• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 6,532 Views, 188 Comments

Broken - DiveBomb

Rainbow Dash is haunted by old feelings, but that is the least of Ponyville's worries.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven-Family

Broken: Chapter Eleven, Family

The papers were signed and the deal was done. Scootaloo was now legally Rainbow Dash's little sister. The two pegasi now shared a bond not just on a piece of paper signed by the Mayor, but also in their hearts. Rainbow had never come up with a better idea, and she was sure that nothing but good could come of it. The idea just made sense. The little orange filly was already basically her sister, being so similar and holding the same interests. But now with the passing of Scootaloo's parents, the pegasus filly had a home again, and a family. It didn't matter if it was just one pony, Rainbow Dash knew that she would love her as a sister, and didn't mind being the one to take care of her. Who else did Scootaloo have? The filly had mentioned that the only blood relatives she had left were in Dodge Junction, a long train-ride away. Dash couldn't let Scootaloo be torn from her home and her friends, that was the last thing that a filly whom had just lost her parents needed. There was a discussion of what would happen if her relatives disagreed to this decision, but Mare assured them that it was Scootaloo's choice, and her's alone.
The two pegasi left the town hall, both wearing small, happy smiles.

"Thank you Rainbow Dash, you have no idea what this means to me," said Scootaloo as they paced down the packed town square.

"Are you kidding? Of course I do. I know exactly what you're going through Scoot. I just wish I had a family after my parents passed," said Dash. "Now let's go get some lunch, alright Sis?"
Scootaloo couldn't smile any brighter.

They had spent the day trying to get Scootaloo's mind off her parents. They ate lunch in the town square, which wasn't a great idea considering Dash's new-found fame. The two had eventually escaped to the fields North of Ponyville, squeezing in a short flying lesson before Applejack and Applebloom came as if from nowhere.

"Scootaloo!" cried Applebloom in distress. The orange pegasus fell from the air in shock, which thankfully was only a few feet from the ground. "We heard what happened an' we came as fast as we could!"

Scootaloo stood up next to Rainbow, and a sudden pain-stricken expression formed on their faces. Applejack walked over to them, concern in her eyes.

"Are ya'll alright Sugarcube? We feel terrible fer ya'," said Applejack.

Rainbow placed a reassuring wing over her sister, wincing as tears returned to the filly's eyes. Applebloom darted over and hugged her friend, letting Rainbow take Applejack aside and out of earshot.

"We were kinda trying to get her mind off that for now," she whispered. Applejack gasped.

"Oh! Ah'm sorry Rainbow Ah didn't know but...What is she gonna do without a family?"

"Well...I kinda took care of that," said Rainbow whispered slowly, wondering if her marefriend would approve of the legally-binding action that they took. "I...I adopted Scootaloo as my little sister. I'm going to be taking care of her from now on."
Applejack's eyes couldn't have grown wider.

"You what?" she breathed. "Rainbow yer not her real family! How could ya' take her under yer wing like that?"

"AJ please!" Rainbow hissed, trying to keep her words unheard by the two fillies behind them. "She'd have to leave town if that happened! How could I let her be taken away from her home and her family like that? What she needs is her friends and somepony to look up to! If anypony knows what she's going through, it's me."

"But Rainbow, what about your life? Are ya' sure tha' ya' have the time to take care of her? She's still young ya' know. Bein' an older sister takes a lot o' responsibility."

"She's fine," Dash countered. "She made the choice herself. Honestly, I couldn't live with myself if I didn't do anything I could to help her! Applejack, I would have given anything to have an older sister when I was her age. I understand why you feel that she needs to be with her real family, I do. But please try to understand this AJ, please."

Applejack didn't reply, but merely looked to her own sister. Applebloom seemed to have calmed Scootaloo down, for they were now conversing openly as if nothing were amiss. Rainbow Dash smiled at the two, both so alike their older sisters.

"Well shoot," Applejack sighed. "Ah guess yer right. Ah wouldn't want ta' take her away from her friends either. Scoot even kinda looks like ya'."
Rainbow cocked an eyebrow. "Maybe I don't see it."

"Do ya' really want this Rainbow? Do ya' love her like a sister?" asked the orange mare. Rainbow smiled at Scootaloo, whom was whispering something to her friend. Applebloom gave Dash a quick glance, gasping with her forehooves over her mouth. Obviously she had told her about the event. Applebloom wore an expression of delight as she hugged her friend.

"Yeah," Rainbow answered. "Yeah I do. What I'm worried about is telling them that their sisters are dating."

