• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 11,097 Views, 351 Comments

Another Kind of Humanity - SPkon107

An ODST discovers humans who are not part of the UNSC.

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Chapter Fifteen: Battle on Griffin Land

Author's Note:

So after losing my first draft due to computer issue I was tempted to break my computer. But I rewrote the chapter and I think this version is better. I was going to post the whole chapter in one go but, I decided to split it. Reason is because. CLASSIC HALO ART STYLE IS BACK BABY WHOOO! If you saw the E3 teaser for Halo Infinite then you know why the excitement. Second reason is because I'm going to go on vacation for a couple week. I'll post the next part the day before you take off. Well sorry for the long explanation and sorry to the uh... well writing. Still struggling here. Fuck. Any ways I'm not giving up and thank you all for reading and sticking by.

-SPkon or Trash Panda Kon

CH 15

Date: November 26, 2552 (UNSC Earth Calendar)

Time: 17:38

Location: Sapheria, Griffin Kingdom Capital.

Twilight’s ears were ringing from the explosion outside the building. Muffled voices and gunfire surrounded the room. She then felt someone grabbing under her arms as she was slowly pulled away from the window. The Princess then looked up to see that it was Rainbow Dash who was pulling her way from the fight. She and Twilight hid behind a wall away from the Griffin gun fire.

Twilight saw her friend’s mouth move but she was not able to distinguish what she said. “Twilight?!” The Princess rubbed her ears trying to force the ringing to stop. “Twilight!” Twilight then looked around the room. Many fallen Lunar and Celestial Guards were on the ground either dead or injured while the still standing desperately tried to stay alive. “TWILIGHT!” Suddenly the noise around her increased as her hearing returned.

“W-what happened?!”

“A grenade exploded outside the wall. You’re lucky to be alive. Considering shrapnel penetrated pass the wall.”

“What about the civilians? Wh-what happened to them?”

“They retreated back inside”

“What?! Why?” Rainbow Dash was a bit hesitant to reply to her friend. She then took a deep breath before speaking.

“The… the Griffins open fire at them.” Twilight could not believe what she heard. She made efforts to save the civilians and to hear that the Griffins would do such action shocked her.

“What?! I… I don’t believe it! How can they kill their own people?!”

“I don’t know Twilight. W-what do we do?”

“I...I don’t know? Where are they? Where are the civilians?” Rainbow Dash helped Twilight up and led her to another room in the hospital. Many families were holding each other trying to recover from the event that just happened. Some Guards tended to the injured while other cried over the dead. The Griffin civilians looked at the Equestrians realizing they were the only sigh of hope. Twilight then turned her attention out the room where the remaining Guards struggled to keep the Griffins outside. She knew that she did not have enough Guards to fend off the Griffins for long. She then remembered the passage she and her Guards took to enter the building. Twilight then turned to her friend.

“Rainbow Dash I need two volunteers.”

“On it.” She left the room and in a few seconds she entered with two Guards.

“Good. Thank you Rainbow.” The Princess then turned to the two Guards. “As for you two, I need you to escort these people out of here.” The two guards looked at one another confused at her request.

“But… your highness they are… Griffins.”

“I don’t care! They are not fighting us, the king’s knights are. Did you not see what they did to their own civilians?!”


“They get them out! Help the ones that struggle. Used the way we entered, destroy the path and get extra help if you need it!” The two nodded and left. Rainbow Dash rushed to Twilight.

“What the hell Twilight. You’re going to trap us here!”

“These people need to escape and we are all the cover they have.”

“What about us!?”

“Radio in for help. We have to hold here long enough.”

After two hours of fighting, Twilight was on her last group of troops. Princess Luna was cut off from her path to aid Twilight. The young Princess now feared the worst, feeling this was her final moment. The soldiers from both sides heard a noise causing them to stop firing. Twilight taking caution looked out the window. Her attention then faced upward. Multiple objects were falling from the sky towards their location. She only stared in shock thinking it was an air strike. There was an impact moments. The soldiers were confused of the metal objects that landed between them. The objects hiss and the fronts shot forward. Twilight only stared in shock.

Few days earlier

Spartan-254 has spent nearly two hours explaining Lord Hood about what has happening for the last month. He explained how the ODST has discovered a Human world not part of the UNSC colony. Lord Hood was shocked when he said that the ODST discovered a Forerunner Ship. The Spartan finished explaining their last battle.

