• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,804 Views, 85 Comments

Kamen Rider Drake - RedStar76

When Equestria is faced with a new threat there's only one thing to do... HENSHIN!

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Episode 5: Wish Upon The Stars, New threats on the Infinite Horizon

"Yo! Gemini here!" "And Dragon! and here's what happened-"

"Last time on-"

"Kamen Rider Drake!"

"First, while I, Spike, and the fluffball were trying to piece together what that guy in the black cloak's deal was G-"

"I! The wonderful, fabulous, and bodacious, Gemini appeared!"

"Bodacious is one way to put it..."

"What was that?"

"N-nothing, just um, neither of us can seem to remember where we came from-yeah! That's what I said."

"Alas, a sad truth my friend, neither of us do."

"Yeah, um, well anyways after that Spike had a date with his girlfriend so we had to tag along-"

Dragon then got hit in the head with a ruby.

"I heard that Dragon!" shouted Spike, "Just hurry up with the recap already!"

"Jeez lighten up will ya?! That actually hurt ya know!" Dragon shouted back.

"Hey you're made of metal! But I guess that does automatically make you thick headed." and with that, the two stated going back and forth at each other.

"Okay, while those two are busy, I'll just finish up- *Bzzt* dis recap. Well, as it turned out yo, the whole thing was a set up by that shay-dy lookin' guy himself, so he just strait up knocks out Ms.Marshmallow and tries to take my bro, Dragon. But I joined forces with Spike and we whooped his butt with an epic guitar solo!"
"*Huff-huff* Okay- we gotta wrap this up quick because Spike is seriously not appreciating being locked in the closet right now."

"Whoa bro, how did ya do dat?" Gemini asked. Dragon sighed.

"Well at least it went WAY better than what RedStar tried to do in the last episode."
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" said a very angry red stallion with a shooting star pencil for a cutie mark marching through the door.

"Oh snap."


Meanwhile, in what appeared to be the outer reaches of reality and space-time itself...

"Ah, so the time stream has warped once again," said a voice. "A new rider... I can sense him. Most of the gates are still closed... and I haven't gained enough time leverage to start creating...but perhaps, yes...that will do in the meantime," the voice then changed to a much deeper tone. "He shall do, SUMMON: LIBRA" in the middle of an aura colored void now stood the powerful Zodiart, Libra,

"How may I serve you, master?"



Zodiarts: The main enemies of Kamen Rider Fourze and Kamen Rider Meteor. The chairman of Amanogawa High School in Japan, Mituaki Gamou, and his inner circle of elite Zodiarts known as the 'Horoscopes' wished to unite all twelve of the of the elite Zodiarts's switches to complete their plans. To do this, they use the desires of certain students in the student body of Amanogawa High School to offer them what they believe to be super human power to fulfil their desires. Each basic Zodiart is based of a regular constellation and their method of transformation is through the basic Zodiart switches (Basic Zodiart switch in upper left hand corner of picture.) which Mituaki can create at will.
Last One is the final stage of evolution for a basic Zodiart before gaining the potential to become one of the twelve powerful Horoscopes. (Last One Zodiart switch in upper right hand corner of picture. Horoscope Zodiart switch in bottom of picture.) In the Last One phase, the user's consciousness is ejected from their original body and put into a complete Zodiart body of what their constellation was. When Last One is surpassed, the 'star of rebirth' shines on a certain part of their constellation. Unlike the Last One Zodiarts, the Horoscopes keep their original bodies, can transform back and forth at will, and are much more powerful. (Picture is courtesy of Google Images.)

"The rider shall be crushed..." said the voice. "Libra?" said the voice to Libra.

"Yes...Master Gamou?" said Libra.

"So the summons has indeed worked..." said the voice to itself. Suddenly, before Libra appeared who he believed to be his master, Mituaki Gamou. "Go, find a new candidate at... the town of Ponyville." It was easy to manipulate a summon's memories. Especially considering it wasn't the true Libra from the alternate world, it had not gained enough leverage over time and space to do that yet.

"Of course, I shall not disappoint you, chairman sir."

"See to it that you don't..."

Meanwhile at Necromancer's home/base...

Necromancer had been shocked awake and was now dripping a cold sweat. He quickly shifted out of bed and quickly made his way to his tools. He saw in disbelief as the he saw mystic time wave length string turning red and waving uncontrollably. Something dangerous had entered the timeline... something like... no it couldn't be. Necromancer quickly went back upstairs. Hidden under a false bottom of his top drawer, was the mystic bio book, a book that could give information on any creature so long as you knew it existed. He opened the book while he was concentrating on the current disturbance of the time line. He was shocked to find that the book had turned to a bio of one of the most dangerous creatures to ever be created.

"No..." Necromancer said to himself. "This can't be happening... the rift couldn't have been strong enough to break the seal... could it? No, no, it must have been a temporal disturbance causing a part of the consciousness to slip threw the cracks. But even so, that's bad enough as it stands. Even worse... something has entered the timeline on purpose, not on accident... this could only mean one thing..." Necromancer quickly devised a plan, he realized that there had to be no holding back now, and that it was now or never. Using all his magic power, Necromancer used a powerful spell. Two seconds later, Necromancer was at Canterlot Castle, but this wasn't the true Canterlot Castle, this was a copy of a snip of time from the future, a snap shot of what the future would be.

