• Published 3rd Aug 2013
  • 3,452 Views, 128 Comments

The Narrator and MLP - Immortan Joe

All Jackson the narrator wants to do is write an MLP fanfiction. But when his writings start to gain a mind of their own and the characters start to interact with him, how will the residents of Equestria react to a man narrating their lives.

  • ...

Spike and the Narrator

Spike slept in the morning like any other dragon would every other day of the week, cept this time he would–

“Wh... What? Twilight is that you,” Spike mumbled only half awake, he shifted his body around trying to get comfortable so he can fall back to sleep. Spike raised a curious eyebrow, lifting his head up off his pillow he glanced around his dark room. “Who’s talking,” he asked out loud to no pony in particular. “What do you mean no pony in particular, I’m talking to you,” Spike said confused on how he could hear a random voice even though there’s no other pony in the room.

“Am I dreaming,” Spike asked, he furrowed his brow. “Can you stop that? It’s really getting annoying,” he said. “That, right there stop saying ‘he said’” Spike explained, “Oh you're clever.”

“Why thank you,” said the voice. “I do take pride in my work.”

Spike sighed, taking his blanket in his claw he... He stopped. “Can you stop narrating everything I’m doing,” he asked Spike clenched his eyes shut in frustration. “Please just stop! Okay, just stop! I need to get some sleep it’s like four o’clock in the morning and I need to sleep!”

“Well there’s no reason to yell, you might attract unwanted attention,” said the voice.

“What are you talk–”

“Spike,” Twilight called up from the lower floor. “Who are you talking to?”

Spike’s eyes widened. “H-how did you know Twilight’s name,” he asked.

“Spike,” Twilight called up again.

“Uh, yeah I’m okay, just had a nightmare that’s all!” Spike repli– “Would you shut up!”

“Oh my, that wasn’t nice at all.”

“You’re annoying me!” He hi- “Just stop okay I know I hissed you don’t need to tell me I did something after I just did it.”

“Hey I’m just doing my job okay.”

“What job?”

“The job where I tell a story,”

"What story?”

“The story I’m trying to tell right now, I’m a narrator.”

“You’re a narrator?”

“Yeah, now can I please get back to my job? I’m actually not supposed to interact with the characters.”

“Wait, I’m a character?”


“Eh, hello, narrator, you can’t just go silent on me here I need answers?”

“I wasn’t supposed to do that... Oh shit!”

“Wh- what’s happening!?”

On the far side of the room–

“Now’s not the time for narrating! What’s happening to Twilight’s room?”

“If you shut up and let me do my job I can fix this! Now let me narrate!”

On the far side of Twilight Sparkle’s room a large crack tore down her bedroom wall. Through the cracks a bright white light pierced through the darkness like a hot knife going through butter, the Spike cried out in pain and shielded his eyes due to the intense rays of light.

“AH! My eyes! You jerk why did you let it do that to me!?”

Large disembodied arms reached out from the cracks in the wall. Their lengthy fingers grasped onto each side of the wall; each arm began to tear down the wall making the crack even bigger.

“What’s going on?” Spike yelled out in fear– “Hey I’m not that scared!”

“I accidentally ripped a hole between our dimensional fields!”

“Say what!?”

“Ugh... I broke the fourth wall!”

“Aren’t we technically doing that now?”

“Do not question logic! They won’t like it when you question their logic!”

A loud menacing howl erupted out of the tear; more disembodied hands reached out and grasped the sides of the tear. The wall began to crinkle and deform like a balled up piece of paper.

“Do something!”

“I’m trying but I can’t seem to do anything besides describe what’s going on!”

Slowly the hole gradually began to grow bigger with every growing second.

“Ahha, that’s it!”


“I can just delete what I wrote!”



Spike slept in the morning like any other dragon would every other day of the week, cept this time he would–
“Wh-who’s there?”

“Ah, fuck not this again...”

{Later that day}

I sat back against my computer chair, scratching my chin I glanced up at the undo button in the corner. Curious as to what just happened, I took hold of my mouse and guided my cursor over it. Clicking undo the text from my previous work reappeared; leaning forward I squinted my eyes and began to read.

A few moments later I sat back in my chair and glared at my work. "What the fuck did I write?"

Author's Note:

If you're going to take this story seriously, may God have mercy on your soul. But overall I hope you guys enjoyed this stupid story and expect more in the future!