• Published 3rd Aug 2013
  • 3,449 Views, 128 Comments

The Narrator and MLP - Immortan Joe

All Jackson the narrator wants to do is write an MLP fanfiction. But when his writings start to gain a mind of their own and the characters start to interact with him, how will the residents of Equestria react to a man narrating their lives.

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The Narrator and Confusion (Optional)

“Checkmate.” Said my Grandmother for the third time in a row.

“Wait, what? How, what!?” I said again for the third time in a row.

My Grandmother giggled, “Maybe if you stop moving your King first and actually think of an actual strategy you’ll actually do good at something for once.”

I sighed bending over to get a better look at the board I ran a hand through my hair. “But… Ugh, never mind, new game?” I asked.

My Grandmother smirked. “What’s the point you’re just going to lose again.”

My mouth fell open. “Oh you I’ll show you, watch me I won’t lose this time.”

Behind me I heard the door open as my Grandfather stormed in pissed as usual, taking his hat off he slammed it on the floor. “Is something wrong, sweaty?” Asked Granny.

“Yeah something’s wrong, it’s that damn tractor! It broke down again this like the third time in row this week!”

I leaned over to get a glimpse at my Grandfather. “A lot of things are happening for a third time,” I muttered to myself.

My Grandpa took a deep breath, rubbing a hand over his bald head he said, “I need something to drink.”

Turning back to my Granny I smiled. “Another game–”


Instantly I felt my heart drop at sound of his yelling, I could feel the vibrations from the stomping of his feet as he stormed back into the living room. “Oh shi– I mean crap” I censored myself in front of my Grandmother as I cradled my head. Frustrated at how stupid I was for drinking and writing the night before.

My Grandfather took hold of my shoulder and spun me around so that I was facing him; Jesus was he strong despite his age. “What did I tell you about getting into my beer,” He snarled.

“Not to drink it if I ask?” I said shrugging my shoulders.

“No, I said, ‘don’t drink it at all!’” He shouted in my face.

Wincing I leaned my head back trying to gain distance between each other. “Well I did buy it so in a way it’s kind of mine Grandpa.”

“Yeah but you bought it for me, because of what you said to your dear Grandmother.”

I nodded my head. “True, but again it did come out of my wallet.”

My Grandfather glared at me, letting go he pinched the bridge of his nose. “That’s besides the… You know what whatever fine you win… You always win… Shows over everyone go home,” He said as he stormed back off into the kitchen.

Just like how most of our arguments ended, my Grandfather stormed off only to come back hours later and bring it up. Turning to face my Grandmother I sighed, looking at the clock on the wall I clenched my fist. I have to go to work today in ten minutes, looking up at Granny I shook my head. “Sorry, Granny, I have to go.” My Grandmother nodded her head, remaining silent as usual after one of our arguments. Just so she won’t provoke any of us and have turn into another screaming match, even though half the time the only one screaming was my Grandfather.

{Best Buy}

I work in the local Best Buy in down town which is about two hours away from home, which is in the middle of fucking nowhere on a farm. I really did nothing special at work I mostly carried out merchandise and took care of empty carts. Here and there if no one was around I would attend to a cash register if I needed to.

It wasn’t a bad job, didn’t really have that many friends mostly because everyone gave me the silent treatment or they had better people to talk to. So I’d mostly wander the halls and-

“Hey you, cart boy!”

I stopped turning around I saw my manager holding a phone. “I have a name you know,” I said.

He shrugged. “So, well anyways here it’s for you.’ He said handing me the white telephone.

Taking the wireless telephone I brought up to my ear and said, “Yellow?”

“Oh my fucking God!” Shouted a voice in frustration on the other line.

Bringing the phone away from ear so that I wouldn’t go deaf I slowly brought it back. “Who is this?” I asked my manager.

He shrugged. “I dunno he claims to be your editor or something.”

Once the phone was back in position I could hear the voice ranting. “Do you know how fucking stupid you sound when you answered the phone that way? God you don’t greet people by saying a fucking color, you say hello! You know like with an H good God why did I have write that in. It’s so freaking stupid!”

I raised a confused eyebrow. “Wait what do you mean wrote that in?”

“What, whatever just listen here, pal, you don’t know me but I defiantly know you.”

“Who are you?”

“Names don’t matter right now, boy, but I’ll tell you this you need to write better material.”

“Wait what the fuck are you talking about? And how do you know I write, I haven’t even posted anything on the internet.”

“Hey, boy, shut the fuck up okay, I don’t have long okay the longer I talk to you the bigger crack forms okay?

“What? I’m so confused.”

“Yeah and I bet they are too, but I’m not complaining this is important information.”

“Who’s they and why are you telling me this if I won’t understand.”

“I dunno because I’m too lazy to explain it in a better and more detailed way.”

“B-but that doesn’t make any fucking sense!”

“The plot doesn’t make any sense, boy, now shut the fuck up before it’s too la–”

The phone went silent… “Well that didn’t make any sense.”

Author's Note:

Now you're probably thinking that was a waste of your time, and you're probably like "Where the fuck are the ponies and the confusion and trolling AHH! Fuck you Nebula!"

Well this was mostly a chapter so that you can get to know the Narrator (or the protagonist in this case), probably didn't learn much did you? Well I know I sure as Hell didn't that's why this chapter was listed as optional!