• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 11,113 Views, 351 Comments

Another Kind of Humanity - SPkon107

An ODST discovers humans who are not part of the UNSC.

  • ...

Chapter Six: Too Soon part 1 (Unedited)

Chapter six: Too Soon part 1

In Canterlot the people were out doing their everyday task. Even the hard ass ODST. Alex was posted in the city until the City-Fort was in Equestrian hands once again. Alex was inside a war room with Twilight who was still reading from his data-pad and Rarity who was taking measurements.

“Ok Miss Rarity why am I doing this again?” the fashionista rolled her eyes and removed the pen from her lips to respond.

“Well Mr. Garcia we need you to be on you best for the Gala?”


“Yes. The Grand Galloping Gala is a Ball held here in Canterlot every year.”

“BALL!” the ODST moved away. “ Whoa I ain’t going to no ball!”

“Why not?”

“I don’t do dances or any of that formal bullshit.”

“Oh you soldiers and your pride. Come here. I need to make you a tuxedo…”

“No tux.”

“Don’t tell me you’re attending in you battle uniform. Goodness your just as bad or worse than Applejack and Rainbow Dash combined.”


“Then what will you wear.”

“Nothing. I’m not attending.”

Rarity said in a childish tone. “But WHY?!”

“Because I say so. And if I do remember aren’t you suppose to meet this Fancy Pants at the gardens?”

“Oh my goodness I forgot!” quickly packing her measurement tools the fashionista exited the room leaving the princess and the shock trooper alone. Alex turned to see Twilight buried close to the data-pad.

“Seems like your liking the story.”

“Hm?” she looked up. “I’m sorry what?”

“Nothing. I just proved my point.”

“Oh ok.” She let go of the data-pad and rubbed her eyes. “Sounds like you answer is final huh?”

“What answer?”

“About the Gala.”

“Oh that. Yeah why?”

“Just asking. A lot of people will be attending. I thought you would like that.” Alex pulled the seat out of the table and sat down.

“Not really. The battlefield is more of my kind of place. Protect what I believe is my motivation.”

“Um…I been wanting to ask you. If you don’t want to talk about it then it will be fine. But…do you think you can tell me one of your
missions? I don’t know anything about you.”

“Hmm… I don’t know. I don’t really like taking about my past... yet again I have been here for almost a week. So I guess I can.”


“Might as well. Anything specific?”

“How about your training?”

“Ah ok. Well I think I can say that I didn’t look like how I do today.”


“Well I stand at six feet. When I began training I was about 5’9 or 10. Also I was small and didn’t have much of the physical I have

“Must have been the fighting.”

“Well what can I say. The year is 2543 I was in my room alone unpacking.

The skinny recruit male was unpacking his luggage. He was worried about his condition. The majority of the troopers were bigger than him in size. While he was unpacking he heard multiple voices out in the hallway. After he finished he placed his bag on the left side of the room where his bed was and he sat down on a chair next to the bed. He scoots to the desk and he opened the computer. There was a box in the middle of the screen with a play symbol. He clicked the icon. A CGI ODST appeared.

‘Welcome Trooper to Hela Base. Here you will become the best of the best. Here you training will consist of Deep Ground Surveillance/ Long Range Reconnaissance, Direct Action, Unconventional Warfare, Counter-terrorism Operations, Counter-Contraband Operations, and Personnel and Special Equipment Recovery/ Capture. You will become the ODST we want you to become. You will be the best.

First feet into Hell soldier.’

The video ended. From behind a fellow recruit banged on the wall.

“Hey! We’re to report at the fields now!” Alex turned around and walked out of his room. He rushed out of the building where a Warthog with officers were driving towards him he stopped and saluted as they passed by. As soon as that he quickly reported to the field. Where a large group of people were standing in line. Alex was on the last line when the Drill-Sergeant walked up to the troopers.

“Alright listen up! Here in the camp I expect to see you exceed my expectation. But as always I’m going to see a bunch of ya crying to your mommies! I don’t want to hear shit like that! AM I CLEAR!”


