• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 2,194 Views, 53 Comments

Pinkie Pie - The Wall - Critic

Pink Floyd The Wall with ponies ! , I won't lie, this is my first fic and the prologue is slow

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The Happiest Days of Our Lives

Chapter 3: The Happiest Days of Our Lives

Suguarcube Corner

Pinkie laid in bed, when suddenly the phone on the nightstand began to ring, she reach for it. Her movement almost knocked the picture of her and Rainbow Dash on to the floor. She waited a moment for the caller to speak, she didn't really listen, instead she was too busy reliving her memories. She remember the passionate kisses she shared with Rainbow Dash. She heard nothing on the other end, so she placed the phone back on the hook.

She turned over to look at the right side of bed, it was empty, she was alone again. She reached for a pillow and hugged it, she laid there in fetal position. She missed the feeling of another mare's body warming her, she missed the feeling of being hugged back. Flashbacks of the days after her father's death returned to her. When she slept next to her mother, she held her just as she was holding the pillow.

She recalled the beginning of her fallout with Rainbow. She recalled Rainbow Dash opening the door, making her way next to her in bed. She slowly started to undress, her uniform felt to the floor piece by piece. Pinkie paid little attention to her marefriend, instead she was too busy experimenting with rainbow juice extract The feeling that coursed through her veins made her feel numb. After a few attempts on foreplay, Dash quickly notice it was really going nowhere.

In another memory, Pinkamena laid sick in her old bed, back at the farm. The doctor with a muffin top for a mane stood and analysed her. Her walked next to her mother and whispered something in her hears, the old mare began to cry. Pinkie became scared, she wondered if it was her time, she wondered if her father came back to take her away from her mother.She began to quietly cry.

“Hush now baby,b-baby, don't you cry. Mama will keep her baby cozy and warm“ . Reassured the old mare speaking in a loud whisper to the filly in bed.

“But I'm no baby mother“ Answered the pink filly.

“You'll always be baby to me“ Replied her mother with a weak smile. She made her way to the door of the room, she turned off the lights, and went to her own bed down the hallway. Pinkie waited a few minutes trying to sleep, but she felt something missing, she stood up and went to her mother's bed. She laid next to her and hugged her tightly.

Rainbow Dash laid in bed with her back turned to Pinkie, lately making love did not have the spark it used to. It was as if Pinkie wasn't paying attention, as if she was absent in her own head. It felt as if sex was an obligation, a chore. In contrast, she recalled the day of their marriage, all of their friends attended the ceremony, Granny Smith united them in holy matrimony. A sea of rose pettles laid on the wet ground, it was the happiest day of their lives.

That was all before Pinkie asked Fluttershy for a favor. Pinkie knew Fluttershy was the mare to go to if you ever needed anything that wasn't really legal. All she wanted was to try some zap-apple cider, and maybe get some fire ruby dust. She heard that those substances tended to 'alleviate' all the worries you had, it erased the bad memories, it took the pain away.

It was her first time trying, so she didn't know what to expect, or how much to use. She placed some of the fire ruby into her cider, there was a quick ,small, explosion on her cup. She downed her drink as fast as she could. All of her attachment to the world was lost.

Rainbow Dash was sick of making love with a cardboard cut-out of her former lover. She made her way inside Suguarcube Corner, up to Pinkie's room, where Pinkie sat playing the piano.

“Hello, hello, is there anybody in there ?“ Asked Dash in a sing-a-song voice, following the piano keys.

No answer

She waved her hoof in front of Pinkie's face, Pinkie blankly stared at her for a moment,

“Remember me ? You know the mare from school who married you ?“ Rainbow asked in an irritated tone before turning around and leaving, the door slammed on her way out.

Pinkie kept playing, she was a leader of a revolution, not someone's lover.

She was now making her way down Ponyville. Spike, her adviser walked next to her, he spoke a great deal of things, none of which Pinkie paid attention to or cared. She kept thinking of how Dash was dealing with their break up, she knew that those ideas would only bring pain, but the pain would be gone after a few cups of zap-apple cider.

Rainbow sat in a chair back home, her phone kept ringing, she ignored it, she knew it was Pinkie. The only question in her mind was What happen to you Pinkie ?. Flashbacks of the day she introduced Pinkie to her other friends played over and over again in her head. She felt so proud of how well they all got along, she felt even better when Pinkie threw a party to celebrate the addition of a new member to their cause. Before long they were already protesting, the movement had expanded greatly since Pinkie took control. She made sure to meet everypony in Ponyville, and after that she started to recruit ponies by the dozens.

