• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 11,097 Views, 351 Comments

Another Kind of Humanity - SPkon107

An ODST discovers humans who are not part of the UNSC.

  • ...

Chapter Eight: After The Gala (Unedited)

Author's Note:

Sorry it took a while for this chapter to be written I have little to no time to write now that I don't have school. Hope you enjoy this chapter. And thank you for your waiting. and again sorry for the long wait.

Spartan-254 and Alex stared at each other. The people inside the ballroom were terrified at the
large metal behemoth that stood above them. 254 took a step forwards.

“Do you have any idea on how much trou…” the super-soldier didn’t even finish. He was
surrounded by a yellow-gold aura. The unknown force pushed him into a wall. Alex turned his
head to his left and saw the familiar tall sun princess using some kind of force.

“Don’t you dare hurt my subject you brute!” Pure shock spread all over the ball room. Nothing like
this has been seen before. The hand surrounded by the same aura belonged to Princess
Celestia was using some kind of power to restrain 254.

“Let me go!” the Spartan struggled. Alex knew he had earned the trust of the Equestrians but his
loyalty still with the UNSC. He knew what he had to do. He aimed his weapon near the princess’s

“Drop him Celestia!” Said Alex.

“You dare threaten me?!”

“Damn it just drop him! I don’t want to hurt!” Celestia didn’t listen she had her concentration on
the Spartan. The Lieutenant squirmed around. Surprised about his strength the behemoth soldier
managed to break free and with incredible speed grab hold of Alex and Celestia by the neck he
lifted them off their feet. He turned his attention to Alex.

“Back to what I was saying. You’re in a lot of trouble Helljumper! You better have a good reason
to be around first contact and not follow procedures. And you…” he turned to Celestia as he
tighten his grip on her. Celestia held onto Spartan-254’s hand trying to break free. “…first I want
to know how the fuck did you pushed me to the wall and two why do you have a Forerunner ship
hidden in that cave of yours?”

‘Forerunner ship?’ thought Alex to himself.

“What does he mean by Forerunner ship Celestia?!” the Spartan released both of them. Alex
kept his attention to Celestia. “Celestia!” the princess looked at the angry ODST. “What does he
mean by Forerunner ship?!”

“I know nothing of Forerunner!”

“Are you sure.” Added 254. The two glared at him. “I was inside the cave the last few days trying
to get out. What you call the Tower of the High Powers is what we call a Forerunner ship. “

She asked. “I swear on my kingdom I don’t know what you are talking about?”

“Maybe you do maybe you don’t.” said the Spartan. “The thing is that now our navy is going to
have to land and search the damn thing.” He asked Alex. “Corporal?”

“Yes sir?”

“I want to know everything from the day you’ve arrived. You have a lot of explaining to do.” The
ODST looked around the room. Everyone was scared of what they have experienced. He didn’t
know what scared them more. The Spartan Super-soldier or the telekinesis acquired Princess.
The last person he looked at was Twilight. The fear in her eyes reminded him so much of the
survivors. Feeling betrayed his concern over Twilight turned into anger. Alex turned to the

“Yes sir.”


More than an hour has passed since the entire episode of Spartan-254 defeating the Griffin
Knights and interrupting the Grand Galloping Gala. During this time Alex explained every detail of
Alex’s encounter with the natives on Equis. His mission to save Twilight and his mission in

“Manehatten?” said 254. “What is this? A stupid horse pun of our world?”

“To be honest sir. I don’t know. Also one more thing.

“What is it.”

“Their leaders have agreed to meet with my or our superiors when the Navy arrives. Maybe we
can work on some kind of treaty of some sort.”

“I know what you’re going after corporal. But knowing that you broke regulations. Your actions
might lead to two of the possibilities. One you might get your ass chew for breaking regulations.
Let’s hope it doesn’t lead to you death. Or two get promoted for finding a Forerunner ship.” the
Spartan turned to his right. “Princess Celestia right?” she nodded. “Before anything…” he stood
over her. “… I would like to apologize for what happen earlier.” Celestia turned to her sister
looking for some sort of support. She turned back and said.

