• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 2,842 Views, 65 Comments

Voices in My Head Resurrection - firebirdabirdoffire

Pinkie Pie has always been the most social pony, but a it's a little known fact that she has issues. Never mind, everyone knows that. But its more severe then everyone thinks.

  • ...

A Bittersweet Discovery

Voices in My Head

Original 4 chapters by ponyofawesome92

Chapter 3 - A Bittersweet Discovery

Twilight sighed as she watched Pinkie play with her forelock. She smiled at Pinkie.

"You made these 'friends', right?" Twilight asked. She already knew the answer before Pinkie nodded.

"Yeah.. I guess they're coming back 'cause I'm stressed.." Pinkie guessed as she continued playing with her mane.

Twilight was surprised, Pinkie was a pony who rarely got stressed. She frowned in concentration as she looked at her notes, they weren't much of a help.

"Why are you stressed?" Twilight asked. She didn't really know what reason Pinkie had to be stressed about. All she did was plan parties, right?

"Well.. I think that I'm maybe planning too many parties.. But I don't really know." Pinkie replied quietly.

Twilight was thinking. Why would Pinkie be stressed out by her special talent?

"Pinkie. Planning parties is your special talent remember?" Twilight replied with a kind smile.

"Well that's paradox if ever heard one."

"That sounds like a problem. I'll see I can find anything to help you."

Pinkie beamed and jumped off the couch. Twilight jumped off her chair, she was glad Pinkie was feeling better. Pinkie was laughing and thanking Twilight.

"Anytime, Pinkie! You know you can always talk to me right?" Twilight answered as Pinkie repeated a cheerful thanks.

"Right.. I know that, Twilight." Pinkie said and she smiled. The smile was a bit dimmer though, and Twilight wondered why.

Pinkie seemed fine three seconds ago.

"I'm fine, Twilight." Pinkie said. She smiled as she trotted towards Twilight's door.

"Good.. I'm glad I could help." Twilight replied with a smile.

Pinkie sighed as she left Twilight's house. The feelings of loneliness and unease were still seeping through her mind. It scared her because she didn't really know why they were there to begin with. She was supposed to be the happiest, friendliest pony in Ponyville! How could she be that if she felt so lonely?

Pinkie grumbled as she kicked a stray pebble. She frowned as the pebble rolled right off the street, totally out of her reach. Pinkie rolled her eyes and continued walking, the pebble was not the worst of her worries. Actually it was the least.

Pinkie kept frowning as she turned back home. The market was packed. How was she supposed do buy anything? Pinkie realized she probably should've came earlier. She chided herself on her stupidity as she walked up to one of the many stands.

This particular unsuspecting stand was selling fruits. Pinkie needed some for her famous fruit punch and she smiled widely when she saw that they were on sale- two for a bit.

The stall's vendor was a pretty looking mare. She had a bright brown coat with a white stripe down her nose. Pinkie smiled at her and she smiled back, she obviously had been to one of Pinkie's parties, but Pinkie wasn't very sure what one. It was probably the 'Welcome to Ponyville Party' now that she thought more about it.

"Hey Star! Nice day isn't it?" Pinkie said casually. She was always in the mood to chat, no matter how stressed she was on the inside.

"It's certainly nice outdoors." Star replied. She had come from Canterlot, like Twilight. Pinkie knew that Star was one of those posh unicorns, like Rarity.

"What would you like today?" Star asked. She looked at Pinkie curiously and Pinkie smiled at her. She was deciding on the grapes or the pineapple for the punch.

She really had no idea so she shrugged.

"I guess I'll take one pineapple and a couple bushels of grapes, since fruit's on sale today! Lucky me!" Pinkie beamed as she handed Star the bit.

Star looked at her with a little disappointment. "Right.. Lucky you." She replied.

Pinkie really had no idea why Star was complaining, her fruit was the best in Equestria. Ponies would buy more of it when it was on sale, wouldn't they?

Pinkie just smiled and happily grabbed the fruit with her hooves. The pineapple was prickly so she quickly put it in her saddlebag. She smiled at her friend and waved goodbye as she walked away.

"Good, I have the fruit. Now all I need is some sugar." Pinkie muttered to herself as she wandered around the market. Usually Bon-Bon had a cart filled with baking stuff, but she couldn't find her.

"Huh, maybe I'll just get some apples for the pies.." Pinkie rambled as she trotted towards Applejack's stall.

Applejack was there as usual, she was busy sorting the bad apples from the good ones and didn't notice her friend approach her.

"Hay, A.J!!" Pinkie said happily. Applejack, startled looked at Pinkie with a smile after she noticed it was her.

"Oh... Phew.. Pinkie ya scared me! What can I get'cha?" Applejack asked with a laugh as Pinkie's smile grew.

"Well.. I know I'm kinda late, but can I have some of your best apples for Twilight's party? I'm baking my famous apple pies!!" Pinkie said temptingly selling her pies.

Applejack smiled and licked her lips, she always loved Pinkie's pies. Even as much as her Granny's.

"Well sure! I've got some real good ones, I'll sell 'em to ya cheap!" Applejack replied as she found said apples and passed them over to Pinkie.

Pinkie smiled as she saw the perfect apples. They were very big, she would probably only need two of the four Applejack gave her.

"Thanks A.J! But, I really only need two.." Pinkie said honestly. She knew she'd feel bad if she lied.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Those two are on the house, fer a good friend!" Applejack replied with a grin.

Pinkie laughed and thanked Applejack.

"Thanks Applejack!" She said as she gave her a wink.

"No problem, be sure to make somethin' good out of 'em now!" Apple Jack replied with a grin.

