• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,801 Views, 85 Comments

Kamen Rider Drake - RedStar76

When Equestria is faced with a new threat there's only one thing to do... HENSHIN!

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Episode 3: The Race Is On! Full Charge, Cycle UP! (Active Decisions Completed)

Well, it's been a couple of days so I guess I have to get this whole journal thing up to speed. Fluff, the former rampaging evil monster that after I defeated it turned or rather reverted back to a small cute bunny,has been doing really well. Whatever caused her to turn into that thing is long gone. Speaking of which, Dragon and I still haven't tested out that key we got from that strange ball of light. According to Dragon, a large sum of mystic energy is what that orange ball of light that ended up turning into a new key actually was. However, he still doesn't know what that weird black energy thingie was that vanished. Dragon has actually been a big help, whenever Twilight's not around he really helps me out with the chores. I also took Fluff yesterday to be checked by Fluttershy, I didn't want to take her to the vet yet because without Dragon or I around, she dashes for the nearest hiding place. She was okay, but I felt guilt slap me on the face when I the hole in Fluttershy's door covered up by a plank nailed to it. Twilight was relieved to have me back and she bought the story of me saving Fluff and the reason it took me so long was because I had to find my way out of the Everfree Forest. Dragon said it was for the best that we don't tell anyone about me being a Kamen Rider yet, though I really want to know what language is he always talking about.Luckily, Dragon's "emergency signal" thing hasn't been set off in the past couple of days since we got Fluff. Hopefully I didn't just jinx that by writing in-

"EMERGENCY SIGNAL!" Dragon shouted in Spike's mind. Spike sighed and looked down at his journal.

"Yep, I jinxed it."


"Will the next station be in the past? The future?"

Luckily for Spike, he decided to get up early this morning and he was already finished with his chores for the day with some help from Dragon. Also very lucky for him was the fact that Twilight was still sleeping, so he wouldn't have to worry about her having another freak out and worry that he went missing or worse. Dragon was guiding Spike through the alleyways of Ponyville so that they wouldn't be seen. Even though it was early in the morning, Dragon nor Spike wanted to risk it. Even Fluff decided to tag along. Looks like the next stop was Sweet Apple Acres. They had arrived to see quite the weird looking creature, it was skinny, blue, wore a rag from the waist down, and wore a blank mask with three holes that were for eyes. Considering what happened last time with Fluff, they were assuming that it would have already chopped down some apple trees or something. But instead it was dancing...dancing...

"Um Dragon... are you sure that 'emergency signal' thing of yours isn't broken?" said Spike still dumbfounded by what he was currently witnessing.

"Nope, this guy's definitely the cause of it," said Dragon.

"Well, I guess I could see how it could get annoying, but is there really any real, well, danger?" asked Spike. Fluff was standing on Spike's shoulder nodding in agreement with Spike's statement. Well, Spike's words were thrown right back at him in irony when he saw the creature touch an apple tree and it disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

"Now can we take this guy down or am I just going to float here all day?" said Dragon in his sarcastic voice.

"Le da le da le! You have to catch me!" said the odd creature before running in a comedic style further into the orchard.

"HENSHIN-RYU-FORM!" Spike and Dragon transformed into their Kamen Rider form while Fluff was still hanging on to the now armored shoulder. Tree after tree after tree the creature leaped, and each tree it leaped off of disappeared. Spike was doing his best on foot but the creature was too fast leaping from tree to tree.

"OH COME ON!" shouted Dragon, "This is ridiculous! Let's just hit it already!"

"Well what do you suppose we do?!" shouted Spike.

"Well we could try to hit it with our sword OR we could use that weird third key, I guess now would be a good of a time as any to see what it does," said Dragon.

ACTIVE DECISION: 1: Use the sword key OR 2: Use the mysterious third key

DECISION MADE: 2: Use the mysterious third key

"I guess Dragon has a point," Spike thought to himself, "Now would be a really good time to see what it does, especially if it's something useful and can take this... whatever that blue thing is down." Spike took the third key from the right side of his belt and hoped for the best. He inserted it into the keyhole on the belt buckle, twisted it, and pulled it out.
For a brief moment there was silence, even the creature stopped to take a nap while loudly snoring.

"Well... that didn't wo-" Dragon was cut off by the belt suddenly saying,

"VEHICLE KEY: RYU-CYCLE" the mechanical voice stated. Suddenly a sound could be heard, a rumbling sound. It was getting closer and closer until suddenly, a motorcycle came leaping out from one of the trees and landed in front of Spike. The motorcycle in question was red in the front half of it and silver in the back half. There was keyhole on side of the left handle as well as on the side of the right handle.

"What the hay is that thing?" said Spike curiously staring at it. Nothing like it was ever seen in equestria before.

"Well don't just stand there! Get on it!" shouted Dragon. Spike proceed to get onto the 'ryu-cycle' as the belt called it. The sound of the throttle woke up the creature and it was once again off at the trees.

"Le da le da le! You idiots still have to catch m-" before it could finish that sentence, it saw that with the ryu-cycle they were quickly catching up to it and before it could do anything Spike jumped off the motorcycle, into the air, and proceeded to mid-air roundhouse kick it off the tree, sending it crashing on the ground.

