• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 11,112 Views, 351 Comments

Another Kind of Humanity - SPkon107

An ODST discovers humans who are not part of the UNSC.

  • ...

Chapter 11: New chapter but no name sorry. Hiatus is over.

It has been over an hour since the Crystal Empire fell to the hands of the Griffin Kingdom. A chopper carried Twilight, Alex and the rest of the team to Canterlot. Twilight moaned in pain as she held her injured arm. The ODST reached into his life pack and grabbed a needle pouch. He carefully inserted the needle into Twilight’s arm and injected the morphine. he said As he removed the needle from her arm.

“This will help with the pain Twilight.” She grabbed onto Alex’s arm with a smile. The medicine took it’s affect and numb the pain.

“Thank you Alex.” The Princess looked out her window to see that they were heading further away from the Crystal Empire. They failed to protect the great crystal city and she felt responsible. She jumped a little to the sound of more helicopters flying near them. Alex grabbed his weapon but, stopped to realize the choppers were part of the Empire.

“Sir?” Said the Helljumper as he lowered his weapon. The Super-soldier turned away from the door to answer.

“I already told you tropper we lost the Empire. We are evacuating you and the remaining Guards to Canterlot. The Griffins gained a large amount of land with their victory. The Matos Nonlinear Pulse Cannon from the Prowler was able to clear a large amount of their ground troops. Everything turned to shit when the Griffins gain control of the air.”

Alex was about to say another word but, was cut off by a bright light that appeared from the horizon. Alex cover his eyes and searched for his helmet. He felt it hit his leg and grabbed it before it fell off the vehicle due to the shaking of the helicopter. Twilight held onto Alex to dear life. The pilot struggled to maintain the chopper steady. When the chopper spun around a few times the Spartan quickly rushed over to the cockpit. He pulled the pilot out of the seat and took control. He managed to stabilize the helicopter. When the light dimmed everyone took sight at what was at the distance. All except for the Spartan were shock. Alex looked at the cloud that was over the horizon. Seeing memories flashing back and forth from his previous battles. His heart rate was rising and he was breathing heavily under his helmet. He knew if he continued he was going to have a panic attack. A pinching force was squeezing on his arm causing Alex to looked down to see Twilight crying in fear.

Over three hours of flying over the lands of Equestria Alex and his helicopter have finally reached the Canterlot city limit. He observed the land below where multiple Guards rushed around the street. They seemed to advise the residents to stay indoors. Alex’s attention was caught by spotting Anti-Air Guns being placed on rooftops. The helicopter hovered over the garden slowly lowering to the ground. Immediately after the vehicle made contact with the ground medics rushed to aid Twilight’s injuries. Alex attempted to keep up but, he was stopped by the Spartan.

“What are you doing sir? I have to see if she’s going to be fine.” Said Alex as he pulled away from the grip of the Spartan but, his grip was too strong.

“She’ll be fine trooper. She just took an arm injury but, I also suggest you stay put for a bit.” Alex was wondering why the Lieutenant was telling him to stay away from Twilight.


“I think her brother is going to try to hurt you if he finds out that his sister was injured in battle.” Alex stood frozen for a moment. He thought back to what he said before he and Twilight left Ponyville. Making sure she returns unharmed. Alex felt defeated and realized that the Lieutenant was right.

“Yes sir.”

After the remaining troops that evacuated the empire have been escorted to temporary barracks. Princess Luna, Celestia, and Cadence were in a room with Spartan- 254. The Empire was lost to the Griffins and they are now making their way to Canterlot. Cadence felt hopeless and a failure for not being able to defend her people. Cadence just informed her aunt about what happen.

“We...we lost the Empire!” said Celestia as if she has seen a ghost. Cadence looked down and replied.

“Yes… I...i have fail you Aunt Celestia… I am…” She stopped in her trail of words when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“No.” Both Cadence and Celestia turned to Luna. “You have given it your all to defend your Empire. You must not talk down on yourself as if you were that tyrant.” Cadence thought about the Tyrant Luna was talking about. She remember the battle that took place when she and her husband freed the Crystal Empire from Sombra. Celestia nodded and took a step forward as Luna took a seat. She caught Cadence’s attention by placing both her hands on her shoulders.

“Luna is right Cadence. The number of the Knights were underestimated when we arranged our plans. We did not expected to see many of them in one place.

