• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 2,194 Views, 53 Comments

Pinkie Pie - The Wall - Critic

Pink Floyd The Wall with ponies ! , I won't lie, this is my first fic and the prologue is slow

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Goodbye Cruel World

Chapter 4: Goodbye Cruel World

Sugarcube Corner

Pinkie was delusional

She kept imagining Rainbow Dash and Applejack making love back at the farm. the idea of another pony having her Dashie fueled the rage. Images of that farm mare getting intimate with the wings of her desire, the idea of the pegasus actually enjoying herself with another. She could basically taste the pegasus’ pleasure, the warmth of their bodies grinding together made her body cold. Their moans of love were overshadowed by her moans of anger.

Betrayal, that single word echoed throughout her mind, made her uncomfortable, angry, mad.

All of her life flashed before her eyes. Her father leaving, never to return. Her search for a surrogate father. Her days following train tracks from town to town. Her escape from the school. Her rise to power. Her young lust. All of her mistakes, and all of achievements crashed on her mind. She needed something to calm her down.

She searched high and low through all of the debris left behind by her sudden, impulse of emotions. She was looking for anything that could be consumed, anything that could pollute her body. Her search came to a close once she saw the colorful needle laying on the floor, next to the fallen mattress. Rainbow Juice Extract, perfect She picked up the needle

With a weak voice she spoke. “Goodbye cruel world, I am leaving you today. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye. Goodbye all you ponies, there is nothing you can say to make me change my mind. Goodbye“

With those final words she brought the needle down to her extended foreleg, with the last once of strength she smiled. It should all go away soon was the last thing she thought of before the blackness consumed her mind.


Sweet Apple Acres

It had been a week since Pinkie first joined the freedom movement, that was what they began calling it. Since her party, over thirty ponies had joined their cause. Pinkie felt proud of her achievement, maybe influence was her calling after all. She was even prouder to be able to tell others that the beautiful cyan pegasus was her wife, yes she is mine, isn't she ?. She reassured herself with a small nod.

Rarity stood next to a table in the backroom of the barn, she had a large map laying on top of it, many circles and markings could be seen in red. Twilight was back from Canterlot, she delivered a great deal of scrolls over to Rarity, who in turn immediately began analyzing them.

“Is it really possible ? Do you think this is real ? I mean it's astonishing to say the least, if your information is correct“. Stated the white unicorn while reading each scroll.

“Have I ever been wrong ?“. Bolster the lavender mare.

“So the humors are true ? There is a power stronger than Nightmare Moon huh..?“ Stated the exited unicorn.

“What is all of this about, don't we have a movement to be leading ?“. Asked Pinkie noticing that the new information was something important.

“Well Pinkie, you see there have been humors of lately, that involves a great power hidden deep in the Everfree Forest“. Explained Rarity. “A power greater than that of Nightmare Moon, a group of devices that even the queen fears“ She had a smile on her face from such knowledge.

“Wait, what ? But how ? Who created such thing ?“. Pinkie was more curios than ever.

“Well according to my studies, the devices, called Elements of Harmony, were once used by the queen and her sister to banish a great fiend long ago“. Explained Twilight.

“Sister ? What sister ? I never knew that our queen had a sister “ Pinkie was more confused than ever.

“ I'm afraid I also have no idea what you are talking about Twilight“ Replied Rarity.

“You and all of modern Equestria alike“. Twilight sighed, she knew she had to explain to both mares what as happening, she just felt too tired to deal with it at the moment. She took a big breath. “Overonethousandyearsagotwosistersruleddayandnight,theyhadusedtheelementsofharmonytofightoffanevilbeing,afterwardsnightmaremoonbanishedhersistertothesunwhereshestillresides. Any questions ?“

The dumbfound look on the faces of her friends was a strong indicator that she had to explain slower.Twilight facehoofed, this was going to take a while.


Backroom, one explanation later.

“ I see, so if we use this elements against the queen, not only will we be saving all of Equestria, but we would also be saving a long forgotten princess ?“ Asked Rarity.

“For the last time, YES“ Twilight was exhausted.

“And just how did you acquire this knowledge ?“Asked Pinkie.“If I was Nightmare Moon, I would try my best to hide such information“.