“May you give me a minute please? Cadence. Twilight. Please follow me. Same with you Luna.”
The four moved away from the UNSC personnel. “I don’t trust him. He first attacks my Guards
and then he tries to kill me.” Luna looked back towards the two.

“I understand your concern sister. But what about the Corporal?”

“What about him?”

“He’s seems to be loyal to the warrior. You saw how he tried to protect him. Alex has put his life
in danger to save Twilight and protect our niece.”

“If you’re going to say that we need his trust then it is too late. Alex aimed his weapon at me!”

“And you nearly drove us into a war with humans that have far more advanced weaponry than we
do! I still trust him. I suggest you do the same.”

“I don’t know if I can.” Twilight looked past the princess keeping her attention to Alex who was out
on the balcony. Spartan-254 walked near him.

“So…some night huh?”

“I guess so sir.” The ODST kept looking down thinking about what happen. How was he
supposed to trust them? A human being able to defy the laws of whatever just happen or that
Twilight kept this secret from him.

“You seem down Corporal.”

“Just thinking. How? How could they keep this from me?”

“I don’t know kid.” The Spartan looked back. “I’m starting to believe that she doesn’t know what
Forerunner Tech. is. Everyone in the room was as shocked as you and the girl with the violet
and rose streak.” Alex looked back and turned away.

“Yeah right!”


The discussion continued between the princesses. Celestia and Cadence agreed to place the
ODST and Spartan in custody. Luna left the room not wanting to be part of the problem. It was
up to Twilight to decide.

“Twilight?” She kept her attention on the ODST. "Twilight?"

“Y-yes Princess Celestia?”

“What should we do?”

“I-I believe that we should give the two a chance. We already have Alex’s trust. Maybe if we gain
the trust of this ‘Spartan’ we might be closer on bringing out war to an end.”

“Twilight I insists that you reconsi…”

“No Princess I insist on you." She stood quiet for a moment. "Why?"

"Why what Twilight?"

"Why did you keep this secret from me?" This was exactly what Princess Celestia wanted to
avoid. Losing the trust of her student was the same as losing the trust of her closest friend or

"Twilight you must understand. I kept this secret for the safety of Equestria."

"What about your subject! What about trust. How is it that you are over 1000 years old!"

"Twilight please understand..."

"I don't think I can right now." The you women walked out of the room crying.

At the balcony Alex walked away from the Spartan. He knew what was going on. The trust he
and Twilight formed was hitting Alex hard. He was well dressed. So he assumed that they
attended together. The super-human walked towards the Princesses.

"Your Highness." She turned around. She slowly reach to her sword but, was stopped by her
sister. Turning to her Luna gave her a disapproval look. Luna looked at the Human behemoth and

"What do you need Warrior?"

"To clear things with you. The Corporal's actions are on hold at the moment." Cadence chipped

"Actions are on hold?"

"The ODST broke regulations but, the fact that he discovered a Forerunner ship might save his
ass." Luna looked at him confused.

"But didn't you discovered it first?"

"Not on my point of view. He risked his life to get my heavy ass back to Earth so now I'm trying to
save his. I need to know. Are we going to be able to work together or am I going to return to the
Plower with the ODST and leave your war to yourselves?"


Twilight couldn’t help it but noticed the loud thumping of the Spartan Armor. She lean over and said to AJ.

“What do you think that thing is made off?”

“Ah don’t know Twi. But the sound make me think it is heavy or somethin’”

“His height and his strength is incredible. He literally took down the steel door with his bare

“Them doors are like a foot thick.”

“I know.”

The Spartan, and Team M-6 walked out of the castle making their way towards the Pelican.
Lieutenant 254 noticed the Helljumper sitting on one of the seats smoking a cigarette. The man in olive green armor said to him.

"If the Covenant doesn't kill you then that lung cancer will."