“But this defeat has drawn the Knights closer to Canterlot!” said Cadence pushing herself away from her aunt. Cadence knew Celestia was trying to to support her but, she was the princess of the Crystal Empire and it was her responsibility to protect it.

“I understand your worries Cadence. Right now I’m just happy that you all made it alive. Even if Twilight was injured. I’m just happy it was nothing more major.” Celestia turned to the Spartan who was just leaning against a wall. “What should we do now Lieutenant?”

He stood quiet for a minute before answering. He placed his hand under the chin of his helmet. If this were a Covenant Glassing the UNSC would have evacuated the civilians and place troops on the defensive. Follow by an aerial assault if the ships were available. “The Knights used a nuclear warhead. If they did it once they will do it again if they reach Canterlot.”

“Then what should be done?”

“I would suggest firing one of our own warheads on the Prowler. Our warheads are far more powerful than your planet’s nuclear bombs. Problem is this will cause a worldwide panic. Might even lead to a nuclear war.” Celestia gave him a worried look. “Look Princess it’s no mystery the Griffins are going to attack here next. The Griffin Kingdom is closer to Canterlot than the Empire. I believe the only reason they attack the Crystal Empire was because Cadence did not have the manpower to defend it thus making it a weak point. Of course I’m sure you already knew that. No need for me to suggest you to set a defense line on the borders or set up Anti-Air guns. I spotted them on the roof tops of this city when we arrived.”

“I understand your means to protect my home but, we have limited weapons and we need them to protect Cante…” The Spartan walked off the wall he was leaning on and approached Celestia which gave her a slight scare.

“Princess saving your country is more important than saving one city.”

“Lieutenant Canterlot is the capital of Equestria. If it falls we lose the war. And what about the Tower of the Higher Pow…”

“Sister!” Celestia and the Lieutenant turned their attention to Luna who was not approving her sister’s plans. “Heed the Warrior’s advice! If you will not mobilize your Solar Troops then the Equestrian boarders will be vulnerable. The Griffin will walk right into our lands.

“Luna think about your actions. If you send all of our troops who will protect our subjects…”

“And that is what I’m doing?! I will not just sit here and wait for the enemy to arrive. I will send my Guard to the Equestrian Border.” Celestia stepped away from the Spartan and moved towards her sister

“I can not allow you.”

“Who will stop me? You? If you think you’ll prevent me from protecting my home then that is where you are wrong!” Luna stood from her seat and put on her night mask. “If you need me. I’ll be in the Lunaric Castle mobilizing my troops.” She exited the room furiously and slammed the door shut behind her. The Spartan thought about the castle Luna just mentioned. Obviously since he never removes his helmet the Spartan raised one eyebrow.

“Lunaric Castle?” He turned to the Solar Princess. “What the hell is the Lunaric Castle?”

“The Lunaric Castle is Luna’s own castle. It is located within the Everfree Mountains. I consider it a kingdom. Sure it is small but, her subjects are very loyal.”

“How far is it?”

“A few miles further away from the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters other known as my old home.


“Yes. I think it is four miles off the old castle. From Ponyville it is about seven. Why do you ask?”

“Because I think we just found our last point of defense.”

“What do you mea… what!?”

“You know exactly what I meant.”

“Princess Celestia!” Princess Celestia and the Spartan turned to the door giving their attention to a Guard. “Your presence is needed.” Celestia took a deep breath and stood tall. She walked past the Spartan and Cadence. She stopped and said without turning around.

“We are not done discussing this Spartan.”

Four days later

Alex waited outside of Twilight’s room. He was treated from his injuries which were minor and was forced to take a shower. He thought about exchanging THE under skin suit later on. After his quick shower he quickly rushed over to the Princess’s door. He fell asleep. His slumber was shoRt because of nightmares causing him to sweat heavily. There goes his shower. He shot up from his seat and returned to reality. After realizing it was a dream he sat back down and waited. The door opened alarming the ODST. He rushed to the door but, instead of Twilight it was Fluttershy who exited the room. She saw Alex standing in front of her.

“I’m sorry Alex but, the nurse has told me to let Twilight rest. The doctor was able to treat Twilight’s injury but for now you have to wait.”

“I have to see…” Fluttershy placed her hand onto the soldier.

