• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 11,112 Views, 351 Comments

Another Kind of Humanity - SPkon107

An ODST discovers humans who are not part of the UNSC.

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Chapter Twelve: Making Slow Progress

Numerous tanks and jeeps made their way to the border line that divided Equestria and the Griffon Kingdoms. A small town that was right in the middle. This town was the first place where the war began with the attempted assassination of the four Princesses. The Army of the Guards took their short rest before advancing. Knowing that they made a nearly non-stop trip Luna, did not want to risk the chances of losing due to exhausted troops. Alex on the other hand looking into the streets of the town. He expected the opposite of what the town was welcoming. The Griffin Knights did not seemed to occupy any streets or buildings. This answered the reason of why they were not fired upon on when approaching.

Alex decided to advance forward to secure the town of any unwanted foes but, he was not alone. Sergeant Major Midnight was with the ODST. She was constantly looking back and forth at her armor and then Alex’s comparing the two. For a place that was in battle before the buildings only had minor damage. Even if this was the main path to enter Equestria, most of the streets were intact. Many of the cars that were lined up on the sidewalk was in once piece with a few suffering from fires.The two crossed a bridge that divided into the Griffin side of the town.

Cautiously Alex, rushed to the nearest car and looked over the hood trying to find any possible Knights. He lowered his weapon when he confirmed the area clear. This was bothering him the most. He knew there was something going on. Even if he was dealing with Elites back on his colony the Sangheilis would have sent in Stealth Elites to take him out. Think this made Alex look around worried as if there just happened to be an Elite behind him.

“Are you okay trooper?” Asked the Lunar Guard. She was confused at Alex’s movements.

“Huh. Oh yeah… I’m fine just… thinking something crazy.” The ODST continued forward in order to avoid the situation Midnight, just shrugged and followed the Helljumper.

Alex observed the buildings making sure there was no one inside. He was equipped with a Sniper Rifle, his Battle Rifle, and finally his SMG on his left thigh. The night guard to his left had an assault rifle which seemed to have a similar design as the older weapons Earth had centuries ago and a pistol. Alex had his pistol as well but, that was for his last resort. No more than a twenty minute walk the two finally reach the end of the town. Alex looked out to the Griffin land and said.

“No sign of the Griffins.”

“Must have left the town. This makes no sense! Especially if this is the main path they take to cross over to Equestria! What should we do?”

“You tell me. You’ve been fighting these guys for three years. I just got here a few weeks ago.”

“Yes but, we have never fought on their home land. All of the battles took place in Equestria.”

“It’s no different. You guys should have had a plan for an assault just like this.” Alex made a mental note. This was a first for him. All of the fighting was happening on their homeland and not the Griffins.

“Well you’re the one fighting things more superior than we are.” Alex looked around he noticed the buildings especially one that was close to falling.

“We take the roofs. If we catch the Knights coming towards the town we should be able to slow down their path.” It took the Lunar Guard to catch on by what Alex meant. She looked up and then to the Trooper’s sniper rifle. She put two and two together.

“I’m ready for it.”

The two troopers rushed up a staircase. Alex reached the door and kicked it open. Aiming his rifle to secure the roof top while, Midnight rushed over to a small wall ledge and looked over it. Alex joined her raised his rifle and looked through the scope of his weapon. Midnight looked as far as she can see but, failed to spot the Griffins. She leaned towards Alex and asked him.

“Do you see anything?”

“No.” He kept inspecting the field for another minute. “I see something.”

“You do?”

“Thirty two tanks, eight humvees, and infantry.”

“That’s not good.”

“That’s just the first wav-” The two ducked down at the sound of a bullet hitting a wall. “Sniper!” Alex grabbed onto Midnight and pulled her down.

“Did you see where’s he at?!”

“Just barely.” Said Alex as he crawled to the ledge. He slowly placed the barrel of his sniper on the brick top. He then raised up to the level of his scope and, looked out towards a tree. Unlike the black paint coating on Alex’s armor the dull steel gray gave the knight’s position away due to the sun’s light. He aimed the scope just over the mid point of his scope view and squeezed the trigger.

The bullet flew out of the barrel with the shell coming out if the side unloader. The projectile traveled over a small river and grass field before reaching it’s target. The head of the Griffin sniper jerked backwards as the bullet shattered his forehead and exiting the other side. The body fell to the ground. Another knight came over the hilltop to aid his dead comrade. Alex took the opportunity and took the kill. After killing the second Knight a fare light flew into the sky.

“Shit!” He looked through his scope once more. More Knights ran over the hilltop. “Midnight!”


“Call for backup. They’re here! Enemy contact!” Alex returned to his rifle to kill as many Knights as he could. The ODST threw the empty clip to the ground and loaded a fresh clip onto his weapons. Midnight drew herself away from the ledge to avoid being hit.