“Well you’ve been a busy Spartan.”

“Yes sir.”

“You do realize the ODST broke many regulations.”

“Yes sir. I’ll like to defend him on his behalf. He saved many lives on this word and-”

“I understand Spartan, but using UNSC weapons and equipment without authorization. Especially on our state of emergency against the Covenant. I’m sorry Spartan. After we pick you up, the ODST is to be executed by Firing Squad.”

“What? Sir? Isn’t that a little far fetch?”

“It may be. Now I have a few things I need from these… other Humans.”

Alex and the four Princesses were resting from the last battle they just finish. Luna used her powers to quicken the healing. She also used her powers to heal her friends. The three spend a couple hour talking. Mainly what will they do after the war? Alex as usual avoided the question. Alex was now starting to worry. The Spartan has left the group alone for quite some time. Alex stood from his seat and may his way to the door. He was stopped when the door slid open revealing the Spartan.

“Oh. I was about to check on-” Spartan-254 cut him off.

“Sergeant. Remove your armor in the armor and report to the brig.” Alex took a step back, confused at the order given by the Spartan.


“Lord Hood ordered your arrest. I’m sorry.” Twilight from the back stood from her seat and shouted at the Spartan.

“What! No you can arrest him!” Jason turned his direction to Twilight and removed his helmet. To her this was the first time she has seen his face. Jason has shown superiority in the battlefield. In the end he was just a man.

“I have to.”

“Well as a Princess I forbid it!” Luna and Cadence stood as well Luna added in.

“I also forbid it.” Jason took a deep breath and walked over to them. On the planet the Princess have more authority due to a disadvantage on home front. Now it was different.

“Unfortunately you have no power here. You are on a UNSC vessel. Your authority means nothing here.” Twilight was about to say something but, Alex intervene.

“Stop! All of you. Like he said. You’re word means nothing.” He then turned to the Lieutenant. “Sir. What did Lord Hood said?”

“You broke many regulations Sergeant. I… I tried convincing him but, it didn’t work. Come on. Let’s go.” It took Alex no more than half an hour to reach the brigs. The ODST stood in front of the cell door only having his undersuit on. Jason then began stating his convictions. “ODST Sergeant Garcia of the UNSC Special Forces. You are being arrested in counts of breaking many regulations. Acts of engaging unknown region and no having authorization to use of weapons and supplies during time of war. You are to be returned to Earth to be processed and be executed by firing squad.” Twilight leaned onto Cadence. She began to cry knowing Alex was to be executed. “I’m sorry. I’ll do what I can to plead your case.”

“Save it.” Alex entered the room and took a seat on the bed. The Spartan then turned to the three princesses.

“I need you three to gear up. The UNSC wants you off their ship.” Luna walked up to the Spartan.

“What about Alex?”

“As of now… it out of my power. Lord Hood wishes to speak with you. You can ask him back on planet side.”

The three Princesses entered the Pelican as Jason fuel the drop-ship. After removing the fuel hose nozzle he entered the ship and closed the bay-doors. Jason piloted the Pelican towards the planet leaving the ODST behind. The ride back to the planet was quiet. No words were exchanged to one another on the trip. Even Jason closed the door leading into the cockpit to avoid conversation. He knew exactly what they were going through. Twilight sat on the opposite side of the Pelican way from Luna and Cadence. Luna could only look at Twilight as tears fell from the side of her cheeks. Cadence has attempted to find the words to comfort Twilight. Sadly she felt that she would only make the moment worse. The Pelican entered the atmosphere and made way to Canterlot. Five minutes haven’t passed when the ship landed and Princess Celestia exited the castle. As she approached the ship, Cadence and Twilight passed by her. Celestia stopped when she heard Twilight crying. Not paying attention in front of her, Luna lunge herself on her sister.

“O-oh. Luna. I’m glad you’re all okay.”

“Yeah. We made it back.”

“If that is so then w-why is Twilight crying?”

“It… it’s Alex. He didn’t return.”

“W-what?! I-is he-”

“No. He was locked up.”

“What? Like captured?! Where is he we’ll save him!” The Spartan heard the conversation the two princesses were having and interrupted.

“Not captured. He was arrested.” Celestia stepped away from her sister and walked up to the Spartan.

“What do you mean by arrested?”

“The ODST had broken many regulations and Lord Hood ordered me to arrest him.”


