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Chapter 2

Fluttershy then went to her house with the burgers and washed off the blood from herself and went to sleep.

[The Next Day]

Fluttershy woke up and got ready for the day.

"Hmmm who should I visit today?"

She though to her self for a moment.

"Maybe Derpy will like these!"

She let out a mighty laugh and then got the burgers and put them in a picnic basket and went to Derpy Hooves's house.

She walked up to the door and knocked.

"Hello there, who is it?" asked Derpy from inside.

"Its me, Fluttershy and I have some burgers I want to share with you!"

"Well I am feeling hungery right now so come in!"

Fluttershy opened the door and walked in and sat down at the table with Derpy.

"Hello Fluttershy, I was just reading this book here to learn more about the universe and why we are alive today!"

"Wow that is so awesome, well lets eat!"

Fluttershy got out two burgers and put one infront of Derpy.

"Thanks alot for this!" said Derpy.

Then Derpy started to eat the burger.

"Mmmmm I never knew you could cook this good!"

"Yes, I have some very good ingedents for my food!"

"I see that!"

Soon they had both finished there food.

"Hey Derpy do you have any rope because I need to borrow some!"

"Why yes I do!"

Derpy went to her car hole and got some rope and came back with the rope.

"Thanks alot Derpy!"

"No problem!"

Then Fluttershy got the rope and then she tacked Derpy to the ground.

"Oww why are you doing this!"


Then Fluttershy had tied up all of Derpy's legs together so that she could not move.

Then Fluttershy went to the kitchen and got out a huge carving knife and went back to Derpy.

"Don't kill me Fluttershy!"




Then Fluttershy shoved then knife deep into Derpy's pussy. Her vagina started to bleed badly.

"Ohh how to do you like that Derpy!"

Derpy could not speak from the pain. Then Fluttershy took the knife out of Derpy's vagina and shoved it into her anus. Her anus started to bleed too! Derpy then started to scream from the pain.

Then Fluttershy took the knife out of Derpy's anus and Derpy started to crap out blood covered shit!

"Mmm I think that you will like this!" said Fluttershy.

Then Fluttershy ate the bloody shit and then puked up the bloody shit from her mouth onto Derpy's face. Derpy then puked from the smell of the puke onto her self!

"Let me help you clean that up!"

Then Fluttershy scopped up the puke and put it down Derpy's cut and bleeding pussy. Then puke burned the cuts inside of Derpy's vagina and Derpy started to scream in pain more.

Then Fluttershy picked up the knife.

"Aww you look so fucking sad, lets make you smile!"

Fluttershy then shoved the knife into Derpy's mouth. It did not hit anything inside of Derpy's mouth. Then Flutershy moved the knife to the right and started to cut the side of her mouth open. Derpy screamed and cried in pain as blood ran down from the cuts and on to her body. Fluttershy kept on cutting her the side of her mouth until the had cut all the way though the cheek. Then she started to cut though Derpy's other cheek. Soon both of her cheek where slashed open from the mouth to the jaw bone and Derpy was only whimmering in pain because she had very little power left because of the blood she had loss.

"There we go, its always good to smile!"

Then Fluttershy put her vagina up to Derpy's mouth and started to piss inside it! After she had finshed pissing inside of Derpy's mouth she bent over and shat into her mouth. Derpy did not have the power to swallow or get the shit and piss out of her mouth so it just sat there inside. Then Fluttershy slashed open Derpy's chest which killed Derpy at last. Then she skinned Derpy's underside until she could see Derpy's ribcage. She smashed the ribcage as hard as she could and then picked up a rib that she had broken off. She dipped the rip on a pool of blood below Derpy's ass and vagina. She then wrote on the walls using Derpy's blood. She wrote "This use to be the house of a fucking bitch!"

She then had a shower to clean off the blood and went outside as if nothing happened.