• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 2,842 Views, 65 Comments

Voices in My Head Resurrection - firebirdabirdoffire

Pinkie Pie has always been the most social pony, but a it's a little known fact that she has issues. Never mind, everyone knows that. But its more severe then everyone thinks.

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Voices in My Head

Original 4 chapters by ponyofawesome92

Chapter 8 - Answers

"I'll talk to her first." Mrs. Cake said. "She'll be more comfortable if I talked to her." The rest nodded in understanding. Mrs. Cake, Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity and Spike entered Pinkie´s room. Pinkie made no attempt to look at them. "Hello deary." Mrs. Cake said softly to Pinkie. "I brought your friends." Pinkie shuddered, she doesn't want to see her... Friends(?) at all. It enhanced her depressed feeling. Her focus notably shifted to the floor. Mrs. Cake was pondering what to say next. "They don't hate you, they know you have a different personality that did those awful thing to them." She might have talked to Mrs. Cake alone, but even then she wouldn't be in the mood to talk. Pinkie hid behind her mane like Fluttershy. She still couldn't shake the images of her friends that Pinkamena showed her. "Please say something, deary."

".... . .. . . . . ... . .. .... .." Pinkie tried to say: I don't deserve their friendship. We've done terrible things to them. It's inexcusable. Just let me alone forever... With Pinkamena. She sniffed as she tried to say it but she has that feeling that can't say anything at all, it was a very, very weak, barely audible whisper. Seems like only Mrs. Cake heard. Twilight read her lips however, she gasped a little bit.

"I see. Can we talk to your other self?" Mrs. Cake asked.

Pinkie's jaw twitched, the kind you you get if you're crying really hard, she nodded. "Hello guys." Pinkamena said, completely calm with a huge grin of victory. No trace of the previous depressed Pinkie. Seeing the body shift like this was a bit jarring.

"The other Pinkie?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"Yeah. You're talking the other Pinkie Pie." Pinkamena went from nonchalant to mocking in a single sentence. Tilting her head from left to right to emphasize the latter.

"You monster," Rainbow jumped at the pink body, grabbing her shoulders(?) and shook her furiously. "Why did you do this to your better half?! Why did you do these terrible things to us?! Why Fluttershy?! Answer me!"

"F-ir-ir-st-st st-st-op sh-sh-sh-aaa-kinnnng mee-e-ee y-y-y-a morrrron." Rainbow wouldn't stop shaking her. Mrs. Cake, Spike, Rarity, Twilight and Applejack had to held her back. "Thanks." Pinkamena said.

"Are you fighting in there?" Dr. Virus asked.

"Can't, I'm in a straitjacket." Pinkamena said dryly.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"So where were we, Painful Crash?"


"I know, don't care."

"Let me at 'er!" Rainbow demanded.

"Calm down Rainbow." Rarity said.

"Shakin' 'er senseless won't solve anythin'." Applejack reasoned.

"She's just making you mad just because she can." Mrs. Cake explained.

"That dunce deserves it." Rainbow growled

"Stick and stones may brake my bones, but words hurt Pinkie. The other Pinkie, your Pinkie. She's aware of everything happening, you see. So listen to the rest and calm down. You've seen the state she's in. She's been broken enough, no need to drive her further." Pinkamena gave he a silent chuckle.

Rainbow reluctantly calmed down, mumbling to her herself. The others slowly let her go.

"Why did you do this?" Twilight repeated Rainbow.

"Do you want the short version or the long version?"

Everypony discussed one what version to hear. "The long version, please."

"Alright. Several years ago,"

You may have heard this bit before: I was a small filly with little friends, which was just my sisters. I wasn't happy, so I wished there was more to my life. I was never taught to be careful what I wished for. For one unfaithful day, I sadly got what I wished for... I saw a rainbow for the time, and that did something did something to my mind, I guess. It created... her!

So it's retroactively your fault how she is now, Rainbow, how do you feel? Hold her back again please, this the last thing Pinkie needs.

She was kinda unaware I was another her, or existed, she just thought that's how emotions worked I guess. Constantly talking to herself.

My parents called me ill for being schizophrenic and so we were sent to hospital by some hospital ponies. The nearest hospital was miles away, I was being carried in a carriage, wrapped in a blanket. Unfortunately a carriage had a terrible accident, not sure what happened, we awoke with the hyper one in control, the carriage somehow fell into a river, the hospital ponies were gone, we were floating on a river on the carriage. We were screwed, not only couldn't we swim, but we didn't know the way back home either. But a we came across a bridge came into view. The carriage bumped against the bridge, that was our cue to jump out of it. We wandered for ages, we couldn't reach any civilization. After a while I just gave up, we were tired, started crying on the sidewalk. I gave up on life, that's when I started to be far repressed into our mind. From that point on I was just along for the ride, being the critic to the terrible film called; Annoying: Pinkie Pie's Life Documentary. Remember, she didn't know I existed.

Pinkie continued to lay there, until a kind stallion, and I do mean that. We might've died sooner or later if he didn't meet her. He took Pinkie in. You guessed it, it was Mr. Cake, I'm so grateful for that he took us in, you too Mrs. Cake. I wouldn't dare hurting you two, I want you to remember that. You two are the closest to parents we had since the already mentioned events. And yeah we know now know the way to where they live, but still.

Pinkie was excited for the new colorful wold called Ponyville. She started befriend as much ponies as she could, throw as much parties as she could. It was aggravating, I couldn't be a part of any for it. So I tried to sleep through it. I couldn't, too much sugar. Everything started to annoy me, I became bitter. I wanted peace and quiet, something I rarely got. So depressing Pinkie seemed like a good idea, the only way I seemed to take control again is by having Pinkie be sad. I was so close at our birthday.

