• Published 3rd Aug 2013
  • 3,449 Views, 128 Comments

The Narrator and MLP - Immortan Joe

All Jackson the narrator wants to do is write an MLP fanfiction. But when his writings start to gain a mind of their own and the characters start to interact with him, how will the residents of Equestria react to a man narrating their lives.

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The Narrator and Rainbow Dash

Let’s see what Rainbow Dash is doing shall we?

Rainbow Dash practiced for the Wonderbolts like she did every day of the week, cept this time she would… end up flying into a tree… Oh God that must’ve… oh shit I thank she’s actually hurt!

{That Ponyville hospital that I have no idea what it’s called}

Rainbow Dash laid in the hospital bed hospitalized like she did every time she didn’t watch where she was flying. Rainbow Dash’s face scrunched up as she gently glanced up at the ceiling. “I was watching where I was going, and it’s just that when you started speaking you scared the living hay out of me!”

“Oh… are you okay?”

Dash shook her head as she faced hoofed with her non casted leg. “Do I look okay?”

“Yeah you look rather fine to me; all you need is some duct ta–”

“I’m in serious pain right now thanks to you!”

“Oh you’re welcome.”

Dash sighed as she once again faced hoofed, Dash stopped her brow furrowed as she stared up at the ceiling with an irritated look. “Can you please shut up?”

“Oh I’m sorry, I’m afraid I can’t stop. You see I’m kind of in the middle of doing my job.”

“What job,” Dash asked, “I don’t see you doing anything matter of fact I don’t see you.”

“Ugh, yeah that’s the thing you can’t see me… matter of fact all you can do is hear me.”

“Where are you,” Dash asked as she shifted in th– “You don’t have to say everything…”

“You see I’m supposed… You know what I’m really getting real tired of writing this conversation over and over… You know what I think it’s time for a transition.”



“So your job is to narrate ponies… for other pony’s entertainment?”

“Of Course, I did say I’m a narrator.”

“Well… where are these other ponies anyways?”

“Oh hohoho my silly, Dashie, please don’t ask stupid questions.”

“How is that a stupid question, what’s the point of narrating some pony’s life for others entertainment if there’s nopony here to listen to it?”



“Like I said Dash, ‘don’t ask stupid questions.’”


“Ah–b–b– no buts, okay don’t ask stupid questions.”

“I’m just saying that there’s–”

“Stop questioning my inferior logic!”

“Alright! Fine geez no need to throw a tantrum,” Dash said as she once again shifted in her bed trying to get comfortable. “Okay, uh… Why are you narrating me anyways, like I’m sitting here in a hospital bed and I will be for three days… So not much is going to happen so…”

“Okay I’ll agree with you there… I didn’t really think this for ahead.”

“Yeah… so you’re listeners might be pretty bored–”

“Readers they’re readers.”

“Wait so you’re writing all this down?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

“You must be a pretty fast writer.”

“Yeah I bet you could say I’m the fastest wri–”

“Just don’t, don’t even try.”

“Yeah… I guess I shouldn’t.”

{Thirty boring fucking minutes later!}

“So you live with your Grandparents?”

“Yeah, it’s not bad… like it could be worse I could be stuck with my Dad.”

“Oh, what’s up with your Da–”

“Ms. Dash… who are you speaking to,” asked Nurse Redheart.

Dash’s attention instantly shot down towards the confused Nurse, her face flushed instantly with embarrassment. “Sorry what,” Dash asked trying to cover herself.

“Is everything alright, Ms. Dash, if not I can go get Dr. Stitches,” Nurse Redheart suggested, as she approached Dash’s bed side.

“Em… No thanks everything’s alright I don’t need to spend an extra night here,” Dash said quickly as she tried to push herself away from the mare.

Nurse Redheart reached out with her right hoof and gently placed it on Dash’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Ms. Dash, we are not going to keep you here for an extra day,” she chuckled at the over exaggerating mare.

Dash shot an aggravated look up at the ceiling. “Why you,” She growled.

“Did I do something wrong, Rainbow?” She asked as she began to massage Dash’s shoulder.

Dash eyes grew wide as the Nurse gently massaged her stiff shoulders. “Wh–what are you doing!?” She shouted as she tried to pull herself away only to succeed by falling off her bed and landing on her back with a thud. “Ah, son of a– you did that on purpose!” Dash accused as she shot a hoof up in the air.

“I didn’t do anything on purpose!” Nurse Redheart scoffed.

“Not you, him!” Dash shouted stupidly in anger.

“Wait what?” Nurse Redheart stood back with a very confused look; she took a few glances around the small hospital room. Only to find nothing in her short search. “There’s nopony else in here besides the two of us.”

Once Dash realized what she said she instantly covered her mouth. “Whoops.”

Before Dash could do anything else Nurse Redheart was on her in an instant. “What the–what are you doing?” Dash raised her good hoof up to her chest and tried to push her off.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time, Dash,” Redheart said she licked her lips.

“Waiting for what!?” Dash’s eyes shrunk into small dots as Redhearts eye took on a lustful look.

“Do it! Do it while you still have a chance!”

“Do what?” Dash asked as the Nurse seemed to have toned her out and was too focused on getting her hooves on the injured mare.

“Fuck her!”

“Say what, I’m not doing that! I’m not into that sort of thing,” Dash said as she began to lose strength.

“Wait… What?”

“I’m only into Stallions, geez, why does everypony think I’m gay,” She said as she was able to slip her hind hoof under Redheart placing it on her belly she was able to push her off.

“Well… I assumed that, since you have… I dunno the mane and… everyone else seems to enjoy a gay–”

“Really,” Dash said as she attempted to climb back onto the bed. “Just because I have a Rainbow mane and I act like a tomboy that makes me–”

“Don’t judge their logic! They won’t like it when you judge their logic!”

“Wait, who are the–”

{My Bedroom}

Three knocks came from my door. “Come in,” I called out to whoever was at my door.

To my left I heard the door open and I heard a very distinctly familiar voice catch my ear. “Sup Bitch?”

Author's Note:

I just don't even know anymore... why am I still writing this? Why are you people enjoying this!? ARRRGHH!