“Calling Lunar Guard do you copy! Sergeant Major Midnight calling for backup. We have contacts. I repeat we have contacts!” She crouch down when three bullets hit the wall near her. She reached for her radio once more. She heard a voice from her radio.

(Midnight we hear you. Where are you located?!)

“The end of the town. The Griffin Knights are approaching!” We need backup now!” Midnight turned back at the call of her name.

“Midnight! I’m out of ammo for the sniper! We have to slow these guys down!” She rush towards the ODST.

“And how the hell are we going to do that?”

“You see that building?”

“Yes.” Alex pull out a round blue device. The Night Guard did not seem to know what it was but, she thought of it as a small ball. To Alex this device was all too familiar. Known to kill a group of soldiers or taking out small vehicles. Bigger ones if planted properly.

“This what I have here is know as a Plasma grenade. I just need to make it in that window. For some reason it stick to soldiers but, not on walls.” Alex looked over the ledge. The Griffin Knights were closing in the town. “We need to move now!” Midnight jumped to the next building. Alex readied himself. He needed to time this right and drop the unstable building to the street to slow the Griffin’s route. Alex knew he and Midnight were heavily outgunned and outnumbered.

Alex saw the first tank coming into the street. He press the center of the grenade and threw it. Alex rushed off the roof. The grenade charged up and exploded. The building came falling onto the tank and the small group of Knights around it. Alex jumped off another rooftop, he tucked and rolled as he met up with Midnight.

“That was quite something Helljumper.”

“Who told you about that?”

“Princess Twilight.”

“Of course.” The two found cover behind a car waiting for the Knights to climb over the collapsed building. As soon as the Lunar Guard and the ODST caught sight of the first Griffin Knight they opened fire.

Alex ducked for cover behind the car. He grabbed his battle rifle and returned fire. Midnight was having trouble firing back. Alex noticed her.

“Midnight! You have to keep it together!” He crouched down once more. “I need your help. They’re too many!” Alex fired at two Knights who were charging at the car. Knowing this meant the rest of the Knights would do the same. He grabbed Midnight and ran away from the fight. Not too far the two reached a tipped over and rolled under a semi truck. “Midnight!” She wasn’t responding she looked at the floor where her rifle laid still. “Midnight!” She looked up. “I know this is hard but, I need you to stay with me on this!”



“How can you take this so easily?!”

“I-” Alex didn’t have a chance to finish as three bullet hit the shell of the truck. Alex pulled Midnight aside and threw a grenade. “Midnight if you help I’ll tell my story. PTSD is hell not just for me. But I need you now.” Alex turned back to face the enemy. The Lunar Guard only stared at the ODST as he stuck a Griffin Knight with the butt of his rifle quickly raising it once more and firing at another. Midnight then realize she needed to do her part. She lifted her rifle and aimed.

The bullets hit the Knight on the head saving the ODST. Alex looked to see the Guard finally helping.

“We need to move back!” She said as the retreated. Alex did so and returned fire as he drew back. Dodging few cars and small craters. The Guard shouted back at the ODST. “What do we do?!”

“We hold off until Luna and Cadence arrive! Let’s just hope-” He stopped at the thundering sounds of multiple fighter jets and infantry choppers flying over the two.

“Oh no.”
Celestia walked out of her room into her balcony to observe her city. Her Guard were positioned on rooftops and roads. Heavy AA-guns facing the direction of the Griffin Kingdom. She assured her people that the city was safe but, incase the subways were the ideal shelter for an attack. Celestia was worried about her sister and niece fighting near the Griffin homeland. She had already lost her sister once, she was not ready to lose her again. Her First Lieutenant entered the balcony.

“Y-Your Highness.” Celestia noticed the nervous tone of her Guard’s voice. She feared her nightmare approached. She stood still for a moment and looked out to the mountains. She slowly turned around to her Guard.

“What is it... Lieutenant?”

“Our radars have detected something and it’s moving fast!”

“How fast?”

“We believed they are jets making way towards Canterlot.”

“Sound the alarms and escort the civilians into the subways at once!”

“Yes your highness!” The Guard rushed out the balcony while Celestia quickly moved to her computer.

“Come on hurry!” Her screen turned on with an air-man operator.

“Your Highness?!”

“Tell the troops to rally the jets at once!”

“Did I stutter?!”

“N-no-no your majesty! We’ll get to it at once!””

Celestia ran out of the of her room and rushed to the main entrance where multiple of her Guard was waiting. She ran out the door with her Guard behind her. The Princess-General looked up in the sky with many bright white fighter jets with the sun emblem flying over Canterlot flying towards the Griffin Jets. She reached the first street of the city and help her Guards escort the civilians down the subways.

Not long after the air raid alarms began to sound. Now the civilians went to panic and rushed to the underground. A Guard caught Celestia’s attention and advised her that she was needed at the market place. The princess ran down the street passing by the many civilians running the opposite direction. A missile struck a building causing rubble to fall. Celestia jumped to the side to avoid bricks falling on her. A guard helped her up. The Princess looked towards the east where infantry choppers were flying towards city.