"What do I care. It's not like I'm going to live long anyways."

"Well I need you to pilot this thing to our destination."

"Yes sir." Alex dropped the tobacco roll on the floor and stomped the fire out. He left his seat for
another and activated the drop-ship's engines. The six women took their seats and stared at the


The next morning came quicker than expected. Alex suited up and met the Lieutenant in the
main room. The ODST noticed a pair of broken chairs.


“Not used to sitting on flimsy chairs Corporal. This suit weighs 1000 pounds so I need a seat
strong enough to carry me.” Trying to hold in a chuckle he asked.

"So what’s the plan for today?”

“You mentioned a Covenant Corvette shipwreck in the forest.”


“We need to scavenge it and remove anything consider dangerous.”

"I've been wanting to do that since day one but, delays kept coming."

"Well then we better hurry. The last thing this planet needs is to go to war with the Covenant. Are
you sure there isn't a beacon on the ship."

"Positive. The Plower would have picked it up a long time ago."

"Well then. Lead the way."

The two walked out the door and heard a voice.

“Wait!” Alex turned back to see Twilight rushing towards the. “I’m coming with.

“Twilight this is UNSC business.” Said Alex.

“Well this is my world and my home so whatever happens here is my concern.”

“But…” Alex felt something on his shoulder. He looked back and then to Twilight. “Just stay out of
our way.” Twilight took a step back to his response. Anger was the right word to describe his

"O...okay." .” The three entered the forest. They were different then on Reach. More tropical
something that a rainforest will be considered. Kind of like Onxy. Some of the trees seem more
dead and covered with fungi. Other plants were unknown to the ODST and Spartan. Sight of the
shipwreck was ahead. 254 moved a branch aside to have a clean view.

“Seems like she took a beating.” Said 254. He walked forward. Alex stood and watched the view.
The Princess stood next to him she didn’t know what to expect but she knew she could help the
two human aliens. Especially Alex.

“Twilight?” He asked.


"Why did you keep this from me?"

"Keep what?"

"The fact that you lied to me about the Forerunner ship?!"

"I didn't lie Alex."

"Forget it! Now let’s go!” He walked away from Twilight and turned to the left to avoid the
princess. The Spartan looked around and gathered a pile of Covenant weapons and bodies. Not
much was left but a pair of a pair of Ghosts that survived a bit of medicine that is useless to
human and plasma batteries. 254 did find an energy sword Twilight was a few feet away from
him when he activated the weapon. The light blue blade appeared and with movement seemed
to release some kind of mist or fog.

“W-what is that?” asked Twilight.

“This? Well this is an Energy Sword. This weapon is preferred by the Elites to kill millions my

“Then why do you carry it?”

“Well I like to kill the Covenant with their own weapon so they can feel how we felt all those years
of war.”

“Oh.” His response made Twilight feel like she had a knot in her stomach. The Spartan placed
the sword on the weapon holder and continue to look around. “Um…Lieutenant.”


“Why did you not remove your armor like Alex?”

“Well this armor is 1000 pounds. It takes a team of engineers to remove it. I can take it off myself
but it takes longer to remove and place onto my body again.”

“1000 pounds!”

“Yup and I carry it all by myself.”

“That’s amazing.”

“Whatever you say.”

“So how did you get so big and strong? You know they way you are.”

“That’s classified.” Twilight was starting to hate those two words. She shook her head and
walked away. After a long day the three finally finished Alex and 254 destroyed the remains of the
Covenant and weapons Twilight passed out of all the hard work.

Alex picked her up and took her back to the town while 254 finished up on the area. After twenty
minutes he stopped when his tracker found something. He slowly reached for his pistol and
quickly moved towards the target. He stopped. He jumped over and landed in front of a child.

“AHHHH!” the young girl fell on her behind and slide to a wall. “Please…d-d-d-don’t hurt me!” The
Spartan thought to himself.

'Nice going. Serve and protect not scare and traumatize.’

