• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 2,841 Views, 65 Comments

Voices in My Head Resurrection - firebirdabirdoffire

Pinkie Pie has always been the most social pony, but a it's a little known fact that she has issues. Never mind, everyone knows that. But its more severe then everyone thinks.

  • ...

Pinkamena's Return

Voices in My Head

Original 4 chapters by ponyofawesome92

Chapter 4 - Pinkamena's return

Pinkie gasped as her reflection talked back to her... Well it talked to her in her mind, with a voice surprisingly matching her own.

"Did you miss me, Pinkie?" The voice said. Pinkie blinked stupefied as her reflection laughed.

"Wow, you really should look at your face right now.. Here I'll show you!" Pinkamena continued as she mocked Pinkie's true reflection, but she quickly returned back to herself.

"Would you please stop.." Pinkie whined with a frown. Pinkamena just laughed, she laughed so hard she had to hold her stomach.

"Please stop!!" Pinkamena mocked, making fake tears come out of her eyes.

Pinkie growled and turned herself away from her. If there's one thing Pinkie hated, it was being laughed at.

Pinkamena looked a little hurt inside the mirror. She scowled at Pinkie and sighed dramatically.

"You can be a real party pooper you know.." Pinkamena said sourly with a pout.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I throw great parties.. Ask my friends." Pinkie replied with a stomp of her hoof. She had just about enough of this.

"Oh, sure you do... But I don't really think your friends appreciate them." Pinkamena replied softly. Pinkie frowned and turned away once again her eyes focusing on her bed.

Pinkamena sighed and stomped her hoof.

"Will you just listen for once. I'm just saying we're not that different!" Pinkamena exclaimed.

Pinkie turned as she thought about this, how in Equestria were they similar?

"No.. I'm not like you AT ALL.. You're the crazy, non-sensible side of me and I'm not crazy." Pinkie replied.

Pinkamena's eyes widened in shock. She laughed after Pinkie turned back towards her. She fell for it.

"Says the pony with voices in her head. Wow.. You are stupid aren't you?" Pinkamena mocked, she had a sly grin on her face.

Pinkie shivered as she fake smiled at her reflection.

"Oh, I'm not stupid, I just care about people.. There's a difference." Pinkie replied. Pinkamena just laughed again and Pinkie noticed her eyes flashed.

"have you ever wondered what your friends think of you behind your back?" Pinkamena asked semi-sweetly, Pinkie shook her head and Pinkamena's smile grew.

"Why don't I show you?" Pinkamena whispered. Her voice faded in Pinkie's mind, along with Pinkamena's image.

Pinkie gasped as she saw Twilight in the mirror now. She was still in the library and it looked like she was talking to Spike.

"Hey, Spike!" Twilight was saying to Spike who was just entering the room, he looked sleepy like he just woke up from a nap.

"Hi, Twilight.." Spike replied with a huge yawn. Twilight smiled at him.

She and Spike walked over to the library and Spike sat down on one of the couches.

"Who was here? You guys woke me up." Spike complained as Twilight levitated a random book from a shelf.

"Oh, it was only Pinkie." Twilight replied and she rolled her eyes. Spike looked mildly interested.

"What did she want now?" Spike said in an accusing tone.

"Well.. She wanted me to help her with something stupid again.." The mirror Twilight lied.

Pinkie gasped, why were they being so mean?

Spike laughed a little at this and Twilight joined in.

They faded away. Replaced by Applejack.

"How's your day sis?" Big Macintosh asked his orange coated sister.

"Well Ah had done some mighty fine buniness. Just look at all of them bits Ah earned today." Applejack told Big Mac before she sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Ah saw that stupid Pinkie again today."

"Ouch. Please tell me you've accepted another of her parties." Big Mac was worried.

"Technically, yup. Twalight and the rest of the gals finally decided to celebrate her birthday on a different day so we can avoid her. Ah also gave her some the 'special' apples for her pie." Applejack laughed maniacally.

"Ya mean?"

"Yeah. The apples that Applebloom somehow accidentally mixed with Poison Joke!"