“Your Highness!”

“Take a group of guards to the High Powers Tower and defend it with your lives!” Without another word the Guard rally a group of troops and lead them to the caves. The Princess rushed to the park to confront the Griffins landing in the city. She took cover behind a wall and waited until the chopper took into the air. She pulled the pin off a grenade and threw it. The explosive went off taking four Knights with it. She turn over the side and open fire.


Twilight heard loud explosions coming from the mountain where Canterlot stood. She felt her eyes watering as she feared the worst for her parents.

“No! Mom! Dad!” Twilight felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Twilight I know you are worried but, Celestia will take mom and dad to the subways for safety. And that’s what we need to do. Find a safe place from any collateral fighting”


“Twilight we need to reach the Lunaric Castle at once. If we don’t they the Griffins will attack here.”

“But Shining-”

“Twilight the last of the civilians have left. We can’t stay here any longer. We have a plan to return to Ponyville but, with an army to defend it.”

“Defend it? Shining The Lunaric Castle is the last line to defend the people.”

“We are the last line defence Twilight.”


“SIR!” Shining and Twilight looked at a Guard rushing at them. “Look!” Twilight and her brother looked at the city where fighter jets were engaging in a dog fight. Two jet were closing in towards the village. One Equestria and one Griffin. The Equestrian jet fired a missile at the enemy jet and hit it. The jet exploded and the shrapnel fell to the ground. Twilight helped Shining on the truck and jumped on after. The Guard hit the gas pedal to avoid the debri landing on them. The truck swerved to the side and accelerated to the forest.
Both Alex and Midnight jumped into a crater avoiding a tank missile. After his rolling Alex got himself off his back, and rushed to the top of the crater to returned fire. A tank ran over a civilian car with the machine gun operator firing at him. Alex tried to aim for the view slots on the body of the tank. The ODST knew his weapons were more than capable of taking out the tank than the Equestrian’s weapons. The only issue was the amount of ammo he had on him. He would ran out of ammo before the battle even ended. Two grenades was all he had left. Alex shook his head and grabbed one of the grenades and threw it towards the tank.

The grenade exploded causing the vehicle to move out of course. This gave Alex an opportunity aimed at the panicking Knights who tried to rush behind the tank. Slowly the tank and the Knights moved closer to the Helljumper and the Lunar Guard. Midnight joined Alex hoping to slow down the Knights. A missile hit near the crater forcing the two back to the ground. Midnight’s ears were ringing. Alex was thrown to his side hard. He felt the pain on his left along with his HUD showed only bruise injuries to his body but, minor bruising. Ignoring the pain Alex took out two more Knights who were now over the crater.

Alex knew the two had to move out of his current position. As he grabbed Midnight he caught sight of three Knights over the crater. Alex reached for his weapon but, stopped when multiple bullets from the opposite side hit the Knights. The Lunar and Crystal Guard have finally reached pass the bridge. Alex stood up to fight back but, stopped when he heard Luna’s voice. The Guards rushed forward surprising many Knights. The Griffins did not expected and attack this big.


“Bout damn time Luna! What the hell took ya?!”

“Sorry about the delay Alex. We can worry about that later.”

Fine by me but, you owe me for nearly taking forever to get here! Midnight and I were nearly shredded!” Alex turned away from the Princess and return to the battle. He rushed out of the crater squeezing the trigger of his rifle. The ODST rushed a Griffin and hit the Knight with the butt of his Battle Rifle. When the Griffin hit the ground the Helljumper grabbed another clip from his pouch and reloaded his weapon.

Alex quickly hid behind a wall when the Lunar Guard shouted.“TURRET!” Bullets hit the edge of the wall forcing the ODST to duck to the ground. Alex looked an alternate route to bypass the shooter. The only path was directly in front of the shooter and a shop across the street from him. The alley way Alex was in was blocked by debri. Alex searched for a group of Guards hoping to aid on the firing. Three Guards were behind a semi tying to escape.

“Troopers!” The ODST called out a few more times but, the loud banging of the machine gun made it difficult for his voice to be heard. Alex grabbed a piece of glass and reflected the sunlight at one of the guards. The guard shook his head and then turned his attention to the alley. Knowing he could communicated Alex made hand gesture hoping that the Guard would catch on. His attempted to do so failed. Alex shook his head and then stared at the gun operator. The only thing he could think of was something he did multiple times back in his colony. Nearly getting him killed and getting his ass chewed by his superiors. He rushed out to the open and fired at the machine gun operator.

