• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,804 Views, 85 Comments

Kamen Rider Drake - RedStar76

When Equestria is faced with a new threat there's only one thing to do... HENSHIN!

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Prologue: Prelude to Action! The Nightmare has only begun! (Edited)

Hey! The name is Spike, but I guess whoever reads this journal one day would have probably guessed that already since it already says "Spike's Journal" on the inside front cover. I usually don't do these type of things but this, this I have write down.

Because today, I was slingshotted head first into a crazy new um... "adventure" as Dragon likes to call it. Well I am a dragon, but Dragon isn't really a dragon, in fact I don't know what he is exactly. But I guess it would be easier to start from the beginning, and by that, I mean really early this morning...


It was about three o'clock at night or four or midnight even. You tend to lose track of time when you're running for your life through a forest in the middle of nowhere, being chased by a monster that looks like it should belong in Tartarus, and beside you flying is a dragon that has the body of grown up dragon but is about the size of your hand and made of red, black, and silver metal. Yep, I guarantee that you could very likely lose track of time.
"We're almost at the clearing Spike! It's just up ahead!"

"What are we gonna do?! Because if you hadn't noticed, THERE IS A GIANT EVIL MONSTER CURRENTLY TRYING TO CHOP US INTO BITS RIGHT NOW!"

"Just remember what I said!"

"I still don't believe you on that you know!"

"Do you really have a choice at the moment?!"

"Ugh! Fine let's do it!"

"There jump through into the clearing! I'll do the rest!"

"Alright!" Spike jumped through to into the small field located next to a raging waterfall.

"Please let this work! HENSHI-" Spike was then immediately shocked awake. It looked like Celestia had just risen the sun and it just became morning. He left his basket, he saw that Twilight was still clearly sound asleep. Sighing, he didn't feel like going back to sleep after the weird dream/nightmare he just had. Was there a reason Princess Luna didn't show up? Maybe it was just an odd dream and that was it, nothing to be concerned with.

"Yeah, that's it." Spike reassured himself. It had been what, three weeks since Twilight's princess coronation. They were still living in Ponyville and of course there was a whole lot more papers to organize and sort out than before. However, as Twilight's number one assistant, he could not and would not let her down. Spike went downstairs and the library was still the same.

All the books were neatly organized. Everything was dusted and polished. And that strange metal thingy was still on top of
one of the books, yep everything was... wait, what?
The strange object in question was shaped like a pentagon. was shiny. and was red. Spike went over and picked it up.

"Weird looking ruby," Spike said to himself.

"Well I'm flattered that you would think me to be such a good snack even though we only just met."

Spike immediately dropped the ruby thinking he was having another nightmare. The shiny red pentagon then transformed into what appeared to be the body shape of full grown dragon, but was tiny. Spike wasn't sure whether to laugh or to cower in fear as he recognized the strange metal creature from his nightmare.

"First of all, OW! Second of all, no this isn't a nightmare. Third, the reason I know is because my flank hurts like crazy because of you." said the small, dragon shaped, metal creature.

"Oh, um... sorry," said Spike a nervously.

"Ah well, it was an accident, don't worry about it, i'll live." said the creature. Spike was sort of relieved that, whatever it was, said that.

"W-what are you? Why are you here? What do you want with me? Why were you in my nightmare? Why-" Spike was cut off by the mini metal dragon flying up to his face.

"As much as I'd love to play twenty questions with you right now Spike, we have a job to do-" then the creature was cut off
hearing hoof steps coming down the stairs.
"We'll finish this conversation later, gotta go!" the creature said as it flew back and then flew directly towards Spike's chest. Spike tried to grab it, but when he did, he felt nothing but one of his hands touching the other and sure enough they were
empty. Twilight walked over to her number one assistant and put a hoof on his shoulder.
"Spike is something wrong?" Spike turned his head and saw the clearly visible dark circles under his eyes.
"Spike, you worked super hard yesterday and you have the day off today, so there's no reason to be up this early, you need sleep," Twilight said putting the baby dragon on her back using her magic. As much as Spike originally did not agree to Twilight's idea of a day off, just as he did last time, a day long nap didn't sound so bad right now.
"C'mon let's go back to bed." she said softly.
Spike realized maybe what he saw wasn't real at all. Just maybe a delusion from lack of sleep. Twilight laid him down and
tucked him in his basket and he drifted off back to sleep.
"A delusion, really, that's what you're going with?" said a voice in the back of Spike's mind that sounded differently but he decided to completely ignore it and go to sleep.
Well Spike was in for quite the rude awakening when he wakes up because he was in for the ride of his life.

About a eight hours later...

"*Yawn* hmm... that was one strange dream..." Spike said to himself.
"Dream, no, me inside your body telling you to get up already, yes," the voice inside Spike's head said.
"Oh no..." Spike said to himself.

Author's Note:

Well, looks like things are about to get REALLY interesting for spike.
Edit: Fixed all formating errors (at least I hope so) and changed a few bits of dialogue.