“I promise she’s okay. But for now... she needs to rest.” He just kept his glare into her eyes. Alex couldn't understand what was going on. Suddenly he felt his worries wash away. She smiled back. Her eyes widen as she felt Alex’s chest. “O-oh my.” She kept moving her hands around.

“Um… looking for something?”

“Huh. OH! I’m sorry It’s just… I’m sorry!” She turned away trying to hide her red cheeks.

“It’s ok. Just keep your hand to yourself okay.”

“Kay.” She blushed once more with a smile and walked down the hallway.


Alex returned back to his seat. The soldier lowered his head and placed his hands on his face. Worried about his failure to protect the Princess. When he returned Twilight's brother nearly fought the Helljumper regardless by his injuries only to be stopped by the Spartan.

Alex thought back to the cave where he told Twilight his story. He never had truly realized how much he cared for her. Alex heard footsteps coming towards him from the hallway. He looked up to see who it was.

Princess Luna was walking tall with her two personal guards making TheIr way down to the Guard Courtyard. She stopped at the sight of the ODST. She lifted her right hand.

"Wait for me down the hallway. " The two guards nodded and continued onwards. "How are you fairing Warrior? "

"Not to be be disrespectful or much less an asshole but, what do you think?" Luna took a step back upon hearing his response to her question. She can hear the guilt coming from the tone of his voice.

"I understand." Alex tried to avoid the issue and changed the subject. He knew he could apologize later.

"Where are you heading off to Princess?"

"To the Lunaric Castle."

“Lunaric Castle?” Said the ODST. He has only known of two castles. The one they are in and Cadence’s Castle.

“The Lunaric Castle is part of the Midnight Kingdom. My own home and my own subjects to protect.”

"You have your own castle?"

"Yes i do. My sister’s home suit her more than I. In the beginning the castle was home to myself and my Guard. Over time people discovered the kingdom. Slowly my kingdom began to grow outside of the walls of my castle."

"Must be nice.”

“It is. But I am still one of the rulers of Equestria and it requires me to be present in this castle for a large portion of my day.”

"True. I do see you here in most of my visits."

"May I advise you of something." She said as she removed removed her mask.

"Sure thing Princess."

"I feel as if my sister will not heed your superiors warning and not defend the borders of our country."

"Then what the hell is is she going to protect?"


"What?" Said Alex as he flinched back nearly hitting his head against the wall.

"She is more willing to lose more land to protect one city. Yes the Tower of of the Higher Powers is within the mountain but... I would prefer to destroy the tower than to risk the lives of my people."

"Then what does that have to do with me?"

"Your A.I. Lilly if I remember well from the Spartan’s details. She can pilot your vehicles without a driver. Am I right? "

"Yes she can."

"Do you think you can have her warn the people in Canterlot and Ponyville about the invasion. I want them to know that THE Lunaric Kingdom is a safe haven to take refuge."

"If anything it is possible but, I must clear it with the Lieutenant first. I think I have broken enough regulations already."

"Do what must be done Sir Alex."

"I will."

"Thank you. And if you see Twilight? Let her know my regards."

"I wi... wait how did..."

"I know this castle very well Corporal. We are not blind and our niece have mentioned her injury.”

“Wish I did a better job protecting her." Luna placed her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort the Helljumper

"Do not blame yourself. Princess Twilight told us your story as soon as our niece returned from the infirmary making sure Shining Armor was ok. I'm sorry for your lost."

"Thank you again Luna."

"And… if it makes you feel better you have caught my attention since we met. Might I say you are quite handsome. " Alex raised a brow and rubbed the back of his neck to the unexpecting complement.

"Uhh... thanks I gue...mmph" She did not let him finish. Alex was cut off by a kiss from the Princess of the Night. She broke the kiss and said as she walked away.

"Have a good day Sir Alex."

Alex just looked at the Princess making her way towards her guards. He didn’t even know what to think. Behind the door Twilight heard and saw everything. Concern and a little jealousy went through her mind. Twilight took the moment to tease the ODST.

“Looks like Luna has some sort of a crush on you HUH.” Alex looked back and immediately approached Twilight.

“You should be in bed resting Your Highness.”Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance. She didn’t care if other called her that but, what irritated her was that her friends were calling her Princess or your highness.

“I should but, I heard you and Luna talking.”

“How much did you heAR?”