“COVERING FIRE!” Shouted Alex as sped across the street barely dodging the bullets that came towards him. The Guards behind the semi returned the favor as they moved to another spot for cover. Alex jumped through a window of a small liquor store. After a few rolls the trooper swiped the glass off him and stood up. He found a door to his left which he approached to. He slowly opened the door which led to an alleyway making sure that there were no Griffins on the other side. The Helljumper looked to his left were the other street was also suffering a battle. To his right he spotted the Knight operating the turret. Alex rushed to the Griffin with his knife on his hand. Alex struck the Knight on the neck. The Griffin shouted in pain while he died. Alex pushed the dead Knight down a hill made of rubble. Instantly the Helljumper lowered down taking cover from the bullets flying in the air. The ODST got back on his feet and shot two burst rounds killing two Knights. Midnight shot a Knight getting near the Helljumper and punched another hard enough that he fell down the small hill.

“Took you long enough!”


“Sorry? Just remind me not to piss you off!” Alex and Midnight ducked down when a wall of a building suddenly exploded. The two shot their weapons at a few Knights operating a motor.

A Knight whose body was covered in a golden aura was thrown to a wall hard. The wall cracked due to the impact. He fell on his knees and then to the floor. Celestia walked out the door breathing heavily. She stomped the back of the helmet making sure the Knight would not stand once more. The Princess-General grabbed a fresh new magazine and attached it to the ammo slot of her submachine gun. As she walked down the hallway she was tackled by another Griffin and dragged her to a larger room. The Knight punched Celestia across the face. She countered his second punch and returned a punch and then kicked him off her. Celestia stood from the ground and roundhouse kicked him. The Knight was not only in pain but, confused of the Princess’s fighting. Celestia grabbed the Knight by the collar of the armor and punched him hard enough to crack the jaw. The Griffin then fell to the ground.

Celestia ducked when she heard gunfire and slide behind a couch while she readied her weapon. Her eyes widen when she realized her gun was still on the floor where she had her little fight. She reached for her pistol and, leaned to the side. She then fired two rounds at the the Knight. The first bullet hit the leg and the other hit the chest through the armor. With only four Knights left she attempted to use her powers and moved her SMG towards her. A Griffin caught sight of the moving gun and stomped on it. Celestis aimed for the Knight’s head and shot a round on the head. The Princess saw a grenade rolled towards her so she ran out the room. Celestia grabbed her gun before jumping out the window.

She met with a few Guards who were fighting Knights with melee weapons. Swords clashed together a few Guards and Knights combined the sword and gun combat. Celestia took the opportunity help her men. She raised her SMG and squeezed the trigger. The gun was on semi-auto and then grabbed her sword. Her sword clashed with another and aimed the barrel of her gun upwards right under the chin of the Knight. The bullet exited out the center of the head killing the Griffin instantly. She heard a Knight charging at her, she turn around and counter the sword attack. The Griffin went for another attack, the Princess side stepped and swung her sword to the enemy’s abdominal.

Hour later
The remaining Knights were taken down. Celestia looked around her city she can still hear screaming of the civilians trying to find a safe haven. Tears began to form under her eyes regretting not heeding the Spartan’s warning. All she can do was defend what remained remains of her city and help the injured. If possible she will escort her people to her sister’s Castle if her radars capture more movement moving towards them. All will fall if Alex fails to defeat the Griffins at the border.

Alex lifted a Griffin Knight in the air and then slammed him onto the ground. The Griffin moaned in pain from the slamming force. The last thing the Knight saw was Alex’s boot stomping against his face. Alex was breathing heavily and looked back to find two other Knights on the floor.

“Took me forever to fight those guys. Shit if I were a Spartan I would have tossed them around like fucking pillows.” Alex stretched his back and picked up his weapon. Out of the blue he felt a fist hitting his helmet. Alex rolled over avoiding a foot from stomping on him. The ODST looked up to see a Griffin Knight who stood about six foot two.

‘Fucker is huge. Almost as tall as Grivo.’ The Knight swung at the ODST but, Alex was fast enough to dodge the attack. Alex punched the knight and then upper cut him. The Griffin took a few steps back he then readied himself to fight once more. The Griffin kicked Alex to a wall and pinned him down. He then threw a few punches at Alex. To ODST he was surprised at the Griffin’s strength. Still was nothing that Alex couldn’t handle. The ODST grabbed the fist of the Knight and then head butted the Knight. Alex then upper cut the Griffin again but, this time forcing the helmet to flung off. Giving him the upper hand. Alex punched the Knight twice. The first hit broke the Griffin’s nose and the second knocked him out.

“Not even a sweat.” Said the ODST as he tensed up showing his superiority to the Griffin.

The ODST rushed down the stairs to a living room. He tucked and rolled to a sofa making sure he was unseen. He looked over to the side. He found two Knights shooting out of a window. The ODST grabbed his knife and slowly approached them. He kicked the first Knight to the wall and stabbed the other at the face when he turned around and, fired three bullets onto the previous Knight. Alex hopped out of the window looking for his allies. He ran down the battlefield debri street nearly being missed by a missile that hit a building instead. The force of the explosion threw the ODST to the ground.

