• Published 3rd Aug 2013
  • 3,449 Views, 128 Comments

The Narrator and MLP - Immortan Joe

All Jackson the narrator wants to do is write an MLP fanfiction. But when his writings start to gain a mind of their own and the characters start to interact with him, how will the residents of Equestria react to a man narrating their lives.

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The Narrator and Somewhat Pinkie

“Boy when are you gonna learn that: your life doesn’t need to revolve around that computer thing of yours? Why don’t you do something better with your life and go get yourself a beautiful girlfriend or something.” Asked my Grandpa.

I took a bite out of my ham and cheese sandwich and glanced over at him. “I told you, Gran Dad, my whole life doesn’t revolve around that thing,” I said my mouth full of food. Moments later I felt a hand collide with the back of my head. “Ow, what was that for!?”

“What did I tell you about talking with your mouth full,” my Grandmother scolded as she strolled past me on her wheelchair.

Mumbling angrily I ran my hand over the sore spot on the back my head. “Anyways,” I began, “my whole life doesn’t revolve around the computer, and I do somewhat have a girl friend,” I explained to my Grandfather who was sitting on the other side of the table.

“Like who,” he snorted as he impaled a carrot with his fork.

“Lindys Folk from work,” I said silently offended.

“You mean that whore from town,” my Grandfather said he slowly chewed on his food.

“Herald,” My Grandmother snapped.

“Hey that’s my friend you’re talking about!” I said as I slammed my sandwich down onto the plate.

“Kidding, kidding,” my Grandfather chuckled as he held his hands up in his defense.

“Well that wasn’t funny at all,” my Grandmother said as she placed her plate in the sink.

“Seriously though,” I sighed and took my sandwich in hand. “That wasn’t funny at all.”

My Grandfather rolled his eyes and stood up taking his plate he made his way over to the sink. “I’m sorry, but still I’m not too fond of that Lindsey girl. Last time you brought her over here she almost ruined my tractor.”

Before I could to tell my Grandpa that the tractor incident happened three years ago, my phone exploded into a wave of vibrations. “Hold on I need to take this,” I mumbled as I took out my phone, getting up from my seat I made my way out of the kitchen and into the living room. “Hello?” I said.

“Hey, man, check your email,” Tommy said quickly and completely out of nowhere.

“Wait what,” I said as I turned towards the stairs leading up to my room and the restroom.

“Did I stutter? I said, ‘go and check your email.’” He sighed.


“Just do it dammit!”

“Alright fine,” I said as I went up the stairs.

{My bedroom}

Sitting down in my chair, I opened up Google Chrome and went straight to my email. “Alright are you there yet?” Tommy asked anxiously.

I raised a curious eyebrow. “Is everything alright, man, you’re acting pretty weird?”

“Actually no, everything is not alright; in fact I’m a little freaked out. Are you there now?”

“Yes, yes I am, jeez,” I mumbled as I opened my inbox.

“What does the message say?”

I leaned forward and squinted my eyes to get a better look. “It’s time…”

{Ponyville Market Place}

Pinkie Pie sulked through the Market Place like she didn’t every other day of the week, cept this time she’d be–

“Annoyed by the same intro the narrator creates for every character he narrates…”

“Yep I expected you to be silent,” Pinkie sighed and continued down her path towards Sugar Cube Corner.

As Pinkie ventured through the Market Place she couldn’t help but notice–

“The lack of ponies here except for, Twilight and Applejack down by the apple cart having a nice chat; yeah kind of saw that coming.”

“Again with the silence, you know I think this is the time you’re supposed to start talking to me.”

“You know I think you’re really out of character.”

“And here we go.”

“Why are you acting like this? You’re supposed to be upbeat and super excited and what not.”

Pinkie stopped and shook her head. “No, I’m supposed to be in character tomorrow when I was scheduled to be narrated.”

“Wait scheduled, what the fu–”

“Ah ha ha, language, mister.”

“What this is my story.”

“But still not all the fans like to hear bad words every other sentence.”

“What fans I haven’t even gotten around to posting everything yet, honestly I don’t even think I’m going to if this keeps up.”

Pinkie chuckled. “Oh author the things you don’t know about.”

“What the Hell are you talking about?”

“Things you won’t learn about until later.”

“Wait what, how would you know about later?”

“I read ahead.”

“Wait, what–”

{My Bedroom}

My bedroom door blew open and Tommy came in. “Quickly, Man, there’s giant fucking colorful alien robots that came from the meteorites and out of the gorund and they’re blowing shit up an–

{My Bedroom}

“Ah Jesus,” I cried out as I quickly sat up in my bed, sweat poured down my face as I took the edge of my blanket to wipe myself off. In the corner my T.V. was left on but all what was left was static and white noise. “Alright that’s the last time I watch T.V. before be–”

I sat there horrified, my bones chilled to the bone. In front of me on my computer screen is large bold words were.

It’s Time…

Author's Note:

Ha, I hate those it was all just a dream endings. But I added it in there just for filler, Pinkie's chapter is half way done and coming next. Unless this hits the Hundred Likes than it's the hundred like special. Then Pinkie's chapter.