“If you have questions you can as Lord Hood himself.” The Spartan walked pass Princess Celestia and entered castle. Luna and Celestia gave each other a worried look to one another. It took a few minutes to gather into a secured room. The Princesses excluding Twilight were in the room with Spartan-254. Jason placed a device on the center of the table. “Okay ladies before we start I’m going point out a few things. Am I clear?” The three princesses nodded in agreement. “Alright. Lord Hood wants so speak about a treaty. An alliance with the UNSC. This includes studying the Forerunner ship in that mountain of yours. Second Lord Hood made it very clear that he only has minimal troops and ships to spare. The battle of Earth was hell.” Celestia walked over to the Spartan to ask.

“So how many troops are we to expect?”

“I don’t know. Next he wants to know if the other countries are okay with the alliance.”

“I cannot speak for them.”

“Fine. It’s not really an issue for the moment. We’ll deal with them later. Finally keep questions about Alex till the end. Try to settle the agreement first. Understood?” Again the three princesses nodded. Jason activated the device. A hologram activated. The UNSC insignia rotated a few times before establishing a connection. Lord Hood then appeared. Jason announced himself.

“Lord Hood.”


“Here is Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Rulers of Equestria and Princess Cadence ruler of the Crystal Empire. Fuck that was a mouthful.”

“Your Highnesses.” Jason then turned to the Princesses. “This is Fleet Admiral Lord Hood of the UNSC Navy.” Celestia was the first to speak to Lord Hood.

“Fleet Admiral. It brings me relief that we finally speak.”

“Forgive me your highness but, I can’t say I feel same.” Celestia felt the verbal punch coming from Lord Hood. She then took a breath to reply to Lord Hood.

“If it’s about the Lieutenant and the ODST helping us then I understand. I asked for their help. I did not wish to start a conflict.”

“Well it did happen. I presume the Lieutenant has notified you about the Forerunner ship inside your mountain.”

“Yes he has. If I may know why do you wish to study it?”

“That’s classified.”

“Fleet Admiral I want Equestria and the UNSC to form an alliance. Secondly the Tower of Higher Powers is on my world. I need more than that’s classified. I don’t want to endanger my subjects.” There was a silent moment.

“Very well Princess Celestia you and I will have a conversation about the topic after. And what about occupation?”


“We’re going to need a place to set shop if we are to study the ship.” Luna and Celestia turned away from Hood for a quick discussion. After a few minutes the result was made.

“We can offer a portion of the Everfree Forest. But I will warn you. Some of the creatures are very hostile.”

“If you wish to know we’ll discuss this after and the security of the ship and your subjects. I know about your war. Why do you ask for help? The UNSC is a war as we speak.”

“Even at war, your warriors have proven superior. We only wish additional troops to help. In return we can establish trade. Maybe even offer a deposit of gems.”


“It is a form of currency here on Equis. I do not know what we can offer to the UNSC. Especially when it surpasses our level of technology.”

“Point taken. Now at the moment I can only spare an Orion-class Assault Carrier.” Luna interrupted Celestia and Hood.

“Only one ship?!” There was a silent moment. Luna’s face blushed in embarrassment and hid under the table when she realized everyone was looking at her. Lord Hood cleared his throat before speaking.

“All of our resources are either being used here or destroyed. One ship is all you are getting.” Even though he said it was only one ship, Lord Hood knew he had to keep quite. He is going to send more than one ship since the Spartan mention the use of nuclear weapons and a crash Covenant Corvette. Princess Celestia nodded and replied to the Admiral.

“Understood Fleet Admiral. We will prepare for your ship’s arrival.”

“Good. We’ll discuss more about forming an alliance after. Lieutenant I’ll leave you to explain the plan of attack. If the Princesses feel that they need to take another course of action then do so. And if they decline our aid I want you off world immediately.” Jason nodded. “Good. The ship will arrive when the preparations are done on our end. Not sure how long that’ll be.

“One last thing.”


“What will happen to Sergeant Garcia?”

“The ODST broke many regulations that unfortunately placed him in a bad position. The punishment is by Firing Squad.” Celestia quickly stood from her seat to reason with him.

“Please Fleet Admiral. I wish to plead to defend him. He’s not only help Equestria but, he’s saved many lives.”

“I understand but, we have way of doing things.”