Alex looked back and found a Griffin tank coming towards his direction. The trooper picked himself up and ran. The machine gun operator took over and fired multiple bullets. Alex took the side to side method and jumping over cars. One bullet managed to hit him. Although the bullet deflected off his armor, the momentum on the other hand was still enough to push him into a pit. Taking advantage of the situation the ODST aimed his rifle at the gunman. Alex squeezed the trigger and forced three bullets into the Knight. Two on the chest and the other in his throat. Realizing the tank was the true problem Alex hopped out of the pit and resumed running. When he turned on a corner he collided with Midnight who was with about seven other Guards.

“Watch where you’re running!”

“Tank! Take cover!” Without another word the Guards and the Troopers took refuge inside shops. The ground began to rumble as the tank past by the building. Alex knew that the Guards he was with were nervous. He has dealt with Covenant Wraiths and knew the armor was far more superior than the Equestrian Tanks. He jumped out the window and rushed the tank from the side. He grabbed his last grenade and shoved it inside the view slot. Alex quickly rushed back inside for cover. One Knight attempted to escape but, was too late as for the grenade detonated. The blast killed the Knights and the blast caused the missiles inside to go off. Midnight punched the ODST on the shoulder.

“Are you fucking crazy!”

“Trust me when I say this. This is normal when fighting Covenant Wraiths.”

“That still doesn’t mean you have to do something suicidal!”

“Wait till you see the footage of my war then we can talk! Fuck where the hell is the Spartan?!”

For the Prowler it was easy. All it was doing was trying to use the maintenance drones to bring the ship back to operating level. Of course this would have been faster if the ship were occupied with personnel. In fact the only UNSC personnel on the ship was the Spartan.

“Life support of the ship has increased 18% since the usage of the canon.”

“Thank you Lily.” He was pleased with the progress of the repair rates. With this rate the ship might just be operational for one jump .The A.I gave the Spartan a small smile. “Any chances of landing the ship?”

“No!” The Spartan cocked his head to the side. “Eep!” Lilly made a virtual wall and hide behind. Spartan-234 remembered how shy she was. “I’m sorry. Landing the ship will use an excessive amout of the engine's power. The ODST has been using the energy it has left to keep the ship in orbit. Yes it is very little energy but, we may use it soon. Plus I’m still scanning the integrity of the ship. I have found a few hull weak points from the Battle of Earth.” The Spartan lowered his head and then placed his hand on the back of his helmet.

“So that’s a no then. How are we in supplies Lilly?”

“We have about sixty percent left. Two percent was taken by the ODST and the other thirty-eight was uesd during the Battle of Earth.”

“Makes sense. Ammo is the only thing that will be used the most. MREs well we have the planet for that. No need to over stock when they Equestrian’s are offering us food. Wouldn’t be bad to have if we are on an ‘adventure’.” The Spartan removed his helmet for the first time. His hair was black and short but not to UNSC short. He had brown eyes and pale skin due to from the lack of sunlight. He had a scar on his left cheek an and on his upper lip. Lily was still looking at the automated inventory processor. She read the list of Medical Aid and said to the Spartan.

“What about medicine? The planet’s level of medicine or any kind of medical treatment is far below our own?” The soldier rubbed his chin. Bullet wounds and explosions maybe a sword injury may be the worst type of injury on the planet. If Alex keeps his armor on then, the problem will be less of a concern.

“Would be a good idea to bring a few meds. That ODST does have a list of injuries tall than he is.”

“Should I activate the ship’s weaponry as well?”

“No. The last time we used the ship’s weapons was to help the Crystal Guard evacuate. We can’t afford to use anymore of the ship’s power. Unless otherwise.”

“What if I set it on the defensive?”

“That can work. Last thing before I start packing. How’s the beacon?”

“Still strong. I’m not sure how long will it take for the UNSC to capture the signal.”

“Are we really that far out of our Colony System?”

“Yes. It could take weeks before we have a response because-”

“The battle back home. Shit. Lily?”


“Where is the ODST’s home world?”


“Must be another reason why he acts tough around the natives. He may not show it toward his buddies down there but, I know he’s taking it hard. Speaking of the natives I need to check on them.” The Spartan activated the screen. He observed the little village first.“How’s Scootaloo?”

“Worried about the young one sir?” The Spartan gave the A.I a look scaring the her. “SORRY! Yes she’s okay! Still in the castle where you left her!” The soldier nodded and returned to the screen.

“Canterlot is not taking it so well. The Griffins took off in the air when the ODST was engaging them at the border. He seems to be putting up a good fight. From the looks of it. I can say he’s pushing them back .”

“As mush as I like to agree the Griffins seem to be letting him.”

“Why would you say that?” Lily moved the position of the camera.

“The Griffins are placing multiple heavy duty weapons on the hill just beyond the town.”