Meanwhile a short distance away...

"Ugh! Well it's official, using that summon scroll in order to beat him was a stupid idea. Oh well, might as well make the most out of it while it's still active. Now let's see here... a time spell sounds good, but what the hay! Why only chose one?! Haha!"

Meanwhile back with Spike,Dragon, and Fluff...

Spike, Dragon, and Fluff had the mysterious creature cornered. Pinned up against a tree with nowhere else to run and/or leap. Spike had activated his Sword key and was ready to finish this guy off. That is,until three blue portals suddenly appeared behind the creature.

"Well, well, well, I'd love to stay and chat but it looks like it's time for me to scat!" said the creature who was assumingly grinning behind the mask. "But before I go, I have one last trick for the show!" okay, now he was just ripping off Zecora's speech pattern. That is when the creature multiplied and there were now two others exactly like it. Each proceeded to jump into one of the three portals.

"We have to go after it!" said Spike getting back on his ryu-cycle.

"Yeah, but which it?!" shouted Dragon.

ACTIVE DECISION: 1: Portal on left: Everfree forest, 1 day prior to present

2: Portal in center: Sweet Apple Acres, 3 days prior to present

3: Portal on right: Unknown location, 6 days prior to present

DECISION MADE: 2: Portal in center: Sweet Apple Acres, 3 days prior to present

"He's already done enough damage to this place, plus it's most likely where the real one went," Spike thought to himself, "It would be better to finish him off there." With that, Spike sent the motorcycle into full throttle and went through the middle portal. However, there was something else other than the mysterious creature that was also on the other side. In a flash of blinding light, Spike was now on the other side of the portal. Dragon used his 'special senses' or so he called it, to see where the creature was hiding but that's when he discovered something even more shocking.

"Um...Spike," said Dragon nervously.

"Did you find it?" asked Spike.

"Um, well, don't panic when I say this Spike but... we're three days back in time," said Dragon. Once Spike had recovered from his initial five second shock he finally managed to say something.

"A-are we stuck here?" Spike asked.

"I don't think so, if we find that creature than we can probably-" Dragon was suddenly cut off by a new ominous voice.

"Okay, it's official, this has been a waste of time, the dragging out stops here," said the voice. Spike hopped off the ryu-cycle and turned around, while Fluff was now hiding behind his neck. Standing a few feet away from him was the creature and along side him was a pony, but the pony's body was concealed in a blue robe and his face concealed by a blue hood.
"I am really getting peeved with you at the moment so let's just make things simple here," the pony stomped his hoof on the ground and in a puff of white smoke, the blue creature turned into a scroll in which proceeded to drop to the ground.
"Just hand me the little mechanical dragon and no pony is getting hurt," and that is when Dragon proceeded to flip out.

"You want some then come get some you m-"

"You know he can't hear you right?" said Spike.

"*Sigh*, very well... if you will not hand him over willingly then I shall just take him by force," said the hooded pony.Spike undid the motorcycle key and activated his sword key.

"I'd like to see you try!" shouted Spike.

"Oh do you know, well very well then," said the hooded pony. He stomped his hoof on the ground once more. A glowing blue circle appeared around Spike.

"We can't move!" shouted Dragon in Spike's mind.

"I guess I should apologize for dragging this out for so long, my original plan was just have the one who you're currently possessing erased and have the creature capture you. But unfortunately I didn't take into account the creature's intelligence level, this method of using an extraction spell is much easier!" he said. At the moment, Fluff was in a full blown panic, her friend was now immobile so he had to figure out something to do to help him. That's when Fluff spotted the belt buckle. It was a long shot for sure but considering the belt buckle had the power to turn weird looking keys into other objects entirely, it had to be able to help, right? Fluff took her chance and went down to the belt buckle. There was a button on the side of the belt buckle, with any luck, it would help so he pressed it.

"SHIELD: ON," said the mechanical voice. A red energy field suddenly pulsed out of Spike's armor, getting rid of the blue circle and breaking it's hold on Spike.

"Uh, that stupid rabbit, I remember you..." the pony said coldly as he remembered it was the same rabbit he had transformed into that monstrosity in order to terrorize other creatures in the plan of first luring out the mechanical mini dragon. "Well I believe it's time to make my leave, I'll be seeing you around, kamen rider!" and with that the pony disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

"INITIATING REPAIR AND REWIND SEQUENCE," said the mechanical voice.


The mysterious pony was looking at the back of the scroll he had used to summon that buffon of a creature with. That is when he read the fine print.

"Warning: Intelligence level of creature reflects intelligence level of summoner." That is when he proceeded to burn the scroll.

Author's Note:

As you could have probably guessed from the title, you guys vote on which decision Spike should take in the comments.
I thought it would be a neat idea to implement into this episode and some future episodes to come :)
The episode will then resume on Tuesday.
Tuesday edit: Yep, second active decision! In the future I would have up to three or four but for now i'll be sticking with these two. And it looks like some individual has it out for Spike and Dragon. The episode will conclude on Thursday.
P.S: In case you didn't catch it, the way that Spike's ryu-cycle looks is a reference to the motorcycle in Kamen Rider W :)
Thursday edit: Aaaand, cliffhanger... well things just keep getting more and more interesting for Spike don't they :)
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