• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 2,193 Views, 53 Comments

Pinkie Pie - The Wall - Critic

Pink Floyd The Wall with ponies ! , I won't lie, this is my first fic and the prologue is slow

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Goodbye Blue Sky

Chapter 2: Goodbye Blue Sky.

The Griffin Wars


Dead bodies could be seen everywhere, the carnage that took place on the battlefield was unspeakable. Carcass of both griffins and ponies alike stretched to beyond the horizon. Yet in the middle of the ocean of cadavers, there was life, the stallion opened his eyes and gasped for air. He stood up, pushing the dead griffin off his light-brown coated back. He took a look around, the wounded were being dragged out of the trenches, doctors ran left and right attending many patients at once. A chariot stop nearby to pick-up the wounded, airships could be seen in the distance, debris of a city covered the battlefield.

Just then did the stallion notice the large cut spreading across his torso, a fountain of his own blood covered his hooves. He remember a large griffin, with death in its eyes, flying full speed towards him. He remember his futile attempt to find cover from the eyes of his reaper.The beast carried no weapon, instead it came at him using its large claws and beak. With no way to run, Pinkie's father picked-up an spear, aimed at the beast, and braced himself for the worst. The large beast flew chest-first into the spear, breaking it in half in the process. Pinkie's father felt on his back, hitting his head on a rock in the process, on top of him one of the griffin's claw came swinging full-force towards his stomach. There was nothing he could had done to stop the razor sharp talons from ripping his flesh open.

He wouldn't make it back home.



A young puffed hair Pinkie looked down at the coffin, the cold piece of wood had a sign next to it, In honor of a brave warrior, who died for his queen, and kingdom, it read. Pinkie's mother stood next to her inside the cathedral, tears in her eyes felt down her face. The old building was decorated with pillars that reached the decorated ceiling above, hundreds of flags depicting their queen ,Nightmare Moon, hanged on the walls as ornaments. Overall it set a somber mood.

All of her family wore black dresses, her sisters kept crying at the steps of the coffin. Pinkie could not comprehend what type of party this was, she did not understand why her daddy was laying on the coffin, why was he sleeping in such a silly place. Why doesn't he wake up and come play with me ? she thought as she looked outside, all the other fillies who's fathers had returned from the war were playing. Is he tired from his business trip ? Why won't anyone try to wake him ? Does he not want to be with us anymore ? all of her thoughts were making her fell uncomfortable.

“ Mommy, why is daddy sleeping inside that box ? “ Pinkie asked

“Well you see, your father is.....how do I say it ? He is gone Pinkamena“ Said the mare, between tears and sobs, to her daughter

Only then did it dawn on Pinkie what this ceremony was about, it was no party, it was no celebration, it was....sad. Something snapped inside the filly, her mane became straight, her eyes drifted in different directions if only for a split second.

They all stood up, drying their tears they began to leave the building. Outside the cathedral was a playground where many foals could been seen playing with their parents. As the Pie family made their way to their chariot, Pinkie drifted away to go play in the playground. She stood still, griming insanely, watching the other children have fun. She approached a unicorn stallion who was using his magic to spin his daughter in a merry go round, she tapped a hoof on his back legs. The stallion almost jumped from the sudden tap to the leg, he looked back to find a small pink earth pony griming at him.

“Hey there little filly, are you lost ?“. He asked uncomfortably as he noticed the grim on her face.

Pinkie shook her head left and right

“Huh....do you want to go for a spin ?“. Pinkie shook her head up and down. “Alright, just let me help you get in there“ he said while levitating her into the ride.

Pinkie took a sit next to the other filly, she enjoyed the ride, she felt as if it was her father spinning her. Once the ride stopped the unicorn and her daughter went to the slide, Pinkie followed them close behind.

“Hey kid, are you following us ?“ Asked the now uncomfortable unicorn. “ Go on, get back to your parents“

Pinkie stayed behind, only to start following them again once they were further away. The small blue filly went down the slide, only to be caught by her father at the bottom. Pinkie went down the slide after her, but no one was there to catch her. She stood there for a moment, at the bottom of the slide, as if she was waiting for her father to show up and catch her. She found the unicorn leaving the playground with his daughter on his back, she followed them, she got close and tried to climb his back.

The unicorn felt something trying to climb his back, he turn to find the small creepy pink filly trying to climb his back. “Hey stop that, I told you go to your parents, I am not your father“

Those last words stuck to her hear, her grim faded, only to be replaced by a frown. She watched as both father and daughter went to the swings. The blue filly sat on the swing, as her father magically swan her back and forth, the filly laughed with pure joy.

Pinkie sat on an empty swing in the back of the playground. She sat there waiting for her father to push her, she waited and waited but nothing happened. She watched the other foals have fun with their parents, Why can they have fun when I can't ? Why can't I enjoy a day with my dad ? Why me, why not them ? Why did he have to go ? Who will repla-...No no one will ever replace hi- . Her train of thought was interrupted when she heard her mother call her from the chariot.


Back at the rock farm

As the family arrived back home from the ceremony, Pinkie went to the kitchen and made herself a sandwich, she then proceeded to pick up a newspaper from a table nearby. She remembered her father reading the same newspaper everyday at breakfast. She walked up stairs as if going to her room, but something caught her eyes before she got there. She looked at the open door, it lead to her father's room, she stood and watched from afar for a moment. She felt as if something was calling out to her, she was attracted by the room, like a moth to a lamp.