“They are distracting the ODST. He gets near the outskirts he’s done for”

“Any plans to attack.”

“Using our weapons will lower our power on the ship.”

“Not to mention the beacon will shut down if power levels reach to low. The remaining power will be rerouted to the engines to keep the ship in orbit.”

“I do have something.”

“What is that?”

“Lily what do ODSTs do when they drop onto a planet.”

“Charge Assault?”

The Lunar and Crystal Guard along with the ODST were on the last street fighting off the last Griffins. It wasn’t long until the final Knights ran out of the the town. The Guards cheered in victory except of the ODST. Alex took a few steps out of the town and looked toward the hill. One of the Element met up with Alex.

“Corporal?” Alex turned around.

“Huh? Oh hey Rarity.”

“Is something bothering you?”

“Yeah. This was too easy. The fact the this battle is literally next to their home the Griffins didn’t really give a good fight. I mean we’re practically on their home turf. Why would they give a shitty fight? If this were my case Covenant troops wouldn’t retreat for no reason.”

“What would their reason be?”

“Glassing the planet.” Said Alex and he felt his spine shiver.


“Heavy plasma bombardment. Basically destroying a planet.” Clearly the woman did not understand because she just complimented the ODST.

“Oh please Corporal I assure there must be a reason maybe they realized the big strong… soldier… beside me-” Alex only looked at Rarity who was blushing. “Any who! We should rest. We have a long way home and I would like to catch up on my beauty sleep.” Rarity walked towards a building while Alex stayed behind. He knew something was wrong. Enemy just giving up so easily.

The Elites would have killed the Griffins one by one for such acts. According to the Elites this would have been seen as unhonorable. Alex took a single step when he heard a thundering sound. Without looking back he took off in sprint. The ground exploded pushing the ODST to the ground. Bullets flew into the air with a few nearly hit him. Alex finally knew what was going on. The Griffins were firing missiles in front of the town and a few blocks behind where the Guard was positioned in. This meant Alex was trapped and the Griffins were willing to flatten a part of the city to kill them. Alex took cover behind a wall. He knew exactly where they were.

The door closed upon the vessel and the air locks hissed keeping the door and seals seated. The ceiling hook placed the vessel over a ground door. The room’s light turned off with a red light taking it’s place. The ground door opened and the vessel was released. Slowly the vessel motioned towards the planet as the gravitational pull attracted the vessel. The body of the vessel was heating up as the atmosphere attempted to burn it. The Spartan looked out the window only seeing a city within the land and large grassfields. It wouldn’t be long until he hit the ground.

Down below Alex was returning fire at the Griffins from a room. Luna and Cadence were with him. He was running out of ammo from his Battle Rifle. He knew he had he SMG but, the distance would have given him the disadvantage. Alex reached in for another clip. He searched every pouch but, found nothing.

“SHIT!” Said the ODST as he threw his weapon across the room. Cadence dropped to the ground avoid a dozen bullets.

“What is it!?”

“Out of the Battle Rifle!”

“You still have one more weapon!”

“It’s an SMG. Only good for mid to close combat or charging assaults!” Despite of knowing the accuracy of the weapon he still grabbed it. Alex noticed his HUD displayed an IFF tag. “The Spartan!” Alex rushed outside behind a wall and looked up and found a ball of flame. He recognized the landing stabilizers shooting from the roof of the vessel. The vessel landed about fifty yards behind Alex. The door of the Pod flew open and the Spartan charged out of it. Alex didn’t knew why the Super-Soldier didn’t took cover but, after a few seconds he figured it out. The Spartan did what the ODSTs were experts at. A Charging Assault. Alex knew this could have been his last battle but, he followed the Spartan. Luna and Cadence only stared at the two as they entered the No Mans Land. Midnight was in a different room shouting at the ODST trying to stop him from his action’s. Luna was about to say something but, was interrupted by her niece.

“FOR EQUESTRIA!” Cadence jumped out the window and ran to join the ODST and the Spartan. Luna then joined follow by the Elements and the entire Guard.

Alex ran into the large field. He was breathing heavily but, kept it at a pace just like on a normal assault against the Covenant. The sun was lowering giving full visual of the Griffins. Even the bullets were emitting a small light as they flew in the air. Alex raised his SMG and fired towards the enemy. He covered his head when missile the the ground. Dirt was thrown to the air and fell on the Trooper. The ODSt spotted the Spartan and realized how far ahead he was from the soldiers. He pushed Griffins to the side making them look like dominos. The ODST reached the hill and made his way to the top. A few Griffins charged at him with swords but, failed as the ODST was faster. One managed to swung at Alex. The ODST’s gun collided with the blade but, Alex forced his foot against the Griffins knee hard enough to break it. As the Knight rolled to the ground the ODST continued forward. Reaching the top he open fire at the Knights. Luna and Cadence met up with Alex and joined him.