“Pretty much everything. Are we really going to be invaded?”

“More like you are. Remember I’m not part of your world. I can easily take off if I want to.” Twilight looked away from Alex. Thinking how her home was about to be destroyed.

“We’re losing the war aren’t we? Coming closer to home everytime with every battle. I wouldn’t expect you to understand.

Alex thought to himself. ‘If only you had a clue. We’re both are dealing with the same fucking shit.’

Twilight looked at the ODST’s eyes not because she was admiring his looks but, she thought on how exhausted he looked. The bags under his eyes and how red they were.



“How long has it been since you’ve slept?”

“Well I DID pasS out when I was drunk back at that shitty town. So like four days. That’s how long you were out after they treated you.”

“Four days! I’ve been out for four day!”

“I know right? You got sleep and rest. Me well its been slow and boring. When I’m fighting I could go days without sleep but, when waiting doing nothing I just…” Twilight rolled her eyes and cut the ODST mid sentence.


“Huh? Excuse me?”

“I said get inside!”

“Ok-ok shit no need to yell.” He entered the room wondering why the Princess wanted him in her room. The room was pretty much the same as when he left Twilight on the bed from their arrival.

“Okay Twilight why am I here?” She didn’t respond all she did was grab an extra pillow and placed it beside her own.


“Whoah there hot stuff. You’re cute and all but, date and movie has to come first.” Twilight’s face blushed but, she quickly shook it off and yelled again.

“You dumbass I meant sleep! As in rest!”

“Oh. That.” Said the ODST while rubbing the back of his neck. “Look I’m tired but, I don’t need sle…”

“Please Alex. What if I need you to protect me once again.” He rolled his eyes and responded.

“Sure because, I did a ‘great job’ the last time.”

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“Then why do I feel like it was?”

“Because you’re an idiot!

“And I was for leaving you.”

“A plan that I came up with! Alex. Please try to get some sleep." Alex looked out the window before turning back to Twilight. All he had to say were curse words.

“Bitch.” Twilight took a step back by the unexpected language. She did not approve and returned the favor,





“Douchebag!” The two gave each other WITH a death glare. After a few seconds they broke into laughter. Twilight grabbed Alex’s hand.

“I know you feel terrible about what happened. And you… still feel like your past is haunting you. Well it will still haunt for the rest of your life. Alex what I’m trying to say is that you’re not alone anymore. You have… well me and my friends.”

“Thank you but, I think I have you. I haven’t been with your friends for too long.” Twilight blushed on his comment.


“I’ll try to get some sleep if it makes you happy.” Twilight gave him a smile.

“The more sleep the better. If anything I have a feeling Canterlot will be evacuated and I want you to be in full strength.”

“Damn it Celestia will you listen!” said the Spartan as he chased Celestia down the hall. The sun princess has been avoiding Cadence and the Lieutenant for the last few days. Cadence walked out of a room. She spotted her aunt walking down the hallway.

“Aunt Celestia?” The sun princess stop and turned around.

“I WILL NOT GIVE UP CANTERLOT!” Celestia shouted from the top of her lungs. The Lieutenant kept his ground with his arms crossed. Cadence on the other hand took cover behind the human behemoth.

“Aunt Celestia I was only going to ask if you wanted a piece of cake.”

“Cadence fuck the damn cake! Celestia we need to discuss this now! Not later. Now!” Said the Spartan. He moved forward to the Sun Princess. Celestia looked away. The Spartan stopped and looked at her. A stubborn General as if he hasn’t dealt with enough of them in the UNSC. “Fine Celestia do what you want. Cadence can we speak outside.”


The Princess of love led the Spartan out of the hallway and into to the gardens. As the two walked the Lieutenant noticed the glares given from the Celestial and Crystal Guard. They flinched when they caught him on sight and quickly moved aside. His size gave out fear to the Guard. The Crystal Guard have never seen a Human this tall. Besides the one who fought beside him when the Crystal Empire fell.

“Well warrior what do you need?”

“It’s seem like your aunt is useless on this one.”

“She has her reasons. I don’t know what but, she has them. And don’t call my Aunt useless. She’s going through enough already.”

“This is war Cadence. What ever she is dealing with needs to be tossed aside. She needs to concentrate on the real problem here.

“I understand Lieutenant. I just wish I can do something about it.”

“Actually you can.”