“Well she did try her best I'll give her that. But besides being the highest ranking officer in her army,and having access to all information that resides in the Royal Library ? No one in Canterlot can keep a secret from me“. Proudly answered Twilight.

“Well then, what are we waiting for ?“ Asked Rarity impatient.“We should departure immediately“

“But with you gone who will be in charge ?“. Questioned Twilight. “I at least have many other officers who would be more than willing to replace me, if I was to go 'missing' in the forest for a few days“

“I am sure that Pinkie over here can handle the job“ Replied Rarity with a confident voice.“You seen how well of a leader she is. Besides, we will be gone just for a few days, what's the worst that could happen ?“ Rarity gave a small laugh at the idea that anything could go horribly wrong in such a short period of time.

“Me, leading the herd while you are gone ?“. Pinkie placed a hoof bellow her chin and thought for a moment, a very short moment before replying “I'll do it !!!“

“Well it's settled then. Twilight pack anything we'll need, and lead the way“. Commanded Rarity.


Somewhere deep in the Everfree Forest

Rarity and Twilight had done it, they finally found the Elements of Harmony. They had been stored on a large tower, inside the ruins of an old castle. It took them a week or so, they were both very tired, and very hungry.

Rarity smiled at Twilight “Well, now we can fight back. I can already taste victory“.

“Well I hope so...“ Twilight extended a hoof pointing towards Ponyville. “because by the looks of it, Pinkie has gone crazy“

Rarity's smiled faded once she saw the smoke coming from afar. She could hear the thunders and screams coming from the town, all the way from the ruins. She sighed “Maybe it wasn't such a really good idea to leave Pinkie in charge“

“You think ?“. Twilight picked up the elements, and placed them on her bag.“Come-on, I will teleport us back. I just hope we are not too late“.


Sweet Apple Acres

“...And in her absence I shall lead, until her return“. Pinkie spoke to the crowd of ponies that had gathered in the barn. She wore the same uniform as the one Rarity had. “Are there any further questions ?“. Pinkie looked around, she spotted a raised hoof. “Yes, you in the back. what is it?“

“I am just wondering, what should we do ? I've been part of this group for a week already, and I we did was have parties“. Stated the stallion quizzically.

Pinkie thought for a moment, she recalled the map that Rarity was marking.“Wait here for a sec“. She made her way inside, took the map and returned. “Now you see these marked locations ? Well you should divide into groups and scout the areas. In a week we will all meet at Sugarcube Corner, where we will begin our attack ! “ She said with an exited smile. She didn't know what she was doing, but she felt it was the right thing to do.

“But why ?“ Asked the same stallion more confused then before.

“W-well, because....“ Pinkie looked around panicking, she had no idea of how to start a revolution, and what if rarity and Twilight don't return in time ? .

“Because destroying those locations will hinder the empire's influence over this village. Which in turn will be followed by a systematic up-rise, and over-throw, of the empire in neighboring cities. In a few years of civil war we shall be able to establish a new form of government, where each pony shall play a role in. Bringing down censorship laws, substituting the detention centers they call 'schools', with actual schools where both teacher and student shall be treated as equals; and try to achieve a higher level of education by questioning beliefs,morals,and magic“. Stated Fluttershy with her eyes closed and her muzzle held high, as if trying to imitate Rarity. She opened her bloodshot eyes only to see a room full of ponies with their mouths wide open. “Oh..“She blushed at the attention. “That is....I-if it's alright with you to destroy those locations and all....“ Her voice became quieter than a whisper, as she finished, looking at Pinkie who was still dumbfound.

“Oh, ok I can do that, if it means no school“. The stallion looked happy at the idea.

Wow that was close, I need to know how she does that, maybe she can even give me some tips Thought Pinkie looking at the shy pegasus. “Well then do you all understand ?“. Everypony nodded. “Good, so spread the word, we need as many ponies as we can !“ Finished Pinkie saluting her followers, the all saluted back.

Rainbow Dash made her way to the pink mare, they shared a passionate kiss for a moment. “That was a tough crowd huh ?“ Asked Rainbow awkwardly.

“Yep, if it wasn't for Fluttershy, our revolution could had fallen apart on the spot. I wonder how she does it“.Stated Pinkie with an intrigued tone, and a raised eyebrow.