She left her home, she knew who to go to in times of need. A rainbow formed from her home, to Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow walked inside looking for Applejack, the orange mare was just finishing sealing the last casket of apple cider. She looked back at her friend

“Rainbow, wat in tarnations are ya doin' here ?“

“Well things didn't really work out between Pinkie and I, so I just thought I would...“Rainbow stated in an embarrassed tone.

“Don't ya worry sugar-cube, I got just the righ' stuff for ya“ Applejack said giving a wink and a smile to her friend.

“No, please you don't understand, I don't want that type of help, I want your help“ Both mares blushed

“Oh....in that case, why don't ya go wait for me up'stairs ? Just need a moment to warm'up“.

Pinkie need to get her fix, the memories started to come back, each time worst then the next. She was making her way back from a meeting, it was dawn in Ponyville. She needed more cider, the only way to get it in such quick notice was to go to the source. She made her way to a public phone, she place a bit in the slot and made a call.

The phone started ringing in the nightstand, Applejack extend a hoof to pick it up, only to notice the sleeping pegasus next to her. She quietly answered the phone, trying not wake up her companion.

“Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack speakin' “

“Applejack, it's Pinkie“ Applejack gulped, she felt as if someone had dropped a bag of ice in the back of her neck. “ Listen I need some supplies, and I know you are the source so I want to--“ she was interrupted by a third voice coming from the other side of the line.

“Good morning Mrs.Apple Dash“ Said the oblivious mare, who was right bellow the phone, out loud.

Applejack couldn't describe the feeling of pure embarrassment on her face. She quickly heard the line drop on the other end. “Hello, Pinkie are ya still there sugar-cube ?“ Asked the orange mare panicking.

Pinkie laid on the side of the road next to the phone, pure hopelessness in her eyes. She lost both her wife, and her medicine on the same day. No amount of cider, or fire rubies, or rainbow extract would make her feel any better now. She was completely hopeless, lost, empty.


Nightmare Moon’s School for Youngsters. Ponyville

Pinkie had been in detention for about an hour already, she tried to ask to use the bathroom, but the teacher kept talking over her while writing in the board.

“ Now as I was saying, The Sun Tyrant was overthrown by our queen Nightmare Moon one thousand years ago, because...“ Pinkie stopped paying attention to the the teacher's babbling long ago. “Now do you have any questions about the complete ruler-ship of our queen ?“

She raised her hoof. “Can I go to the bathroom ?“ She asked without any attempts to hide her complete boredom.

“I don't know, can you ?“ Asked the teacher sarcastically, with a smirk on her face.

“I was using the word 'can' in the sense of 'to have the right or qualification to', being a teacher and all I thought you would understand. But since you don't, I feel the need to ask in a way you will understand. Very well 'May I go to the bathroom ?' “ Finished Pinkie with a smirk of her own.

Mrs.Cheerilee had a frown, she felt angry at being out-smarted by the troublesome filly. “Very well you may go to the bathroom, but this little show of yours cost you the next week in detention“ she finished opening the door and pointing a hoof outside. “Now go, and come back as quick as you can“.

Pinkie made her way outside, her muzzle held high in the air as she passed the teacher. She quickly found the bathroom, inside found three stools. She made her way into the third one, as she was told. She was resistant for a moment, Should I really do it ? she asked herself, What if they don't like me ? What if we a caught ? What would daddy do ?. With that thought she reached out a hoof and tapped the wall three times loudly.

She closed her eyes and braised herself for the worst. Nothing happened. “Well this is anticlimati-“.

A hidden door opened, a claw picked her up and pulled her inside, she tried to scream but her mouth was being covered by another claw. The door closed, everything went dark. “You're late, if it wasn't for Dashie I would've leave you behind. Now I will let go of your muzzle, but you must promise not to scream“ Asked the powerful voice in a whisper.

Pinkie shock her head up and down in agreement. She could feel the release of the grip, she took both hooves up to her eyes and brushed them as if to clean her view. She was in a dark tunnel, she could see a lamp moving away in a steady pace. She followed quickly behind, she asked no questions, she felt that now was not the best of times.