“Hey relax.” The Spartan put his weapon away. “I’m sorry I thought you were something else.”
She still covered her face. “I’m not going to hurt you I promise.” She opened a space between
her fingers.

“Y-you promise?”

“I give you my word.” She removed her hands slowly as the Spartan sat down. “What’s your
name little one?” still shaking from the jump scare she answered.


“Scootaloo huh. I’m Spartan-254 but you can call me Lieutenant.”

“Lieutenant? But isn't that a title don’t you have a name?”

“Yes but…I don’t use it anymore. Just call me Lieutenant ok.”


“Why are you out here all alone?”

“Well…I was going home.”

“You live in the forest?”


“Mind if I walk you home?” her attitude went from fear to excitement

“Not at all. Come on.” She get on her feet and walks pass the Spartan. He follows her deeper
into the forest. Scootaloo led him to a house that seemed to be falling apart. The windows were
boarded up and the door was held in place by rope. The roof had multiple hold and covered by
tarps. The wood on the walls were rotting and the grass was nearly as tall as the child.

“This is your home?”

“Yup. Welcome to my home.”

“Where are you parents?”

“My…parents…they aren’t hardly home." She kept quiet for a moment. "Not anymore.”

“Anymore?” she stopped she looked back and rubbed her right arm.

“Ye…yeah. my dad left me and my mom. And my mother has been gone since I was seven. I
know she still looks after me even though I don't see her. I’ve been living here by myself since
then.” The Lieutenant looked at the young girl.

“If you’re here alone then why do you stay here? There must be a place for you in the little town.”

“Yeah…I know but I don’t want to leave. This is all I have to remember my parents. I can’t just
leave.” The SPARTAN looked at the house. He was surprised that the house was near the
Corvette crash site and in the end. It still held its ground. It should have fallen.

“Hey kid?”


“Did you see what happen when the thing fell and crashed?”

“Yeah. A bunch of Griffins were hidden and I saw Princess Twilight and a large group of Guards
in the town before they entered the city.”

“So you saw everything?”

“Yeah. A purple or violet ball of flame was falling. I try to run but before I know it I was thrown to
the ground.”

“That’s the same story Alex told me.”

“And what about you what’s your story.”

“I think that can wait till later kido. Come on you can stay where I’m shopped at.”


“You need a home with lighting, plumbing, and insulation. Are you in or not?”

“Yeah!" She tried to act cool. "I mean sure. Whatever.”

“Come on.”



Alex was walking around the town with Twilight. The expressions of the town folks were not
welcoming ever since the morning. The news in Canterlot pushed the residents into fear.
Twilight didn’t fare any better. This morning she was accused of holding in a secret by the
others. As if she didn't had enough with the ODST. The fact that Princess Celestia and Luna
were over 1000 years and can bend the laws of physics threw the entire country into panic. The
neighboring countries were now building their defenses and doubled their numbers in the
borders that were closest to Equestria.

“So what now Twilight? Your whole country knows about the secret of your ‘Princesses’.”

“Can you please drop it Alex.” She turned around. “I swear I didn’t know about the Princesses’

“I don’t think I can trust you.”

“What wh…”

“Think about. She hid a Forerunner ship from me Twilight. A Forerunner Ship. How would I if
she’s hiding anything else!”

“And what about me! My title as a princess is ruined.”

“Your TITLE! Are you fucking kidding!? I might get executed for this! What of the Covenant
attacked here and found this. They will annihilate us all! Do you want that!” Twilight just walked
away. Alex shook his head and turned around. He nearly bumped into Spartan-254. “Oh sorry

“What just happened?”

“Your arrival turned everyone in the country into cowards.”

“Ok but it wasn’t necessary to yell at your girlfriend.”

“She’ll be fi…Grilfriend! She’s not my…”

“No need to say more. The princesses should be here in a few minutes I expect the other three
and these Elements to attend. There’s a few things to settle here."

“Yes sir."