“Now we all know why we are here for! So I want that to be your motivation from now on. Killing the enemy is your goal. But first I want to see your condition. Five laps around the camp! After that I want to see you upper body strength!” all of the recruits ran past the Drill-Sergeant. Alex from the start wasn’t always in his best in his physical. In fact the only reason he managed to join the ODST was because of his grades and his brother served before he enlisted. He was way behind the group. In front of him a pair of men began to make fun of his struggles.

“Wait! Why did they made fun of you look at you!?”

“Hey I was weak when I first joined. I reckon you weren’t as fit when the war started.”

“Well I was slightly…well you know before the war. I rarely went out and did any physical activity.”

“See what I mean. I lived at an orphanage. My brother joined the war and my sister died of cancer.”

“I see what you mean.”

“So may I continued.”

“Sure go on.” Before Alex was able to continue a guarded opened the door.

“Princess Sparkle?” the female turned away from Alex.


“Princess Celestia need you.”

“Very well.” She stood up. “Alex will you join me?”

“Sure. I’ll tell you the rest of my story later.” The two walked out of the room and made their way to the throne room. Twilight
suddenly remembered something thing.

“Hey Alex?”


“Why did you bring another ship on your Pelican?”

“You mean the Saber?”


“Well I noticed that you guys have fighter jets so I figure why not bring my own.”

“And the difference is?”

“That’s for me to know and for you to find out later.” The two entered the room where the Celestia Luna and Cadence were inside

Celestia said. “Hello Alex. It’s good to see you again. How’s your foot?”

“It’s been through worse but, its fine.”

“Good to hear that Corporal. I know that the guard has asked Twilight to come but, I actually wanted you to come.” The ODST
crossed his arms as he leaned against one of the pillars.

“What for?”

“I have an answer for you. Luna and Cadence have accepted your conditions and we will meet with your superiors when your Navy

“That’s some good news.”

“Yes I know but, we prefer not to get involve in your war.”

“I know that. I just want you to meet my superiors and see what terms they have for you.”

“Well I will be waiting for that da…” she was cut off when the castle suddenly rumbled. Alex walked to the nearest window. He
looked around but no sign of any commotions. When he looked to the streets he saw the civilians running from something. Out of
nowhere a pair of Griffin Jets flew over the city and began to drop bombs onto the buildings. Alex shouted.

“WE”RE under attack!” the ODST began to run towards the city. Twilight followed behind. The two rushed down the hallways. The
trooper looked behind him. “Twilight I need you to stay!”

“Not going to happen! You saved my life and I owe you! I’m going!”

“Damn it you stubborn…” the ground shook again. Twilight held herself up by leaning against the wall while Alex crouched down and
continued to run. The two ran to the Saber that was located at the gardens. Under the wing was Rarity taking cover from the bombs.

She shouted when she noticed the pair. “Twilight! What’s going on!?” she covered her head as another bomb hit the ground.

“We’re under attack.” Alex opened the cockpit glass and he entered he looked back as the lieutenant took the seat behind him.

Rarity ran into the castle as the Saber began to move forwards into the streets. As soon as the main thrusters were activated he
ascended into the sky. Twilight noticed a strange static light form around the jet.



“What is happening?”

“What do you mean?”

“The weird static around the ship. the something wrong with the ship?” the ODST rolled his eyes as he remembered the human on
this world were still primitive compare to the UNSC.

“The energy shields are activating.”

“Energy Shields?” the ODST set the frequency of the radio to match the frequency of the castle.

“This is ODST Corporal Garcia. I am engaging the enemy. Will be needing support.” Celestia heard the radio and answered immediately.

“Corporal. This is Princess Celestia. Why did you engage without permission?”

“I’m not under your command. I need support now.” As the ODST finished he began to fire at the enemy. The turret bullets hit the engine of the Griffin jet and spun out of control as it flew towards the ground. The Saber was hit by the enemy Alex spun to the side and descended into the city. The streets were large enough to allow a full size Pelican pass through.

The Saber flew between the buildings with no anchor. Behind was the enemy. The Griffon pilot fired again hitting the star-fighter. Alex turned to the right and pulled the jet to the sky. The Knight on the other hand was out of luck and crashed into the building in front of him. Alex turned back towards the large squadron of enemy jets. He switched to the rockets.