“By killing those who put their own lives in danger to save others.” The statement said by Celestia was too familiar. Lord Hood himself knew what the ODST did was correct. For now he has other plans for him. He needed to play the bad guy in order to execute the aid of the war successfully.

“This…this war already has many dead heroes Princess. I can’t afford more losses. I recommend you hurry or you’ll miss your window. Hood out.” Lord Hood ended the transmission. Jason used the same device to show a layout of the land between Canterlot and Sapheria. The capital of the Griffin Kingdom and location of the Griffin King.

“Okay. Well that’s that. Before I start-” Celestia interrupted Jason.

“How can he do this to Alex?”

“He has his reasons. I can’t do anything about it. I’m already going to defend him.”

“How can you make a difference?”

“I’m a Spartan.” Celestia took a deep breath and sat down frustrated at the situation. “I’ll start. Lord Hood knows that the Griffins have fortified the boarders. Stating that, he wants to take the last battle to the Griffin’s capital.” Upon hearing this Luna spoke to the Spartan.

“Jason. The Griffin Kingdom has many airfields on their lands ready to defend it.” Cadence cleared her throat and added.

“Not to mention they are prepared for any attack coming from our end. The use of AA guns ready to take out any enemy airships that even dares to get near the border.” Jason nodded and replied.

“I’m well aware of that, and you are right. The Griffins are ready for any ‘Equestrian’ attack. Of course the Griffins will never expect an attack coming from orbit.”

The ship was mostly silent with only a small group of maintenance drones still attempting to repair the ship. There was only one occupant. Alex only stared at the ground since he was placed inside. He took a deep breath and lay down. A few minutes of silence pass until he heard the door slide open. Confused Alex looked back. He was hesitant to move. The comms turned on followed by some feedback and then Lilly spoke.

“Sergeant Garcia?”

“W-what? Lilly? What’s going on?” There was no response from the A.I. Alex turned to the edge of his bed and walked towards the door. When he exited the cell Lilly finally spoke.

“Sergeant please report to the bridge.”

“Bridge? Lilly what is going on?”

“You’ll be briefed. Now hurry. Don’t keep him waiting.” Alex was still confused about the current situation. He wasn’t sure if Lilly was going rouge or if what she said was true. The ODST approached the door. He was scanned before the door opened. Alex expected the light to turn red due to him being arrested, but the light turned green. The door opened revealing Lord Hood on screen. Out of habit Alex was about to salute.

“No need for that Sergeant. Honestly I wasn’t expecting that since I did throw you in the can.”

“Just a habit sir.”

“Have a seat Sergeant.” The ODST stood still for a moment before approaching the seat. “I understand you are hesitant and confuse.”

“Pretty much.”

“I’m reinstating you. In fact you were never stripped from your rank or being placed for execution.” Alex raised an eyebrow confused of what Lord Hood was telling him.

“I’m sorry what?”

“The arrest was a ruse Sergeant. I needed you to be aside for some time.” Alex leaned back against the seat trying to understand.

“But why?”

“The Spartan made it clear the Equestrians want an alliance with the UNSC. Of course the use of nuclear weapons worries me.”

“So far only the Griffins used on to destroy the Crystal Empire. I doubt they will use more unless they want a full on nuclear war.”

“In any case. I only informed the Spartan that I was sending one Orion-class carrier. In truth you will see the ship but, there will also be two heavy-class Frigates and two Destroyers. At the moment Lilly will hide the signals for the other four ships until we can actually move forward.”

“You’re sending a small fleet?”

“We won’t be taking over. Think of it like showing the power of the UNSC and who are allying with.”

“So we are helping them?”

“Yes as long as we have access to the Forerunner ship and troops.”


“The Spartan has already informed the Princesses of the plan of attack. It’s only fair to share it with you.” Alex nodded. “The Orion-class ship will provide orbital bombardment. We’ll be taking out the airbases and fortresses with anti-air. That way we can escort the Equestrians to the capital, while their allies can land in the other heavily occupied cities with troops.”

“There were reports of civilians being evacuated from major cities.”

“Then that’s where we attack. At some point we’ll deploy troops. The quicker we finish here the faster I can get you home.”

It’s been ten hours since the conversation with Lord Hood. Celestia was in a different and larger room. In the center was a large round table with many of the leaders’ commanders present and with the leaders themselves either physically there or on video call. Around the table was Princess Luna, Celestia and Cadence representing Equestria.