“If anything I need you to send half of what you have left to the borderlines with your Aunt Luna’s troops.”


“Trust me. We still need troops here to protect the city. This city is still an open target to an attack.”

“But what about the mountain?”

“You leave that to me.”

“Lieutenant what are you going to do?”

“Well if you want to know. I’m placing barriers on the entrances. They won’t break through even if they use tanks.”

Without saying another word the Spartan turned around and left the Princess behind. Cadence knew that the Spartan made a valid point. Giving up land to protect one city was too much of a risk. She also understand the means of her aunt. The mountain itself means too much to her. She placed her hand on her forehead and took a deep breath.

“Cadence?” She turned around to see her husband on a crouch.

“Shining Armor what are you doing here?”

“Looking for you. Princess Luna told me everything. Has your aunt changed her mind?”

She looked down and responded. “No she hasn’t. She’s willing to give up everything to keep this city safe. We need to defend the borderlines. This will be the city of choice to fight in. If we leave the outskirts unprotected.”

“I’ll gather the Guard if you want?”

“No. I need you to rest. In fact I want you to leave to Ponyville.”

“What? Cade- no I will not leave you!”

“Please Shining Armor. The Guard still needs a commanding officer.”

“Cadence I will not have this discussion with you. I’m not leaving you or Canterlot!”

“Shining Armor-”

“I said no!”

“I’m not giving you a choice. You may be my husband but, you are still acting as Captain. Do not force me to use my authority on you.”

“I don’t care I will not leave my wife! Cadence... please.” Cadence looked away for a brief moment. She did not want to force her husband to leave. One side of her wants him to stay the other want him to leave in case for the worst.

“I’ll think about it Shining. I’m not sure what is going to happen but, I’ll give you an answer later.” Shining Armor gave her a smile. “But know we need to gather the Guard to battle. Aunt Luna will be here soon and she’ll be ready to fight. We must do the same. "


Twelve Hours Later

Pass five in the evening. The birds were flying around the orange skies and chirping as they made their way back to the nest. Twilight slept peacefully embracing the company who had his arm around her. Twilight opened her eyes with a smile on her face. She turned back slowly to face the ODST who was still resting. She slowly pulled herself away from the soldier. Avoiding hurting her injury she sat up and stretched her back and popping her bones.

Twilight left her bed and walked to the bathroom to wash her face. Turning on the faucet she looked at the mirror eyeing the ODST.

‘Never have I seen him so calm. Even if he’s a stubborn dumbass at times.'

She washed washed her face while humming. Enjoying the peace and quiet in the room. She dried her face and returned to to the room. She looked at her wound.

'Not sure what did Princess Celestia gave the doctor to treat the wound? But it's healing well and, fast.'

She thought back to one of her early battles where where she acquired her first injury. It took weeks for it to fully heal. With whatever what was given to her. Her injury was making great progress. A knock on the caused her to yelp a bit. She felt her heart rate raise. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Hi Cadence."

"Hey Twilight. How's my little sister doi- oh no. Twilight please tell me you didn't.”

"What? Do what?" She turned back. Looking at the sleeping soldier on her bed. I took her a minute to realize what Cadence meant. "No Cadence it's not what you think!?"

"Then explain and make It quick your brother will be here soon."

"Cadence did you see how tired Alex was?" Cadence rubbed her chin thinking back.

"Now that you mentioned it yes."

"Well I convinced him to get some sleep."

"Aww how cute. My little sister is gro...OWW! What was that for!?"

"Nothing. So what brings you here? " Said Twilight as she rubbed her fist

"To see how were you doing? I haven’t seen you since the day we returned."

"Great actually and I have to admit. Having a cuddle buddy makes sleeping so much better."

"Sure a 'cuddle' buddy." Said Cadence as she let out a soft giggle. Twilight gave her sister in law an angry glare.

"Do you to feel hard I punch again?"

"No thanks. Do mind waking up Alex before your brother flips. The last thing I need is Shining Armor thinking that Alex had sex with his baby sister."

"Right." Twilight turned around and walked to her bed. "Alex? " The soldier mumbled as he just grabbed Twilight's pillow and placed it over his head. "Alex get up!"

"Two more hours."

"And he’s the one that didn't want to sleep. Alex get up or I'll get Princess Luna in here." The ODST threw the pillow at the Princess and sat up.

