• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 2,837 Views, 65 Comments

Voices in My Head Resurrection - firebirdabirdoffire

Pinkie Pie has always been the most social pony, but a it's a little known fact that she has issues. Never mind, everyone knows that. But its more severe then everyone thinks.

  • ...

A Nightmare Awakened

Voices in My Head

Original 4 chapters by ponyofawesome92

Chapter 2 - A Nightmare Awakened

Pinkie was certain she was dreaming. She was sure because the last thing she remembered was falling asleep. She was also sure because she wasn't in her room. She was in a strange yet familiar building. It's like a darker version of Sugar-Cube Corner.

The scene was at night. The whole room had a blood red tone to it. The walls had something oozing down from them. Pinkie looked away, she didn't want to know what it was. Pinkie stiffened as she walked further into the room.

She noticed one of her 'friends' as she walked closer to the center of the room. It was Madame Leflour. Pinkie shuddered as the bag of flour began moving on its own. It hopped towards her.

"Madame Le-Flour? What are you doing here!?" Pinkie asked. Her voice had a strange echo-y sound to it and it made Pinkie's hair stand up.

"Ooh, don't vous remember? Vous invited moi to zis petit party." Madame Le-Flour replied.

The bag of flour had grown a ripped mouth and was smiling devilishly at Pinkie, who looked back at it stunned.

"N-No! You aren't real!" Pinkie cried. She turned around to run but another one was blocking her path. It was Rocky.

"So I ain't real either?" Rock asked as he jumped. Pinkie wasn't really sure how he talked, since he didn't have a mouth but it still creeped her out.

"Yes.. No.. I don't know! You're both part of my imagination, I made you up." Pinkie replied.

She tried to back away from the two of them, but she tripped and fell over something. A metal something.

"Hey! Watch it Pinkie! You're so clumsy." Mr. Turnip gripped as the bucket full of turnips somehow sighed.

"Why are you guys even here? I haven't seen you since my birthday two years ago!" Pinkie cried.

The cry landed on dead ears though, and the objects did not answer back. Instead they all crowded around her and Pinkie stiffened. What are they going to do to me? Pinkie thought as they came closer.

"Hey guess what? No-pony really likes vous.. Or votre parties." Madame Le Flour whispered in Pinkie's ear.

Pinkie frowned. So they were going this route again. She knew how to handle them.

"Sure they do!" Pinkie replied with a flip of her pink mane. Madame Le Flour just laughed softly her ripped mouth spilling some flour on the floor.

"Oh, do they? Do they really?" Madame Le Flour persisted. She was so close Pinkie could almost touch her.

Pinkie squirmed as the three of them circled around her.

"Could you all please give me some space?" Pinkie asked with a small smile.

They all laughed. Pinkie noticed their shadows growing bigger and bigger behind them. They had somehow managed to lift Pinkie up and had begun to drag her up the stairs.

"Come on, Pinkie. We'll show you a real party!!" Mr.Turnip said ambiguously as they continued up the dark staircase.

Pinkie gasped as she came out of the nightmare. She noticed that she'd thrown her sheets completely off her bed during the nightmare. Which was more strange than scary.

"Great.. Now there's more for me to clean." Pinkie muttered groggily as she tried to wake up.

She wasn't even sure what time it was, but she didn't really feel like sleeping after that nightmare. She felt a cold chill sweep over her. She had to tell some-pony about that dream.

Pinkie sighed, she couldn't tell her friends. They wouldn't understand. She needed some-pony who always understood her, no matter how crazy her life got.

She needed Mrs. Cake.

Mrs. Cake was actually quite busy. She was happy to be busy though, for it kept her worries at bay. She was worried about lots of things, but she was mostly worried about her son Pound. He had been fighting a cold for a while now and he wasn't getting any better. Carrot suggested it was just allergies, but she worried still worried.

"No Pumpkin. Don't chew on that, sweetie!" She told her daughter as she took the block out of her mouth.

Pumpkin was about two years old now, and she still put her blocks in her mouth.

"Bad mommy!" Pumpkin squealed as she flipped her little mane in disgust at her. It was oddly cute.

"Hey Mrs. Cake, can I talk to you?" Pinkie asked as she trotted down the stairs.

"Sorry hon, I'm a little busy right now. Why don't you ask Carrot and see if he can help." Mrs. Cake replied with a sorry smile.

"Oh, that's alright! Do you need any help with Pumpkin? I can play with her if you want me to!" Pinkie suggested with a hop down the last stair.