"Yer getting smarter with every year A.J."

"Ah know." She began chuckling. Big Macintosh joined in. He laughed pretty hard too.

Pinkie's jaw was twitching. The vision changed once again. The walls and floor were all white, there was a lot of cloud furniture. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were playing darts competitively.

The dartboard was just your standard one. Just with a picture of Pinkie with the word 'stupid' written under it taped to it.

Rainbow Dash threw a dart. It landed on Pinkie's eye (inner green 1). Rainbow Dash sighed as she wrote it down.

Now it was Fluttershy's turn. Her dart landed in Pinkie's nostril (Inner green 16). Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash laughed their flanks off.

"No.. NO!" Pinkie screamed as a tear dropped down from Pinkie's eye.

She now saw the inside Carousal Boutique. "Finally. My new wine has arrived. I still need to drink the previous stupid Pinkie Party away. But what is there to do about but wine-ing." Rarity giggled hard on that pun she made.

All the laughter of her friends came back as disembodied heads circling around her.

Pinkie's shock turned to anger as the images faded back into a laughing Pinkamena. Pinkie ran to the mirror and placed her front hooves against it, and she cried out to Pinkamena.

"Is everypony really saying those mean things about me? Do they really mean those things? I'm stupid?" Pinkie asked ending the sentence in a squeak.

Pinkamena just sighed comfortingly. "Yup, 'friad so. Awful 'aint it?" She lied. Not that Pinkie noticed it.

Pinkie sobbed as she pressed her face onto the mirror. "How do I make it stop?" She asked after a long while of crying.

Pinkamena seemed to really enjoy Pinkie's sobbing, but Pinkie of course couldn't see this. Pinkie only heard the sweet musical voice telling her..

"You can become.. Like me~."

Pinkie grumbled to herself as she paced around in her room. Pinkamena was long gone by now, but her words were still etched in her mind. Like ink on parchment.

You can become like me.

Pinkie didn't want to be like Pinkamena, but she didn't really know what Pinkamena was actually like. When she was in that state everything she did would be wiped out of her memory after a while. She didn't know why it just always happened.

Pinkie sighed as she started to trot down the stairs. She was still mad at her friends for saying such awful things about her so she decided to go and talk to Twilight, to see if she really meant it.

Pinkie got down the stairs and she quickly trotted by Pumpkin and a sniffling Pound. She didn't want them to see her like this.

Pinkie smiled faintly as she finally got passed the twins and through the door. The twins were trying to get her to play, but Pinkie just wasn't in the mood. So she quietly and quickly passed them.

It was getting darker by the hour now, and the sky was almost a coral color. Pinkie shivered as a cool twilight air swept by her. Pinkie frowned as she walked down the road to Twilight's library, her mind wandering again.

Gently Twilight picked up a roll of very old parchment on her desk. Princess Celestia had told her it was an ancient and very powerful spell, she herself had learned it and was now passing on to Twilight.

Twilight had felt pretty honored when Celestia had sent her a message via Spike that she should learn this spell. But now that she held it in her hoofs, she didn't feel so confident anymore.

"Spike, what if I can't do this?" Twilight asked nervously. Spike sighed, Twilight had asked him this about three times now and it was getting kind of old.

"Come on, Twilight! You're the Element of Magic!! Of course you can do it!" Spike encouraged for the fourth time. He reminded himself of a broken record.

"Okay, Okay.. Just what if I?" Twilight asked but she was interrupted by a grunt from Spike.

"I'm not dealing with this all night, Twilight. Just do the spell, or don't do it. It's you're choice." Spike replied as he walked out of the room, leaving Twilight alone.

Twilight sighed as she finally rolled the parchment open. The spell looked pretty complex, but Twilight felt pretty sure she could do it. A couple of mutters and chants here, and a couple of flashes and she'd be done! But something about the spell seemed a little.. Dark..

Twilight wasn't really sure what it was, but the spell bothered her.

Pinkie took a deep breath as she walked towards Twilight's front door. She was gonna do this, she was gonna tell Twilight how she really felt, like Pinkamena.