“How far are the Griffins on the radar?!”

“Um…” she was trying to figure out how to read the radar. In fact she didn’t know which was the radar since she never used one
before in her life. “…uh.”

“The radar is the green circle with red and yellow dots. We are the yellow dot.”

“Oh ok. About…” she read the radar trying to make sure she wouldn’t screw up. “800 yards. I think?”

“That’ll do.” As they closed in the ODST was locking onto the enemy. He pressed the trigger. Rockets flew from the Saber and
towards the enemy squadron. The Knights began to maneuver away the rockets but they were locked onto them. Four jets were
blown out of the sky and fell to the ground below. “YES! Just three more t…” he was cut off when a Griffin Air-ship attacked. If it
weren't for the energy shield the jet would have been shot down by the missiles fired at him. The enemy fired again. Alex dove and
barely avoided the ground. He pulled the nose of the Saber up. His plan was to attack the Air-ship before it did any real damage to

Not knowing. The Air-ship and the remaining fighter jets fired at the Saber all at once. Taking out the Energy Shields and damaging the ship. The ship spun out of control. Alex pulled up and turned towards the Griffin Air-ship for one last attack. Alex hope that the ship’s alloy would be able to take one more strike. He plunged the ship into the hull of the ship and exited out the other side. The Saber was falling and the ODST wasn’t able to keep it up for long. Alex look back to see the princess freaking out.

“Twilight hold on!” he ejected the women out of the ship. She screamed as she kept flying up. The parachute finally opened. The ODST stayed behind trying to direct the ship ways from civilians. The belly of the ship landed on the asphalt forcing Alex into the dashboard. He applied the reverse thrusters forcing the jet to slow down.

He finally came to a stop. He shook his head and slowly climbed out of the Saber and fell to the ground. He looked to his sides making sure he wasn’t around any Griffins. He heard what he felt was soothing to him when Twilight called out for him and not gunfire and explosions.

“ALEX!” She rushed to his aid. The ODST leaned his back against the damaged Saber and removed his helmet. He turned to his left
and saw the Princess approaching him. “Alex?”


“Ho…how are you feeling?”

“Like shit.” he rubbed his forehead. “Like shit.”

“Oh thank goodness.”

“I’ll be fine. I survived or barely survived an attack by a brute.” The princess let out a softy giggle. She hugged the ODST leaving him



“I…I know this is the worst time to ask but…I’ve been meaning to ask you. Will…will you go to the Gala with him.”

“You’re right.” He placed his hand on his face. This was the worst time to ask.”

“So will you?” the ODST looked at her eyes for a what felt like hours.

“ ‘sigh’ Sure.”


“Yeah. I think one more flight won’t kill me.”

“OH thank you!” she hugged the ODST even harder.

“Ok-ok-ok.” He let her hugged him for another second. “Ok you can let me go now.”

“Oh sorry.”

“So when’s the Gala?”

“If anything on Friday. The main reason is because Princess Luna and Celestia will be meeting with the other rulers of different
countries for support.”

“Ah I see. I was kind of wondering why was she have a party when you guys have just been attacked. Well…” Alex stood up. “…if
I’m to attend I’ll have to pick up my formal uniform from the Plower.”

“So you already had your suit ready.”

“Something like that.”

“Well I need to give you your ticket if you are to attend. I’ll be in front of the castle.”

Friday 6 P.M
Front of Canterlot Castle

Twilight was outside of the castle waiting for her date to arrive. With her were Cadence, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Twilight was
wearing a similar dress to the one she wore the first time she attended the Gala. She was even wearing her crown. She was about
100 yards from the front door where Princess Luna and Celestia were greeting the guests.

The princess was starting to worry when the ODST did not arrive. She trotted back and forth and asked Rarity.

“Rarity time.” Her friend looked at her watch.

“It is six o’ one.” She zipped toward the fashionista merely an inch from her face.

“Six o’one? Six o’one! He’s late why is he late? What if he forgot?! Or what-what if something bad happen to him!” Rainbow Dash
pulled Twilight away from Rarity’s face and said to her.