“No thanks!” Cadence's eyes locked onto the body of the Helljumper. No realizing her actions she said out loud.

"Sweet Faust that body!" Twilight and Alex looked back at Cadence who instantly blushed and looked away.

Twilight rolled her eyes and said to Alex. "Gear up before my brother sees you without a shirt."

"Will do. Just let me shower first." The ODST grabbed his belongings and entered the bathroom. Twilight waited as the bathroom door closed. She then turned around and threw a pillow to Cadence who barely managed to dodge it.

"Any louder and my brother would have heard you Cadence."

"Sorry. It's just I knew he would be physically fit but damn Alex is... I can't even finish my sentence!"

"I told you. Set that aside I hope you also noticed something else on his body instead of his muscles." The Princess facial expression went to a depress war soldier. She herself has acquired a few injuries.

"You mean the battle scars right?"


“I wish I could say I understand but, I haven’t seen much battle as you or your brother. So this is why he act so tough on us?”

“Cadence you have to remember that he is part of the Special Forces of his colony. I have a feeling that he’s seen more terrifying things than we did.” From behind the two.

“Who has seen more terrifying things.” Twilight and Cadence turned back. Captain Shining Armor was standing with a curious look. Cadence gave a nervous laugh.

“Shining dear! W-w-what are you doing here!?”

“Here to see my little sister.” The Captain walked past his wife with the help of his crutches. “So how are you doing Twilight?”

“Great actually. Celestia’s medicine is working really fast on my injury.”

“Good. Can’t have that sorry of an excuse of a soldier causing more trouble.”


“Well it’s true! He left you alone and now look at you!”

“Hey! I was the one that agreed to go with the plan. At least he came back! ”

“What’s that supposed to-”

“You know what I mean! Remember your star Guard?! The one who is a Celestial Guard in the Crystal Empire.”

“Anyone can make mistakes.”

“Then what about Alex. You weren’t there when I told Cadence and the other Princesses of his story. Why he acts tough around us. Why he tries so hard not close to anyone. Not after-”

“2549.” The three looked outside the door. Spartan-254 had his arms crossed and leaning against the wall. “I read the files and heard the witnesses experience. Some said they have seen or experienced the same before. His squad mates said they have never seen him broken like that in the time they have fought together.” Shining Armor stood speechless from the words of the Super-soldier. “Now…” The Spartan walked into the room and grabbed Shining Armor from the neck and picked him up in the air. “... the next time you talk shit about my men. I’ll show you what really makes me the Super-Soldier the UNSC created.” He put the Captain down. “I have met recruits with more guts and soul than most of your troopers.” He lowered down to Shining’s level. “Am I clear.” Not saying another word he turned around and exited the room.

Shining Armor held his neck and Cadence rushed to his aid. He looked up to his wife and then his sister. “T...Twilight what was he talking about?”

“He lost someone he loved in one of his battles. Someone close to him. This is why Alex tries to keep his distance because he doesn’t want to be hurt like he did before.. He’s… he still feels guilty about what happen. I tried to help him. I told him that there was nothing he could have done. Those aliens he is fighting were too much. I at least want to give him comfort and I need him to be confident and ready to fight.”

“Okay. Cadence let’s have some lunch.” His wife helped him up and escorted him out the room. The door of the bathroom opened.

“Damn I needed that bath!”

“Good because I was able to smell you as soon as you woke up.”

“I didn’t hear you complain when you were cuddling with me ‘your highness’.” Twilight returned him a death glare. Alex gave out a chuckle and reached for his helmet.

“Do you feel better Alex?” Alex looked at Twilight. He then looked down to his helmet. Staring at the same visor he looked at many times before. The same piece of reinforced glass like visor everyone sees. He put the helmet on with the clear glass.

“Yes. I am. Thanks to you.” The glass polarized to the familiar blueish silver finish. “Now I’m ready to fight.”

The next day followed. Twilight, Alex and, Shining Armor were in Ponyville where the three warned the residents to evacuate the town. Spartan-254 was in the Pelican giving out direction on where to locate the Lunaric Castle. Alex was at the library filing in other Elements with information about the defense plan.

“So let me get this straight.” Said Rainbow Dash as she looked out the window where many of the residents of Ponyville entered military or their own vehicles. “We’re evacuating because of a possible attack?” She turned to face Alex who was looking at a map.