"It'll be fine. Ah'm jus' hopin' that they're not too much like us," Applejack chuckled. It took a few minutes for Rainbow to get the joke.

"Oh come on AJ, that's just weird."

"Sorry, Ah had to," the farmpony laughed. "So she's gonna live with ya'?"

"Yeah, her parent's house is...well, gone," whispered Dash. "But don't worry, you and I will still have plenty of time together."

"Ah know we will," said Applejack, sneaking in a quick nuzzle before the two returned to their sisters. Scootaloo and Applebloom quelled their conversation as they approached.

"Ya'll are sisters now?!" exclaimed the yellow filly to Rainbow. "Tha's great! Now ya'll can compete in the Sisterhooves Social with me an' AJ!"

Scootaloo looked up to Rainbow, hope in her eyes. She loved competition just as much as her older sister. Rainbow Dash gave her a sly grin. Before she could say anything, the cyan pegasus heard her name being called. The four of them turned around to find Twilight trotting toward them, her eyes on Rainbow.

"Hey Rainbow Dash! Good to see you're alright," she greeted. "Listen, I need to talk to you, is that alright?"
Rainbow groaned.

"Sheesh. Why can't anypony give me a day or two to recover from the hospital?" she complained halfheartedly.

"It's kind of important," noted Twilight, her words carrying a sudden amount of weight. "Can you come with me? It's going to take a while. AJ, maybe you should come too."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other with concern. Whatever this was about, it seemed to have to do with the aftermath of the battle from a week ago. The farmpony asked her sister to take Scootaloo to the farm so their grandmother could look after them. The pegasus filly didn't seem too keen on leaving her sister so quickly.

"Dash, do you have to go?" she asked. Rainbow hated how her sister's large eyes made her feel so guilty, but stuck to her responsibilities.

"It's okay squirt, I'll be back to pick you up at the farm when I'm done okay?"

"Fiiiiiine," sighed Scootaloo, following her friend toward Sweet Apple Acres. Once they were out of earshot, the three mares turned to each other.

"Pick her up?" Twilight repeated with a cocked eyebrow. "What're you, her mother now?"

Rainbow looked to her marefriend, the two wearing similar pained looks. It wasn't Twilight's fault, she didn't know what kind of tragedy had fallen upon the poor pegasus filly. They both looked to the unicorn, asking wordlessly to simply leave the matter alone for now.

"Okaaaaayyyyy," she said. "How about we just head to Ponyville, apparently you have something to tell me too."
Twilight ignored the sighs of her two friends as she led them towards Ponyville, briefing them along the way:

"Rainbow Dash, part of what this is about includes a griphon," she said. Dash immediately stiffened. "There's a few that were held captive after the battle. Some were taken by force, and some gave up after you defeated Gilda. There is one that has asked to see you. He has been granted this option on good behavior, at your compliance of course. His name is Swift Wing. Supposedly he was the army's strategic analyst, and worked directly under Gilda. Swift is one of the three griphons that remain alive, and he wishes to speak with you."

"Why would he wanna talk to me?" asked Rainbow, a scowl on her face. "And why would I wanna talk to him?"

"Like I said, you don't have to, but for some reason he insists," Twilight continued. "Also, I've been getting journalist ponies coming to my door from all over Equestria looking for you. I hate to ask you this, but can you please give somepony an interview or something? I don't want to start signing restraining orders."

Rainbow chewed on her lip. For some reason she had been avoiding speaking with the press. She just wanted to forget about the battle for now and just live her new life with Applejack and Scootaloo. But at the same time, she couldn't let her friends be bothered by ponies asking for her whereabouts. Dash knew that it would come up eventually, so she decided to comply, if only to simply get it over with. As for the griphon that wanted to see her, Rainbow couldn't make heads or tails of it. Why would one of them want to see her? Did this Swift Wing want to try and take revenge for his fallen leader? That didn't sound right. Twilight had said that the griphon was granted permission for the visit on good behavior. But did that really mean anything? She quietly shared her worries with Applejack, whom merely gave her a reassuring smile.

"I'll be right there Sug," she whispered. "Ya'll don' have ta' be afraid."

"I am not afraid!" she hissed, her wings flaring subtly. Her marefriend giggled, a sound that instantly calmed her. She felt her chest deflate as they reached Twilight's library, thankfully avoiding the press through the packed town square. As the door opened, they were greeted by Spike, whom looked elated to see them.