“Damn it Twilight relax will ya!”

“I can’t! Princess Celestia will be expecting me to be with a date all night. What if she thinks I lied to her about Alex coming?!”

“Didn’t you learn your lesson about a year ago!? She wouldn’t think of you any more less. Just relax ok.” Rarity added.

“Twilight please heed Rainbow’s word. You’re going to ruin your dress with stress sweat.” Twilight looked at both of her friends and
then Cadence who was leaning against the wall not saying a word at all. Twilight kind of noticed that her sister in law was enjoying
herself and laughed softly. Twilight took a deep breath and said.

“Ok. I’ll try.” The princess walked to the marble railing of the castle and looked up to the sky. Wondering if the ODST would arrive
she spotted a pair of lights coming to the direction of the castle. The shape of the pair of light formed into the familiar drop-ship. The
attendees aimed their direction towards the Pelican as it landed in the park outside of the castle walls. Twilight walked down the stairs making her way towards the Pelican along with her friends.

She walked out of the doors and saw an un-expecting looking Alex. He was wearing a long-sleeved midnight blue coat with a red trim and, a standing collar and white web belt along with a corresponding gold waist-plate white gloves, trousers, and black dress shoes and socks. He was also wearing a pair of medals and his rank patch on his left shoulder. The four also notice a gun holster on his right thigh. Finally he was holding his peaked cap and met up with the women who all had a dumbstruck face. Alex let out a soft chuckle and said.

“What? Never expected to see me like this?” they all shook their head. Rarity approached the well dress ODST.

She said to herself. “Thi-this suit is…so well made and perfectly worn by you.” She looked up to him. “I thought you weren’t the one
who wears clothes so properly.”

“Hey when you have discipline you’ll be surprise. I may be an ODST but our Blue Dress Uniform is the same as Marines.”

“I must have the design for this.”

“Maybe later. If you would excuse me.” The ODST walked pass Rarity and approached Twilight. “Ready Princess Twilight?” the
princess kept staring at him and slightly blushed.

“Y-y-y-yes?” he extended his arm and Twilight slowly held onto his arm. They walked towards the stairs of the castle leaving the
three friends of Twilight confused.

They walked up the stairs and finally met up with Luna and Celestia. Luna looked first and said.

“There is no way this is the famous soldier that saved Princess Twilight and Manehetten.” Her sister turned around and added.

“My-my look at you Corporal. You have past my expectations. I never though you would attend the Gala.” The two princess stepped
aside to allow the couple entry. The two entered the ball room where a large crowd of high class people were all gathering around.
Alex leaned to Twilight’s ear and said.

“It looks boring here.”

“Well it kind of is. But Pinkie Pie is going to pump the party around ten. So make sure you’re around at that time.”

“So we’re going to be bored as hell.”

“Come on I’ll show you the garden. Fluttershy and Applejack should be outside.”

“Better than in here.” The two exited the ball room. Alex noticed the farmer selling apple base pastries with a small line. Twilight
called her.

“Hey Applejack.” The farmer turned around.

“Hey Twili…” she stopped when she locked her eyes on Alex. “I-i-is that Alex?” She pulled out an out to lunch sign and placed it on
the desk and walked towards Alex one of the customers shouted.

“What the hell it’s not even lunchtime!

Ignoring the customer the farmer looked the ODST “Well isn’t someone handsome. Should have ask you here when I had the
chance.” Twilight gave AJ a jealous look but quickly looked away and asked herself why?

Twilight said to the farmer. “Well we have to be going hehe if you would excuse us.” She pulled Alex towards her and rushed out of
the scene. Applejack laughed softly and slowly walked back towards her stand.

Noticing the way she was acting Alex asked the princess.

“Didn’t knew you were the jealous type.”

“Wha-w-w-w I’m not jealous!”

“Sure I believe you.”

“Whatever.” She walked ahead of the ODST. The garden was somewhat deserted. Most of the guests were all inside enjoying the
ball. Twilight had a strong feeling that Alex wasn’t for any formal get together. Twilight sat on a bench next to a small pond. Alex
took his seat next to her.