She noticed that the tunnel spread into many different smaller tunnels, each seemed to continue into infinity. Just like the one she was in at the moment. It was about half an hour of crawling later, they've arrived at their destination. A hatch opened above their heads, blue skies could be seen from the hole, a rope felt inside. Pinkie grabbed-on to the rope using her teeth, she was pulled out of the hole by a blonde mane, orange earth pony with a cowboy hat. She looked back to see a large griffin come out of the same hole she was in.

“W-w-what ? A griffin ? Why would a mean old griffin try to help a pony ? Griffins are evil, dangerous,spookie meanie, merciless creatures !“ Asked Pinkie looking back and forth between the mare and griffin. She was in shock of the discovery of her savior's identity.

“You welcome“ Answered the griffin in a sarcastic tone. “Also I have a name, it's Gilda, and yeah I tend to get that reaction a lot“ Stated Gilda not supriced by the reaction.

“Now, now relax sugar-cube, Gilda wont hurt'ya, she's been helpin'us ever since Dash brought her to Ponyville. She is in-charge of security, nopony will be able to hurt ya with her aroun' “ Reassured the orange mare. “By the way, name is Applejack, I provide shelter for our meetings“ The mare extended a hoof greeting Pinkie.

She shook the hoof, “My name is Pinkie, nice to meet you“ She answered Applejack. She looked back at Gilda, who was now shaking the dirt out of her wings. “Sorry about the misunderstanding, it's just that....well a griffin killed my father“ Pinkie looked down for a moment.

“At least we have something in common than“ stated Gilda with a small chuckle.

“Well then, comin'side to meet the rest of us“ Called Applejack walking up to the barn.

Inside Pinkie found five figures, Rainbow Dash who she met the other day. A white unicorn with a blue mane, dressed in a funny looking uniform, which had two crossed hammers emblem on the spot where her cutie mark should be. A yellow pegasus with a pink mane, who was trying her best not to be noticed. A lavender unicorn with a dark indigo,single purple striped mane. And finally a small purple coat, green crest dragon. Behind them all stood a giant banner, depicting two crossed hammers in a red and black background.

“ Well it seems that someone finally decided to show up. You are late, but I guess it wasn't your fault right ?“ Asked the white unicorn in a rhetorical tone. “Well, allow me to introduce you to your new family, you called yourself Pinkie right ? Well my name is Rarity, and I am the leader of this movement; I am also the one who comes up with our uniforms, and disguises“. Pinkie felt pride dripping in every word the white mare spoke.

“That shy ball of yellow feathers is Fluttershy, she doesn't talk much, but she sure knows how to get things done“. Pinkie looked puzzled, noticing it Rarity replied. “Lets just say that she can get certain things from her little birds, from top secret information right down to party gifts. If you know what I mean“. The last part was spoken in a frisky tone.

“This bookworm of an unicorn is Twilight Sparkles“ Twilight didn't look offended “She is our 'inside mare', she has been infiltrating Nightmare Moon's forces for years. Gaining the trust of the enemy is critical when it comes to overthrowing a large kingdom you know ?“. Twilight wore the armor of a high ranking officer of the royal guard, she looked very intimidating and powerful; yet Pinkie felt something friendly about her.

“Spikey wikey over here is our mascot“ Said Rarity picking up the small dragon and snugging him close to her face.

“ Hey, I am not your mascot, I am your adviser“ Said Spike trying to look more important than he actually was.

“Don't forget fax machine as well“ Stated Rainbow holding back her laughter.

“I will remember that next time you ask me to sent someone a message“ He stated with vengeance in his voice.

“Now, now you two not in front of our new member“ Said Rarity.“And finally we have our scout, Rainbow Dash, but I am sure you have met her already. She is in-charged of finding new members who wish to join our cause, until now she has found only you“ Rarity looked down and sighed.“ Well that is if you wish to join, of course“

“Why wouldn't I ? I told Rainbow before, this is my calling“. Reassured the pink mare.

“Well we am glad to hear that“ Everypony was smiling at her.“Now we must find out what you are good at“ Stated Rarity intrigued

“Well, I can throw parties !“ Stated Pinkie with a large grin on her face.

“Huh ?...No Pinkie, I mean, we must find out what you can do to help our cause“ Said Rarity.

Pinkie placed a hoof bellow her chin and thought for a while. What can I do to help, without involving parties ?. Her thoughts were interrupted by a certain cyan pegasus.

“She is really good at giving speeches“ Said Dash.

“I can see that being useful, a commanding voice can influence many into acting“ Stated Twilight looking back at Rarity.

“Influence huh ? Not bad, although we must see you in action first“ Said Rarity.