“Oh, it must be all that zap-apple cider she drank before the meeting“ Replied Rainbow trying to hold on to her laugh. “I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that she actually thought she was Rarity for a moment“ She gave a small laugh. “That stuff will make a pony go crazy, I've heard that some even drink it with fire-ruby dust. I mean who would be so stupid to mixture does two !“ Rainbow was laughing out loud at the idea.

“I wounder if she could get me some ?“ Stated Pinkie in a serious tone, to nopony in particular.

“What ? Why would you even need that ? All it does is make you go crazy, you start to forget who you are, you die an empty shell of your formal self“ Stated Rainbow clearly worried about Pinkie.

“ Look, I have my reasons, now if you'd excuse me, I need to talk to Fluttershy “ Said Pinkie while walking away.

Rainbow Dash had a bad feeling about the situation, first it would be the zap-apple, then fire-rubies, and finally rainbow-juice-extract. The idea of Pinkie experimenting with those things made her feel uncomfortable.


Sugarcube Corner, 1 week later

Pinkie had rearranged the mess in her room into a neat work of art. All of the broken bits and pieces of glass formed a type of frame around each unique specimen. Pictures scattered throughout the floor, broken pieces of furniture formed Xs everywhere. Fire-ruby dust was organized in neat rows,rotten half eaten zap-apples formed a smily face. Empty needles framed the picture of her and Dashie.

The empty shell of the former would-be leader of the revolution stood up. She looked down with distorted eyes, no emotion on her face. She made her way to the bathroom, she looked herself in the mirror. The reflection that stared back at her was that of a half-dead, pale, sick mare. She picked up a razor, she looked at the straight lines falling from her head. She started to shave. Cut after cut, after cut, her mane slowly fell into the sink, where it mixture with some blood from the mare's scalp.

She slowly made her way to her chair, she stared outside into the dark horizon. With nothing left to do in the physical world, she ventured into her own mind.



She looked around, she wasn't in her room any longer. She had no belongings except for her comfy chair. She was young again, she was looking at her older self, she gave a pitiful glace at the wreck that still dared call herself a mare.

Wondering through the dessert that was her own mind, Pinkie found herself in the middle of a trench, she quickly made her way into a tunnel that was close by. Inside the tunnel became a hallway, with many classrooms left and right. She continued walking straight, she found herself in a large hospital wing, with many rows of beds spreading throughout. She continued to move forth, until she found the last door.

This door was not familiar to her, it was plain white, it had a small window with bars on the out side, like a prison cell. She opened it. A loud, scary, unnatural scream came from the inside. She turn to look at the source, there laying on the floor of the asylum was a pale pink, bold mare in a straight-jacket.Deciding that she had seem enough, Pinkie closed the door and ran away as fast as she could, not carrying where she went.



Pinkie found herself once again next to the train tracks. But this time she could see a train station in the distance. She quickly made her way into the station's platform. Glancing around she noticed that the station was full of ponies, both young and old. Afar a train could be seen approaching, it was a military train full of soldiers.

Once the train stopped, hundreds upon hundreds of soldier ponies came out to find their loved ones. Pinkie could only stand and watch, as once again everyone was reunited, everyone except for her. Looking down at her hooves she began to cry quietly. A shadow felt upon her head, she looked up, a light-brown old stallion stood there in front of her with his back turned. She stared for a moment, before extending a hoof to poke the stallion.

Before she could touch him, a young filly jumped on the old stallion, who in turn looked back at the happy filly. Turned out the stallion was actually an unicorn, it was not her father. She felt stupid for thinking it could had been him.

Suddenly a group of military ponies playing drums came into view. Everypony stopped what they were doing, and turned to look at the marching band. All the ponies stood in attention, all except for Pinkie, they all began singing the national anthem of Equestria.

Once done, every soldier pony marched unto the horizon, everypony else just disappeared. Pinkie was left alone in the station to wonder. For the first time she was happy to be alone.

But the knocking, it didn't stop. knock, after knock after knock, Mrs.Cake was determined to get in. She called for Spike, Gilda, and anypony else who belonged to her group, for help. Something was wrong with Pinkie.