“How is it out in space? You know how it looks or the planets you’ve traveled to?”

“Well…space is amazing the first time you see it. You get used to it over time. For the planets well… the majority were already in

battle when I arrived. Reach was a beautiful planet before it was glassed by the Covenant. I was in New Alexandra when we first found out that the Covvies were on the planet.”

“And what about your planet?”

“Well it’s a lot like your planet. Oceans and land both visible. Probably the best looking planet there is.” He scratched his head.

“Didn’t you already ask me that question?”

“To be honest I don’t really remember. I have been busy since we returned from Manehatten.”

“Didn’t like my methods huh.”

“Is it that obvious?”

“Look I warned you. Our methods are more… well brutal.”

“Yeah…I know. I just wish this war could end.”

“You and me together.” The two sat quietly for a moment. Twilight took a glare at Alex who was staring at the pond. She stood up
and said.

“Come on let’s head inside. We can eat a little something.”

“Sure.” the two strolled towards the castle. The moon was shining bright with the stars twinkling. The night was as perfect as ever.
Inside the guest were dancing to the soothing music yet to Alex was cacophonic. Twilight noticed her older brother walking towards

“Shining Armor.”

“Hey Twiliy. Enjoying your evening Princess Sparkle.” He bowed. Twilight quickly picked him off his knees and said.

“Please don’t do that. You’re my brother. Friends and Family will not bow to me. I don’t even like that.”

“Sorry Twilight it’s Knight’s code. It’s like when a lower ‘rank’ trooper salutes to an officer.”

Knowing what Shining Armor meant by rank on his tone of voice Alex added.

“Well ‘Captain’ Shining Armor if I do recall I don’t salute to anyone not part of the UNSC. That includes you and bowing to the
princesses and your sister her.”

“You haven’t bowed to my sister yet?!”

“Nope.” Motioning his hand to his sword. Alex being faster removed the magnum form the holster but kept it hidden from the guests.
Shining stop when he saw the position of his hand.

“Look let’s get this out of the way ok. I don’t want any problems with you or anyone. The princess including you sister are ok with
me not bowing. You on the other hand are drawing my patients. How about we cut off the shit…” he placed the magnum back on the
holster. “…and start over again?” he looked at him for a long cold minute.

“I’ll think about it.” He shoulder bumped him and walked away.

“Asshole.” Said Alex.

“Hey that’s my brother! He’s just…”

“Looking after you. Yeah I know.”

“Just ignore what happen ok. Come on dinner a waits.” Before the two continued Princess Celestia walked up to them.

“Evening Twilight. Alex. Are you two enjoying yourselves?” Twilight responded.”

“Yes so far. We’re just waiting for Pinkie to begin her shift of the music.”

“Ah the party animal herself. I’ll be looking forward for tha…” the main doors of the castle ballroom opened. Five pair of guards with
badly dented armor and bruised skin closed the doors and placed a large steel barricade. The princess rushed to the guards. “What is going on?”

One of the guards said. “Princess we are…being attacked!”

“The Griffins! Again!?”

“N-n-NO! This… thing stands tall…it-i-it took out all of us in the…cave. It’s…it’s a one man ar…” the large bang cut off the Guard.
“Barricade the door!” he and the rest of the guards pressed their weight against the door.


The second bang dented the steel door throwing off some of the guards. They picked themselves up and charged at the door. Alex grabbed his pistol and aimed at the door.


The final strike opened the door completely throwing the guards to the ground and leaving a dust of cloud. Slowly the dust started to fade.

A tall figure standing over any average human. He wore heavy armor with a black under-suit on the bottom. Twilight noticed how
shocked Alex was.

“A-Alex wh-what is that thing?”

“That…is a Spartan.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long. I've been really busy lately and my time for writing has been cut to nearly to nothing. The only time i can write is on the weekend. I'm going to school and it's a little heavy at the moment. One hour drive and going from 12 to 7. SHit. anywho i'm pulling through and i was quite pleased with this chapter. there's a reason for the Too Soon on the chapter's name. hehe. anywho thank you for reading. Also still no editor so it's unedited. Sorry.