In a flash she was right in front of Mrs. Cake. Who blinked, clearly surprised.

"Ah, well.. Sure why not?" Mrs. Cake replied. She knew Pinkie's intentions were good, so she didn't mind.

"Okay! Where's my widdle Pumpkin!?" Pinkie squealed as she rushed to Pumpkin and lifted her in the air.

Mrs. Cake smiled as she lifted the box on top of her to-do pile. She frowned as she watched the pile lean to one side, hopefully it wouldn't fall on any-pony.

"Pinkie, what was that you wanted?" Mrs. Cake asked after she was done most of her work.

She smiled as she watched Pinkie hold Pumpkin close.

"Oh.. It's nothing too serious. I was just a little upset because.. Well.." Pinkie replied as she played with Pumpkin's mane.

"Pinkie.. You know you can tell me anything, right?" Mrs. Cake reminded her.

Pinkie didn't really need reminding, but she liked hearing it. Mrs. Cake smiled as Pinkie sighed and let go of Pumpkin who frowned and walked towards her blocks.

"It's just that last night.. I had one of those nightmares again." Pinkie replied.

Pinkie had remembered that this nightmare was a reoccurring one. She had the first one about a week ago, and they were starting to scare her.

"Oh, did you? That's a shame.." Mrs. Cake said as she let out a sigh. Mrs. Cake worried that Pinkie had discovered a new, dangerous hobby or something equally crazy.

"Yeah.. I didn't really get a lot of sleep last night, well I did but.. It wasn't a good one." Pinkie rambled as she trotted with Mrs.Cake towards the back of the store.

"Well.. If it continues, we'll see a therapist or a doctor about it okay?" Mrs. Cake replied. She wasn't too worried about her, Pinkie could always bounce back from these things.

"Yeah, but what if I go crazy or something!?! I don't wanna be a crazy pony Mrs. Cake!!" Pinkie replied.

Mrs.Cake was surprised when she found Pinkie was now clinging on to her. She sighed and peeled her off of her front legs with a tired frown.

"Now really, Pinkie! I don't have time for all this! Why don't you go and talk to one of you're friends about it? Maybe it'll make you feel better." Mrs.Cake replied tiredly.

Mrs. Cake sighed as Pinkie gave her a very sad look and she smiled kindly.

"... And no, you're not gonna go crazy...well crazier." Mrs.Cake murmured. Pinkie smiled.

Pinkie sighed as she trotted down the street going to Twilight's house. She knew Mrs. Cake had good intentions and she knew she understood her, but something about her dream still bugged her. But she didn't really know what it was.

"Ugh! Why can't I get this outta my head!!" Pinkie cried to herself and she shook her head. Her mane flopped around her face and she sighed again.

"Hey, Pinkie! What's up?" Twilight asked as she saw Pinkie come closer to her.

"Oh, it's nothing Twilight... I'm okay." Pinkie said. She sniffled for dramatic effect. She hoped Twilight would buy it.

It worked, Twilight rushed over to Pinkie and smiled brightly to her.

"Ooh, what's wrong Pinkie? You can tell me.. I'm you're friend!" Twilight said as she batted her eyelashes.

Pinkie smiled, "Sure, but can we go inside first?" She asked pointing to Twilight's open door.

Twilight beamed as she lifted her hoof towards the door.

"Lead the way!" She replied with a laugh.

Once Twilight got Pinkie to lay on her couch, she trotted excitedly to the desk where she kept all her reading materials, she picked out her reading glasses. They was scattered parchments and quills in the door so it was a little difficult to find them, but they were right in the back.

"Ah Ha!" Twilight exclaimed when she finally found them.

She smiled as she plopped them on her face. She trotted over towards the couch and Pinkie looked at her with a curious expression.

"Uh.. Twilight. What's with the glasses?" Pinkie asked with a small smile.

"Oh, I just like to wear these from time to time, it's no big deal! Twilight replied nonchalantly.

"Okay.. So.. How do we start?" Pinkie asked.

Pinkie was comfortably lying on the couch awaited for Twilight's response.

Twilight didn't actually know how to address Pinkie's problem. She knew Pinkie was a very sensitive pony when it comes to feelings, and she definitely didn't want to hurt one of her best friend's feelings.

"Hmm... Well, what's bothering you?" Twilight asked. She really preferred to ask her friends about their problems and it was probably the most effective in this case.

"Well.. This might sound a little well, silly." Pinkie replied softly.