“Nope. The last few hours confirmed a Griffin Attack to happen. We need this town and Canterlot to be evacuated. If possible we will use these two as a last resort to fend off the enemy.”

“Why don’t we just go to the border line to fight.”

“We are. Princess Luna is not risking the chance and neither is the Lieutenant.” Applejack then added.

“So then what ‘bout us? Alex ah have to get my family out of here but, ah want to fight as well?”

“The Spartan will stay behind to make sure everyone is out of the town. Wish I could say the same for Canterlot.” Rarity glanced at Applejack and gave her the same worried look. Rarity asked the ODST.

“Why do you say that?” Alex removed his helmet to face the Elements and answered them.

“Celestia is not evacuating the city. Luna, The Spartan, even Cadence tried to convince her but, she will not work with us. Luna’s and Cadence’s troops are the only military support we have.”

“What about you?”

“I’m going to fight of course. Problem is the Spartan will not risk losing me. We’re still fighting a war back home. Frankly I don’t want to deal with another war but, I’ll give you as much as support as I can.” Rainbow Dash nodded and said to Alex.

“Looks like we know where you stand. If I recall you mention you left like some sort of signal for you colony can find you right?”


“You think it can be possible to help us if they arrive.”

“I don’t think so. Even if the war is over we will not waste any resources. Unless if the UNSC see any use for you guys then yes. Other than that you’re on your on. Knowing Spartans I think he’ll convince to help.”

“So maybe huh?”

“I’m still here aren’t I. I will not leave all the fighting for you.”

The door swung open revealing Twilight entering her home. Even with the extra sleep all of the evacuating was hard work for the princess. She took a deep breath to relax and sat down. She rubbed her injured arm and said t Alex.

“Princess Luna is here Alex.” The ODST stood from his seat.

“That’s our mark. Gear up we leave in fifteen. Twilight…” He approached her.

“I’ll be fine. As much as I want to fight I can’t. The least I can do is lead the civilians to Luna’s castle.”

“That would be best.” Alex Walked past Twilight and made his way to the door. Twilight stood from her seat and grabbed Alex’s arm. His head turned to face Twilight.

“Just be careful ok.”

“I’ll try.” Twilight gave the ODST a smile and released. Twilight looked at him as he placed his helmet on but , then decided to remove it until he truly needed it. Rarity shuffled to her friend and leaned closer to Twilight.

“Looks like I sense something between you two.”


“I see how you worry about him. Admit it you like him.”

Alex looked around for the Night Princess. He asked a few Lunar Troops all giving him the I don’t know bullshit. There was one who did help.

“Excuse me!” The female Guard turned around.


“I’m looking for Princess Luna.”

“She’s at town hall. I can take you to her if you like. I’m Sergeant Major Elizabeth Midnight.”

“I’m ODST Corporal Garcia. UNSC Special Forces. Looks like you’ll be my escort Sergeant.”

“Of course follow me.” As the two walked towards the town hall the Guard began to think. As she took a quick glance at Alex.

‘He is a Human. So many things that I have learned from school has been inaccurate. There is life outside of our world my ass.’ She looked at his armor and helmet he was holding onto. ‘His armor and helmet is so wired. And the suit he’s wearing under it. And his face. If he wanted to he can basically pass off as one of us.’

The walk was no longer than ten minutes. From the distance the ODST was able to spot the Night Princess. Luna noted him and immediately approached him.



“My troops are ready for the assault. I assume you are as well.”

“You know I am.”

“And Princess Twilight.”

“She’s in her house. If anything she’s probably preparing her leave to your castle.”

“Assume so. We must depart. Cadence is waiting for us in Canterlot. Also My Sergeant Major will be accompany you on this mission.”


“And your warrior?”

“He’ll join us later. The Lieutenant was announcing the evac and he departed to the Prowler.”
“I hope he joins us. His strength will help deeply.”

“Your’ Highness he’s a lot more than just brute force.” Said Alex with a grin.

Author's Note:

Hiatus is over. Sorry for the long wait I still have school and work to deal with. So expect the story to progress slowly. If there are any mistakes please let me know. I used the tip Bad_seed_72 has written up months back. Sadly she erased them. Also changing the font when rereading helps so much finding mistakes. I hope I did a better job.

Thank you all for reading and supporting the story.