"So this is where the third one will enter the time stream?" said Necromancer to himself.


"Your fate is mine to decide"

Morning dawned upon the Equestrian skies. As the warm light of the sun dawned through the windows of the Ponyville Library, Princess Twilight Sparkle softly shifted in her bed until finally softly yawning as her eyes fluttered open. She began to sit upright in her bed until she noticed something very different. Spike wasn't there. Now, something like this wasn't abnormal but still-

"He must of just gotten up earlier," said Twilight to herself. Yeah, that was it. Spike must've woken up earlier and already went downstairs to make breakfast. She carefully climbed out of her bed and levitated her crown off the bedside table and onto her head. She began to trot downstairs and noticed that; one, Spike was nowhere to be seen, two, the checklist of things she had to do was completely checked off and laying in the middle of the library floor, three, accompanying the said list on library floor was a note that read-

Twilight, had to some stuff today, i'll be back a little later, Spike.

She finished the note and read through the checklist seeing that it was completed. Twilight put the note and checklist aside, and sat on her haunches now wondering what do today. Three, two, one, READING TIME!

Meanwhile oblivious to Twilight was a scribbled draft of the very note she just read sitting in the trash.

The draft of the note was a little something like this-

Fifteen minutes earlier...


Had to do some stuff today, already took care of everything on the todays checklist,

Don't worry i- who does this purple plufing pony think she is? Making us do all her dang wor-

Ignore that, anyway I'll be back a little lat- I dare say Dragon, I do not believe that plufing is a word

Ignore that to, anyways I'll be back a little later I'll see you later Spi Well what else was I supposed to say?

"Blame RedStar, he's the one who selected the story rating so-"

"Will you guys stop it already?! You're making me lose my concentration!"

"Um Spike, you know that you just wrote that down to," Spike looked down at the note he was writing and Dragon was correct. Now that Spike thought about, he most of the time hated when Dragon was right. He blames the fact on that ever since he's been writing letters to Princess Celestia for Twilight he was accustomed to writing down whatever he heard. As the saying goes, old habits die hard.

"Y'know what?" said Spike to himself before bundling the note draft and throwing it in the garbage. He pulled out another piece of paper and wrote,

Twilight, had some stuff to do today, i'll be back a little later, Spike.

"Why didn't you just write that in the first place?" said Dragon. Spike ignored him, Fluff hopped on top of his head, and the four of them set out into Ponyville.

Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle in a snapshot of a possible future...

"Your highness!" said one of the royal guard. Celestia quickly turned to face the guard who was clearly out of breath. She could from his flushed face that there was something of great importance that he needed to say.

"Yes? Is there something wrong?" asked Celestia with worry.

"An odd object fell out of the sky and were retrieved in the garden and are emitting some type of powerful force. We are not sure what to do with the objects, your majesty." Celestia could see the clear look of worry on the guard's face, it must be serious.

"Do not worry. Bring the object here, and I shall examine it," said Celestia. The guard saluted and galloped off to get the mysterious objects in question. However, just outside the castle walls was where Necromancer was stationed. He knew what the object really was.

"Celestia? No,no that cause way too much damage to the timeline then there already is if she were to get involved." They were bringing them in from the royal garden, meaning that Necromancer had ten to fifteen minutes to infiltrate and get into position if he wanted to go down that route. However, the goal was to retrieve the object while not causing massive damage, or even minimal damage for that matter, to the timeline in the process Necromancer was carefully mapping out what route he would take. The snip in time spell was a spell that he created. Created with the help of...

"Focus Necromancer," said Necromancer to himself. "You have job to do. Rewind," at his command, the entire scene rewound itself and now Necromancer found himself in the royal garden. He saw the object in question begin it's decent from the sky. "Stop," Necromancer commanded and all the time around him stopped. He used his levitation spell and flew up to closely examine where the object's existence would first be acknowledged. Looking around, he saw a pegasus guard made eye contact with it exactly fifteen point twenty seven seconds with it entering the timeline. Just as he feared, he wouldn't be able to intercept it before it would be acknowledged, it's entering speed was just too fast.

"Then it looks like i'll just have to do what I do best," said Necromancer to himself. Necromancer cancelled the snip of time spell and was now back where he stood when he cast the spell, followed by collapsing to the ground in exhaustion. After a few minutes of rest, Necromancer stood back onto his hooves and began to do what he does best, devising a plan in order to collect the object so that the timestream would not be further affected...

Meanwhile in the markets of the town of Ponyville...

Libra had arrived and had morphed himself to pony form. Since he was only a summons not the actual Libra, he could be given memories of anything that could help him complete his mission for his master. Not even the actual Libra was that blindly obedient. He had been given orders to find and destroy the Kamen Rider of this so called, town of Ponyville. However, it looks like the Kamen Rider was about to find him first.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Yes, I know, the dreaded cliff hanger.
So, introducing the info bios. I wanted to make these for any of you awesome readers out there who didn't know about every Kamen Rider term, and thus info bios.
Oh, and a good question I have for you all is if Spike were to so happen to run into Kamen Rider Decade furthur down the line how would you like them to meet?
Thanks for supporting the story!