Ten hours later

Alex was one of the last soldiers to leave the hilltop where the Griffins stood. Luna had asked why he chose to stay. He answered ‘They are the first to battle and the last to leave. Like Spartans we don’t like the half ass our job.’. Alex followed the last Crystal Guard and one Lunar Guard who happen to be Midnight. She was limping due of a hard fall and her arm was shot by a Griffin. Alex treated her wound for now making sure she was well for her next battle.

Alex was nearing to the first street of the town where Luna, Cadence, the Elements and the Spartan were waiting for him. The ODST handed Midnight over to the medics and approached the welcoming group. Alex felt like he was coming home. He knew this wasn’t true Earth was his home. The sooner he returns the better. Luna said to the ODST as he hopped over a small wall.

“We are happy that you are well Alex.” The ODST let out a small chuckle and responded back.

“Ya don’t say.” Said Alex as he removed his helmet and took a seat on a crate.

“The Griffins have retreated and we now have a small portion of their home land. This is a first for our war.”

“Oh right Midnight mentioned something about that.” Alex reached for his canteen and pour water on his head. After swiping the water off his head he took a sip of what was left. “I wanted to know why?”

“Well so far all of our battles were to retake our land. Now we have occupied a very small portion of theirs.” The ODST noticed the smile of the Lunar Princess.

“Well better than nothing.” Alex turned his attention to the Spartan. “Didn’t expected to go full Helljumper Assault sir.”

“Isn’t that what you're good at ‘Sergeant’?” The Helljumper sat still for a moment. He wasn’t sure if the Spartan mistaken his rank. Doing that would make him look like an idiot.


“Did I stutter Sergeant?”

“No sir!” Responded Alex as he stood and saluted the Super-soldier.

“Good.” Without another word Spartan- 234 walked away from the group. Alex then saw the Spartan grabbed a wooden board and threw it at a group of Guards who were surrounding the ODST Drop Pod.

“Sergeant?” Said Alex to himself before he was attacked by multiple hugs. All congratulating him on his recent promotion. Cadence jumped to the rescue.

“Okay girls as the rest of us he needs to rest. Our ODST ‘Sergeant’ Garcia need to rest. And congratulations Alex.”

“Thank you.”

Luna added. “Cadence is right. We will returning home with most of our troops. We just got word that Canterlot was attacked during our fight.” Alex noticed the sadness of the Equestrians. “But she managed to defeat the Griffins. We leave in about an hour.” As the women took their paths Alex grabbed Luna’s arm. The princess blushed by his actions.

“Luna where did the Griffins come from? Was it those group of jets and choppers we saw in the beginning of the day?”

“I would assume so? I’m for one am happy that my sister was able to defeat the Griffins. It does sadden me that she didn’t took aid of your warning but, she did what she could.”
“At least she won.”

“Correct. I assume the question was because you are worried over a certain librarian.”

“What! No!” Alex’s face gave out a small blush. Luna did manage to catch it.

“Well if we are done I recommend we begin boarding our vehicles. A long trip home and I hate being bored.”
“I have a few virtual board games we can play on the way.”
Alex felt the ride back to Ponyville was more exhausting than the battle itself. Pinkie Pie threw a small party for Alex’s promotion. She made pie, cake and cupcakes. Which confused the hell out of Alex. Not questioning the woman’s ways the ODST grabbed a few cupcakes and took his set. Looking at the window worrying about the Canterlot hoping Twilight and the others made it through.

The truck that Alex and the Elements were in took a different route and made it’s way towards Ponyville. Applejack and Rarity were too worried about their sisters. The news of Ponyville being attack have gave the women a huge impact. The same feeling Alex received when the Covenant reached Earth. The truck drove past the streets and slowly coming to a stop at the market place. Alex hopped off the truck looking around the small town that was damaged due to the battle. The ODST saw Twilight and The Elements emerge on a hug. While the six talked Alex pulled out a box filled with ammo and MREs. His behind bumped into Twilight.

“So? How are you feeling ‘Sergeant’.”

“Tired as shit. How are you doing Twilight? I see your arm is better.”

“Thanks.” Twilight gave Alex a hug. The soldier stood still for a few seconds before saying something.

“Worry much?”

“Like you didn’t.” Twilight heard loud footsteps behind her. She spotted the Spartan passing through. “Oh Lieutenant! I didn’t expect to see you here. I thought you’ll be in Canterlot.”

“After the kind of shit I recived with her not evacuating. I’ll wait for about an hour. The ODST and I need to set shop.”

“There’s no need for that. You can stay in the library. ”

“You haven’t seen it yet have you?”

“What do you mean?”

Celestia was walking around the war room thinking about the next course of action. Her maids just informed her of the arrival of Luna and Cadence. She was happy to know that her niece and sister returned home safe. With them winning this battle it gave them an open door to the Griffin Kingdoms. The door open revealing Luna.