She made her way inside, the room was left intact, as if time had stopped once her father left. The bed was still made the way he liked it, the cabinet with three mirrors in front of the bed was clean and organized. She made her way to the closet which, was attached to the wall next to the door. She opened the last drawer to find all of her dad's military equipment. She found the scroll sent to her mother by the queen, telling that her father had passed away. She picked up the shaving razor her father used to carry around, she opened it, only to find that it was in pristine condition. She placed the razor back in the drawer, she saw her father's uniform laying neatly at the bottom of his belongings.

Pinkie made her way to the mirror, she was now wearing all of her father's uniform, which were too big for her. She approached the mirror tilting her hat, an image of her father doing the same gesture before leaving flashed in her mind. She stared at her reflection, she felt her dad starring back.


Nightmare Moon School for Youngsters, Ponyville

Rainbow Dash called Pinkie, she snapped out of her daydream, she remembered that class was still going on. She looked to her left, only to find a rainbow pegasus with a puzzled face starring at her.

“What was that about ?“ Asked Dash whispering so that Cheerilee wouldn't notice.

“What was what ?“ Pinkie whispered back.

“ The whole, 'start writing down stuff, while looking oblivious to anyone's else existence' “

“Oh, sorry about that, I was just writing a poem to my dad, when some bad memories came back to me“

“Ok, so tell me what is the poem about ?“

“It's about his heroic deeds during the war, I call it Goodbye Blue Sky

“That sounds awesome, I hope he likes it, maybe you can introduce him to me later, I was always into the military and stuff“

“Well I wished I could, but he...he died during the war“ Pinkie managed to say before a loud “WHAT !??? “ came from the rainbow mare who looked both shocked and embarrassed.

Pinkie's blood went cold, the hair in the back of her neck stood up, she new that she was screwed.

“What have we here ?“ Mrs, Cheerilee asked coldly. “ Mischievous scribblings ? Some kind of secret code ? No, poems no less. Poems everybody ! “ She gave a sadistic laugh, the class joined in. She read some of the poem out-loud so that the whole class could hear it.

“Absolute rubbish young lady“ she told Pinkie before hitting one of her hooves with her ruler.“Get on with your work !“ The mare demanded.

“Repeat after me, our queen Nightmare Moon is the one and only true ruler of Equestria...“ The whole class repeated, except for a pink mare sitting in the back.

“ You, up front this instant !!!“ Called Mrs.Cheerilee pointing at Pinkie.

Pinkie braced herself for her punishment. “ Why did you not repeat the lesson ? Do you think otherwise ?“ Mrs. Cheerilee asked.

“ Yes“ Said Pinkie confidently, the whole class gasped except for Cheerilee who looked angry, a pin could be heard falling to the floor for a moment before she continued. “ If you think that mean old mare is my queen you are wrong, I will not stand for someone who places children in facilities such as this just to wash their minds.WE DONT NEED NO EDUCATION ! “ Yelled the defiant student at her teacher.

“I heard enough out of you“ Mrs.Cheerilee took her ruler and smacked Pinkie non-stop, until she was crying in pain. “Now then for your insolence I shall place you under detention ! Such waste of potential as yourself does not deserve to go out after school“

Pinkie couldn't bring herself to stop crying on the floor. the bell rang and class was dismissed, all except for Pinkie, who was still laying in front of the room. Rainbow waited for everypony to leave the classroom before making her way to the pink mess.

“I am so sorry Pinkie, I didn't mea-“

“It's ok Dashie, it wasn't your fault, I mean I really should had kept my mouth closed“ Replied the mare with a sympathetic smile on her face.

“You know, you really should't speak of revolution while on school, there are guards everywhere; plus all the teacher are hoof-picked by the queen herself“ Dash informed her friend.

“You could had informed me earlier you know ?“ Responded Pinkie with a sarcastic tone.

“Sorry about that, It's just that....well everyone is scared to be as brave as you“ Pinkie looked at Dash's face, which was a mixture of pain and shame. “You are a brave pony Pinkie, our movement could use someone like you“

Pinkie was intrigued by what she just heard. “ What movement ?“

“ Well me and some friends formed a group to oppose Nightmare Moon's rule over Equestria, we have about eight members....well nine if you wish to join that is“ Dash looked at Pinkie with hope in her eyes. “ Well I know it sounds silly but if you could jus--“

“ I am in“ Answered Pinkie determined as ever.

Dash stood dumbstruck by how fast her friend had answered, most ponies didn't listen to her, others refused before she could finish. “ R-really ?“

“Yes really, you silly filly“ Answered the now laughably happy mare who jumped around Rainbow in circles.“i mean we have the same goal, and I really wish to make friends“

“ Ok, but before you can meet them I must bust you out of here. Look, while on detention ask to go to the bathroom, enter the third stool, tap on the left wall three times, the rest will be pretty obvious.“ Said Rainbow in a whisper as she left the room.

Pinkie wasn't sad anymore, she didn't feel empty, she now had a purpose in life, she had a friend.