• Published 15th Jun 2013
  • 2,804 Views, 85 Comments

Kamen Rider Drake - RedStar76

When Equestria is faced with a new threat there's only one thing to do... HENSHIN!

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Episode 1 pt.1: Call to Action! Henshin: Ryu Form! Part 1!

"Well c'mon! Up, up, up!" said the voice in Spike's head. Suddenly Spike felt as if something was tugging his arms and
then he flew out of his basket and half way across the room.

"Whatever you are, could you keep it down, if wake up Twilight were both goners," said Spike doing his best to reason with the mysterious creature that had somehow entered his body.

"Okay, okay relax Spike jeez," said the voice.

"Hey, you're the one who's inside my body!" Spike said as he silently walked out of the bedroom. Then in a flash of red light the mini metal dragon flew out of the center of Spike's chest.

"Better?" said the creature with an obvious sarcastic tone in his voice.

"Better, so um..." Spike was wondering what to ask because at the moment there was a million questions going through his head.

"Who am I? Is what I'm assuming you're asking." said the creature. Spike eyes now went wide.

"Uh...well...yeah..." Spike said cautiously.

"Well... you can call me, Dragon."


"Okay so this is what you're telling me... you're telling me that I'm a supposed to be something called kamen rider."

"It translates into masked rider if that make it any better." added the creature who was supposedly named "Dragon".

"The reason you came to me is because I'm a dragon."


"So why not find some other dragon? I'm not into... whatever a kamen rider is," Spike said as he was starting to make breakfast.

"Well to inform you, a kamen rider is a warrior who fights to protect what matters except a kamen rider is ten times more epic while doing it."

"Not really a clear description there Dragon," Spike said starting to get annoyed with the mini metal dragon's presence.

"The reason it has to be you," Dragon said completely ignoring Spike's previous comment. "Is because that one, you're literally the only trustworthy dragon pretty much in all of Equestria, two, dragons, and only dragons, can withstand the force of the henshin," Dragon said a matter-of-factly.

"Well I am pretty strong," Spike said slightly chuckling, "But what's a hen-shin?" Spike asked.

"It translates into transform." Dragon said.

"From what language exactly?"

"That's not the point Master Spike! The point is that we have to get moving!"

"Did you just call me master?" Spike asked surprised.

"What do you think?! Now, LET"S-GET-MOVING!" Dragon said flying into Spike's chest again. Suddenly Spike felt a tugging on his arms again.

"Oh no," Spike said as he flew out the door. Twilight yawned and woke up and began to walk downstairs.

"Good morning Spike!...Spike?" She saw breakfast on the table and the door wide open.

"Where did he go?" Twilight said to herself with concern present in her voice.


"C'mon little friends, we're almost there," said Fluttershy in a very sweet voice. An innocent baby duckling hurt it's wing a was now on Fluttershy's back. She was leading the rest of the duck family back to her cottage. Unfortunately, it was from a pond located in southern edge of the Everfree Forest, but she had mapped out a path to lead the ducks safety. But in the
Everfree forest, safety is basically thrown out the window.


"Where *huff* are we going?!" said Spike who was basically being dragged on the ground by his own arms at this point.

" I sense someone in danger! It's our job to help them!" Dragon said inside Spike's mind.

"Wait, who's in danger?!" Spike said shouting. "Why are we heading towards the Everfree Forest?! Are you nuts?!"

"So you just noticed! I can sense the emergency signal coming from there!"

"EMERGENCY WHAT?!" Just then, a high pitched scream rang out through the air.

"Wait... FLUTTERSHY?!" shouted Spike who immediately picked himself of the ground and started running by himself.

"Don't worry Fluttershy I'm coming!"

"Full speed ahead Spike!" In the meantime an entire family of ducks was cowering behind Fluttershy, while Fluttershy herself was frozen, literally paralyzed by fear. Her mouth agape, pupils narrowing to the point of being dots.

The monster was unlike anything ever seen in the Everfree Forest, it's head was a white skull and it was slightly larger than a tree, had grey fur, had clawed feet resembled a diamond dog's foot shape, oh, and instead of having a regular right arm, in it's place was from the elbow down was a giant curved blade that ran the length of it's own body.

"We're almost there! Hide in that bush!" shouted Dragon in Spike's mind. Spike dove down into the bush and saw the horrific scene before his eyes. That monster unfortunately he also recognized from his nightmare the previous night.

"What do we do?!" Spike said whispering. Dragon flew out of Spike's chest.

"Remember what I said about the Kamen Rider and the henshin!" Spike nodded.

"If say or rather shout henshin and at the same time I shout ryu then we'll i'll be able to lend you my powers!"

"What's a ryu?"

"It means dragon."

"Again, in what language?"

"Not the point! Let's do it and hurry!" Spike then saw the creature raise it's right arm... or blade, and he... or whatever it was was about to swing down at Fluttershy.


"EEEEPPPPP!!!!!!!" screamed Fluttershy. Spike jumped out of the bush and hoped for the best.



"FORM!" they both shouted in unison. Dragon flew into Spike's chest again and a bright red aura overtook Spike's small body until it was engulfed in a flash. When the light dissipated, Spike was changed entirely. Fluttershy then
proceeded to faint. Spike entire body structure was different, he remembered the first stage of his greed spurt during his last birthday, he was taller than that now, the height of Princess Celestia even. his entire body was covered in a black under armor. He wore a red and silver outline chest plate, red and silver outline gauntlets, red armor on his lower right leg and silver on his lower left. His feet now had three claws in the front and one on his heel and were also in red armor with a silver outline. The spikes that protruded his armor from the top of his back all the way to the tip of his tail were red. The helmet he was wearing was red with two silver rhombuses in the placement of his ears with the point of the rhombus facing his back extended slightly off the helmet. There was a silver piece covering the area of his mouth and shaped like an upside down triangle. Last but not least, the onyx black visor covering the area of his eyes was in a slight v-shape. After quickly analyzing his new body he had a split second reaction when the monster's right arm,erm, blade was a inch away from his face.

Spike clapped his hand around the blade and held it back, now noticing he had five fingers instead of four.

"What do I do?!" Spike shouted in his mind.

"Make him back off!!!" Dragon shouted. At that, Spike pushed the monster about fifteen feet away from him. Spike's fists ignited on fire.

"RYU!" Dragon shouted in Spike's mind.

"FIAME!" Spike shouted. The fire from Spike's fists ejected into one large ball of fire that made a direct hit on the monster's chest, sending it flying.

"Get the mare and let's get the hay out of here!" Dragon shouted. Spike ran over to Fluttershy and picked her up along
with the ducks and ran super fast speeds towards the direction of her cottage.

Author's Note:

Well this... *puts on sunglasses* JUST GOT REAL.