"Rainbow Dash, Applejack! There you two are!" exclaimed the baby dragon, giving them both a quick hug. "Twilight told me everything! You guys are awesome!"

"Aw shucks Spike, we only did what we had to," blushed the farmpony as they all sat around the kitchen table.

"Even if it was totally awesome!" Dash gloated. "Now what's up Twi'? I just got out of the hospital and I got things to do."
Twilight cocked an eyebrow. "It's good to see that you're back to normal."

"Well Ah'm certainly glad," said Applejack, brushing up against Rainbow's cheek. Spike's eyes widened. Clearly he hadn't been told about that yet. They moved along anyway.

"Anyway," Twilight continued. "I've been instructed by Princess Celestia to write a collective narrative of what happened in the battle first hoof. In other words, I'm taking quotes from as many ponies as I can, and a book is going to be published from my notes! Can you believe it? I'm finally getting the chance to write a book!"

Twilight was positively giggling with joy, this was apparently a long-time dream of hers. Applejack and Rainbow tried their best to look happy for her, thankful that the unicorn continued without pause.

"The battle is being noted as a major point in Equestrian history, so I've been asked to take quotes from ponies that fought that day, along with civilians who were just trying to survive. I figured that you two would be a good pair to start out with, considering your prowess throughout the battle. You two are going to be remembered as the heroes of the event."

"Heroes?" Applejack repeated. "Ah wouldn't say tha' about me. Ah was just doin' mah job."

"Ya' know, you never told me what happened with you that day," countered Dash, giving her a sidelong look. "Why don't you tell us?"

"Rainbow Ah'm not one ta'-"

"Come on AJ, stop being so modest and just tell Twilight what happened. You deserve some praise at least," said Dash, nudging Applejack.

"Ah don't need praise Rainbow," the farmpony cooed. "Ah have you."
Applejack nuzzled the cyan pegasus, causing her to blush profusely.

"Okay what is going on with you two?" demanded Spike, slamming a claw to the table. Twilight groaned impatiently.

"They're dating Spike. Now please, we have a lot of work to do today."
Everypony in the room ignored Spike's look of confusion.

"Anyway AJ come on," Rainbow continued. "Do it for me?"
Rainbow Dash gave her marefriend a mock look of pleading, and Applejack groaned.

"Aw shoot. Ah can't say no ta' tha' face," she sighed.

Applejack recalled her entire story of the events she had encountered during the battle. Rainbow never said a word, her eyes wide. She was amazed by the story. Dash never knew that Applejack was such a strong fighter, and some parts Twilight had recalled, apparently being there during a few occasions. The orange earth pony had engaged several griphons, even more than one at a time. Suddenly Rainbow felt her accomplishment of defeating Gilda minimize. She had almost died fighting merely one griphon. Applejack had beaten five. Normally the cyan pegasus would feel out-shined or jealous, but now she looked at her marefriend with a sense of pride. Twilight had wrote down every word, a quill encompassed in violet magic. When they were done, Twilight turned to Rainbow.

"Okay, now you Rainbow Dash. We all may have seen what happened, but the readers are going to want to hear it from your perspective."

"Oh! Um," she stammered, her muddled thoughts elsewhere. She had been ready to tell the totally awesome tale of how she and two of the Wonderbolts came in the nick-of-time and saved Ponyville from utter destruction. A tale of how Dash had singlehoofedly defeated a foe that nopony else could with a spectacular display of strength and agility, but now her story was told with modesty. Hearing her marefriend's take on the battle made her accomplishments seem dwarfed by comparison, and caused her confidence to wane. Rainbow told the story with a plethora of "ums" and "ers," which thankfully Twilight had edited in her notes. By the end she found Applejack giving her a concerned look, as if Rainbow was coming down with some sort of sickness. The cyan pegasus wasn't jealous nor envious of the farmer's prowess, but instead Rainbow found yet another facet of Applejack's personality that she loved.

Something about that thought held weight on Dash's mind. The couple had just started being together, and they were already using the word "love" so flippantly. It wasn't inaccurate, far from that in fact. However, it was a lot to take in overnight. Her feelings for Applejack went from hopeless love to a shared, undying passion for one another in a real hurry. It was Rainbow's dream to move this fast, just like she did with everything else. But now that it happened, it was overwhelming. Suddenly Dash had her dream of being with the mare she loved fulfilled, and then the next day she had a sister. And during that time, everypony in Ponyville wanted an autograph or an interview. Twilight had even pushed her into this book of her's, and Rainbow Dash's words were going to be read by everypony in Equestria.