Pinkie kept smiling as she walked down to Sugar Cube Corner. She was hoping Mrs. Cake could lend her some sugar.. Or else she'd be wasting her time.

Pinkie hummed happily as she walked into the bakery, the familiar and delicious smells made her feel much calmer than she had been at Twilight's.

She smiled as she went past Mr. Cake, he was hard at work as usual so Pinkie didn't want to bother him. She breathed in the smell of all her favorite baked goods as she walked into the kitchen.

Mrs. Cake was working, she looked like she was mixing some sort of batter. Pinkie didn't know what it was for, but she knew from experience that it would probably be really good.

"Hey, what're baking Mrs. Cake?" Pinkie asked, she had pulled herself over the counter and was peering into the mixture.

Mrs. Cake smiled and tried to push Pinkie away, but with no luck.

"Pinkie, you're being a pain." Mrs. Cake replied bluntly, she knew Pinkie would only back off when she used a forceful-ish tone.

"Aw.. I don't mean to be I'm just curious is all.." Pinkie replied innocently as she dipped her hoof into the batter and took a lick.

"Mm.. Carrot Cake! I love it!" Pinkie replied smacking her lips.

Mrs. Cake sighed as she pushed her bowl away from Pinkie. She didn't really mind Pinkie being there, but sometimes she could really be a pain.

"Can I help you?" Mrs. Cake asked sharply as Pinkie daydreamed, probably about Carrot Cakes.

"Oh! That's right.. Can I borrow some sugar from you if you're done with it?" Pinkie asked sweetly.

Mrs. Cake sighed, if that was all Pinkie wanted.. Why did she even bother questioning her?

"Sure thing, are you going to bake pies?" Mrs. Cake asked somewhat hopefully. Maybe Pinkie could help with her dozen pie orders she needed to fill.

"Yeah! They're for Twilight! It's her birthday you know." Pinkie stated proudly.

Mrs. Cake smiled, she was a tad disappointed, but she knew Carrot would help her if she really needed it.

"Well that's nice of you Pinkie, dear." Mrs. Cake said after a little sigh.

Pinkie smiled and hopped anxiously as Mrs. Cake got her the spare sugar they kept under the counters. Pinkie wasn't allowed to touch it. Not after the last time..

"Ooh!! Thanks! I wasn't sure you'd give it to me. You just seem so busy lately." Pinkie exclaimed while she hugged the sugar.

"I am busy actually.. You know the holidays are coming up. Families always want pies." Mrs. Cake said, her mind was actually spacing again. There were no holidays.

"Well, I'm here if you need me!" Pinkie squealed as she rushed off with the bag of sugar in her arms.

Pinkie smiled as she looked at her finished masterpiece of a pie. The pie was beautiful, it was perfectly made and it looked delicious. Pinkie desperately wanted to try a piece but she held back. She reminded herself that she could have some with her friends at Twilight's party.

"Well Gummy, I'm quite proud of this beauty!" Pinkie exclaimed to Gummy as she put her pie on her high shelf. She didn't want anything to happen to it.

Pinkie sighed as she plopped down on her bed. She was so hot from the baking, she wiped her sweating face with her hoof, she felt exhausted. This was the fourth baked good she'd made this week.

Maybe I am planning too many parties. Pinkie thought worriedly. She wasn't getting any younger, and baking all these treats was hard work. She just hopped her friends liked them.

Pinkie sighed as she thought about all the parties she'd planned this week. First there was Derpy's anniversary party, she couldn't have forgotten that.. She would've been so sad.

Then there was Pipsqueak's birthday party it was a big one, she had planned a clown who made balloon animals.

And of course there were Twilight's and Fluttershy's birthdays, their birthdays were so close it was almost scary. Pinkie didn't mind though, she would've thrown a party for all of Ponyville if they asked her to.

Pinkie's mind wandered, she was so tired. She wanted to just sleep forever.. That actually sounded really good. But she couldn't sleep. She didn't want another nightmare. So she just snuggled deeper into her pillows and thought.

She thought a lot.

She thought about all her friends, and how good she felt throwing these parties for them. She knew her friends loved her and her parties, no matter what. She was Pinkie Pie! How could she not throw a great party!?

But the more she thought about it.. How many times did other ponies thank her for the parties she threw them? Not many. She didn't even know if Pipsqueak had thanked her.

Pinkie scowled as she looked down to her wood floor. It wasn't fair. Did every-pony think she was just a party-planning machine? She sighed as she tugged her blanket over her head.

Her hair was flattening again, she hated when this happened. It didn't happen often, Thank Celestia. But when it did, Pinkie thought of the world quite differently.

Pinkie desperately tired to think of happy things, like Fluttershy's new crop of baby chickens... Or happy sunflowers blooming in the bright green meadow.. It didn't help.

Frustrated, Pinkie threw the covers off and slid off her bed. The floor was cold and she shivered as she trotted over to her full-length mirror.

The semi-familiar straight haired version of herself was starring back at her with the same scowl she had on her face. She frowned deeply and her mirror-self frowned back.

Pinkie sighed as she pulled at her pink hair, she didn't really like it but hay, it worked. Pinkie smiled softly to herself as she ran her hoof threw her mane. It felt surprisingly good, it felt like silk.

Pinkie spun around and looked at her full body. She had grown a lot in a couple of years, it seemed she finally had her growth spurt. She smiled as she formed a sultry pose just for the heck it in the mirror, along with a sexy look on her face.

To her surprise, her reflection winked at her.

Pinkie stopped being 'sexy' and 'sultry' and turned around. She stared as her reflection smiled brightly at her.

"What in Equestria is going on?" Pinkie exclaimed while she was shaking a little.

To be continued...