Twilight's ears flicked, since when was Pinkie not silly?

"It's okay, Pinkie. It's probably not so bad." Twilight consoled.

Pinkie smiled at Twilight. She didn't really know how to explain her nightmare and not sound foalish. She sighed and placed a hoof to her eye.

"Do you Pinkie Swear not to tell anyone, Twilight?" Pinkie asked softly with her hoof still on her eye.

Twilight blinked, she wasn't excepting this. Hopefully it was nothing really bad happened to Pinkie, but she promised anyway.

"Sure.. Whatever you need, Pinkie." Twilight said as she did the silly promise.

"Good.. 'cause it's a little, well strange. Even for me." Pinkie replied with a sad smile.

Twilight looked at Pinkie over her glasses. Strange for Pinkie Pie certainly sounded strange.

Pinkie sighed and got her bearings, telling Twilight about her nightmares was tough for her. She didn't usually want to go down the serious road, she just enjoyed her friends when everypony was happy and having fun, not all stuffy and anxious.

"I.. I'm having nightmares.. About my imaginary friends. You know the ones Rainbow told you guys about." Pinkie explained with a big sigh of relief.

"Wait, you're only worried about nightmares?" Twilight replied with a little laugh.

"Pinkie that's not much to worry about. Everypony get's nightmares." Twilight explained as she patted Pinkie's shoulder.

Pinkie stiffened. She thought Twilight of all ponies would understand her issues, she had some anxiety herself. Why wasn't she getting this?

"I knew this was gonna happen! I knew you wouldn't understand!" Pinkie gripped as she tried to get up.

Twilight held her friend back with a small frown, she wasn't used to seeing Pinkie so distressed and it worried her. She gave Pinkie a grin and Pinkie seemed to calm down.

"No, I do understand. I get nightmares sometimes.. Do you want to tell me what they're about?" Twilight asked more kindly as she summoned a notebook with her magic.

"I dunno. It's a little creepy." Pinkie replied with a shudder for effect.

Twilight sighed and rubbed her temple with her hoof.

"Aren't nightmare's supposed to be creepy?" She asked. Pinkie smiled and nodded and Twilight removed her hoof from her forehead.

"Yeah but this one's really creepy!" Pinkie replied with wide eyes.

Twilight sighed and waved a hoof for Pinkie to continue.

"Well.. It always starts the same.. I'm at Sugar Cube Corner. It's really diffrent though, it's pitch black and I can't see anything.. Then a big spotlight appears and It's over me.. I wanted to run, but I couldn't 'cause I'm in a bakery and I didn't want to break anything. Anyways, The spotlight began flicking on and off and it suddenly turned completely off! I couldn't see anything anymore."

Pinkie gasped for air as if she was still having this nightmare. Twilight was on the edge of her seat, Pinkie's mind is so fascinating she thought. I really should study her sometime. Maybe I should take up a job of a part time therapist.

"What was different about this one?" Twilight asked. Pinkie had scrunched her face up in concentration and it looked rather amusing.

Pinkie nodded and gave Twilight a worried look. She sighed.

"That's just it. The dream I had last night was a continuation of that last one." Pinkie replied with a shrug.

Twilight nodded in response as she jotted down some notes on the notebook. Twilight smiled after a while and patted Pinkie's shoulder again.

"I can tell you my newest dream if you want.." Pinkie said. She was unsure of this though, she didn't want Twilight to laugh at her again.

"Alright. Tell it whenever you're ready." Twilight replied.

She noticed Pinkie's sad smile as she continued on with her story. Twilight wasn't very concerned about Pinkie, but her sadness was always a little worrisome, Pinkie could get quite upset if something was bothering her.

Pinkie's smile turned into a frown.

"Okay.." Pinkie sighed. "So last night's nightmare was a little different, but it was in the same place. I was just standing there minding my own business and hoping that the lights would come on.. When I heard a little noise coming from the center of the room, so naturally I followed it."

"Naturally." Twilight agreed with a stout nod. Pinkie smiled and continued.

"The noise was actually a bag of flour.. Madame Le Flour to be exact. I knew it was her 'cause she started humming, what other bag of flour can talk? I asked her what she was doing.. and she told me that I invited her." Pinkie continued.

Twilight's eyes widened. She knew of Pinkie's imaginary friends from Rainbow Dash's explaining, but Twilight didn't know that Pinkie had made up names for them all.. This could be more serious than she thought it was.

To be continued...