Pink Floyd after all. And suddenly, this story...

As a fan of pink floyd, and a fan of ponies, i can only say that ive got high hopes about this story and that I wish you were here to see my abolute jaw broken face when i end reading it.

(Bad joke, i know, but i couldnt help but doing it:scootangel:)

547595>>547595 Hey You, here Have a Cigar for your accomplishment.

In my defense this was written in one week :unsuresweetie: , there was not even time to Breath:, and it was my first fic :twilightsheepish:.

But Don't Leave Me Now though my next story it's like Apples And Oranges, and it has a less Dramatic Theme (Which is already finished -waiting for it to be edited- for I am Bidding My Time) is much better written I felt as if I was Coming Back To Life, and less Brain Damage while writing it, and is overall much more entertaining it will surely Give Birth To A Smile :scootangel:






pink floyd is literally a band that changed my life. MLP is an awesome show. seeing the two toghether BLEW MY MIND! thank you. :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

Man I cannot believe how good this was. On to a short review.

Positives: A great adaptation of the wall with the syncs in the music occurring really well. I will admit I was worried that this may botch the album but this is actually very respectful. Also I love how you took the concepts from the story and turned it into your own thing.

Negatives: There are a few spelling errors in here that were just kind of well :derpytongue2: also you may want to fix a few links they lead to no longer working videos but other than that I cannot think of anything else.

Overall: really good fic must read for any pink floyd brony fans.

Also idea for the sequel: the fandom of the wall actually speculated that the Final Cut maybe a sequel. It allegedly takes place after pink's wall is destroyed. He has then changed and grown up but there is one part of his wall still remaining, his fathers death. And the album explores the destruction of those last few bricks. I don't know if you will use :twilightblush: this but I think it might work.

2210930 Yeah this fic is over a year old :twilightblush:, I stopped writing a long time ago, now I'm an editor :coolphoto:. But if you want to continue this story go right ahead :raritywink: I gave it a try with Rainbow Dash lost in an alternate dimension resembling OZ :pinkiecrazy:(a sequel in the sense that Dark Side of The Moon syncs with the movie [so not a sequel at all but it still has its connections]). So yeah, I could go over this fic and fix it all and give a proper sequel, but I'm just too busy and don't feel like doing it now sorry :ajsleepy:

But thanks for the watch and fav :scootangel:.

2223164 Thanks. Not just for the reply but for taking up the job as an editor. You are a good writer and helping others improve their writing is something that helps this site become more enjoyable. So again thank you.

I have a light fear after Outisde The Wall but it was quite good to give an end at the story. Nice job! And as a fan, it gives me the need to listen again to the album and Watch the movie

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