• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 2,841 Views, 65 Comments

Voices in My Head Resurrection - firebirdabirdoffire

Pinkie Pie has always been the most social pony, but a it's a little known fact that she has issues. Never mind, everyone knows that. But its more severe then everyone thinks.

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Something You Don't Expect with Varying Results:

Voices in My Head

Original 4 chapters by ponyofawesome92

Chapter 9 - Something you don't expect with varying results:

Two days later, in the Ponyville Hospital's Laboratory

"We have the vertical inescapable circular thingy ready to strap her down so nothing can go wrong during whatever you're planning to do, princess." 'Thingy' and 'Whatever'. Two things you never want a doctor to say. And Doctor Beat just said it. Luckily Twilight will be doing most of the work. In the room were only Twilight, Mrs. Cake and Doctor Heart Beat.

"Maybe we should inform her parents?" Twilight said.

"Does anypony know where they live?" Dr. Beat asked while leaning on a typewriter.

"No. They visited a couple of times, and Pinkie visits them on Mothers and Fathers day. But she never gave their address, and even if we did know it's miles away. Sending a letter would take a long time to arrive." Mrs. Cake said.

"Never mind then." Beat went off the type writer and went to the door. "Escort Pinkie to the thingy." She said to the stallion waiting outside.

"'Kay." The stallion said. A minute or two later he came back with the pink mare.

"Hi." It was a very weak hi. She was also still in a straitjacket, that should go without saying.

"Please tell me this won't hurt." Pinkamena said casually.

"It shouldn't, physically at least, I can't be completely sure about mentally, though. Various sources say different things. But from what I gathered it shouldn't hurt one bit if you don't move. That's why we're strapping you down." Twilight explained.

"Okay, let's start getting rid of her."

"We're trying to find a compromise, not remove one of you out of your mind. Or minds."

"Fine. Just get it over with."

Twilight started lifting the pink mare with her magic. First she locked her back hooves to the bottom. She then removed the straitjacket, and Pinkie/Pinkmena placed her hooves in the straps above herself. Twilight tightened the straps.

"All right, I'm casting the spell that allows me and Mrs. Cake to go into your mind. Brace yourself...s(?)" Twilight said. She shot a beam the pink mare's brain space, Pinkie/amena winced a little, right in front of them spawned a portal. "Please don't try anything funny with Pinkie while we're inside, Dr. Beat."

"Don't worry, I'm going to lock you in. That way you won't be disturbed, and you can open it with the key bunch over there on that table. And should the key for whatever reason not work you can teleport out of this room." Dr. Heartbeat explained.

"Good thinking. Let's go Mrs. Cake."

"Yes." Mrs. Cake replied. They walked through the portal.

Everything inside was black. It was impossible to see anything.

"Where are we?"

"Like you said, Twilight, in Pinkie's mind."

"I know that. But I didn't expect this. I'll light up my ho-"

"Hihihihhihi." A giggle echoed eerily in the darkness.

"What was that?" That shocked Twilight out of casting her spell.


"I have no idea, but it's unsettling. It sounds familiar too." Mrs. Caked said uneasy.

"Nyniihihihihihihi! Three....." The echo whisper drowned out the three for about five seconds.

"Now, it started counting." Twilight said nervously.


"Who're you?" Cup Cake asked while trembling.


"What are you?" Twilight asked, quivering.

The lights turned on. "SURPRISE!" Mrs. Cake and Twilight clasped their hooves around each other out of pure reflex. A white Pegasus mare with a yellow mane identical to Pinkie pre-depression, stood there leaning on her back legs and with her arms high in the sky. Her cutie mark is identical to Pinkie's too, minus the fact the balloons were a purple. Her voice is also the same, her grin is also a deadringer. The room was light pink, had on white door next to the white mare, that's it.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

I'm going away again for a while. I hope you like rock hard cliffhangers for dinner.

What role will "Surprise" bring to this story. Tune in, whenever!

But in all fairness, the "Skeleton" of the next chapter is mostly done, writing that shouldn't be hard.

Fun fact: I called the beta chapter: Nein! Actually that fact wasn't that fun. Nevermind.