“Luna!” The solar Princess charged at her sister and gave her a tight hug. “I thought I lost you!” Luna struggled to get a gasp of air.

“You will… if you don’t… let go.”

“Oh.” She released her younger sibling who was now coughing. “So what happen?”

“Well we won the battle. I returned with a third of what remained of my Guard. The rest stayed behind to watch over the town. Cadence did the same. We can literally walk into the enemy’s home.”

“That’s what I wanted to discuss with you. We can take major cities and make our way towards the capitol. Although… we were declared war by other countries.”

“Others? Who?”

“The Glascow, the Ibex Empire, Cervidas, and Camelu.”

“Four countries! But we are only one country! Even with the ODST and Spartan their military support is not here!”

“Even if they were here that does not mean their Navy will aid us. They still have a war to fight back at their own home.”

“So we will stand alone as always.”

“No. We have allies who will fight with us. Vaporia, Germaney, Stalliongrad, The Fringe, and Zeberica.”

“We have allies!”

“Yes. We will be receiving troop very soon. Hopefully before the Griffin’s allies.”

“Sister our entire world is at war. How much longer will this war last?!”

“I don’t know Luna. I wish it would have ended sooner but, we did struggle with pushing the Knights out of Equestria.”

“Sister we need to prepare for the arrival of our new allies.”

“Let’s just hope they take the presents of Alex well. The Spartan… well I hope he doesn’t scare them.”

“Yes. I was told about his strength before the Crystal Empire fell. How can a Human be that strong. He makes our powers look useless. His speed, agility, and strength it’s just-”

“I know Luna. We are far from achieving their level of technology.”

Luna was about to say something but, she couldn’t. The Spartan mentioned the Forerunner Ship they have with in the mountain contain technology more advanced than the UNSC. Yet she and her sister have not unlocked the secrets of the ship.
Three hours later-

Alex stood back as he watch Twilight being held by her friends. Twilight’s home was destroyed during the attack. Alex knew he would have been no help on this situation. He doesn’t know the life Twilight had before her war began he was useless on this case. The ODST open the lid of the box and began to resupply his ammo. The A.I. Lilly dropped off a new Pelican with a Warthog and other weapons. Alex had a small argument with the Spartan when he gave him a spare Energy Sword. He didn’t want to use the weapon that was used to kill millions of his people. Alex only held the weapon in his palm. He sighed and locked the weapon on one of his weapon holders. He stood up and entered the Pelican. He reached for the a spare A.I chip and inserted into the dashboard. Lilly uploaded onto the chip and then he inserted the chip onto his helmet.

“It’s finally good to meet you Sergeant Garcia. S-sorry if I came in to strong.”

“Likewise Lilly.”

“S-so do you have any questions?”

“Hmm. Any visual of the Griffins at the border?”

“No. All Griffin forces have retreated. I also have Luanar tanks making way to support the town.”

“That’s good. Anything from the Princesses?”

“No. I’ll leave my station open.”

“Thank you Lilly.” Alex hear footsteps coming within the troop bay of the Pelican. Alex looked back to see Twilight taking a seat. She placed her hands over her face while letting out a soft sob. The ODST walked over to the Princess he then stopped thinking about what to say. Twilight looked up at Alex. The two looked at each other Twilight launched up and onto the soldier crying. The ODST returned the hug trying to give her comfort. “I’m sorry about your home Twilight.”

“Why? Why did this had to happen?”

“I don’t know Twilight.”

“I lost everything Alex. Everything!” Alex lifted Twilight’s head and depolarized his visor.”

“No you didn’t. You weren’t in there. Neither was your brother or Spike. You should be happy that they are okay and out of harm's way.” Twilight wiped her eyes and let out a small smile.

“I… I guess you’re right. Thank you.”

“Princess.” Said the Spartan from outside the doors. Twilight blushed and pulled herself away. “Sorry for ruining the moment but you are needed. Your people want to know what to do next?”

“To remain calm and to return home. I’ll look for volunteers to help with the aiding. There’s work to be done.”

“The Helljumper and I will try to give you as much help we can offer.”

“Thank you but, you two have had enough.”

“We’ll rest until the Covenant Empire falls.”

“Lieutenant… this is Equestrian business. I appreciate the help.

“As you want. We’ll be around if you need us. Sergeant?”


“You’ll be the Princess guard. I’ll be at the Corvette crash site. Still have a few Covvie computers to dismantle. Treat her good Helljumper.”

“Yes sir.”

Author's Note:

So here is the new chapter. Sorry it took so long school is killing me and work is not making any better. Good thing is that I have four weeks left and I'm a certified Diesel Technician. I actually work hard on this. Also I like to point out about Twilight's reaction about her losing her home. No she is not going to take it so well. I will tackle this on the next chapter. Writing battles are always hard for me. Well that's all I got. Still have no editor and I desperate need one. From California 9:35 PM. Good night and thank you for akk the support.