Representing Vaporia was Commander Vapor Wing and King Comet Flare on video call. Commander Mountain Stone and King Kergnain of Germaney who was too on video call.

Captain Como and Czar Kirvo of Stalliongrad. Commander Vip Cloud and President Desert and of the Fringe King Niro and his commander Decimo who were also on video call.

Celestia finished explaining the purpose of the UNSC’s involvement and what they ask for after words. She took her seat and said. “Well. What do you think we should do?” The leader of Zeberia stood up.

“Why are we to let these outsiders into our affairs? We can handle this war ourselves!” Cadence decided to take the floor and replied.

“Equestria has been at war with the Griffins for three years. Most of the battles were here in our lands. We lost homes and territory. Not to mention innocent lives. If it weren’t for the small involvement of the UNSC, Equestria would have fallen!” Commander Vapor Wing leaned closer to the computer. His king mentioned something to him. He stood and took the floor.

“King Comet requests to know of the UNSC occupation. Do we sign the alliance and give up our power. If that’s that case the Vaporia will not be involved.” Celestia and Cadence looked a Luna, wanting her to answer. She nodded and stood to speak.

“From what the Spartan has stated. All UNSC Colony Planets were occupied by the UNSC. There was no civilization on the planets prior to colonization. For us it will be different. We will be an ally. Involvement will be at a minimal.

“What you are saying is the UNSC will be a neighbor nothing else?”

“To our understanding yes.” Czar Kirvo stood up and demanded.

“If the UNSC is to occupy than Stalliongrad demands weapons and ships from this UNSC!” Celestia retort back.

“That will not happen. We are already receiving help form the UNSC. You cannot demand something like that. We are in no position to make such remarks.”

“Then we threaten them! Get their weapons on our hands!”

“We are at war already. A war with the UNSC will be devastating!”

The next three hours was very tense of the countries with the forming alliance and battle plan. In the end an agreement was settled. While all countries will take the offer of help from the UNSC, a few countries want nothing to do with the UNSC. In the end it seemed the meeting ended peacefully. With the final signature from Princess Celestia, she knew it was time to present the new ally.

“Now that we have settled this. I will like to introduce you to someone. Commander Vapor Wing has already had the pleasure to meet him. It’s only fair to the rest of you.” She opened the door allowing the Lieutenant inside. “This is Lieutenant Spartan-254 of the UNSC.” The many leaders stared in awe at the behemoth human as he entered the room; each step he took ensured the armor was very heavy.

“Leaders of Equis. The UNSC thanks you for you allegiance. We’ll do all we can to help.”

Location: Equis Orbit on board the UNSC Devil’s Soul.

Date: November 25, 2552 (UNSC Calendar)

Alex has taken the next couple days to relax or his version of relaxing. Alex spent hours on PT and replaced his under-suit. He even had his armor inspected for any major damage. He inspected his BR55 and the signature weapon of the ODST, the M7S caseless submachine gun. An hour later he was in full gear. Now to play the waiting game which to surprise it did not take as long as he thought. Forty minutes later and the slip-space alarm went off. Alex grabbed his helmet and put it on his head. He somewhat forgot that the UNSC was to arrive. Out of habit he expected Covenant.


“Slip-space rupture detected.” The A.I continued to scan before continuing. “It’s UNSC.” Alex relaxed his grip on his weapon and waited for UNSC ship to contact him. Five UNSC ships exited the slip-space portal. The Orion-class Carrier called upon the Prowler.

“This is Captain Moss of the UNSC Breaking Habit calling upon the Devil’s Soul.” Alex walked to the computer to respond.

“This is Sergeant Garcia. It’s good to finally receive a UNSC respond from a ship.”

“Good to hear. I’m aboard one of the four Pelicans. We’re going to you.”

“Why four Pelicans sir?”

“I’m sending in technicians to speed up the repairs on the ship. One Pelican is to pick you up and bring you here.”

