• Published 3rd Aug 2013
  • 3,449 Views, 128 Comments

The Narrator and MLP - Immortan Joe

All Jackson the narrator wants to do is write an MLP fanfiction. But when his writings start to gain a mind of their own and the characters start to interact with him, how will the residents of Equestria react to a man narrating their lives.

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Twilight and the Narrator

“Did you eat your breakfast,” asked my Grandmother.

As I made my way up the stairs to my bedroom. “Yes Grandma,” I replied.

“What about yer vitamins,” she said as she strolled up to the steps on her wheel chair.

I stopped about half way up the stairs. “Yes grandma I took my vitamins, now can you please leave me alone I have some work I need to do upstairs.”

"I thought we’re going to play some checkers,” she said.

Taking a deep breath I spun around and made my way back down the steps. Stepping in front of my grandmother I bent down and cupped my hands around hers. “Granny,” I said softly, “there are more important things in life then playing checkers with you.” My Grandmothers eyes grew sad and her gaze drifted to the floor. Standing up straight I patted her on the shoulder. “Well I’ll see you at dinner Grandma.” Turning back towards the stairs I waved goodbye and journeyed up the steps.

{Golden Oaks Library}

Twilight read her books in the afternoon like most other ponies do every other day of the week. Cept this time she would be vi–

“Who’s there,” she asked confused at the sound of the voice, Twilight began looking around the library. Searching for the voice that was narrating her every action. “Spike is that you,” She called out to her assistant. But she didn’t receive a reply. “Seriously whose ever talking please stop, you’re being very disruptive and I do not approve,” said the disgruntled unicorn. Twilight sighed lying back on her couch she raised her book over her face and began to read.

Celestia bent over Luna and kissed her on the snout. “Shh, sister, we do not want our subjects to hear us.” She cooed as she began kissing and nipping at her sister’s neck.

Luna blushed and looked away from her sister biting back a moan of pleasure she said, “But, Tia, th-this is not right what if we get caught?”

Celestia stroked her sister’s sides which caused Luna to shutter. “As long as you remain silent, Lulu, we won’t have to worry about getting caught,” Celestia said as she slipped her hoof in between Luna’s–

Twilight slammed the book closed and chucked it across the room, the book landed on the floor with a loud thud, her face was beaming red and she looked up at the ceiling. “Sweet Celestia that’s not my book on quantum physics! What did you do to my book, and how did you do it?”

Twilight stared up at the ceiling looking for whoever was talking, but to her avail nothing replied back to her. “What do you mean nothing replied back to me, I can hear your voice!” Twilight said, “That’s it I’m going to bed.”

Twilight stepped off her couch and made her way up the steps, bending down she sniffed herself and recoiled back. “Maybe I should shower first,” she said doing her best to ignore the voice; she frowned. “Just ignore it, Twilight,” She addressed herself.

Making her way to the bathroom, she opened the door and turned on the light. Closing it behind her she gritted her teeth; taking her gaze upwards she grumbled something to herself. Using her magic she turned on the shower and stepped in, the beats of lukewarm water smashed against her coat in rhythmic beats.

Taking her shampoo in her magical hold she began to wash her mane. “Are you going to narrate everything,” she asked as she scrubbed her mane.

Twilight’s question went unanswered as memories of the naughty book began to seep back into her mind. The description of Celestia and her sis-


{My Bedroom}

I sat there; glaring at the bold text on my screen. How did she…? What!? I was stunned on how Twilight Sparkle was able to cut me off. Yes Spike did before but that was because I spoke to him before hand. But how was she… Able to cut me off even though I haven’t spoke to her.

A knock came from my door. “Mr. You are in big trouble!” Shouted my Grandfather. “You hurt your Grandmothers feelings and you-”

I went over to my door and locked it. “Tell her I’m sorry Grandpa and I’ll be down in a bit I just have to do something real quick.”

“You little runt, unlock this door right now!”

I turned on my stereo and began blaring Metallica. “Sorry can’t hear you!” Sitting down I got back to work.

{Golden Oaks Library}

Twilight took a deep breath, calming her nerves she stepped out of the shower. Using her magic she dried herself instantly; opening the door she made her way to her room. Twilight hopped onto her bed pulling her blankets over herself she tried to fall asleep.

Twilight clenched her eyes shut, trying to force the voice out of her head she sighed. “Can you please be quiet I’m trying to sleep,” she moaned.

“How about… No.”

Twilight’s eyes snapped open at the sound of the voice responding to her. “Eh… Why not?”

“Because I’m trying to tell a story.”

“What do you mean tell a story?” Twilight asked sitting up from where she lai- “Stop, please just stop!”

“But if I don’t describe what you’re doing the viewers will get bored.”

“What viewers?” Twilight asked while glancing around the room looking for the audience.

“The very few people who’ll actually read this story.”

“Read? Like is this some type of book or something?”

“You could say something like that.”

“So you’re like the narrator?”


“What’s the story supposed to be about?”

“You reading that book then masturbating in the shower.”

“What! NO! You sick pervert I’ll never stoop down to that low!”

“Hey it’s not about what I like, it’s about what they like.”

“Who are they?”

“The audience.”



“Where are you?” Twilight asked now intrigued by the voice.

“I’m in my room sitting at my computer writing this while listening to Metallica, and my Grandpa is-”

{My bedroom}

A loud bang erupted out of the hallway and my door handle exploded off the door, sending a barrage of splinters my way. Diving onto the floor I covered my head. “Jesus Christ!” I shouted.

My Grandpa stepped into the room holding his twelve gauge he tossed it onto my bed. He came over and clasped the back of my neck. “First you’re going to apologize to my wife,” He hissed into my ear. “Then you’re buying me a new door you got that?”

I nodded my head. “Cash or credit?”