She frowned and waited for what seemed like a long time. It was weird, usually Twilight left the library open later on weeknights.

Pinkie sighed and flicked her ears back impatiently. She didn't really care that Twilight had closed the library but it was a little rude to make somepony wait, wasn't it?

Pinkie's scowl deepened as she waited even longer, to make her mood worse it had started to rain. Hard. Pinkie shivered in the rain, both from cold and growing anger.

Pinkie left after a while, finally fed up with waiting. Unbeknownst to her, Twilight had been studying her new spell very diligently. She didn't hear her knock, she was so intent on learning this new spell.

Pinkie sniffled back her tears as the rain poured down on her. It was getting really dark now and Pinkie felt extremely alone.

The voices in her head were back.. and they were getting worse.

She doesn't like you anymore.. The voice said, it sounded suspiciously like Twilight's but more deeper and it was raspy.

Pinkie blinked back the tears as she tried to ignore the voice. The rain was coming down harder now and she kept splashing in random puddles on the street. She didn't really care, she just wanted to go home and mope.

Pinkie sighed as she got into Sugar Cube Corner. The shop was dark, it looked like there wasn't any power, because when Pinkie flicked the light switch to on, nothing happened.

"Great, just great.." Pinkie mumbled to herself, realizing this was like her nightmare.

Pinkie tried not to freak out as she walked up the stairs, she didn't like the dark and her past nightmares didn't really help. She kept remembering them.. She remembered how her inanimate friends had carried her up these same dark, damp steps and she shivered trying to keep back the memories.

Pinkie blinked as she tried to see through the darkness, she hoped the power would come on soon. She sighed as she crossed the hallway, looking for her familiar bedroom.

She finally found it after the long walk down the hall. Twice she stumbled into one of the bathrooms and the twin's room. Pinkie smiled to herself as she wandered into her bedroom.

Pinkie's bedroom was pitch black. She sighed and walked over to her bedroom, but to do this she had to pass her mirror. It was just as she feared, Pinkamena was still inside the mirror. Her eyes were glowing bright red.

"Do you like my little storm? I made especially with you in mind." She asked with a laugh. Pinkie sighed and shook her head, making Pinkamena frown.

"No, I don't. You of all ponies should know I don't like the dark.." Pinkie said, she pointed her hoof at her reflection accusingly

Pinkamena threw her head back and laughed. The wind outside grew as Pinkamena laughed harder. Her eyes flashing as she took brief looks at Pinkie's stunned face.

"S-stop laughing at me!!" Pinkie said as she began to tremble.

"Why? I'm the Element of Laughter!! If didn't laugh like a Hyena then there's something wrong with me!" Pinkamena replied, spitting out the word laughter.

Pinkie looked at Pinkamena confusedly until the darker mare sighed.

"You don't get it, do you?" Pinkamena asked her tilting her head a little.

"G-get what?" Pinkie asked, trying not to cry and thrash at the mirror.

"Your friends think you're stupid...That you're talent is stupid.. Your high pitched voice is stupid.. That I think you're stupid.. Everything about you is STUPID!!" Pinkamena shouted.

Pinkie's eyes widened as her hair completely flattened, matching the pony in the mirror.

"That's.. Not... True.." Pinkie said in between sobs. Pinkamena just nodded her head slowly and smiled gleefully as she watched Pinkie's depression slowly turn into rage.

"Oh, but it is my dear. It is.." Pinkamena replied in a semi-sweet tone. She smiled as Pinkie looked at her curiously.

Pinkie stared at her dark reflection for a long, long while. She had no idea what time it was when she finally sighed and looked at the ground. She felt empty inside.

"So.. This is how it feels?" Pinkie said softly. Pinkamena smiled nodding.

"Yes. Pinkie.. What do you think?" Pinkamena replied with a small grin.

Pinkie sighed. If all those things were true.. If her friends weren't her friends anymore.. This emptiness...

"It feels good.."

Pinkamena beamed.

To Be Continued...