“Okay. I’ll open the hanger for you sir.” Alex exited the bridge making his way to the hanger. Lord Hood explained the situation on Earth and Alex was not happy. The Covenant broke through the UNSC blockade and landed on Earth. The ODST moved to the side as a maintenance drone flew pass him. He now believed the ship will be mostly functional after he was done with this mission. Believing he was moving slow, he rushed into the hanger making way towards wall mounted data-pad near the door. Alex inputted a code deactivating the blast doors and held onto a handle grip in case of loss of pressure in the hanger. The sentry turrets on the Prowler aimed at the Pelicans for a moment and the away as they identify the IFFs on the drop-ships. One by one the drop-ships entered the ship and landed. The bay-door opened on the Pelicans allowing UNSC Marines and Technicians to exit. The Technicians did not waste any time, they immediately rushed to all direction of the ship to begin major repairs. Alex was able to recognize the Captain due to his uniform. The ODST walked over to the Captain and saluted.



“Let’s not waste time. Come on.” The Captain and ODST entered the Pelican. The Captain announced he was inside the ship; the pilot acknowledged his presents and closed the doors. The Pelican left the Prowler for the Carrier. “I’m placing you in charge of the first drop Sergeant.”

“Understood. But I’m not a squad leader.”

“You’ll be in a team that already has a squad leader. I already informed him you’ll be in charge since you know the planet.” Alex did not like the idea of being in another team. Especially since he did not know the status of his own squad. The Pelican entered the hanger of the carrier and was guided by another Marine as it landed. As soon as it landed the Captain and Alex exited. The Captain stopped and pointed to his right. “There’s your squad Sergeant.” Alex looked at the seven ODSTs gathered around a Warthog and boxes. The Sergeant took a deep breath and walked over the ODSTs. The squad leader was speaking with his squad and realized the lone ODST approaching them. The squad leader left the group to encounter Alex. Alex didn’t know who he was and he didn’t have his IFF or map activated. The two stopped a mere feet from one another.

“Orders trooper?” Alex tilted his head as he thought he knew the voice that originated from the ODST.


“I asked for your orders trooper.” Upon hearing the voice for a second time, Alex clutched a fist and punched the other ODST. The group of ODST that were observing Alex and their squad leader stood from their seats. “What the fuck!?” Even with is helmet the squad leader as able to feel the force of the punch.

“That’s for sending my ass away from the mission on Earth you fucking bastard!”


“No. Your mother. Who else?”

“You son of a bitch.” The two grip each other’s hand and hugged one another. “I thought you were KIA until I was informed you were on this system.”

“I thought the same about you?”

“Not yet. What have you been up to Corporal?”

“Turn on your IFF Andrews.” Andrews lifted his left forearm and activated his IFF. “Sergeant? Who made your piddly ass a Sergeant?”

“Your package.”

“The Spartan?”

“No shit.”

“Well what can I say? Anyways I was told that you’ll be taking command of the first drop.”

“Up until we secure the ground we land on. Who’s left on our squad?” There was a silent moment after the question. The Lieutenant removed his helmet.

“Just you and me.”

“W-what?” Alex took step back trying to comprehend the response. “Jackson?”

“Zealot-class Elite with an Energy Sword. Cut him clean through.” Alex tried to not imagine the scene.


“Jackal sniper.”

“Oh no.” Alex sat on a small crate. “He has a daughter he’s never met.”

“I know. Bastard always said that’s how he was going to die.”

“I fucking hate those things.” (True halo fan if you get the hatred of jackal snipers. 10pts if you guess it right.)

“We all do. Come on, I’ll show you to the new squad.”

“Not the words I like to hear.”

“I know Sergeant.”

Captain Moss walked down the hallway leading to the bridge. A pair of crew members stepped aside and saluted as he passed by them. The doors to the bridge opened. The crew members in the bridges were busy calibrating the interstellar map in its current position. This included adding the star system Equis was on in their records. The ships A.I was with Lilly. Captain Moss walked over to the two.

“Lilly?” The A.I jumped.

“Y-yes Captain.”

“How are you doing here?”

“I…I’m good.”

“I was informed that you are a field test A.I. Am I correct?”


“Good. Lilly as you see I already have an A.I here on my ship. Contact the Spartan. I’ll have my A.I hide the other ships. When we are ready to engage I want you with them down there.”

“Y-yes Captain.”

Few hours later

Jason was on the balcony looking down the many airships preparing for the final assault. Each group of airships was separated by country. Luna and Celestia entered the room that lead for the balcony Jason was on. Luna stood at his left while Celestia took the right. After looking out at the distance Celestia said to the Spartan.

“We are almost ready Lieutenant. We should be departing in just about an hour.”

“I hope these airships are fast enough Celestia.”