So let's recap:
What a shocker, I'm the original Pinkamena Daine Pie. I want silence! You know how grating she and all friends are on my ears?! Friendship this, friendship that. Party here, party there. She took my life. I'm her lonely side for a reason. I am so accustomed to being lonely that wanna be alone! Being here with a silent Pinkie Pie is precisely what I needed for all those years! Got it?!

"This is also the first time Pinkie heard this story. All this time she thought I was a demon or some figment of her imagination or something. And now she knows she's just a mental illness of mine she's now even more depressed. Thanks." The thanks sounded genuine.

The room was silent. Not sure how to feel.

"I have a Question." Rarity asked.

"Shoot." Pinkamena calmly said.

"Is that true that you are the original Pinkie?"

"Ask the faker." Her body language as she began crying out loud.

"IIII don't kno-ho-how anymore-hor-hor!" Pinkie cried out loud.

"Take my word for it." Pinkamena had control back.

"You call the happier side Pinkie. What do you call yourself?" Twilight asked.

"You could call me Pinkamena, always liked my full name better."

"If you got free would you try kill ponies, like you tried with Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked furiously.

"Killing somepony?" Pinkamena was taken back. "That's out of the question. I got kinda lucky with SpinelessShy, I tried to threaten her, not hit her, she lived, fortunately for her. Tell her we're both sorry, by the way. What's with the odd looks? I'm an anti-social pony. Not a murderer."

"How do we know you're telling the truth at all?"

"Because murdering goes too far, I never killed anypony! And I have been honest with my point of view!" Pinkamena said like a falsely accused child.

"Even if your not a murderer you're on par with a cranky neighbor." Rainbow muttered.

"I... Guess?"

"Can't you just dive so deep into her mind that you vanish?!"

"Fat chance. I am also her jerky side, you know. Besides, that's a scary, scary thought." Pinkamena visibly shuddered.

"Why are you telling us this? You said earlier that Pinkie can see and hear everything." Twilight asked a different question.

"She's too depressed, even if you got rid of me she feels too different to do anything... Pinkie."

Mrs. Cake asked the final question. "You said you that you got repressed deep in your mind because you didn't want to live anymore. How come Pinkie is still present?"

"I prevent her from doing so, she does have ponies who care for her." Her voice kinda cracked. "Can you guys go now? You've long reached my tolerance meter of other ponies."

"Of course. Let's go." Mrs. Cake said. The rest went first out of the room.

"Um... Mrs. Cake?" Pinkamena asked with a certain degree of shyness.


"This is kinda embarrassing for me to ask, but... Pinkie asks for a good-bye hug. If it's not to ask, could you please hug her?"

"You're not going to hurt me, are you?"

"Mrs. Cup Cake," Pinkamena said sternly. "I told you already that I never would hurt you on purpose."

"If you say so."

"I'll put Pinkie back in control."


"Thank you..."

The girls went straight for Fluttershy to pick her up, she has to stay in the hospital for a few a day or two longer. They talked about what Pinkamena had told them. "That poor thing..."

"Poor thing? Poor thing!? Do ya remember what she has done to you?" Rainbow argued.

"But what she went through was horrible, nopony should be completely shut off from society like that."

"Do ya remember what she has done to you?"

"I know, and that doesn't what she did was right, you made her sound like an angry filly." Fluttershy was sympathetic towards the Pinkie Pies.

"Do ya remember what she has done to you?"

"Give it a rest Rainbow. If Fluttershy is okay with just let her be okay with it." Rarity said.


"Does anypony have an idea wha' ta do 'bout Pinkie?" Applejack asked. Everypony looked at Twilight.

"I have no idea what to do..." Twilight said panicky as she looked down. "I know what I can do, but not sure if it would be right..."

"And what would be, Twilight?" Mrs. Cake asked.

"We could collectively enter her mind and change her enter mind so.. No I can't. I could pretty much accidentally make a personality cease to exist."

"So?" Rainbow said. "I want that Pinkamena gone."

"Rainbow!" The room said. "Pinkamena is(, if she really tells the truth,) a pony with the same issues as see gave Pinkie. Only she handled them differently. She's a pony too." Fluttershy said sternly.

"OK, OK!"

"Isn't there a way to give each a body?" Rarity asked.

"That's a great solution, Rarity." Twilight said kinda like a defeatist. "It's too bad such a spell doesn't yet exist. Dr. Virus, can you inform the highest unicorn in authority to develop such a spell."

"Noted." Dr. Virus was glad he finally contributed to the conversation. "But such a spell won't be be made within a day, your highness."

"I know, I'm afraid we have to do what I didn't want to do. Enter Pinkie's mind, see how it works and then see what we can do. Asking permission to do so, Dr. Virus."

"Feel free to try, Princess. But do be careful. We can´t afford a bad reputation."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Can I get some feedback for this chapter? I'm just uncertain. Not to mention curious what you think.

Is what Pinkamena did right? (Not in my opinion, she could've handled it better.)

Also skipping ahead a bit. Let's talk endings. There isn't going to be a happy ending, but that doesn't necessary mean that the ending will a downer. It means that it will be bittersweet or a downer for the mane 6. Yes, multible endings, maybe another one. I'm not asking you for ideas, I learned my lesson The Club's Connected to the Boutique. If I ever should do that again, I should pick 1 instead of 3. But I digress, would like it if I specifically labelled one as the canon ending, or not so you can pick your own?