“What do you want me to do ?“

“Well isn't it obvious, get more ponies to join us that's all. Remember there are strength in numbers“ Stated Rarity. “So, what do you have in mind ?“

“I am going to throw a party of course !!!“ Said the pink pony, grinning the largest grin any of her companions ever saw.

The whole room facehoofed, except for two faceclaws, which came from the nonpony members.


At The Party

Cider flowed from mug to mug, there was loud music playing, and the ponies went wild. Pinkie had invited dozens of ponies to the party, Rarity felt uncomfortable revealing their secret hideout to so many ponies. And yet both Applejack and Rainbow Dash assured her there were going to be no problems. A fancy chariot arrived, with it came many stunning stallions, Rarity didn't care about their hideout any longer.

There was no more space inside the barn, there was a line of ponies outside that extended all the way back to the entrance of the farm. All of the ponies present were students, Spike tried his luck in many mares, but none seem to notice him. Twilight was laying on her back, she had fallen drunk, her armor was scattered throughout the floor; she held her helmet upside down with her magic, while filling it with more cider. Fluttershy was pick-pocketing any drunk pony she came in contact with. Gilda was drinking straight from the barrel, while conversing with a big red stallion, Pinkie came to know the stallion as Big Mac.

By dawn, Rarity was with a stallion in the backroom of the barn; Fluttershy had more bits that she could have use for; Applejack was cleaning the mess left behind; Twilight had left to Canterlot with two other mares she had met at the party; Spike was sleeping inside the bawl of punch; Gilda was smoking a cigar while laying next to a traumatized Big Mac. Pinkie stood at the door of the barn with, she had done it, she was definite a part of the movement now. Yet she felt lonely, well more jealous really, all her friends had found somepony by the end of the night, all except for her.

Rainbow Dash approached Pinkie from behind. “Hey there pinks, what are you looking at ?“

“Nothing really, just looking at the sunrise“ Replied Pinkie with a sigh. “You know I still need to find a home“

“I heard that the Cakes have an empty room you can rent“.Rainbow looked at Pinkie with a seductive look “And besides you have here for now, and there is some left-over cider, we could have our own little party if you want“ She spoke in a seductive tone.

Pinkie looked at the mare next to her wide-eyed. “Sure !“ She smiled and kissed the mare.

It was almost sundown when they came out of the barn, both still sweating and having a hard time walking. This was what Pinkie wanted, lust, she wanted Dash, she wanted love, she wanted fame, she wanted power. And nopony was going to stand in her way, she felt a surge of authority through her mind, she was now a leader not a follower.

And she felt it was time for a change.


Sugarcube Corner

Pinkie sat on her chair and waited, anytime now Fluttershy would come in, she would make everything better again. Pinkie had just discovered this morning that Rainbow Dash had left her for Applejack, and it was killing her from the inside. Just then Fluttershy walked into the room, Sugarcube Corner was empty, it had served as Pinkie's home since Rainb--. There I go again, everything eventually leads to that stupid mare .

The room was dimly lighten, the warm air smelled like rotten apples, and there was ruby dust all over the floor. Fluttershy had been talking for some time now, but Pinkie didn't listen to anything the mare said, she was oblivious to all existence. Fluttershy noticed her friend sitting there, doing nothing, she extended a hoof and poke her.

There was no response, Fluttershy was scared for a moment, she thought Pinkie was dead. All of her fears only grew once the pink mare stood up and kicked her chair to the floor. She took her bed by the side and flipped it, she started to destroy her room aggressively. Fluttershy shielded herself using her wings. Pinkie ripped a piece of wood from the wall and threw it against the lamp, she punched her closet's doors until they broke. She ripped the curtains of her windows off.She picked up her nightstand and threw it off the window, the glass broke leaving sharp edges on the borders. Pinkie went up to the new hole where a window used to be, she grabbed the side of the frame as to not fall, in the process she sliced one of her hooves. She took a deep breath and yelled on the top of her lungs, all of Ponyville heard the scream, Pinkie stood there hanging from the window for a moment. Thescream was not one of pain, but a scream of rage, of life, of herself.

“What's wrong with you !!!“ Cried the frighten pegasus before leaving the room. Pinkie walked back inside, she closed the door and locked it. It felt good to get rid of so much steam. She felt exhausted, plus the cut on her hoof made it hard to stand.

The pink pony laid there on the cold floor of the trashed room, she felt nothing, she was numb, comfortably numb.