“The air ships are only to transport our troops and heavy vehicles. We will be taking the first twenty helicopters and fifteen transport helicopters into the first assault on the capital. Along with a few vehicle carrying choppers.”

“You mean you. I’ll be on the Pelican. I’ll be beside you.” At the next moment Lilly opened his comms in his helmet.



“The UNSC Orion-Class Carrier called the Breaking Habit is in orbit.”


“He is also ready for the orbital bombardment.”

“Good. I’ll call in when we are upon the Griffin lands. I’ll let the Princesses know.” Jason gave his attention to the Princesses. “Luna, Celestia?” the two said in unison.


“The UNSC is here. It’s all down to you now.” Luna looked up at Jason and said to him.

“That fast?”

“If anything the UNSC probably already had the ship en route to our position as soon as the beacon was found.”

Two hours later-

Many choppers were flying over the mountains and forests towards the Griffin Kingdoms. Major Griffin cities were occupied by the Griffins allies to house them during the war. Jason was in a Pelican beside the chopper. Jason contacted Celestia.


“Yes Spartan.”

“Readings show the boarder is close with a Griffin fortress. AA guns and air vehicles are spotted.”

“We’ll engage and take out those guns and vehicles.”


“Wha- why? We had enough fire power to take them down!”

“But you won’t have enough fire power for the capital. I’m calling the orbital strike now.” Jason changed the frequency of his radio. “This is Spartan-254 calling the UNSC Breaking Habit.”

“Captain Moss of the UNSC Breaking Habit. Good to hear from you Spartan.”

“Sir the Equestrians are closing in on the border. Requesting an orbital strike on the base.”

“Granted. Lord Hood already informed me of what’s happening. I would have six orbit to surface Archer Missiles en route to destroy the base. They should take out the base with no problem. Not to mention the gravity being applied, the damage should be catastrophic. But I have another weapon.”


“Our MAC gun was disabled by the Covenant on Earth. We just repaired it and I would like to test it.”

“No one is stopping you.” At that the conversation ended. Jason quickly changed the frequencies again. “We have green light on the orbital strike. The Carrier is positioning. Five miles until we reach the base.” Celestia immediately responded.

“Understood. I’ll contact the rest of the choppers.” Moments later the Choppers were closing in the base. Celestia heard the loud air raid siren. She began to worry the closer the moved. There was then a sound coming from above them then, there was a white light falling down. Luna inched close to Celestia.

“W-what is that?”

“I don’t know Luna.” The orbital strike was true and hit its mark. Luna and Celestia stared in shock as the orbital strike destroyed the base in one attack. The two Princesses heard Jason through the comms.

“Confirm hit. Griffin base to no more.” All of the Equestrians and their allies stared at the results of the orbital strike. The center of the base had a large crater and it surroundings were destroyed by the force of the impact and the vehicles were unusable. Jason realized the long silence on the comms. He contacted the ship. At the request the UNSC will use missiles instead of the MAC gun.Jason opened his comms. “You guys still there?” Cadence was the only one with the courage to ask.

“W…what was that?”

“That was a MAC round?”

“MAC round?”

“It’s an acronym. Stands for Magnetic Acceleration Canon. That was only one round.”

“I…it’s very…”

“Destructive. I know. We are switching to standard Archer Missiles. The Carrier needed to test the repairs done on the ship. Felt like this may be too advanced for you at the moment.”

About a mile into the land, each chopper groups took different paths. The UNSC Breaking Habit kept targeting major air bases to reduce the chances of a counterattack. Nearly four hours of travel and, the only group of choppers left that kept the same path was the Equestrians. Jason took point and decided to strike first with the Pelican. He targeted the AA guns first with the missiles on the drop-ship. Moments later the Choppers began to descend from the air and landed behind the hills. Twilight was in a transport chopper getting ready. She felt nervous due to being out of a home field advantage. The radios of all frequencies went off.

“The civilians of the capital are being evacuated. Downtown is civilian free hopefully. No civilians are to be attack. Any injured civilian is to be treated and pulled away from the firefight.”

The doors to the choppers opened and the many Guards ran out of the vehicles and charged towards the city. As soon as the Guards were over the hill, the Pelican open fire at the first street into the city. The covering fire provided the Guards time to reach the abandoned vehicles to use as cover. Twilight rushed to a truck and hid for cover. She took a deep breath and took the safety off her rifle. Twilight looked over the truck and aimed at the first Griffin Knight within her iron sights.