"So, are you sure that nothing else happened?" asked Twilight. "From what we saw it seemed like you'd have a lot more to say. Remember, your words are going to be in a book that ponies are going to read for generations, even long after we're gone. You are the pegasus that ended this historical event Rainbow, this is important."

Rainbow found herself shaking, her eyes wide and unfocused on the table between them. She felt the orange mare's hoof stroke her shoulder, but paid no attention to it. All she could think of was the immense amount of pressure that was suddenly dropped onto her shoulders.

"Rainbow, are ya'll feelin' alright?" asked Applejack.

"Yeah...N-No...No I just need some...air. Twilight can we please do this later?" Rainbow pleaded. The unicorn blinked.

"Well, sure Rainbow Dash. I still have plenty of other ponies to-"

"Okay thanks!" Dash interrupted, leaping from her chair and attempting to bolt though the window. Applejack reflexively grasped a hold of her prismatic tail with her teeth, yanking her back down into the chair.

"We're not done yet Rainbow," she noted before whispering in her ear: "Ah know this is a lot ta' take in, but please jus' stick through it, fer me?"

"As much as I love you, I hate that you have such control over me," Dash whispered back, but not with any sort of disdain. Applejack smiled slyly.

"Um, okay Rainbow Dash," said Twilight. "But there's still the matter of Swift Wing. Do you agree to talk him?"

"Ah think Rainbow and Ah needta' talk about that first," said the orange mare, guiding Rainbow out of her chair and toward the front door. "We'll be back before day's end don' worry!"

Rainbow Dash said nothing as Applejack led her to the edge of the Everfree Forest, out of earshot and eyesight of any other pony. The cyan pegasus felt herself slump against a tree, sitting on her haunches with her hind legs stretched forward. It was truly exhausting switching between moods so quickly and for so long. One minute she was back to her old, brash but happy self, and the next her mind was muddled with the exact opposite. The farmpony didn't start by asking questions, but simply laid across Rainbow's front, planting a kiss to her lips as gently as possible. Dash gasped in surprise, eventually submitting to the idea. It was nice to kiss her marefriend here. The quiet, tranquil breeze brushed through the leaves overhead, casting a sense of calm over Rainbow's stress-filled mind. Applejack's warm, reassuring lips helped more than even that. She kept it gentle, but passionate, more to calm the pegasus than show her affection.

"Applejack," Rainbow breathed between their lips. The orange mare stopped, giving them a few inches of room.

"It's a lot ta' take in huh?" she asked as if she had read her mind. "Ah don' blame ya' Rainbow. You've been through a lot, an' in such a short amount o' time."

"You know just what to say," said Dash, heavy with sarcasm. "But you're right. Everything that's happened between us, then Scootaloo and now all this stuff with the press. How do I take it?"

"Like always, ya' try an' do everything at once," said Applejack quietly. "Tha's why I brought ya' out here, so you can relax and think. One thing at a time. Ya' think you can do that?"

Rainbow Dash instantly deflated at her marefriend's words. She did know exactly what to say, all of the time. Being with Applejack like this made Dash feel like they were the only two ponies in the world, and she could finally relax. She loved the intimacy of the orange mare laying atop her, hooves wrapped around her neck. It conveyed her affection, but also kept a sense of innocence. Rainbow loved how adorable Applejack was when it came to these sorts of things. All that the cyan pegasus wanted in the world right now was to stay here, wrapped in the farmpony's forelegs. Instead of answering Applejack's question, she merely hugged her back, closing her eyes in content. Most of the time, Rainbow Dash enjoyed the rush of performing her daring aerial acrobatics and simply speeding through life as fast as she could. But here...here Rainbow was safe. Safe from the world's cruel and undeserved punishment. Safe from the pressure of responsibility. Safe from...everything. Nothing mattered but their love. Rainbow felt herself slide down the tree trunk, Applejack following her. She merely stared into Dash's eyes, her expression full of love.

"Applejack..." Rainbow cooed.

"Yeah, Sug?" the orange mare whispered in reply.

"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Same here beautiful."

The couple didn't speak for the better part of an hour. They simply didn't need to. Eventually they knew that they had to leave. Rainbow had to crack her back in several places, but was otherwise okay. The two mares reached the library over an hour after they had left, finding Twilight in the midst of a pile of neatly-arranged books. She had one in between her hooves, magically flipping through the pages as if to find a certain passage. When she saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash walk into the room, she reflexively slammed the book shut, floating it along with the others to their respective places upon the shelves. The unicorn did her best to hide the red in her face, but to no avail.

"What were you reading Twi'?" asked Rainbow warily.

"Nothing!" Twilight exclaimed quickly. "Nothing at all! Now are you ready to go Rainbow Dash? I mean do you want to?"
Rainbow hesitated, eventually deciding to put the awkward matter aside.

"Yeah," said Dash. "I'm starting to get curious as to what this griphon wants."

Ponyville's local prison wasn't exactly a fortress, for it only needed to hold a few ponies. The jail was built a few miles South of the town, bearing a tall fence around its perimeter. It was only one story high, but the dark bricks it was made out of gave the place an eerie feel, as if it were haunted. Twilight and Applejack kept pace towards the front gate with Rainbow Dash gliding lazily through the air. It had been awhile since she could fly freely, so the pegasus took to the air as much as she could. Two guards were posted on either side of the locked, steel gate. Both unicorn stallions wore a look that rivaled the royal guards' stoic expression. They didn't respond to their presence until Twilight spoke up:

"Hello sirs, we are here to visit the griphon known as Swift Wing. He has requested to speak with our friend Rainbow Dash here."
Neither guard replied, but simply looked between the three ponies, eyes resting on Rainbow Dash.

"Granted," said the first stallion, using his unicorn magic to unlock the gate. The trio quickly slid through as if the door would slam shut behind them. There was a length of field between the fence and the front door. Rainbow impatiently landed, throwing the door open to find a receptionist behind a desk. They walked into the small room, which only bore one door behind the dark-looking mare. The receptionist wore a look of apathy, not giving any of them a glance.

"Swift Wing the griphon asked to see me," asked Dash, wanting to get this over with. The mare narrowed her tired-looking gaze onto the cyan pegasus.

"And who're you?"

"Rainbow Dash."

"Ooooohhh the famous hero of Ponyville," she noted with sarcasm. Dash scowled but otherwise kept her cool. "Yeah he's been bothering the buck out of the guards to see you, but only you. Nopony else is permitted to see him."
Rainbow looked back to her friends.

"Go on Rainbow, it'll be alright," said Applejack. "We'll be right here."

Rainbow nodded before turning on a hoof and opening the door, closing it behind her. She now stood in a long hallway, lined with barred cells. The jail didn't look as if it were entirely well-kept, but at the same time it wasn't comparable to a dungeon of any sort. Another guard stood in front of her, giving Dash a cocked eyebrow. She told him who asked for her presence, and the guard silently led her down the hall. Rainbow forced herself not to look at the occupants of the cells, but found it difficult as they started to speak:

"Oho! Who's this gorgeous little filly?"

"Why don't ya' rob a store and join me in here?"

"Look at that pretty little mane eh?"

"Wouldn't mind givin' that a tug!"

The jeers were indeed vile and visually intrusive, but the pegasus did everything she could to keep her eyes forward. The guard eventually reached the end of the hall, which was thankfully far away from the other cells. Rainbow walked in front of the larger cell, looking at its resident. Swift Wing was a rather small griphon, comparable to some of his race's females. His gray long feathers hung on either side of his small, pointed face. His eyes didn't bear the sullen look that other male griphons had, but wide and knowledgeable.

"Ya' got ten minutes griphon," said the guard in a low, powerful voice. Rainbow Dash faced Swift as he rose to his paws and talons, tilting his head at the cyan pegasus.

"Rainbow Dash," he said in a quiet, inquisitive voice. "You are truly a legend aren't you?"

"What is it that you want," asked Rainbow as she narrowed her eyes. "I'm a very busy pony."

"But of course you are. So much press-work and interviews, having ponies cheer your name," the griphon listed off. His voice had slowly crept from innocent to menacing. "You have become famous for screwing the cap on the bottle of poison that inevitably caused the genocide of our race. Bravo Rainbow Dash, bravo."

"I did what I had to do," Dash countered in a quiet hiss. Swift chuckled.

"Oh but of course. We rose to power and finally had a chance to quell the segregation you ponies had put into place. We finally had the power to bring swift justice, but your kind just wouldn't have any of that. Your way or the highway right?"

"Look buddy, I'm not into politics or anything like that, so I don't know what goes on in those matters," Dash said truthfully. "But what you and the other griphons did was wrong. Did you even try to speak to the Princess about your problems?"

"Why would Princess Celestia speak to us, mere, low-class griphons?" Swift Wing spat. "Of course we tried every sort of civil negotiation regarding our demands. However, nopony in power would even listen to us. They simply didn't care. We attempted to speak calmly with your leaders pegasus, but received no such thing in return. Unfortunately, we had no choice but to revolt. Appleloosa was a warning-"

"Your kind held my marefriend's family hostage," Rainbow spat. "How dare you call it anything else?"

"I call it what it was, a warning," Swift repeated, countering Dash's anger. "And in spite of this, our simple, reasonable demands were not met. So we made our next move. We attacked Ponyville. We never meant for complete destruction of your precious little town, nor your race, regardless of what you took it for."

"Then what the buck did you do it for?" she seethed through gritted teeth. Swift Wing sneered.

"What did I just tell you pegasus? Because you ponies wouldn't listen to us. Look inside your mind, you know even through your anger that we had no choice."

Rainbow Dash couldn't hold her rage for much longer. It didn't matter what their reasons were, the griphons had no right in doing what they did. The fact that their race had been reduced to three griphons was their fault and theirs alone. But here was one of them, attempting to convince her that ponies were the race to blame.

"We did nothing but defend ourselves," said the cyan pegasus quietly. "Now before I leave, tell me why you asked for me to come here in the first place."
Swift Wing's face dove from menacing to grave.

"To let you know of the wrong you have done Rainbow Dash," said Swift Wing, his eyes piercing and narrowed. "To let you know that you are the leading cause of our mighty race's extinction. Tomorrow I am to be put to death by your government. Let that thought haunt your mind pegasus."

Rainbow felt rage explode inside her mind, but knew that there wasn't any outlet she could dispose of it in nearby. So she merely snarled at the griphon, an extreme loathe glazing her words:

"Go to Hell you waste of life."

Rainbow Dash kicked the door to the prison office open, not giving Applejack nor Twilight any look as she shoved past them, bucking open the second door. The enraged pegasus didn't listen to the calls of her friends as she took to the skies, accelerating rapidly. Her anger had been built up so fast and in such a short amount of time, that she needed to vent it in the only healthy way she knew how. Rainbow broke through the cloud layer in her ascent, rocketing straight up as fast as she could. Gravity worked against her, burning her wings with the amount of work that it took to ascend. However, that didn't stop the mach cone from appearing around her. She didn't care that she had never performed the Rainboom in any direction but downward before. Rainbow was going to do it upwards, against gravity's resilient pull. The sound barrier was nothing, Mach One was achieved with ease in any direction. As the cone tightened around her, she reached Mach Five. Now it was difficult. Dash had never felt the spectrum of light resist so belligerently before. It reminded her of the Best Young Flier's competition. This memory had never bothered Rainbow Dash this much before now. Performing the Sonic Rainboom against gravity was something she simply needed to do right now. Her anger was only thing that was fueling her. It was a white-hot, boiling rage that demanded to be satisfied. Rainbow pushed harder and harder, only to be countered by the barrier's resilience.

"Come on!" Dash bellowed over the wind. "COME ON!"

With both hooves stretched forward, Rainbow Dash poured all of her anger, all of her frustration and all of her passion into her acceleration. Finally she felt the fleeting feeling of the barrier shatter, and all of her aches and pain were washed away as the multicolored shock wave erupted high in the sky with a triumphant bang of sound. The cyan pegasus screamed with joy. She did it, she broke the spectrum of light against gravity. No force that the natural world could produce was a challenge anymore. Rainbow Dash was now the conqueror of gravity, master of the legendary Sonic Rainboom. The pegasus arched in the sky once she lost her breath to the lack of oxygen, diving towards the ground, hundreds and hundreds of feet below. From here she could make out the orange and purple dots that were her friends, and she rocketed toward them. Not even a minute later Rainbow pulled up, landing daintily on the ground a few feet from Applejack. The sudden lack of speed and prominence of air put her mind into a mild shock. She forced herself to stay upright, but only to fall into the orange mare's forehooves.

"Rainbow Dash! That was amazin'! Are ya'll alright?"

"I...am...the greatest...flier...ever," she panted, wrapping a hoof around Applejack's neck. "And don't you ever forget it."

The pegasus pulled her into a long, passionate kiss. Once again Applejack's lips had washed away her anger, as if they were made to do so. After a few moments, they broke apart.

"Ah'll take that as a yes," said the farmer with a small smile. "But can Ah ask why ya' felt the need ta' go and do that?"

"I don't even wanna talk about that right now," smiled Rainbow, still supported by her marefriend. "Let's just go get Scootaloo and Applebloom and have a good day."

-=- The End -=-